The FERC Form No. 580 (Form 580) interrogatory is conducted every two years. On this form the Commission collects information from public utilities subject to its jurisdiction that own or operate power plants that generate a minimum of 50MW. Presently there are approximately 82 public utilities that file the form. The information collected through the Form 580 interrogatory is used by Commission staff to review utility purchase and cost recovery practices through AACs (automatic adjustment clauses) to ensure efficient use of resources, in compliance with the statute and with Commission regulations promulgated in 18 CFR §35.14. The information is also used by the Commission and the public to evaluate costs in individual rate filings and to supplement periodic utility audits. This administrative non-substantive changes updates the period covered. Generally, the year range will change from “2016-2017” to “2018-2019”.
The latest form for FERC Form 580, Interrogatory on Fuel and Energy Purchase Practices expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.
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