HUD 50075-HP High Performance PHAs

Public Housing Agency (PHA Plan)

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OMB: 2577-0226

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Streamlined Annual PHA Plan

(High Performer PHAs)

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Public and Indian Housing

OMB No. 2577-0226

Expires xx/xx/2027

Purpose. The 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies, rules, and requirements concerning the PHA’s operations, programs, and services. They also inform HUD, families served by the PHA, and members of the public of the PHA’s mission, goals, and objectives for serving the needs of low-, very low-, and extremely low- income families.

Applicability. The Form HUD-50075-HP is to be completed annually by High Performing PHAs. PHAs that meet the definition of a Standard PHA, Troubled PHA, HCV-Only PHA, Small PHA, or Qualified PHA do not need to submit this form. PHAs with zero public housing units must continue to comply with the PHA Plan requirements until they closeout their Section 9 programs (ACC termination).


  1. High-Performer PHA – A PHA that owns or manages more than 550 combined public housing units and housing choice vouchers (HCVs) and was designated as a high performer on both the most recent Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) assessments if administering both programs, or PHAS if only administering public housing.

  2. Small PHA - A PHA that is not designated as PHAS or SEMAP troubled, and that owns or manages less than 250 public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceed 550.

  3. Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Only PHA - A PHA that administers more than 550 HCVs, was not designated as troubled in its most recent SEMAP assessment and does not own or manage public housing.

  4. Standard PHA - A PHA that owns or manages 250 or more public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceed 550, and that was designated as a standard performer in the most recent PHAS or SEMAP assessments.

  5. Troubled PHA - A PHA that achieves an overall PHAS or SEMAP score of less than 60 percent.

  6. Qualified PHA - A PHA with 550 or fewer public housing dwelling units and/or HCVs combined and is not PHAS or SEMAP troubled.


PHA Information.


PHA Name: ______________________________________________ PHA Code: ________________________ PHA Plan for Fiscal Year Beginning: (MM/YYYY): ______________

PHA Inventory (Based on Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) units at time of FY beginning, above)

Number of Public Housing (PH) Units ______ Number of Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) ___________

Total Combined _____________

PHA Plan Submission Type: Annual Submission Revised Annual Submission

Public Availability of Information. In addition to the items listed in this form, PHAs must have the elements listed below readily available to the public. A PHA must identify the specific location(s) where the proposed PHA Plan, PHA Plan Elements, and all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan are available for inspection by the public. Additionally, the PHA must provide information on how the public may reasonably obtain additional information of the PHA policies contained in the standard Annual Plan but excluded from their streamlined submissions. At a minimum, PHAs must post PHA Plans, including updates, at each Asset Management Project (AMP) and main office or central office of the PHA and should make documents available electronically for public inspection upon request. PHAs are strongly encouraged to post complete PHA Plans on their official websites and to provide each resident council with a copy of their PHA Plans.

PHA Consortia: (Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete table below)

Participating PHAs

PHA Code

Program(s) in the Consortia

Program(s) not in the Consortia

No. of Units in Each Program



Lead PHA:


Plan Elements


Revision of Existing PHA Plan Elements.

(a) Have the following PHA Plan elements been revised by the PHA since its last Annual PHA Plan submission?


Statement of Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs.

Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility, Selection, and Admissions.

Financial Resources.

Rent Determination.

Homeownership Programs.

Safety and Crime Prevention.

Pet Policy.

Substantial Deviation.

Significant Amendment/Modification

(b) If the PHA answered yes for any element, describe the revisions for each element below:

(c) The PHA must submit its Deconcentration Policy for Field Office Review.


New Activities.

(a) Does the PHA intend to undertake any new activities related to the following in the PHA’s applicable Fiscal Year?


Choice Neighborhoods Grants.

Modernization or Development.

Demolition and/or Disposition.

Conversion of Public Housing to Tenant Based Assistance.

Conversion of Public Housing to Project-Based Rental Assistance or Project-Based Vouchers under RAD.

Homeownership Program under Section 32, 9 or 8(Y)

Project Based Vouchers.

Units with Approved Vacancies for Modernization.

Other Capital Grant Programs (i.e., Capital Fund Community Facilities Grants or Emergency Safety and Security Grants).

(b) If any of these activities are planned for the applicable Fiscal Year, describe the activities. For new demolition activities, describe any public housing development or portion thereof, owned by the PHA for which the PHA has applied or will apply for demolition and/or disposition approval under section 18 of the 1937 Act under the separate demolition/disposition approval process. If using Project-Based Vouchers (PBVs), provide the projected number of project-based units and general locations, and describe how project basing would be consistent with the PHA Plan.


Progress Report.

Provide a description of the PHA’s progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described in the PHA 5-Year Plan.


Capital Improvements. Include a reference here to the most recent HUD-approved 5-Year Action Plan in EPIC and the date that it was approved.


Most Recent Fiscal Year Audit.

  1. Were there any findings in the most recent FY Audit?


  1. If yes, please describe:


Other Document and/or Certification Requirements.


Resident Advisory Board (RAB) Comments.

(a) Did the RAB(s) have comments to the PHA Plan?


  1. If yes, comments must be submitted by the PHA as an attachment to the PHA Plan. PHAs must also include a narrative describing their analysis of the RAB recommendations and the decisions made on these recommendations.


Certification by State or Local Officials.

Form HUD-50077-SL, Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan, must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan.


Civil Rights Certification/Certification Listing Policies and Programs that the PHA has Revised since Submission of its Last Annual Plan.

Form 50077-ST-HCV-HP, PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plan, Civil Rights, and Related Laws and Regulations Including PHA Plan Elements that Have Changed must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan.


Challenged Elements. If any element of the PHA Plan is challenged, a PHA must include such information as an attachment with a description of any challenges to Plan elements, the source of the challenge, and the PHA’s response to the public.

  1. Did the public challenge any elements of the Plan?


  1. If yes, include Challenged Elements.

Instructions for Preparation of Form HUD-50075-HP Annual Plan for High Performing PHAs

  1. PHA Information. All PHAs must complete this section (24 CFR 903.4).

A.1 Include the full PHA Name, PHA Code, PHA Type, PHA Fiscal Year Beginning (MM/YYYY), PHA Inventory, Number of Public Housing Units and or Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs), PHA Plan Submission Type, and the Availability of Information, specific location(s) of all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan (24 CFR 903.23(e)).

PHA Consortia: Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete the table (24 CFR 943.128(a)).

B. Plan Elements.

B.1 Revision of Existing PHA Plan Elements. PHAs must:

Identify specifically which plan elements listed below that have been revised by the PHA. To specify which elements have been revised, mark the “yes” box. If an element has not been revised, mark “no."

Statement of Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. Provide a statement addressing the housing needs of low-income, very low-income and extremely low-income families and a brief description of the PHA’s strategy for addressing the housing needs of families who reside in the jurisdiction served by the PHA and other families who are on the public housing and Section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting lists. The statement must identify the housing needs of (i) families with incomes below 30 percent of area median income (extremely low-income); (ii) elderly families (iii) households with individuals with disabilities, and households of various races and ethnic groups residing in the jurisdiction or on the public housing and Section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting lists based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan, information provided by HUD, and other generally available data. The identification of housing needs must address issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location.

The identification of housing needs must address issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location (24 CFR 903.7(a)(2)(i)). Provide a description of the ways in which the PHA intends, to the maximum extent practicable, to address those housing needs in the upcoming year and the PHA’s reasons for choosing its strategy (24 CFR 903.7(a)(2)(ii)).

Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility, Selection and Admissions. Describe the PHA’s admissions policy for deconcentration of poverty and income mixing of lower-income families in public housing. The Deconcentration Policy must describe the PHA’s policy for bringing higher income tenants into lower income developments and lower income tenants into higher income developments. The deconcentration requirements apply to general occupancy and family public housing developments. Refer to 24 CFR 903.2(b)(2) for developments not subject to deconcentration of poverty and income mixing requirements 24 CFR 903.7(b). Describe the PHA’s procedures for maintaining waiting lists for admission to public housing and address any site-based waiting lists 24 CFR 903.7(b) A statement of the PHA’s policies that govern resident or tenant eligibility, selection and admission including admission preferences for both public housing and HCV (24 CFR 903.7(b)). Describe the unit assignment policies for public housing 24 CFR 903.7(b).

Financial Resources. A statement of financial resources, including a listing by general categories, of the PHA’s anticipated resources, such as PHA operating, capital and other anticipated Federal resources available to the PHA, as well as tenant rents and other income available to support public housing or tenant-based assistance. The statement also should include the non-Federal sources of funds supporting each Federal program and state the planned use for the resources (24 CFR 903.7(c)).

Rent Determination. A statement of the policies of the PHA governing rents charged for public housing and HCV dwelling units, including applicable public housing flat rents, minimum rents, voucher family rent contributions, and payment standard policies (24 CFR 903.7(d)).

Homeownership Programs. A description of any homeownership programs (including project number and unit count) administered by the agency or for which the PHA has applied or will apply for approval. For years in which the PHA’s 5-Year PHA Plan is also due, this information must be included only to the extent that the PHA participates in homeownership programs under section 8(y) of the 1937 Act (24 CFR 903.7(k) and 24 CFR 903.11(c)(1)).

Safety and Crime Prevention. A description of PHA’s plan for safety and crime prevention. For High Performing PHAs, the information required by 24 CFR 903.7(m) must be included only to the extent this information is required for PHA's participation in the public housing drug elimination program and the PHA anticipates participating in this program in the applicable year (24 CFR 903.11(c)(1)).

Pet Policy. Describe the PHA’s policies and requirements pertaining to the ownership of pets in public housing (24 CFR 903.7(n)).

Substantial Deviation. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a “substantial deviation” to its 5-Year Plan (24 CFR 903.7(s)(2)(i)).

Significant Amendment/Modification. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a “Significant Amendment or Modification” to its 5-Year and Annual Plan (24 CFR 903.7(s)(2)(ii)). For modifications resulting from the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, refer to the ‘Sample PHA Plan Amendment’ found in Notice PIH-2019-23(HA), successor RAD Implementation Notices, or other RAD Notices.

If any boxes are marked “yes”, describe the revision(s) to those element(s) in the space provided.

PHAs must submit a Deconcentration Policy for Field Office review. For additional guidance on what a PHA must do to deconcentrate poverty in its development and comply with fair housing requirements, see 24 CFR 903.2 (24 CFR 903.23(b)).

B.2 New Activities. If the PHA intends to undertake any new activities related to these elements or discretionary policies in the applicable Fiscal Year, mark “yes” for those elements, and describe the activities to be undertaken in the space provided. If the PHA does not plan to undertake these activities, mark “no.”

Choice Neighborhoods Grants. 1) A description of any housing (including project name, number (if known) and unit count) for which the PHA will apply for Choice Neighborhoods Grants; and 2) A timetable for the submission of applications or proposals. The application and approval process for Choice Neighborhoods is a separate process. See guidance on HUD’s website at: (Notice PIH 2011-47).

Modernization or Development (Conventional & Mixed-Finance). 1) A description of any housing (including name, project number (if known) and unit count) for which the PHA will apply for modernization or development; and 2) A timetable for the submission of applications or proposals. The application and approval process for modernization or development is a separate process. See 24 CFR part 905 and guidance on HUD’s website at:

Demolition and/or Disposition. With respect to public housing only, describe (1) any public housing development(s), or portion of a public housing development projects, owned by the PHA and subject to ACCs (including project number and unit numbers [or addresses]), and the number of affected units along with their sizes and accessibility features) for which the PHA will apply or is currently pending for demolition or disposition approval under section 18 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437p); and (2) a timetable for the demolition or disposition. This statement must be submitted to the extent that approved and/or pending demolition and/or disposition has changed as described in the PHA’s last Annual and/or 5-Year PHA Plan submission. The application and approval process for demolition and/or disposition is a separate process. Approval of the PHA Plan does not constitute approval of these activities. See guidance on HUD’s website at: and 24 CFR 903.7(h).

Conversion of Public Housing under the Voluntary or Mandatory Conversion programs. Describe (1) any public housing building(s) (including project number and unit count) owned by the PHA that the PHA is required to convert or plans to voluntarily convert to tenant-based assistance; (2) An analysis of the projects or buildings required to be converted under Section 33; and (3) A statement of the amount of assistance received to be used for rental assistance or other housing assistance in connection with such conversion. See guidance on HUD’s website at the Special Applications Center (SAC) ( and 24 CFR 903.7(j).

Conversion of Public Housing under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program (including Faircloth to RAD). Describe any public housing building(s) (including project number and unit count) owned by the PHA that the PHA plans to voluntarily convert to Project-Based Assistance or Project-Based Vouchers under RAD. Note that all PHAs shall be required to provide the information listed in Attachment 1D of Notice PIH 2019-23(HA) as a significant amendment or its successor notice. See additional guidance on HUD’s website at:

Homeownership Programs. A description of any homeownership programs (including project number and unit count) administered by the agency or for which the PHA has applied or will apply for approval. For years in which the PHA’s 5-Year PHA Plan is also due, this information must be included only to the extent that the PHA participates in homeownership programs under section 8(y) of the 1937 Act (24 CFR 903.7(k) and 24 CFR 903.11(c)(1).

Project-Based Vouchers. Describe any plans to use HCVs for new project-based vouchers, which must comply with PBV goals, civil rights requirements, Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and deconcentration standards, as stated in (24 CFR 983.55(b)(1)) and set forth in the PHA Plan statement of deconcentration and other policies that govern eligibility, selection, and admissions. If using project-based vouchers, provide the projected number of project-based units and general locations (including if PBV units are planned on any former or current public housing units or sites) and describe how project-basing would be consistent with the PHA Plan (24 CFR 903.7(b), 24 CFR 903.7(r)).

Units with Approved Vacancies for Modernization. The PHA must include a statement related to units with approved vacancies that are undergoing modernization in accordance with 24 CFR 990.145(a)(1).

Other Capital Grant Programs (i.e., Capital Fund Lead Based Paint, Housing Related Hazards, At Risk/Receivership/Substandard/Troubled Program, and/or Emergency Safety and Security Grants). For all activities that the PHA plans to undertake in the applicable Fiscal Year, provide a description of the activity in the space provided.

B.3 Progress Report. For all Annual Plans following submission of the first Annual Plan, a PHA must include a brief statement of the PHA’s progress in meeting the mission and goals described in the 5-Year PHA Plan (24 CFR 903.7(s)(1)).

B.4 Capital Improvements. PHAs that receive funding from the Capital Fund Program (CFP) must complete this section (24 CFR 903.7 (g)). To comply with this requirement, the PHA must reference the most recent HUD approved Capital Fund 5 Year Action Plan in EPIC and the date that it was approved. PHAs can reference the form by including the following language in the Capital Improvement section of the appropriate Annual or Streamlined PHA Plan Template: “See Capital Fund 5 Year Action Plan in EPIC approved by HUD on XX/XX/XXXX.”

B.5 Most Recent Fiscal Year Audit. If the results of the most recent fiscal year audit for the PHA included any findings, mark “yes” and describe those findings in the space provided (24 CFR 903.7(p)).

C. Other Document and/or Certification Requirements

C.1 Resident Advisory Board (RAB) comments. If the RAB had comments on the annual plan, mark “yes,” submit the comments as an attachment to the Plan and describe the analysis of the comments and the PHA’s decision made on these recommendations (24 CFR 903.13(c), 24 CFR 903.19).

C.2 Certification by State of Local Officials. Form HUD-50077-SL, Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan, must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. (24 CFR 903.15). Note: A PHA may request to change its fiscal year to better coordinate its planning with planning done under the Consolidated Plan process by State or local officials as applicable.

C.3 Civil Rights Certification/ Certification Listing Policies and Programs that the PHA has Revised since Submission of its Last Annual Plan. Provide a certification that the following plan elements have been revised, provided to the RAB for comment before implementation, approved by the PHA board, and made available for review and inspection by the public. This requirement is satisfied by completing and submitting form HUD-50077 ST-HCV-HP, PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plan, Civil Rights, and Related Laws and Regulations Including PHA Plan Elements that Have Changed. Form HUD-50077-ST-HCV-HP, PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plan, Civil Rights, and Related Laws and Regulations Including PHA Plan Elements that Have Changed must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. This includes all certifications relating to Civil Rights and related regulations. A PHA will be considered in compliance with the certification requirement to affirmatively further fair housing if the PHA fulfills the requirements of 24 CFR 5.150 et. seq., 903.7(o)(1), and 903.15(d).

C.4 Challenged Elements. If any element of the Annual PHA Plan or 5-Year PHA Plan is challenged, a PHA must include such information as an attachment to

the Annual PHA Plan or 5-Year PHA Plan with a description of any challenges to Plan elements, the source of the challenge, and the PHA’s response to the public (24 CFR 903.23(b)).

This information collection is authorized by Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act, which added a new section 5A to the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended, which introduced the 5-Year and Annual PHA Plan. The 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies, rules, and requirements concerning the PHA’s operations, programs, and services, and informs HUD, families served by the PHA, and members of the public of the PHA’s mission, goals, and objectives for serving the needs of low- income, very low- income, and extremely low- income families.

Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 5.26 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering. and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions to reduce this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, REE, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW, Room 4176, Washington, DC 20410-5000. When providing comments, please refer to OMB Approval No. 2577-0226. HUD may not collect this information, and respondents are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Privacy Notice. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to solicit the information requested in this form by virtue of Title 12, U.S. Code, Section 1701 et seq., and regulations promulgated thereunder at Title 12, Code of Federal Regulations. Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit or to retain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality.

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