57.221 Healthcare Personnel COVID-19 Person Level Vaccination-Long-Term Care Component (CSV)
Please refer to the tables below for complete information on the variables included in CSV upload for Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Forms for Residents and Healthcare Personnel (Long-term Care Facility Component). Variables are listed on pages 17-28 for this measure. These are updated as of April 2024. Please note that if a field name has a parenthetical value, this is an alias and upload with either the field name or its alias will result in successful file transmission.
Importing via .csv file Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Form- Residents - LTC Component |
Table 1: NHSN Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Form- Residents Import File Format |
Field (alias, applicable) |
Requirement |
Values |
Format |
Description of Field |
orgID |
Required |
- |
must be a whole number |
Must be a valid NHSN Facility ID (organization identifier) |
resID |
Required |
- |
Character (15) |
Resident identifier - a unique identifier for the individual, assigned by your facility |
dob |
Required |
Datetime |
Resident Date of Birth |
Resgender |
Required for all records beginning 10/24/2022
F M O |
Character (1) |
Resident Gender F – Female M – Male O – Other/Unknown |
resethnicity |
Required for all records beginning 10/24/2022
Character (6) |
Resident Ethnicity HISP – Hispanic or Latino NOHISP – Not Hispanic or Latino DEC – Declined to respond UNK – Unknown |
resrace |
Required for all records beginning 10/24/2022
Character |
Race: AAB – Black or African American NH-PI Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander WHITE – White DEC – Declined to respond UNK- Unknown |
resAdmitDate |
Required |
Datetime |
Resident Admit Date |
resDischDate |
Conditionally required |
Must be >= resAdmitDate |
Datetime |
Resident Discharge Date |
resGName |
Required |
- |
Character (30) |
Resident First Name |
resSurname |
Required |
- |
Character (30) |
Resident Last Name |
dose1Date |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record must be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as having at least one vaccine entered, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status).
Datetime |
Dose 1 vaccination date
dose1Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose1Date provided.
If dose1Mfg = Janssen, then enter subsequent doses beginning with the dose 3 fields.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 4/20/2023 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 4/19/2023.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is before 6/26/2023.
Character (15) |
Dose 1 vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
dose2Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > Dose1Date |
Datetime |
Dose 2 vaccination date
dose2Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose2Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 4/20/2023 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 4/19/2023.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is before 6/26/2023.
Character (15) |
Dose 2 vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
medDate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as bivalent vaccination, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status). |
Datetime |
Contraindication or exclusion noted date |
decDate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as bivalent vaccination, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status). |
Datetime |
Declination date |
decReason |
Conditionally required if decDate provided |
Character (10) |
Declination reason: RELIGIOUS -
Received official religious exemption |
unkvaccstatusdate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as bivalent vaccination, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status) |
Datetime |
Unknown status date |
Dose3date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > Dose2Date
Datetime |
Third dose vaccination date |
dose3type |
Conditionally required if dose date is <6/26/2023 |
Character (5) |
Type of third dose vaccine received: BOOST – Booster Dose ADDTL – Additional Dose |
Dose3Mfg |
Conditionally required if dose3Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Third dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer
Dose4Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose3date |
Datetime |
Fourth dose vaccination date |
Dose4Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose4Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Fourth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer
Dose5Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose4date |
Datetime |
Fifth dose vaccination date
Dose5Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose5Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Fifth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer
Dose6Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > Dose5Date |
Datetime |
Sixth dose vaccination date
Conditionally required if Dose6Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Sixth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer
Dose7Date |
Conditionally required. |
Must be > Dose6Date |
Datetime |
Seventh dose vaccination date
Dose7Mfg |
Conditionally required.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Seventh dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine MODERNA – original monovalent Moderna vaccine PFIZBION – original monovalent Pfizer vaccine JANSSEN – original monovalent Janssen vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
Dose8Date |
Conditionally required. |
Must be > Dose7Date
Datetime |
Eighth dose vaccination date
Dose8Mfg |
Conditionally required.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Character (15) |
Eighth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
Dose9Date |
Conditionally required. |
Must be > Dose8Date
Datetime |
Ninth dose vaccination date
Dose9Mfg |
Conditionally required.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Character (15) |
Ninth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
Dose10Date |
Conditionally required. |
Must be > Dose9Date
Datetime |
Tenth dose vaccination date
Dose10Mfg |
Conditionally required.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Character (15) |
Tenth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine UNSPECIFIED – unknown manufacturer |
dose1NDC |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 1 vaccine NDC number |
dose1Lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 1 vaccine Lot number |
dose1ExpDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Dose 1 vaccine expiration date |
dose2NDC |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 2 vaccine NDC number |
dose2Lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 2 vaccine Lot number |
dose2ExpDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Dose 2 vaccine expiration date |
dose3ndc (addtldosendc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Third dose vaccine NDC number |
dose3lot (addtldoselot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Third dose vaccine Lot number |
dose3expdate (addtldoseexpdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Third dose expiration date |
dose4ndc (boostdose2ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fourth dose NDC number |
dose4lot (boostdose2lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fourth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose4expdate (boostdose2expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Fourth dose vaccine expiration date |
dose5ndc (boostdose3ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fifth dose NDC number |
dose5lot (boostdose3lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fifth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose5expdate (boostdose3expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Fifth dose vaccine expiration date |
dose6ndc (boostdose4ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Sixth dose NDC number |
dose6lot (boostdose4lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Sixth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose6expdate (boostdose4expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Sixth dose vaccine expiration date |
dose7ndc (boostdose5ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Seventh dose vaccine NDC number |
dose7lot (boostdose5ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Seventh dose vaccine Lot number |
dose7expdate (boostdose5expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Seventh dose vaccine expiration date |
dose8ndc |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Eighth dose vaccine NDC number |
dose8lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Eighth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose8expdate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Eighth dose vaccine expiration date |
dose9ndc |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Ninth dose vaccine NDC number |
dose9lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Ninth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose9expdate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Ninth dose vaccine expiration date |
Dose10ndc |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Tenth dose vaccine NDC number |
Dose10lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Tenth dose vaccine Lot number |
Dose10expdate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Tenth dose vaccine expiration date |
vaccElsewhere |
Optional |
Y |
Character (1) |
Vaccinated at another location? Y for Yes |
vaccEdDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Vaccination Education Provided - date |
comment |
Optional |
- |
Character (2000) |
Comments |
Importing via .csv file- Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Form- HCP - LTC Component |
Table 2: NHSN Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Form – HCP Import File Format |
Field (alias if applicable) |
Requirement |
Values |
Format† |
Description of Field |
Orgid |
Required |
_ |
must be a whole number |
Must be a valid NHSN Facility ID (organization identifier) |
staffid |
Required |
_ |
Character (15) |
HCP identifier - a unique identifier for the individual, assigned by your facility |
hcpgname |
Required |
Character (30) |
HCP First Name |
hcpsurname |
Required |
_ |
Character (30) |
HCP Last Name |
hcpgender |
Required |
F M O |
Character (1) |
HCP Gender F – Female M – Male O – Other/Unknown |
dob |
Required |
Datetime |
HCP Date of Birth |
hcpethnicity |
Required |
Character (6) |
HCP Ethnicity HISP – Hispanic or Latino NOHISP – Not Hispanic or Latino DEC – Declined to respond. UNK – Unknown |
hcprace |
Multi-select |
Character (5) |
HCP Race: AAB – Black or African American NH-PI – Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander WHITE – White DEC – Declined to respond. UNK- Unknown
hcpEmpStart |
Required |
Datetime |
HCP Start of Employment Date |
hcpEmpEnd |
Conditionally required |
Datetime |
HCP End of Employment Date |
hcpCategory |
Required |
Character (10) |
HCP Category: EMP
- Employees (staff on facility payroll) |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record must be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as having at least one vaccine entered, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status).
Datetime |
Dose 1 vaccination date |
dose1Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose1Date provided
If dose1Mfg = Janssen, then subsequent doses recorded beginning with dose 3 fields.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 4/20/2023 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 4/19/2023.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is before 6/26/2023.
Character (15) |
Dose 1 vaccine manufacturer name COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
dose2Date |
Conditionally required.
Datetime |
Dose 2 vaccination date |
dose2Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose2Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 4/20/2023 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 4/19/2023.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is before 6/26/2023.
Character (15) |
Dose 2 vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
medDate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such having at least one vaccine entered, contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status). |
Datetime |
Contraindication or exclusion noted date |
decDate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as having at least one vaccine entered , contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status). |
Datetime |
Declination date |
decReason |
Conditionally required if decDate provided. |
Character (10) |
Declination reason:
RELIGIOUS - Received official religious exemption |
unkvaccstatusdate |
Conditionally required (each record must contain At least ONE status- This means each record much be classified into at least one of the main categories, such as having at least one vaccine entered , contraindication, declined, unknown vaccination status). |
Datetime |
Unknown status date |
Dose3date |
Conditionally required.
Datetime |
Third dose vaccination date |
dose3type |
Required if dose date is <6/26/2023 |
Character (5) |
Type of additional or booster dose vaccine received: BOOST – Booster Dose ADDTL – Additional Dose |
Dose3Mfg |
Conditionally required if dose3Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Third dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
Dose4Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose3date |
Datetime |
Fourth dose vaccination date |
Dose4Mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose4Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Fourth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
Dose5Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose4date |
Datetime |
Fifth dose vaccination date
Dose5mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose5Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Fifth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
Dose6Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose5date |
Datetime |
Sixth dose vaccination date
Dose6mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose6Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Sixth dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
Dose7Date |
Conditionally required.
Must be > dose6date |
Datetime |
Seventh dose vaccination date
Dose7mfg |
Conditionally required if Dose7Date provided.
2023-2024 Updated COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is after 9/12/2023.
Bivalent Pfizer vaccine and Bivalent Moderna vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is between 8/31/2022 and 9/12/2023.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or before 9/26/2022.
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can only be selected if corresponding dose date is on or after 6/1/2022.
Character (15) |
Seventh dose vaccine manufacturer name
COVID2023_2024 –2023-2024 updated vaccine BIMODERNA –bivalent Moderna vaccine BIPFIZBION –bivalent Pfizer vaccine
– original monovalent Moderna vaccine JANSSEN
– original monovalent Janssen vaccine |
dose1NDC |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 1 vaccine NDC number |
dose1Lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 1 vaccine Lot number |
dose1ExpDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Dose 1 vaccine expiration date |
dose2NDC |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 2 vaccine NDC number |
dose2Lot |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Dose 2 vaccine Lot number |
dose2ExpDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Dose 2 vaccine expiration date |
dose3NDC (addtldosendc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Third dose vaccine NDC number |
dose3Lot (addtldoselot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Third dose vaccine Lot number |
dose3ExpDate (addtldoseexpdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Third dose vaccine expiration date |
dose4ndc (boostdose2ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fourth dose vaccine NDC number |
dose4lot (boostdose2lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fourth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose4expdate (boostdose2expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Fourth dose expiration date |
dose5ndc (boostdose3ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fifth dose vaccine NDC number |
dose5lot (boostdose3lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Fifth dose vaccine Lot number |
dose5expdate (boostdose3expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Fifth dose vaccine expiration date |
Dose6ndc (boostdose4ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Sixth dose vaccine NDC number |
Dose6lot (boostdose4lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Sixth dose vaccine Lot number |
Dose6expdate (boostdose4expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Sixth dose vaccine expiration date |
Dose7ndc (boostdose5ndc) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Seventh dose vaccine NDC number |
Dose7lot (boostdose5lot) |
Optional |
- |
Character (30) |
Seventh dose vaccine Lot number |
Dose7expdate (boostdose5expdate) |
Optional |
Datetime |
Seventh dose vaccine expiration date |
vaccElsewhere |
Optional |
Y |
Character (1) |
Vaccinated at another location? Y – Yes N – No |
vaccEdDate |
Optional |
Datetime |
Vaccination Education Provided - date |
comment |
Optional |
- |
Character (2000) |
Comments |
Assurance of Confidentiality: The voluntarily provided information obtained in this surveillance system that would permit identification of any individual or institution is collected with a guarantee that it will be held in strict confidence, will be used only for the purposes stated, and will not otherwise be disclosed or released without the consent of the individual, or the institution in accordance with Sections 304, 306 and 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242b, 242k, and 242m(d)).
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC, Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Rd., MS H21-8, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-1317).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Variable Descriotion and File Layout LTC 11.5.0 April 2024_508 |
Subject | NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination Module |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-02-23 |