Moving to Work Demonstration

OMB 2577-0216

OMB 2577-0216

MTW is a long term demonstration program authorized in 1996 and recently expanded in 2016, which permits select PHAs to implement certain programmatic flexibilities to address local needs. PHAs submit application materials to HUD requesting authorization and describing their plans to implement MTW flexibilities. All PHAs are required to submit annual plans to HUD, however, PHAs with a Moving to Work demonstration designation, (39 at the time of submission of this request) must submit an Annual MTW Plan and Annual MTW Report in lieu of the standard 5-year plan and annual update. In 2013, revisions were made to this 50900 form to streamline the process of Agencies submitting required Annual Plan and Report Data to HUD so that the Department is able to better respond to Congressional and other inquiries regarding outcome measures obtained and promising practices learned throughout the duration of the demonstration. This 2017 revision of the Form makes a variety of minor refinements to improve clarity and usability, based on the experiences of HUD and PHAs with the form over the last 3 years.

The latest form for Moving to Work Demonstration expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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