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pdfGeneral Instructions
physical, or an electronic
If the submission deadline falls on a weekend or holiday,
the report must be received by 5:00 P.M. on the first
business day after the Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. Any
USBOs must maintain in their files a copy of the
report received after 5:00 P.M. on the first business day
manually signed page 1 of the Reserve Bank-supplied
after the Saturday, Sunday, or holiday deadline will be
forms received for the report date, attached to the page(s)
considered late unless it has been postmarked three
containing the detailed listing of subsidiaries, and a print
calendar days prior to the original Saturday, Sunday, or
for a period of three years
out of the data submitted.
following submission. holiday submission deadline (original deadline), or the
institution has a record of sending the report by overnight
Electronic submission of report form. Any banking orgaservice one day prior to the original deadline.
in submitting the FR 2314/FR 2314S
a physical,
copy contact the Federal Reserve Bank in
NOTE: A reporting U.S. banking organization must
of the district where the parent U.S. Bank or holding
submit all of its required nonbank subsidiary reports on
company is domiciled.
or before the submission deadline to be considered
USBOs choosing to submit these reports electronically
must maintain in their files the original manually signed
page 1 of the Reserve Bank-supplied forms received for
Monitoring of Regulatory Reports
the report date, attached to the page(s) containing the
detailed listing of subsidiaries, and a printout of the data
Federal Reserve Banks will monitor the filing of all
regulatory reports to ensure that they are filed in a timely
manner and are accurate and not misleading. Many
reporting errors can be screened through the use of
Submission Date
computer validity edit checks which are detailed in the
Checklist accompanying the reporting instructions.
A USBO must file this report for its foreign subsidiaries
for a period of three years
Reporting deadlines are detailed in the Submission Date
no later than 60 calendar days after the report date. The
following submission.
section of these general instructions. Additional informafiling of a completed report will be considered timely,
tion on the monitoring procedures are available from the
regardless of when the reports are received by the
Federal Reserve Banks.
appropriate Federal Reserve Bank, if these reports are
mailed first class and postmarked no later than the third
calendar day preceding the submission deadline. In the
absence of a postmark, a company whose completed FR
These reports are available to the public upon request on
2314/FR 2314S is received late may be called upon to
an individual basis. However, a USBO may request
provide proof of timely mailing.
confidential treatment for one or more of the subsidiaries
A ‘‘Certificate of Mailing’’ (U.S. Postal Service form
for which it submits the financial statements for foreign
3817) may be used to provide such proof. If an overnight
subsidiaries of USBOs if it is of the opinion that disclodelivery service is used, entry of the completed original
sure of certain commercial or financial information in the
reports into the delivery system on the day before the
report would likely result in substantial harm to its (or its
submission deadline will constitute timely submission. In
subsidiaries’) competitive position or that disclosure of
addition, the hand delivery of the completed original
the submitted personal information would result in
reports on or before the submission deadline to the
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
location to which the reports would otherwise be mailed
A request for confidential treatment must be submitted in
is an acceptable alternative to mailing such reports.
writing concurrently with the submission of the report.
Companies that are unable to obtain the required officers’
The request must discuss in writing the justification for
signatures on their completed original reports in suffiwhich confidentiality is requested, demonstrating the specient time to file these reports so that they are received by
cific nature of the harm that would result from public
the submission deadline may contact the Federal Reserve
release of the information; merely stating that competiBank to which they mail their original reports to arrange
tive harm would result or that information is personal is
for the timely submission of their report data and the
not sufficient.
subsequent filing of their signed reports.
they are identical in format and detail to the reporting
form, including all item and column captions.
FR 2314 and 2314S
General Instructions March 2015
December 2024
Schedule IS Provisions for credit losses
Line Item 2 Interest expense.
Entities that have adopted ASU 2016-13, which governs
the accounting for credit losses, report the amount
expensed as the provisions for credit losses, during the
calendar year-to-date. The provisions for credit losses
represents the amount appropriate to absorb estimated
credit losses over the life of the financial assets reported
at amortized cost within the scope of the standard.
Exclude the initial allowances established on the purchase of credit-deteriorated (PCD) financial assets, which
are recorded at acquisition as an adjustment to the
amortized cost basis of the asset. The amount reported in
this item must equal Schedule IS-B, item 4, columns A
through C plus Schedule IS-B, Memorandum item 1.
Report negative amounts with a minus (-) sign.
Report in the appropriate subitem the total amount of
interest expense of the subsidiary pertaining to nonrelated organizations in item 2(a) and pertaining to related
organizations in item 2(b). Include expenses on deposits,
on federal funds purchased and securities sold under
agreements to repurchase, on short- and long-term borrowings, on subordinated notes and debentures, on mandatory securities, on mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases, and all other interest
rent loan and lease exposures. The amount reported must
equal Schedule IS-B, item 4 column A, ‘‘Provision for
credit losses.’’
(or reversals of provisions)
on off-balance-sheet credit
represent the amounts
necessary to adjust the
creditorganizaincome from undistributed earnings
tions (report in item 5(b)). Include dividends declared or
paid by subsidiaries. quarter-end report date for
management’s current
of expected
Line Item 1(c) Total
income. credit
losses on
Report the sum of items
and 1(b).
on all financial assets and
off-balance-sheet credit
exposures within the
scope of the ASU.
Line Item 2(a) Interest expense pertaining to
nonrelated organizations.
Report all interest expense pertaining to nonrelated organizations.
Line Item 2(b) Interest expense pertaining to
related organizations.
Report all interest expense pertaining to related organizations.
Line Item 2(c) Total interest expense.
Report the sum of items 2(a) and 2(b).
Line Item 3 Net interest income.
Report the difference between item 1(c), ‘‘Total interest
income,’’ and item 2(c), ‘‘Total interest expense.’’ If this
amount is negative, paper filers should enclose it in
parentheses or report with a minus (-) sign. Electronic
filers should report negative amounts with a minus (-)
Line Item 4 Provision for loan and lease losses.
Entities that have not adopted ASU 2016-13 should
report the amount needed to make the allowance for loan
and lease losses, as reported in Schedule BS, item 3(b),
adequate to absorb expected loan and lease losses, based
upon management’s evaluation of the subsidiary’s cur-
Exclude provision for credit losses on off-balance-sheet
credit exposures and provision for allocated transfer risk,
both of which should be reported in item 7, ‘‘Noninterest
expense.’’ The amount reported here may differ from the
bad debt expense deduction taken for federal income tax
If the amount reported in this item is negative, paper
filers should enclose it in parentheses or report with a
minus (-) sign. Electronic filers should report negative
amounts with a minus (-) sign.
Line Item 5 Noninterest income.
Report in the appropriate subitem all other income not
properly reported in item 1(c), ‘‘Total interest income’’
that is derived from activities in which the subsidiary is
engaged. Report noninterest income from nonrelated
organizations in item 5(a) and from related organizations
in item 5(b). Also, a subsidiary may include as other
noninterest income in item 5(a)(7) or 5(b) below net
gains (losses) from the sale of loans and certain other
assets as long as the subsidiary reports such transactions
on a consistent basis.
Line Item 5(a) From nonrelated organizations.
Report all income earned from nonrelated organizations
in the appropriate item.
Line Item 5(a)(1) Income from fiduciary activities.
Report gross income from services rendered by the trust
department of the subsidiary or the subsidiary acting in
Schedule IS
FR 2314
March 2019
December 2024
and 3
Schedule IS-B
provision for credit losses during the calendar year-todate. The provisions for credit losses represents the
amount appropriate to absorb estimated credit losses over
the life of the financial assets reported at amortized cost
within the scope of the standard. The amount reported in
this item must equal Schedule IS, item 4. If the amount
reported in this item is negative, report it with a minus (-)
Line Item 6 Balance at end of current period.
Line Item 5 Adjustments.
Report in this line item provisions related to allowances
for credit losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost, included in Schedule IS, item 4, other than
loans, leases, held-to-maturity debt securities and
available-for-sale debt securities. Provisions for credit
losses (or reversals of provisions) on these other financial
assets measured at amortized cost represent the amounts
necessary to adjust the related allowances for credit
losses at the quarter-end report date for management’s
current estimate of expected credit losses on these assets.
Line Item M1 Provisions for credit losses on other
financial assets measured at amortized cost (not
included in item 4).
If this amount is negative, paper filers should enclose it in
parentheses or report with a minus (-) sign. Electronic
filers should report negative amounts with a minus (-)
Include any increase or decrease resulting from foreign
currency translation of the allowance for possible loan
and lease losses into dollars.
Enter the total of items 1, 2, 4, and 5, minus item 3. This
item must equal Schedule BS, item 3(b), “Allowance for
Loan and Lease Losses.”
Entities that have not adopted ASU 2016-13, report in
column A of in this item as a negative the balance of the
allowance for loan and lease losses most recently reported
for the end of the previous calendar year.
Entities that have adopted ASU 2016-13, report in the
appropriate columns for this item as a negative the
balance of the allowances for credit losses on financial
assets that are not determined by management to be PCD
most recently reported for the end of the previous
calendar year. For those assets determined by management to be PCD, the allowances for credit losses as of the
acquisition date should then be reported as a positive
number in the appropriate columns for this line item.
Exclude provisions for credit losses on off-balance sheet
credit exposures, which are reported in Schedule IS
item 7, “noninterest expense.”
Line Item M2 Allowances for credit losses on
other assets measured at amortized cost (not
included in memorandum item 1 above).
Report in this line item total allowances related to credit
losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost
other than loans, leases, held-to-maturity debt securities
and available-for-sale debt securities that are associated
with the provisions reported in memorandum item 1,
See Insert A
Schedule IS-B
FR 2314
January 2020
December 2024
Insert A
Line Item M3 Provisions for credit losses on
off-balance-sheet credit exposures.
Report in this item the year-to-date amount of
provisions for credit losses (or reversals of provisions)
on off-balance-sheet credit exposures included in the
amount reported in Schedule IS, item 4. Provisions
for credit losses (or reversals of provisions) on offbalance-sheet credit exposures represent the amounts
necessary to adjust the related allowance for credit
losses at the quarter-end report date for management’s
current estimate of expected credit losses on these
Line Item M4 Estimated amount of expected
recoveries of amounts previously written off1
included within the allowance for credit losses on
loans and leases held for investment (included in
item 6, column A, “Balance end of current
Report in this item the estimated amount of expected
recoveries of amounts previously written off
included within the allowance for credit losses on
loans and leases held for investment. This item
applies to loans and leases held for investment,
including purchased credit deteriorated loans held for
investment, and does not apply to held-to-maturity
debt securities or available-for-sale debt
In accordance with ASU 2016-13, estimated expected
recoveries are a component of management’s
estimation of the net amount expected to be collected
for a financial asset or a pool of financial assets if an
institution can support an estimate of expected
recoveries for a pool of unsecured loans, each of
which was deemed uncollectible and fully written off
on an individual asset basis, the institution reduces
the allowance for credit losses by the institution’s
estimate of recoveries expected on a pool basis.
Expected recoveries of amounts previously written
off shall be included in the allowance for credit losses
and shall not exceed the aggregate of amounts
previously written off and expected to be written off
by an institution. However, exclude from this item
the estimated amount of expected recoveries of
amounts expected to be written off included in the
allowance for credit losses.
The term "written off" as used in ASU 2016-13 and in the instructions for this item is used interchangeably with the
term "charged off," which is used elsewhere in the FR Y-9C instructions.
Schedule BS-A
Line Item 5 All other loans and lease financing
Exclude acceptances accepted by related banks (i.e.,
banks that are direct or indirect subsidiaries of the
subsidiary’s holding company or parent organization).
Also exclude loans to foreign governments and foreign
official institutions.
Report all other loans held by the subsidiary that are not
properly included in items 1 through 4 above and all
lease financing receivables. Report all outstanding receivable balances relating to direct financing and leveraged
leases on property acquired by the subsidiary for leasing
purposes. These balances should include the estimated
residual value of leased property and must be net of
unearned income. Include all lease financing receivables
of states and political subdivisions in the U.S. Also
include all loans to foreign governments and official
modifications to borrowers experiencing
financial difficulty
Line Item 6 Total loans and lease financing
Line Item 3 Commercial and industrial loans.
Report all loans (regardless of domicile) for commercial
and industrial purposes to sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and other business enterprises,
whether secured (other than by real estate) or unsecured,
single-payment or installment. These loans may take the
form of direct or purchased loans. Include commercial
and industrial loans guaranteed by foreign governmental
(i.e., banks that are not direct or indirect subsidiaries of
the subsidiary’s holding company or parent organization).
(1) Loans secured by real estate (report in item 1);
(2) Loans for the purpose of financing agricultural production, whether made to farmers or to nonagricultural businesses (report in item 5);
(3) Loans to finance companies and insurance companies
(report in item 5);
(4) Loans to broker and dealers in securities, investment
companies, and mutual funds (report in item 5);
(5) Loans to depository institutions (report in item 2);
Report the sum of items 1 through 5.
Line Item 7 Past due and nonaccrual loans and
Report the subsidiary loans and lease financing receivables included in item 6 above that are past due 30
through 89 days and still accruing in item 7(a), past due
90 days or more and still accruing in item 7(b), in
nonaccrual status in item 7(c), and loans restructured in
troubled debt restructurings included in past due and
nonaccrual loans in item 7(d). Report the full outstanding
balances of the past due loans and lease financing
receivables, not simply the delinquent payments.
(6) Loans to nonprofit organizations (report in item 5);
Line Item 7(a) Loans and leases past due 30
through 89 days.
(7) Loans to nondepository financial institutions (report
in item 5).
Report loans and lease financing receivables that are
contractually past due 30 through 89 days as to principal
or interest payments, and still accruing. Include loans
restructured in troubled debt restructurings past due 30
through 89 days and still accruing.
Line Item 4 Loans to individuals for personal,
household, and other personal expenditures.
Report credit card and related plans and other loans to
individuals for household, family, and other personal
expenditures. Include all loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures that are not
secured by real estate, whether direct loans or purchased
paper. Exclude loans secured by real estate (report in item
1) and loans to individuals for the purpose of purchasing
or carrying securities (report in item 5).
Line Item 7(b) Loans and leases past due 90 days
or more.
Report loans and lease financing receivables that are
contractually past due 90 days or more as to principal or
interest payments, and still accruing. Include loans
restructured in troubled debt restructurings past due 90
days or more and still accruing.
Schedule BS-A
FR 2314
December 2013
December 2024
Schedule BS-A
modifications to borrowers experiencing
financial difficulty
Line Item 7(c) Nonaccrual loans and leases.
Report loans and lease financing receivables accounted
for on a nonaccrual status. Include loans restructured in
troubled debt restructurings that are in nonaccrual status.
For purposes of this report, report loans and leases as
being in nonaccrual status if: (a) they are maintained on a
cash basis because of deterioration in the financial position of the borrower, (b) payment in full of interest or
principal is not expected, or (c) principal or interest has
been in default for a period of 90 days or more unless the
obligation is both well-secured and in the process of
Line Item 1. Closed-end loans with negative
amortization features secured by 1–4 family
residential properties.
NOTE: Loans to individuals for household, family, and
other personal expenditures and loans secured by 1–4
family residential properties on which principal or interest is due and unpaid for 90 days or more are not required
to be reported as nonaccrual loans. Nevertheless, such
loans should be subject to other alternative methods of
evaluation to assure that the subsidiary’s net income is
not materially overstated. To the extent that the subsidiary has elected to carry any loans in nonaccrual status on
its books, such loans must be reported as nonaccrual in
this item.
Report in the appropriate subitem the carrying amount of
closed-end loans with negative amortization features
secured by 1–4 family residential properties and, if
certain criteria are met, the maximum remaining amount
of negative amortization contractually permitted on these
loans and the total amount of negative amortization
included in the carrying amount of these loans. Negative
amortization refers to a method in which a loan is
structured so that the borrower’s minimum monthly (or
other periodic) payment is contractually permitted to be
less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender,
with the unpaid interest added to the loan’s principal
balance. The contractual terms of the loan provide that if
the borrower allows the principal balance to rise to a
pre-specified amount or maximum cap, the loan payments are then recast to a fully amortizing schedule.
Negative amortization features may be applied to either
mortgages or
fixed-rate mortgages,
to borrowers
latter commonly
mortfinancial difficulty
gages (GPMs).
Line Item 7(d) Loans restructured in troubled
debt restructurings included in items 7(a) through
7(c) above.
Report loans restructured in troubled debt restructurings
that, under their modified terms, are past due 30 days or
more and still accruing or are in nonaccrual status as of
the report date. Such loans will have been included in
items 7(a), 7(b), or 7(c) above. Loans restructured in
troubled debt restructurings include those loans that have
been restructured or renegotiated to provide a reduction
of either interest or principal because of a deterioration in
the financial position of the borrower. A loan extended or
renewed at a stated interest rate equal to the current
interest rate for new debt with similar risk is not considered restructured debt. For further information, see the
FR Y-9C Glossary entry for ‘‘troubled debt restructurings.’’
Include all loans to individuals for household, family, and
other personal expenditures, and all loans secured by 1−4
family residential properties.
"Loan Modifications to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty."
FR 2314
Schedule BS-A
March 2011
December 2024
Line Item 1(a) Total carrying amount of
closed-end loans with negative amortization features
the residential
purposes ofproperties
this report,
secured by 1–4 For
disclose modifications
(included in Schedule
item 1).
to borrowers experiencing financial
This item is to difficulty
be completed
all nonbank include
subsidiif suchbymodifications
principal forgiveness, an interest rate
an other-than-insignificant
Report the total reduction,
carrying amount
(before any loan loss
delay, orinvestment
a term extension
(or a
allowances) of, i.e.,
the recorded
in, closedcombination
end loans secured
by 1–4 family
residential properties
whose terms allow for negative amortization. The carryModified
in this
ing amounts included
in loans
this item
will also
definition of loan
reported in Schedule
modifications to borrowers experiencing
Memoranda items
1(b) and
1(c) areastodescribed
be completed
in ASU
nonbank subsidiaries
2022-02, which includes only those
negative amortization
by 1–4
in the
residential properties
previous 12 months. The amountsitem
1) as of the previous
31 report
date, with athat
should include
carrying amountwere
accounted for as new loans inthat
exceeds 5 percent
loans and leases,
net of
to modifications
that were
unearned incomeaccounted
(as reported
for as a continuation of existing
as of the previous
Due From, Due To, and Other
Schedule BS-Q
Line Item 1 Balances due from related
institutions, gross:
In the U.S.
Line Item 1(a)
See the instructions of Schedule BS-M Line item 1 for the
types of depository institutions. Respondents should
ensure that accounts of foreign subsidiaries of U.S.
corporations are not reported as U.S. accounts and that
accounts of U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations
are reported as U.S. accounts (that is, domicile and
not ownership determined the identification of the
country of customer).
Exclude balances with related institutions from line
items 3 and 4 on this schedule. Refer to the FR Y-9C
Glossary entry for “Domicile” for the definition of
domicile (addressee).
Report all balances due from related institutions
domiciled in the U.S, as reported in Schedule BS, Item 9,
‘‘Balances due from related organizations, gross’’.
Line Item 1(b) In foreign countries.
Report all balances due from related institutions
domiciled in foreign countries, as reported in Schedule
BS, Item 9, ‘‘Balances due from related organizations,
Line Item 4 Liabilities to U.S. addressees other
than depository institutions.
Report liabilities to U.S. addressees other than the parent
bank, related institutions, and other depository institutions.
Include the negative fair value of derivatives contracts.
Include balances of trust departments. See the instructions
of Schedule BS-M Line Item 1 for the types of depository
institutions. Exclude balances of negotiable CDs from this
line item.
Line Item 2 Balances due to related
institutions, gross:
Line Item 2(a) In the U.S.
Report all balances due to related institutions domiciled
in the U.S, as reported in Schedule BS, Item 16,
‘‘Balances due to related organizations, gross’’.
Line Item 2(b) In foreign countries.
Report all balances due to related institutions domiciled
in foreign countries, as reported in Schedule BS, Item 16,
‘‘Balances due to related organizations, gross’’.
Line Item 3 Assets that are claims on U.S
addressees other than depository
Report claims on U.S. addressees other than the parent
bank, related institutions, and other depository
institutions. Include all assets such as securities, the
positive fair value of derivative contracts, and balances of
trust departments.
FR 2314
Memoranda December
June 2024
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2025-03-13 |
File Created | 2023-11-02 |