Approval Expires: 10/31/2021 |
United States Department of Agriculture |
California Department of Food and Agriculture |
USDA/NASS - California Pacific Region 650
Capitol Mall, #6-100 Phone: 1-800-851-1127 Fax: 1-855-270-2722 e-mail: |
Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary |
The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is asking for your help in completing the 2020 Grape and Almond Acreage Survey, in cooperation with corresponding industries. Growers would normally be contacted in person to update their Acreage data, however NASS understands that personal contacts are not advisable at this time. Instead, we have the following options to update your Acreage safely and efficiently. You can:
1) Return your updates in the Business Reply envelope provided. 2) FAX to 1-855-270-2722. 3) E-mail to 4) Call Kelly Albelo at 1-916-738-6606.
If the enclosed parcel records are not a convenient way to update your Acreage, we will gladly accept electronic files of planting records in any format. You may e-mail files to the above address. Please review the enclosed parcels and make updates as needed. Newly planted, pulled or abandoned acres should be noted by location on each parcel. Record any new or additional parcels on the blue parcel record.
We look forward to your response, and your assistance in capturing a complete picture of Grape and Almond Acreage in California. All responses will be summarized and available online and by mail in April 2021.
Your response is requested by November 16, 2020.
Current Phone Number(s): ________________________________________________________________________ |
Grapes (Acres) |
Almonds (Acres) |
Acres in our Database |
Acres Planted in 2020 |
Acres Pulled in 2020 |
Acres Abandoned |
California Grape and Almond Acreage Survey --- Frequently Asked Questions
The plant system refers to the way trees or vines are planted relative to each other. Most orchards and vineyards are planted in a square or a rectangular pattern, where the plant spacing for the block specifies the feet between rows and between plants within a row. In the plant system column of the parcel record a 10 indicates a square or rectangular system. A 20 is a diamond pattern and a 40 is a hexagonal system. A 50 or 60 refers to an irregular or border pattern.
The extra blank form is used when a grower has acquired any additional parcels or properties that are not included with the white pre-printed parcel records. If there are no new parcels to report, the blue sheet can be discarded.
Feel free to make as many copies of the blue “New or Additional Parcel Record” page as you need.
When a parcel is sold or transferred to another operator, simply cross out the incorrect information and list the information for the new operator as completely as possible.
Yes. If there are no changes to the parcels, just note that on top of the parcel pages and return them so an additional follow-up contact will not be necessary and the acreage will be currently verified as correct.
The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential and any person who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107-347 and other applicable Federal laws. For more information on how we protect your information please visit: Response is voluntary.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0039. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
Change |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp 2-R 3-Inac 4-Office Hold 5-R – Est 6-Inac – Est 7-Off Hold – Est
9901 |
1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Oth
9902 |
1-Mail 2-Tel 3-Face-to-Face 4-CATI 5-Web 6-e-mail 7-Fax 8-CAPI 19-Other |
9903 |
9998 |
9900 |
9985 |
__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ |
R. Unit |
Optional Use |
9921 |
9907 |
9908 |
9906 |
9916 |
S/E Name |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | WALLBI |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-03 |