Appendix L 2024 MVP Registration Form

Quality Payment Program (QPP)/Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) (CMS-10621)

Appendix L 2024 MVP Registration Form

OMB: 0938-1314

Document [pdf]
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Payment System
2024 MIPS Value Pathways (MVP)
Registration Guide

Table of Contents
How To Use This Guide


MVP Registration Overview


MVP Registration: Registration Steps


Group Registration


Individual Registration


APM Entity Registration


Subgroup Registration


MVP Registration: Frequently Asked Questions


Help and Version History


Purpose: This resource provides
guidance on how to register for MVP
reporting for the 2024 performance

Skip ahead by clicking the links in the
Table of Contents.


How to Use This



How to Use This Guide

Table of Contents
Please Note: This guide was prepared for
informational purposes only and isn’t intended
to grant rights or impose obligations. The
information provided is only intended to be a
general summary. It isn’t intended to take the
place of the written law, including the
regulations. We encourage readers to review the
specific statutes, regulations, and other
interpretive materials for a full and accurate
statement of their contents.

The Table of Contents is interactive. Click on a
Chapter in the Table of Contents to read that
You can also click on the icon on
the bottom left to go back to the Table of
Hyperlinks to the Quality Payment Program
website are included throughout the guide to
direct the reader to more information and


MVP Registration:



MVPs are one way to meet your MIPS reporting requirements for the 2024 performance year. You must
register in advance to report an MVP.
• NEW FOR 2024: To register, you’ll sign in to the QPP website with your HCQIS Access and Roles Profile
(HARP) account. This is different from the 2023 process of completing an Excel form and emailing the QPP
Service Center.
You must have a HARP account and QPP Security Official role to complete the MVP Registration.

• For more information on HARP accounts, please refer to the Register for a HARP Account document in the
QPP Access User Guide (ZIP, 4MB).
• For more information on obtaining the QPP Security Official role, review the Connect to an Organization
document in the QPP Access User Guide (ZIP, 4MB).

MVP Implementation Guide
For more information about MVP reporting, refer to
the 2024 MVP Implementation Guide (PDF)



Overview (Continued)
2024 MVP Registration Timeline

April 1,

MVP Registration opens
April 1, 2024

July 1,

2, 2024

• To report the CAHPS for MIPS Survey
as part of an MVP, you must complete
your MVP registration by July 1, 2024,
to align with the CAHPS for MIPS
registration deadline.

MVP registration
deadline for those not
reporting the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey.

• You must separately register to
participate in the CAHPS for MIPS

• Registration closes at
8pm ET, December 2,

• CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration
closes at 8pm ET, July 1, 2024.

MVP Registration:
Registration Steps



Sign into Your QPP Account
With your HARP credentials, sign into your QPP Account on the
QPP website.
MVP and subgroup registration is limited to users with the QPP
Security Official role for the practice (Tax Identification Number
[TIN]) or APM Entity.
• Security officials for the practice (TIN) can complete individual,
group and subgroup registrations.
Don’t have a HARP ID or the QPP Security Official role? Refer to
this FAQ for more information

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



Navigate to the Registration Portal
Once you’re signed into your account, select:
• The Registration tab in the left-hand
navigation menu, then click + Register or
edit an MVP registration

• The Go to registration portal quick link on
the home page then click + Register or edit
an MVP registration

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



Select Your Organization
Find the organization for which you are wanting to
register for MVP reporting. Most users will only
have access to one organization type.
• If you have access to multiple organization
types, you will see them tabbed across the top
of the page. Click an organization type to view
the list of associated organizations you can
• Once an organization type is selected, choose
the organization registering to report MVP. You
can filter by registration status or search by the
Practice Name, if you have multiple
organizations on your account.
• If registering for an Alternative Payment Model
(APM) Entity, skip ahead to that section.
*The screenshots included in this user guide were
based on the QPP test environment. Because we are
always working to incorporate feedback and improve
the experience, there may be differences between
these screenshots and what you see on the QPP



Select Your Organization (Continued)
You can’t voluntarily report or opt-in to MVP reporting; you must be MIPS eligible to report an MVP. Participants not
eligible to register for MVP reporting will see Not MIPS Eligible and the register options, will be greyed out. Virtual
Groups are not able to register to report for MVP reporting.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were
based on the QPP test environment. Because we are
always working to incorporate feedback and improve
the experience, there may be differences between
these screenshots and what you see on the QPP



Select MVP Reporting Option
Select the appropriate reporting
option, for the selected Practice.
Select the reporting option below,
to jump ahead in this guide
• Register Group
• Register an Individual
• Register a Subgroup
• Register an Alternative Payment
Model (APM) Entity

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

NOTE: For more information about the MVP
reporting options, refer to the 2024 MVP
Implementation Guide (PDF)



MVP Registration – Group
You’ll need to identify the MVP being
selected for reporting along with the
population health measure the MVP
participant wishes to be evaluated on.
Scoring reminder: If the MVP
participant doesn’t meet
requirements for the population
health measure selected during
registration, the measure will be
excluded from scoring.

Items marked with a red asterisk (*), are
required fields.
*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

Changes will be automatically saved as the
MVP registration is completed, as indicated, at
the top of the screen.



MVP Registration – Group (Continued)
When registering for an MVP that
includes an outcomes-based
administrative claims measure, you’ll
be prompted to indicate whether the
MVP participant would like to be
evaluated on it as 1 of their quality
Scoring reminder: If the MVP
participant doesn’t meet case
minimum for the outcomes-based
administrative claims measure, they’ll
receive 0 out of 10 points for the
required outcome measure unless
they submit another outcome

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Group (Continued)
After all required fields are
completed, select Back to MVP
Registration, to be taken back to
the MVP Registration page. The
practice for which the MVP
Registration was completed, will
now display an MVP Registration
Status with Complete. A
Registration Summary may also be
download, for your records.
If no other types of MVP
registrations are needed, skip
ahead in this guide, to the
Frequently Asked Questions

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

NOTE: If at any point during the registration
process, you want to delete your MVP
registration, select Delete Registration, at the
top of the page. Registrations may be deleted
or edited until the deadline of closes Monday,
December 2, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET



MVP Registration – Individual
Individual National Provider Identifier (NPI)s, are
displayed, on the Manage Individual Registration
page. You can narrow results, by searching for a
full or partial NPI. The page also allows for filtering
based on the status of their MVP registration
Select Register Individual on the NPI the MVP
registration is being completed for.

NOTE: Participants not eligible to register for MVP
reporting will be labeled Not MIPS Eligible and the
register option, will be grayed out.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Individual (Continued)
You’ll need to identify the MVP being
selected for reporting along with the
population health measure the MVP
participant wishes to be evaluated on.
Scoring reminder: If the MVP participant
doesn’t meet requirements for the
population health measure selected
during registration, the measure will be
excluded from scoring.

Items marked with a red asterisk (*), are
required fields.
*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

Changes will be automatically saved as the
MVP registration is completed, as indicated, at
the top of the screen.



MVP Registration – Individual (Continued)
When registering for an MVP that includes
an outcomes- based administrative claims
measure, you’ll be prompted to indicate
whether the MVP participant would like to
be evaluated on it as 1 of their quality
Scoring reminder: If the MVP participant
doesn’t meet case minimum for the
outcomes-based administrative claims
measure, they’ll receive 0 out of 10 points
for the required outcome measure unless
they submit another outcome measure.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Individual (Continued)
After all required fields are
completed, select Back to MVP
Registration, to be taken back to the
MVP Registration page. The NPI for
which the MVP Registration was
completed, will now display an MVP
Registration Status with Complete.
A Registration Summary may also be
download, for your records.
If no other types of MVP
registrations are needed, skip ahead
in this guide, to the Frequently
Asked Questions section.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

NOTE: If at any point during the registration
process, you want to delete your MVP
registration, select Delete Registration, at the
top of the page. Registrations may be deleted
or edited until the deadline of closes Monday,
December 2, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET



MVP Registration – APM Entity
Select Register APM Entity for the APM
entity an MVP registration is being
completed for.
If you have multiple APM Entities on your
account, you can search by the APM Entity
name or filter by MVP registration status.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – APM Entity
You’ll need to identify the MVP being
selected for reporting along with the
population health measure the MVP
participant wishes to be evaluated on.
Scoring reminder: If the MVP participant
doesn’t meet requirements for the
population health measure selected
during registration, the measure will be
excluded from scoring.

Items marked with a red asterisk (*), are
required fields.
*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

Changes will be automatically saved as the
MVP registration is completed, as indicated,
at the top of the screen.



MVP Registration – APM Entity (Continued)
When registering for an MVP that
includes an outcomes- based
administrative claims measure, you’ll
be prompted to indicate whether the
MVP participant would like to be
evaluated on it as 1 of their quality
Scoring reminder: If the MVP
participant doesn’t meet case
minimum for the outcomes-based
administrative claims measure,
they’ll receive 0 out of 10 points for
the required outcome measure
unless they submit another outcome

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – APM Entity (Continued)
After all required fields are
completed, select Back to MVP
Registration, to be taken back to
the MVP Registration page. The
APM Entity for which the MVP
Registration was completed, will
now display an MVP Registration
Status with Complete. A
Registration Summary may also be
download, for your records.
If no other types of MVP
registrations are needed, skip
ahead in this guide, to the
Frequently Asked Questions

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

NOTE: If at any point during the registration
process, you want to delete your MVP
registration, select Delete Registration, at the
top of the page. Registrations may be deleted
or edited until the deadline of closes Monday,
December 2, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET



MVP Registration – Subgroup
On the Manage Subgroup
Registration page, select
Register a subgroup

Items marked with a red asterisk (*), are
required fields.

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

Changes will be automatically saved as the
MVP registration is completed, as indicated, at
the top of the screen.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
Subgroups require additional information, beyond what a Group or
Individual require. For these categories, do not include Personal
Identifiable Information (PII) or your Tax Identification Number
Subgroup Name: This is the name that would be used for public
reporting on Medicare Care Compare.

NOTE: After entering a Subgroup name, press Tab on your
keyboard or click outside of the subgroup name field, to
advance to the remaining Subgroup information.
Subgroup Composition: Select single-specialty or multi-specialty,
based on the composition of your subgroup.
Subgroup Composition Narrative (Informational Purposes Only):
Describe and provide rationale for how you chose which clinicians
to include in this subgroup. Example: "This subgroup represents our
west side practice, which uses one EHR platform and collaborates
on patient care across orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists,
nurse practitioners (NPs), and other associated clinicians."

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.

TIP: After the Subgroup Name is entered, a
Subgroup ID will be generated by the system.
This unique ID will be needed during data
submission time, so it’s important to make
note of it.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
You’ll need to identify the MVP being
selected for reporting along with the
population health measure the MVP
participant wishes to be evaluated
Population health measures:

Scoring reminder: If the MVP
participant doesn’t meet
requirements for the population
health measure selected during
registration, the measure will be
excluded from scoring.
Subgroups will be evaluated on the
selected population health measure
at the affiliated group level (all
clinicians in the practice).

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
Add clinicians to the subgroup
Check the box next to each
clinician to be included in the
subgroup. Your subgroup must
include at least 2 clinicians and at
least one individually eligible MIPS
eligible clinician (identified by
Individual status in the Eligibility

The Incomplete status will update to complete as the
two requirements are met

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
Another way to add clinicians to
the subgroup is to download a file
of all clinicians in the practice/TIN.
Within the file, choose "yes" from
the dropdown, in column A,
Include in Subgroup. Save the
workbook to your computer and
select Continue to upload within
the Select Subgroup Members,
section in the Registration Portal.
Upload the file.

The Incomplete status will update to complete as the
two requirements are met
*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
Upload the file by either dragging and dropping the
file or navigating to the location the file is saved, on
your computer. After a successful upload, select
Review subgroup members, to confirm the
changes, to the listed clinicians, on the screen.
Note: Uploading a file will overwrite any existing
subgroup composition.

The Incomplete status will update to complete as the
two requirements are met

*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.



MVP Registration – Subgroup (Continued)
After all required fields are completed,
select Back to Manage Subgroup
Registration, to be taken back to the
Manage Subgroup Registration page.
The practice for which the MVP
Registration was completed, will now
display an MVP Registration Status
with Complete. A Registration
Summary may also be download, for
your records.

NOTE: If at any point during the registration
process, you want to delete your MVP
registration, select Delete MVP and Subgroup
Registration, at the top of the page.
Registrations may be deleted or edited until
the deadline of closes Monday, December 2,
2024 at 8 p.m. ET
*The screenshots included in this user guide were based
on the QPP test environment. Because we are always
working to incorporate feedback and improve the
experience, there may be differences between these
screenshots and what you see on the QPP website.


MVP Registration:
Frequently Asked


Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I don’t have a HARP ID or QPP Security Official role?

You need both a HARP ID and the QPP Security Official role for your organization to submit an MVP registration.
• The Security Official for a Practice organization can submit an MVP registration on behalf of an individual, subgroup or group
MVP registration.
• The Security Official for an APM Entity organization can submit an APM Entity MVP registration.
To learn about HARP account registration, review Step 1. Register for a HARP Account in the Quality Payment Program Access
Guide (ZIP 3MB).
To learn about QPP roles, review Step 2a. Connect as an Organization in the Quality Payment Program Access Guide (ZIP 3MB).
Can our third party intermediary complete our MVP (and subgroup if applicable) registration?
No. Only the practice or APM Entity Security Official can complete MVP registration.
Can we update our registration?
Yes, you can update your registration on the QPP Website until the deadline on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET.



Frequently Asked Questions
Once we’re registered for an MVP, do we have to report it?

No. Even if you register to report an MVP, you can still choose to report traditional MIPS (or the APM Performance Pathway, APP,
if applicable) instead (or in addition to your MVP reporting). As a reminder, the subgroup participation option is only available
for MVP reporting; MIPS eligible clinicians that registered to report as a subgroup would need to report traditional MIPS or the
APP as individuals, as a group or as an APM Entity (if applicable) if they don’t report the MVP.
If you complete an MVP registration but don’t ultimately report the MVP, you’ll receive the highest final score that can be
attributed to you from any reporting option and participation option, with the exception of virtual groups.
We would like to submit the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for MIPS Survey for 1 of our
4 required quality measures, how do we do this?
If the MVP you’ve registered for, includes the CAHPS for MIPS Survey as an available quality measure, you’ll need to complete a
separate registration by July 1, 2024, at 8p.m. ET. Visit the QPP website to learn more about CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration.
• Groups, subgroups*, and APM Entities that are registered to report the following 3 MVPs and intend to administer the CAHPS
for MIPS Survey as 1 of their 4 quality measures:
1. Adopting Best Practices and Promoting Patient Safety within Emergency Medicine MVP (MVP ID: G0057)
2. Advancing Cancer Care MVP (MVP ID: M0001)
3. Value in Primary Care MVP (MVP ID: M0005)



Frequently Asked Questions
Can we register and then become ineligible for reporting the MVP we registered for?
Yes, if you register to report an MVP as an individual or group*. You can’t voluntarily report or opt-in to MVP reporting; you must be MIPS
eligible to report an MVP.
Eligibility timeline:
• Initial 2024 MIPS eligibility was available in December 2023, before the 2024 MVP registration period.
• Final 2024 eligibility will be available by early December 2024.

Just as with traditional MIPS, individuals and groups that register for an MVP must confirm their final eligibility for the 2024 performance year
when it’s published on the QPP Participation Status tool.
An individual (identified by TIN/NPI combination) or group (identified by TIN) that becomes ineligible or opt-in eligible when final eligibility
is released can’t report the MVP they registered for.
Instead, they can:

1. Voluntarily report traditional MIPS.
2. Opt-in to traditional MIPS reporting (if applicable).
3. Do nothing/don’t report. (Ineligible and opt-in eligible clinicians and groups aren’t required to report.)
*Please note that this doesn’t apply to subgroups. We only use initial eligibility results to determine a subgroup’s eligibility to register for and
report an MVP (83 FR 70043). If the subgroup’s affiliated group becomes ineligible, or opt-in eligible, when final eligibility is released, the
subgroup can still report the MVP for which they registered. If the subgroup reports, the MIPS eligible clinicians in the subgroup will receive
the associated payment adjustment.
Where can I learn more about eligibility?
You can learn more about eligibility and how it can change by reviewing the QPP website and the 2024 MIPS Eligibility and Participation Quick
Start Guide (PDF, 1MB).


Help and Version



Where Can You Go for Help?

Contact the Quality Payment
Program Service Center by email at, by creating a
QPP Service Center ticket, or by
phone at 1-866-288-8292 (Monday
through Friday,
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET).
People who are deaf or hard of
hearing can dial 711 to be
connected to a TRS Communications

Visit the Quality Payment Program
website for other help and support
information, to learn more about
MIPS, and to check out the
resources available in the Quality
Payment Program Resource Library.

Visit the Small Practices page of the
Quality Payment Program website
where you can sign up for the
monthly QPP Small
Practices Newsletter and find
resources and information relevant
for small practices.



Version History
If we need to update this document, changes will be identified here.




Updated to include PRA disclosure language.


Updated to add new FAQ (p. 35)


Original Posting.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1314 (Expiration date:
01/31/2025). The time required to complete this information collection varies per response, including the time to review
instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you
have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS,
7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. ****CMS
Disclosure**** Please do not send applications, claims, payments, medical records or any documents containing sensitive
information to the PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the information
collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or
retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding where to submit your documents, please contact QPP at


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMerit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS): 2024 MIPS Value Pathways (MVP) Registration Guide
SubjectMerit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS): 2024 MIPS Value Pathways (MVP) Registration Guide
File Modified2024-06-23
File Created2024-06-18

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