OMB No.: 0915-0285. Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX
Grant Number |
Application Tracking Number |
Note:.This form will pre-populate for competing continuation applicants New and Competing Supplement Applicants:must propose at least one new Service Delivery site or Administrative/Service Delivery site with the Location Type as 'Permanent' and operating for at least 40 requesting funding to target the general underserved community (CHC), residents of public housing (PHPC), or people experiencing homelessness (HCH), If you are If you aremust propose at least one new Service Delivery site or Administrative/Service Delivery site with the Location Type as 'Permanent' or 'Seasonal' and operating for at least 40 hours.(MHC), you proposing to serve ONLY migrant and seasonal agricultural workers |
Site Qualification Criteria |
If Yes, the site is an Admin-only site, select ‘Not Applicable’ for questions a through d below. If No, the site is a Service Delivery site, answer questions a through d Yes or No. |
[_] Yes [_] No |
[_] Yes [_] No [_] Not Applicable |
[_] Yes [_] No [_] Not Applicable |
[_] Yes [_] No [_] Not Applicable |
[_] Yes [_] No [_] Not Applicable |
Select Yes for this question only if the site being added is a confidential site serving victims of domestic violence and the site address cannot be published due to the necessity to protect the location of the domestic violence shelter. |
[_] Yes [_] No [_] Not Applicable |
Site Information |
Site Name |
Site Physical Address (Ensure your address contains the appropriate unique suite, building, or other notation, if appropriate. If the address displayed does not contain this information, select Change Physical Location and update as appropriate) |
Site Type |
[_] Administrative/Service Delivery Site [_] Service Delivery Site [_] Administrative Site |
Site Phone Number |
Web URL |
The following fields are required for “Service Delivery” and “Administrative/Service Delivery” site types: |
Location Type |
[_] Permanent [_] Seasonal [_] Mobile [_] Migrant Voucher [_] Intermittent |
Site Setting |
[_] All Other Clinic Types [_] Hospital [_] School
Date Site was Added to Scope |
Read-only for sites already in scope and disabled when adding a new site |
Site Operational Date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
FQHC Site Medicare Billing Number Status |
[_] This site is neither permanent nor seasonal per CMS (i.e., does not require unique FQHC Medicare Billing Number) [_] Health center does not/will not bill under the FQHC Medicare system at this site [_] Number is pending; application for this site has been submitted to CMS [_] Application for this site has not yet been submitted to CMS [_] This site has a Medicare billing number |
FQHC Site Medicare Billing Number (Required if ‘This site has a Medicare billing number’ is selected in 'FQHC Site Medicare Billing Number Status' field) |
FQHC Site National Provider Identification (NPI) Number (Optional field) |
Total Hours of Operation (when patients will be served per week) |
Months of Operation |
Service Area Zip Codes |
of Contract Service Delivery Locations |
Number of Intermittent Sites (Required only for ‘Intermittent Site’ Type) |
Site Operated by |
[_] Health Center/Applicant [_] Subrecipient [_] Contractor |
Subrecipient or Contractor Information (Required only if 'Subrecipient’ or ‘Contractor' is selected in 'Site Operated By' field) |
Public Burden Statement: Health centers (section 330 grant funded and Federally Qualified Health Center look-alikes) deliver comprehensive, high quality, cost-effective primary health care to patients regardless of their ability to pay. . HYPERLINK "" 42 U.S.C. 254b HYPERLINK ""
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Form 5B: Service Sites |
Subject | Form 5B: Service Sites |
Author | REI Systems; |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-02 |