Published 60-day FR Notice

Published 60-day FR Notice.pdf

Energy and Performance Information Center (EPIC)

Published 60-day FR Notice

OMB: 2577-0274

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2016 / Notices

evaluation to be implemented as part of
the expansion of the Moving to Work
(MTW) demonstration program. The
2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act
(the Act) authorizes HUD to expand the
MTW demonstration program by an
additional 100 high performing Public
Housing Agencies over a period of seven
years.1 Agencies will be added to the
MTW demonstration by cohort and the
Act requires that for each cohort of
agencies ‘‘the Secretary shall direct one
specific policy change to be
implemented by the agencies.’’ Having
an entire cohort adopt a specific policy
will facilitate the evaluation of that
DATES: Comments Due Date: May 4,
Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
specific policy and evaluation proposals
to the Moving to Work Office, Office of
Public and Indian Housing, Department
of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4130,
Washington, DC 20410–0001 or email at HUD strongly
encourages commenters to submit
comments electronically.
Communications must refer to the above
docket number and title and should
contain the information specified in the
‘‘Request for Public Comments’’ section.
No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile
(FAX) comments are not acceptable.
Public Inspection of Public
Comments. A summary of all comments
received by HUD will be made available
on HUD’s Web site at: http://
Questions concerning this notice should
be directed to the Moving to Work
Office, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development at mtw-info@


mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

I. Background
The statutory purpose 2 of the MTW
demonstration is to give agencies and
HUD the flexibility to design and test
various approaches for providing and
administering housing assistance that:
(1) reduce cost and achieve greater
cost effectiveness in federal
(2) give incentives to families with
children where the head of household is
working; is seeking work; or is
preparing for work by participating in
1 Pub.

Law 114–113, Sec. 239.
originally authorized the MTW
demonstration in 1996 (Pub. Law 104–134; 42
U.S.C. 1437f note).
2 Congress

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job training, educational programs, or
programs that assist people to obtain
employment and become economically
self-sufficient; and
(3) increase housing choices for
eligible low-income families.
Agencies will be added to the MTW
demonstration by cohort and per the
Act: ‘‘the Secretary shall direct one
specific policy change to be
implemented by the agencies, and with
the approval of the Secretary, such
agencies may implement additional
policy changes.’’
As part of the process to expand the
MTW demonstration, the Act states that
‘‘[t]he Secretary shall establish a
research advisory committee which
shall advise the Secretary with respect
to specific policy proposals and
methods of research and evaluation for
the demonstration.’’ Through this
Notice, HUD is requesting specific
policy proposal recommendations, and
methods for research and evaluation
recommendations, that will inform the
advisory committee in making its own
recommendations to the Secretary.
With the expansion of the MTW
demonstration, HUD aims to learn from
MTW interventions in order to improve
the delivery of federally assisted
housing and promote self-sufficiency for
low-income families across the country.

• Developing strategies to better
utilize project-based vouchers;
• Improving the health and wellbeing of elderly and disabled residents;
• Achieving the goal of ending
homelessness for families, veterans,
youth, and the chronically homeless;
• Cultivating supportive or sponsorbased housing policies.

II. Request for Public Comments
HUD seeks public comments on
specific policy proposal
recommendations, and research and
evaluation proposal recommendations,
as described in sections II.A and II.B
below. Public housing agencies, HUDassisted housing residents, researchers,
and HUD stakeholders are encouraged
to submit comments.

Dated: March 28, 2016.
Lourdes Castro Ramı´rez,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Public and Indian Housing.
Katherine M. O’Regan,
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development
and Research.

A. Specific Policy Proposal
HUD seeks specific policy proposal
recommendations related to the three
MTW demonstration statutory
objectives of cost effectiveness, selfsufficiency, and housing choice. For
example, HUD is interested in specific
policy areas such as:
• Increasing moves of low-income
families to high-opportunity
• Improving education outcomes
through housing partnerships;
• Using administrative flexibilities to
reduce costs and improve operations,
governance, and financial management;
• Structuring alternative rent-setting
• Streamlining admissions and/or
occupancy policies (i.e., work
requirements, time limits, waitlist
preference alterations);


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B. Research and Evaluation Proposal
HUD also seeks recommendations for
research and evaluation methods to be
utilized in association with specific
policy proposals that will be
implemented by MTW agencies in the
expanded MTW demonstration. The Act
specifically requires that rigorous
research methods be used to test the
policy proposals. HUD seeks specific
proposals of what the committee should
consider as rigorous research in
addition to randomized control trials. In
addition, the law calls for the advisory
committee to recommend what policies
already are proven effective and could
be implemented without further
research. HUD seeks comment on what
policies should be considered as having
already been proven successful, with
specific reference to the rigorous
research that supports the claim.

[FR Doc. 2016–07663 Filed 4–1–16; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. FR–5916–N–05]

60-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Energy and Performance
Information Center (EPIC)
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.

HUD is seeking approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for the information collection
described below. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is
requesting comment from all interested
parties on the proposed collection of
information. The purpose of this notice
is to allow for 60 days of public




Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2016 / Notices

Comments Due Date: June 3,

Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
Control Number and should be sent to:
Colette Pollard, Reports Management
Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Room 4176, Washington, DC
20410–5000; telephone 202–402–3400
(this is not a toll-free number) or email
at for a copy of
the proposed forms or other available
information. Persons with hearing or
speech impairments may access this
number through TTY by calling the tollfree Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–
Arlette Mussington, Office of Policy,
Programs and Legislative Initiatives,
PIH, Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW.,
(L’Enfant Plaza, Room 2206),
Washington, DC 20410; telephone 202–
402–4109, (this is not a toll-free
number). Persons with hearing or
speech impairments may access this
number via TTY by calling the Federal
Information Relay Service at (800) 877–
8339. Copies of available documents
submitted to OMB may be obtained
from Ms. Mussington.
notice informs the public that HUD is
seeking approval from OMB for the
information collection described in
section A.

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


A. Overview of Information Collection
Title of Information Collection:
Energy and Performance Information
Center (EPIC).
OMB Approval Number: 2577–0274.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Form Numbers: N/A—all information
collected electronically.
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: The
Department has recognized the need for
improving energy efficiency in
affordable housing and has prioritized
this in Agency Priority Goal # 4,
Measure # 13. The energy efficiency
data collected through EPIC gives the
Department a more comprehensive
dataset regarding energy efficiency. The
EPIC data system will gradually
automate the collection of the five year
plan and annual statement forms from
grantees. These are required forms
presently collected in hard copy on
Forms HUD 50075.1 and HUD 50075.2
under collection OMB control number
2577–0226. These forms also collect

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data on the eventual, actual use of
funds; this data will be gradually
collected electronically through the
EPIC data system as well. Electronic
collection will enable the Department to
aggregate information about the way
grantees are using Federal funding.
Additionally, PHA grantees will be able
to submit Replacement Housing Factor
fund plans, the mechanism by which
PHAs are allowed to accumulate special
funds received based on units removed
from the inventory from year to year.
This information is presently collected
in hard copy at the field office level; the
EPIC data system will automate and
centralize this collection in order to
streamline the process and improve
transparency. Furthermore, the EPIC
data system will be loaded with
Physical Needs Assessment (‘‘PNA’’)
data. This data being in the system
coupled with the electronic planning
process will streamline grantee
planning. The EPIC data system will
collect information about the Energy
Performance Contract (‘‘EPC’’) process,
including the energy efficiency
improvements. As the Department
moves to shrink its energy footprint in
spite of rising energy costs, clear and
comprehensive data on this process will
be crucial to its success. Finally, the
Department has prioritized in Agency
Performance Goal # 2, Measure # 5
making housing more available for more
families. In the light of the recent
housing crisis, this goal has become
simultaneously more challenging and
more important. Tracking of the use of
Federal funds paid through the Public
Housing Capital Fund, the only Federal
funding stream dedicated to the capital
needs of the nation’s last resort housing
option, is crucial to understanding how
the Department can properly and
efficiently assist grantees in meeting this
goal as well as assessing the
Department’s own progress. The EPIC
data system will track development of
public housing with Federal funds and
through other means, including mixedfinance development.
Respondents (i.e. affected public):
Members of Affected Public: State, Local
or Local Governments and Non-profit
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses:
31,800 annual responses .
Frequency of Response: 1.
Average Hours per Response: 2.19 .
Total Estimated Burdens: 69,645
B. Solicitation of Public Comment
This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and affected

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parties concerning the collection of
information described in section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond; including through
the use of appropriate automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
HUD encourages interested parties to
submit comment in response to these
Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35
as amended.
Dated: March 26, 2016.
Merrie Nichols-Dixon,
Deputy Director, Office of Policy, Programs
and Legislative Initiatives.
[FR Doc. 2016–07665 Filed 4–1–16; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Indian Affairs
[167 A2100DD/AAKC001030/

Indian Gaming; Tribal-State Class III
Gaming Compact Taking Effect in the
State of New Mexico
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.

The Pueblo of Sandia and
State of New Mexico entered into a
Tribal-State compact governing Class III
gaming; this notice announces that the
compact is taking effect.
DATES: Effective April 4, 2016.
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
Gaming, Office of the Assistant
Secretary—Indian Affairs, Washington,
DC 20240, (202) 219–4066.
of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
(IGRA) requires the Secretary of the
Interior to publish in the Federal
Register notice of approved Tribal-State
compacts that are for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. See Public Law 100–



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-04-02
File Created2016-04-02

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