5900-435 ONE Future Reporting Form

EPA’s Voluntary Methane Challenge and Natural Gas STAR Programs (Renewal)

Methane_Challenge_OF_Reporting_Form ICR VERSION 2021.xlsx

EPA's Voluntary Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program

OMB: 2060-0722

Document [xlsx]
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Facility Info
Acid Gas Removal Vents
Assc Gas Venting + Flaring
Blowdown Vent Stacks
Combustion Units
Combustion Units - SubpartC
Compressors - Centrifugal
Compressors - Reciprocating
Compressor Starts
Dehydrator Vents
Distribution Mains+Services
Equipment Leaks
Equip Leaks - Distribution
Equip Leaks - Pipelines
Flare Stacks
Liquids Unloading
Pneumatic Devices
Pneumatic Pumps
Pressure Relief Valves
Station Venting
Storage Tank Venting
Well DrillingTestingCompletion
Renewable Natural Gas
Innovative Approaches

Sheet 1: Facility Info

Methane Challenge ONE Future Reporting Form

This reporting form must be downloaded from the Methane Challenge module in e-GGRT. All data on this page will automatically populate based on data entered in e-GGRT. Note that you will need to submit a separate report for each of your facilities.

If data on this tab are incorrect, you can fix the data in e-GGRT and redownload this form. If you need help locating the data in e-GGRT, please contact the Help Desk (GHGreporting@epa.gov)

After completing this Facility Info tab, please use the Table of Contents ('TOC') tab to navigate to and fill out the appropriate tabs corresponding to the sources for which this facility is reporting. Based on the segment you select, cells collecting data not applicable to your segment will automatically turn black and serve as an indicator that you do not need to fill them out.
Last Updated: 3/31/2021
OMB Control No. 2060-0722
Approval expires XX/XX/202X
EPA Form No. 5900-435

Report Year 20XX

Version: ICR RENEWAL 2021

Partner Name SAMPLE PARTNER This is a preview version of the reporting form only. The Methane Challenge Reporting System will not accept reports submitted on this version of the reporting form. Partners should always download their facility-specific reporting forms directly from the Reporting System.


Methane Challenge Partner ID Number

Assigned Methane Challenge Partner ID Number is unique to each partner. Each reporting facility under the Partner should use the same Methane Challenge Partner ID Number.

Methane Challenge Facility ID Number

Assigned Methane Challenge Facility ID Number is unique to each facility. Each reporting facility for a Partner should have a unique Methane Challenge Facility ID Number.

GHGRP Facility ID Number 123456
A 6-digit number in this cell indicates that this facility reported through the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). On all subsequent tabs, fields shaded in grey represent information that should have already been reported for this facility via the GHGRP. Therefore, when completing this form you should skip fields that are shaded in grey. Please note that this form will not update Subpart W data in e-GGRT.

Industry Segment

Gathering & Boosting


Transmission Compression


LNG Storage

LNG Import/Export

Transmission Pipeline


Pre-populated using certified Part 98 Subpart W annual report:

Reporting Year:


Date Certified:

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2060-0722). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary 42 USC 7403(g). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 60 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address

Sheet 2: ToC

Table of Contents

This hyperlinked ToC is provided to make it easier to navigate the reporting form. The segment selected on the Facility Info tab will determine which sources are applicable for this facility. If a source is applicable, but its tab not yet complete, 'No' will appear in the corresponding cell in Column C. If the source is not applicable, 'N/A' will appear in the corresponding cell in Column C. To indicate a source is complete, mark the 'Source Form Complete' button on the source's tab. This will automatically update the corresponding cell in Column C of this tab. If a source is applicable for the facility's segment, but the facility does not actually contain that source, you can check 'Source Not Applicable' on the source's tab. This will also update the ToC automatically.
Sources Source Form Completed Total CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) Reported CH4 Emissions Reductions (mt CH4)
Acid Gas Removal Vents N/A N/A N/A
Associated Gas Venting & Flaring N/A N/A N/A
Blowdowns N/A N/A N/A
Blowdown Vent Stacks N/A N/A N/A
Combustion Units N/A N/A N/A
Combustion Units - Subpart C N/A N/A N/A
Compressors - Centrifugal N/A N/A N/A
Compressors - Reciprocating N/A N/A N/A
Compressor Starts N/A N/A N/A
Damages N/A N/A N/A
Dehydrator Vents N/A N/A N/A
Distribution Mains & Services N/A N/A N/A
Equipment Leaks N/A N/A N/A
Equipment Leaks - Distribution N/A N/A N/A
Equipment Leaks - Gathering and Transmission Pipelines N/A N/A N/A
Flare Stacks N/A N/A N/A
Liquids Unloading N/A N/A N/A
Meters N/A N/A N/A
Pneumatic Devices N/A N/A N/A
Pneumatic Pumps N/A N/A N/A
Pressure Relief Valves N/A N/A N/A
Station Venting N/A N/A N/A
Storage Tank Venting N/A N/A N/A
Well Drilling N/A N/A N/A
Well Venting During Completions/Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing N/A N/A N/A
Well Venting During Completions/Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing N/A N/A N/A
Well Testing Venting and Flaring N/A N/A N/A
Renewable Natural Gas N/A N/A N/A
Innovative Technologies, Practices, and Approaches No N/A N/A

Sheet 3: Acid Gas Removal Vents

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Acid Gas Removal Vents Applicable Segments: Processing

Table 1. Acid Gas Removal Vents

Actual count of AGR units

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 4: Assc Gas Venting + Flaring

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Associated Gas Venting & Flaring Applicable Segments: Production

Table 1. Associated Gas Venting & Flaring

Volume of oil produced during venting/flaring (bbls)

Volume of associated gas sent to sales (scf)

Actual count of wells venting associated gas

Actual count of wells flaring associated gas

Annual CH4 emissions from venting (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 5: Blowdowns

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Blowdowns Applicable Segments: Production, Transmission Pipeline, Distribution

Jump to: Production Transmission Pipeline Distribution

Table 1. Production

Vessel Blowdowns

Actual count of blowdowns (optional)

Actual count of vessels

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Compressor Blowdowns

Actual count of blowdowns (optional)

Actual count of compressors

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 3.Transmission Pipeline (Between Compressor Stations)
Return to top

Emissions calculated by equipment or event type Emissions calculated using a flow meter Alternate Calculation Method

Actual count of blowdowns

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 4. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Number of blowdowns that routed gas to:

A compressor or capture system for beneficial use

A flare

A low-pressure system

Number of hot taps utilized that avoided the need to blowdown gas to the atmosphere

Number of blowdowns utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 5. Distribution Pipeline - Routine Maintenance Return to top

Miles of distribution pipeline mains

Miles of distribution pipeline services

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 6. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Count Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Blowdowns that routed gas to a compressor or capture system for beneficial use, flare, or low-pressure system

Hot taps utilized that avoided the need to blowdown gas to the atmosphere

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 6: Blowdown Vent Stacks

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Blowdown Vent Stacks Applicable Segments: Gathering & Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, LNG Import/Export

Table 1. Blowdown Vent Stacks

Actual count of blowdowns by equipment or event type Annual CH4 emissions by equipment or event type
(mt CH4)

Facility piping

Pipeline venting



Pig launchers and receivers

Emergency shutdowns

All other equipment with a physical volume greater than or equal 50 cubic feet

Annual total CH4 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CH4) (emissions calculated using flow meters)

Annual total CH4 emissions calculated using the alternate calculation method (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)
This cell will automatically calculate the total emissions, summing the values in cells D10-D16, C18, and C19

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 7: Combustion Units

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Combustion Units Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Distribution

Jump to: Large Internal Units Large External Units

Table 1. Small Units

Actual count of external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 5 mmBtu/hr PLUS internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 1 mmBtu/hr

Table 2. Large Units - Internal

Actual count of internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 million Btu/hr

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) for internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 million Btu/hr

Actual count of internal fuel combustion units of any heat capacity that are compressor-drivers

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) for internal fuel combustion units of any heat capacity that are compressor-drivers

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 4. Large Units - External
Return to top

Actual count of external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 million Btu/hr

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) for external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 million Btu/hr

Table 5. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 8: Combustion Units - SubpartC

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year

Return to Table of Contents

Combustion Units - Subpart C Applicable Segments: Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, LNG Import/Export

Table 1. Combustion Units- Subpart C (GHGRP)

Individual combustion units (98.36(b))

Total number of individual combustion units

Total annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) from all individual combustion units

Aggregation of combustion units (98.36(c)(1))

Total number of aggregated groups

Total annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) from aggregated units

Combustion units sharing a common stack or duct that is monitored by CO2 CEMS (98.36(c)(2))

Total number of combustion units sharing the common stack or duct

Total annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) for all units sharing a common stack or duct

Combustion units served by a common fuel supply line (98.36(c)(3))

Total number of common pipe configurations

Total annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4) for all units served by a common fuel supply line

Table 2. Combustion Units - Subpart C (alternate calculation method)

Combustion Units (alternate calculation method)

Fuel type Total volume of gas consumed Total annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4)

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 9: Compressors - Centrifugal

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Note that the calculation methods differ by segment for this source; this is detailed in the Technical Document.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Centrifugal Compressors Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, LNG Import/Export

Jump to: Production or Gathering & Boosting Processing, Transmission, Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, or LNG Import/Export

Table 1. Centrifugal Compressors - Production, Gathering & Boosting

Centrifugal compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents

Number of centrifugal compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Centrifugal compressors with dry seals

Number of centrifugal compressors with dry seals

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Centrifugal Compressors - Other Segments

Return to top

Compressors reported to Subpart W Compressors not reported to Subpart W (reporting of detailed activity data is optional)

Number of centrifugal compressors with wet seals

Number of manifolded groups of compressors with wet seals, isolation valves, or blowdown valves

Number of compressors with wet seals, isolation valves, or blowdown valves that are routed to a flare

Number of compressors with wet seals, isolation valves, or blowdown valves that have vapor recovery

Number of compressors with wet seals, isolation valves, or blowdown valves that are routed to combustion (fuel or thermal oxidizer)

Annual CH4 emissions vented to the atmosphere (mt CH4)

Number of compressors not reported to Subpart W (i.e., those utilizing the alternate calculation method)

Annual CH4 emissions using the alternate calculation method (mt CH4)

Table 3. Centrifugal Compressors - Other Segments - Compressors With Dry Seals

Centrifugal compressors with dry seals - number of compressors reported to Subpart W

Centrifugal compressors with dry seals - number of compressors not reported to Subpart W

Annual CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) - Calculated using GHGI EF
Use only one method to calculate emissions from compressors with dry seals

Annual CH4 Emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) - Calculated using alternate method for dry seals

Total Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)
This cell will automatically calculate the total emissions, summing the values in cells C26, D29,C35 and C36.

Table 4. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Return to top

Number of compressors Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Compressors routed to vapor recovery units

Compressors routed to flare

Compressors where source emissions are captured for fuel use or routed to a thermal oxidizer

Compressors utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 10: Compressors - Reciprocating

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Note that the calculation methods differ by segment for this source; this is detailed in the Technical Document.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Reciprocating Compressors Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering and Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, LNG Import/Export

Jump to: Production or Gathering & Boosting
Processing, Transmission, Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, or LNG Import/Export

Table 1. Reciprocating Compressors - Production, Gathering & Boosting

Number of reciprocating compressors

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Reciprocating Compressors - Other Segments

Return to top

Compressors reported to Subpart W Compressors not reported to Subpart W (reporting of detailed activity data is optional)

Number of reciprocating compressors

Number of compressors with rod packing emissions vented to the atmosphere

Number of manifolded groups of compressor sources: isolation valves, blowdown valves, and rod packing

Number of compressors routing isolation valve leakage to flares, combustion (fuel or thermal oxidizer), or vapor recovery

Number of compressors routing blowdown valve leakage to flares, combustion (fuel or thermal oxidizer), or vapor recovery

Number of compressors routing rod packing vents to flares, combustion (fuel or thermal oxidizer), or vapor recovery

Annual CH4 emissions vented to the atmosphere from isolation valves, blowdown valves, and rod packing (including estimated fraction of CH4 from manifolded compressor sources) (mt CH4)

Number of compressors not reported to Subpart W (i.e., those utilizing the alternate calculation method)

Annual CH4 emissions using the alternate calculation method (mt CH4)

Total Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)
This cell will automatically calculate the total emissions, summing the values in cells C23 and D26

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Return to top

Number of compressors Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Replaced reciprocating compressor rod packing

Compressors routed to vapor recovery units

Compressors routed to flare

Compressors where source emissions are captured for fuel use or routed to a thermal oxidizer

Compressors utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 11: Compressor Starts

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Compressor Starts Applicable Segments: Production

Table 1. Compressor Starts (GHGI)

Actual count of starts (optional)

Actual count of compressors

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 12: Damages

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Damages Applicable Segments: Gathering & Boosting, Distribution

Table 1. Upsets: Mishaps

Miles of gathering pipeline

Miles of distribution pipeline mains

Miles of distribution pipeline services

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Actions taken to minimize excavation damages/reduce methane emissions from excavation damages Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 13: Dehydrator Vents

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Dehydrator Vents Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage

Table 1. Dehydrators (GHGRP; alternate calculation method for Transmission Compression and Storage segments)

Small glycol dehydrators Large glycol dehydrators Desiccant dehydrators
This table can be filled out optionally for Transmission Compression or Storage facilities if data are available.

For Calculation Method 1 and Calculation Method 2, actual count of glycol dehydrators

Subpart W - Calculation Method 1 using computer modeling for glycol dehydrators
Subpart W - Calculation Method 2 using EFs and population counts for glycol dehydrators

For Calculation Method 3, actual count of desiccant dehydrators

Subpart W - Calculation Method 3 using engineering calculations for desiccant dehydrators

Count of dehydrators venting to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes

Count of dehydrators at the facility that vented to a vapor recovery device

Annual CH4 emissions from dehydrators venting to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions from all dehydrators that were not vented to a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4)

Table 2. Dehydrators (GHGI) If data are provided in the Table 1 above for Transmission Compression or Storage facilities, the facility does not need to complete the GHGI methodology table.

Volume of gas dehydrated (MMscf/yr) in Transmission Compression and Storage segments

Annual CH4 emissions from dehydrators in Transmission Compression and Storage segments (mt CH4)

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Count Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Dehydrators routed to Vapor Recovery Units

Dehydrators routed to Flare or Regenerator Firebox/Fire Tubes

Dehydrators utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.


Sheet 14: Distribution Mains+Services

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Distribution Mains & Services Applicable Segments: Distribution

Table. 1 Distribution Mains Total miles Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Cast iron distribution mains

Plastic distribution mains

Protected steel distribution mains

Unprotected steel distribution mains

Cast iron or unprotected steel distribution mains with plastic liners or inserts

Table 2. Distribution Services Total number Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Cast iron services

Copper services

Plastic services

Protected steel services

Unprotected steel services

Cast iron or unprotected steel services with plastic liners or inserts

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year


Miles of cast iron mains replaced with plastic, protected steel, or rehabilitated with plastic pipe inserts or cured-in-place liners

Miles of unprotected steel mains cathodically protected, replaced with plastic or protected steel, or rehabilitated with pipe inserts or cured-in-place liners

Emission reductions from voluntary action for mains (mt CH4)


Actual count of cast iron services replaced with plastic, protected steel, copper, or rehabilitated with plastic pipe inserts

Actual count of unprotected steel services cathodically protected or replaced with protected steel, plastic, copper, or rehabilitated with plastic pipe inserts

Emission reductions from voluntary action for services (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 15: Equipment Leaks

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field. Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Source Not Applicable

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year

Return to Table of Contents

Equipment Leaks Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, LNG Import/Export

Jump to: Major Equipment Type Emissions Calculated for Component Types Using Emissions Factors Emissions Calculated by Population Counts Emissions Calculated Using Alternate Calculation Method Voluntary Actions

Table 1. Major Equipment Type

Count of each major equipment type

Natural Gas Production and Gathering and Boosting Equipment





In-line heaters


Table 2. Emissions Calculated for Component Types Using Emissions Factors

Return to top

Number of each surveyed component type identified as leaking (data reported to Subpart W) Annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4)
(data reported to Subpart W)
Number of each surveyed component type identified as leaking (data not reported to Subpart W) Annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4) (data not reported to Subpart W)

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Valve

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Flange

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Connector (other)

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Open-Ended Line

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Pump Seal

Production and Gathering & Boosting - Gas Service: Other

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service Return to top

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Valve

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Connector

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Processing - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Meter

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Valve

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Connector

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Processing - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Meter

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service Return to top

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Valve

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Connector

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Meter or Instrument

Transmission Compression - Compressor Components, Gas Service: Other

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Valve

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Connector

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Meter or Instrument

Transmission Compression - Non-Compressor Components, Gas Service: Other

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service Return to top

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Valve

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Connector (other)

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Meter and Instrument

Storage - Storage Station, Gas Service: Other

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Valve

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Connector (other than flanges)

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Flange

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

Storage - Wellheads, Gas Service: Other

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, LNG Service Return to top

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, LNG Service: Valve

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, LNG Service: Connector

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, LNG Service: Pump Seal

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, LNG Service: Other

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Valve

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Connector

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Open-Ended Line

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Meter and Instrument

LNG Storage - LNG Storage, Gas Service: Other

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, LNG Service Return to top

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, LNG Service: Valve

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, LNG Service: Connector

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, LNG Service: Pump Seal

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, LNG Service: Other

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Valve

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Connector

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Open-ended Line

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Meter and Instrument

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminal, Gas Service: Other

Table 3. Emissions Calculated Using Population Counts

Return to top

Count of each emission source type Annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4)

Production and Gathering & Boosting

Production and Gathering & Boosting: Valves


Production and Gathering & Boosting: Connectors

Production and Gathering & Boosting: Open ended lines

Production and Gathering & Boosting: Pressure relief valves

Storage - Storage Wellheads, Gas Service

Storage - Storage Wellheads, Gas Service: Valves

Storage - Storage Wellheads, Gas Service: Connector

Storage - Storage Wellheads, Gas Service: Open-ended line

Storage - Storage Wellheads, Gas Service: Pressure Relief Valve

LNG Storage - Compressor, Gas Service

LNG Storage - Compressor, Gas Service: Vapor Recovery Compressor

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminals Compressor, Gas Service

LNG Import and Export Equipment - LNG Terminals Compressor, Gas Service: Vapor Recovery Compressor

Table 4. Emissions Calculated Using Alternate Calculation Method

Return to top

Actual count of facilities utilizing the alternate calculation method

Annual CH4 emissions using the alternate calculation method (mt CH4)

Table 5. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Return to top

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 16: Equip Leaks - Distribution

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Return to Table of Contents

Equipment Leaks - Distribution Applicable Segments: Distribution

, Jump to station-type: Above grade T-D transfer Below grade T-D transfer Above grade metering-regulating Below grade metering-regulating

Table 1. Equipment Leaks - Above Grade Transmission-Distribution (T-D) Transfer Stations

Does the facility perform equipment leak surveys across a multiple year leak survey cycle

Actual count of above grade T-D transfer stations

Actual count of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer station facilities

Number of above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in the calendar year or surveyed in the current leak survey cycle

Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in the calendar year or surveyed in the current leak survey cycle

Average time that meter/regulator runs surveyed in the calendar year or surveyed in the current leak survey cycle were operational, in hours

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Above Grade Transmission-Distribution Transfer Stations

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 3. Equipment Leaks - Below Grade Transmission-Distribution (T-D) Transfer Stations

Return to top

Actual Count of below grade T-D transfer stations Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year (hours) Annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4)

Below grade T-D transfer stations (gas service, inlet pressure > 300 psig)

Below grade T-D transfer stations (gas service, inlet pressure 100 - 300 psig)

Below grade T-D transfer stations (gas service, inlet pressure < 100 psig)

Table 4. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Below Grade Transmission-Distribution Transfer Stations

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 5. Equipment Leaks - Above Grade Metering-Regulating (M&R) Stations

Return to top

Actual count of above grade metering-regulating stations that are not T-D transfer stations

Actual count of meter/regulator runs at above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer station facilities

Average estimated time that each meter/regulator run at above grade metering-regulating stations, that are not above grade T-D transfer stations, was operational in the calendar year (hours)

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 6. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Above Grade Metering-Regulating Stations

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 7. Equipment Leaks - Below Grade Metering-Regulating (M&R) Stations

Return to top

Actual count of below grade M&R stations Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year (hours) Annual CH4 emissions
(mt CH4)

Actual count of below grade M&R stations (gas service, inlet pressure > 300 psig)

Actual count of below grade M&R stations (gas service, inlet pressure 100-300 psig)

Actual count of below grade M&R stations (gas service, inlet pressure < 100 psig)

Table 8. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Below Grade Metering-Regulating Stations

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 17: Equip Leaks - Pipelines

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field. Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Source Not Applicable

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year

Return to Table of Contents

Equipment Leaks Applicable Segments: Gathering & Boosting, Transmission Pipeline

Table 1. Leaks - Gathering and Transmission Pipelines

Pipeline type Total miles of pipeline type Annual CH4 emissions from pipeline type (mt CH4)

Gathering - Cast Iron

Gathering - Protected Steel

Gathering - Unprotected Steel

Gathering - Plastic/Composite

Transmission - All

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 18: Flare Stacks

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Flare Stacks Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering and Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage, LNG Storage, LNG Import/Export

Table 1. Flare Stacks

Actual count of flare stacks

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Number of flares with all or part of gas flow routed to VRU, fuel, or other beneficial use

Combined volume of gas routed to VRU, fuel, or other beneficial use (scf)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 19: Liquids Unloading

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Liquids Unloading Applicable Segments: Production

Table 1. Liquids Unloading for Wells

Actual count of wells conducting liquids unloading without plunger lifts that are vented to the atmosphere

Count of unloadings for all wells without plunger lifts

Annual CH4 emissions from wells conducting liquids unloading without plunger lifts that are vented to the atmosphere (mt CH4)

Actual count of wells conducting liquids unloading with plunger lifts that are vented to the atmosphere

Count of unloadings for all wells with plunger lifts

Annual CH4 emissions from wells conducting liquids unloading with plunger lifts that are vented to the atmosphere (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions from liquids unloading (mt CH4)
This cell will automatically calculate the total emissions, summing the values in cells C11 and C14

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Emission control methodology being implemented

Number of wells reducing emissions voluntarily

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 20: Meters

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Meters Applicable Segments: Distribution

Table 1. Meters

Residential Meters

Actual count of outdoor residential meters

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Commercial/Industrial Meters

Actual count of commercial/industrial meters

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Residential Meters

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Commercial/Industrial Meters

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 21: Pneumatic Devices

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Note that the calculation methods differ by segment for this source; this is detailed in the Technical Document.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Pneumatic Devices Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Processing, Transmission Compression, Storage

Jump to: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Transmission Compression, or Storage

Table 1. Natural Gas Pneumatic Device (Controller) Vents - All Segments (except Processing)

Controller type Actual count Estimated count Annual CH4 emissions from controller type (mt CH4)

High-bleed pneumatic controllers

Intermittent-bleed pneumatic controllers

Low-bleed pneumatic controllers

Table 2. Natural Gas Pneumatic Device (Controller) Vents - Processing

Return to Top

Controller type Actual count Annual CH4 emissions from controller type (mt CH4)

High-bleed pneumatic controllers

Intermittent-bleed pneumatic controllers

Low-bleed pneumatic controllers

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Return to Top

Number of high-bleed controllers converted to low-bleed

Number of high-bleed controllers converted to zero emitting or removed from service

Number of intermittent-bleed controllers converted to zero emitting or removed from service

Number of low-bleed controllers converted to zero emitting or removed from service

Number of controllers utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 22: Pneumatic Pumps

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Pneumatic Pumps Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting

Table 1. Natural Gas Driven Pneumatic (Chemical Injection) Pump Vents

Actual count of natural gas driven pneumatic pumps

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Number of pumps with mitigation actions implemented to reduce emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 23: Pressure Relief Valves

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Pressure Relief Valves Applicable Segments: Production, Distribution

Table 1. Pressure Relief Valves

Pressure Relief Valve Releases Per Annex Table 3.6-1 in the GHGI, Pressure Relief Valve releases are categorized as Upsets for the Production segment and Routine Maintenance for the Distribution segment.

Actual count of PRVs (production)

Miles of main (distribution)

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 24: Station Venting

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Station Venting Applicable Segments: Storage, LNG Storage

Table 1. Station Venting (GHGI)

Routine Maintenance/Upsets: Storage Station - Venting
Please fill out either the GHGI method table OR the alternate calculation table.

Actual count of storage stations (natural gas)

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

LNG Storage: LNG Stations

Actual count of LNG storage stations (natural gas)

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Station Venting (alternate calculation method)

Actual count of blowdowns by equipment or event type Annual CH4 emissions by equipment or event type
(mt CH4)

Facility piping

Pipeline venting



Pig launchers and receivers

Emergency shutdowns

All other equipment with a physical volume greater than or equal 50 cubic feet

Annual total CH4 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CH4) (emissions calculated using flow meters)

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 25: Storage Tank Venting

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website. Note that the calculation methods differ by segment for this source; this is detailed in the Technical Document.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Storage Tank Venting Applicable Segments: Production, Gathering & Boosting, Transmission Compression

Jump to: Production or Gathering & Boosting Transmission Compression

Table 1. Fixed-Roof Tanks - Production, Gathering & Boosting

Using Calculation Methods 1 & 2

Total volume of oil sent to tanks from all gas-liquid separators or gathering and boosting non-separator equipment or wells flowing directly to atmospheric tanks with oil throughput ≥ 10 barrels/day (bbl/year)

Number of wells sending oil to gas-liquid separators or directly to atmospheric tanks at ≥10 bbl/day

Actual count of atmospheric tanks

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Count Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Tanks that control emissions with vapor recovery systems

Tanks that vented directly to the atmosphere

Tanks with flaring emission control measures

Gas-liquid separators whose liquid dump valves did not close properly

Using Calculation Method 3

Total annual oil/condensate throughput that is sent to all atmospheric tanks from wells, separators, and non-separator equipment with oil throughput <10 barrels/day (bbl/year)

Count of wells with gas-liquid separators

Count of wells without gas-liquid separators

Actual count of atmospheric tanks

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Count Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Tanks that did not control emissions with flares

Tanks that vented directly to the atmosphere

Tanks with flaring emission control measures

Table 2. Floating Roof Tanks - Production, Gathering & Boosting

Actual count of floating roof tanks

Return to top

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 3. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Production and Gathering & Boosting

Number of tanks routed to VRU or beneficial use

Number of tanks routed to flare
This cell will automatically calculate the total number of tanks routed to flare, summing the values in cells C18 and C31

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 4. Storage Tank Vents - Transmission Compression

Return to top

Count Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Storage tank vent stacks with flares attached

Storage tank vent stacks without flares attached

Storage tank vent stacks with dump valve leakage directly to atmosphere

Storage tank vent stacks with flared dump valve leakage

Storage tanks utilizing the alternate calculation method

Table 5. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Transmission Compression

Number of tanks with compressor scrubber dump valve leakage routed to flare or control device

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information
Return to top

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 26: Well DrillingTestingCompletion

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field.
Well Drilling Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, and for further detail on quantification methodologies, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


Well Venting During Well Completions/Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing Source Not Applicable

Well Drilling, Testing, and Completions Applicable Segments: Production

Jump to: Well Drilling Completions/Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing Completions/Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing Well Testing

Table 1. Well Drilling

Return to Table of Contents

Actual count of wells drilled

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 2. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Well Drilling

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions Methodology used to quantify reductions (type) Methodology used to quantify reductions (details)

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 3. Well Venting During Well Completions/Workovers, with Hydraulic Fracturing
Return to Top

Well Venting During Well Completions, with Hydraulic Fracturing

Actual count of completions in the calendar year

Actual count of wells that conduct flaring

Actual count of wells that have reduced emission completions

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Well Venting During Well Workovers, with Hydraulic Fracturing

Total count of workovers

Actual count of wells that conduct flaring

Actual count of wells that have reduced emission workovers

Annual CH4 emissions (mt CH4)

Table 4. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Well Venting During Well Completions/Workovers, with Hydraulic Fracturing

Number of well completions/workovers utilizing flaring

Number of well completions/workovers utilizing reduced emission completions

Number of well completions/workovers utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 5. Well Venting During Well Completions/Workovers, without Hydraulic Fracturing
Return to Top

Well Venting During Well Completions, without Hydraulic Fracturing

Total count of completions that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring

Total count of completions with flaring

Annual CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for completions (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt CH4)

Well Venting During Well Workovers without Hydraulic Fracturing

Total count of workovers that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring

Total count of workovers with flaring

Annual CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for workovers (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt CH4)

Table 6. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Well Venting During Well Completions/Workovers, without Hydraulic Fracturing

Number of completions/workovers utilizing flaring

Number of completions/workovers utilizing other emissions control technique

Specify emissions control methodology

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Table 7. Well Testing Venting and Flaring
Return to Top

Actual count of wells tested in a calendar year that vented emissions to the atmosphere

Average number of days wells were tested that vented emissions to the atmosphere

Actual count of wells tested in a calendar year that flared emissions

Average number of days wells were tested that flared emissions

Annual CH4 emissions from venting (mt CH4)

Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4)

Table 8. Voluntary Actions Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions During Reporting Year - Well Testing Venting and Flaring

Mitigation actions implemented to reduce methane emissions

Emission reductions from voluntary action (mt CH4)

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements which communicates progress on the applicable commitment.

Sheet 27: Renewable Natural Gas

Based on your segment, please fill out all of the fields below. Hitting the tab key after data entry will automatically take you to the next data-entry field. Source Form Complete

For additional information about the data being requested, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year

Return to Table of Contents

Renewable Natural Gas Applicable Segments: Transmission Pipeline, Distribution

Table 1. General Information

Investing in biogas projects Directly interconnecting with biogas project Delivering RNG to end users Supplying RNG to end users Purchasing environmental attributes for RNG that is physically connected to the company’s system Purchasing environmental attributes for RNG that is not physically connected to the company’s system

What role(s) does your company play in the RNG process?

Does your company offer a ‘green gas’ option to residential customers?

Table 2. Information About the Biogas Source

Biogas Project ID What is the feedstock for the biogas? Specify "Other" Feedstock Name the specific municipal solid waste landfill or digester from which the RNG was generated What upgrading technology was used?

Table 3. Information About the Pipeline Interconnect(s)

If interconnect with natural gas company If interconnect with biogas project:

Type of interconnect Name of interconnecting company Biogas Project ID Location of the interconnect (latitude) Location of the interconnect (longitude) Volume of gas received this year (scf gas) Reference to the company’s gas quality standards that are applicable to this project (e.g., pipeline tariff) How far is the interconnect from the feedstock source (km)? Is there a virtual pipeline? If yes, details about the virtual pipeline

Table 4. Information about the end use(s) and environmental attributes

Biogas Project ID (if known) What is the destinated market for the RNG (region/city/state/facility) [if known]? What is the designated end use? Specify "Other" end use Volume of RNG going to this end use, this year (scf gas) [if known] Does your company currently own the environmental attributes for the RNG? If your company does not own the environmental attributes now, who does? [If known] If, your company does, or at one point did, own the attributes for RNG, does your supply contract for “renewable” natural gas include conveyance of environmental attributes to your company (e.g., by way of a contract clause, attestation)? If your company is selling “renewable” natural gas supply to another downstream entity (e.g., distributor, end consumer etc.), have you contractually conveyed the RNG environmental attributes to the downstream buyer? Is your company using a third party provider to certify or track attributes? If so, which one(s)?

Table 5. Information about the Partner's strategy for supply of “low carbon fuels”

Company-specific goals or strategies for supply of “low carbon fuels” (such as upgraded biogas, hydrogen, etc.) (e.g., percent of natural gas supply to be RNG by a certain year; convert vehicle fleet to run on natural gas and use RNG for fuel), if applicable

Is your company blending hydrogen into its natural gas supply?

At what rate will you be blending (% hydrogen by volume)

What is the source and/or feedstock of the hydrogen? (e.g., renewable/nuclear/etc.)

Is any upgrading/cleaning of the hydrogen required before injection?

What pipeline types does your company inject hydrogen into (material and pressure)?

Have you done any related customer engagement?

Has anything been done to customer appliances (if yes, what)?

[1] This ID is to be generated by the reporting partner and can be of any alphanumeric format desired. The same ID should be used for any given project across the different tables on the reporting form.

Additional Information

This space provides an opportunity for reporting optional, qualitative information that was not covered in the above data elements.

Additional information on the role(s) your company plays in the RNG process or ‘green gas’ offerings

Additional information on the biogas project(s)/ upgrading process(es)

Additional information on the interconnect process

Additional information on the end use(s)

Additional information about environmental attributes

Sheet 28: Innovative Approaches

Partners may provide information on technologies/practices/approaches to mitigate emissions from existing emission sources in the program, or for emission sources not currently included in the program. This information may be provided on this form, or as a standalone Word document/PDF. If using a Microsoft Word document or PDF, please upload it with your BMP form(s) in e-GGRT.

For additional information about the data being requested, please refer to the "ONE Future Commitment Option Technical Document" found on the Methane Challenge website.

Partner Name Facility Name Report Year


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Innovative Technologies, Practices, and Approaches


Applicable emission source(s)

Applicable industry segments

Name of technology/practice(s) to mitigate emissions from that source

Scope of implementation

Confirmation the technology/practice is covered by regulation (federal, state, local)

A description of the technology/practice(s)

Description of how widely available technology is

Description of any technical infeasibilities/issues that need to be addressed

Estimated range of emission reductions achievable and methodology used to develop the estimate

Assessment of cost-effectiveness

Data elements needed to monitor progress in reducing methane emissions

Any other information needed to fully understand the technology/practice/approach

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