Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
Certain Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 4 Requirements
OMB Control No. 9000-0189
Justification – Part A Supporting Statement
FAR sections affected: 52.204-3, 52.204-6, 52.204-7, 52.204-12, 52.204-13, 52.204-14, 52.204-15, 52.204-16, 52.204-17, 52.204-18, 52.204-20, 52.204-23, 52.212-1(j), 52.212-3(b), and 52.212-3(l)
Overview of Information Collection:
This justification supports clearance of an extension of the collection and a revision to address existing Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code requirements.
There are no program changes. The FAR requirements remain the same. This extension includes adjustments to the burden due to use of the latest data available in the Federal
Procurement Data System (FPDS) and the System for Award Management (SAM), and the calendar year 2024 Office of Personnel Management (OPM) General Schedule (GS) Salary Table for the rest of the United States as explained in item 15.
Need & Method for the Information Collection. This clearance covers the information that offerors and contractors must submit to comply with the following FAR requirements:
a. FAR 52.204-3, and 52.212-3(l) - Taxpayer Identification Number Information. When there is not a requirement to be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM), offerors are required to submit their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) information by the provision at FAR 52.204-3, Taxpayer Identification, for other than commercial acquisitions, and by paragraph (l) of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Products and Commercial Services, for commercial acquisitions.
b. FAR 52.204-6, 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 - Unique Entity Identifier. When there is not a requirement to be registered in SAM, offerors are required to submit their unique entity identifier by the provision at FAR 52.204-6, Unique Entity Identifier, for other than commercial acquisitions, and by paragraph (j) of the provision at FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Products and Commercial Services, for commercial acquisitions. The clause at FAR 52.204-12, Unique Entity Identifier Maintenance, requires contractors to maintain their unique entity identifier with the organization designated in SAM to issue such identifiers, for the life of the contract. The clause also requires contractors to notify contracting officers of any changes to the unique entity identifier.
c. FAR 52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) - SAM Registration and Maintenance. The provision at FAR 52.204-7, System for Award Management, requires offerors to be registered in SAM when submitting an offer or quotation and at time of award, except in certain limited cases, and to continue to be registered through final payment of any award that results from such offer. The clause at FAR 52.204-13, System for Award Management Maintenance, requires contractors to make sure their SAM data is kept current, accurate, and complete throughout contract performance and final payment; this maintenance is, at a minimum, to be done through an annual review and update of the contractor’s SAM registration. Paragraph (b) of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Products and Commercial Services, contains the equivalent of FAR 52.204-7 and 52.204-13, for commercial acquisitions.
d. FAR 52.204-14, and 52.204-15 - Service Contract Reporting Requirements. The clauses at FAR 52.204-14, Service Contract Reporting Requirements, and FAR 52.204-15, Service Contract Reporting Requirements for Indefinite-Delivery Contracts, require contractors to report the following information in SAM annually:
(1) Contract number and, as applicable, order number.
(2) The total dollar amount invoiced for services performed during the previous Government fiscal year under each contract.
(3) The number of contractor direct labor hours expended on the services performed during the previous Government fiscal year.
(4) Data reported by each first-tier subcontractor providing services under the contract if required to do so.
e. FAR 52.204-16 and 52.204-18, Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code Reporting and Maintenance. The provision at FAR 52.204-16, Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting, require offerors to provide their CAGE code, including name and location address, with their offer. The CAGE code must be for that name and location address. The CAGE code is required prior to award. The clause at FAR 52.204-18, Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance, requires contractors to maintain their CAGE code throughout the life of the contract for each location of contract, including subcontract, performance.
For contractors registered in SAM, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) CAGE Branch shall only modify data received from SAM in the CAGE master file if the contractor initiates those changes via update of its SAM registration. Contractors undergoing a novation or change-of-name agreement shall notify the contracting officer in accordance with FAR subpart 42.12. The contractor shall communicate any change to the CAGE code to the contracting officer within 30 days after the change, so that a modification can be issued to update the CAGE code on the contract.
Contractors located in the U.S. or its outlying areas that are not registered in SAM shall submit written change request to the DLA CAGE Branch.
Contractors located outside the U.S. and its outlying areas that are not registered in SAM shall contact the appropriate National Codification Bureau (points of contact available at http://www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/main/links/contacts.htm) or NSPA at https://eportal.nspa.nato.int/AC135Public/scage/CageList.aspx to request CAGE changes.
f. FAR 52.204-17, Ownership or Control of Offeror. This provision requires offerors to represent whether they are owned or controlled by another entity, and if so, to provide the CAGE code and name of such entity.
g. FAR 52.204-20, Predecessor of Offeror. This provision requires offerors to identify if the offeror is, within the last three years, a successor to another entity that received a Federal Government award and, if so, to provide the CAGE code and legal name of the predecessor.
h. FAR 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities. This clause requires contractors to report, in writing, to the contracting officer or, in the case of DoD, to the website at https://dibnet.dod.mil, any instance when the contractor identifies a covered article provided to the Government during contract performance, or if contractors are notified of such an event by subcontractors at any tier or any other source.
2. Use of the Information.
a. FAR 52.204-3, and 52.212-3(l) - Taxpayer Identification Number Information. The TIN information may be used by the Government to collect and report on any delinquent amounts arising out of the offeror's relationship with the Government (31 U.S.C. 7701(c)(3)). If a contract is subject to the payment reporting requirements in FAR 4.904, the TIN may be matched with the Internal Revenue Service records to verify the accuracy of the TIN submitted by the offeror.
b. FAR 52.204-6, 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 - Unique Entity Identifier. The Government uses the unique entity identifier to identify contractors in reporting to FPDS. FPDS provides a comprehensive mechanism for assembling, organizing, and presenting contract placement data for the Federal Government. Contracting officers use a notification provided under FAR 52.204-12 regarding any change to the unique entity identifier to modify contracts to reflect the updated unique entity identifier.
c. FAR 52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) - SAM Registration and Maintenance. The Government use the collected information to establish a common source of vendor data to increase visibility of vendor sources (including their geographical locations) for specific supplies and services.
d. FAR 52.204-14, and 52.204-15 - Service Contract Reporting Requirements. Section 743 of Division C of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117) requires executive agencies covered by the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (Pub. L. 105-270), except DoD, to submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) an annual inventory of activities performed by service contractors. DoD is exempt from this reporting requirement because 10 U.S.C. 4505(c) already require DoD to develop an annual service contract inventory. Civilian agencies use the service contract information provided by FAR clauses 52.204-14 and 52.204-15 to supplement agency annual service contract reporting requirements with the contractor-provided service contract reporting information.
e. FAR 52.204-16 and 52.204-18, CAGE Code Reporting and Maintenance; and FAR 52.204-17, Ownership or Control of Offeror. The CAGE code system may be used, among other things, to—
(1) Exchange data with another contracting activity, including contract administration activities and contract payment activities;
(2) Exchange data with another system that requires the unique identification of a contractor entity; or
(3) Identify when offerors are owned or controlled by another entity.
f. FAR 52.204-20, Predecessor of Offeror. The information on predecessors is used to identify such entities in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) to allow retrieval of integrity and performance data on the most recent predecessor of an apparent successful offeror to whom award is anticipated. FAR 9.104-6 requires contracting officers to consult FAPIIS before awarding a contract that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT).
g. FAR 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities. Agency personnel will use the collected information to identify and remove prohibited hardware, software, or services from Government use. This information collection is required to comply with section 1634 of Division A of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 (Pub. L. 115-91).
3. Use of Information Technology. Federal agencies use information technology to the maximum extent practicable. Where both the Government agency and contractors are capable of electronic interchange, the contractors may submit this information collection requirement electronically.
Regarding FAR 52.204-16, contractors located in the U.S. or its outlying areas that are not registered in SAM shall submit written change request to the DLA CAGE Branch at https://cage.dla.mil.
Regarding FAR 52.204-23, defense contractors provide reports at https://dibnet.dod.mil.
4. Non-duplication. These requirements are issued under the FAR, which has been developed to standardize Federal procurement practices and eliminate unnecessary duplication.
5. Burden on Small Business. The burden applied to small businesses is the minimum consistent with applicable laws, Executive orders, regulations, and prudent business practices.
6. Less Frequent Collection.
a. FAR 52.204-3, 52.204-6, 52.212-1(j), and 52.212-3(l) – TIN Information and Unique Entity Identifier. These collections of information are required on a solicitation-by-solicitation basis.
b. FAR 52.204-12 - Unique Entity Identifier. The notification required by this clause is only provided in the event the contractor has a change to their unique entity identifier during the life of a contract.
c. FAR 52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) - SAM Registration and Maintenance. With regards to the SAM registration, offerors only register once, which is much less frequent than having to provide the information with every individual proposal submittal. The maintenance of SAM information required by FAR clause 52.204-13 is, at a minimum, to be done annually.
d. FAR 52.204-14, and 52.204-15 - Service Contract Reporting Requirements. If the information is not obtained from the applicable contractors, agencies will be unable to comply with the annual services inventory reporting requirements and analysis that are mandated by law (Section 743 of Division C of Pub. L. 111-117).
e. FAR 52.204-16, and 52.204-18, CAGE Code Reporting and Maintenance; and FAR 52.204-17, Ownership or Control of Offeror. Failure to collect this information may impact the Government’s ability to identify and correct patterns or instances of fraud, waste, and abuse. The requirement for information collection to obtain a CAGE code is a one-time requirement and applies to a subset population which does not register through SAM. Similarly, offerors who complete representations and certifications in SAM will update once to complete the ownership provision.
f. FAR 52.204-20, Predecessor of Offeror. The information is entered in SAM, so it need only be provided annually or when the information changes. This is the minimum frequency required to keep the information up to date.
g. FAR 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities. If collection is not conducted or conducted less frequently could include the compromise of Government information systems, release and compromise of Government data, and harm to national security as section 1634 is meant to be a national security measure to protect Government information and information systems.
7. Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines. Collection is consistent with guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).
8. Consultation and Public Comments.
A 60-day notice was published in the Federal Register at 89 FR 104154, on December 20, 2024. No comments were received.
A 30-day notice was published in the Federal Register at 90 FR 11973, on March 13, 2025.
Gifts or Payment. This collection does not provide any payment or gift to respondents, other than remuneration of contractors.
Privacy & Confidentiality. This information is disclosed only to the extent consistent with prudent business practices, current regulations, and statutory requirements.
Sensitive Questions. No sensitive questions are involved.
Burden Estimate.
Summary of the Public Burden |
FAR Requirement |
Respondents |
Responses |
Hours |
Cost |
52.204-3 or 52.212-3(l) |
111,479 |
334,437 |
33,444 |
$1,605,298 |
52.204-6 or 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 |
111,479 |
351,159 |
8,027 |
$465,566 |
52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) |
87,407 |
87,407 |
229,099 |
$13,287,742 |
52.204-14, and 52.204-15 |
35,350 |
35,350 |
70,700 |
$3,393,600 |
52.204-16 & 52.204-18 |
372 |
372 |
124 |
$4,817 |
52.204-17 |
1,116 |
5,580 |
2,790 |
$108,810 |
52.204-20 |
373 |
373 |
37 |
$2,611 |
52.204-23 |
5,715 |
28,575 |
42,863 |
$3,000,375 |
Total Reporting Burden |
353,291 |
843,253 |
387,083 |
$21,868,818.10 |
a. FAR 52.204-3, and 52.212-3(l) - Taxpayer Identification Number Information.
As of December 6, 2024, SAM has 557,397 companies actively registered for contracts. It is estimated that most offerors are already in SAM. This is because FAR clause 52.204-7 is required to be inserted in most solicitations and contracts except as provided in FAR 4.1102(a). FAR clause 52.204-7 requires vendors to provide their TIN in SAM. Offerors would only be required to submit their TIN under FAR provisions 52.204-3 or 52.212-3(l) (i.e., not through SAM) in those limited instances where the solicitation does not include FAR 52.204-7. It is estimated that SAM includes 80 percent of all offerors of government procurements. As such, it is estimated that 111,479 (20% of 557,397) offerors will be required to provide the TIN through FAR 52.204-3 or 52.212-3(l). It is estimated that these offerors, who are not registered in SAM, will respond to an average of three solicitations in a fiscal year. The estimated time for offerors to enter the TIN is approximately six minutes.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr............................111,479
Responses per respondent..............................x 3
Total annual responses............................. 334,437
Estimated hours/response..............................x 0.1
Estimated annual burden hours....................... 33,444
Hourly rate**.........................................x $48
Estimated cost to the public.....................$1,605,298
b. FAR 52.204-6, 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 - Unique Entity Identifier.
As of December 6, 2024, SAM has 557,397 companies actively registered for contracts. It is estimated that most offerors are already in SAM. This is because FAR clause 52.204-7 is required to be inserted in most solicitations and contracts except as provided in FAR 4.1102(a). FAR clause 52.204-7 requires vendors to provide their unique entity identifier in SAM.
Offerors would only be required to submit their unique entity identifier under FAR provision 52.204-6 or 52.212-1(j) (i.e., not through SAM) in those limited instances where the solicitation does not include FAR 52.204-7. It is estimated that SAM includes 80 percent of all offerors of government procurements. As such, it is estimated that 111,479 (20% of 557,397) offerors will be required to provide the unique entity identifier through FAR 52.204-6 or 52.212-1(j). It is estimated that these offerors, who are not registered in SAM, will respond to an average of three solicitations in a fiscal year. The estimated time for offerors to enter the unique entity identifier is approximately one minute.
The burden for offerors submitting their unique entity identifiers through the provisions is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr............................111,479
Responses per respondent.............................x 3
Total annual responses............................. 334,437
Estimated hours/response.............................x 0.02
Estimated annual burden hours....................... 6,689
Hourly rate***........................................x $58
Estimated cost to the public...................... $387,962
Further, it is estimated that 15 percent of the 111,479 offerors who would be required to provide the unique entity identifier through FAR provision 52.204-6 (111,479 * 15% = 16,722 offerors) will be required to request a unique entity identifier to complete the provision. The historical estimate of approximately five minutes is used for the time to receive the unique entity identifier.
The burden for offerors to request a unique entity identifier is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr.............................16,722
Responses per respondent.............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 16,722
Estimated hours/response.............................x 0.08
Estimated annual burden hours....................... 1,338
Hourly rate***........................................x $58
Estimated cost to the public........................$77,604
With regards to the burden associated with FAR clause 52.204-12, it is estimated to be minimal and therefore not quantified. It is rare for a company to change its unique entity identifier mid-stream of a contract and therefore, we estimate that only a negligible number -- if any -- would be required to notify their contracting officer of such a change.
c. FAR 52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) - SAM Registration and Maintenance.
It is estimated that for current SAM vendors, an average of 1 hour is needed to update the information (i.e., maintenance) in the system. For new SAM registrants, it is estimated that 3 hours will be required for each respondent to fill out the documentation in the system.
The number of respondents that are required to register in SAM in a given year is estimated based on the number of entities that registered in SAM within the last year. There were 486,551 active registrants in SAM as of December 2023 and 557,397 as of December 2024. It is estimated that the difference between the two, 70,846 (557,397 – 486,551), are new registrants in SAM.
To estimate the number of respondents that are required to maintain their SAM information in a given year, FPDS data was pulled. For FY 2023, FPDS showed 52,954 contracts awarded in fiscal years 2018 through 2022 that were still being performed in FY 2023 (i.e., active contracts). Those 52,954 contracts were awarded to 16,561 unique entities. The 16,561 contractors are estimated to be required by FAR clause 52.204-13 to perform maintenance on their SAM account for FY 2023. The estimated burden does not take into account SAM registrants who are maintaining SAM with the expectation of providing an offer some time in the future (i.e., not maintaining due to FAR clause 52.204-13).
The burden for SAM Registration is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr.............................70,846
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 70,846
Estimated hours/response..............................x 3
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 212,538
Hourly rate***........................................x $58
Estimated cost to the public................... $12,327,204
The burden for SAM Maintenance is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr.............................16,561
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 16,561
Estimated hours/response..............................x 1
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 16,561
Hourly rate***........................................x $58
Estimated cost to the public..................... $ 960,538
d. FAR 52.204-14, and 52.204-15 - Service Contract Reporting Requirements. FAR clauses 52.204-14 and 52.204-15 are prescribed for use in contracts that are predominantly for services.
FPDS was used for this estimate. Contracts and task orders entirely funded by DoD are not covered. The reporting thresholds cover 1,343 fixed-price service contracts and task orders over $500,000 and 5,727 cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, and labor-hour service contracts and task orders above the SAT ($250,000) awarded in FY 2023. Because reporting is required on an annual basis for a covered contract/task order, the burden in a given year is derived not only from the contracts/task orders awarded that year but the contracts/task orders awarded in previous years that are still in effect in the current year. In general, contracts and task orders have a period of performance of 5 years. Therefore, the total number of contracts and task orders on which reports would have been submitted in FY 2023 is estimated to be 35,350 (1,343 X 5 years plus 5,727 X 5 years).
Only one report is required for each contract and task order annually, and we estimate that it will take approximately 2 hours to prepare and submit the report.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr.............................35,350
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 35,350
Estimated hours/response..............................x 2
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 70,700
Hourly rate**.........................................x $48
Estimated cost to the public....................$ 3,393,600
e. FAR 52.204-16 and 52.204-18, CAGE Code Reporting and Maintenance. Offerors, who do not have a CAGE code and are not otherwise assigned one through registration in SAM must obtain one, and all offerors must provide their CAGE code. It is estimated that the time required to provide one’s CAGE code with an offer is comparable to providing other identifying information (e.g., zip code) and is negligible. Therefore, the estimate below is of the burden to obtain a CAGE code. In FY 2023, the Federal Government made 372 awards to unique contractors who were not required to register through SAM. Of these awards, 250 were U.S. contractors and 122 were foreign contractors. The estimated hours per response are based on 15 minutes to prepare and submit the request. For the foreign vendors another 15 minutes is added to account for additional time to determine the correct issuing office.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Burden for obtaining a CAGE code:
Estimated respondents/yr............................. 250
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 250
Estimated hours/response.............................x 0.25
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 62.5
Hourly rate*..........................................x $39
Estimated cost to the public.................... $ 2,437.50
Burden for obtaining an NCAGE1 code:
Estimated respondents/yr............................. 122
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................. 122
Estimated hours/response.............................x 0.50
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 61
Hourly rate*..........................................x $39
Estimated cost to the public.................... $ 2,379
f. FAR 52.204-17, Ownership or Control of Offeror. This FAR provision is required in all solicitations that include the provision at FAR 52.204-16. If the representation is in SAM, it will be applicable to all offers made.
In FY 2023, the Federal Government made 372 awards to unique contractors who were not required to register through SAM. If 3 offerors responded to each one of these awards, the estimated number of respondents would be 1,116 (372 x 3).
The Government estimates that each respondent will submit offers at least 5 times per year. It is estimated to take .5 hours (30 minutes) to retrieve information and provide response to the provision’s representation.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr............................. 1,116
Responses per respondent..............................x 5
Total annual responses............................. 5,580
Estimated hours/response.............................x 0.50
Estimated annual burden hours...................... 2,790
Hourly rate*..........................................x $39
Estimated cost to the public.................... $ 108,810
g. FAR 52.204-20, Predecessor of Offeror.
This covers the burden for providing the required information when the offeror is not required to register in SAM in accordance with the exceptions in FAR 4.1102(a).
FPDS data for FY 2023 was used to develop the estimated burden hours. The number of respondents is the number of contracts with an exception to the use of SAM in FPDS for FY 2023, which are 373. The responses per respondent are one per each (one response per offer). The Government estimates only 0.1 hours per response, because the vendor is only required to check one box, unless the vendor confirms that it is, within the last 3 years, a successor to an entity that had a Federal award. In such case, the offeror is requested to provide the CAGE Code and legal name of that entity.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr............................. 373
Responses per respondent..............................x 1
Total annual responses............................... 373
Estimated hours/response..............................x 0.1
Estimated annual burden hours........................ 37.3
Hourly rate****.......................................x $70
Estimated cost to the public....................... $ 2,611
h. FAR 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities.
FPDS data indicates that the Government awarded contracts to a total of 114,305 unique entities in FY 2023. It is estimated that five percent of those entities (5,715) will submit approximately 5 written reports annually pursuant to FAR 52.204-23.
The burden is calculated as follows:
Estimated respondents/yr............................. 5,715
Responses per respondent..............................x 5
Total annual responses...............................28,575
Estimated hours/response..............................x 1.5
Estimated annual burden hours......................42,862.5
Hourly rate****.......................................x $70
Estimated cost to the public....................$ 3,000,375
Hourly rate calculation: The hourly rate is calculated by applying a 36.25 percent fringe factor and a 12 percent overhead factor to a base hourly rate, and then rounding it to the nearest whole dollar. The base hourly rate is derived from the OPM 2024 General Schedule (GS) Locality Pay Table for the rest of the U.S. (“Salary Table 2024-RUS”). The fringe factor is derived from OMB memorandum M-08-13. The overhead factor is derived from the OMB Circular No. A-76 Revised Supplemental Handbook.
* Based on a GS-7/step 5 salary ($26.62 per hour), rounded to the nearest whole dollar ($39).
** Based on a GS-9/step 5 salary ($32.56 per hour), rounded to the nearest whole dollar ($48).
*** Based on a GS-11/step 5 salary ($39.40 per hour), rounded to the nearest whole dollar ($58).
**** Based on a GS-12/step 5 salary ($47.22 per hour), rounded to the nearest whole dollar ($70).
Estimated nonrecurring costs. Not applicable.
Estimated cost to the Government.
Summary of the Government Burden |
FAR Requirement |
Responses |
Hours |
Cost |
52.204-3 or 52.212-3(l) |
334,437 |
6,689 |
$321,060 |
52.204-6 or 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 |
351,159 |
7,023 |
$337,113 |
52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) |
87,407 |
87,407 |
$4,195,536 |
52.204-14, and 52.204-15 |
35,350 |
53,025 |
$2,545,200 |
52.204-16 & 52.204-18 |
372 |
37 |
$2,158 |
52.204-17 |
5,580 |
558 |
$32,364 |
52.204-20 |
373 |
37 |
$2,611 |
52.204-23 |
28,575 |
85,725 |
$6,000,750 |
843,253 |
240,501 |
$13,436,791 |
a. FAR 52.204-3, and 52.212-3(l) - Taxpayer Identification Number Information.
Estimated annual responses...........................334,437
Review time per response (hours).....................x 0.02
Review time per year (hours)......................... 6,689
Hourly rate**....................................... x $48
Estimated annual cost to the Government........... $ 321,060
b. FAR 52.204-6, 52.212-1(j), and 52.204-12 - Unique Entity Identifier.
Estimated annual responses...........................351,159
Review time per response (hours)..................... x .02
Review time per year (hours)......................... 7,023
Hourly rate**....................................... x $48
Estimated annual cost to the Government............$ 337,113
c. FAR 52.204-7, 52.204-13, and 52.212-3(b) - SAM Registration and Maintenance.
Estimated annual responses........................... 87,407
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 1
Review time per year (hours)........................ 87,407
Hourly rate**....................................... x $48
Estimated annual cost to the Government..........$ 4,195,536
d. FAR 52.204-14, and 52.204-15 - Service Contract Reporting Requirements.
Estimated annual responses........................... 35,350
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 1.5
Review time per year (hours)......................... 53,025
Hourly rate**........................................ x $48
Estimated annual cost to the Government...........$2,545,200
e. FAR 52.204-16 and 52.204-18, CAGE Code Reporting and Maintenance.
Estimated annual responses........................... 372
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 0.1
Review time per year (hours)......................... 37
Hourly rate***....................................... x $58
Estimated annual cost to the Government........... $ 2,158
f. FAR 52.204-17, Ownership or Control of Offeror.
Estimated annual responses........................... 5,580
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 0.1
Review time per year (hours)......................... 558
Hourly rate***....................................... x $58
Estimated annual cost to the Government........... $ 32,364
g. FAR 52.204-20, Predecessor of Offeror.
Estimated annual responses........................... 373
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 0.1
Review time per year (hours)......................... 37.3
Hourly rate****...................................... x $70
Estimated annual cost to the Government..............$ 2,611
h. FAR 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities.
Estimated annual responses........................... 28,575
Review time per response (hours)..................... x 3
Review time per year (hours)......................... 85,725
Hourly rate****...................................... x $70
Estimated annual cost to the Government..........$ 6,000,750
Reasons for changes. There are no program changes. The FAR requirements remain the same. This extension includes adjustments to the public and Government burden estimates based on the following:
● The estimated cost per hour is based on use of the calendar year 2024 OPM GS wage rates for the rest of the U.S.
● The estimated number of respondents and annual responses were based on current FPDS and SAM data.
Reporting Public Burden |
2022 |
2025 |
Change |
Responses |
843,616 |
843,253 |
-363 |
Hours |
419,779 |
387,083 |
-32,696 |
Cost |
$19,009,835 |
$21,868,818 |
$2,858,983 |
Publicizing Results. Results will not be tabulated or published.
OMB Not to Display Approval. Approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection is not sought.
Exceptions to "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Submissions." There is no exception to the certification statement.
Surveys, Censuses, and Other Collections that Employ Statistical Methods. Statistical methods are not used in this information collection. A Part B supporting statement is not needed, or required, and therefore was not completed.
1 An identifier assigned by a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to entities located outside the U.S. and its outlying areas that the DLA CAGE Branch records and maintains in the CAGE master file.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | ZenaidaDelgado |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-03-14 |