Template Name | 63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Reports (Spreadsheet Template) |
CitationID | 63.9641(b) |
Template Version | v1.00 |
Last Updated Date | 7/30/2020 |
OMB No.: 2060-0538 Form 5900-576 For further Paperwork Reduction Act information see: |
Blank | 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing §63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template |
Blank | Instructions for Spreadsheet Template Purpose: This spreadsheet template was designed by the U.S. EPA to facilitate compliance reporting for facilities subject under the 40 CFR part 63, subpart RRRRR National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Taconite Iron Ore Processing. Electronic reporting: Electronic submission of Compliance Reports through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) is required under §63.9641(c). CEDRI is accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange ( |
Do not submit confidential business information (CBI) to EPA via CEDRI. EPA will make all the information submitted through this form via CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI claim, you must submit the report via CEDRI with the CBI omitted and mail a complete report, including any information claimed to be CBI, to EPA on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media via U.S. postal service. You must mark the outside of the digital storage media as CBI and then identify electronically within the digital storage media the specific information that is claimed as CBI. Mail the media to: U.S. EPA/OAQPS/SPPD/CORE CBI Office Attention: Taconite Iron Ore Processing Sector Lead, MD C404-02 4930 Old Page Rd Durham, North Carolina 27703 ![]() |
Blank | The CEDRI spreadsheet template upload feature allows you to submit data in a single report for a single facility or multiple facilities using this EPA provided Excel workbook. Data for each facility must be entered into the worksheet labeled "Company Information" in this Excel workbook. Each row in the "Company Information" worksheet includes the data for a single facility. The Company Record No. will be used to match the information on each tab to the appropriate facility. |
IMPORTANT: The final CEDRI upload file must be a single ZIP file, which must include this Excel workbook and any related attachments that were referenced in the workbook (i.e., additional information file found in the "Company Information" worksheet). | |
Blank | For each facility record found in the "Company Information" worksheet, you may reference a single file attachment that includes additional information. If you are uploading file attachments for your report, the uploaded files may be in any format (e.g., zip, docx, PDF). If you would like to include an Excel file(s) as an attachment, you must first zip the excel file(s) into a separate ZIP file to the master ZIP file that will be uploaded into CEDRI. For example, the file “” uploaded into CEDRI may contain 2 files: 1. Completed_semiannual_reporting_spreadsheet_Jan-June2019.xlsx 2. The “” file could contain as many attachments of any format (xlsx, xls, docx, pdf, zip, etc.) as needed. If you only have one file to attach, you do not need to zip it unless it is an Excel file (.xlsx, .xls). |
Template Navigation and Tabs to Complete: Gray Tab: The gray tab (Company_Information) contains general information, most of which is likely to be unchanged from report to report. After completing the gray tab, the workbook may be saved as a site-specific template for use in subsequent reports to limit subsequent data entry. Green Tabs: Green tabs (CMS_Identification, CMS_Downtime, Deviation_CMS, CMS_Downtime_Summary, and CMS_Deviation_Summary) are to be completed as necessary for facilities that use a continuous monitoring system for compliance. Some cells are linked to previous tabs or are calculations dependent upon data entry. Some columns will auto-calculate based on information entered into the workbook. Blue Tab: The blue tab (Deviation_Limits_Non_CMS) is to be completed for deviations that occur where there is no continuous monitoring system. Yellow Tab: The yellow tab (Negative Declarations) contain statements that apply to all facilities, regardless of whether a continuous monitoring system is present. Within the tabs, example rows are colored light orange (rows 14 through 23), and the XML tag row (row 13) is colored green. These rows are locked; no data entry is made in these rows. |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | ||||||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | ||||||||||||
* Required Field | ||||||||||||
Company Record No. * (Field value will automatically generate if a value is not entered.) |
Company Name * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) |
Address * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) |
Address 2 | City * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) |
County * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) |
State Abbreviation * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) (Select from dropdown) |
Zip Code * (§63.9641(b)(1), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(A)) |
Responsible Agency Facility ID (State Facility Identifier) |
Beginning Date of Reporting Period * (§63.9641(b)(3), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(C)) |
Ending Date of Reporting Period * (§63.9641(b)(3), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(C)) |
Please enter any additional information. | Enter associated file name reference. |
RecordId | CompanyName | AddressLine1 | AddressLine2 | CityName | CountyName | StateName | ZIPCode | StateFacID | PeriodStartDate | PeriodEndDate | AddInfo | AddFile |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: ABC Company | e.g.: 123 Main Street | e.g.: Suite 100 | e.g.: Brooklyn | e.g.: Kings | e.g.: NY | e.g.: 11221 | e.g.: 9145555555 | e.g.: 01/01/20 | e.g.: 6/30/20 | e.g.: | |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | |||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | |||||||||
Note: Company Record No. selections appear once Company(s) are added to Company_Information worksheet. For a COMS, please ensure that only the word opacity is listed in Column G. This will affect calculations in other worksheets, where opacity duration is listed in minutes instead of hours. | |||||||||
* Required Field | |||||||||
Company Record No. * (Select from dropdown) |
Process Unit Description * (§63.9641(b)(8)(viii), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(D)) |
Monitoring Equipment Manufacturer * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) |
Monitoring Equipment Model Number * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) |
Identification of Pollutant or Parameter Monitored * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(B)) |
Emission/Operating Parameter Limit * (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(E)) |
Date of Last CMS Certification or Audit * (§63.9641(b)(8)(x), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(G)) |
Description of any changes to CMS, processes, or controls since the last reporting period * (§63.9641(b)(8)(xi), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(K)) |
Were there excess emissions or exceedances of this pollutant/parameter? * (§63.10(e)(3)(v)) (Select from dropdown) |
Has the CMS been inoperative, out of control, repaired, or adjusted during the reporting period? * (§63.10(e)(3)(v)) (Select from dropdown) |
RecordId | ProcessUnitDesc | EquipmentMfr | EquipmentModelNo | CMSParameter | ParameterLimit | CMSAuditDate | CMSChangesDesc | ExcessFlag | Outage Flag |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: Indurating Furnace No. 1 | e.g.: ThermoCo | e.g.: AB200 | e.g.: Stack outlet temperature | e.g.: 250 F | e.g.: 02/1/20 | e.g.: Thermocouple replaced with same make/model of old thermocouple. | e.g.: Yes | e.g.: Yes |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | ||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | ||||||||
Note: Company Record No. selections appear once Company(s) are added to Company_Information worksheet. Company Monitoring System selections appear once information is added to the CMS_Identification worksheet. | ||||||||
* Required Field | ||||||||
Company Record No. * (Select from dropdown) |
Continuous Monitoring System * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) (Select from dropdown) |
CMS Inoperative or Out of Control? * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ii) or (iii), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(5), §63.10(c)(6)) (Select from dropdown) |
Starting Date * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ii) or (iii), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(5), §63.10(c)(6)) |
Starting Time * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ii) or (iii), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(5), §63.10(c)(6)) |
Duration CMS Inoperative or Out of Control * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(ii) or (iii), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(5), §63.10(c)(6)) |
Cause * (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Select from dropdown) |
Corrective Action Taken or Preventative Measures Adopted * (§63.9641(b)(8)(iii), §63.8(c)(8), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(11)) |
Nature of Repairs or Adjustments * (§63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(12)) |
RecordId | CMSDescription | CMSOutageDescription | CMSOutageStartDate | CMSOutageStartTime | CMSOutageDuration | CMSOutageCause | CorrectivePreventative | CMSAdjustment |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: Indurating Furnace 1 ThermoCo AB200 Stack outlet temperature | e.g. Inoperative | e.g.: 03/2/20 | e.g.: 1:52 PM | e.g.: 72.0 | e.g.: Monitoring equipment malfunction | e.g.: replaced thermocouple | e.g.: replaced thermocouple |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | ||||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | ||||||||||
Note: Company Record No. selections appear once Company(s) are added to Company_Information worksheet. Company Monitoring System selections appear once information is added to the CMS_Identification worksheet. Column J will be calculated from the information in Columns F through I. | ||||||||||
* Required Field | ||||||||||
Company Record No. * (Select from dropdown) |
Continuous Monitoring System * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) (Select from dropdown) |
Did the deviation occur during a period of malfunction? * (§63.9641(b)(8)(i), §63.9641(b)(8)(iv)) (Select from dropdown) |
Starting Date of Malfunction/Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(8)(i) §63.9641(b)(8)(iv), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(8)) |
Starting Time of Malfunction/Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(8)(i), §63.9641(b)(8)(iv), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(8)) |
Ending Date of Malfunction/Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(8)(i), §63.9641(b)(8)(iv), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(8)) |
Ending Time of Malfunction/Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(8)(i), §63.9641(b)(8)(iv), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(8)) |
Duration of Deviation (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (Calculated value) |
Cause of Malfunction/Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(8)(iv), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(10)) |
Type of Deviation * (§63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.9641(b)(8)(vi)) (Select from dropdown) |
Corrective Action Taken or Preventative Measures Adopted * (§63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(11)) |
RecordId | CMSDescription | MalfunctionFlag | ParameterExcessStartDate | ParameterExcessStartTime | ParameterExcessEndDate | ParameterExcessEndTime | ParameterExcessDuration | ExceedanceCause | DeviationType | CorrectiveAction |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: Indurating Furnace No. 1 FlowCo AD123 ESP secondary voltage | e.g. No | e.g.: 02/12/20 | e.g.: 1:00 PM | e.g.: 02/13/20 | e.g.: 8:00 AM | e.g.: 19 | e.g.: Valve controlling water flow failed, causing a loss of water to the ESP. | e.g.: Control Equipment Problems | e.g.: Stopped process, replaced valving. |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | |||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | |||||||||
Note: All columns, except Column E, will autofill based on information provided in previous worksheets and in Column E. | |||||||||
* Required Field | |||||||||
Company Record No. * (Autofilled) |
Continuous Monitoring System * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) (Autofilled) |
Total Source Operating Time * (hours) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vii), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(13), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(H)) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vii), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime as a Percent of Total Operating Time * (§63.9641(b)(8)(vii), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime Due to Monitoring Equipment Malfunctions * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime Due to Nonmonitoring Equipment Malfunctions * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime Due to Quality Assurance/Quality Control Calibrations * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime Due to Other Known Causes * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of CMS Downtime Due to Other Unknown Causes * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.10(e)(3)(vi)(J)) (Calculated value) |
RecordId | CMSDescription | TotalOperatingTime | CMSDowntimeDuration | CMSDowntimePercent | CMSDowntimeMonitoringMal | CMSDowntimeNonmonitoringMal | CMSDowntimeQuality | CMSDowntimeOtherKnown | CMSDowntimeUnknown |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: Indurating Furnace 1 ThermoCo AB200 Stack outlet temperature | e.g.: 4300 | e.g.: 72 | e.g.: 1.67% | e.g.: 72 | e.g.: 0 | e.g.: 0 | e.g.: 0 | e.g.: 0 |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | ||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | ||||||||
Note: All columns will autofill based on information provided in previous worksheets. | ||||||||
* Required Field | ||||||||
Company Record No. * (Autofilled) |
Continuous Monitoring System * (§63.9641(b)(8)(ix), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(F)) (Autofilled) |
Total Source Operating Time * (hours) (§63.9641(b)(8)(v), §63.10(e)(3)(v), §63.10(c)(13), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(H)) (Autofilled) |
Total Duration of Deviations * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(v), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of Deviations as a Percent of Total Operating Time * (§63.9641(b)(8)(v), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of Deviations Due to Control Equipment Problems * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vi), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of Deviations Due to Process Problems * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vi), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of Deviations Due to Other Known Causes * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vi), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
Total Duration of Deviations Due to Other Unknown Causes * (minutes for opacity, hours for others) (§63.9641(b)(8)(vi), §63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I)) (Calculated value) |
RecordId | CMSDescription | TotalOperatingTime | EmissionsDeviationDuration | EmissionsDeviationPercent | EmissionsDeviationEquipment | EmissionsDeviationProcess | EmissionsDeviationOther | EmissionsDeviationUnknown |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: Indurating Furnace 1 ThermoCo AB200 Stack outlet temperature | e.g.: 4300 | e.g.: 40 | e.g.: 0.93% | e.g.: 19 | e.g.: 3 | e.g.: 0 | e.g.: 0 |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | |||||||||||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | |||||||||||
Note: Company Record No. selections appear once Company(s) are added to Company_Information worksheet. | |||||||||||
* Required Field | |||||||||||
Company Record No. * (Select from dropdown) |
Affected Sources or Equipment * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Total Source Operating Time * (hours) (§63.9641(b)(7)(i)) |
Emission Limit Deviated From * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Starting Date of Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Starting Time of Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Duration of Deviation * (hours) (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Cause of Deviation * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Corrective Action Taken * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Regulated Pollutant Emitted Above Limit * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Estimate of Emissions * (pounds) (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
Method Used to Estimate Emissions * (§63.9641(b)(7)(ii)) |
RecordId | AffectedSource | SourceOperatingTime | LimitDeviation | DeviationStartDate | DeviationStartTime | DeviationDuration | DeviationCause | ActionTaken | DeviationPollutant | EmissionQuantity | EstimationMethod |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: West Stockpile | e.g.: 4300 | e.g.: Operate in accordance with fugitive dust emissions control plan | e.g.: 02/12/17 | e.g.: 1:00 PM | e.g.: 19 | e.g.: Water truck failed, and we were unable to keep piles wet. | e.g.: Fixed water truck engine. Revised plan to ensure more preventative maintenance is performed on water truck. | e.g.: Particulate Matter | e.g.: 0.1 | e.g.: Emissions factors for dust piles as used in our permit, minus subtraction for wetting. |
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRRR National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Taconite Iron Ore Processing | ||
§63.9641(b) Semiannual Compliance Report Spreadsheet Template | ||
Note: Company Record No. will autofill as they are added to Company_Information worksheet. | ||
* Required Field | ||
Company Record No. * (Autofilled) |
Did deviations occur during this reporting period? * (§63.9641(b)(5)) (Select from Dropdown) |
Were there periods during which a continuous monitoring system was out-of-control? * (§63.9641(b)(6)) (Select from Dropdown) |
RecordId | PeriodDeviationFlag | CMSOutOfControlFlag |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: There were no deviations from the emission limitations; work practice standards; or operation and maintenance requirements during the reporting period. | e.g.: There were no periods during which a continuous monitoring system was out-of-control during the reporting period. |
Revision Number | Date | Description |
1.00 | 7/30/2020 | Finalized Release Version |
File Type | application/zip |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |