OMB Control #: 1028-New
Expiration Date: Under Review at OMB
Instructions for Reviewers of the Project Expenditure Survey
This survey is one of two surveys associated with DOI’s study on the economic contribution of restoration. This survey will be completed by the project manager and by the contracted firms who worked on the restoration project, as identified by the answers to Questions 39 and 41 on the project summary survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather expenditure information on the restoration project, which in turn will be used to estimate the economic impacts in the local economy. If the project was a multiple-phased project, as indicated by the answer to Question 35 of the project summary survey, then relevant respondents will be asked to answer Questions 1 through 53 for each phase of the project.
This survey will be conducted online, thus providing an opportunity to tailor the questions to each respondent. This survey is designed so that the respondent will not necessarily answer every single question. The survey software (Key Survey™) will automate the skipping process so that the respondents will not have to take the time to navigate the skipping pattern. In this annotated version of the survey there are arrows after certain answer choices that will direct the reviewer to the next question in the skipping sequence. In the case where respondents are asked to fill in tables with expenditure information, arrows to the right of each cell will direct the reviewer to follow-up questions conditional on a numeric response in the given cell.
The survey refers to the ‘local area (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z). The local area for the economic contribution analysis will be determined prior to administering the survey and each survey will be auto-filled by the software to include the local area definition.
It must be noted that the language of the survey will change slightly depending on whether the respondent is the project manager or one of the hired contractors. The survey language will also change depending on if the project is single phased or multiple phased. In the cases where the language will change in the survey, parentheses with italicized script will be inserted for the reviewer’s convenience.
In response to Question 2 in the PRA Supporting Statement Part A, we have justified the questions in this survey. Throughout the survey we have included text in shaded boxes. These boxes provide the required justification and additional information for groups of questions or individual questions.
Project Expenditure Survey
All respondents will receive the same instructions and may answer Questions 1 through 53 below depending on the nature of their responses. When the project manager answered “yes” to Question 35 on the project summary survey, all relevant respondents (project manager and contractors) will be asked to answer Questions 1 through 53 for each phase of the project (i.e., planning, implementation, and monitoring/post-implementation).
Thank you for participating in our study of the economic contributions of restoration. This survey will ask you about your firm’s expenditures on labor, equipment, repairs and maintenance, materials and supplies, overhead, and travel for this restoration project. We will use this information to estimate the employment impacts of this restoration project.
This survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You can pause at any time; simply close the window and your answers will be saved. To resume and complete the survey, you will need to click on the link to the survey in the email you received. At that point, you can answer any remaining questions and/or edit any of your previous responses. At the end of the survey, click on the “Submit” button to finish the survey.
If you have any questions about the survey or the case study, please contact me at 970-226-9164 or
Thank you,
Cathy Thomas
U.S. Geological Survey
The NRDA Restoration Program does not have accurate information available on the necessary inputs and associated costs for conducting restoration. All of the questions in this survey address this question.
Question 1 breaks the firm’s total project expenditures into the three primary types of expenditures: labor, non-labor, and contracting costs.
The remainder of the survey further subdivides expenditures within the non-labor and labor cost categories. Responses from Question 1 will be used to automatically fill portions of subsequent questions in the survey. The reported total non-labor cost will be used in Question 2, and the reported total labor cost will be used in Question 41.
Please list your firm’s expenditures on labor, non-labor, and contractor costs for this project (or phase).
Labor costs: includes the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance to employees of your firm and any contracted labor. This amount should also include proprietor’s income.
Non-labor costs: includes all other non-subcontracting expenses including overhead and administration.
Contracting (or subcontracting) costs: includes the total amount to hire other firms to perform and conduct components of this restoration project.
Expenditure Category |
Expenditures ($) |
Labor Cost |
Non-Labor Cost |
Contracting Cost |
Total Expenditure of Project (or Phase) |
=sum of column |
Question 2 asks the respondent to break total non-labor costs into five categories. An “other” category has been included so that respondents with expenses that do not fit into the five categories can fully account for all non-labor expenses. The survey software will require that the reported expenditures in each of the non-labor cost categories sum to the total non-labor cost reported in Question 1. In subsequent questions, respondents will be asked to further break the values reported for materials and travel into subcategories. This level of detail is desired by the NRDA Restoration Program, and it is the necessary level of detail required to accurately model the economic impacts associated with project expenditures.
Please break your non-labor expenses for this restoration project (or phase) into the following categories. Your responses should add to the total non-labor cost of $XX.
Equipment: refers to durable goods such as vehicles and machinery.
Materials: refer to goods purchased as inputs specifically for this project (e.g. gravel, fencing, office supplies, etc.)
Non-Labor Cost Categories
Non-labor expenditures ($): |
Equipment rental/leasing/daily use rates
→Question 3 if >0 |
Equipment maintenance and repair
→Question 4 if >0 |
→Question 13 if >0 |
→Question 8 if >0 |
Overhead/Administration |
→Question 5 if >0 |
Other |
→Question 6 if >0 |
Total Non-Labor Expenditure |
=sum column; Must sum to total non-labor expenditure |
Questions 3 through 5 ask the respondent to indicate the percent of the non-labor expenditures reported in each category that were purchased within the counties surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z). Each question will only be asked if the respondent indicated a positive dollar value for the respective non-labor cost category from Question 2. The percent of total expenditures that were purchased within the local economy is important information to accurately model the local economic impacts of the expenditures. Without this information, it is not possible to “leak” the expenditures made outside of the local area, which would result in inaccurate impact estimates.
Of your firm’s expenditures on equipment rental/leasing/daily use rates, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be 0% - 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on equipment maintenance and repair, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be 0% - 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on overhead/administration, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be 0% - 100%)
Questions 6 and 7 will only be asked if the respondent indicated a positive “other” expenditure in Question 2. Question 6 asks the respondent to describe what the “other” non-labor expenditure was, and Question 7 asks how much of the “other” non-labor expenditure was purchased locally. These two questions are important to fully account for and correctly model the economic activity due to the restoration project.
Please describe your firm’s other non-labor expenditure for this project. (Open-ended – limit 1500 characters)
Of your firm’s other non-labor expenditure, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be 0% - 100%)
Question 8 asks the respondent to break their travel cost into separate expenditure categories. The survey software will require the respective travel cost categories to sum to the total travel costs reported in Question 2.
Please break your firm’s travel expenses for this restoration project (or phase) into the following categories. Your responses should add to the total travel expenditure reported in Question 2.
Travel Cost Categories
Travel Expenditures ($) |
Per diem (including lodging, food, and incidental expenses)
→Question 11 if >0 |
Car/truck rental (for travel)
→Question 12 if >0 |
Gas (for travel)
→Question 13 if >0 |
Other (including airfare)
→Question 9 if >0 |
Total Travel Expenditures |
=sum column ;Must sum to travel expenditures |
Question 9 asks for the respondent to describe what the other travel expenditures were for the restoration project or specific phase. The purpose of questions 9 and 10 are to more fully account for and correctly model the economic activity of all the travel expenditures for the restoration project.
Please describe your firm’s other travel expenditures for this project (or phase). (Open-ended response; limit 1500 words)
Questions 10 through 13 ask the respondent to indicate the percent of the travel expenditures reported in each category that were purchased within the counties surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z). Each question will only be asked if the respondent indicated a positive dollar value for the respective travel cost category from Question 8.
Of your firm’s other travel expenditures, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on per diem, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on car/truck rental for travel, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on gas for travel, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
Question 14 asks the respondent to break the materials expenditure into separate categories. The survey software will require the respective material categories to sum to the total materials expenditure reported in Question 2. The purpose of separating the total expenditure on materials into the respective categories found in question 14 is to more accurately model the economic impacts of those purchases on the local economy.
Please break the materials expenses for this restoration project (or phase) into the following categories. Your responses should add to the total materials costs of $XX.
Materials Expenditures ($) |
Materials |
General retail merchandise (e.g., food, clothes, work gloves) |
→Question 15 if >0 |
Office Supplies |
→Question 16 if >0 |
Gasoline |
→Question 17 if >0 |
Fencing (wood) |
→Question 18 if >0 |
Fencing (wire) |
→Question 19 if >0 |
Wood products (e.g., chips, posts, ties) |
→Question 20 if >0 |
Metal posts |
→Question 21 if >0 |
Plastic netting (e.g., Tensar) |
→Question 22 if >0 |
Natural Fiber fabrics |
→Question 23 if >0 |
Synthetic fabrics |
→Question 24 if >0 |
Water and water delivery systems |
→Question 25 if >0 |
Soil |
→Question 26 if >0 |
Seeds |
→Question 27 if >0 |
Nursery/greenhouse products |
→Question 28 if >0 |
Sand and gravel |
→Question 29 if >0 |
Rocks and riprap |
→Question 30 if >0 |
Mulch (hay, straw, etc.) |
→Question 31 if >0 |
Soil amendments (lime, organic wastes, binders, etc.) |
→Question 32 if >0 |
Fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals |
→Question 33 if >0 |
Plastic pipes and pipe fittings (excluding water delivery systems) |
→Question 34 if >0 |
Concrete pipes and conduits |
→Question 35 if >0 |
Brick/concrete products (not including pipes) |
→Question 36 if >0 |
Ready-Mix Concrete |
→Question 37 if >0 |
Hardware (e.g. bolts, nuts, screws, spikes) |
→Question 38 if >0 |
Paint and other coatings |
→Question 39 if >0 |
Communications equipment |
→Question 40 if >0 |
Other (please describe) |
→Question 41 if >0 |
Total Materials Expenditure |
=sum column ;Must sum to total materials expenditure |
Questions 15 through 41 are follow-up questions to Question 14. Each question in this series will only be asked if the respondent indicated a positive dollar value for the material cost category from Question 14.
Part A asks the respondent to indicate the percent of the material expenditure that was spent within the counties surrounding the project location. The percent of total expenditures that were spent within the local economy is important information to accurately model the local economic impacts of the expenditures. Economic impacts are based on iterative spending within a local economy. Money that doesn’t stay in the local economy after the first round of spending is termed a leakage because it is never spent in the local economy and thus does not generate any local economic impacts. Without information on the percent of expenditures that were spent within the local economy, it is not possible to “leak” the expenditures made outside of the local area, which would result in inaccurate impact estimates.
Part B asks the respondent to indicate where in the supply chain the material was purchased. This information is important to accurately model the economic impacts associated with the material purchase. Part B is omitted from Questions 15 and 16, because these materials (general retail merchandise and office supplies) are assumed to be purchased from a retailer.
Of your firm’s expenditures on general retail merchandise, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
Of your firm’s expenditures on office supplies, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on gasoline during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on gasoline, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the gasoline for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on fencing (wood) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on fencing (wood), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the fencing (wood) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on fencing (wire) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on fencing (wire), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the fencing (wire) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on wood products (e.g. chips, post, ties) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on wood products (e.g. chips, posts, ties), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the wood products (e.g. chips, posts, ties) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on metal posts during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on metal posts, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the metal posts for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on plastic netting (e.g. Tensar) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on plastic netting (e.g. Tensar), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the plastic netting (e.g. Tensar) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on natural fiber fabrics during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on natural fiber fabrics, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the natural fiber fabrics for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on synthetic fabrics during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on synthetic fabrics, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the synthetic fabrics for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on water and water delivery systems during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on water and water delivery systems, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the water and water delivery systems for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on soil during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on soil, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the soil for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on seeds during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on seeds, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the seeds for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on nursery/greenhouse products during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on nursery/greenhouse products, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the nursery/greenhouse products for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on sand and gravel during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on sand and gravel, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the sand and gravel for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on rocks and riprap during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on rocks and riprap, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the rocks and riprap for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on mulch (hay, straw, etc.) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on mulch (hay, straw, etc.), what percentage of these expenditures was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the mulch (hay, straw, etc.) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on soil amendments (lime, organic wastes, binders, etc.) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on soil amendments (lime, organic wastes, binders, etc.), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the soil amendments (lime, organic wastes, binders, etc.) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural chemicals during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on plastic pipes and pipe fittings (excluding water delivery systems) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on plastic pipes and pipe fittings (excluding water delivery systems), what percentage of these expenditures was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e.. counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the plastic pipes and pipe fittings (excluding water delivery systems) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on concrete pipes and conduits during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on concrete pipes and conduits, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the concrete pipes and conduits for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on brick/concrete products (not including pipes) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on brick/concrete products (not including pipes), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the brick/concrete products (not including pipes) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on ready-mix concrete during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on ready-mix concrete, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the ready-mix concrete for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on hardware (e.g. bolts, nuts, screw, spikes) during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on hardware (e.g. bolts, nuts, screws, spikes), what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the hardware (e.g. bolts, nuts, screws, spikes) for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on paint and other coatings during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on paint and other coatings, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the paint and other coatings for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on communications equipment during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on communications equipment, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the communications equipment for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
The following questions are about your firm’s expenditure on other materials during this project (or phase).
Of your firm’s expenditures on other materials, what percentage was spent within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? (Open-ended response; can be from 0% to 100%)
From what type of business did your firm purchase the other materials for this project? (check one)
_____ retailer
_____ wholesaler
_____ direct from the manufacturer or producer
Question 42 asks the respondent to break their labor costs by type of worker. The survey software will require the total costs for the respective worker types to sum to the “total labor cost” reported in Question 1.
Question 43 addressed the special case of temporary labor crews. Temporary labor is an important component of many restoration projects, and this type of labor is not well modeled within economic impact models. Question 43 directly gathers information on the quantity and duration of temporary labor crews. This information will give the NRDA Restoration Program a more accurate understanding of the jobs supported by restoration actions.
Questions 44-53 are asked in two parts, and each question will only be asked if the respondent indicated a positive dollar value for the respective type of worker from Question 42. Part A asks for the respondent to indicate average hourly payroll cost for each type of worker. This information will be used in conjunction with the responses from Question 42 to calculate the number of jobs directly supported by the restoration project. These direct employment numbers are an important component of the economic impacts the NRDA Restoration Program is interested in. Part B asks the respondent to indicate the percent of the laborers for the employment type that live and work within the local area near the project area. This information will be used to assure that only local labor impacts are included in the impact analysis.
Breakdown of labor costs:
Please break your firm’s labor expenses for this restoration project (or phase) into the following categories. Labor expenses include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance to employees of your firm and any contracted labor. Labor expenses also include proprietor’s income. Your responses should add to your total labor costs ($XX).
Type of Worker |
Labor Expenditures($) |
Project Managers
→Question 44 if >0 |
Biologists/ecologists/other restoration scientists
→Question 45 if >0 |
Engineers and other planners/designers
→Question 46 if >0 |
Administrative Staff
→Question 47 if >0 |
Machine and equipment operators
→Question 48 if >0 |
Truck drivers
→Question 49 if >0 |
→Question 50 if >0 |
Manual laborers
→Question 51 if >0 |
Temporary Labor Crews
→Question 43 if >0 |
Proprietor’s Income |
→Question 52 if >0 |
Total Labor Expenditure |
=sum column ;Must sum to total labor costs |
The following questions are about the temporary labor crews hired for this project:
What was the average number of people per crew? ___
Please indicate the total number of weeks that temporary labor crews worked on this project. ___
On average, how many hours per week did members of temporary labor crews work?
The following questions are about the project managers for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the project managers who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the project managers who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the biologists/ecologists/other restoration scientists for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the biologists, ecologists, and other restoration scientists who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the biologists, ecologists, and other restoration scientists who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the engineers and other planner/designers for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the engineers, planners, and designers who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the engineers, planners, and designers who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the administrative staff for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the administrative staff who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the administrative staff who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the machine and equipment operators for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the machine and equipment operators who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the machine and equipment operators who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the truck drivers for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the truck drivers who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the truck drivers who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the technicians for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the technicians who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the technicians who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
The following questions are about the manual laborers for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the manual laborers who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the manual laborers who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
Please describe the other types of workers hired during this restoration project. (Open-ended formation; limit 1500 words) will then be directed to answer Question 53
The following questions are about the “other” employees for this project:
What is your average payroll cost per hour for the “other” employees who worked on this project? Payroll costs include the full costs of labor including benefits, wages, taxes and insurance. ______
What percent of the “other employees” who worked on this project live and work within the local area surrounding the project location (i.e., counties X, Y, and Z)? ______
You have now completed the survey. Thank you!
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to tell you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. The information that we collect in this survey will help improve agency decision making on individual restoration projects, help prioritize spending across restoration projects, and meet internal guidelines for credible economic analysis. Your response is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. We estimate it will take an average of 30 minutes to complete this survey. You may send comments concerning the burden estimate or any aspect of the survey to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive MS 807, Reston, VA 20192. OMB CONTROL #1028-XXXX EXPIRATION DATE XX/XX/201X.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Huber, Christopher C. |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |