Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-1423
Expiration Date: 12/31/2026
Expanding PrEP in Communities of Color (EPICC+)
Attachment 4c
Aim 1 Provider Pre-Training Survey
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: OMB-PRA (0920-New)
Welcome to EPICC+!
Thank you for your participation in this important project. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
In this survey, we will ask some questions about your demographics and your knowledge and comfort around prescribing and talking with patients about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This survey includes questions around sensitive topics. Before beginning, please consider your surroundings and the privacy of your device and internet connection.
All the information you enter in this survey is encrypted and kept completely confidential. Your answers are private--the information you provide us will be kept secure and known only to study staff.
You may choose "Decline to answer" on any questions that make you feel uncomfortable, or you are unsure of the answer.
Note about Language
want to acknowledge that some of the language used in our study
questions may include some outdated language or lack the diversity of
experiences that we now understand exist. Although we do our best to
use measures that reflect emerging language, at times the items
available in research are not where they need to be and are drawn
from items developed ten (or more) years ago. Wherever possible, we
have updated the language or are working with developers to get new
versions. Please remember that you can always decline to answer items
that do not reflect you.
If you have any questions or
comments, please contact study staff at or
(448) 488-9069.
click the button below to get started with the survey.
How old are you?
Decline to answer
Are you Hispanic or Latino/a/x/e?
Decline to answer
What race or races do you consider yourself to be (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY)
African American or Black
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Decline to answer
Which of the following BEST represents how you think about yourself?
Lesbian or gay
Straight, that is not lesbian or gay
Something else:____________
Decline to answer
[If American Indian or Alaskan Native is not checked]
How do you currently describe yourself? (Check all that apply)
Woman, including transgender woman
Man, including transgender man
Nonbinary, including gender nonconforming, and genderqueer
A different gender identity: ____________
Don’t know
Decline to answer
[If American Indian or Alaskan Native is checked]
How do you currently describe yourself? (Check all that apply)
Woman, including transgender woman
Man, including transgender man
Nonbinary, including gender nonconforming, and genderqueer
A different gender identity: ____________
Don’t know
Decline to answer
What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate?
Decline to answer
What is your current role in the clinic?
Clinician (MD, DO, PA, NP, etc.)
Medical assistant
Social worker or case manager
Adherence counselor
Peer advocate
Other, please specify: _______
Decline to answer
How many years have you been in your current position?
Decline to answer
Do you work directly with patients?
Decline to answer
Do you provide HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services to patients? For example: prescribing PrEP, counseling patients about PrEP, providing adherence support, etc.
Decline to answer
[If above = Yes]
How many years have you been providing PrEP services?
Decline to answer
Have you participated in any trainings on PrEP in the past year?
Yes, please describe the training(s): ___
Decline to answer
14. How familiar are you with motivational interviewing or MI?
Very Unfamiliar
Somewhat familiar
Neither familiar or unfamiliar
Somewhat familiar
Very Familiar
Decline to answer
15. Have you participated in any prior motivational interviewing or MI trainings?
Yes, please describe the training(s):_________
Decline to answer
16. How often do you use motivational interviewing or MI in your interactions with patients?
Most of the time
Decline to answer
17. How comfortable do you feel using motivational interviewing techniques during patient interactions now?
Completely uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Completely comfortable
Decline to answer
18. How would you describe your level of familiarity with each of the following:
Very unfamiliar |
Somewhat familiar |
Neither familiar nor unfamiliar |
Somewhat familiar |
Very familiar |
Decline to Answer |
PrEP, generally |
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☐ |
Daily oral PrEP with Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, or Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide |
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On-demand PrEP with Truvada® emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (also known as episodic or 2-1-1) |
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Cabotegravir (CAB)-LA PrEP (injectable) |
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☐ |
19. How confident do you feel discussing each of the following with patients?
Not at all confident |
Somewhat unconfident |
Neither confident nor unconfident |
Somewhat confident |
Very confident |
Decline to Answer |
PrEP generally |
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☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
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☐ |
Daily oral PrEP with Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, or Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
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☐ |
On-demand PrEP with Truvada® emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (also known as episodic or 2-1-1) |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
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☐ |
CAB-LA PrEP (injectable) |
☐ |
☐ |
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☐ |
☐ |
20. Please respond to the following statements by indicating how much you agree or disagree.
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Neutral |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Decline to Answer |
Prescribing PrEP will encourage patients to engage in risky sexual behavior. |
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Patients prescribed PrEP are not likely to adhere to the medication. |
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People should use condoms instead of PrEP. |
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Prescribing PrEP will lead to increased resistance to antiretroviral therapy (ART). |
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Prescribing PrEP will lead to an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs). |
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☐ |
22. Please respond to the following statements by indicating how much you agree or disagree.
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Neutral |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Decline to Answer |
Anyone who wants PrEP & doesn’t have any contraindications should be able to get it |
☐ |
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☐ |
Patients will be more likely to adhere to injectable PrEP than daily oral PrEP |
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It will be harder to clinically manage patients who use injectable PrEP compared to oral PrEP |
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Having more options for PrEP is beneficial to patients |
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☐ |
[For clinicians only]
23. Have you ever prescribed PrEP before?
Decline to answer
[for clinicians only if yes to ? above]
21. How comfortable do you feel prescribing PrEP to the following types of people:
Completely uncomfortable |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Completely comfortable |
Decline to Answer |
N/A |
Patients in your clinic, generally |
☐ |
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☐ |
☐ |
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☐ |
Patients under age 18 years |
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☐ |
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☐ |
Patients who identify as gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men |
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☐ |
Patients who identify as transgender male or female |
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☐ |
Patients who identify as heterosexual |
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☐ |
[If above = Yes]
24. Which of the following types of PrEP have you ever prescribed? Select all that apply
Daily oral: Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, or Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide
On-demand oral (2-1-1, episodic): Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
CAB-LA (injectable)
Other, specify:
Decline to answer
[For clinicians only]
25. Please fill in the table below to the best of your ability. It is OK if you don’t know the exact number for each cell; an approximation is fine.
Approximate number of patients in your care on each type of PrEP |
Approximate number of PrEP prescriptions you’ve written in the past year (new + refills) |
Decline to answer |
Daily oral PrEP with Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, or Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide |
On-demand PrEP with Truvada® emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (also known as episodic or 2-1-1) |
CAB-LA (injectable) |
Other PrEP regimen: Specify |
[if prescribed daily oral or on-demand in past year]
26. In the past year have you prescribed more Truvada® (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), or Descovy® (emtricitabine/tenofovir-alafenamide)?
Almost all Truvada® and no Descovy®
More Descovy® than Truvada®
Almost all Descovy® and no Truvada®
[if prescribed more or almost all Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide compared to Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate]
I feel more knowledgeable on Descovy® compared to Truvada®
I think Descovy® has fewer side effects compared to Truvada
Patients prefer Descovy® compared to Truvada
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________________
[For clinicians only]
As a clinician, what barriers do you/would you face when prescribing on-demand PrEP? Select all that apply
I don’t feel knowledgeable about on-demand PrEP compared to other PrEP modalities
I don’t believe that this specific PrEP modality should be used
I am lacking the necessary clinic support/infrastructure
I don’t think patients will be able to afford it
I don’t know what barriers
Other, please specify: __________________________
Decline to answer
[If don’t believe modality should be used is selected above]
Why do you think that on-demand PrEP should not be used? Select all that apply
Patients will be less adherent compared to other modalities
Patients won’t be able to predict when they will have sex
The on-demand dosing schedule is not FDA approved
On-demand PrEP is less effective than other modalities
On-demand PrEP is less safe than other modalities
On-demand PrEP will encourage riskier sexual behavior compared to other modalities
It will be harder to clinically manage patients using on-demand PrEP compared to other modalities
Other, please specify: __________________________
Decline to answer
[For clinicians only]
As a clinician, what barriers do you/would you face when prescribing injectable PrEP (CAB-LA)? Select all that apply
I don’t feel knowledgeable about injectable PrEP compared to other PrEP modalities
I don’t believe that this specific PrEP modality should be used
I am lacking the necessary clinic support/infrastructure
I don’t think patients will be able to afford it
I don’t know what barriers
Other, please specify: ___
Decline to answer
[If don’t believe modality should be used is selected above]
Why do you think that injectable PrEP should not be used? Select all that apply
Patients will not be able to keep/travel to injection appointments
Patients will not tolerate the side effects compared to other modalities
Injectable PrEP is less effective than other modalities
Injectable PrEP is less safe than other modalities
It will be harder to clinically manage patients using injectable PrEP compared to other modalities
Injectable PrEP will encourage riskier sexual behavior
Other, please specify: _____
Decline to answer
[For clinicians only]
How likely are you to prescribe/continue prescribing the following in the next 12 months:
Very unlikely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Neutral |
Somewhat likely |
Very likely |
Decline to Answer |
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), generally |
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☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Daily oral PrEP with Truvada®, emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, or Descovy®, emtricibine/tenofovir alafenamide |
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On-demand PrEP with Truvada® emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (also known as episodic or 2-1-1) |
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CAB-LA PrEP (injectable) |
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[For clinicians only]
How many PrEP prescriptions do you intend to write in this next year compared to the past year?
More PrEP prescriptions than last year
About the same amount of PrEP prescriptions
Fewer PrEP prescriptions than last year
Decline to answer
Thank you for completing this survey for the EPICC+ study. Your responses are very important to us and we appreciate your time.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mitchell, Jessica |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-02-13 |