NCVSP Cog Test Attachments

2023 NCVSP Attachments_12.15.22.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

NCVSP Cog Test Attachments

OMB: 1121-0339

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2023 National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP)

Attachment A: Draft 2023 NCVSP Survey Instrument……………………..2
Attachment B: NCVSP cognitive & usability test invitation emails……….22
Attachment C: NCVSP cognitive testing protocol…………………………23
Attachment D: NCVSP usability test debrief………………………………48
Attachment E: JRSA IRB approval………………………………………...49


S1. Before you begin, please complete the following pieces of information for your organization. If
your organization is part of a multisite organization, please use the physical address of your location and
not the address of your main or headquarters office.
Organization Name: _________________________
Organization Address: _______________________
City, State, ZIP: _____________________________
Business phone number: _____________________
Organization email address: __________________
Organization web site: _______________________

S1a. Please provide information about the individual who is completing this survey.
Title: _____________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Telephone Number: _________________________
Email: _____________________________________

S2. Has your organization or any programs/staff within your organization intentionally provided
services to victims/survivors of crime or abuse in the past six months? By ‘services to victims/survivors
of crime or abuse’ we mean direct assistance, including - but not limited to - referrals, counseling, notices
of court proceedings, legal assistance, shelter, medical response, etc. This survey will use the term victim
to mean victim or survivor from this point forward.
Yes  Skip to A1
No  Proceed to S2a
S2a. Does your organization maintain an active victim service referral program? This includes, but is
not limited to, hotlines.
Yes  Skip to A1
No  Proceed to S2a.5

S2a.5. To help us update our records, please answer a few additional questions:
a. Has your organization ever provided services to victims of crime or abuse?
b. Does your organization plan to provide services to victims of crime or abuse in the future?
c. Does your organization indirectly support victims of crime or abuse in any of the following
A. Contracting out all direct services to another organization.
B. Providing grants or funding to support direct services to victims of crime or abuse.
C. Providing training and technical assistance for direct service providers or engaging
in issue advocacy.
D. Other
[if yes] Please specify ________________

S2b. Which of the following best describes your organization? Select one response.
Tribal government or other tribal organization or entity
Campus organization or other educational institution (public or private)
Hospital, medical, or emergency facility (public or private)
Government agency
Nonprofit or faith-based entity (501c3 status)
For-profit entity
Informal entity (e.g., some other type of program or group, not formally a part of an
organization, registered nonprofit, or business; Independent survivor advocacy and support
groups; volunteer, grassroots, or survivor network)

Thank you!
You do not need to complete the rest of this survey.

A1. Which of the following best describes how your organization is structured to provide services to
victims of crime or abuse?
The primary function of the organization as a whole is to provide services or programming for
victims of crime.  Skip to A1.5
Victim services or programming are one component of the larger organization’s activities (e.g.,
within a hospital, university, community center, law enforcement agency, or prosecutor’s office)
 Proceed to A1a
A1a. Does your organization have a specific program(s) or staff that are designated to work
with victims of crime or abuse?
Yes  Proceed to A1.5
No  “Thank you. You do not need to complete the rest of this survey.”

A1.5. Please check the most appropriate description of your organization.
Organization operating through one single location  Skip to A1.6
One sublocation of a multi-site organization (such as a branch or satellite office, or a local
chapter of a larger organization)  Proceed to A1.5a
The headquarters or main office of a multi-site organization (i.e., an office that exercises
operational control over other sites, not merely a membership organization)
 Skip to A 1.5b

A1.5a. Please provide the following contact information for your organization's headquarters or main
Organization Name: __________________________________
Organization Address: ________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________
 Skip to A1.6


A1.5b. Please provide the following contact information for each of your organization's sublocations:
Sublocation Name: __________________________________
Organization Address: ________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________
Add location?
Yes [Repeat prompts for org name, address, city/state/zip]
No  Proceed to A1.7

A1.6. Is your organization physically located at the site of another organization (such as a nonprofit
program operating out of the courthouse or a law enforcement agency; or a law enforcement victim
service program operating out of a Family Justice Center; or a nonprofit with space in a commercial
Yes  Display a message “For the next question, regarding organization type, please select
the answer that best describes your own organization rather than the type of organization
where you are physically located.” Skip to A2
No  Skip to A2

A1.7. In addition to support you provide to your sublocations, do you offer any direct services to
victims of crime or abuse at your location/headquarters level? (This can include a helpline or hotline.)
Yes  Proceed to A1.8
No  Skip to A1.9

A1.8. This survey includes questions about services, persons served, staffing, and funding. Please
indicate what your responses will encompass:
Responses relate ONLY to the main or headquarters location  Skip to A2
Responses relate to all locations of this organization (headquarters plus all sublocations)
 Skip to A2

A1.9. Are you able to answer questions about services, persons served, staffing, and funding for all
your organization’s sublocations?
Yes  “Please respond to the remainder of the survey as the questions relate to all of your
organization’s sublocations”  Proceed to A2
No  “Thank you. You may exit the survey.”


A2. Which of the following best describes your organization? Select one response.
Tribal government or other tribal organization  Go to Section B [Tribal]
Campus organization or other educational institution (public or private)  Go to Section C
Hospital, medical, or emergency facility (public or private)  Go to Section G [Services for
Government agency  Go to Section D [Government]
Nonprofit or faith-based organization (501c3 status)  Go to Section E [Nonprofit or faithbased]
For profit organization  Go to Section F [For profit]
Informal entity (e.g., some other type of program or group, not formally a part of an
organization, registered nonprofit, or business; Independent survivor advocacy and support
groups; volunteer, grassroots, or survivor network)  Go to Section G [Services for Victims]

Tribal Agencies and Organizations Only
B1. Which designation best describes your tribal agency or organization? Select one response.
Law enforcement
Prosecutor’s Office
Juvenile justice
Offender custody and supervision (such as probation, parole, corrections)
Multi-agency (such as task forces, response teams, etc.)
Social services or child/adult protective services
Health services
Advocacy program
Other (please specify)____________
All responses  Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]


Campus Organizations Only
C1. Which designation best describes your campus organization? Select one response.
Law enforcement/campus security
Campus disciplinary body or student conduct body (including Title IX office)
Physical or mental health service program
Victim services or advocacy group
Other campus-based program (please specify) ____________
All responses  Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]

Government Agencies Only
D1. Which designation best describes your government agency? Select one response.
Law enforcement  Skip to D2
Prosecutor’s Office (such as District Attorney, County Attorney, etc.)  Skip to D2
Courts  Skip to D2
Juvenile justice  Skip to D2
Social services or child/adult protective services  Skip to D2
Offender custody and supervision (such as probation, parole, corrections)  Skip to D2
Multi-agency (such as task forces, response teams, etc.)  Skip to D2
State or territory victim compensation program  Skip to D2
State or territory victim funding administrator  Proceed to D1a
Other government agency (please specify)_____________  Skip to D2
D1a. Does your organization provide any direct victim services itself, in addition to
Yes  “In completing the remainder of the survey, please confine your responses to
your own direct victim service activities, not the grant-making and related functions.”
 Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]
No  “Thank you. You may exit the survey.
D2. In what service area/jurisdiction does your agency operate in terms of victims served or services
delivered? Select one response.
Nationwide  Skip to G2
Statewide  Skip to G2
Regional/Multi-county/Multi-city  Proceed to G1
Countywide only  Proceed to G1
Citywide only  Proceed to G1

Specific neighborhood only  Proceed to G1
Other (please specify) _____________________ Proceed to G1
All responses  Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]

Non-Profit or Faith-Based Organizations Only
E1. In what service area/jurisdiction does your non-profit organization operate? Select one response.
Nationwide  Skip to G2
Statewide  Skip to G2
Regional/Multi-county/Multi-city  Proceed to G1
Countywide only  Proceed to G1
Citywide only  Proceed to G1
Specific neighborhood only  Proceed to G1
Other (please specify) ________________________ Proceed to G1
All responses  Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]

For-Profit Organizations Only
F1. What designation best describes your for-profit organization? Select one response.
Private legal office/law firm
Private counseling service or other mental health care provider
Funeral home
Other commercial or professional entity (please specify) ____________________
All responses  Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS]

Services for Victims
G1. How would you best describe your service area? (An urban area is within a principal city of a
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). A suburban area is within an MSA but not within the principal city
of that MSA and a rural area is outside of an MSA. An MSA can generally be defined as an area with a
city and surrounding communities closely linked to one another by social and economic factors.)


G2. Does your organization operate/report data on a calendar year or fiscal year?
Calendar year  Skip to G3
Fiscal year  Proceed to G2.1
Both  Proceed to G2.1
G2.1. What is the date of the beginning of the fiscal year at your organization?


For the remainder of the survey, unless indicated otherwise, provide your answers based on the most
recent 12 months of data – calendar year or fiscal year, depending on how your organization operates as
answered in Question G2.

Did your organization provide any of the following services to victims within the past calendar/fiscal
year? We recognize that victim service organizations provide a wide array of services to victims. For the
purposes of this survey, we are asking about general categories of services your organization provided to
victims, which may not capture your victim service offerings in detail. Do your best to place the services
your organization provided within the general categories.
Information and referral services
G3. Did your organization provide (…)
Justice related information and referrals? (e.g., information about the
justice system and the victim’s role; notification of events and
proceedings; justice referrals; etc.)



Service or victimization information and referrals? (e.g., information
about crime and victimization; medical referrals; legal referrals;
financial counseling referrals; other referrals; etc.)
Financial and material assistance services
G4. Did your organization provide (…)


Monetary assistance? (e.g., providing funds or offering assistance in
seeking victim compensation; public benefits assistance; other
emergency funds assistance; etc.)
Shelter or housing assistance (emergency or transitional)
Other material assistance (e.g., food, clothing, utility, public assistance,
employment assistance)


Mental health support and safety
G5. Did your organization provide (…)









Mental health services? (e.g., individual or group counseling; support
groups; other therapy; social programming for children; etc.)
Crisis Counseling?
Substance abuse treatment?
Safety services? (Safety planning; witness protection; address
confidentiality; self-defense; etc.) (Does NOT include protective orders)
Medical and health assistance
G6. Did your organization provide (…)
Accompaniment to medical care or forensic examinations?
Emergency or follow-up medical care? (provision of care)
Forensic examinations? (provision of care)
STD/HIV testing?
Legal and victims’ rights assistance
G7. Did your organization provide (…)
Criminal/juvenile/military/tribal justice-related assistance? (e.g.,
representation; advocacy; accompaniment; assistance in exercising
victims’ rights; etc.)
Civil justice-related assistance? (e.g., protective or restraining order;
assistance with family law matters; assistance with landlord/tenant
matters; etc.)
Immigration assistance? (e.g., assistance seeking special visas;
continued presence applications; other immigration relief; etc.)
Other services
G8. Did your organization provide (…)
Case management?
Supervised child visitation?


On-scene coordinated response?
Education classes for survivors regarding victimization dynamics?
Transportation services?
Language access? (e.g., translation or interpretation services, or
bilingual staff)
Services designed to meet the needs of culturally or ethnically-specific
G9. Did your organization operate a hotline/helpline or crisis line at any time during the past
calendar/fiscal year?
Yes  Proceed to G9a
No  Skip to G10

G9a. How many hotline/helpline or crisis line calls did your organization receive from victims in the
past calendar/fiscal year? Estimates are acceptable.
__________________ Check box if estimate

G10. Excluding hotline/helpline or crisis line calls, how many unique victims received direct services
from your organization during the past calendar/fiscal year? Estimates are acceptable. (Exclude victims
who only received information through the mail.)
__________________ Check box if estimate


G 11. Please report whether your organization provided services for victims of the following types of
crime or abuse during the past calendar/fiscal year. (Include any crime types for which your
organization provided services regardless of whether it was the presenting or a secondary crime type.)
Youth (under age 18)
Child physical abuse or neglect
Child rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse
Child witness of violence
Child marriage or forced marriage
Adults molested/abused as children
Domestic violence/dating violence/violation of DV protective orders
Stalking/violation of stalking protective orders
Rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse (other than against children)
Physical Assault (other than domestic/dating violence, child/elder
abuse, or rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse) (including attempted
homicide; gun violence; strangulation; threat with a weapon, etc.)
Elder physical abuse or neglect
Survivors of homicide (including murder, non-negligent
Targeted crime types
Hate crimes (racial/religious/ethnic or national
origin/disability/gender/sexual orientation)
Honor related violence (physical violence/threats/retaliation in the
name of family honor, female genital mutilation)
Human trafficking (labor)
Human trafficking (sex)
Victim witness intimidation
DUI/DWI crashes
Community violence/gang violence
Terrorism/mass violence
Financial crimes
Identity theft
Financial fraud and exploitation (other than identity theft)
Property crimes
Motor vehicle theft
Other specify categories
Other violent crimes – specify _____________________
Other property crimes – specify __________________
Other – specify ____________________




Organizations restricted to serving certain groups of victims or victims of certain crimes.
G12. Do any of the following statements describe the types of victims or survivors your organization
serves? (select only one)
We only provide services to victims of particular types of crimes (such as domestic
violence, trafficking, identity theft, etc.)  Proceed to G12.1
We only provide services to specific populations of victims, regardless of the type of crime
(such as children, immigrants, etc.)  Skip to G12.2]
We only provide services to specific populations who have experienced specific types of
crime or abuse (such as child victims of sexual abuse, older adults who experienced identity
theft, etc.)  Proceed to G12.1 and G12.2
None of the above  Skip to Section H [staffing]
G12.1 Indicate the specific type(s) of crime or abuse you are able to serve: (i.e., you could provide
services to a victim of this crime, even if they had not suffered any other type of crime) Please do your
best to fit your organization within the general categories provided.)
Check all that apply


Any/all felonies
Any/all violent crime
Community violence/gang violence
Domestic violence/dating violence
DUI/DWI crashes
Financial exploitation/identity theft/fraud
Hate crimes
Human trafficking (sex)
Human trafficking (labor)
Physical abuse/neglect
Physical assault (including attempted homicide; gun violence; strangulation;
threat with a weapon, etc.)
Rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse
Survivors of homicide (including murder, non-negligent manslaughter)
Terrorism/mass violence
Other (specify)



G12.2 Indicate the specific populations of victims you are able to serve: (i.e., you could provide
services to a victim who was within this population) Please do your best to fit your organization within
the general categories provided.)
Check all that apply



Child victims
Adolescent/teen victims
Elder victims/dependent adult victims
Female victims
Male victims
Victims of color OR victims of specific racial or ethnic groups please specify?
Indigenous victims, including Native American or Alaska Native
Immigrant/refugee/limited English proficiency victims
LGBTQ victims
Victims with disabilities
Deaf or hard-of-hearing victims
Formerly incarcerated victims
Incarcerated victims
Other (specify) ___________________________________________________

The following questions concern staff dedicated to working with victims of crime or abuse during the
past calendar/ fiscal year. Provide your answer based on the past fiscal year or the past calendar year
depending on how your organization operates as answered in Question G1.

Staff at the beginning of the previous completed calendar/fiscal year
H1. How many paid full-time staff (35 hours or more/week) dedicated to working with victims worked
at your organization at the beginning of the past calendar/fiscal year? Count each person only once.
Enter ‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are

Check box if estimate □


H2. How many paid part-time staff (less than 35 hours/week) designated to working with victims
worked at your organization at the beginning of the past calendar/fiscal year? Count each person only
once. Enter ‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts.
Estimates are acceptable.

Check box if estimate □

New staff hired during the previous completed calendar/fiscal year
H3. How many paid full-time staff (35 hours or more/week) dedicated to working with victims did
your organization hire in the past calendar/ fiscal year, whether to fill new positions or to fill
vacancies? Count each person only once. Enter ‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include
contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are acceptable.

Check box if estimate □

H4. How many paid part-time staff (less than 35 hours/week) designated to working with victims did
your organization hire in the past calendar/fiscal year, whether to fill new positions or to fill
vacancies? Count each person only once. Enter ‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include
contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are acceptable.

Check box if estimate □

Staff that left during the previous completed calendar/fiscal year
H5. How many paid full-time staff (35 hours or more/week) dedicated to working with victims left
their position with your organization during the past calendar/ fiscal year, whether dismissed,
resigned, retired, transferred to a non-direct services position, etc.? Count each person only once. Enter
‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are

Check box if estimate □

H6. How many paid part-time staff (less than 35 hours/week) designated to working with victims left
their position with your organization during the past calendar/fiscal year whether dismissed, resigned,
retired, transferred to a non-direct services position, etc.? Count each person only once. Enter ‘0’ if
there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are

Check box if estimate □

“Based on your previous responses, the number of full-time staff you had at the beginning of the current
fiscal/calendar year was _________[auto calculate] – is that correct?”
“Based on your previous responses, the number of part-time staff you had at the beginning of the
current fiscal/calendar year was ________[auto calculate] - is that correct?”


H8. Does your organization use volunteers (i.e., staff that are not paid) to provide direct services to

[programming: remind people who are Parent/HQ organizations that they previously indicated they
were responding either
a) for just their location OR
b) across all locations]

I1. What was your organization’s total annual budget for the past calendar/fiscal year?
Amount $_________________

Check box if estimate

[For embedded programs other than nonprofits:]
I2. Was all or part of your victim services programming supported by your organization’s internal
budget in the past calendar/fiscal year?
Amount $___________________________

check box if estimate

I3. What was your organization’s total budget for victim-related programming and services during the
past calendar/fiscal year? $___________ Check box if estimate

The following questions ask about external sources of funding and will help us better understand the
mix of funding supporting victim service programming.
Please indicate whether your victim services budget in the past calendar/fiscal year included funding
from any of the following. If so, please provide an amount (estimates acceptable).

I4. Local government funding specifically for victim services?
Amount) $__________________________

Check box if estimate

I5. Tribal government funding specifically for victim services?
Amount $___________________________

Check box if estimate

I6. Foundations, private donations, and other fundraising specifically for victim services?
Amount $ ____________________________

Check box if estimate

I7. Which of the following federal and state sources support your victim services budget, if any?

Federal funding, including funding passed through a state administrator as a subgrant
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding

 Yes  No

Other funding from the Office for Victims of Crime

 Yes  No

Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) grant

 Yes  No

Sexual Assault Services Program funding

 Yes  No

Other funding from the Office on Violence Against Women

 Yes  No

Family Violence Prevention Services Act (FVPSA) funding

 Yes  No

Other federal funding

 Yes  No

If yes, please specify ____________________________
State funding

 Yes  No

I8. Do you receive victim services funding from any additional sources in the past calendar/fiscal year?



Amount $ ____________________________

Check box if estimate

I9. Did your organization receive any federal funding for victim programming or services within the
past 5 years? (This could include funding from VOCA grants; OVC grants; a STOP, SASP, or other VAWA
grant; or some other funding coming from a federal agency.)

Record Keeping
J1. Does your organization use an electronic records system to maintain case files?
No  Skip to Section K
J2. Does your organization’s electronic records system track individual cases?


Current Issues of Concern to Victim Service Providers
K1. How concerned are you about vicarious trauma and staff burnout at your organization? (“Vicarious
trauma” refers to exposure to the trauma of others that puts people at risk for a range of negative
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
K2. How concerned are you about your organization’s ability to reach and serve all people equally?
(This includes but is not limited to racial equity, gender identity/sexual orientation equity, equity for
those with disabilities, and equity for those with limited English proficiency.)
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
K3. How concerned are you about the amount of victim service funding that your organization
received in the past year?
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
K4. How concerned are you about the predictability of future funding for your organization?
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
K5. How concerned are you about the burden of grant reporting?
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
K6. How concerned are you about your organization’s ability to access technology?
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned

Not concerned at all

COVID-Related Organizational Impacts
March of 2020 is generally recognized as the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many activities
were affected, including victim services delivery.
K.7 Have you made or experienced any changes in your organization or the way you deliver services
because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
□ YES [Complete table]
□ NO
This change did
not happen

This change

Staff resigned
Staff were laid-off
Staff worked partially or fully
In-person meetings with
victims were suspended
Virtual and phone meetings
with victims increased
Psychological services or
support groups were
conducted via phone or
online video platform
Shelters were partially or
fully closed
Court-services were partially
or fully suspended
Court proceedings were held


This change has
continued through
the present

Service needs changed as
some crimes increased or
Service needs changed due
to increased levels or severity
of violence
Other changes

K.7a. If you had other changes in your services or service delivery, what were they?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey!


Cognitive interview invitation email
Dear ________________________
We are reaching out to invite you to participate in a cognitive test of the 2023 National Census of Victim
Service Providers (NCVSP). I am participating as a subject matter advisor on this project and am helping
to make sure that this NCVSP works for the wide range of victim service providers in our part of the
field. Your participation is completely voluntary, but I think that your perspective would be important to
include in this test.
The NCVSP is a data collection of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice, and
an important part of its Victim Services Statistical Research Program. The work is being carried out under
cooperative agreement #15PBJS-21-GK-02597-RESS with the Justice Research and Statistics Association
(JRSA), Westat, and the National Organization for Victim Assistance. This data collection will help to
inform state and federal planners, funders, and others. That is why we are working to make sure the
survey works for all types of providers.
If you are able to participate, please let me know and I will connect you to Lindsay Bostwick at JRSA, who
will schedule the interview, which should take no more than an hour and will take place via video call. In
the meantime, if you have any questions about the NCVSP or plans for testing, please don’t hesitate to
reach out to Susan Howley, the project director at JRSA, at
-Name of SME

Usability test invitation email
Dear ________________________
We are reaching out to invite you to participate in a usability test of the online version of the 2023
National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP). I am participating as a subject matter advisor on
this project and am helping to make sure that accessing and completing the survey online is clear and
manageable. Your participation is completely voluntary, but I think that your perspective would be
important to include in this test.
The NCVSP is a data collection of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice, and
an important part of its Victim Services Statistical Research Program. The work is being carried out under
cooperative agreement #15PBJS-21-GK-02597-RESS with the Justice Research and Statistics Association
(JRSA), Westat, and the National Organization for Victim Assistance. This data collection will help to
inform state and federal planners, funders, and others. That is why we are working to make sure the
survey works for all types of providers and through various methods of completion.
If you are able to participate, please let me know and I will connect you to Lindsay Bostwick at JRSA, who
will schedule the interview, which should take no more than 30 minutes. In the meantime, if you have
any questions about the NCVSP or plans for testing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Susan Howley,
the project director at JRSA, at
-Name of SME

NCVSP 2023
Cognitive Testing Protocol

Prior to the interview ................................................................................................................................ 2
Obtaining Informed Consent .................................................................................................................... 2
Verbal Consent Certification and Signature.......................................................................................... 3
Verbal Consent for Recording and Signature........................................................................................ 3
Introduction to purpose and procedures of interview ............................................................................. 4
Protocol Note: These questions will be presented one at a time on slides. The skip logic instructions
will not appear on the slides but is provided here for review purposes. ................................................. 5
Section S: Screening .................................................................................................................................. 5
SECTION A ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
SECTION D ................................................................................................................................................... 10
SECTION G ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Organizations restricted to serving certain groups of victims or victims of certain crimes. .................. 16
SECTION H ................................................................................................................................................... 19
SECTION I .................................................................................................................................................... 20
SECTION K ................................................................................................................................................... 23
COVID-Related Organizational Impacts .................................................................................................. 24


Prior to the interview

Send recruitment email
Schedule interview
Send confirmation email with copy of the informed consent
Send reminder email the morning of the interview with another copy of informed consent
Once you log on to interview with the participant, go through the informed consent form with
them and request permission to record the interview:

Obtaining Informed Consent

Hello. My name is [NAME] and I work for [AGENCY]. Thank you for agreeing to participate in
this interview. Before we begin, I am going to discuss some details about the interview. This is
all information that was included in the e-mail you received, but I want to go over the key
points together.
• This interview will last about 1 hour.
• Taking part in the interview is up to you. You can ask to skip any questions you do not
want to answer. If you decide at any point you do not want to finish, you can ask to
• To keep your information private, we will not use your names in notes or reports. The
information provided in the interview will only be used in summary form. Nothing that
you say will be directly shared outside of the project team.
• We would like to request to record the audio and video of the interview to ensure our
notes are accurate. You can say yes or no. All recordings and notes will be stored safely
and then destroyed at the end of the study.
• During the conversation, we will be discussing what you think about the questions on
the survey itself and if you think we are asking the right questions in the right way.
If you have questions as we go, please feel free to ask.
Do you wish to continue with this interview? [Wait for response.]
Yes- great! If you have any questions about the study after we are done, I will provide you with
contact information for Susan S. Howley in the chat (; (202) 503-3524). Her
information is also provided in the email.


Verbal Consent Certification and Signature

I certify that the nature and purpose, the potential benefits, and possible risks associated with
participating in this interview have been explained to the below-named individual and that I fully and
accurately answered their questions.
First name of participant



Signature of Person Obtaining Verbal Consent


Printed Name of Person Obtaining Verbal Consent

We would like to record the audio of the interview to help us make sure our notes are accurate. You can
say yes or no. Is it okay if I audio record this interview? [Wait for response.]
Verbal Consent for Recording and Signature
First name of participant



Signature of Person Obtaining Verbal Consent


Printed Name of Person Obtaining Verbal Consent

If you do not have any questions, we can begin. [Wait for response.]


Introduction to purpose and procedures of interview

On behalf of the [AGENCY/PROJECT PARTNERS], I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak
with me today. I greatly appreciate it.
Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to get your feedback on some survey questions for our
upcoming National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP). The National Census of Victim Service
Providers (NCVSP) is designed to fill existing gaps in knowledge and information on the variety of
organizations and programs that provide services to victims of crime, the types of victims served and
services provided, and staffing and resources available for the provision of services.
This project is a joint effort between the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), Westat, and
the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) on behalf of the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
This survey was previously administered in 2017 and before we conduct it again, we would like to test
some of the additions and changes we have made since the prior iteration. We want to understand what
the questions mean to you. Your feedback will help us improve the questions and make them as clear as
Procedure: I would like you to please answer these questions to the best of your knowledge and to
know that there are no right or wrong answers. After some of the survey questions, I may stop and ask
you follow-up questions to better understand your answer and the way you thought about the question.
Most of my follow-up questions will ask what you thought about certain words or phrases or what you
think a question is trying to ask.
As we are going through the survey, please feel free to tell me anything that comes to mind or to ask me
anything you are unclear about. Feel free to tell me what you are thinking as you are answering these
questions. We want your honest opinions about what you like and dislike and what you do and don’t
understand so we can improve this survey. I also want to remind you that you do not have to answer
any questions you do not want to, and you can end the interview at any time. If I ask you a question you
do not want to answer, you can just say “Pass.”
I will share my screen and pull up the survey questions for us to review. I ask that you read it on your
own and then verbally tell me which of the response options you select. After you read the question in
your head and tell me your response, I will likely follow up with a few questions about how you came to
your answer or what a specific word means to you and then we will move on to the next question.
Do you have any questions before we begin? [LAUNCH SCREEN SHARE, AND CONFIRM PARTICIPANT


Protocol Note: These questions will be presented one at a time on slides. The skip
logic instructions will not appear on the slides but is provided here for review
Section S: Screening
S2. Has your organization or any programs/staff within your organization intentionally provided
services to victims/survivors of crime or abuse in the past six months? By ‘services to victims/survivors
of crime or abuse’ we mean direct assistance, including - but not limited to - referrals, counseling, notices
of court proceedings, legal assistance, shelter, medical response, etc. This survey will use the term victim
to mean victim/survivor from this point forward.
Yes [proceed to A1]
No [proceed to S2a]
PROBE 1: If we had asked if you had provided services in the past 12 months, would that change your
PROBE 2: What do you think is meant by “intentionally”?
PROBE: Did you read the information in italics?
FOLLOW UP: If yes, was there anything confusing about it? Are there any examples that should
be added to this list?
S2a. Does your organization maintain an active victim service referral program? This includes, but is
not limited to, hotlines.
Yes [proceed to A1]
No [Screen out questions: Go to S2a.5.]
PROBE: How did you interpret “active victim service referral program”?
IF ANSWER IS YES, PROBE: How did you decide to answer yes to this question?


S2a.5. To help us update our records, please answer a few additional questions:
a. Has your organization ever provided services to victims of crime or abuse?
b. Does your organization plan to provide services to victims of crime or abuse in the future?
c. Does your organization indirectly support victims of crime or abuse in any of the following
A. Contracting out all direct services to another organization.
B. Providing grants or funding to support direct services to victims of crime or abuse.
C. Training and technical assistance for direct service providers or issue advocacy.
D. Other
[if yes] Please specify ________________

PROBE: Was there anything confusing about any of these questions?


S2b. Which of the following best describes your organization? Select one response.
Tribal government or other tribal organization or entity
Campus organization or other educational institution (public or private)
Hospital, medical, or emergency facility (public or private)
Government agency
Nonprofit or faith-based entity (501c3 status)
For-profit entity
Informal entity (e.g., some other type of program or group, not formally a part of an
organization, registered nonprofit, or business; Independent survivor advocacy and support
groups; volunteer, grassroots, or survivor network)
PROBE 1: Did you have any trouble selecting a response?
PROBE 2: Was there anything confusing about the definition of “informal entity” provided here?

A1. Which of the following best describes how your organization is structured to provide services to
victims of crime or abuse?
The primary function of the organization as a whole is to provide services or programming for
victims of crime. [Skip to A1.5]
Victim services or programming are one component of the larger organization’s activities (e.g.,
a hospital, university, community center, law enforcement agency or prosecutors’ office)
[Proceed to A1a]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this to answer? Why?
PROBE 2: What were you considering when answering this question?
OPTIONAL PROBE A if they had difficulty: Can you describe how your organization is structured?


A1a. Does your organization have a specific program(s) or staff that are designated to work with
victims of crime or abuse?
Yes [Proceed to A1.5]
No [Skip to thank you slide]
PROBE 1: How do you interpret “specific program(s)”?
PROBE 2: How do you interpret “designated staff”?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How easy or difficult is this question to answer?
OPTIONAL PROBE 2: What do you think this question is asking?

A1.5. Please check the most appropriate description of your organization.
Organization operating through one single location [Skip to A1.6]
One (sub)location of a multi-site organization (such as a branch or satellite office, or a local
chapter of a larger organization) [Proceed to A1.5a]
The headquarters or main office of a multi-site organization (i.e., an office that exercises
operational control over other sites, not merely a membership organization) [Skip to A 1.5b]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to select a response?
PROBE 2: How do you interpret “one sublocation of a multi-site organization”?
PROBE 3: Do you have any other suggestions for how to make this question easier to answer?

A1.5a. Please provide the following contact information for your organization's headquarters or main
Organization Name: __________________________________
Organization Address: ________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________
How easy or difficult would this be for you to provide this information?

A1.5b. Please provide the following contact information for each of your organization's sublocations:
Organization Name: __________________________________
Organization Address: ________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________
[Proceed to A1.7]
How easy or difficult would this be for you to provide this information?
A1.6. Is your organization physically located at the site of another organization (such as a nonprofit
program operating out of the courthouse or a law enforcement agency; or a law enforcement victim
service program operating out of a Family Justice Center; or a nonprofit with space in a commercial
Yes [For the next question, regarding organization type, please select the answer that best
describes your own organization rather than the type of organization where you are physically
located.] [Proceed to A2]
No [Proceed to A2]
PROBE 1: In your own words, what is this question asking?
PROBE 2: IF YES, how did you decide to answer yes to this question?

A1.7. In addition to support you provide to your sublocations, do you offer any direct services to
victims of crime or abuse at your location/headquarters level? (This can include a helpline or hotline.)
Yes [Proceed to A1.8]
No [Proceed to A1.9]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult is this question to answer?
OPTIONAL PROBE: Would you like to have seen another response option (e.g., unknown; previously but
no longer, etc.)?
A1.8. This survey includes questions about services, persons served, staffing, and funding. Please
indicate what your responses will encompass:
Responses relate ONLY to the main or headquarters location [Skip to A2]
Responses relate to all locations of this organization (headquarters plus all sublocations)
[Skip to A2]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult is this question to answer?


PROBE 2: Which approach would be easier for you to take when answering questions about services,
staffing and funding?

A1.9. Are you able to answer questions about services, persons served, staffing, and funding for all
your organization’s sublocations?
Yes [Please respond to the remainder of the survey as the questions relate to all of your
organization's sublocations] [Proceed to A2]
No [Move to “Thank you. You may exit the survey” slide]

A2. Which of the following best describes your organization? Select one response.
Tribal government or other tribal organization [Go to Section B [Tribal], page XX]
Campus organization or other educational institution (public or private) [Go to Section C
[Campus], page XX]
Hospital, medical, or emergency facility (public or private) [Go to Section G [Services for
Victims], page XX]
Government agency [Go to Section D [Government], page XX]
Nonprofit or faith-based organization (501c3 status) [Go to Section E [Nonprofit or faith-based],
page XX]
For profit organization [Go to Section F [For profit], page XX]
Informal entity (e.g., some other type of program or group, not formally a part of an
organization, registered nonprofit, or business; Independent survivor advocacy and support
groups; volunteer, grassroots, or survivor network) [Go to Section G [Services for Victims], page
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to choose between the different options?
PROBE 2: In the context of this question, what does the term “best” mean to you?
OPTIONAL PROBE 1: [For organizations that are co-located as indicated in A1.6] how did you
decide how to answer?
PROBE 3: Is there anything confusing about the definition of “informal entity” provided here?

Government Agencies Only
D1. Which designation best describes your government agency? Select one response.
Law enforcement [proceed to D2]
Prosecutor’s Office (such as District Attorney, County Attorney, etc.) [proceed to D2]
Courts [proceed to D2]

Juvenile justice [proceed to D2]
Social services or child/adult protective services [proceed to D2]
Offender custody and supervision (such as probation, parole, corrections) [proceed to D2]
Multi-agency (such as task forces, response teams, etc.) [proceed to D2]
State or territory victim compensation program [proceed to D2]
State or territory victim funding administrator [proceed to D1a]
Other government agency (please specify)_____________ [proceed to D2]
PROBE 1: How did you decide on your answer?
PROBE 2: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
IF ANSWERED OTHER: Why did you select other?
FOLLOW UP: How do you categorize yourself?
PROBE 3: If we included the term “agency”, such as law enforcement agency, would that make the
options clearer?

D1a. Does your organization provide any direct victim services itself, in addition to
Yes [In completing the remainder of the survey, please confine your responses to your
own direct victim service activities, not the grant-making and related functions.]
No [Thank you. You may exit the survey.]
PROBE 1: What type of services were you thinking about when you answered this question?
PROBE 2: If you are a funding administrator, do you understand how this question applies to
your organization?

D2. In what service area/jurisdiction does your agency operate in terms of victims served or services
delivered? Select one response.
Nationwide [proceed to G5]
Statewide [proceed to G5]
Countywide only
Citywide only
Specific neighborhood only
Other (please specify) _____________________
[Go to section G [SERVICES FOR VICTIMS], page XX]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
PROBE 2: Was it difficult to select only one response? Why or why not?

OPTIONAL PROBE 1 [IF SELECTED OTHER]: Why did you select this answer?
FOLLOW UP: How would you define your jurisdiction or service area?

Services for Victims

G1. How would you best describe your service area? (An urban area is within a principal city of a
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). A suburban area is within an MSA but not within the principal city
of that MSA and a rural area is outside of an MSA. An MSA can generally be defined as an area with a
city and surrounding communities closely linked to one another by social and economic factors.)
PROBE 1: How did you interpret the term “service area”?
PROBE 2: How easy or difficult was it to choose one response?
PROBE 3: If you were permitted to select more than one response, what would you select?

[INSTRUCTION SCREEN] For the remainder of the survey, unless indicated otherwise, provide your
answers based on the most recent 12 months of data – calendar year or fiscal year, depending on how
your organization operates.
Did your organization provide any of the following services to victims within the past calendar/fiscal
year? We recognize that victim service organizations provide a wide array of services to victims. For the
purposes of this survey, we are asking about general categories of services your organization provided to
victims, which may not capture your victim service offerings in detail. Do your best to place the services
your organization provided within the general categories.
Mental health support and safety
G5. Did your organization provide (…)


Mental health services? (e.g., individual or group counseling; support
groups; other therapy; social programming for children; etc.)
Crisis Counseling?
Substance abuse treatment?
Safety services? (e.g., safety planning; witness protection; address
confidentiality; self-defense; etc.) (Does NOT include protective orders)


PROBE 1: Do you have any feedback about the way the italicized instruction is worded? Was there
anything confusing about it?
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to answer this question?

Medical and health assistance
G6. Did your organization provide (…)



Accompaniment to medical care or forensic examinations?
Emergency or follow-up medical care (provision of care)?
Forensic examinations (provision of care)?
STD/HIV testing?
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to answer this question.
OPTIONAL PROBE 1 IF THEY SELECTED ACCOMPANIMENT. Please tell me about the service you included
in your response.


Other services

G8. Did your organization provide (…)


Case management?
Supervised child visitation?
On-scene coordinated response?
Education classes for survivors regarding victimization dynamics?
Transportation services?
Language access (e.g., translation or interpretation services, or bilingual
Services designed to meet the needs of culturally or ethnically-specific
PROBE 1: How do you define the option “language access”?
FOLLOW UP: Are the examples we provided clear?
PROBE 2: What do you think is meant by the last category, “Services designed to meet the needs of
culturally or ethnically specific populations”?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How easy or difficult was it to select your answers this question?


G11. Please report whether your organization provided services for victims of the following types of
crime or abuse during the past calendar/fiscal year. (Include any crime types for which your
organization provided services regardless of whether it was the presenting or a secondary crime type.)
Youth (under age 18)
Child physical abuse or neglect
Child rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse
Child witness of violence
Child marriage or forced marriage
Adults molested/abused as children
Domestic violence/dating violence/violation of DV protective orders
Stalking/violation of stalking protective orders
Rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse (other than against children)
Physical Assault (other than domestic/dating violence, child/elder
abuse, or rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse) (including attempted
homicide; gun violence; strangulation; threat with a weapon, etc.)
Elder physical abuse or neglect
Survivors of homicide (including murder, non-negligent
Targeted crime types
Hate crimes (racial/religious/ethnic or national
origin/disability/gender/sexual orientation)
Honor related violence (physical violence/threats/retaliation in the
name of family honor, female genital mutilation)
Human trafficking (labor)
Human trafficking (sex)
Victim witness intimidation
DUI/DWI crashes
Community violence/gang violence
Terrorism/mass violence
Financial crimes
Identity theft
Financial fraud and exploitation (other than identity theft)
Property crimes
Motor vehicle theft
Other specify categories
Other violent crimes – specify _____________________
Other property crimes – specify __________________
Other – specify ____________________



PROBE 1: Is there anything confusing about the italicized instruction “Include any crime types for which
your organization provided services regardless of whether it was the presenting or a secondary crime

PROBE 2: How easy or difficult was this to answer?
PROBE 3: Does this question seem too long?
PROBE 4: How well do the response options capture the crime types of the victims your agency serves?

Organizations restricted to serving certain groups of victims or victims of certain crimes.
G12. Do any of the following statements describe the types of victims or survivors your organization
serves? (select only one)
We only provide services to victims of particular types of crimes (such as domestic
violence, trafficking, identity theft, etc.) [receive question G12.1, list of crimes]
We only provide services to specific populations of victims, regardless of the type of crime
(such as children, immigrants, etc.) [receive question G12.2, list of populations]
We only provide services to specific populations who have experienced specific types of
crime or abuse (such as child victims of sexual abuse, older adults who experienced identity
theft, etc.) [receive both questions G12.1 and G12.2]
None of the above [Proceed to Section H]
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
PROBE 2: How did you decide on your answer? What, in your own words, is the response option
you chose getting at?


G12.1 Indicate the specific type(s) of crime or abuse: (e.g., you could provide services to a victim of this
crime, even if they had not suffered any other type of crime). Please do your best to fit your organization
within the general categories provided.
Check all that apply



Any/all felonies
Any/all violent crime
Community violence/gang violence
Domestic violence/dating violence
DUI/DWI crashes
Financial exploitation/identity theft/fraud
Hate crimes
Human trafficking (sex)
Human trafficking (labor)
Physical abuse/neglect
Physical assault (including attempted homicide; gun violence; strangulation;
threat with a weapon, etc.)
Rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse
Survivors of homicide (including murder, non-negligent manslaughter)
Terrorism/mass violence
Other (specify)
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to answer this question?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if we asked you to check no more than 3?
OPTIONAL PROBE FOR THOSE WHO SPECIFY “OTHER”: Is there any other category of response that
might have fit?
Can you tell me more about your thought process in selecting these categories?
Are some of those crime types more central to your work? Do you serve victims of some of these crime
types more than others?


G12.2 Indicate the specific populations of victims you serve: (e.g., you could provide services to a
victim as long as they were within this population). Please do your best to fit your organization within the
general categories provided.
Check all that apply



Child victims
Adolescent/teen victims
Elder victims/dependent adult victims
Female victims
Male victims
Indigenous victims, including Native American or Alaska Native
Victims of color OR victims of specific racial or ethnic groups (OTHER THAN
Native American or Alaska Native victims) (specify)_______________
Immigrant/refugee/limited English proficiency victims
LGBTQ victims
Victims with disabilities
Deaf or hard-of-hearing victims
Formerly incarcerated victims
Incarcerated victims
Other (specify) ___________________________________________________
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to answer this question?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if we asked you to check no more than 3?
OPTIONAL PROBE FOR THOSE WHO SPECIFY “OTHER”: Is there any other category of response that
might have fit?
TRIBAL SERVICE PROVIDER: Would your answer change if this question asked about “Tribal victims”?
OPTIONAL PROBE FOR ANYONE THAT JUST SERVES ADULTS: Were you able to select a response option?
Can you tell me more about your thought process in selecting these categories?
Are some of those crime types more central to your work? Do you serve victims of some of these crime
types more than others?


SUFFER SPECIFIC VICTIMIZATIONS: How easy or difficult was it to answer G12.1 and G12.2?

[INSTRUCTION SCREEN] The following questions concern staff dedicated to working with victims of crime
or abuse during the past calendar/ fiscal year.
H5. How many paid full-time staff (35 hours or more/week) dedicated to working with victims left
their position with your organization during the past calendar/ fiscal year, whether dismissed,
resigned, retired, transferred to a non-direct services position, etc.? Count each person only once. Enter
‘0’ if there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are

Check box if estimate □

PROBE 1: How easy/difficult was this question to answer?
PROBE 2: What, in your own words, is this question asking?
PROBE 3: How do you understand full-time staff who left their position?
FOLLOW UP PROBE: How are you defining “left their position”?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How did you interpret what is meant by “your organization”? Were you answering
just about this location, or across all locations?

H6. How many paid part-time staff (less than 35 hours/week) designated to work with victims left
their position with your organization during the past calendar/fiscal year whether dismissed, resigned,
retired, transferred to a non-direct services position, etc.? Count each person only once. Enter ‘0’ if
there are no paid staff of that type. Include contractual workers in your counts. Estimates are

Check box if estimate □

PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it to answer this question?
PROBE 2: How did you interpret “paid part-time staff designated to work with victims”?


[programming: remind people who are Parent/HQ organizations that they previously indicated they
were responding either
a) for just their location OR
b) across all locations]

I1. What was your organization’s total annual budget for the past calendar/fiscal year?
Amount $_________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: How easy or difficult would it be for you to get ahold of this information?
PROBE 2: Would you have any concerns about reporting this on a survey?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How confident are you in your estimate?

[For embedded programs other than nonprofits:]
I2. Was all or part of your victim services programming supported by your organization’s internal
budget in the past calendar/fiscal year?
Amount $___________________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: What do you think is meant by “organization’s internal budget”?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult to answer if it asked for the percentage of
victim services funding supported by the organization’s internal budget?
PROBE 3: Would you have any concerns about reporting this on a survey? If so, what are those concerns?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How confident are you in your estimate?

I3. What was your organization’s total budget for victim-related programming and services during the
past calendar/fiscal year? (Victim-related programming and services includes direct services,
prevention, outreach, training, and education efforts.) $___________ Check box if estimate
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult would it be for you to get ahold of this information?
PROBE 2: Would you have any concerns about reporting this on a survey?

Does your organization maintain a separate line in your budget for victim services?
Would this question be easier to answer if it asked What percentage of your organization’s total budget
supports victim-related programming and services?
The following questions ask about external sources of funding, and will help us better understand the
mix of funding supporting victim-related programming and services.
Please indicate whether your victim services budget in the past calendar/fiscal year included funding
from any of the following. If so, please provide an amount (estimates are acceptable).
I4. Local government funding specifically for victim services?
Amount $__________________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: What do you think is meant by the term “local government funding”?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if it asked for the percentage of the VS
budget supported by local government funding?
ORGANIZATIONS]: For your organization, is “local government funding” different from funding
through your organization’s internal budget?
I5. Tribal government funding specifically for victim services?
Amount $___________________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: What do you think is meant by the term “Tribal government funding”?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if it asked for the percentage of the VS
budget supported by Tribal funding?
government funding” different from funding through your organization’s internal budget?
I6. Foundations, private donations, and other fundraising specifically for victim services?
Amount $ ____________________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: How easy or difficult would it be for you to get ahold of this information?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if it asked for the percentage of the VS budget
supported by foundations, private donations, and other fundraising?

PROBE 3: Would you have any concerns about reporting this on a survey?
PROBE 4: How easy or difficult would it be for you to provide separate figures for funding related to
“foundations and private grants” and “private donations and other fundraising”?
OPTIONAL PROBE: How confident are you in your estimate?

I7. Which of the following federal and state sources supported your victim services budget in the past
calendar/fiscal year, if any?

Federal funding, including funding passed through a state administrator as a subgrant
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding

 Yes  No

Other funding from the Office for Victims of Crime

 Yes  No

Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) grant

 Yes  No

Sexual Assault Services Program funding

 Yes  No

Other funding from the Office on Violence Against Women

 Yes  No

Family Violence Prevention Services Act (FVPSA) funding

 Yes  No

Other federal funding

 Yes  No

If yes, please specify ____________________________
State funding

 Yes  No

PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was it for you to answer these questions?
PROBE 2: What do you think is meant by the term “state funding”?

I8. Did you receive victim services funding from any additional sources in the past calendar/fiscal

Please specify: _____________________________

Amount $___________________________

Check box if estimate

PROBE 1: What other sources were you considering?
PROBE 2: Would this question be easier or more difficult if it asked for the percentage of the VS
budget supported by other sources


I9. Did your organization receive any federal funding for victim programming or services within the
past 5 years? (This could include funding from VOCA grants; OVC grants; a STOP, SASP, or other VAWA
grant; or some other funding coming from a federal agency.)
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this to answer?

Current Issues of Concern to Victim Service Providers
K1. How concerned are you about vicarious trauma and staff burnout at your organization? (“Vicarious
trauma” refers to exposure to the trauma of others that puts people at risk for a range of negative
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
PROBE 2: Does the definition provided for “vicarious trauma” make sense to you? Do you define this
term differently?
PROBE 3: What does “staff burnout” mean to you, in this context?

K2. How concerned are you about your organization’s ability to reach and serve all people equally?
(This includes but is not limited to racial equity, gender identity/sexual orientation equity, equity for
those with disabilities, and equity for those with limited English proficiency.)
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
A little concerned
Not concerned at all
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
PROBE 2: What does the term “reach and serve all people equally” mean to you in this context?


COVID-Related Organizational Impacts

March of 2020 is generally recognized as the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many activities
were affected, including victim services delivery.
K7. Have you made or experienced any changes in your organization or the way you deliver services
because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
□ YES [Complete table]
□ NO
This change did
not happen

This change

Staff resigned
Staff were laid-off
Staff worked partially or fully
In-person meetings with
victims were suspended
Virtual and phone meetings
with victims increased
Psychological services or
support groups were
conducted via phone or
online video platform
Shelters were partially or
fully closed
Court-services were partially
or fully suspended
Court proceedings were held
Service needs changed as
some crimes increased or
Service needs changed due
to increased levels or severity
of violence
Other changes


This change has
continued through
the present

K7a. If you had other changes in your services or service delivery, what were they?
PROBE 1: How easy or difficult was this question to answer?
IF THE RESPONDENT SELECTED ANY ONGOING CHANGES: Tell me more about the changes you said are
still ongoing?


Thank you for testing the 2023 NCVSP. Please let us know a little bit about your experience so that we
can make any additional adjustments before we start collecting information from victim service
1. About how long did it take you to complete the survey?

2. Did you skip any questions? If so, tell us why?

3. Were there questions that did not apply to you? If so, did you have the option to indicate it did not

4. Overall, how would you rate this survey for ease of completion?

5. Any additional observations or suggestions you can share with us?

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMorgan, Rachel (OJP)
File Modified2022-12-15
File Created2022-12-15

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