DSP-73 Application/License for Temporary Export of Unclassified

Application/License for Temporary Export of Unclassified Defense Articles

3_APPENDIX A DSP-73 Instructions Summary of Changes

Application/License for Temporary Export of Unclassified Defense Articles

OMB: 1405-0023

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DSP-73 Instructions Summary of Changes
Note: Underlined text represents newly added or edited verbiage. Italicized text represents
existing application sections or verbiage.


Block Title




Application for Temporary Export
of Unclassified Defense Articles,
Related Technical Data, and
Defense Services








Probable Date of First Exit from




Description of Transaction



Edited instruction verbiage under Transaction
Number to: Classified information must be
sent separately to PM/DDTC in accordance
with Defense Security Service Defense
Counterintelligence and Security Agency
(DCSA) guidelines. For issues that may
pertain to classified information, contact the
DDTC Response Team.
Added Freight Forwarder option under
Applicant Is.
Added clarifying language under Subsidiary
Select if the applicant/requester is a
subsidiary of the PM/DDTC registered
company to which the PM/DDTC registration
code belongs. Note that the subsidiary must
be listed on the registered company’s DDTC
registration in order to apply for the license.
Edited instruction verbiage for clarity:
Enter the known or expected date the defense
article(s) will first exit the U.S. This date must
be greater than after today's date.
Added the following verbiage under
Description of Transaction to harmonize it
with DSP-61:
Provide any related license numbers that
apply to the sections below. When a previous
license or agreement (Approved, Disapproved
or RWAed) is identified, please provide a
copy of the license/application/relevant pages
of agreement including any proviso letters
issued with your application. An electronic
copy of the previous license, agreement or
case can be attached to the "Precedent
(identical/similar) Cases" document type.
Edited instruction verbiage under A. This
application represents by removing
instruction verbiage under radio button:
o ONLY a completely new shipment radio


If this is the first time you have made a
request for the defense article(s) that are
the subject of this transaction.
Removed instruction verbiage under line B.:
Select this check box if the application has
related licenses/cases. Information on
previous approvals, denials and RWAs will
provide substantial and necessary history to
ensure adequate and timely processing of your
o Edited instruction verbiage under first
four radio buttons for clarity:
 Was licensed to the country in Block 4
of the first page under license
Select this check box for "was license
to the country in Block 4 of the first
page under license no(s)," if there
were previous approvals for identical
or similar defense articles to the
country(ies) listed in Block 4.
 Was licensed to other countries under
license number(s)
Select this check box for "was
licensed to other countries under
license no(s)," if there were previous
approvals for identical or similar
defense articles to the country(ies) not
listed in Block 4.
 Was returned without action under
voided license number(s)
Select this check box for "was
returned without action under voided
license no(s)," if there were previous
applications for identical or similar
defense articles that were RWAed.
 Was denied to the country in Block 4
of the first page under voided license
Select this check box for "was denied
to the country in Block 4 under voided
license(s)," if there were previous
applications for identical or similar
defense articles that were denied to
the country(ies) listed in Block 4
 Was never licensed for this applicant
(new addition)
Select if a license for this applicant
has never been approved, approved
with proviso(s) or denied for the
defense article(s).

Added instructions under each radio button
that was added under the newly created line
D. The commodity is being financed under
• Edited instruction verbiage under Quantity;
the removed language is not applicable to
Enter the exact number for each particular
item or major component. If this application
is for an unshipped balance, the quantity,
commodity, and values listed must reflect only
the unshipped balance from the previous
• Added instruction verbiage under Name:
Enter the full legal name of the manufacturer
of commodity. Do not include “subsidiary of”
statements, partial address or location
clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field,
unless those are part of the legal name.
• Swapped Block 18 Foreign Intermediate
Consignee with Block 22 Temporary Foreign
• Under new Block 18 Temporary Foreign EndUser:
o Edited instruction verbiage for clarity:
At least one temporary foreign end-user
has to be identified. More than one
temporary foreign end-user can be listed.
If there are multiple countries of sojourn
listed in Block 4, at least one temporary
foreign end-user must be listed for each
country of sojourn. To enter temporary
foreign end-users, click the "Add Entry"
o Deleted instruction verbiage under Name
as it is not applicable to this field and
added new:
The temporary foreign consignee is the
entity who will receive the shipment for
storage, modification, or for
incorporation into another end-item, and
for subsequent forwarding to the
temporary foreign end-user (Block 22).
The temporary foreign consignee may
also be in a country other than the
temporary foreign end-user.
Enter the full legal name of the temporary
foreign end-user. Do not include
“subsidiary of” statements, partial address
or location clarifiers, or go-by names in
the Name field, unless those are part of






Manufacturer of Commodity



Foreign Intermediate Consignee



Source of Commodity




Temporary Foreign Consignee



the legal name. Note that foreign
government entities must be identified, at
a minimum, to the ministry-level
equivalent (e.g., “Ministry of Defense of
Lilliput”). Applications that only state
“Government of (Country)” may be
returned without action.
o Added instruction verbiage under newly
added End-User Type line:
Select one of the following for entity type:
Foreign Government Entity (e.g., a
foreign armed force), U.S. Government
Entity (e.g., a U.S. Embassy overseas),
Non-Government Entity (e.g., a
commercial entity or private individual),
or Other (if the entity does not fall under
one of the other categories).
Added instruction verbiage under Name for
Enter the full legal name of the manufacturer
of commodity. Do not include “subsidiary of”
statements, partial address or location
clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field,
unless those are part of the legal name.
Edited instruction verbiage to reflect the Block
18 and 22 swap:
If applicable, lList all temporary foreign
consignees that may receive the shipment for
storage, modification, or for incorporation
into another end-item, and for subsequent
forwarding to the temporary foreign end-user.
If the temporary foreign end-user is the only
temporary foreign consignee, check the “Same
as Block 18” box. Otherwise select the
“None” checkbox. More than one temporary
foreign consignee can be listed. To enter
temporary foreign consignees, click the "Add
Entry" button.
Edited instruction verbiage under Name:
Enter the full legal name of the temporary
foreign consignee. Do not include “subsidiary
of” statements, partial address or location
clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field,
unless those are part of the legal name. The
temporary foreign consignee is the entity who
will receive the shipment for storage,
modification, or for incorporation into another
end-item, and for subsequent forwarding to the
temporary foreign end-user (Block 18 22). The
temporary foreign consignee may also be in a

10 21

U.S. Consignor/Freight Forwarder



11 22

Foreign Intermediate Consignee



country other than the temporary foreign enduser. Note that foreign government entities
must be identified, at a minimum, to the
ministry-level equivalent (e.g., “Ministry of
Defense of Lilliput”). Applications that only
state “Government of (Country)” may be
returned without action.
Edited instruction verbiage for clarity:
At least one U.S. consignor/U.S. freight
forwarder (to include the applicant, if
appliable) has to be identified. More than one
U.S. consignor and/or U.S. freight forwarder
can be listed. To enter U.S. consignors and/or
U.S. freight forwarders, click the "Add Entry"
Edited instruction verbiage under Name for
Enter the full legal name of the U.S.
Consignor/Freight Forwarder. Do not include
“subsidiary of” statements, partial address or
location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name
field, unless those are part of the legal name.
The U.S. consignor/freight forwarder is the
entity that will actually deliver the
commodity(ies) identified to the foreign
intermediate consignee/end user/consignee or
common carrier (e.g., Federal Express, UPS,
SYZ Airlines, etc.). When using a freight
forwarder, state its complete name and
address. List all U.S. freight forwarders that
you anticipate will be handling this temporary
export (this may include any freight forwarder
that is under contract to the applicant to
handle the export of defense articles).
Added instruction verbiage for clarity:
If applicable, list all foreign intermediate
consignees that may receive the goods for
onward movement to the foreign consignee or
foreign end user. Otherwise select the "None"
checkbox. More than one foreign intermediate
consignee can be listed. To enter foreign
intermediate consignees, click the "Add Entry"
Added instruction verbiage under newly added
None radio button:
If there are no foreign intermediate consignees,
select the "None" check box. If the "None"
check box is selected, the "Add Entry" button
becomes inactive.


Edited instruction verbiage under Name for
Enter the full legal name of the foreign
intermediate consignee. Do not include
“subsidiary of” statements, partial address or
location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name
field, unless those are part of the legal name.

The A foreign intermediate consignee is the
an entity in a country other than the
country of ultimate destination, such as a
forwarder or broker who will be moving
the commodity(ies) through that country en
route to the destination country who will
receive the goods for onward movement to
the foreign consignee or foreign end-user
without actually taking title to the goods.
International carriers need not be
included. Do not include banks or common
carriers unless there is a bill of lading
involved that specified 'To Order of (the
bank or carrier).' This includes foreign
freight forwarders, customs brokers, agents or
representatives, and brokers as defined in 22
CFR 129(a). A foreign intermediate consignee
may be an agency or entity in a country other
than the country of ultimate destination. Note
that foreign government entities must be
identified, at a minimum, to the ministry-level
equivalent (e.g., “Ministry of Defense of
Lilliput”). Applications that only state
“Government of (Country)” may be returned
without action.

12 23

Specific Purpose


Added instruction verbiage under newly added
Role field:
Enter a description of the role the foreign
intermediate consignee has in this transaction.
Edited instruction verbiage under Specific
purpose for which the material is required,
including specific program/end use:
Enter the details regarding the specific purpose
of the proposed transaction. Provide a
complete account of the specific purpose of the
requested export. Simply stating, "For
marketing" or "for demonstration" is
inadequate. In order to provide rationale for
the review and final U.S. Government
determination, the specific details in this block
should describe the intended uses, end-users,


13 25-29

Aircraft or Vessel Information


and end-use platforms of the commodities
involved in the transaction. If applicable, list
the RWA license number.
Added instruction verbiage under newly added
End-Use System/Platform field:
List the systems and/or platforms for which the
commodity will be used on, in, or with (as
described in the Details section of this block).
All intended end-use systems and/or platforms
must be identified. If the commodity is a
system, identify the end-use platforms. If the
commodity is a component or part, then
identify both the end-use system and platform.
For example, if the commodity is a
component/part going into a remote weapons
system (RWS) which will in turn be installed
on an armored vehicle, then both the RWS and
the vehicle must be listed. If a commodity
itself is the end-use platform (e.g., a night
vision goggle), then list the commodity.
Added instruction verbiage under FAA Reg. #
or Vessel Document # field:
Enter the registration number of the aircraft or
vessel. Be sure to include the equipment
nomenclature (e.g., RA-3527, Lockheed C130H) and, in the case of a vessel, its name.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorBattista, Andrea L
File Modified2024-08-14
File Created2024-08-14

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