Application for Mother's of Father's Insurance Benefits Modernized Claims System (MCS) and Preliminary Claims System (PCS)

Application for Mother's or Father's Insurance Benefits

MCS screens for SSA-5

Application for Mother's of Father's Insurance Benefits Modernized Claims System (MCS) and Preliminary Claims System (PCS)

OMB: 0960-0003

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Modernized Claim System (MCS)
Screen Package
MCS is the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) claim system for taking and processing title II and XVIII
applications. It mirrors the paper application formats using an electronic collection method.
MCS screens include data fields for technicians to complete with application responses and documentation of
evidence. Its functionality includes propagation of data from SSA records and the ability to print and store an
application summary, receipt and reporting responsibilities for Title II and XVIII applications.
This screen package include the multiple MCS screens technicians may complete when taking an application for
Mother’s or Father’s Insurance Benefits.

Screen Name

Page Number

MCS System Menu Screen (MENU)


RSDHI Claims Application (APPL)
Claims Contact Method Data (CCMD)
Identification (IDEN) & Identification 2 (IDEN2)
Additional Benefits (ADDB)
NH Identification (NHID)
Information About the Deceased (DECD)
NH Additional Benefits (NHAB)
NH Marriage (NMAR)
Dependent Children of NH (DEPC)
Earnings (EARN)
NH Military Service (NHMS)
NH Military Retirement/Federal Benefit (NHMR)
NH Railroad Employment (NHRR
Work Deductions/Election Option (DEME)
NH Railroad Employment (NHRR) Screen
Citizenship (U.S. and/or Foreign) (CLCZ)
Claimant Mailing Address (CADR)
Client Address (CLAD)
Lawful Presence (CLLP)
Beneficiary Marriage (BMAR)
Dependent Child In Care (DCIC)
CL Military Service (CLMS) Screen
CL Military Retirement/Federal Benefit (CLMR)
CL Railroad Employment (CLRR)
SP Railroad Employment (SPRR)
Government Pension (GPI1)
Government Pension – Address (GPI2)
Government Pension Periodic Payments (GPP1)
Government Pension Federal 1 (GPF1)
Remarks (RMKS)


pg. 1

MCS System Menu (MENU)

To start a claim in MCS, technicians input the Number Holder’s (NH) Social Security Number (SSN) and select
“1=Establish” and function “3=New Claim” and the enter key. When technicians take a survivor claim, they must
input the worker’s SSN as the NH SSN and the SSN of the individual who is filing for the surivor benefits as the CL
(claimant) SSN.

RSDHI Claims Application (APPL) Screen

The name, sex and
birthdate propagate into
the claim from SSA’s

select 2
when taking
a survivor
claim for
mother or
The APPL Screen establishes the claim type and collects the application questions that identify the number
holder (NH), claimant (CL) and applicant when different from the claimant. Technicians can select up to two
claim types (retirement and disability) when filing for benefits that are based on their own earnings record.
When filing for spouse’s benefits, the technicians select #4 – AUXSPO.

pg. 2

Claims Contact Method Data (CCMD)

The CCMD screen is mandatory in every Title II claims path. The claim types propagate onto the screen based on
the claim type selected on the APPL screen (page 2). These are not application questions.

Contact method for taking the application - this information is for Management Information purposes.
Notice option - When claimants have a visual impairment, SSA can update their notice system to
accommodate for special needs. (Options include first class mail or first class mail with call, certified
mail, braille, and data CD.)

pg. 3

Identification (IDEN) Screen

The IDEN screen records identifying information about a claimant. When the answer is “Yes” to:

Ever Married, the Number Holder Marriage (NMAR) screen will come into the claim’s path.
Child under 18, Student 18-19, 18 or older and disabled before 22, the Children(s) (CHLD) screen comes
into the claim’s path.
Work or Earnings in 2018 – 2021, the Work (WORK) screen comes into the claim’s path.
Disabled in last 14 months, the DISB screen comes into the claim’s path.

Identification 2 (IDN2)

The Identification 2 screen (IDN2) is a continuation of the IDEN screen. We are removing these questions from
the application. Technicians will continue to complete these questions since MCS uses the responses during
adjudication of the claim. Technicians will use system queries to obtain responses to these questions.

pg. 4

Additional Benefits (ADDB) Screen

This ADDB screen collects information that may affect the claimant’s benefit payment.

NH Identification (NHID) Screen

The NHID screen collects identification and claims lead information about a deceased NH. Data is either input to
this screen or propagated from the Integrated Client Data Base. If propagated, the data may be over keyed

pg. 5

Information About the Deceased (DECD) Screen

The DECD screen collects information about the deceased number holder. The information will be used for
claims leads and claims adjudication purposes.

NH Additional Benefits (NHAB) Screen

The NHAB screen collects information about a deceased NH's potential or actual entitlement to benefits from
other sources.

pg. 6

NH Marriage (NMAR) Screen

The NH Marriage (NMAR) screen is used to record information about a NH's marriages.

Dependent Children of NH (DEPC) Screen

The DEPC screen collects the names of the children that may be eligible for benefits on the NH’s earnings record.
This screen comes into the claims path when the technician enters “Y” for Dependent Children on the IDEN
screen (pg. 4).

pg. 7

Earnings (EARN) Screen

Technicians complete the EARN screen with the NH's current and prior year’s wages when they are not on the
NH’s earnings record and the wages or self-employment are needed for insured status coverage.

NH Military Service (NHMS) Screen

The NHMS screen comes into the claim’s path when the technician records “Y” to being in the military service on
the ADDB screen (pg. 5). The data collected on this screen is used to record periods of active duty military
service for 1957 through 1967 for deemed military wages (DMW), which may affect the NH’s insured status (i.e.,
eligibility for benefits).

pg. 8

NH Military Retirement/Federal Benefit (NHMR)

The NHMR screen comes into the claim’s path when the technician records the claimant receives a military or
civilian federal agency benefit on the NHMS screen (pg. 8)

NH Railroad Employment (NHRR) Screen

The NHRR screen comes into the claim’s path when the technician records a “Y” for “Worked in the RR for 5
years or more on the NHAB screen, or “Receiving RR retirement pension/annuity on the ADDB screen (pg. 5).

pg. 9

Work Deductions/Election Option (DEME) Screen

The DEME screen collects and uses the data provided on the upper portion of DEME screen to determine
deductions under the Annual Earnings Test. The bottom portion is where the technician records the month the
claimant wants to begin receiving benefits.

NH Dependent Parent (NPAR) Screen

The NPAR screen collects information about a dependent parent(s) as a lead to a potential parent's claim.

pg. 10

Citizenship (US and/or Foreign) CLCZ Screen

For United States
citizens, technicians
complete these
fields to document
the claim.
When claimants are non-U.S. citizens,
technicians complete this field to
bring the Lawful Presence screen into
the claims path.
The CLCZ screen collects the country of citizenship and documents evidence of U.S. citizenship or the need to
document lawful presence. Information collected on this screen updates the Integrated Client Data Base
Record/Person Information and is available for future claims and other application systems that request the
claimant’s mailing address.

Claimant Mailing Address (CADR) Screen

The CADR screen collects contact and payment information. The address data entered on this screen updates
the Integrated Client Data Base Record/Person Information and is available for future claims and other
application systems that request the claimant’s mailing address.

pg. 11

Client Address (CLAD) Screen

The CLAD screen collects the principal dwelling residence addresses that may or may not be the same as the
mailing address.

Lawful Presence (CLLP) Screen

Documentation of
evidence questions
for the technician.

The CLLP screen comes into the claims path when technicians code “IS LAWFUL PRESENCE DATA NEEDED” as “Y”
on the CLCZ screen (page 11). Technicians document the immigration status under one of the four categories
and the status of development (e.g., proof, no proof, or development pending).

pg. 12

Beneficiary Marriage (BMAR) Screen

The BMAR Screen comes into the claims path when filing for benefits on a spouse/widow(er)’s earnings record.
The marriage data collected documents the entitlement factors for spouse/widow(er)’s benefits. Information
collected on this screen updates the Integrated Client Data Base Record/Person Information and is available for
future claims.

Dependent Child In Care (DCIC) Screen

The DCIC screen collects data for each child in the care of an auxiliary spouse or surviving spouse child-in-care
beneficiary. The child in the beneficiary’s care must be a child of the NH who is under age 16 or disabled and
entitled to child's benefits. Data for each “in care” child is entered on separate DCIC screens.

pg. 13

CL Military Service (CLMS) Screen

The CLMS one of two screens that asks for information about military service. The screen comes into
the path when the technician enters "Y" to "In Active Military Service After Sept 7 1939" on the ADDB
screen (pg. 5).

CL Military Retirement/Federal Benefit (CLMR) Screen

The CLMR screen is a condition screen that comes into the claims path when the CLMS screen shows
the claimant is receiving or eligible for a military or civilian benefit.

pg. 14

CL Railroad Employment (CLRR) Screen

The CLRR screen comes into the path when the technician enters “Y” to either WORKED IN RR FOR 5

SP Railroad Employment (SPRR) Screen

The SPRR screen comes into the path when the technician enters "Y" in WORKED IN RR FOR 5 YEARS
OR MORE and "Y" in [3-C] SPOUSE on ADDB (pg. 5).

pg. 15

Government Pension (GPI1) Screen

The GPI1 screen comes up in the claim’s path when the technician records a “Y” for “Qualify for US
FED/State/Local Government Pension based on any work performed which was not covered under SS on the
ADDB screen (pg. 5).

Government Pension-Address (GPI2)

The GPI2 screen comes into the claim’s path when the technician records a “N” for “Is this government pension
based on another person’s earnings or only on employment covered under SS on the GPI1 screen. Technicians
document the government employer and government pension payer information.

pg. 16

Government Pension Federal 1 (GPF1)

The GPF1 screen comes into the claim’s path when the technician records a “N” for “Is this a government
pension based on another person’s earnings, and based only on employment covered under SS on the GPI1
screen (pg. 16).

Government Pension Periodic Payments (GPP1)

The GPP1 screens comes into the claim’s path when the technician records a “Y” for period payments on the
GPI1 screen (pg. 16).

pg. 17

Remarks (RMKS) Screen

The RMKS screen is the last page of the claim’s path. It collects information and/or explanations an applicant
may provide when completing the application.

pg. 18

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-02-25
File Created2021-02-25

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