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pdf8 CFR Part 236 (up to date as of 2/28/2025)
Apprehension and Detention of Inadmissible and Deportable Aliens;...
8 CFR Part 236 (Feb. 28, 2025)
This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial.
Title 8 —Aliens and Nationality
Chapter I —Department of Homeland Security
Subchapter B —Immigration Regulations
Part 236 Apprehension and Detention of Inadmissible and Deportable Aliens;
Removal of Aliens Ordered Removed
Subpart A Detention of Aliens Prior to Order of Removal
§ 236.1 Apprehension, custody, and detention.
§ 236.2 Confined aliens, incompetents, and minors.
§ 236.3 Processing, detention, and release of alien minors.
§ 236.4 Removal of S-5, S-6, and S-7 nonimmigrants.
§ 236.5 Fingerprints and photographs.
§ 236.6 Information regarding detainees.
§§ 236.7-236.9 [Reserved]
Subpart B Family Unity Program
§ 236.10 Description of program.
§ 236.11 Definitions.
§ 236.12 Eligibility.
§ 236.13 Ineligible aliens.
§ 236.14 Filing.
§ 236.15 Voluntary departure and eligibility for employment.
§ 236.16 Travel outside the United States.
§ 236.17 Eligibility for Federal financial assistance programs.
§ 236.18 Termination of Family Unity Program benefits.
Subpart C Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
§ 236.21 Applicability.
§ 236.22 Discretionary determination.
§ 236.23 Procedures for request, terminations, and restrictions on information use.
§ 236.24 Severability.
§ 236.25 No private rights.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552, 552a; 6 U.S.C. 112(a)(2), 112(a)(3), 112(b)(1), 112(e), 202, 251, 279, 291; 8 U.S.C.
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8 CFR 236.1
1103, 1182, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1231, 1232, 1324a, 1357, 1362, 1611; 18 U.S.C. 4002, 4013(c)(4); 8 CFR part
Source: 62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart A—Detention of Aliens Prior to Order of Removal
§ 236.1 Apprehension, custody, and detention.
(a) Detainers. The issuance of a detainer under this section shall be governed by the provisions of § 287.7 of
this chapter.
(b) Warrant of arrest —
(1) In general. At the time of issuance of the notice to appear, or at any time thereafter and up to the time
removal proceedings are completed, the respondent may be arrested and taken into custody under
the authority of Form I-200, Warrant of Arrest. A warrant of arrest may be issued only by those
immigration officers listed in § 287.5(e)(2) of this chapter and may be served only by those
immigration officers listed in § 287.5(e)(3) of this chapter.
(2) If, after the issuance of a warrant of arrest, a determination is made not to serve it, any officer
authorized to issue such warrant may authorize its cancellation.
(c) Custody issues and release procedures —
(1) In general.
After the expiration of the Transition Period Custody Rules (TPCR) set forth in section 303(b)(3)
of Div. C of Pub. L. 104-208, no alien described in section 236(c)(1) of the Act may be released
from custody during removal proceedings except pursuant to section 236(c)(2) of the Act.
(ii) Paragraph (c)(2) through (c)(8) of this section shall govern custody determinations for aliens
subject to the TPCR while they remain in effect. For purposes of this section, an alien “subject
to the TPCR” is an alien described in section 303(b)(3)(A) of Div. C of Pub. L. 104-208 who is in
deportation proceedings, subject to a final order of deportation, or in removal proceedings. The
TPCR do not apply to aliens in exclusion proceedings under former section 236 of the Act,
aliens in expedited removal proceedings under section 235(b)(1) of the Act, or aliens subject to
a final order of removal.
(2) Aliens not lawfully admitted. Subject to paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section, but notwithstanding any
other provision within this section, an alien subject to the TPCR who is not lawfully admitted is not
eligible to be considered for release from custody.
An alien who remains in status as an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence,
conditionally admitted for permanent residence, or lawfully admitted for temporary residence is
“lawfully admitted” for purposes of this section.
(ii) An alien in removal proceedings, in deportation proceedings, or subject to a final order of
deportation, and not described in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, is not “lawfully admitted”
for purposes of this section unless the alien last entered the United States lawfully and is not
presently an applicant for admission to the United States.
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8 CFR 236.1(c)(3)
(3) Criminal aliens eligible to be considered for release. Except as provided in this section, or otherwise
provided by law, an alien subject to the TPCR may be considered for release from custody if lawfully
admitted. Such an alien must first demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that release would
not pose a danger to the safety of other persons or of property. If an alien meets this burden, the
alien must further demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that the alien is likely to appear for
any scheduled proceeding (including any appearance required by the Service or EOIR) in order to be
considered for release in the exercise of discretion.
(4) Criminal aliens ineligible to be considered for release except in certain special circumstances. An alien,
other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, subject to section 303(b)(3)(A) (ii) or
(iii) of Div. C. of Pub. L. 104-208 is ineligible to be considered for release if the alien:
Is described in section 241(a)(2)(C) of the Act (as in effect prior to April 1, 1997), or has been
convicted of a crime described in section 101(a)(43)(B), (E)(ii) or (F) of the Act (as in effect on
April 1, 1997);
(ii) Has been convicted of a crime described in section 101(a)(43)(G) of the Act (as in effect on
April 1, 1997) or a crime or crimes involving moral turpitude related to property, and sentenced
therefor (including in the aggregate) to at least 3 years' imprisonment;
(iii) Has failed to appear for an immigration proceeding without reasonable cause or has been
subject to a bench warrant or similar legal process (unless quashed, withdrawn, or cancelled as
improvidently issued);
(iv) Has been convicted of a crime described in section 101(a)(43)(Q) or (T) of the Act (as in effect
on April 1, 1997);
(v) Has been convicted in a criminal proceeding of a violation of section 273, 274, 274C, 276, or
277 of the Act, or has admitted the factual elements of such a violation;
(vi) Has overstayed a period granted for voluntary departure;
(vii) Has failed to surrender or report for removal pursuant to an order of exclusion, deportation, or
(viii) Does not wish to pursue, or is statutorily ineligible for, any form of relief from exclusion,
deportation, or removal under this chapter or the Act; or
(ix) Is described in paragraphs (c)(5)(i)(A), (B), or (C) of this section but has not been sentenced,
including in the aggregate but not including any portions suspended, to at least 2 years'
imprisonment, unless the alien was lawfully admitted and has not, since the commencement of
proceedings and within the 10 years prior thereto, been convicted of a crime, failed to comply
with an order to surrender or a period of voluntary departure, or been subject to a bench warrant
or similar legal process (unless quashed, withdrawn, or cancelled as improvidently issued). An
alien eligible to be considered for release under this paragraph must meet the burdens
described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section in order to be released from custody in the
exercise of discretion.
(5) Criminal aliens ineligible to be considered for release.
A criminal alien subject to section 303(b)(3)(A)(ii) or (iii) of Div. C of Pub. L. 104-208 is ineligible
to be considered for release if the alien has been sentenced, including in the aggregate but not
including any portions suspended, to at least 2 years' imprisonment, and the alien
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8 CFR 236.1(c)(5)(i)(A)
(A) Is described in section 237(a)(2)(D)(i) or (ii) of the Act (as in effect on April 1, 1997), or has
been convicted of a crime described in section 101(a)(43)(A), (C), (E)(i), (H), (I), (K)(iii), or
(L) of the Act (as in effect on April 1, 1997);
(B) Is described in section 237(a)(2)(A)(iv) of the Act; or
(C) Has escaped or attempted to escape from the lawful custody of a local, State, or Federal
prison, agency, or officer within the United States.
(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, a permanent resident alien who has not,
since the commencement of proceedings and within the 15 years prior thereto, been convicted
of a crime, failed to comply with an order to surrender or a period of voluntary departure, or
been subject to a bench warrant or similar legal process (unless quashed, withdrawn, or
cancelled as improvidently issued), may be considered for release under paragraph (c)(3) of
this section.
(6) Unremovable aliens and certain long-term detainees.
If the district director determines that an alien subject to section 303(b)(3)(A)(ii) or (iii) of Div. C
of Pub. L. 104-208 cannot be removed from the United States because the designated country
of removal or deportation will not accept the alien's return, the district director may, in the
exercise of discretion, consider release of the alien from custody upon such terms and
conditions as the district director may prescribe, without regard to paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(4), and
(c)(5) of this section.
(ii) The district director may also, notwithstanding paragraph (c)(5) of this section, consider release
from custody, upon such terms and conditions as the district director may prescribe, of any
alien described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section who has been in the Service's custody for
six months pursuant to a final order of deportation terminating the alien's status as a lawful
permanent resident.
(iii) The district director may release an alien from custody under this paragraph only in accordance
with the standards set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and any other applicable
provisions of law.
(iv) The district director's custody decision under this paragraph shall not be subject to
redetermination by an immigration judge, but, in the case of a custody decision under
paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section, may be appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals
pursuant to paragraph (d)(3)(iii) of this section.
(7) Construction. A reference in this section to a provision in section 241 of the Act as in effect prior to
April 1, 1997, shall be deemed to include a reference to the corresponding provision in section 237 of
the Act as in effect on April 1, 1997. A reference in this section to a “crime” shall be considered to
include a reference to a conspiracy or attempt to commit such a crime. In calculating the 10-year
period specified in paragraph (c)(4) of this section and the 15-year period specified in paragraph
(c)(5) of this section, no period during which the alien was detained or incarcerated shall count
toward the total. References in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section to the “district director” shall be
deemed to include a reference to any official designated by the Assistant Secretary/Director of ICE to
exercise custody authority over aliens covered by that paragraph. Nothing in this part shall be
construed as prohibiting an alien from seeking reconsideration of the Service's determination that
the alien is within a category barred from release under this part.
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8 CFR 236.1(c)(8)
(8) Any officer authorized to issue a warrant of arrest may, in the officer's discretion, release an alien not
described in section 236(c)(1) of the Act, under the conditions at section 236(a)(2) and (3) of the
Act; provided that the alien must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the officer that such release
would not pose a danger to property or persons, and that the alien is likely to appear for any future
proceeding. Such an officer may also, in the exercise of discretion, release an alien in deportation
proceedings pursuant to the authority in section 242 of the Act (as designated prior to April 1, 1997),
except as otherwise provided by law.
(9) When an alien who, having been arrested and taken into custody, has been released, such release
may be revoked at any time in the discretion of the district director, acting district director, deputy
district director, assistant district director for investigations, assistant district director for detention
and deportation, or officer in charge (except foreign), in which event the alien may be taken into
physical custody and detained. If detained, unless a breach has occurred, any outstanding bond shall
be revoked and canceled.
(10) The provisions of § 103.6 of this chapter shall apply to any bonds authorized. Subject to the
provisions of this section, the provisions of § 1003.19 of this chapter shall govern availability to the
respondent of recourse to other administrative authority for release from custody.
(11) An immigration judge may not exercise the authority provided in this section, and the review process
described in paragraph (d) of this section shall not apply, with respect to any alien beyond the
custody jurisdiction of the immigration judge as provided in § 1003.19(h) of this chapter.
(d) Appeals from custody decisions —
(1) Application to immigration judge. After an initial custody determination by the district director,
including the setting of a bond, the respondent may, at any time before an order under 8 CFR part
240 becomes final, request amelioration of the conditions under which he or she may be released.
Prior to such final order, and except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the immigration judge is
authorized to exercise the authority in section 236 of the Act (or section 242(a)(1) of the Act as
designated prior to April 1, 1997 in the case of an alien in deportation proceedings) to detain the
alien in custody, release the alien, and determine the amount of bond, if any, under which the
respondent may be released, as provided in § 1003.19 of this chapter. If the alien has been released
from custody, an application for amelioration of the terms of release must be filed within 7 days of
(2) Application to the district director. After expiration of the 7-day period in paragraph (d)(1) of this
section, the respondent may request review by the district director of the conditions of his or her
(3) Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals. An appeal relating to bond and custody determinations
may be filed to the Board of Immigration Appeals in the following circumstances:
In accordance with § 1003.38 of this chapter, the alien or the Service may appeal the decision
of an immigration judge pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(ii) The alien, within 10 days, may appeal from the district director's decision under paragraph
(d)(2)(i) of this section.
(4) Effect of filing an appeal. The filing of an appeal from a determination of an immigration judge or
district director under this paragraph shall not operate to delay compliance with the order (except as
provided in § 1003.19(i), nor stay the administrative proceedings or removal.
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8 CFR 236.1(e)
(e) Privilege of communication. Every detained alien shall be notified that he or she may communicate with
the consular or diplomatic officers of the country of his or her nationality in the United States. Existing
treaties with the following countries require immediate communication with appropriate consular or
diplomatic officers whenever nationals of the following countries are detained in removal proceedings,
whether or not requested by the alien and even if the alien requests that no communication be undertaken
in his or her behalf. When notifying consular or diplomatic officials, Service officers shall not reveal the
fact that any detained alien has applied for asylum or withholding of removal.
Antigua and Barbuda
Bahamas, The
China (People's Republic of)[2]
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Arrangements with the countries listed in 8 CFR 236.1(e) provide that U.S. authorities shall notify
responsible representatives within 72 hours of the arrest or detention of one of their nationals.
Notification is not mandatory in the case of any person who carries a “Republic of China” passport issued
by Taiwan. Such persons should be informed without delay that the nearest office of the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Representative Office (“TECRO”), the unofficial entity representing Taiwan's interests in the United
States, can be notified at their request.
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8 CFR 236.1(e)
Gambia, The
Hong Kong[3]
Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, and is now officially referred to as the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region, or “S.A.R.” Under paragraph 3(f)(2) of the March 25, 1997, U.S.-China
Agreement on the Maintenance of the U.S. Consulate General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
U.S. officials are required to notify Chinese officials of the arrest or detention of the bearers of Hong Kong
passports in the same manner as is required for bearers of Chinese passports—i.e., immediately, and in any
event, within four days of the arrest or detention.
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8 CFR 236.1(e)
Russian Federation
St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent/Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Slovak Republic
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom[5]
Consular communication is not mandatory for any Polish national who has been admitted for permanent
residence in the United States. Such notification should only be provided upon request by a Polish national
with permanent residency in the United States.
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8 CFR 236.1(f)
(f) Notification to Executive Office for Immigration Review of change in custody status. The Service shall notify
the Immigration Court having administrative control over the Record of Proceeding of any change in
custody location or of release from, or subsequent taking into, Service custody of a respondent/applicant
pursuant to § 1003.19(g) of this chapter.
(g) Notice of custody determination —
(1) In general. At the time of issuance of the notice to appear, or at any time thereafter and up to the time
removal proceedings are completed, an immigration official may issue a Form I-286, Notice of
Custody Determination. A notice of custody determination may be issued by those immigration
officials listed in 8 CFR 287.5(e)(2) and may be served by those immigration officials listed in 8 CFR
287.5(e)(3), or other officers or employees of the Department or the United States who are delegated
the authority to do so pursuant to 8 CFR 2.1.
(2) Cancellation. If after the issuance of a notice of custody determination, a determination is made not
to serve it, any official authorized to issue such notice may authorize its cancellation.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997; 62 FR 15363, Apr. 1, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 27449, May 19, 1998; 65 FR 80294, Dec. 21, 2000; 70
FR 67088, Nov. 4, 2005; 72 FR 1924, Jan. 17, 2007; 81 FR 62355, Sept. 9, 2016]
§ 236.2 Confined aliens, incompetents, and minors.
(a) Service. If the respondent is confined, or if he or she is an incompetent, or a minor under the age of 14, the
notice to appear, and the warrant of arrest, if issued, shall be served in the manner prescribed in § 239.1
of this chapter upon the person or persons specified by 8 CFR 103.8(c).
(b) Service custody and cost of maintenance. An alien confined because of physical or mental disability in an
institution or hospital shall not be accepted into physical custody by the Service until an order of removal
has been entered and the Service is ready to remove the alien. When such an alien is an inmate of a public
United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Islands and the British
dependencies of Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Their
residents carry British passports.
All U.S.S.R. successor states are covered by this agreement. They are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan. Although the U.S.S.R. no longer exists, the U.S.S.R is listed here, because some nationals of its
successor states may still be traveling on a U.S.S.R. passport. Mandatory consular notification applies to any
national of such a state, including one traveling on a U.S.S.R. passport.
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8 CFR 236.3
or private institution at the time of the commencement of the removal proceedings, expenses for the
maintenance of the alien shall not be incurred by the Government until he or she is taken into physical
custody by the Service.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 76 FR 53790, Aug. 29, 2011]
§ 236.3 Processing, detention, and release of alien minors.
(a) Generally.
(1) DHS treats all minors and unaccompanied alien children (UACs) in its custody with dignity, respect
and special concern for their particular vulnerability.
(2) The provisions of this section apply to all minors in the legal custody of DHS, including minors who
are subject to the mandatory detention provisions of the INA and applicable regulations, to the
extent authorized by law.
(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
(1) Minor means any alien who has not attained eighteen (18) years of age and has not been:
Emancipated in an appropriate state judicial proceeding; or
(ii) Incarcerated due to a conviction for a criminal offense in which he or she was tried as an adult.
(2) Special needs minor means a minor whose mental and/or physical condition requires special
services and treatment as identified during an individualized needs assessment as referenced in
paragraph (i)(4)(iii) of this section. A minor may have special needs due to drug or alcohol abuse,
serious emotional disturbance, mental illness or intellectual disability, or a physical condition or
chronic illness that requires special services or treatment. A minor who has suffered serious neglect
or abuse may be considered a minor with special needs if the minor requires special services or
treatment as a result of the neglect or abuse.
(3) Unaccompanied alien child (UAC) has the meaning provided in 6 U.S.C. 279(g)(2), that is, a child who
has no lawful immigration status in the United States and who has not attained 18 years of age; and
with respect to whom: There is no parent or legal guardian present in the United States; or no parent
or legal guardian in the United States is available to provide care and physical custody. An individual
may meet the definition of UAC without meeting the definition of minor.
(4) Custody means within the physical and legal control of an institution or person.
(5) Emergency means an act or event (including, but not limited to, a natural disaster, facility fire, civil
disturbance, or medical or public health concerns at one or more facilities) that prevents timely
transport or placement of minors, or impacts other conditions provided by this section.
(6) Escape-risk means that there is a serious risk that the minor will attempt to escape from custody.
Factors to consider when determining whether a minor is an escape-risk include, but are not limited
to, whether:
The minor is currently subject to a final order of removal;
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8 CFR 236.3(b)(6)(ii)
(ii) The minor's immigration history includes: A prior breach of bond, a failure to appear before DHS
or the immigration courts, evidence that the minor is indebted to organized smugglers for his
transport, or a voluntary departure or previous removal from the United States pursuant to a
final order of removal; or
(iii) The minor has previously absconded or attempted to abscond from state or Federal custody.
(7) Family unit means a group of two or more aliens consisting of a minor or minors accompanied by
his/her/their adult parent(s) or legal guardian(s). In determining the existence of a parental
relationship or a legal guardianship for purposes of this definition, DHS will consider all available
reliable evidence. If DHS determines that there is insufficient reliable evidence available that
confirms the relationship, the minor will be treated as a UAC.
(8) Family Residential Center (FRC) means a facility used by ICE for the detention of family units.
(9) Licensed facility means an ICE detention facility that is licensed by the state, county, or municipality
in which it is located, if such a licensing process exists. Licensed facilities shall comply with all
applicable state child welfare laws and regulations and all state and local building, fire, health, and
safety codes. If a licensing process for the detention of minors accompanied by a parent or legal
guardian is not available in the state, county, or municipality in which an ICE detention facility is
located, DHS shall employ an entity outside of DHS that has relevant audit experience to ensure
compliance with the family residential standards established by ICE. Such audits will take place at
the opening of a facility and on a regular, ongoing basis thereafter. DHS will make the results of
these audits publicly available.
(10) Influx means a situation in which there are, at any given time, more than 130 minors or UACs eligible
for placement in a licensed facility under this section or corresponding provisions of ORR
regulations, including those who have been so placed or are awaiting such placement.
(11) Non-secure facility means a facility that meets the definition of non-secure under state law in the
state in which the facility is located. If no such definition of non-secure exists under state law, a DHS
facility shall be deemed non-secure if egress from a portion of the facility's building is not prohibited
through internal locks within the building or exterior locks and egress from the facility's premises is
not prohibited through secure fencing around the perimeter of the building.
(12) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) means the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement.
(c) Age determination.
(1) For purposes of exercising the authorities described in this part, DHS shall determine the age of an
alien in accordance with 8 U.S.C. 1232(b)(4). Age determination decisions shall be based upon the
totality of the evidence and circumstances.
(2) If a reasonable person would conclude that an individual is an adult, despite his or her claim to be
under the age of 18, DHS may treat such person as an adult for all purposes, including confinement
and release on bond, recognizance, or other conditions of release. In making this determination, an
immigration officer may require such an individual to submit to a medical or dental examination
conducted by a medical professional or other appropriate procedures to verify his or her age.
(3) If an individual previously considered to have been an adult is subsequently determined to be under
the age of 18, DHS will then treat such individual as a minor or UAC as prescribed by this section.
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8 CFR 236.3(d)
(d) Determining whether an alien is a UAC —
(1) Time of determination. Immigration officers will make a determination as to whether an alien under
the age of 18 is a UAC at the time of encounter or apprehension and prior to the detention or release
of such alien.
(2) Aliens who are no longer UACs. When an alien previously determined to have been a UAC has
reached the age of 18, when a parent or legal guardian in the United States is available to provide
care and physical custody for such an alien, or when such alien has obtained lawful immigration
status, the alien is no longer a UAC. An alien who is no longer a UAC is not eligible to receive legal
protections limited to UACs under the relevant sections of the Act. Nothing in this paragraph affects
USCIS' independent determination of its initial jurisdiction over asylum applications filed by UACs
pursuant to section 208(b)(3)(C) of the Act.
(3) Age-out procedures. When an alien previously determined to have been a UAC is no longer a UAC
because he or she turns 18 years old, relevant ORR and ICE procedures shall apply.
(e) Transfer of minors who are not UACs from one facility to another.
(1) In the case of an influx or emergency, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, DHS will transfer a
minor who is not a UAC, and who does not meet the criteria for secure detention pursuant to
paragraph (i)(1) of this section, to a licensed facility as defined in paragraph (b)(9) of this section,
which is non-secure, as expeditiously as possible. Otherwise, to the extent consistent with law or
court order, DHS will transfer such minor within three (3) days, if the minor was apprehended in a
district in which a licensed program is located, or within five (5) days in all other cases.
(2) In the case of an emergency or influx, DHS will abide by written guidance detailing all reasonable
efforts that it will take to transfer all minors who are not UACs as expeditiously as possible.
(f) Transfer of UACs from DHS to HHS.
(1) All UACs apprehended by DHS, except those who are processed in accordance with 8 U.S.C.
1232(a)(2), will be transferred to ORR for care, custody, and placement in accordance with 6 U.S.C.
279 and 8 U.S.C. 1232.
(2) DHS will notify ORR within 48 hours upon the apprehension or discovery of a UAC or any claim or
suspicion that an unaccompanied alien detained in DHS custody is under 18 years of age.
(3) Unless exceptional circumstances are present, DHS will transfer custody of a UAC as soon as
practicable after receiving notification of an ORR placement, but no later than 72 hours after
determining that the minor is a UAC per paragraph (d) of this section. In the case of exceptional
circumstances, DHS will abide by written guidance detailing the efforts that it will take to transfer all
UACs as required by law.
(4) The following relate to the conditions of transfer of UACs with unrelated detained adults:
UACs will not generally be transported with unrelated detained adults. A UAC will not be
transported with an unrelated detained adult(s) unless the UAC is being transported from the
place of apprehension to a DHS facility or if separate transportation is otherwise impractical or
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(ii) When separate transportation is impractical or unavailable, necessary precautions will be taken
to ensure the UAC's safety, security, and well-being. If a UAC is transported with any unrelated
detained adult(s), DHS will separate the UAC from the unrelated adult(s) to the extent
operationally feasible and take necessary precautions for protection of the UAC's safety,
security, and well-being.
(g) DHS procedures in the apprehension and processing of minors or UACs —
(1) Processing —
Notice of rights and request for disposition. Every minor or UAC who enters DHS custody,
including minors and UACs who request voluntary departure or request to withdraw their
application for admission, will be issued a Form I-770, Notice of Rights and Request for
Disposition, which will include a statement that the minor or UAC may make a telephone call to
a parent, close relative, or friend. The notice shall be provided, read, or explained to the minor or
UAC in a language and manner that he or she understands. In the event that a minor or UAC is
no longer amenable to voluntary departure or to a withdrawal of an application for admission,
the minor or UAC will be issued a new Form I-770 or the Form I-770 will be updated, as needed.
(ii) Notice of Right to Judicial Review. Every minor who is not a UAC who is transferred to or
remains in a DHS detention facility will be provided with a Notice of Right to Judicial Review,
which informs the minor of his or her right to seek judicial review in United States District Court
with jurisdiction and venue over the matter if the minor believes that his or her detention does
not comply with the terms of paragraph (i) of this section. The Notice shall be read and
explained to the minor in a language and manner that he or she understands.
(iii) Current list of counsel. Every minor who is not a UAC who is transferred to or remains in a DHS
detention facility will be provided the free legal service provider list, prepared pursuant to
section 239(b)(2) of the Act.
(2) DHS custodial care immediately following apprehension.
Following the apprehension of a minor or UAC, DHS will process the minor or UAC as
expeditiously as possible. Consistent with 6 CFR 115.114, minors and UACs shall be held in the
least restrictive setting appropriate to the minor or UAC's age and special needs, provided that
such setting is consistent with the need to protect the minor or UAC's well-being and that of
others, as well as with any other laws, regulations, or legal requirements. DHS will hold minors
and UACs in facilities that are safe and sanitary and that are consistent with DHS's concern for
their particular vulnerability. Facilities will provide access to toilets and sinks, drinking water
and food as appropriate, access to emergency medical assistance as needed, and adequate
temperature and ventilation. DHS will provide adequate supervision and will provide contact
with family members arrested with the minor or UAC in consideration of the safety and wellbeing of the minor or UAC, and operational feasibility. UACs generally will be held separately
from unrelated adult detainees in accordance with 6 CFR 115.14(b) and 115.114(b). In the
event that such separation is not immediately possible, UACs in facilities covered by 6 CFR
115.114 may be housed with an unrelated adult for no more than 24 hours except in the case of
an emergency.
(ii) Consistent with the statutory requirements, DHS will transfer UACs to HHS in accordance with
the procedures described in paragraph (f) of this section.
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8 CFR 236.3(h)
(h) Detention of family units. DHS's policy is to maintain family unity, including by detaining families together
where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources. If DHS determines that detention of a
family unit is required by law, or is otherwise appropriate, the family unit may be transferred to an FRC
which is a licensed facility and non-secure.
Detention of minors who are not UACs in DHS custody. In any case in which DHS does not release a minor
who is not a UAC, said minor shall remain in DHS detention. Consistent with 6 CFR 115.14, minors shall
be detained in the least restrictive setting appropriate to the minor's age and special needs, provided that
such setting is consistent with the need to protect the minor's well-being and that of others, as well as
with any other laws, regulations, or legal requirements. The minor shall be placed temporarily in a licensed
facility, which will be non-secure, until such time as release can be effected or until the minor's
immigration proceedings are concluded, whichever occurs earlier. If immigration proceedings are
concluded and result in a final order of removal, DHS will detain the minor for the purpose of removal. If
immigration proceedings result in a grant of relief or protection from removal where both parties have
waived appeal or the appeal period defined in 8 CFR 1003.38(b) has expired, DHS will release the minor.
(1) A minor who is not a UAC referenced under this paragraph (i)(1) may be held in or transferred to a
suitable state or county juvenile detention facility, or a secure DHS detention facility, or DHS
contracted facility having separate accommodations for minors, whenever the Field Office Director
and the ICE supervisory or management personnel have probable cause to believe that the minor:
Has been charged with, is chargeable with, or has been convicted of a crime or crimes, or is the
subject of delinquency proceedings, has been adjudicated delinquent, or is chargeable with a
delinquent act or acts, that fit within a pattern or practice of criminal activity;
(ii) Has been charged with, is chargeable with, or has been convicted of a crime or crimes, or is the
subject of delinquency proceedings, has been adjudicated delinquent, or is chargeable with a
delinquent act or acts, that involve violence against a person or the use or carrying of a
(iii) Has committed, or has made credible threats to commit, a violent or malicious act (whether
directed at himself or others) while in Federal or state government custody or while in the
presence of an immigration officer;
(iv) Has engaged, while in the licensed facility, in conduct that has proven to be unacceptably
disruptive of the normal functioning of the licensed facility in which the minor has been placed
and transfer to another facility is necessary to ensure the welfare of the minor or others, as
determined by the staff of the licensed facility;
(v) Is determined to be an escape-risk pursuant to paragraph (b)(6) of this section; or
(vi) Must be held in a secure facility for his or her own safety.
(2) DHS will not place a minor who is not a UAC in a secure facility pursuant to paragraph (i)(1) if there
are less restrictive alternatives that are available and appropriate in the circumstances, such as
transfer to a facility which would provide intensive staff supervision and counseling services or
another licensed facility. All determinations to place a minor in a secure facility will be reviewed and
approved by the ICE Juvenile Coordinator referenced in paragraph (o) of this section. Secure
facilities shall permit attorney-client visits in accordance with applicable facility rules and
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8 CFR 236.3(i)(3)
(3) Unless a secure facility is otherwise authorized pursuant to this section, ICE facilities used for the
detention of minors who are not UACs shall be non-secure facilities.
(4) Non-secure, licensed ICE facilities to which minors who are not UACs are transferred pursuant to the
procedures in paragraph (e) of this section shall abide by applicable family residential standards
established by ICE. At a minimum, such standards shall include provisions or arrangements for the
following services for each minor who is not a UAC in its care:
Proper physical care and maintenance, including suitable living, accommodations, food and
snacks, appropriate clothing, and personal grooming items;
(ii) Appropriate routine medical, mental health and dental care, family planning services, and
emergency health care services, including a complete medical examination (including
screening for infectious disease) within 48 hours of admission, excluding weekends and
holidays, unless the minor was recently examined at another facility; appropriate
immunizations in accordance with the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; administration of prescribed medication and special diets; appropriate
mental health interventions when necessary;
(iii) An individualized needs assessment which includes:
(A) Various initial intake forms;
(B) Essential data relating to the identification and history of the minor and family;
(C) Identification of the minor's special needs including any specific problem(s) which appear
to require immediate intervention;
(D) An educational assessment and plan;
(E) An assessment of family relationships and interaction with adults, peers and authority
(F) A statement of religious preference and practice;
(G) An assessment of the minor's personal goals, strengths and weaknesses; and
(H) Identifying information regarding immediate family members, other relatives, godparents,
or friends who may be residing in the United States and may be able to assist in family
(iv) Educational services appropriate to the minor's level of development and communication skills
in a structured classroom setting, Monday through Friday, which concentrates primarily on the
development of basic academic competencies and secondarily on English Language Training
(ELT). The educational program should include subjects similar to those found in U.S. programs
and include science, social studies, math, reading, writing, and physical education. The program
design should be appropriate for the minor's estimated length of stay and can include the
necessary skills appropriate for transition into a U.S. school district. The program should also
include acculturation and adaptation services which include information regarding the
development of social and inter-personal skills that contribute to those abilities as age
(v) Appropriate reading materials in languages other than English for use during the minor's leisure
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(vi) Activities according to a recreation and leisure time plan which shall include daily outdoor
activity, weather permitting, at least one hour per day of large muscle activity and one hour per
day of structured leisure time activities (this should not include time spent watching television).
Activities should be increased to a total of three hours on days when school is not in session;
(vii) At least one individual counseling session or mental health wellness interaction (if the minor
does not want to participate in a counseling session) per week conducted by trained social
work staff with the specific objectives of reviewing the minor's progress, establishing new
short-term objectives, and addressing both the developmental and crisis-related needs of each
(viii) Group counseling sessions at least twice a week. This is usually an informal process and takes
place with all the minors present and can be held in conjunction with other structured activities.
It is a time when new minors present in the facility are given the opportunity to get acquainted
with the staff, other children, and the rules of the program. It is an open forum where everyone
gets a chance to speak. Daily program management is discussed and decisions are made
about recreational activities, etc. It is a time for staff and minors to discuss whatever is on their
minds and to resolve problems;
(ix) Upon admission, a comprehensive orientation regarding program intent, services, rules (written
and verbal), expectations and the availability of legal assistance;
(x) Whenever possible, access to religious services of the minor's choice;
(xi) Visitation and contact with family members (regardless of their immigration status) which is
structured to encourage such visitation. The staff shall respect the minor's privacy while
reasonably preventing the unauthorized release of the minor and preventing the transfer of
(xii) A reasonable right to privacy, which shall include the right to:
(A) Wear his or her own clothes, when available;
(B) Retain a private space in the residential facility for the storage of personal belongings;
(C) Talk privately on the phone, as permitted by applicable facility rules and regulations;
(D) Visit privately with guests, as permitted by applicable facility rules and regulations; and
(E) Receive and send uncensored mail unless there is a reasonable belief that the mail
contains contraband;
(xiii) When necessary, communication with adult relatives living in the United States and in foreign
countries regarding legal issues related to the release and/or removal of the minor;
(xiv) Legal services information regarding the availability of free legal assistance, the right to be
represented by counsel at no expense to the Government, the right to apply for asylum or to
request voluntary departure;
(xv) Attorney-client visits in accordance with applicable facility rules and regulations;
(xvi) Service delivery is to be accomplished in a manner which is sensitive to the age, culture, native
language, and the complex needs of each minor;
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8 CFR 236.3(i)(4)(xvii)
(xvii) Parents/legal guardians will be responsible for supervising their children and providing parental
support in managing their children's behavior. Licensed facility rules and discipline standards
shall be formulated with consideration for the range of ages and maturity in the program and
shall be culturally sensitive to the needs of alien minors. DHS shall not subject minors to
corporal punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, or punitive interference with the daily functions
of living, such as eating or sleeping. Any sanctions employed shall not adversely affect a
minor's health, or physical or psychological well-being; or deny minors regular meals, sufficient
sleep, exercise, medical care, correspondence privileges, or legal assistance;
(xviii) Licensed facilities will maintain and safeguard individual case records. Agencies and
organizations will maintain a system of accountability which preserves the confidentiality of
client information and protects the records from unauthorized use or disclosure;
(xix) Licensed facilities will maintain adequate records and make regular reports as required by DHS
that permit DHS to monitor and enforce the regulations in this part and other requirements and
standards as DHS may determine are in the best interests of the minors; and
(xx) Licensed facilities will maintain a grievance and complaint filing process for aliens housed
therein and post information about the process in a common area of the facility. Aliens will be
required to follow the proscribed process for filing formal and informal grievances against
facility staff that comports with the ICE Family Residential Standards Grievance Procedures.
Complaints regarding conditions of detention shall be filed under the procedures required by
the DHS Office of the Inspector General or the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
Staff is prohibited from retaliating against anyone who files, or on whose behalf is filed, a
grievance or complaint. In the event of an emergency, a licensed, non-secure facility described
in this paragraph (i) may transfer temporary physical custody of a minor prior to securing
permission from DHS, but shall notify DHS of the transfer as soon as is practicable thereafter,
but in all cases within 8 hours.
Release of minors who are not UACs from DHS custody.
(1) DHS will make and record prompt and continuous efforts on its part toward the release of the minor
who is not a UAC.
(2) If a minor who is not a UAC is in expedited removal proceedings (including if he or she is awaiting a
credible fear determination), or is subject to a final expedited removal order, custody is governed by
§ 235.3(b)(2)(iii) or (b)(4)(ii) of this chapter, as applicable.
(3) If a minor who is not a UAC is subject to pending removal proceedings under section 240 of the Act,
DHS will consider whether to release the minor pursuant to section 212(d)(5) or section 236(a), and
the implementing regulations in 8 CFR 212.5 and § 235.3, as applicable.
(4) The parole of minors who are not UACs who are detained pursuant to section 235(b)(1)(B)(ii) of the
Act or § 235.3(c) of this chapter will generally serve an urgent humanitarian reason warranting
release on parole if DHS determines that detention is not required to secure the minor's timely
appearance before DHS or the immigration court, or to ensure the minor's safety and well-being or
the safety of others. In making this determination, DHS may consider aggregate and historical data,
officer experience, statistical information, or any other probative information. The determination
whether to parole a minor who is not a UAC is in the unreviewable discretion of DHS.
(5) If DHS determines to release a minor who is not a UAC during removal proceedings under section
240 of the Act, the following procedures shall apply:
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If a parent or legal guardian is available to provide care and physical custody, DHS will make
prompt and continuous efforts to release the minor to that parent or legal guardian. Nothing in
this paragraph (j)(5)(i) precludes the release of a minor who is not a UAC to an adult relative
(brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or grandparent) who is not in detention and is available to provide
care and physical custody. Release of a minor who is not a UAC to an adult relative other than a
parent or legal guardian is within the unreviewable discretion of DHS.
(ii) Prior to releasing a minor who is not a UAC to an adult relative pursuant to paragraph (j)(5)(i) of
this section, DHS will use all available reliable evidence to determine whether the relationship is
bona fide. If no reliable evidence is available that confirms the relationship, DHS may continue
to keep the minor who is not a UAC in custody or treat the minor as a UAC and transfer the UAC
to HHS custody, as outlined in paragraph (f) of this section.
(iii) DHS shall assist without undue delay in making transportation arrangements to the DHS office
nearest the location of the relative to whom a minor is to be released. DHS may, in its
discretion, provide transportation to minors.
(iv) Nothing herein shall require DHS to release a minor to any person or agency whom DHS has
reason to believe may harm or neglect the minor or fail to present him or her before DHS or the
immigration courts when requested to do so.
(k) Procedures upon transfer —
(1) Possessions. Whenever a minor or UAC is transferred from one ICE placement to another, or from an
ICE placement to an ORR placement, he or she will be transferred with all possessions and legal
papers; provided, however, that if the minor or UAC's possessions exceed the amount normally
permitted by the carrier in use, the possessions shall be shipped to the minor or UAC in a timely
(2) Notice to counsel. A minor or UAC who is represented will not be transferred from one ICE placement
to another, or from an ICE placement to an ORR placement, until notice is provided to his or her
counsel, except in unusual and compelling circumstances, such as where the safety of the minor or
UAC or others is threatened or the minor or UAC has been determined to be an escape-risk, or where
counsel has waived such notice. In unusual and compelling circumstances, notice will be sent to
counsel within 24 hours following the transfer.
Notice to parent of refusal of release or application for relief.
(1) A parent shall be notified of any of the following requests if the parent is present in the United States
and can reasonably be contacted, unless such notification is otherwise prohibited by law or DHS
determines that notification of the parent would pose a risk to the minor's safety or well-being:
A minor or UAC in DHS custody refuses to be released to his or her parent; or
(ii) A minor or a UAC seeks release from DHS custody or seeks voluntary departure or a withdrawal
of an application for admission, parole, or any form of relief from removal before DHS, and that
the grant of such request or relief may effectively terminate some interest inherent in the
parent-child relationship and/or the minor or UAC's rights and interests are adverse with those
of the parent.
(2) Upon notification, the parent will be afforded an opportunity to present his or her views and assert
his or her interest to DHS before a determination is made as to the merits of the request for relief.
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8 CFR 236.3(m)
(m) Bond hearings. Bond determinations made by DHS for minors who are in removal proceedings pursuant to
section 240 of the Act and who are also in DHS custody may be reviewed by an immigration judge
pursuant to 8 CFR part 1236 to the extent permitted by 8 CFR 1003.19. Minors in DHS custody who are
not in section 240 proceedings are ineligible to seek review by an immigration judge of their DHS custody
(n) Retaking custody of a previously released minor.
(1) In addition to the ability to make a UAC determination upon each encounter as set forth in paragraph
(c) of this section, DHS may take a minor back into custody if there is a material change in
circumstances indicating the minor is an escape-risk, a danger to the community, or has a final order
of removal. If the minor is accompanied, DHS shall place the minor in accordance with paragraphs
(e) and (i) of this section. If the minor is a UAC, DHS shall transfer the minor into HHS custody in
accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) DHS may take a minor back into custody if there is no longer a parent, legal guardian, or other adult
relative (brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or grandparent) available to care for the minor. If the minor is a
UAC, DHS will transfer custody to HHS as outlined in paragraph (e) of this section.
(3) Minors who are not UACs and who are taken back into DHS custody may request a custody
redetermination hearing in accordance with paragraph (m) of this section and to the extent
permitted by 8 CFR 1003.19.
(o) Monitoring.
(1) CBP and ICE each shall identify a Juvenile Coordinator for the purpose of monitoring compliance
with the terms of this section.
(2) In addition to the monitoring required by paragraph (o)(1) of this section, the Juvenile Coordinators
shall collect and periodically examine relevant statistical information about UACs and minors who
remain in CBP or ICE custody for longer than 72 hours. Such statistical information may include but
not necessarily be limited to:
Biographical information;
(ii) Dates of custody; and
(iii) Placements, transfers, removals, or releases from custody, including the reasons for a particular
[84 FR 44525, Aug. 23, 2019]
§ 236.4 Removal of S-5, S-6, and S-7 nonimmigrants.
(a) Condition of classification. As a condition of classification and continued stay in classification pursuant to
section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act, nonimmigrants in S classification must have executed Form I-854, Part
B, Inter-agency Alien Witness and Informant Record, certifying that they have knowingly waived their right
to a removal hearing and right to contest, other than on the basis of an application for withholding of
deportation or removal, any removal action, including detention pending deportation or removal, instituted
before lawful permanent resident status is obtained.
(b) Determination of deportability.
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8 CFR 236.4(b)(1)
(1) A determination to remove a deportable alien classified pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act
shall be made by the district director having jurisdiction over the place where the alien is located.
(2) A determination to remove such a deportable alien shall be based on one or more of the grounds of
deportability listed in section 237 of the Act based on conduct committed after, or conduct or a
condition not disclosed to the Service prior to, the alien's classification as an S nonimmigrant under
section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act, or for a violation of, or failure to adhere to, the particular terms and
conditions of status in S nonimmigrant classification.
(c) Removal procedures.
(1) A district director who determines to remove an alien witness or informant in S nonimmigrant
classification shall notify the Commissioner, the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, and
the relevant law enforcement agency in writing to that effect. The Assistant Attorney General,
Criminal Division, shall concur in or object to that decision. Unless the Assistant Attorney General,
Criminal Division, objects within 7 days, he or she shall be deemed to have concurred in the decision.
In the event of an objection by the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, the matter will be
expeditiously referred to the Deputy Attorney General for a final resolution. In no circumstances shall
the alien or the relevant law enforcement agency have a right of appeal from any decision to remove.
(2) A district director who has provided notice as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and who
has been advised by the Commissioner that the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, has
not objected shall issue a Warrant of Removal. The alien shall immediately be arrested and taken
into custody by the district director initiating the removal. An alien classified under the provisions of
section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act who is determined, pursuant to a warrant issued by a district
director, to be deportable from the United States shall be removed from the United States to his or
her country of nationality or last residence. The agency that requested the alien's presence in the
United States shall ensure departure from the United States and so inform the district director in
whose jurisdiction the alien has last resided. The district director, if necessary, shall oversee the
alien's departure from the United States and, in any event, shall notify the Commissioner of the
alien's departure.
(d) Withholding of removal. An alien classified pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Act who applies for
withholding of removal shall have 10 days from the date the Warrant of Removal is served upon the alien
to file an application for such relief with the district director initiating the removal order. The procedures
contained in §§ 208.2 and 208.16 of this chapter shall apply to such an alien who applies for withholding
of removal.
(e) Inadmissibility. An alien who applies for admission under the provisions of section 101(a)(15)(S) of the
Act who is determined by an immigration officer not to be eligible for admission under that section or to
be inadmissible to the United States under one or more of the grounds of inadmissibility listed in section
212 of the Act and which have not been previously waived by the Commissioner will be taken into
custody. The district director having jurisdiction over the port-of-entry shall follow the notification
procedures specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. A district director who has provided such notice
and who has been advised by the Commissioner that the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division,
has not objected shall remove the alien without further hearing. An alien may not contest such removal,
other than by applying for withholding of removal.
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8 CFR 236.5
§ 236.5 Fingerprints and photographs.
Every alien 14 years of age or older against whom proceedings based on deportability under section 237 of the Act
are commenced under this part by service of a notice to appear shall be fingerprinted and photographed. Such
fingerprints and photographs shall be made available to Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies upon
request to the district director or chief patrol agent having jurisdiction over the alien's record. Any such alien,
regardless of his or her age, shall be photographed and/or fingerprinted if required by any immigration officer
authorized to issue a notice to appear. Every alien 14 years of age or older who is found to be inadmissible to the
United States and ordered removed by an immigration judge shall be fingerprinted, unless during the preceding year
he or she has been fingerprinted at an American consular office.
§ 236.6 Information regarding detainees.
No person, including any state or local government entity or any privately operated detention facility, that houses,
maintains, provides services to, or otherwise holds any detainee on behalf of the Service (whether by contract or
otherwise), and no other person who by virtue of any official or contractual relationship with such person obtains
information relating to any detainee, shall disclose or otherwise permit to be made public the name of, or other
information relating to, such detainee. Such information shall be under the control of the Service and shall be
subject to public disclosure only pursuant to the provisions of applicable federal laws, regulations and executive
orders. Insofar as any documents or other records contain such information, such documents shall not be public
records. This section applies to all persons and information identified or described in it, regardless of when such
persons obtained such information, and applies to all requests for public disclosure of such information, including
requests that are the subject of proceedings pending as of April 17, 2002.
[67 FR 19511, Apr. 22, 2002]
§§ 236.7-236.9 [Reserved]
Subpart B—Family Unity Program
§ 236.10 Description of program.
The family unity program implements the provisions of section 301 of the Immigration Act of 1990, Public Law
101-649. This Act is referred to in this subpart as “IMMACT 90”.
§ 236.11 Definitions.
In this subpart, the term:
Eligible immigrant means a qualified immigrant who is the spouse or unmarried child of a legalized alien.
For purposes of §§ 236.10 to 236.18 only, Legalized alien means an alien who:
(1) Is a temporary or permanent resident under section 210 or 245A of the Act;
(2) Is a permanent resident under section 202 of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
(Cuban/Haitian Adjustment); or
(3) Is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was a permanent resident under section 210 or 245A of the Act or
section 202 of the Immigrant Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) (Cuban/Haitian Adjustment),
and maintained such a status until his or her naturalization.
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8 CFR 236.12
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43679, July 14, 2000]
§ 236.12 Eligibility.
(a) General. An alien who is not a lawful permanent resident is eligible to apply for benefits under the Family
Unity Program if he or she establishes:
(1) That he or she entered the United States before May 5, 1988 (in the case of a relationship to a
legalized alien described in subsection (b)(2)(B) or (b)(2)(C) of section 301 of IMMACT 90), or as of
December 1, 1988 (in the case of a relationship to a legalized alien described in subsection (b)(2)(A)
of section 301 of IMMACT 90), and has been continuously residing in the United States since that
date; and
(2) That as of May 5, 1988, (in the case of a relationship to a legalized alien described in subsection
(b)(2)(B) or (b)(2) (C) of section 301 of IMMACT 90) or as of December 1, 1988, (in the case of a
relationship to a legalized alien described in subsection (b)(2) (A) of section 301 of IMMACT 90), he
or she was the spouse or unmarried child of a legalized alien, and that he or she has been eligible
continuously since that time for family-sponsored immigrant status under section 203(a) (1), (2), or
(3) or as an immediate relative under section 201 (b)(2) of the Act based on the same relationship.
(b) Legalization application pending as of May 5, 1988 or December 1, 1988. An alien whose legalization
application was filed on or before May 5, 1988 (in the case of a relationship to a legalized alien described
in subsection (b)(2)(B) or (b)(2)(C) of section 301 of IMMACT 90), or as of December 1, 1988 (in the case
of a relationship to a legalized alien described in subsection (b)(2)(A) of section 301 of IMMACT 90), but
not approved until after that date will be treated as having been a legalized alien as of May 5, 1988 (in the
case of a relationship to a legalized alien described in subsection (b)(2)(B) or (b)(2)(C) of section 301 of
IMMACT 90), or as of December 1, 1988 (in the case of a relationship to a legalized alien described in
subsection (b)(2)(A) of section 301 of IMMACT 90), for purposes of the Family Unity Program.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43679, July 14, 2000]
§ 236.13 Ineligible aliens.
The following categories of aliens are ineligible for benefits under the Family Unity Program:
(a) An alien who is deportable under any paragraph in section 237(a) of the Act, except paragraphs (1)(A),
(1)(B), (1)(C), and (3)(A); provided that an alien who is deportable under section 237(a)(1)(A) of such Act
is also ineligible for benefits under the Family Unity Program if deportability is based upon a ground of
inadmissibility described in section 212(a)(2) or (3) of the Act;
(b) An alien who has been convicted of a felony or three or more misdemeanors in the United States;
(c) An alien described in section 241(b)(3)(B) of the Act; or
(d) An alien who has committed an act of juvenile delinquency (as defined in 18 U.S.C. 5031) which if
committed by an adult would be classified as:
(1) A felony crime of violence that has an element the use or attempted use of physical force against
another individual; or
(2) A felony offense that by its nature involves a substantial risk that physical force against another
individual may be used in the course of committing the offense.
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[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43680, July 14, 2000]
§ 236.14 Filing.
(a) General. A Form I-817, Application for Family Unity Benefits, must be filed with the correct fee required in 8
CFR 106.2 and the required supporting documentation. A separate application with appropriate fee and
documentation must be filed for each person claiming eligibility.
(b) Decision. The service center director has sole jurisdiction to adjudicate an application for benefits under
the Family Unity Program. The director will provide the applicant with specific reasons for any decision to
deny an application. Denial of an application may not be appealed. An applicant who believes that the
grounds for denial have been overcome may submit another application with the appropriate fee and
(c) Referral of denied cases for consideration of issuance of notice to appear. If an application is denied, the
case will be referred to the district director with jurisdiction over the alien's place of residence for
consideration of whether to issue a notice to appear. After an initial denial, an applicant's case will not be
referred for issuance of a notice to appear until 90 days from the date of the initial denial, to allow the
alien the opportunity to file a new Form I-817 application in order to attempt to overcome the basis of the
denial. However, if the applicant is found not to be eligible for benefits under § 236.13(b), the Service
reserves the right to issue a notice to appear at any time after the initial denial.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43680, July 14, 2000; 66 FR 29672, June 1, 2001; 74 FR 26939, June 5, 2009; 85
FR 46926, Aug. 3, 2020]
§ 236.15 Voluntary departure and eligibility for employment.
(a) Authority. Voluntary departure under this section implements the provisions of section 301 of IMMACT 90,
and authority to grant voluntary departure under the family unity program derives solely from that section.
Voluntary departure under the family unity program shall be governed solely by this section,
notwithstanding the provisions of section 240B of the Act and 8 CFR part 240.
(b) Children of legalized aliens. Children of legalized aliens residing in the United States, who were born during
an authorized absence from the United States of mothers who are currently residing in the United States
under voluntary departure pursuant to the Family Unity Program, may be granted voluntary departure
under section 301 of IMMACT 90 for a period of 2 years.
(c) Duration of voluntary departure. An alien whose application for benefits under the Family Unity Program is
approved will receive voluntary departure for 2 years, commencing with the date of approval of the
application. Voluntary departure under this section shall be considered effective from the date on which
the application was properly filed.
(d) Employment authorization. An alien granted benefits under the Family Unity Program is authorized to be
employed in the United States and will receive an employment authorization document. The validity
period of the employment authorization document will coincide with the period of voluntary departure.
(e) Extension of voluntary departure. An application for an extension of voluntary departure under the Family
Unity Program must be filed by the alien on Form I-817 along with the correct fee required in 8 CFR 106.2
and the required supporting documentation. The submission of a copy of the previous approval notice will
assist in shortening the processing time. An extension may be granted if the alien continues to be eligible
for benefits under the Family Unity Program. However, an extension may not be approved if the legalized
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8 CFR 236.15(f)
alien is a lawful permanent resident, or a naturalized U.S. citizen who was a lawful permanent resident
under section 210 or 245A of the Act or section 202 of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
(IRCA), Pub. L. 66-903, and maintained such status until his or her naturalization, and a petition for familysponsored immigrant status has not been filed on behalf of the applicant. In such case, the Service will
notify the alien of the reason for the denial and afford him or her the opportunity to file another Form I-817
once the petition, Form I-130, has been filed on his or her behalf. No charging document will be issued for
a period of 90 days from the date of the denial.
(f) Supporting documentation for extension application. Supporting documentation need not include
documentation provided with the previous application(s). The extension application should only include
changes to previous applications and evidence of continuing eligibility since the date of prior approval.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43680, July 14, 2000; 85 FR 46926, Aug. 3, 2020]
§ 236.16 Travel outside the United States.
An alien granted Family Unity Program benefits who intends to travel outside the United States temporarily must
apply for advance authorization in accordance with 8 CFR 223.2(a). The authority to grant an application for
advance authorization for an alien granted Family Unity Program benefits rests solely with USCIS. An alien who is
granted advance authorization and returns to the United States in accordance with such authorization, and who is
found not to be inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) or (3) of the Act, shall be inspected and admitted in the same
immigration status as the alien had at the time of departure, and shall be provided the remainder of the voluntary
departure period previously granted under the Family Unity Program.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 76 FR 53790, Aug. 29, 2011]
§ 236.17 Eligibility for Federal financial assistance programs.
An alien granted Family Unity Program benefits based on a relationship to a legalized alien as defined in § 236.11 is
ineligible for public welfare assistance in the same manner and for the same period as the legalized alien who is
ineligible for such assistance under section 245A(h) or 210(f) of the Act, respectively.
§ 236.18 Termination of Family Unity Program benefits.
(a) Grounds for termination. The Service may terminate benefits under the Family Unity Program whenever the
necessity for the termination comes to the attention of the Service. Such grounds will exist in situations
including, but not limited to, those in which:
(1) A determination is made that Family Unity Program benefits were acquired as the result of fraud or
willful misrepresentation of a material fact;
(2) The beneficiary commits an act or acts which render him or her inadmissible as an immigrant
ineligible for benefits under the Family Unity Program;
(3) The legalized alien upon whose status benefits under the Family Unity Program were based loses his
or her legalized status;
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8 CFR 236.18(a)(4)
(4) The beneficiary is the subject of a final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal issued subsequent
to the grant of Family Unity benefits unless such final order is based on entry without inspection;
violation of status; or failure to comply with section 265 of the Act; or inadmissibility at the time of
entry other than inadmissibility pursuant to section 212(a)(2) or 212(a)(3) of the Act, regardless of
whether the facts giving rise to such ground occurred before or after the benefits were granted; or
(5) A qualifying relationship to a legalized alien no longer exists.
(b) Notice procedure. Notice of intent to terminate and of the grounds thereof shall be served pursuant to the
provisions of 8 CFR 103.8(a)(2). The alien shall be given 30 days to respond to the notice and may submit
to the Service additional evidence in rebuttal. Any final decision of termination shall also be served
pursuant to the provisions of 8 CFR 103.8(a)(2). Nothing in this section shall preclude the Service from
commencing exclusion or deportation proceedings prior to termination of Family Unity Program benefits.
(c) Effect of termination. Termination of benefits under the Family Unity Program, other than as a result of a
final order of removal, shall render the alien amenable to removal proceedings under section 240 of the
Act. If benefits are terminated, the period of voluntary departure under this section is also terminated.
[62 FR 10360, Mar. 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 43680, July 14, 2000; 76 FR 53791, Aug. 29, 2011]
Subpart C—Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Source: 87 FR 53297, Aug. 30, 2022, unless otherwise noted.
§ 236.21 Applicability.
(a) This subpart applies to requests for deferred action under the enforcement discretion policy set forth in
this subpart, which will be described as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This subpart does
not apply to or govern any other request for or grant of deferred action or any other DHS deferred action
(b) Except as specifically provided in this subpart, the provisions of 8 CFR part 103 do not apply to requests
filed under this subpart.
(1) Deferred action is an exercise of the Secretary's broad authority to establish national immigration
enforcement policies and priorities under 6 U.S.C. 202(5) and section 103 of the Act. It is a form of
enforcement discretion not to pursue the removal of certain aliens for a limited period in the interest
of ordering enforcement priorities in light of limitations on available resources, taking into account
humanitarian considerations and administrative convenience. It furthers the administrability of the
complex immigration system by permitting the Secretary to focus enforcement on higher priority
targets. This temporary forbearance from removal does not confer any right or entitlement to remain
in or reenter the United States. A grant of deferred action under this section does not preclude DHS
from commencing removal proceedings at any time or prohibit DHS or any other Federal agency
from initiating any criminal or other enforcement action at any time.
(2) During this period of forbearance, on the basis of this subpart only, USCIS may grant employment
authorization pursuant to 8 CFR 274a.13 and 274a.12(c)(33) to DACA recipients who have
demonstrated an economic need.
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8 CFR 236.21(c)(3)
(3) During this period of forbearance, on the basis of this subpart only, a DACA recipient is considered
“lawfully present” under the provisions of 8 CFR 1.3(a)(4)(vi).
(4) During this period of forbearance, on the basis of this subpart only, a DACA recipient is not
considered “unlawfully present” for the purpose of inadmissibility under section 212(a)(9) of the Act.
(d) This subpart rescinds and replaces the DACA guidance set forth in the Memorandum issued by the
Secretary of Homeland Security on June 15, 2012. All current grants of deferred action and any ancillary
features previously issued pursuant to the Memorandum remain in effect and will expire according to
their existing terms. All such current grants of deferred action and any ancillary features, as well as any
requests for renewals of those grants and new requests, are hereafter governed by this subpart and not
the Memorandum.
§ 236.22 Discretionary determination.
(a) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals; in general.
(1) USCIS may consider requests for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals submitted by aliens
described in paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) A pending request for deferred action under this section does not authorize or confer any interim
immigration benefits such as employment authorization or advance parole.
(3) Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, the requestor bears the burden of demonstrating by a
preponderance of the evidence that he or she meets the threshold criteria described in paragraph (b)
of this section.
(b) Threshold criteria. Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, a request for deferred action under this section
may be granted only if USCIS determines in its sole discretion that the requestor meets each of the
following threshold criteria and merits a favorable exercise of discretion:
(1) Came to the United States under the age of 16. The requestor must demonstrate that he or she first
resided in the United States before his or her sixteenth birthday.
(2) Continuous residence in the United States from June 15, 2007, to the time of filing of the request. The
requestor also must demonstrate that he or she has been residing in the United States continuously
from June 15, 2007, to the time of filing of the request. As used in this section, “residence” means
the principal, actual dwelling place in fact, without regard to intent, and specifically the country of the
actual dwelling place. Brief, casual, and innocent absences from the United States will not break the
continuity of one's residence. However, unauthorized travel outside of the United States on or after
August 15, 2012, will interrupt continuous residence, regardless of whether it was otherwise brief,
casual, and innocent. An absence will be considered brief, casual, and innocent if it occurred before
August 15, 2012, and—
The absence was short and reasonably calculated to accomplish the purpose for the absence;
(ii) The absence was not because of a post-June 15, 2007 order of exclusion, deportation, or
(iii) The absence was not because of a post-June 15, 2007 order of voluntary departure, or an
administrative grant of voluntary departure before the requestor was placed in exclusion,
deportation, or removal proceedings; and
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8 CFR 236.22(b)(2)(iv)
(iv) The purpose of the trip, and the requestor's actions while outside the United States, were not
contrary to law.
(3) Physical presence in the United States. The requestor must demonstrate that he or she was
physically present in the United States both on June 15, 2012, and at the time of filing of the request
for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals under this section.
(4) Lack of lawful immigration status. Both on June 15, 2012, and at the time of filing of the request for
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals under this section, the requestor must not have been in a
lawful immigration status. If the requestor was in lawful immigration status at any time before June
15, 2012, or at any time after June 15, 2012, and before the submission date of the request, he or
she must submit evidence that that lawful status had expired or otherwise terminated prior to those
(5) Education or veteran status. The requestor must currently be enrolled in school, have graduated or
obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a General Educational
Development certificate, or be an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Coast Guard or
Armed Forces of the United States.
(6) Criminal history, public safety, and national security. The requestor must not have been convicted (as
defined in section 101(a)(48) of the Act and as demonstrated by any of the documents or records
listed in § 1003.41 of this chapter) of a felony, a misdemeanor described in this paragraph (b)(6), or
three or more other misdemeanors not occurring on the same date and not arising out of the same
act, omission, or scheme of misconduct, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public
safety. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(6) only, expunged convictions, juvenile delinquency
adjudications, and convictions under State (including U.S. territory) laws for immigration-related
offenses are not considered disqualifying convictions. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(6) only, a
single misdemeanor is disqualifying if it is a misdemeanor as defined by Federal law (specifically,
one for which the maximum term of imprisonment authorized is 1 year or less but greater than 5
days) and that meets the following criteria:
Regardless of the sentence imposed, is an offense of domestic violence, sexual abuse or
exploitation, burglary, unlawful possession or use of a firearm, drug distribution or trafficking, or
driving under the influence; or
(ii) If not an offense listed above, is one for which the individual was sentenced to time in custody
of more than 90 days. The sentence must involve time to be served in custody and, therefore,
does not include a suspended sentence.
(7) Age at time of request. The requestor must have been born on or after June 16, 1981. Additionally,
the requestor must be at least 15 years of age at the time of filing his or her request, unless, at the
time of his or her request, he or she is in removal proceedings, has a final order of removal, or has a
voluntary departure order.
(c) Final discretionary determination. Deferred action requests submitted under this section are determined
on a case-by-case basis. Even if the threshold criteria in paragraph (b) are all found to have been met,
USCIS retains the discretion to assess the individual's circumstances and to determine that any factor
specific to that individual makes deferred action inappropriate.
§ 236.23 Procedures for request, terminations, and restrictions on information use.
(a) General.
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8 CFR 236.23(a)(1)
(1) A request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals must be filed in the manner and on the form
designated by USCIS, with the required fee, including any biometrics required by 8 CFR 103.16. A
request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals must also contain a request for employment
authorization filed pursuant to 8 CFR 274a.12(c)(33) and 274a.13.
(2) All requests for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, including any requests made by aliens in
removal proceedings before EOIR, must be filed with USCIS. USCIS has exclusive jurisdiction to
consider requests for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. EOIR shall have no jurisdiction to
consider requests for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or to review USCIS approvals or denials
of such requests. A voluntary departure order or a final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is
not a bar to requesting Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. An alien who is in removal
proceedings may request Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals regardless of whether those
proceedings have been administratively closed. An alien who is in immigration detention may
request Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals but may not be approved for Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals unless the alien is released from detention by ICE prior to USCIS' decision on the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals request.
(3) USCIS may request additional evidence from the requestor, including, but not limited to, by notice,
interview, or other appearance of the requestor. USCIS may deny a request for Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals without prior issuance of a request for evidence or notice of intent to deny.
(4) A grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals will be provided for an initial or renewal period of 2
years, subject to DHS's discretion. Related work authorization granted pursuant to 8 CFR
274a.12(c)(33), if approved in DHS's discretion, will be issued, subject to DHS's discretion, for the
period of the associated grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
(b) Consideration of a request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. In considering requests for Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals, USCIS may consult, as it deems appropriate in its discretion and without
notice to the requestor, with any other component or office of DHS, including ICE and CBP, any other
Federal agency, or any State or local law enforcement agency, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this
(c) Notice of decision.
(1) USCIS will notify the requestor and, if applicable, the requestor's attorney of record or accredited
representative of the decision in writing. Denial of a request for Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals does not bar a requestor from applying for any benefit or form of relief under the
immigration laws or requesting any other form of prosecutorial discretion, including another request
for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
(2) If USCIS denies a request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals under this section, USCIS will not
issue a Notice to Appear or refer a requestor's case to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
for possible enforcement action based on such denial unless USCIS determines that the case
involves denial for fraud, a threat to national security, or public safety concerns.
(3) There is no administrative appeal from a denial of a request for Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals. The alien may not file, pursuant to 8 CFR 103.5 or otherwise, a motion to reopen or
reconsider a denial of a request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
(d) Termination —
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8 CFR 236.23(d)(1)
(1) Discretionary termination. USCIS may terminate a grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals at
any time in its discretion. USCIS will provide a Notice of Intent to Terminate and an opportunity to
respond prior to terminating a grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, except USCIS may
terminate a grant of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals without a Notice of Intent to Terminate
and an opportunity to respond if the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient is convicted of a
national security-related offense involving conduct described in 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(iii), (iv), or
1227(a)(4)(A)(i), or an egregious public safety offense. If USCIS terminates a grant of Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals without a Notice of Intent to Terminate and an opportunity to respond,
USCIS will provide the individual with notice of the termination.
(2) Departure without advance parole and reentry without inspection. USCIS may terminate a grant of
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, in its discretion and following issuance of a Notice of Intent
to Terminate with an opportunity to respond, for DACA recipients who depart from the United States
without first obtaining an advance parole document and subsequently enter the United States
without inspection.
(3) Automatic termination of employment authorization. Any grant of employment authorization pursuant
to § 274a.12(c)(33) of this chapter will automatically terminate upon termination of a grant of
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, rather than in accordance with § 274a.14(a)(1)(ii) of this
chapter. Notice of intent to revoke employment authorization is not required pursuant to §
274a.14(a)(2) of this chapter.
(e) Restrictions on information use.
(1) Information contained in a request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals related to the requestor
will not be used by DHS for the purpose of initiating immigration enforcement proceedings against
such requestor, unless DHS is initiating immigration enforcement proceedings against the requestor
due to a criminal offense, fraud, a threat to national security, or public safety concerns.
(2) Information contained in a request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals related to the
requestor's family members or guardians will not be used for immigration enforcement purposes
against such family members or guardians.
§ 236.24 Severability.
(a) Any provision of this subpart held to be invalid or unenforceable as applied to any person or circumstance
shall be construed so as to continue to give the maximum effect to the provision permitted by law,
including as applied to persons not similarly situated or to dissimilar circumstances, unless such holding
is that the provision of this subpart is invalid and unenforceable in all circumstances, in which event the
provision shall be severable from the remainder of this subpart and shall not affect the remainder thereof.
(b) The provisions in § 236.21(c)(2) through (4) and § 274a.12(c)(14) and 274a.12(c)(33) are intended to be
severable from one another, from this subpart and any grant of forbearance from removal resulting from
this subpart, and from any provision referenced in those paragraphs, including such referenced provision's
application to persons with deferred action generally.
§ 236.25 No private rights.
This subpart is an exercise of the Secretary's enforcement discretion. This subpart—
(a) Is not intended to and does not supplant or limit otherwise lawful activities of the Department or the
Secretary; and
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(b) Is not intended to and does not create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any
party in any matter, civil or criminal.
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