Form G-99A (08-21) G-99A (08-21) Representative Payee Report

Representative Payee Monitoring

Form G-99A - (08-21)

Representative Payee Monitoring

OMB: 3220-0151

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United States of America
Railroad Retirement Board

Form Approved
OMB No. 3220-0151

RRB Claim No.


Annuitant’s Name

Reporting Period

IMPORTANT: Please complete and return this form in the enclosed envelope within 15 days. You should
also read and retain the Statement of Duties and Paperwork Reduction Act and Privacy Act Notices on pages
3 and 4.

1. Does the annuitant live with you?


 NO

If NO, check whether the annuitant lives with [ ] a caregiver in an institution or nursing home or the
annuitant [ ] lives independently.
Provide the address where the annuitant lives.




2. Are you the court appointed guardian or fiduciary guardian of the annuitant? (Note: A court appointed guardian
or fiduciary guardian is a person appointed by a court to care for the financial affairs of a minor or incapacitated

 YES– Attach a copy of the most recent financial accounting documents you submitted to the court.
(Do not submit the document appointing you as guardian.) Go to Item 7.

 NO–Go to Item 3.

3. Enter the total amount of railroad retirement benefits you received
for the annuitant during the reporting period.


4. Enter the dollar amount of railroad retirement benefits used for the
annuitant’s expenses during the reporting period.


5. Enter a breakdown of the total expenses entered in item 4 by the categories listed in
Items 5(a) through 5(d).
a. Room/Board

b. Clothing/Personal Spending

c. Medical/Dental Care
Form G-99a (08-21)

d. Other


6. If there were surplus railroad retirement benefits at the end of the reporting period, show how the balance
was held.

Cash $

Checking Account $





Savings Account $




NOTE: If surplus benefits were held in checking or savings accounts, indicate the title or ownership
registration of the account below.
name by your name”
 “Your name for beneficiary’s name”


Other (describe)

7. Have you used any of the railroad retirement benefits received by the annuitant during the reporting
period for your own expenses or requirements?

 YES–Provide the following information:
Amount used $

Explanation of use:

 NO–Go to Item 8.

8. During the reporting period, did the annuitant have income from any of the following sources?
 YES–Enter an “X” in the appropriate box(es) and provide the requested information.
 Social Security $
 Public Service Pension $
 Work $

Claim Number




Claim Number

Compensation $


Claim Number

 NO–Go to Item 9

9. Have you ever been convicted of a felony under any statute or a misdemeanor offense under the statutes

administered by the Railroad Retirement Board or Social Security Administration, or are charges for such
an offense currently pending in a court of law?
 NO–Read the Certification Statement below, and
 YES–Complete items 9(a) through 9(f) below.
sign the form in the space provided.

a. What was/were the offense(s) for which you were convicted?
b. On what date(s) were you convicted?
c. What was/were your sentence(s)?
d. If imprisoned, when were you released?
e. If probation was ordered, when did or will the probation end?
f. If charges are currently pending, please give the location of the court in which charges are pending, and the court docket
number, if known.


Docket Number:

CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I understand that civil and criminal penalties may be imposed on me for false or fraudulent statements,
or for withholding information to cause payment of benefits by the RRB. I affirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information I have
given is true, complete and correct.



Form G-99a (08-21)


Page 2

Paperwork Reduction Act and Privacy Act Notices
This notice is given under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and the Privacy Act
of 1974. The information requested on this form is used by the Railroad Retirement
Board (RRB) to conduct an accounting of your performance as representative payee
for the reporting period shown on the form. The RRB’s authority for requesting this
information is section 7(b)(6) of the Railroad Retirement Act.
Your obligation to provide the requested information is voluntary. However,
your failure to respond can result in your being asked to complete a more
detailed report and it may result in a suspension of benefit payments or
your removal as representative payee.
The information you provide on this form may be disclosed without your approval to
the individual or institution you identified in question number one. Such information
may also be disclosed without your approval to the Government Accountability Office
for audits, to the Justice Department for collecting overpayments owed to the RRB or
the Social Security Administration, to law enforcement agencies and in court proceedings. A complete listing of the persons, organizations and agencies to which the information you give us may be released is available at any office of the RRB.
We estimate this form takes an average of 18 minutes per response to complete, including the time needed for reviewing the instructions, getting the needed data, and reviewing the completed form. Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor, and respondents are not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. If you wish, send comments regarding the accuracy of our estimate or
any other aspect of this form, including suggestions for reducing completion time, to the Associate Chief Information Officer for Policy and Compliance,
Railroad Retirement Board, 844 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611-1275.

Form G-99a (08-21)

Page 3

Representative Payee Duties
Use of benefits
You must use the railroad retirement benefits you receive for the annuitant in his or her best
interest. To do this you must keep yourself informed of what the annuitant needs.

Record-keeping requirements
As part of your responsibilities as a representative payee, you must keep careful and accurate
records regarding your receipt, disbursement and use of the annuitant’s funds. Periodically,
you will be asked to complete a report which will include the following questions:

What was the amount of benefits on hand
at the beginning of the year?




How were the railroad retirement benefits
available during the year used for support
of the annuitant?


How did you invest the savings?
Where did the annuitant live during the
What was the annuitant’s amount of
income from other sources during the year?

How much of the railroad retirement benefits did you save for the annuitant?

Reporting to the RRB
The following changes must be reported by the representative payee to the RRB:



You are discharged as legal guardian.


A legal guardian is appointed or guardianship changes.
You are no longer responsible for the
annuitant’s care.


Your address changes.


You are convicted of a criminal offense.








The annuitant dies.
The annuitant is restored to competency
by a court.


The annuitant marries, remarries, or


The annuitant’s address changes.
The annuitant is outside the United
States for more than 30 consecutive days.
The annuitant performs any work, including self-employment.
The annuitant is convicted of a criminal
The annuitant begins to receive a public
service pension, or there is a change in
the amount of the pension.
An application for social security benefits
is filed by the annuitant.
A student annuitant graduates from high
school or ceases full-time school attendance.

The annuitant leaves your custody and care.

Form G-99a (08-21)

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Page 4

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleG-99a (12-16).indd
File Modified2023-12-06
File Created2017-02-13

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