89 FR 74366 Federal Register Notice - CoE Opportunity to Apply for Designation

Centers of Excellence (CoE) - Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Designation 9.12.2024.pdf

Center of Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education Annual Application for Designation

89 FR 74366 Federal Register Notice - CoE Opportunity to Apply for Designation

OMB: 2133-0549

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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices

Veronica Vanterpool,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2024–20655 Filed 9–11–24; 8:45 am]

Maritime Administration
[Docket Number MARAD–2018–0088]

Centers of Excellence for Domestic
Maritime Workforce Training and
Education; Notice of Opportunity To
Apply for Designation
Maritime Administration,
Department of Transportation.
ACTION: Notice.

The National Defense
Authorization Act of 2018 (the Act)
provided the Secretary of
Transportation with the discretionary
authority to designate qualified entities
as Centers of Excellence (CoEs). CoE
designations serve to assist the maritime
industry in obtaining and maintaining
the highest quality workforce. Upon the
Secretary’s approval, twenty-seven
institutions were designated on May 19,
2021; thirty-two applicants were
designated on February 22, 2024. The
purpose of this notice is to solicit
applications from qualified training
entities for the next round of CoE
designations. A Center of Excellence
designation is valid for five years.
DATES: Applications, including all
supporting information and documents,
must be submitted by 8:00 p.m. E.T. on
November 12, 2024.
ADDRESSES: A training entity seeking
designation as a CoE may submit
applications, including all supporting
information and documents, by email to
Gerard Wall, Centers of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education (CoE) Program Manager,
via electronic mail at gerard.wall@
dot.gov or call 202–366–7273.
3507 of the FY 2018 NDAA provided
authority to the Secretary to designate
qualified entities as CoEs. This authority
is codified at 46 U.S.C. 51706.
Following the enactment of the FY 2018
NDAA, MARAD developed a procedure
to recommend to the Secretary the
designation of eligible institutions as
CoEs. Section 3532 of the FY 2023
NDAA, enacted on December 23, 2022,
revised the criteria for CoE designations
by amending the definition of ‘‘covered

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training entity.’’ MARAD revised its CoE
designation procedure to conform to the
amended CoE criteria in the FY 2023
46 U.S.C. 51706(c)(1)(B), provides that
a ‘‘covered training entity’’ includes (i)
a postsecondary educational institution;
(ii) a postsecondary vocational
institution; (iii) a public or private
nonprofit entity that offers one or more
other structured experiential learning
training programs for United States
maritime industry, including a program
that is offered by a labor organization or
conducted in partnership with a
nonprofit organization or one or more
employers in the United States maritime
industry; (iv) an entity sponsoring a
registered apprenticeship program; or
(v) a maritime training center designated
prior to the date of enactment of the FY
2023 NDAA. As reflected in the
definition of ‘‘covered training entity’’
in the Key Terms section of this notice,
to be eligible for CoE designation, an
entity must meet one of the criteria
under clauses (i) through (v) of 46
Qualified training entities seeking to
be designated as CoEs should apply to
MARAD. MARAD developed policy to
provide interested parties with
comprehensive agency guidance on how
to apply for CoE designation and how
the CoE program will be administered.
Applications should include
information to demonstrate that the
applicant institution meets certain
requirements, selection criteria, and
qualitative attributes consistent with
section 3532 of the FY 2023 NDAA.
The MARAD application procedure
and program details are listed below
and are also available to the public on
its website at https://
Prior Federal Action
Multiple Federal Register Notices
were published between May 2018 and
March 2020 seeking and responding to
public comment on the proposed CoE
designation policy. All unabridged
comments are available for review
electronically at www.regulations.gov by
searching DOT Docket ‘‘MARAD–2018–
0088’’ or by visiting the DOT Docket,
Room PL–401, 1200 New Jersey Avenue
SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
for Federal Holidays.
On March 06, 2020, MARAD
published its final CoE designation
policy in the Federal Register (85 FR
13231). Subsequently, MARAD issued a
notice in the Federal Register (85 FR
67599) on October 23, 2020, entitled
Center of Excellence for Domestic

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Maritime Workforce: Notice of
Opportunity to Apply for Training and
Education Designation, and on the
MARAD website at
www.MARAD.dot.gov, requesting
applications from qualified training
entities seeking to be designated as a
CoE. The application period closed on
December 22, 2020. Thirty applications
for designation were received. Upon the
Secretary’s approval, twenty-seven
institutions were designated on May 19,
2021, as 2021 CoEs.
On July 19, 2022, MARAD issued a
notice in the Federal Register (87 FR
43103), entitled Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce: Notice of
Opportunity to Apply for Training and
Education Designation, and on the
MARAD website at
www.MARAD.dot.gov, to solicit
applications from qualified training
entities for CoE designation. The
application period closed on September
19, 2022. Thirty-six applications for
designation were received. However,
before MARAD could complete final
agency action on these applications,
Congress enacted the FY 2023 NDAA,
which amended the CoE designation
criteria and required MARAD to
terminate action on the 2022
On July 20, 2023, MARAD issued a
notice in the Federal Register (88 FR
46829), entitled Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce:
Designation Policy Update and Notice of
Opportunity to Apply for Designation
for 2023, and on the MARAD website at
www.MARAD.dot.gov, to announce
termination of agency action on the
2022 applications, issue an updated CoE
designation policy conforming to the FY
2023 NDAA, and to solicit applications
from qualified training entities for the
next round of CoE designations. The
application period closed on September
18, 2023. Thirty-two of the thirty-four
entities that submitted applications
were designated as CoEs on February
22, 2024.
The purpose of this notice is to solicit
applications from qualified training
entities under the FY 2023 NDAA for
the next round of CoE designation. A
Center of Excellence designation is valid
for five years.
Applicant Assistance
To assist applicants to be designated
as a CoE please find below MARAD’s
policy to include recommendations on
how best to apply.



Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices
MARAD Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education Designation Policy
This policy describes the process
through which MARAD will exercise its
discretionary authority to designate
CoEs in accordance with the FY 2023
How To Be Designated a Center of
Excellence for Domestic Maritime
Workforce Training and Education

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The Secretary of Transportation,
acting through the Maritime
Administrator, may designate certain
eligible and qualified training entities as
CoEs. MARAD has developed the CoE
Program to provide interested parties
with comprehensive agency guidance
on how best to apply for CoE
designation. However, conformity with
this CoE applicant guidance, except
where explicit in the statute, is
voluntary only. MARAD will review
and consider all applications it receives
and may contact applicants with
questions to assist in reviewing their
applications. The CoE Program is a
voluntary program. Each training entity
is free to decide whether it wishes to
participate in the program and apply for
a CoE designation. Applications should
include information to demonstrate that
the applicant institution meets certain
criteria, designation requirements, and
attributes consistent with 46 U.S.C.
Key Terms
The following list of key terms are
either directly taken from the statute or
have been developed by MARAD or
from comments received from the
public during our earlier notice and
comment period. The list is intended to
assist applicants by providing context
and insight into the approval process. If
you believe that your institution
qualifies for CoE designee status under
an alternate interpretation or by
qualifications not otherwise clearly
articulated in the statute, your
application should include a cogent
justification for any such alternative and
it will be given due consideration
during our review.
1. ‘‘Afloat career’’ is a term developed
by MARAD to mean a career as a
merchant mariner compensated for
service aboard a vessel in the U.S.
Maritime Industry.
2. ‘‘Ashore career’’ is a term
developed by MARAD to mean a shorebased compensated occupation in the
United States Maritime Industry.
3. ‘‘Covered training entity’’ means an
entity that—

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(A) is located in a State that borders
on the—
(i) Gulf of Mexico,
(ii) Atlantic Ocean,
(iii) Long Island Sound,
(iv) Pacific Ocean,
(v) Great Lakes, or
(vi) Mississippi River System.
(B) is—
i. a postsecondary educational
institution (as such term is defined in
section 3(39) of the Carl D. Perkins
Career and Technical Education Act of
2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302) with an
established maritime training program
as part of its curriculum.
ii. a postsecondary vocational
institution (as such term is defined in
section 102(c) of the Higher Education
Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c) with an
established maritime training program
as part of its curriculum.
iii. a public or private nonprofit entity
that offers one or more other structured
experiential learning training programs
for United States workers in the United
States maritime industry, including a
program that is offered by a labor
organization or conducted in
partnership with a nonprofit
organization or one or more employers
in the United States maritime industry.
iv. an entity sponsoring an
apprenticeship program registered with
the Office of Apprenticeship of the
Employment and Training
Administration of the Department of
Labor or a State apprenticeship agency
recognized by the Office of
Apprenticeship pursuant to the Act of
August 16, 1937 (commonly known as
the ‘National Apprenticeship Act’; 50
Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50; or
v. A maritime training center
designated prior to the date of
enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA.
(C) has a demonstrated record of
success in maritime workforce training
and education and
(D) has—
(i) not been subject to a disciplinary
or adverse administrative action by
Federal, State, or other regulatory
(ii) no unresolved nonconformities
from administrative audits by regulatory
bodies; and
(iii) not been subject to any adverse
criminal action by a Federal, State, or
local law enforcement authority.
4. ‘‘Mississippi River System’’ is
interpreted by MARAD to mean the
mostly riverine network of the United
States which includes the Mississippi
River, and all connecting waterways,
natural tributaries and distributaries.
The system includes the Arkansas,
Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Red, Allegheny,
Tennessee, Wabash and Atchafalaya

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rivers. Important connecting waterways
include the Illinois Waterway, the
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, and
the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
5. ‘‘Postsecondary educational
institution’’ means—
(A) an institution of higher education,
as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1001, that
provides not less than a 2-year program
of instruction that is acceptable for
credit toward a bachelor’s degree.
(B) a tribally controlled college or
university; or
(C) a nonprofit educational institution
offering certificate or other skilled
training programs at the postsecondary
6. ‘‘Postsecondary vocational
institution’’ means a postsecondary
vocational institution as defined in 20
U.S.C. 1002(c).
7. ‘‘State’’ is interpreted by MARAD to
mean a State of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, American
Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and any other territory or possession of
the United States.
8. ‘‘Training program means a
program that provides training services,
as described in section 134(c)(3)(D) of
the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (Pub. L. 113–128; 29
U.S.C. 3174).
9. ‘‘United States maritime industry’’
(as such term is defined in 46 U.S.C
51706(c)(6) means the design,
construction, repair, operation,
manning, and supply of vessels in all
segments of the maritime transportation
system of the United States, including:
(A) the domestic and foreign trade;
(B) the coastal, offshore, and inland
(C) non-commercial maritime
activities, including—
(i) recreational boating; and
(ii) oceanographic and limnological
research as described in 46 U.S.C
Applicant Information
1. Who is eligible to apply for
designation as a center of excellence for
domestic maritime workforce training
and education (CoE)?
Participation in the CoE program is
entirely voluntary for a covered training
entity. A covered training entity is not
required to seek a CoE designation.
Under the statute, a covered training
entity that provides training and
education for the domestic maritime
workforce may apply so long as it meets
the following criteria:
a. The entity is located in a State that
borders on at least one of the following
bodies of water:



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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices

1. Gulf of Mexico,
2. Atlantic Ocean,
3. Long Island Sound,
4. Pacific Ocean,
5. Great Lakes, or
6. Mississippi River System.
b. The entity has a demonstrated
record of success in maritime workforce
training and education; and
c. The entity is:
1. A postsecondary educational
institution; or
2. A postsecondary vocational
institution; or
3. A public or private nonprofit entity
that offers one or more other structured
experiential learning training programs
for United States workers in the United
States maritime industry, including a
program that is offered by a labor
organization or conducted in
partnership with a nonprofit
organization or one or more employers
in the United States maritime industry;
4. An entity sponsoring an
apprenticeship program registered with
the Office of Apprenticeship of the
Employment and Training
Administration of the Department of
Labor or a State apprenticeship agency
recognized by the Office of
Apprenticeship pursuant to the Act of
August 16, 1937 (commonly known as
the ‘National Apprenticeship Act’; 50
Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50); or
5. A maritime training center
designated prior to the date of
enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA; or
6. A group of covered training entities
i. Consists only of members that meet
the eligibility criteria at (1)(a), 1(b) and
one of the eligibility criteria listed
at(1)(c)(1) through (1)(c)(4), and the
selection criteria under (2);
ii. Names a member of such group as
a lead entity. The lead entity will serve
as the primary point of contact with
MARAD and will be responsible for all
duties, including administrative, legal
and financial, as related to the CoE
designation. For example, the lead
entity is responsible for submitting the
CoE application, responding to any
inquiries from MARAD, and
coordinating and executing any
cooperative agreements with MARAD;
iii. Has a legally binding agreement
signed by all members. That agreement
must include the name of the group,
which will receive the CoE designation
if one is granted and list the lead entity
and its responsibilities consistent with
(ii) of this section.

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2. How does MARAD interpret the
selection criteria for CoE designation?
I. Assuming no alternative
qualifications are provided, MARAD
will consider applicants eligible for
designation if they can demonstrate
compliance with all the following
a. The academic programs offered by
the entity include:
1. One or more afloat career
preparation tracks in the United States
Maritime Industry, and/or
2. One or more ashore career
preparation tracks in the United States
Maritime Industry.
b. Applicant institutions offering
afloat career and/or ashore career tracks
have been accredited as follows:
1. A postsecondary educational
institution must hold current
accreditation of the institution from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education.
2. A postsecondary vocational
institution must hold current
accreditation of the institution from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education.
3. A public or private non-profit
entity that offers one or more other
structured experiential learning training
programs for United States workers in
the United States maritime industry,
including a program that is offered by a
labor organization or conducted in
partnership with a nonprofit
organization or one or more employers
in the United States maritime
ii. must have United States Coast
Guard (USCG) approval of the mariner
training program and mariner training
courses offered by the institution, if
applicable; or
iii. must hold current accreditation of
the maritime training program offered
by the institution from one or more of
the following:
A. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency; or
B. employers in the United States
maritime industry; or
C. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
4. An entity sponsoring a registered
apprenticeship program must hold
current accreditation from a State
Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in
accordance with 29 CFR part 29.
5. A maritime training center
designated prior to the date of

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enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA must
hold current accreditation—
i. either of the institution, from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education; or
ii. of the maritime training program
offered by the institution from either:
A. the State Apprenticeship Agency
(SAA) in accordance with 29 CFR part
B. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency,
C. the United States Coast Guard
(USCG), or
D. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
6. Each member of a Group must hold
current accreditation according to each
member’s corresponding eligibility
category and the accreditation
requirements outlined above in (I)(b)(1–
c. As applicable, the applicant
maintains USCG approval for the
merchant mariner training program and/
or merchant mariner training course(s)
offered by the institution.
d. The applicant provides data and
statistics to demonstrate record of
success in maritime workforce training
and education and institutional and/or
program effectiveness. This should
include, but is not limited to,
recruitment data, past/current
enrollment (trends), attrition rates,
student program completion data, postprogram job and placement statistics (to
the extent available to the institution),
and program effectiveness feedback
from students, faculty, alumni, and
other stakeholders.
e. As applicable, the applicant
maintains authorization and/or
endorsement of the program and/or
course(s) by an applicable professional
society or industry body (including, but
not limited to Welding, Electrician,
Electronics, Maritime Construction,
Maritime Logistics, Maritime Systems,
etc.) to issue industry accepted
certifications that reflect professional
recognition of the level of educational or
technical skill achievement.
II. Additional factors to be considered
include the following qualitative
attributes fostered by the institution:
a. Supporting workforce needs of the
local, state, or regional economy.
b. Building Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM)
competencies of local/future workforce
through maritime programs to meet
emerging local, regional, and national
economic interests.



Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices
c. Promoting diversity, equity,
inclusion, and accessibility within the
institution, including among the student
body, faculty, and staff.
d. Offering a broad-based curriculum
and stackable credentials where
e. Engaging and/or collaborating with
the maritime industry including, but not
limited to employers, associations, and
other industry organizations or partners.
f. Engaging and/or collaborating with
employer-led maritime training
practices and programs through Sector
Partnerships as authorized in the 2014
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act Section 3 (26).
g. Engaging and/or collaborating with
local and regional maritime high
schools or other high schools with
maritime, maritime related, Career
Technical Education (CTE) or STEM
h. Engaging and/or collaborating with
maritime academies as appropriate and
other applicable institutions or
organizations for advanced proficiency
and higher education; and
i. Conducting other significant
domestic maritime workforce
development related activities.
Implementation and Administration
MARAD will evaluate the applicant’s
supporting documentation and either
approve or disapprove the request for
designation. During the evaluation of
the application and the supporting
documentation, MARAD may request
clarifications or additional information
from the applicant. Upon approval, the
Maritime Administrator or his/her
designee will make a designation.
MARAD will thereafter publish the
CoE’s name and contact information on
its website.

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3. When and where should I submit my
application for designation?
a. MARAD will publish notifications
in the Federal Register and on its
website indicating the application
period for the next designation cycle.
Applicants will be provided 60 days to
prepare and submit their applications.
b. A qualified training entity seeking
designation as a CoE may submit
applications, including all supporting
information and documents, by email to
4. How will I know the outcome of my
designation request application?
MARAD will notify each applicant of
the status of their designation request.
During the evaluation period, MARAD
may request clarification or additional
information from the applicant.

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5. Does my CoE designation expire?
Yes. CoE designation is valid for five
years from the year in which the
designation is made and is identified by
designation year (e.g., X has been
designated a Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education for 2024). Successful
applicants from one designation cycle
are encouraged-to reapply during the
designation cycle corresponding with
the expiration of their current five-year
How To Apply for a CoE Designation
6. What should be included in my
CoE Designation Application?
Special Instructions: To assist
MARAD in its review of your
application and to ensure that your
application is identified as complete,
your institution should provide only
concise and relevant information and
supporting documentation to adequately
demonstrate your qualifications and
compliance with the statutory
designation criteria. To that end,
MARAD encourages applicants to
ensure that each responsive section and
each page of any document or enclosure
in their application clearly references
the question number(s) and section(s)
listed in this guidance and/or the
statute. See the below examples:
Example 1. ‘‘Mar Ex’’ is eligible for the
CoE program as a Postsecondary
Educational Institution. (Q3i). Please
find enclosed our Articles of
Incorporation, Certificate of Status, and
State authorization validation
document. (Q3, a, b, c)
Example 2. ‘‘Mar Ex’’ is enclosing the
following supporting documents to
demonstrate that our entity is
accredited: U.S. Department of
Education Accrediting Agency XYZ
accreditation (Q5, Section a,i); and our
Afloat Track program and courses are
approved by the USCG (Q5, Section
Note: MARAD will host two (2) ‘‘Center of
Excellence Application’’ sessions to provide
guidance to prospective applicants on the
content of this Federal Register notice. The
dates, times, and locations of those sessions
will be announced on the MARAD CoE
homepage within forty-eight hours of the
publication of the Notice of Opportunity to
Apply. Attendance at either of those
information sessions is entirely voluntary
and not a requirement of the application

Information To Include in Your
All submitted documents should
clearly reference the question number(s)
and section(s) listed in this guidance
and/or the statute.

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1. Letter applying for CoE designation
from the Chief Executive of the
applicant institution.
2. Applicant contact information:
a. Legal name of applicant institution
and address.
b. Chief executive’s name, position
title, address, phone number(s) and
c. Points of contact (POC) name(s),
position titles, phone number(s), emails.
3. Indicate the category under which
the applicant entity is claiming
qualified for the CoE program:
i. 1(c)(1) Postsecondary Educational
Institution; or
ii. 1(c)(2) Postsecondary Vocational
Institution; or
iii. 1(c)(3) Public or private nonprofit
entity that offers one or more other
structured experiential learning training
programs for United States workers in
the United States maritime industry,
including a program that is offered by a
labor organization or conducted in
partnership with a nonprofit
organization or one or more employers
in the United States maritime industry;
iv. 1(c)(4) Entity sponsoring a
registered apprenticeship program;
v. 1(c)(5) A maritime training center
designated prior to the date of
enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA; or
vi. 1(c)(6) A Group of covered training
4. Submit the following supporting
information and documents:
a. Charter, Articles of Incorporation,
Certificate of Incorporation, or
b. Certificate of Status (also known as
Certificate of Existence or Certificate of
Good Standing), a document issued by
a state official (usually the Secretary of
State), if applicable.
c. State authorization validation
documents, if applicable.
d. Public or Non-Profit status
e. Accreditation approval letter(s)
from an accrediting agency(ies)
f. Approval letter from a State
Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in
accordance with 29 CFR part 29, if
g. Approval letter from the State’s
Department of Education or equivalent
State agency, if applicable.
h. Approval letter from the United
States Coast Guard (USCG), if
i. ISO 9001 or other quality
management certification, if applicable.
j. Data and statistics to demonstrate
record of success in maritime workforce
training and education and institutional
effectiveness. This should include, but
not be limited to, recruitment data, past/



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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices

current enrollment (trends), attrition
rates, student program completion data,
post-program job and placement
statistics (to the extent available to the
institution), and program effectiveness
feedback from students, faculty, alumni,
and other stakeholders.
Note: This information corresponds to
the types of data commonly collected
annually as part of a higher education
institution’s Performance
Accountability Report (PAR).
5. Indicate the total number of afloat
career preparation tracks and/or the
total number of ashore career
preparation tracks your institution offers
in the United States Maritime Industry
and submit the following supporting
a. Program summary;
b. A description of applicable courses
offered (only relevant maritime related
program-specific pages from the
c. If applicable, letters of
authorization and/or endorsement of the
course/program and/or course(s) by an
applicable professional society or
industry body (including, but not
limited to Welding, Electrician,
Electronics, Maritime Construction,
Maritime Logistics, Maritime Systems,
etc.) to issue industry accepted
certifications that reflect a
professionally recognized level of
educational or technical skill
achievement; and
d. Any other relevant supporting
Note: Applicant institutions offering
both ashore and afloat career tracks
should submit supporting information
for both tracks.
6. Applicant institutions offering
afloat career and/or ashore career tracks
should demonstrate that they have
satisfied accreditation requirements, as
set forth below:
a. Postsecondary educational
institutions and postsecondary
vocational institutions—
i. are accredited by a Regional
Accreditation Agency or a Nationally
Recognized Agency on the list of
Accrediting Agencies approved by the
U.S. Department of Education; and
ii. if applicable, the mariner training
program and mariner training courses
offered by the institution have USCG
b. A public or private nonprofit entity
that offers one or more other structured
experiential learning training programs
for United States workers in the United
States maritime industry, including a
program that is offered by a labor
organization or conducted in
partnership with a nonprofit
organization or one or more employers

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in the United States maritime
i. has United States Coast Guard
(USCG) approval of the mariner training
program and mariner training courses
offered by the institution, if applicable;
ii. hold current accreditation of the
maritime training program offered by
the institution from one or more of the
A. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency; or
B. employers in the United States
maritime industry; or
C. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
c. An entity sponsoring a registered
apprenticeship program holds current
accreditation from a State
Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in
accordance with 29 CFR part 29.
d. A maritime training center
designated prior to the date of
enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA must
hold current accreditation—
i. either of the institution, from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education; or
ii. of the maritime training program
offered by the institution from either:
A. the State Apprenticeship Agency
(SAA) in accordance with 29 CFR part
B. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency,
C. the United States Coast Guard
(USCG), or
D. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
e. Each member of a Group must hold
current accreditation according to each
member’s corresponding eligibility
category and the accreditation
requirements outlined above in (6)(a-d).
7. All applicant institutions should
submit a brief narrative statement for
one or more qualitative attributes
fostered by the institution to accomplish
the following:
a. Support the workforce needs of the
local, state, or regional economy;
b. Build the STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math)
competencies of local/future workforce
to meet emerging local, regional, and
national economic interests;
c. Promote diversity, equity,
inclusion, and accessibility within the
institution, including among the student
body, faculty, and staff;

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d. Offer a broad-based curriculum and
stackable credentials, where applicable;
e. Engage and/or collaborate with the
maritime industry, including, but not
limited to employers, associations, and
other industry organizations or partners;
f. Engage and/or collaborate with
employer-led maritime training
practices and programs through Sector
Partnerships as authorized in the 2014
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act Section 3(26);
g. Engage and/or collaborate with
local and regional maritime high
schools with maritime, maritime
related, Career Technical Education
(CTE) or STEM programs;
h. Engage and/or collaborate with
maritime academies and other
institutions or organizations for
advanced proficiency and higher
education; and
i. Conduct other significant domestic
maritime workforce development
related activities.
8. All applicant institutions may
provide any relevant endorsements,
awards, recognition, and significant
accomplishments in support of their
Note: As part of designation, CoE
designee institutions are geolocated on
MARAD’s CoE Interactive Map located
on the MARAD website. In addition to
identifying geographic location, this
map also provides a link to a landing
page for each institution and a brief
narrative statement, an Institution
Overview, about each institution’s
maritime program. Applicants are
encouraged to take into consideration
that the information they submit for 6a6i may serve dual purpose: application
support and content for a one-page
institutional overview that highlights
your institution’s achievements and
Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements in the final CoE
designation policy have been approved
under information collection number
2133–0549 by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501,
et seq. In accordance with 5 CFR
1320.5(b)(2)(i), persons are not required
to provide information to the
Government unless the information
collection displays a current and valid
OMB control number. This application
process is operating under the following
current and valid OMB control number:
(Authority: The National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, Pub.
L. 117–263 (December 23, 2022), 46 U.S.C.
51706. The Paperwork Reduction Act of



Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 177 / Thursday, September 12, 2024 / Notices
1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended, 49
CFR 1.49).
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2024–20677 Filed 9–11–24; 8:45 am]

Maritime Administration
[Docket No. MARAD–2024–0121]

Request for Comments on the Renewal
of a Previously Approved Information
Collection: Automated MutualAssistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER)
Maritime Administration,
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice.

The Maritime Administration
(MARAD) invites public comments on
our intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to renew an information
collection in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The
proposed collection OMB 2133–0025
(Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel
Rescue (AMVER) System) is used to
maintain a current plot of U.S.-Flag and
U.S.-owned vessels. Since the last
renewal, there was an increase in the
total respondents to this collection,
which has resulted in more responses
and higher burden hours. There are no
other changes to this collection. We are
required to publish this notice in the
Federal Register to obtain comments
from the public and affected agencies.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before November 12, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. MARAD–
2024–0121 through one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
www.regulations.gov. Search using the
above DOT docket number and follow
the online instructions for submitting
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Room W12–
140, Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except on Federal holidays.
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number for this rulemaking.
Note: All comments received will be
posted without change to

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www.regulations.gov including any
personal information provided.
Comments are invited on: (a) whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the Department’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for the
Department to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information
collection; and (d) ways that the burden
could be minimized without reducing
the quality of the collected information.
The agency will summarize and/or
include your comments in the request
for OMB’s clearance of this information
Sedlacek, 202–366–1031, Division of
Sealift Operations and Emergency
Response, Maritime Administration,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington, DC
20590, Email: alexander.sedlacek@



Title: Automated Mutual-Assistance
Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System.
OMB Control Number: 2133–0025.
Type of Request: Extension with
Change of a Previously Approved
Abstract: The collection of
information will be used to gather
information regarding the location of
U.S.-flag vessels and certain other U.S.
citizen-owned vessels for the purpose of
search and rescue in the saving of lives
at sea and for the marshalling of ships
for national defense and safety
Respondents: U.S.-flag and U.S.
citizen-owned vessels.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Hours per Response: .07.
Annual Estimated Total Annual
Burden Hours: 2,370.
Frequency of Response: Annually.
(Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended; and
49 CFR 1.49.)
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2024–20679 Filed 9–11–24; 8:45 am]

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Notice of
Applications for Modification To
Special Permits
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
ACTION: List of applications for
modification of special permits.

In accordance with the
procedures governing the application
for, and the processing of, special
permits from the Department of
Transportation’s Hazardous Material
Regulations, notice is hereby given that
the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
has received the application described


Comments must be received on
or before September 27, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Record Center, Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration U.S. Department of
Transportation Washington, DC 20590.
Comments should refer to the
application number and be submitted in
triplicate. If confirmation of receipt of
comments is desired, include a selfaddressed stamped postcard showing
the special permit number.
Donald Burger, Chief, Office of
Hazardous Materials Safety General
Approvals and Permits Branch, Pipeline
and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, East Building, PHH–13,
1200 New Jersey Avenue Southeast,
Washington, DC 20590–0001, (202) 366–
mode of transportation for which a
particular special permit is requested is
indicated by a number in the ‘‘Nature of
Application’’ portion of the table below
as follows: 1—Motor vehicle, 2—Rail
freight, 3—Cargo vessel, 4—Cargo
aircraft only, 5—Passenger-carrying
Copies of the applications are
available for inspection in the Records
Center, East Building, PHH–13, 1200
New Jersey Avenue Southeast,
Washington DC or at http://
This notice of receipt of applications
for special permit is published in
accordance with part 107 of the Federal
hazardous materials transportation law
(49 U.S.C. 5117(b); 49 CFR 1.53(b)).



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-09-12
File Created2024-09-12

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