Appendix R 2024 NSECE Follow-up Survey Field Materials for Contacting Respondents |
Contacting Scripts – Known Eligibility 2
Gatekeeper Scripts – Known Eligibility 4
Texting Scripts – Known Eligibility 5
Voicemail Scripts – Known Eligibility 6
Business Card/Appointment Card 9
Language Identification Card 13
Scripts: Known Eligibility |
Suggested scripts for contacting sampled cases when the respondent has been identified but has not completed the survey. |
Contacting Scripts – Known Eligibility: Contacting scripts for eligible non-response cases for Households and Workforce to encourage participation.
Introduction |
Hello. May I speak with [SAMPLE MEMBER]?
My name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m (here/calling) from the NORC at the University of Chicago. I am here/calling about the National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up study, otherwise known as the NSECE Follow-up.
IF IN PERSON: Show the respondent your NORC ID Badge at the door, especially if the respondent is using a video doorbell system and speaking to you through the device. |
Purpose of Contact |
HOUSEHOLD SAMPLE: You participated in the 2024 NSECE survey in 2024, and you’ve been selected for the follow-up. I wanted to set up a time to complete this follow-up survey. SPeakinG SAMPLE MEMBER DIRECTly: Do you have time to complete the survey now? The survey takes about 20 minutes.
SAMPLE MEMBER DOES NOT HAVE TIME to complete survey Now: When would be a good time to complete the interview? The survey takes about 20 minutes. IF NEEDED: You do not have to complete the entire survey at one time. We can complete it in a few minutes at a time. Let’s get started and see how far we get today.
If NEEDED: I’m here/calling about an important study that looks at how we care for children in the United States. The National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) was conducted in 2012 and again in 2019. You participated in 2024. Your participation in the 2024 NSECE Follow-up is incredibly important as your voice represents other [FAMILIES/WORKERS] like you. |
Gatekeeper |
If SAMPLE MEMBER is NOT available:
R Completed Survey |
Thank you for completing the online survey. Your voice represents millions like you/of early care and education workers across the country. Your responses will give public agencies and policy makers information needed to continue to support families/ child care workers].
Have a great day and thanks again.
FI Note: Make sure you look to see whether the case is showing as a complete. If not, ask them to try to log in again to see if it went through. |
Survey NOT Complete |
That is ok. When do you think you would be able to complete the survey? Also, if you have any questions, I’m happy to help! Your survey link is [SURVEY LINK].
IF NEEDED: Refer to talking points job aid to help convince SAMPLE MEMBER to participate!
Work with them to record a new time they propose to complete, in the case’s call notes/appointments. Send them a reminder if you think it will help them complete. Definitely, follow up with another prompt, using this as your guide, after the time has elapsed. |
Survey NOT Complete after several prompts |
PROVIDER ONLY: We can also complete the survey together over the phone or in person. Can we go ahead and start that now, or would you prefer to schedule a time to complete the survey with me? Your responses are incredibly important. They make sure voices like yours are heard across the early child care industry, enabling policy makers, parents, and businesses to make informed decisions. |
Who is Respondent? |
Gatekeeper Scripts – Known Eligibility: Used by field interviewers when speaking with a gatekeeper to reaching the respondent for all sample types.
Who is a Gatekeeper? |
Gatekeepers are anyone who is keeping you from reaching the sample member, and they are vital in helping you make contact with your respondent. It is important that you interact with them kindly and professionally. Examples of gatekeepers on the NSECE:
Introduction |
Hello. My name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m [here/calling] from NORC at the University of Chicago. May I speak with [SAMPLE MEMBER]?
If Needed: I am here/calling about a letter we recently mailed them.
If SAMPLE MEMBER is available: Go to Contacting Script – Known Eligibility. |
Gatekeeper Denies Access to Sample Member |
I understand, this is about a very important survey we would like them to participate in. Is there a better time to [call them/come back]? If yes: Set an appointment for proposed time.
IF NO: May I leave my number with you for [SAMPLE MEMBER] to call me? If I don’t hear from them in the next few days, I’ll call back/return to see if they are available. If no again: Note this in your call notes and try again later. Perhaps the next time you will reach a different gatekeeper, who is more willing to help you. If yes: Leave your number (and business card) and indicate you will try back again as well.
Gatekeeper – Does not Know Sample Member |
That’s ok, do you know of anyone I may speak to who might?
If yes: Begin process above with next person. IF NO:
Texting Scripts – Known Eligibility: Text scripts that can be used by field interviewers to prompt respondents to complete surveys or re-schedule an interview for over the phone. This will only be used for sample members where we have confirmed the phone number is associated with them.
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME], I am contacting you about the National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up. Your experiences and perspectives [as a current or former child care worker/on child care] are invaluable to helping policy makers understand the child care landscape in your community. Please contact me at this number or at [PLACEHOLDER] to schedule your interview.
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME] we spoke earlier about completing the National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up survey. Please complete your survey by [DATE] or as soon as you can. Thanks! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. Just wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to complete the 2024 NSECE Follow-up survey. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. I wanted to follow up and see if you had a chance to complete the 2024 NSECE Follow-up survey. Would you like to schedule a time to complete the survey with me over the phone? Thanks! |
REMINDER 3-If missed appt. |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. Sorry we didn’t connect to complete the 2024 NSECE Follow-up on [DATE] at [TIME] Would you like to reschedule a time to complete with me over the phone? Thanks! |
Household Specific Texts |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME], I am contacting you about the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Follow-up. Your experiences and perspectives as a parent are invaluable to helping policy makers understand the child care needs in your community. Please reach out to me at this number or at [PLACEHOLDER] to schedule your interview. |
Hello, this is [Your Name] with NORC. We are following up on your recent participation in a study about the need for and availability of child care in your community. When you are available, text or call me at [Your Number] or email the project at [PLACEHOLDER]. |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. I was hoping to speak with you about the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Follow-up. Please take a few minutes to call or text me with the time/day you would like for me to schedule your interview. I look forward to hearing from you. |
Provider Specific Text (WF) |
Hello, this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. You participated in the NSECE last year, and we are now asking everyone to participate in a follow-up study. Text or call me at [Your Number] when you are available, or email the project at [PLACEHOLDER]. |
General Text Scripts |
Hello, this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. It’s time for your National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up interview. Please call or text me at [Your Number] to schedule your interview or email the project at [PLACEHOLDER]. Thanks! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. You should have received a notification in the mail regarding your selection for the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up. Please feel free to call or text me at [Your Number] to schedule your interview or ask questions about the survey. I look forward to speaking with you! |
Hello, this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. I am trying to reach [RESPONDENT NAME] for their National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up interview. Please feel free to call or text me back at this number or email the project at [PLACEHOLDER]. |
Busy/Reluctant Text Scripts |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]! This is [YOUR NAME] from NORC. I understand you’re busy, but you participated in the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education in 2024. We are conducting a Follow-up, and you cannot be replaced. We can break up the interview into multiple parts. How does [insert time and date] work? Text or call me back at this number. Thank you! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] with NORC. We hope we can schedule your interview appointment before we wrap up the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Follow-up in [INSERT TIMEFRAME]. We would like to thank you in advance for your valuable input contributing to early care and education across the country! Please call this number or email us your availability: [PLACEHOLDER]. |
Hello! This is [Your Name] from NORC. I have reached out to you [in person/over the phone] already about the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Follow-up but was unable to get a hold of you. I understand you are busy, so please let me know when you have the time to discuss your participation. You can text back or call me at [Your Number] or reach me at [PLACEHOLDER] via email. |
Final Push Text Scripts (only to be used late in the field period.) |
Hello [Respondent Name], The National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up ends soon! [$ fee amount] is available for your interview. You can do it [in-person/over phone/online]. We can send your money through [PLACEHOLDER] immediately after you finish the survey. Feel free to text back to this message or call [Your Name] to schedule it or email [PLACEHOLDER]. |
Hello! The 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Follow-up is ending soon. You can get an extra [PLACEHOLDER] if you complete it before [insert final day of study]. We can send this to you right after you finish your survey. Please email the project at [PLACEHOLDER] or call me directly at [Your Number]. |
Voicemail Scripts – Known Eligibility: Voicemail scripts that can be used by field interviewers to prompt and make initial phone contact if they’re unable to directly reach a respondent in that moment for all sample types.
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME] I’m calling from NORC at the University of Chicago about a very important study that looks at how we care for children in the United States. Your responses will give researchers and policy makers up to date information needed to continue to support families, child care providers and workers. We’re hoping to make sure your voice is represented. Please give me a call back at [YOURNUMBER]. Thank you for your time! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME] from NORC at the University of Chicago. We spoke earlier about completing the National Survey for Early Care and Education Follow-up survey. Just wanted to send a reminder to please complete your survey by [DATE] or as soon as you can. Thanks! You can reach me at [YOUR NUMBER] if you have any questions. Thanks! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. Just wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to complete the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up survey. You can reach me at [YOUR NUMBER] if you have any questions. Thanks! |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. I wanted to follow up and to see if you completed the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up survey. If not, we can schedule a time to complete the survey over the phone if that’s easier? Please give me a call back at [YOUR NUMBER]. Thanks! |
REMINDER 3-Missed appointment |
Hello [RESPONDENT NAME]. This is [YOUR NAME,] calling with the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education Follow-up. Sorry we couldn’t connect for our appointment on [DATE] at [TIME.] I was hoping we could reschedule to complete the survey over the phone. You can reach me at [YOUR NUMBER]. Thanks! |
Field Interviewer Toolkit |
These are examples of additional materials that a field interviewer will use to gain cooperation with the sample member. |
Business Card/Appointment Card: Field Interviewers use this to provide contact information and/or appointment details when visiting households and providers.
Field Interviewer: ________________________________
![]() ![]() Interviewer Verifcation | For more information: Households| call (877) xxx-xxxx | email Providers | call (800) xxx-xxxx | email
Appointment Card Date: _______________________ Time: _______________________ Place: _______________________
Sorry I Missed You (SIMY): Field interviewers use this card when visiting households and providers in person and no one answers door or center is closed.
Card – Known and Unknown Eligible
Hello _ [Respondent Name]___, My name is ___ [YOUR NAME] ____, and I am a NORC interviewer. You have been selected to participate in an important national survey. If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment, please call _ [YOUR NUMBER] ____. I look forward to speaking with you soon! Thank you!
Doorhanger – Generic
FRONT: Sorry I missed you! BACK: You have been selected to participate in an important national survey. Please contact us today to set up your appointment. Call me: [YOUR PHONE] _____________________________________________ ___. You can also reach us at [800 # or EMAIL] ________________________________________.
Handwritten Notes/Texts: These are scripts that can be used by field interviewers to encourage the sample member to complete the screening or survey. These can be left as handwritten notes or texts. NOTE: Texts will only be sent to sample members at a confirmed phone number that is associated with them.
“We understand that life can be hectic. Challenges and setbacks are important to your story, and we’re ready to listen when you’re ready to share. Your attitudes and life experiences are unique and important to the study. Thank you – we appreciate your participation.”
“We invite you to visit our website to find out how others like you have made an impact: or at Give me a call at [Your Number] to schedule an appointment for your interview.”
“Over the years, the NSECE has been cited in many different research papers. Your answers make a difference and are used to understand the supply and demand of child care in your community.”
“Researchers and policymakers use information from the study to understand child care in the United States. Please contribute more to your story to the NSECE this year by giving me a call at [FI or FM phone #] to schedule an appointment for your interview.”
“A better tomorrow starts with a firm grasp of the past and present. This study provides insight into how a generation of Americans choose and pay for/provide child care, but we can’t do it without you. Share your story – it counts.”
“As a participant in the study, you’re providing what America needs – a clear picture. This study demonstrates how the supply and demand for child care shapes our lives.”
“Your survey is now ready for your input, and I want to make this the best possible experience for you.”
“As a current or former child care worker, you perform[ed] a valuable service to your country and your community. By sharing your story, you enrich researchers’ and policymakers’ understanding of the type of child care available and how the families that use it interact in the daily lives of Americans.”
“You are part of a small and special group that responded to the NSECE in 2024, and that can now provide insight into the career trajectories of current and former child care workers. You cannot be replaced, and sharing your story gives voice to the thousands of Americans like you who you represent by choosing to participate in this study. Thank you for sharing your story.”
“History will show how you have represented your community to shape laws and policies and build knowledge regarding child care in the United States.”
“We have an opportunity to learn more about your experience [providing or having provided child care/searching and selecting child care]. When you participate in 2024 NSECE Follow-up you not only help the study, but you also help us to understand important details about [how current and former child care workers feel about their career/parents choose and pay for care]. Give me a call at [Your Number] to schedule an appointment for your interview”
“We can give you $__ as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Give me a call at [Your Number] to schedule an appointment for your interview.”
[SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION] is [describe the mission or purpose of the organization and why it plays an important role for families/workers]. They think that the NSECE is [provide reason given in letter about why respondents should participate in NSECE], and we’ve attached a letter from them for you to take a look.
“We have an opportunity to learn more about your family’s experience selecting child care. When you participate in the 2024 NSECE Follow-up, you not only help the study, but you also help us to understand important details about how parents' preferences for care change as children grow. Give me a call at [Your Number] to schedule an appointment for your interview”
Doorbell Camera Card: Field interviewers use this at households or to gain entry into centers or gated communities.
I am with NORC at the University of Chicago and I’m working for an important nation-wide study collecting information about child care in the country.
I am not selling anything. Do you have a few moments to talk?
Language Identification Card: This is used by the field when they reach a non-English speaking household or provider to identify the sample member or gatekeeper’s preferred language. Each text says, “Mark this box if you speak (language).”
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Appendix R 2024 NSECE Follow-up Survey Field Materials for Contacting Respondents |
Author | |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-09-19 |