#: 2127-0734
NHTSA Form 1648
Exp Date 03/31/2022
Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety: Field Operational Test
Submitted by:
KEA Technologies, Inc.
400 Donald Lynch Blvd, Suite 102
Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 658 - 9416
Principal Investigator
Kelly Ozdemir, PhD. Director of Applied Sciences KEA Technologies, Inc.
400 Donald Lynch Blvd, Suite 102
Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 658 – 9425
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2127-0734. The purpose of the information collection is to collect information to provide a greater understanding of the performance of both breath- and touch-based sensors with actual dosed passengers using the technology under varying environmental conditions. The primary component of this information collection is the collection of sensor data during a Field Operational Test (FOT) involving human subjects; however, demographic information about participants and post-test information will be collected as well. The objectives of the FOT are to: (1) Determine the effectiveness of the DADSS sensors in a real-world driving environment; (2) Analyze DADSS breath- and touch-based sensors in real-world driving scenarios; and (3) Obtain technical data to further refine the DADSS Performance Specifications that will ultimately be used for system design and product development. We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to one hour to complete the orientation and up to 5 hours to complete the FOT. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Room W45-205, Washington, DC, 20590.
HSD Study Day Checklist
Participant ID: HSD-___ Date: ___________ Arrival time: __________
Confirm date of study
Confirm scenario/protocol being run (Staff Responsible:_______)
Confirm address to send BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Self-Test
Conduct Health Screening Questionnaire (Staff responsible:_________)
Notify and schedule staff for study
Confirm with subject and discuss Uber or Cab transportation
Confirm receival of BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Self-Test and arrange Teams video call with staff and participant anytime within 24 hours of study. (Date and Time of Test: _______________)
Remind subject of restrictions for study day
Remind them to bring their own source of entertainment for the day- phone, laptop, books, etc.
Make sure screening room will be free
Confirm protocol and route (Protocol: ________, Route: _____________________)
Assign driver (Staff responsible ID #:_________)
Assign research assistant (Staff responsible ID #:_________)
Obtain Subject ID #: ____________
Conduct Health Screening Questionnaire (Staff responsible:_________); script below
Conduct BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Self-Test with participant via Teams video call
Staff responsible: ___________, Test Result: ______________
Qualified to proceed? Y N Staff Signature: _______________________
If NO, read positive antigen test script and inform PI and Sub-investigator of a positive result
Print Informed Consent, lunch menu, in car measurements sheet, study day BrAC form, W-9
Decide who will be performing informed consent (Staff responsible: ____________)
Confirm route (Staff responsible: _________, Route: _____________________)
Make sure that graduated cylinders for measuring vodka and that dosing cups are clean
Check dose from rough weight estimate and check to make sure we have enough vodka
Ensure that we have toast, butter, jam, and OJ for breakfast
Water bottles
Barf bags
Clean biohazard bucket
Mouthpieces for Smart Start
First-aid kit
Paper towels
Disinfectant wipes or spray
Phone chargers
LED Flashing lights
ACTS Letter
BRANY IRB Approval letter
Set-up scale and height measurement tools in screening room
Prepare biohazard bucket with new drug test cup and pregnancy test (if female)
Two slices bread (2 butter, 2 jam) and OJ - put in refrigerator
Make sure screening room and HS bathroom are clean
Place blank Informed Consent Form into the room
Place W-9 Form into the room
Place study-day/set-up Panera menu in the room
Place blank in car measurements sheet in room
Ensure pack of gloves, paper towels, and short trash barrel are in the room
Confirm study staff BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Self-Test result
(Staff Responsible _______, Driver (init: _____), Result: _______, RA (init:____), Result: ________
Check Health Screening Questionnaire’s for research staff & for participant (Staff responsible:_________)
Breathalyze driving team (Staff responsible: ____________)
Ensure that driver/proper personnel completed the Vehicle Inspection Checklist form on Microsoft Forms by 9:30 AM.
Human Subject Screening Room:
Check for Uber/Lyft receipt (Staff responsible: ____________)
Check for valid form of ID.
Confirm identity and age (Birth Year: __________) (Staff responsible: ____________)
Form of ID Provided: ________________________
Check for CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Card (if first study/first study back) (Staff responsible: _________)
Informed Consent Form (Staff responsible: ____________)
Collect spare COVID-19 Self-Test test kit (if applicable). (Staff responsible: _________)
Go over current study protocol (route for the day, what they will be expected to do)
Protocol Description: Today we will be completing the ____________ route(s) (SHOW MAP). In a couple minutes, we will be doing an orientation in the vehicle to make sure you are comfortable and understand what is being asked of you, but as an overview, you will be in the passenger seat of the car for the duration of the study and you will be expected to administer breaths to three alcohol breath sensors. The testing sessions will be about 2 minutes, followed by a 2 minute break where you will not need to administer breaths. The User Interface Module, located on the dash of the car, will provide written instructions of what you need to be doing. The research assistant in the car will also be available to prompt you and give instruction or help throughout the study. Please let us know throughout the study day if you have any questions or concerns.
Reference breathalyzer: _____________
Last Food (no food after 8pm): _____________________________________________
Last Alcohol (nothing for 36 hours): ____________________________________________
Last Nicotine (no smoking after 8pm): ___________________________________________
Last Caffeine (nothing for 12 hours): ___________________________________________
Last Drug Use (nothing for 2 days): ____________________________________________
Last Medication Use (nothing for 12 hours) ____________________________________
First day of last menstrual cycle: ______________________________________________
Urine Sample:
Drug Test (Results: _____________ )
Pregnancy Test (Results:_____________)
Height: _____________
Weight: _____________ BMI:________________
Temperature (F): _________
Qualified to proceed? Y N Staff Signature: _______________________
Lunch Order
Staff member to pick up lunch: _____________
Breakfast (2 pieces of toast, 2 butter/jam, and 1 clear glass of OJ) Staff Responsible:_________
Orientation with the car
Driver: _____________ RA(s):___________________
Introduce driving team
Show the participant where the User Interface Module is and familiarize with prompts
Complete in car measurements sheet
Run through two complete cycles with the participant and ensure they are able to follow the directions and understand what data collection will require
Alcohol preparation:
Staff Member 1 Responsible:___________ Staff Member 2 Responsible:___________
Drink master (print 1 and save a digital copy) Alcohol Dose:________ Mixer Dose:__________
Need: Completed drink master, Vodka, 3 tumblers, 4 solo cups, beakers
Lock Vodka back in study fridge Staff Member Responsible:__________
Bathroom break if necessary BEFORE drinks
Explain room:
U This is where you will be for the duration of the study when you are not in the car. After you return from the driving route, you will return to this room where you will be able to eat lunch, relax, and keep yourself entertained with your phone, laptop, books, or whatever you have brought. We will try to make sure that you are comfortable, please let us know if there is anything we can get you or do to make you feel more comfortable.
Alcohol Administration:
Bring tray into Chamber
U You will be given three drinks of vodka OR a mixed drink (clarify which one it will be for the day) and will have 10 minutes to finish the drink(s).
If Shots: We will also ask you to swish and rinse with water after each drink (signal showing that water is in the solo cups). Please do not swallow the water. The purpose of this is to eliminate any residual mouth alcohol.
If Mixed Drink or Chaser: We will also ask you to swish and rinse at the very end with water (signal showing that water is in the solo cup). Please do not swallow the water. The purpose of this is to eliminate any residual mouth alcohol.
U I will be handing you the drinks of vodka, which you will drink when I say go. You have 10 minutes to finish the drinks. After 10 minutes, we will take you out to the car and you will be driven on a pre-mapped route to ______(location). In case you are not feeling well in anyway during this process, please let me know. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are ever feeling ill during the drive as well. Do you have any questions?
Drink: Time 00:00:00 (“GO!”) Real Time Start Time:______________
Subject begin drinking
Start clocks (Staff responsible: ____________)
Finish drink (00:10:00) Real Time End Time:_______
Time of departure with driving team:______________
Monitor BrAC every 15 minutes
Given them signed copies of their ICF
Cleared to go?
BrAC: ________________ Staff Sign off: __________________
Call Uber/Lyft and ensure that they safely enter the correct vehicle (Staff responsible: ____________)
Clean HS screening room
Ensure that KEA study personnel check-in with Kelly or Kianna regarding the study
Ensure that KEA study personnel have filled out all required forms for the day
Check Request Submitted ($30 + Uber compensation)
Log study into data viewer
Put together data sheet and upload to sharepoint
Health Screen
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Fever or feeling feverish
Sore throat
New cough
Nasal congestion or new runny nose
Muscle aches
New loss of smell or taste
Shortness of breath
Diarrhea, nausea, or other GI symptoms
No Symptoms
Have you traveled outside of Massachusetts in the last 14 days?
Yes. Where: *
*If yes:
International travel: wait minimally two weeks to schedule. Domestic travel:
Did you take a plane?
*Wait a week to schedule study post plane travel
**Did you drive a personal vehicle?
*yes: fine to proceed with scheduling
**no: how did you travel to this location?
Have you had contact in the last 2 weeks with anyone who has had the above symptoms or who has suspected or known positive COVID-19
*Ask if they have been or are planning to get tested and verify vaccination status. Wait two weeks to schedule.
Do you wear a face mask or covering according to state guidelines/requirements?
Script for Positive Antigen Test
Your test for COVID-19 is positive. However, this test is not 100% definitive. The golden standard for tests is PCR tests and this test is an antigen test. We advise you to visit to find the nearest COVID-19 testing site and to contact your doctor or visit an urgent care center if you develop symptoms and feel unwell. Until you have a PCR test, you should do the following:
Monitor your symptoms. If symptoms develop or worsen, call your doctor’s office. If you have a medical emergency and need to call 911.
Stay home except to get medical care. Call ahead before visiting the doctor to let the office know you had a positive antigen test. When leaving home for essential medical care, avoid public transportation, including buses, trains, ride-sharing services, and taxis.
Separate from other people and animals in your home. This includes staying in a single room away from other people and using a separate bathroom if available. If there isn't, the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected after you use it. Please do not allow visitors who do not have an essential need to be in the home.
Wear a covering or mask around other people and pets, even at home. Wear a face covering or mask around other people and pets, including at home and in vehicles. If you have trouble breathing with a face covering or mask on, other people in the household should wear a face covering or mask when in the same room as you.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Title Page |
Author | skristoff |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-03-14 |