Form 1807 National Traffic Safety Survey - Modules 1 & 4

National Traffic Safety Survey


Survey Form 1807 - Modules 1 & 4

OMB: 2127-0772

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Shape2 Shape1
National Traffic Safety Survey

T hank you for participating in the National Traffic Safety Survey. The survey will take about 30 minutes. Participation in this survey is voluntary.



SCR1. Are you the adult (18 years old or older) in your household with the next upcoming birthday? Using the next birthday is a method of random selection and is important to make sure that the experiences of all types of people are represented.

1 Yes → Please continue

2 No → Please ask the adult in your household with the next birthday to complete this survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid 0MB Control Number. The 0MB Control Number for this information collection is 2127-XXXX. The average amount of time to complete this survey is 30 minutes. The purpose of the survey is to collect information about road user attitudes and behaviors related to motor vehicle safety that will be used to inform the development of appropriate traffic safety countermeasures. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. If you have comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, send them to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20590.

NHTSA Form 1807


Expiration Date X/XX/XXXX

Shape4 The next few questions ask about your general driving experiences. For these questions, a motorcycle counts as a motor vehicle, but electric bikes or scooters do not.

C1. Thinking about the past 12 months, how often do you usually drive a car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle?


1 Every day, or almost every day


Go to question C2

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year


6 I have not driven in the past 12 months

Shape8 Shape9

Skip to question C22

C1a. Have you ever driven before?


1 Yes

2 No

C2. When driving a motor vehicle, how often do you wear your seat belt?

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half my trips

4 Fewer than half my trips

5 None of my trips

C3. Which of the following statements best describes your driving?

1 I tend to pass other cars more often than other cars pass me

2 Other cars tend to pass me more often than I pass them

3 Both about equally

C4. In the past 30 days, have you driven a motor vehicle with other adult passengers in the vehicle?

1 Yes, I have driven adults in the front passenger seat

2 Yes, I have driven adults in a back seat

3 Yes, I have driven adults both in the front passenger seat and in a back seat

4 No, I have not driven adult passengers in the past 30 days

C5. In the past 30 days, have you driven a motor vehicle with children aged 12 or younger in the vehicle?


1 Yes, in the front passenger seat


2 Yes, in a back seat

3 Yes, both in the front passenger seat and in a back seat

4 No, I have not driven children aged 12 or younger in the past 30 days → Go to question C6


C5a. When you are driving and children aged 12 or younger are riding with you, are they typically in a car seat, booster seat, seat belt, or do they ride without a seat belt? You may select more than one if answering about multiple children. Select all that apply.

1 Rear-facing car seat

2 Forward-facing car seat

3 Booster seat

4 Seat belt

5 Without a seat belt

C6. Not including driving to and from work, have you driven a vehicle as part of a job or business in the past 12 months?


1 Yes

2 No → Go to question C7


C6a. How often have you driven a vehicle as part of a job or business?

1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

C6b. Are you more likely, less likely, or just as likely to wear your seat belt when driving on the job as compared to when driving for personal use?

1 More likely

2 Less likely

3 Just as likely

C7. In the past 12 months, how often have you driven a motor vehicle at night, after 9 pm?

1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

Shape16 5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never in the past 12 months

C8. When was the last time you did not wear your seat belt at any point while driving?

1 Today

2 Within the past week

3 Within the past month

4 Within the past 12 months

5 A year or more ago

6 Never

C9. When driving I tend to…

1 Stay with slower moving traffic

2 Keep up with the faster traffic

3 Both about equally

The next few questions ask about activities you might do while driving. When we say while driving, please include any times that you are seated in the driver’s seat (behind the wheel of your vehicle) if it is not in Park. For example, while driving means both when the vehicle is moving and during times like stopped at a stop sign or red light.

C10. How often do you talk on the phone while driving?

For this question, consider all methods of talking on the phone, including holding the device to your ear, using speakerphone, or using any type of hands-free calling, such as a headset or in-vehicle system or app.

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half my trips

4 Fewer than half my trips

5 None of my trips

6 I don't have a cell phone

C11. How often do you send texts, e-mails, or other messages while driving?

For this question, consider all methods of sending messages, including typing directly on the device or screen, using speech-to-text while holding the device, or using any type of hands-free voice commands, such as with a headset or in-vehicle system or app.

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half my trips

4 Fewer than half my trips

5 None of my trips

6 I don't have a cell phone

C12. How often do you read texts, e-mails, or other messages while driving?

For this question, consider all methods of reading and listening to messages, including while holding the device, looking directly at a screen, or using any type of hands-free voice commands to have messages read aloud, such as with a headset or in-vehicle system or app.

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half my trips

4 Fewer than half my trips

5 None of my trips

6 I don't have a cell phone

C13. In the past 30 days, how many times have you fallen asleep or nodded off, even for a moment, while driving?

1 Never in the past 30 days

2 Once

3 2 to 3 times

4 4 to 6 times

5 7 to 9 times

6 10 or more times

Shape17 The next few questions ask about your personal experiences, which some people may find to be sensitive in nature. As a reminder, your answers will be kept anonymous. We encourage your honesty in responding to these questions.

C14. In the past 12 months, how often have you typically had a drink containing alcohol?


1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week


3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never in the past 12 months → Go to question C15


C14a. In the past 12 months, how often have you driven a motor vehicle within two hours of drinking alcoholic beverages?

1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never in the past 12 months

C15. Cannabis (or marijuana) is available in both recreational and medicinal forms and may be known by many other names (such as weed or pot). Cannabis is often smoked, vaped, or ingested through edibles (such as gummies). In the past 12 months, how often have you typically used cannabis?

For this question, we are not interested in CBD oil.


1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week


3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never in the past 12 months → Go to question C16


C15a. In the past 12 months, how often have you driven a motor vehicle within four hours of using cannabis?

1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never in the past 12 months

C16. In the past 12 months, have you driven a motor vehicle under the influence of…? Select all that apply.

1 Alcohol

2 Cannabis

3 Illegal drugs

4 Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs or medications that can cause impairment, such as drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision

5 Prescription drugs or medications that can cause impairment, such as drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision

6 Combination of any of the above items

7 None of these

C17. Counting cars, vans, minivans, SUVs, pickup trucks, and motorcycles, how many vehicles do you own, lease, or are otherwise available regularly for your use?

꙱꙱ Vehicles

C18. Which of the following best describes the vehicle that you drive most often?

If you drive more than one vehicle about the same amount and can't decide which of them you drive most often, then answer for which of those vehicles you drove last.

1 Personal vehicle owned/leased by me or someone in my household

2 Borrowed personal vehicle from a friend/family member

3 Vehicle provided by my employer

4 Vehicle from a rental car or shared car service such as Enterprise or ZipCar

5 Other

C19. Thinking about the vehicle that you drive most often, is it a…


1 Car or station wagon


2 Van or minivan

3 SUV (sport utility vehicle)


4 Pickup truck


Go to
question C20

5 Other truck (such as a box truck,
18-wheeler, flatbed truck)

6 Motorcycle

Shape28 7 Other


C19a. Please provide the year, make, and model of the vehicle you just told us is the one you drive most often. Throughout this survey, we will refer to this vehicle as your primary vehicle.

꙱꙱꙱꙱ Year

꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱ Make

꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱꙱ Model

C20. For how long have you driven this vehicle?

1 Less than 3 months

2 3 months to less than 6 months

3 6 months to less than a year

4 A year to less than 2 years

5 2 years to less than 5 years

6 5 years or more

C21. Have you been involved in a crash or near-crash as a driver in the past 12 months?

By "near-crash" we mean a time that you would have almost certainly gotten into a crash if you or another driver had not swerved, slammed on your brakes, or done something else out of the ordinary when driving to avoid the crash.

1 Crash

2 Near-crash

3 Both

4 Neither

C22. Which, if any, of the following best describes the type of license you have for driving?

1 Driver's license (non-commercial)

2 Commercial driver's license (CDL)

3 Motorcycle license

4 Non-commercial driver's license with "motorcycle" endorsement

5 Provisional or probationary license

6 Learner or instruction permit

7 Suspended or revoked license

8 None

9 Don’t know

C23. What is your primary mode of transportation? By primary, we mean the way you get around most often.

1 Driving a vehicle

2 Riding in a vehicle driven by someone else

3 Bus travel

4 Train travel

5 Riding a bicycle

6 Walking

7 Other

C24. How often do you use taxis, Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare services?

1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week

3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never


If you have driven in the past 12 months, please continue with question S1.

Shape31 If you have not driven in the past 12 months, please skip to question S6.

S1. Do the seat belts in the front seat of your primary vehicle go across both your shoulder and lap or across your lap only?

Shape33 Shape32

Go to question S2

1 Across both shoulder and lap


2 Across lap only

3 Vehicle has no belts


S1a. Are the shoulder and lap belt one piece or are they two separate belts?

1 One piece

2 Two separate belts

S1b. Shoulder belts are usually attached to the frame behind the driver's left shoulder. In some vehicles, this attachment can be moved up or down to adjust the shoulder belt. Is this attachment adjustable in your vehicle?

1 Yes, adjustable

2 No, not adjustable

3 Don’t know

S2. Are you more likely, less likely, or just as likely to wear your seat belt when driving at night compared to when driving during the day?

1 More likely

2 Less likely

3 Just as likely

4 Don't drive at night

S3. When driving, suppose you notice that a passenger in the vehicle is not wearing their seat belt. How likely or unlikely are you to tell them to put it on?

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Somewhat unlikely

4 Very unlikely

S4. Assume that you regularly do not wear your seat belt while driving over the next six months. How likely or unlikely do you think you will be to receive a ticket for not wearing a seat belt?

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Somewhat unlikely

4 Very unlikely

5 This is not against the law where I live

S5. The next few statements are about driving and seat belts. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with each one.

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

S5a. Seat belts are just as likely to harm as help you.

S5b. If I were in a crash, I would want to have my seat belt on.

S5c. Putting on a seat belt makes me worry more about being in a crash.

S5d. If it is your time to die, you’ll die, so it doesn’t matter whether you wear your seat belt.

S5e. There is no excuse for not wearing your seat belt.

Shape36 S6. How often do you ride as a passenger in any kind of car, van, SUV, or truck?


1 Every day, or almost every day

2 Several days a week


3 About once a week

4 Once or twice a month

5 Up to a few times a year

6 Never → Go to question S7


S6a. When you are a passenger, do you usually ride in the front seat or the back seat?

1 Front seat

2 Back seat

S6b. When riding as a passenger in the front seat, how often do you wear your seat belt?

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half the trips

4 Fewer than half the trips

5 None of the trips

6 I never ride in the front seat

S6c. When riding as a passenger in the back seat, how often do you wear your seat belt?

1 All trips

2 Most trips

3 About half the trips

4 Fewer than half the trips

5 None of the trips

6 I never ride in the back seat

S7. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe wear their seat belt every time they drive?

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

S8. Thinking about adults in the US, about how many do you believe have not worn a seat belt at any point while riding as a passenger in the past 12 months?

1 All or nearly all adults

2 Most adults

3 About half of adults

4 Fewer than half of adults

5 None or nearly no adults

S9. Which, if any, of the following describe reasons why you wear your seat belt?

Select all that apply.

1 It’s a habit

2 I don’t want to get a ticket

3 Others expect me to wear it

4 It’s the law

5 I want to avoid serious injury

6 I want to set a good example for others

7 The vehicle has a bell, buzzer, or light that reminds me

8 Some other reason(s)

9 I never wear my seat belt

S10. Which, if any, of the following describe reasons why you have not worn your seat belt during past occasions?

Select all that apply.

1 I’m only going a short distance

2 I’m riding in light traffic

3 The seat belt is uncomfortable

4 The probability of being in a crash is too low

5 The people I am with are not wearing seat belts

6 I don’t like being told what to do

7 I can’t get to the seat belt or am unable to get it to work

8 I don’t think I need a seat belt in taxis or Ubers/Lyfts

9 Some other reason(s)

10 I always wear my seat belt

Shape40 S11. Is there anything that you particularly dislike or find annoying about wearing your seat belt?


1 Yes

2 No → Go to question S12


S11a. What is it that you dislike or find annoying? Is it because…

Select all that apply.

1 Seat belts are a nuisance or hassle

2 I feel too restricted or confined by seat belts

3 Seat belts put pressure on my neck, choke me, or cut across my neck

4 Seat belts put pressure on my shoulder; the shoulder strap is too tight

5 Seat belts put pressure on my chest

6 Seat belts irritate or chafe my skin

7 Seat belts wrinkle my clothes

8 Something else

S12. Which, if any, of the following would encourage you to wear (or continue wearing) your seat belt?

Select all that apply. We are interested in your responses even if you already wear your seat belt.

1 Getting or hearing about someone getting a ticket for not wearing a seat belt

2 New or stricter laws regarding seat belt use

3 Higher fines for seat belt violation tickets

4 Being in or seeing/hearing about a crash

5 Influence or pressure from others to wear my seat belt

6 Technology in my vehicle that reminds me to do so (such as a light or beeping alert)

7 Hearing/seeing campaigns around seat belt safety awareness

8 Discounts from my auto insurance company for wearing my seat belt

9 Something else

10 Nothing would encourage me to wear my seat belt

S13. In a crash, would you say that seat belts are most helpful to adults in the front seat, in the back seat, or is it about the same?

1 Front seat

2 Back seat

3 About the same

S14. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement:

Wearing a seat belt while driving is a worthwhile precaution.

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

S15. Thinking about adults in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement:

It's okay to sometimes not buckle up when riding as a passenger.

1 All or nearly all adults

2 Most adults

3 About half of adults

4 Fewer than half of adults

5 None or nearly no adults

S16. Assume that you regularly do not wear your seat belt while riding in the back seat of a vehicle over the next six months.

How likely or unlikely do you think you will be to receive a ticket for not wearing a seat belt?

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Somewhat unlikely

4 Very unlikely

5 This is not against the law where I live

S17. Assume that you were stopped and fined for not wearing a seat belt.

Shape43 After receiving the ticket, do you think you would…?

1 Wear my seat belt more often as a permanent change

2 Wear my seat belt more often for at least a year

3 Wear my seat belt more often for less than a year

4 Make no change

S18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Police in my community generally do not bother to write tickets for seat belt violations.

1 Strongly agree

2 Somewhat agree

3 Somewhat disagree

4 Strongly disagree

S19. To what extent do you favor or oppose laws that require drivers and front seat passengers to wear seat belts?

1 Strongly favor

2 Somewhat favor

3 Somewhat oppose

4 Strongly oppose

S20. To what extent do you favor or oppose fines for drivers who do not wear seat belts?

1 Strongly favor

2 Somewhat favor

3 Somewhat oppose

4 Strongly oppose

S21. To what extent do you favor or oppose laws that require back seat adult passengers to wear seat belts?

1 Strongly favor

2 Somewhat favor

3 Somewhat oppose

4 Strongly oppose

S22. Have you read, seen, or heard anything regarding the importance of seat belts from people or groups in your community? This could be public service announcements on TV, signs on the road, news stories, on social media, through an organization, or something else.

1 Yes, in the past 30 days

2 Yes, but longer ago than 30 days

3 No, never

S23. The next questions are about seat belt laws in your state. Does your state have a law requiring seat belt use?

Shape45 Shape44

1 Definitely yes

2 Probably yes

Shape46 Shape47

Go to question S24

3 Probably not

4 Definitely not

5 Don't know


S23a. To the best of your knowledge, who is required to wear seat belts according to your state law?

Select all that apply.

1 Drivers

2 Children in the front seat

3 Children in the back seat

4 Adult passengers in the front seat

5 Adult passengers in the back seat

S23b. To the best of your knowledge in your state, can police stop a vehicle if they observe a seat belt violation or do they have to observe some other offense first in order to stop the vehicle?

1 Can stop just for seat belt violation

2 Must observe another offense first

3 Don't know

S24. In your opinion, should police be allowed to stop a vehicle if they observe a seat belt violation when no other traffic laws are being broken?

1 Should be allowed to stop

2 Should not

S25. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is at least as important for police to enforce seat belt laws as it is for police to enforce other traffic laws.

1 Strongly agree

Shape49 2 Somewhat agree

3 Somewhat disagree

4 Strongly disagree

S26. Have you read, seen, or heard anything about enforcement of seat belt laws by police?

1 Yes, in the past 30 days

2 Yes, but longer ago than 30 days

3 No, never



If you have driven in the past 12 months, please continue with question A1.


If you have not driven in the past 12 months, please skip to question A6.

A1. Have you ever been stopped by police for any of the following traffic safety reasons while driving? Select all that apply.


1 Speeding

2 Aggressive or reckless driving

3 Drunk or impaired driving

4 Seat belt violation

5 Illegal turn or improper lane change

6 Stop sign or red light violation


7 Distracted driving, such as using a cell phone while driving


8 Some other reason (please describe)

9 I have never been stopped by police for any traffic safety reason while driving → Go to question A2


A1a. In the past 12 months, how many times have you been stopped by police for a traffic safety reason while driving?

1 None

2 Once

3 2 to 3 times

4 4 to 6 times

5 7 to 9 times

6 10 or more times

A1b. When you were stopped by police in the past 12 months, did you receive a ticket for any traffic safety violation?


1 Yes

1 No → Go to question A2

A1c. How many?

꙱꙱ Tickets

A2. In the past 12 months, have you received a ticket in the mail for any traffic safety violation identified by camera (such as an automated speed camera or red light camera)?


1 Yes

2 No → Go to question A3


A2a. How many?

꙱꙱ Tickets

A3. At each of the following times, do you believe you are more likely, less likely, or just as likely to get a ticket for a traffic safety violation?

More likely

Less likely

Just as likely

A3a. On or around holidays

A3b. During large events, such as sporting events or concerts

A3c. At night

A3d. Early in the morning

A3e. During rush hour

A3f. During bad weather, such as rain or snow

A4. Assume that you were stopped and fined for speeding.

After receiving the ticket, do you think you would…?

1 Speed less often as a permanent change

2 Speed less often for at least a year

3 Speed less often for less than a year

4 Make no change

Shape59 A5. Compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020), do you think you are more likely to be stopped by law enforcement, less likely to be stopped by law enforcement, or is it about the same? Please be thinking about your likelihood of being stopped on any given day that you drive.

1 More likely

2 Less likely

3 About the same

A6. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe have ever been stopped by the police for a traffic safety reason while driving?

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A7. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe at least occasionally drive more than 10 mph over the speed limit?

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A8. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe at least occasionally drive a vehicle when they think they've consumed too much alcohol to drive safely?

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A9. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement: Everyone should obey the speed limit because it's the law.

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A10. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement: Driving over the speed limit is not dangerous for skilled drivers.

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A11. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement: There is no excuse for driving while impaired by alcohol.

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A12. Thinking about drivers in the US, about how many do you believe would agree to the following statement: It's okay to drive after a drink or two if you do not feel intoxicated.

1 All or nearly all drivers

2 Most drivers

3 About half of drivers

4 Fewer than half of drivers

5 None or nearly no drivers

A13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All drivers, regardless of demographic or personal characteristics, are equally likely to be stopped by law enforcement if they commit the same traffic safety violation.

1 Strongly agree

2 Somewhat agree

3 Somewhat disagree

4 Strongly disagree


A14. How dangerous do you feel the following driving behaviors are?

We are interested in your responses even if you do not engage in these activities.

Extremely dangerous

Very dangerous

Moderately dangerous

Not very dangerous

Not dangerous at all

A14a. Speeding 15 mph over the speed limit on interstates, freeways, or other highways

A14b. Speeding 10 mph over the speed limit on residential streets (neighborhood)

A14c. Driving through a light that had just turned red if I could have stopped safely

A14d. Driving aggressively (switching lanes quickly, driving very closely behind another car)

A14e. Driving if I am so tired that I have a hard time keeping my eyes open

A14f. Driving after drinking enough alcohol that I may be over the legal limit

A14g. Riding in a car driven by someone who has had too much alcohol

A14h. Driving when impaired by marijuana

A14i. Driving while texting, e-mailing, or using apps on a handheld phone

A14j. Driving without wearing a seat belt

A15. How much do you believe people who are important to you, such as friends or family members, would approve or disapprove of each of the following behaviors?

Completely approve

Somewhat approve

Somewhat disapprove

Completely disapprove

A15a. Driving without wearing a seat belt

A15b. Driving while texting, e-mailing, or using apps on a handheld phone

A15c. Speeding 15 mph over the speed limit on interstates, freeways, or other highways

A15d. Speeding 10 mph over the speed limit on residential streets (neighborhood)

A15e. Driving aggressively (switching lanes quickly, driving very closely behind another car)

A15f. Driving after drinking enough alcohol that I may be over the legal limit

A15g. Riding in a car driven by someone who has had too much alcohol

A15h. Driving when impaired by marijuana


A16. Assume that you regularly engage in each of the following behaviors over the next six months. For each one, how likely or unlikely do you think you will be to receive a ticket or be stopped by the police?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

This is not against the law where I live

A16a. Driving without wearing a seat belt

A16b. Driving while texting, e-mailing, or using apps on a handheld phone

A16c. Speeding 15 mph over the speed limit on interstates, freeways, or other highways

A16d. Speeding 10 mph over the speed limit on residential streets (neighborhood)

A16e. Driving aggressively (switching lanes quickly, driving very closely behind another car)

A16f. Driving after drinking enough alcohol that I may be over the legal limit

A16g. Driving when impaired by marijuana

A17. How would you feel about using the following measures in your community…

Good idea

Neither a good idea nor a bad idea

Bad idea

A17a. Roadside checkpoints for drunk or impaired drivers

A17b. Increased use of red light cameras at intersections

A17c. Road design changes, like speed humps and traffic circles, to slow down traffic

A17d. Electronic signs by the road that display the speed of the driver

A17e. Increased use of automated speed cameras

A17f. Digital speed signs that change the speed limit on a section of road based on traffic or weather conditions

Before we wrap up the survey, we have a few additional background questions about you.

C25. How old are you?

꙱꙱꙱ Years old

C26. What is your sex?

1 Female

2 Male

Shape62 C27. In order to better understand driver and rider characteristics, we'd like to ask you about your height and weight.

About how tall are you without shoes?

Feet ꙱꙱ Inches

C28. What is your weight?

꙱꙱꙱ Pounds

C29. What is your race and/or ethnicity? Select all that apply.

1 American Indian or Alaska Native

2 Asian

3 Black or African American

4 Hispanic or Latino

5 Middle Eastern or North African

6 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

7 White

C30. Are you currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?

1 Married

2 Widowed

3 Divorced

4 Separated

5 Never married

C31. Do you own or rent your home?

1 Own

2 Rent

3 Some other arrangement

C32. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

1 Did not start high school

2 Some high school

3 High school diploma

4 GED or alternative credential

5 Some college with no degree

6 Two-year or Associate's degree

7 Four-year or Bachelor's degree

8 Some graduate school with no degree

9 Graduate or professional degree

C33. Which of the following categories best describes your total household income before taxes in 2024? Your best estimate is fine.

1 Less than $15,000

2 $15,000 to $24,999

3 $25,000 to $34,999

4 $35,000 to $49,999

5 $50,000 to $74,999

6 $75,000 to $99,999

7 $100,000 to $149,999

8 $150,000 to $199,999

9 $200,000 or more

C34. Including yourself, how many adults aged 18 and older live in your household?

꙱꙱ Adults

C35. Which, if any, of the following aged children live in your household? Select all that apply.

1 Under 1 year old

2 1 or 2 years old

3 3, 4 or 5 years old

4 6, 7 or 8 years old

5 9, 10, 11 or 12 years old

6 13, 14 or 15 years old

7 16 or 17 years old

8 No children in my household

C36. What is your current employment status?

1 Working as a paid employee, full-time

2 Working as a paid employee, part-time

3 Not working and looking for work

4 Not working, retired

5 Not working due to disability

6 Not working, homemaker

7 Not working for any other reason

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKaderabek, Adam
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2025-03-14

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