Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) IT Environment Scan
Start of Block: Introduction and Instructions
Start of Block: General
G1 My Lead Agency uses a process to identify data and IT needs to support the CCDF program that includes:
input from all impacted parties, including people responsible for CCDF business processes (e.g., licensing, eligibility, enrollment, payment); and
people responsible for providing (developing or purchasing) and supporting the data and IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G2 My Lead
Agency uses strategic business goals / outcomes (e.g., reduce time,
reduce errors, improve satisfaction, improve experience, increase
enrollment) to identify data and IT needs to support the CCDF
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G3 Data and IT system improvements to support the CCDF program are provided incrementally in shorter, iterative cycles instead of all at once which takes longer and doesn't engage users as frequently.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G4 Data and IT systems are documented to explain how they work in relationship to other IT systems and how they receive and share data.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G5 Data and IT systems fully support CCDF monthly and annual reporting needs in a way that eliminates manual steps for gathering data, organizing data, producing the information, and submitting the information.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G6 Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing government partners (e.g., Federal, state, region, county) who provide data and IT systems and services to ensure they deliver what is needed / expected, including compliance with requirements, such as cybersecurity and privacy.
My Lead Agency does not rely on government partners to provide data and IT systems and services.
Skip To: G7 If Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing government partners (e.g., Federal, state, reg... = My Lead Agency does not rely on government partners to provide data and IT systems and services.
Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing government partners (e.g., Federal, state, region, county) who provide data and IT systems and services to ensure they deliver what is needed / expected, including compliance with requirements, such as cybersecurity and privacy.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G7 Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing vendors (e.g., commercial companies, CCR&R) who are contracted to provide data and IT systems and services to ensure they deliver what is needed / expected, including compliance with requirements, such as cybersecurity and privacy.
My Lead Agency does not rely on vendors to provide data and IT systems and services.
Skip To: G10 If Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing vendors (e.g., commercial companies, CCR&R) wh... = My Lead Agency does not rely on vendors to provide data and IT systems and services.
Policies and practices are adequate for overseeing vendors (e.g., commercial companies, CCR&R) who are contracted to provide data and IT systems and services to ensure they deliver what is needed / expected, including compliance with requirements, such as cybersecurity and privacy.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G8 Specify the vendors your Lead Agency uses to develop new and/or make modifications to existing data and IT systems.
Vendor / Company Name __________________________________________________
Vendor / Company Name __________________________________________________
Vendor / Company Name __________________________________________________
Vendor / Company Name __________________________________________________
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G9 Cybersecurity requirements have been implemented for data and IT systems used to support the CCDF program so that data is protected from inadvertent disclosure and malicious attacks.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G10 Sensitive data (e.g., personal information, health information, financial information) used to administer the CCDF program is properly identified to support compliance with the requirements to protect data.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G11 People responsible for the data and IT systems that support the CCDF program have the skills required to plan, develop, purchase, operate, and support those data and IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G12 People responsible for delivering strategic business outcomes (e.g., Lead Agency personnel and QRIS staff) are engaged in the design and testing of data and IT systems impacting the CCDF program.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G13 Families, Providers, and Partners (e.g., other government agencies, banks, non-profit organizations) are engaged in the design and testing of data and IT systems impacting the CCDF program.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement for Families |
Agreement with statement for Providers |
Agreement with statement for Partners |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition for Families |
Satisfaction with current condition for Providers |
Satisfaction with current condition for Partners |
Page Break |
G14 Estimate the extent that each type of technology is used for communicating with Families and Providers.
Families |
Providers |
None |
Seldom |
Some |
Often |
None |
Seldom |
Some |
Often |
Phone |
Websites with capability for users to sign-up to receive notifications when new content is posted, with or without requirement to establish an account |
Website without capability for users to sign-up for notifications when new content is available, with or without requirement to establish an account |
Text or instant messaging |
Social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn) |
US Postal Service |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify) |
Page Break |
G15 CCDF materials (e.g., online documents, printed materials, training materials, videos) are translated into at least three languages other than English based on the needs of the community.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement for Families |
Agreement with statement for Providers |
Agreement with statement for Partners |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition for Families |
Satisfaction with current condition for Providers |
Satisfaction with current condition for Partners |
Page Break |
G16 A repository of information exists to help Lead Agency personnel (e.g., licensing consultants, provider intake agents, monitoring specialists) perform their jobs, including information like the following:
who does what
when they do it
how to do it
what tools and systems they need access to and how to obtain access
who they need to work with
how the work they do impacts other people and other business processes
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with current condition |
Page Break |
G17 What are your thoughts about and plans for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) to improve business processes and outcomes?
Not interested at this time (specify why) __________________________________________________
Currently exploring this kind of technology and how we can apply it (explain how you might use AI/ML) __________________________________________________
We currently use or have existing plans to use AI/ML (explain how you are using AI/ML) __________________________________________________
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G18 What are your thoughts about and plans for using geospatial data to improve business processes and outcomes?
Not interested at this time (specify why) __________________________________________________
Currently exploring this kind of technology and how we can apply it (explain how you might use AI/ML) __________________________________________________
We currently use or have existing plans to use geospatial data (explain how you are using AI/ML) __________________________________________________
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G19 Estimate
the amount of each type of funding your Lead Agency is budgeted
(planning) to spend between January 2025 and December 2027 for new or
improved data and IT systems that support the CCDF program.
(K =
thousands; M = millions)
$0 |
$1 - $100K |
$100K - $250K |
$250K - $500K |
$500K - $750K |
$750K - $1M |
$1M - $2M |
$2M - $5M |
$5M - $10M |
More than $10M |
Relief and Recovery (e.g., CRRSA, ARPA) |
State funding (e.g., Pre-Kindergarten) |
PDG B-5 |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify |
End of Block: General
Start of Block: 2024 CCDF Final Rule
R24.1 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule to limit co-payments to 7% for Families.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.2 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule to pay in advance of or at the beginning of the delivery of services and paying child care providers based on a child’s enrollment or an alternative approach that does not undermine stability.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.3 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule to provide a minimum 12-month eligibility period when children are newly added to families already participating in the subsidy program and align eligibility periods to the new child’s eligibility period.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.4 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule to consider a child presumptively eligible for subsidy prior to full documentation and verification.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.5 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule to post monitoring and inspection reports of child care providers on your consumer education websites.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.6 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Final Rule for background checks of child care providers and child care staff.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
Page Break |
R24.7 Please rate the level of effort needed to modify your data and IT systems to implement the 2024 CCDF Rule post online clearer data on serious injuries and fatalities in child care settings by including the total number of children in care each year disaggregated by the type of child care provider.
Already Implemented |
Extremely easy |
Moderately easy |
Slightly easy |
Slightly difficult |
Moderately difficult |
Extremely difficult |
Level of Effort |
End of Block: 2024 CCDF Final Rule
Start of Block: Business Function 1 - Eligibility and Enrollment for Families
Eligibility and Enrollment for Families
questions below pertain to the CCDF business processes involved with
Eligibility and Enrollment, typically beginning with a Family
submitting an application for initial or renewal of CCDF benefits and
ending with the Family being notified of their CCDF benefits.
The process includes process milestones such as:
acknowledging receipt of the application from the Family,
determining whether the Family is eligible for benefits,
notifying the Family about their eligibility decision,
receiving the enrollment application from the Family, and
the Family about their CCDF benefits.
An IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
tools: applications designed and sold to support child care
program administration, e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, or Family;
and low-code/no-code platforms, e.g., Appian, ServiceNow, or
Salesforce that can be configured to support child care program
Does your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region, CCR&R) use one or more IT systems for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Eligibility and Enrollment for Families The questions below pertain to the CCDF business processe... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF1.7 If Eligibility and Enrollment for Families The questions below pertain to the CCDF business processe... = No
Page Break |
BF1.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF1.3 IT systems support all activities included in Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF1.4 IT systems used for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF1.5 IT systems used for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF1.6 IT systems for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families support all data sharing needs, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF1.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
any that apply and identify up to 3 other goals)?
Online submission of eligibility application
Automated receipt of eligibility application
Automated support to determine eligibility
Automated notification of eligibility decision
Online submission of enrollment application
Automated receipt of enrollment application
Automated notification of benefits
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF1.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Eligibili... = None
Page Break |
BF1.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
We are currently developing a plan
BF1.9 Do goals, benchmarks, and target measures exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF1.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Eligibility and
Enrollment for Families?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF1.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Eligibility and Enrollment for
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF1.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families.
BF1.13 Please identify areas in Eligibility and Enrollment for Families where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF1.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities for Eligibility and Enrollment for Families.
End of Block: Business Function 1 - Eligibility and Enrollment for Families
Start of Block: Business Function 2 - Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers
BF2.1 Subsidy
Payments for Families and Providers
The questions
below pertain to the CCDF business processes for Subsidy Payments for
Families and Providers, typically beginning with calculating a
Family's subsidy payment and ending with submitting the subsidy
payment request to the Partner organization that makes the payment.
The process may include milestones such as:
calculating the payment amount for the Family,
calculating the payment amount for the Provider,
notifying the Family of the payment amount and schedule,
notifying the Provider of the payment amount and schedule, and
payment information to the Partner organization.
An IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
Commercial tools: applications designed and sold to support child care program administration, e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, or Family; and low-code/no-code platforms, e.g., Appian, ServiceNow, or Salesforce that can be configured to support child care program administration
your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region,
CCR&R) use one or more IT systems for Subsidy Payments for
Families and Providers?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF business proc... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF2.7 If Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF business proc... = No
Page Break |
BF2.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF2.3 IT systems support all activities included in Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF2.4 IT systems are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF2.5 IT systems used for Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF2.6 IT systems for Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers support all data sharing needs, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF2.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers?
any that apply and identify up to 3 other goals)?
Calculating the payment amount for the Family
Calculating the payment amount for the Provider
Notifying the Family of the payment amount and schedule
Notifying the Provider of the payment amount and schedule
Providing payment information to the Partner organization
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF2.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Subsidy P... = None
Page Break |
BF2.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers?
We are currently developing a plan
BF2.9 Do Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF2.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Subsidy Payments for
Families and Providers?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF2.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Subsidy Payments for Families
and Providers?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF2.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities in this area.
BS2.13 Please identify areas where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF2.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities in this area.
End of Block: Business Function 2 - Subsidy Payments for Families and Providers
Start of Block: Business Function 3 - Consumer Education for Families and Providers
BF3.1 Consumer
Education for Families and Providers
The questions
below pertain to the CCDF process for Consumer Education for Families
and Providers, typically beginning with a Family seeking information
about child care or a Provider seeking information about becoming a
CCDF child care provider and ending with the Family or the Provider
making an informed decision about their participation in the CCDF
program. The process may include milestones such as:
Families understanding the benefits and requirements for participating in the CCDF program,
Families understanding their child care options in order to make an informed decision to meet their needs,
Providers understanding the benefits and requirements for participating in the CCDF program,
understanding the requirements for participating in the CCDF program
to make an informed decision to become a CCDF Provider.
An IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
Commercial tools: applications designed and sold to support child care program administration, e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, or Family; and low-code/no-code platforms, e.g., Appian, ServiceNow, or Salesforce that can be configured to support child care program administration
your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region,
CCR&R) use one or more IT systems for Consumer Education for
Families and Providers?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Consumer Education for Families and Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF process for... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF3.7 If Consumer Education for Families and Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF process for... = No
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BF3.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Consumer Education for Families and Providers?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF3.3 IT systems support all activities included in Consumer Education for Families and Providers.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF3.4 IT systems that support Consumer Education for Families and Providers are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF3.5 IT systems that support Consumer Education for Families and Providers are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF3.6 IT systems support all data sharing needs for Consumer Education for Families and Providers, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF3.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Consumer Education for Families and Providers?
any that apply and identify up to 3 other goals)?
Improving or increasing information available for Families about the CCDF program
Improving or increasing information available for Providers about the CCDF program
Collecting feedback from Families to improve consumer education materials
Collecting feedback from Providers to improve consumer education materials
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF3.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Consumer... = None
Page Break |
BF3.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Consumer Education for Families and Providers?
We are currently developing a plan
BF3.9 Do goals, benchmarks, and target measures exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Consumer Education for Families and Providers?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF3.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Consumer Education for
Families and Providers?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF3.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Consumer Education for Families
and Providers?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF3.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities for Consumer Education for Families and Providers.
BF3.13 Please identify areas in Consumer Education for Families and Providers where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF3.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities in Consumer Education for Families and Providers.
End of Block: Business Function 3 - Consumer Education for Families and Providers
Start of Block: Business Function 4 - Licensing and Monitoring for Providers
Licensing and Monitoring for Providers
questions below pertain to the CCDF business process Licensing and
Monitoring for Providers, typically beginning with notifying a
current CCDF Provider (including licensed and license-exempt) they
need to submit a renewal application or permitting a child care
provider to submit an application to become a CCDF Provider and
ending with tracking monitoring results to closure. The process
may include milestones such as:
notifying current Provider of licensing renewal requirement,
online submission of application by prospective or continuing Provider,
notifying the prospective or continuing Provider of receipt of application,
notifying prospective or continuing Provider of an upcoming monitoring event,
notifying prospective or continuing Provider of the results of the monitoring event, and
tracking status of monitoring findings to closure.
An IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
Commercial tools: applications designed and sold to support child care program administration, e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, or Family; and low-code/no-code platforms, e.g., Appian, ServiceNow, or Salesforce that can be configured to support child care program administration
your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region,
CCR&R) use one or more IT systems for Licensing and Monitoring
for Providers?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Licensing and Monitoring for Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF business process L... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF4.7 If Licensing and Monitoring for Providers The questions below pertain to the CCDF business process L... = No
Page Break |
BF4.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Licensing and Monitoring for Providers?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF4.3 IT systems support all activities included in Licensing and Monitoring for Providers.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF4.4 IT systems supporting Licensing and Monitoring for Providers are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF4.5 IT systems supporting Licensing and Monitoring for Providers are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF4.6 IT systems support all data sharing needs for Licensing and Monitoring for Providers, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF4.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Licensing and Monitoring for Providers?
any that apply and identify up to 3 other goals)?
Automated reminder to renew as a CCDF Provider (licensed and license-exempt)
Online application submission to become (or remain) a CCDF Provider (licensed and license-exempt)
Notifying prospective or renewing Provider of receipt of application
Notifying prospective or renewing Provider of upcoming monitoring event
Notifying prospective or continuing Provider of the results of the monitoring event
Tracking monitoring results to closure
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF4.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Licensing... = None
Page Break |
BF4.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 in Licensing and Monitoring for Providers?
We are currently developing a plan
BF4.9 Do goals, benchmarks, and target measures exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Licensing and Monitoring for Providers?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF4.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Licensing and Monitoring
for Providers?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF4.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Licensing and Monitoring for
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF4.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities for Licensing and Monitoring for Providers.
BF4.13 Please identify areas in Licensing and Monitoring for Providers where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF4.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities for Licensing and Monitoring for Providers.
End of Block: Business Function 4 - Licensing and Monitoring for Providers
Start of Block: Business Function 5 - Background Checks for Child Care Staff
Background Checks for Child Care Staff
questions below pertain to the CCDF business process Background
Checks for Child Care Staff, typically beginning with notifying a
current CCDF Provider (including licenses and license-exempt) and
Child Care Staff of the requirement to submit a background check
request to the CCDF Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., State
Identification Bureau, Law Enforcement Agency, Child Welfare Agency,
etc.) to make a determination of a child care staff member's
eligibility for employment and ending with notifying the CCDF
Provider and Child Care Staff of the outcome of the background
check. The process may include milestones such as:
notifying Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or partner agency of background check requirements (initial and renewal),
online submission of background check request from Provider and/or partner agency,
identifying specific background check requirements for Child Care Staff, including national and interstate background checks,
online submission of information required for background check from Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or partner agency,
notifying Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or partner agency of receipt of information for background check,
notifying Provider of provisional hiring approval for Child Care Staff,
notifying Provider and/or partner agency of results of background check indicating eligibility for provisional employment without revealing disqualifying crimes or other related information,
notifying Child Care Staff of results of background check indicating eligibility for provisional employment, including disqualifying crime(s) and appeals information,
identifying and tracking compliance issues,
collecting and processing fees, and
Child Care Staff employment (e.g., changes in employer).
IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any
combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
tools: applications designed and sold to support background
checks, e.g., LiveScan Fingerprinting Services, Portable
Fingerprinting Units, software from a third-party vendor/private
company, etc.
Does your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region, CCR&R) use one or more IT systems for Background Checks for Child Care Staff?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Background Checks for Child Care Staff The questions below pertain to the CCDF business process B... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF5.7 If Background Checks for Child Care Staff The questions below pertain to the CCDF business process B... = No
Page Break |
BF5.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Background Checks for Child Care Staff?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF5.3 IT systems support all activities included in Background Checks for Child Care Staff.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF5.4 IT systems supporting Background Checks for Child Care Staff are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF5.5 IT systems supporting Background Checks for Child Care Staff are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF5.6 IT systems support all data sharing needs for Background Checks for Child Care Staff, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF5.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Background Checks for Child Care Staff?
any that apply and identify up to 3 other goals)?
Notifying Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or partner agency of background check requirements (initial and renewal)
Online submission of background check request from Provider and/or partner agency
Identifying specific background check requirements for Child Care Staff, including national and interstate background checks
Online submission of information required for background check from Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or agency provider
Notifying Provider, Child Care Staff, and/or agency partner of receipt of information for background check
Notifying Provider of provisional hiring approval for Child Care Staff
Notifying Provider and/or partner agency of results of background check indicating eligibility for employment without revealing disqualifying crimes or related information
Notifying Child Care Staff of results of background check indicating eligibility for employment, including disqualifying crime(s) and appeals information
Identifying and tracking compliance issues
Collecting and processing fees
Tracking Child Care Staff employment (e.g., changes in employer)
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF5.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Backgroun... = None
Page Break |
BF5.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 in Background Checks for Child Care Staff?
We are currently developing a plan
BF5.9 Do goals, benchmarks, and target measures exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Background Checks for Child Care Staff?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF5.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Background Checks for
Child Care Staff?
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF5.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Background Checks for Child Care
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF5.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities for Background Checks for Child Care Staff.
BF5.13 Please identify areas in Background Checks for Child Care Staff where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF5.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities for Background Checks for Child Care Staff.
End of Block: Business Function 5 - Background Checks for Child Care Staff
Start of Block: Business Function 6 - Quality Activities
BF6.1 Quality
Activities, including Child Care Staff Development and Certification
The questions below pertain to Quality Activities that may
include the following activities:
child care resource referral, including family / child care referral services,
workforce and professional development, including workforce registries,
quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS),
evaluation of child care programs,
pursuit of accreditation,
improving supply and quality of child care for infants and toddlers, and
early learning
and development guidelines.
An IT system may include the following types of technologies (or any combination of them):
Desktop tools: general purpose word processing or spreadsheet applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Custom-developed tools: website applications, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or jQuery; or software applications developed using various software development languages, such as Java, HTML, Python, or C
Commercial tools: applications designed and sold to support child care program administration, e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, or Family; and low-code/no-code platforms, e.g., Appian, ServiceNow, or Salesforce that can be configured to support child care program administration
your Lead Agency or its partner agencies (e.g., county, region,
CCR&R) use one or more IT systems Quality Activities?
Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: End of Block If Quality Activities, including Child Care Staff Development and Certification The questions below... = Not applicable / My Lead Agency does not perform this function
Skip To: BF6.7 If Quality Activities, including Child Care Staff Development and Certification The questions below... = No
Page Break |
BF6.2 At what
level are data and IT systems developed and operated to support
Quality Activities?
At the state level - integrated with other child care capabilities
At the state level - not integrated with other child care capabilities
At the county level (specify the number of counties engaged) __________________________________________________
At a regional level (specify number of regions engaged) __________________________________________________
At a combined state, county, or regional level (specify the total number of counties and regions engaged) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF6.3 IT systems support all activities within Quality Activities.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF6.4 IT systems are mobile-ready (accessible from a smartphone or tablet).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF6.5 IT systems used for Quality Activities are accessible for people with disabilities (e.g., deafness or hearing loss, blindness or low vision, Epilepsy, mobility issues).
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF6.6 IT systems for Quality Activities support all data sharing needs, including receiving data from other IT systems and providing data to other IT systems.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Agreement with statement |
Extremely dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Slightly dissatisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Extremely satisfied |
Satisfaction with existing IT systems |
Page Break |
BF6.7 What
priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025
- FY 2027 for Quality Activities?
(select any that apply and
identify up to 3 other goals)?
Increasing / Improving online professional development opportunities for the Provider workforce
Improving data accessibility and trustworthiness for quality reporting
Improving use of data to evaluate quality of child care across various Provider types
Increasing use of data to assess alignment with early learning and development guidelines
Increasing data accessibility and trustworthiness for workforce accreditation
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________________________
Skip To: BF6.11 If What priority goals for improvements does the Lead Agency have in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Quality A... = None
Page Break |
BF6.8 Does a project plan (tasks, timeline, resource estimates, etc.) currently exist to achieve the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Quality Activities?
We are currently developing a plan
BF6.9 Do Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) exist for the priority goals for improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Quality Activities?
We are currently developing KPIs
Page Break |
BF6.10 What
type of technology do you currently use for Quality
(select all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
BF6.11 What
type of technology will you likely use for the priority goals for
improvement in FY 2025 - FY 2027 for Quality Activities?
all that apply)
Undecided at this time
Desktop Tools (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel, specify) __________________________________________________
Custom Development Tools (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize, jQuery Java, HTML, Python, specify) __________________________________________________
Commercial Tools (e.g., brightwheel, Kinderpedia, Family, Appian, ServiceNow, Salesforce, specify) __________________________________________________
Page Break |
BF6.12 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's gaps in data and IT system capabilities in this area.
BF6.13 Please identify areas where your Lead Agency has seen success that could be beneficial for other Lead Agencies.
BF6.14 Please provide any additional information that will help us understand your Lead Agency's current data and IT system capabilities in this area.
End of Block: Business Function 6 - Quality Activities
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Public Law 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to inform ACF of the types of training and technical assistance (T/TA) needed by Lead Agencies to improve data and IT systems, including associated Lead Agency guidance and processes. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes for Administrators and about 15 minutes for other staff, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0531 and the expiration date is 9/30/2025. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Donna Seymour, 202-763-4000,
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | CCDF IT Environment Scan |
Author | Qualtrics |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-11-27 |