Wave 5 (2022) Lumberton Business Survey PIN: ____________________
OMB Control # 0693-0078
Expiration Date 7/31/2022
This collection of information contains Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requirements approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. For this collection, the OMB Control number is: 0693-0078 with an expiration date: July 31, 2022. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to be 15 minutes per survey, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn: Dr. Jennifer Helgeson, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 8603, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1710, telephone 240-672-2575, or via email:jennifer.helgeson@nist.gov
Date: ______________________ Surveyor(s): ________________________
PIN: _________________ Business Name: ____________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
What is the operational status of this business?
Permanently closed
Moved to alternative location (provide address:______________________________)
Not sure/don’t know (take notes on any information that can help us identify the status of the business: _____________________________________________________________ )
In what year was this business established at this location? ______________ (Year)
What is your role with this business? 1. Owner 2. Manager 3. Owner and Manager
In which year did you start working for this business? _______
What is the current status of this business?
Fully open with the same products and services as pre-COVID-19
Open, but with fewer or different products or services as pre-COVID-19
Temporarily closed, but plan to reopen
Permanently closed
Other (Please explain)
What is the % capacity at which your business is currently operating? ____________ %
think of what 100% capacity means for your business. (For
“capacity,” consider aspects of the business that are
most important to you, like the quality and/or quantity of service or
product offerings. For example 50% for reduced capacity, 110% for
increased capacity, or 0% for businesses that have not resumed
6.a. [if 6=No] What are the reasons your business is not running at full capacity? (e.g., hiring, supplies, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [open-ended response]
How profitable is your business currently?
1. Highly profitable 2. Profitable 3. Breaking even 4.Unprofitable 5.Highly unprofitable 6. Closed
Do you feel like your business was impacted by the following events and have you recovered?
8.a. Was your business adversely impacted by Hurricane Matthew: YES / NO / DK
[If Yes] How was it affected?
Gross revenue decrease
Physical damage
Capacity decrease
Keeping employees
Keeping customers
Other __________________
Did the business recover fully?
Not Recovered
Partially recovered
Fully recovered
Still in operation but will never recover (please explain)____________
[if Yes – fully recovered] When?
[if No – not fully recovered] Why not? ____________________
8.b. Was your business adversely impacted by Hurricane Florence: YES / NO / DK
[if Yes] How was it affected?
Gross revenue decrease
Physical damage
Capacity decrease
Keeping employees
Keeping customers
Other ______
Did the business recover fully?
Not Recovered
Partially recovered
Fully recovered
Still in operation but will never recover (please explain)_________
[if Yes – fully recovered] When?
[if No – not fully recovered] Why not? ____________________
8.c. Was your business adversely impacted by COVID-19: YES / NO / DK
[if Yes] How was it affected?
Gross revenue decrease
Physical damage
Capacity decrease
Keeping employees
Keeping customers
Other ______
Did the business recover fully?
Not Recovered
Partially recovered
Fully recovered
Still in operation but will never recover (please explain)____________
[if Yes – fully recovered] When?
[if No – not fully recovered] Why not? ____________________
8.d. Was your business adversely impacted by another major event (in the last 5 years)?: YES / NO / DK
Please define the event: ________________________
[if Yes] How was it affected?
Gross revenue decrease
Physical damage
Capacity decrease
Keeping employees
Keeping customers
Other ______
Did the business recover fully?
Not Recovered
Partially recovered
Fully recovered
Still in operation but will never recover (please explain)____________
[if Yes – fully recovered] When?
[if No – not fully recovered] Why not? ____________________
Please assess how the COVID pandemic affected business recovery from previous hurricane impacts:
1. No effect due to the COVID pandemic
2. Recovery was hurt by the COVID pandemic
3. Recovery was helped by the COVID pandemic
4. N/A, no hurricane impact or was already fully recovered
How do/would you assess whether your business is FULLY RECOVERED after an interruption (e.g., from natural disaster impacts and/or COVID-19)? Select all that apply.
Expected gross revenues achieved
Adequate number of employees achieved
Producing/selling at the same level as before the disruption
Full repair of property damages
Full building functionality achieved
Other (Please explain)_______
From the list below, please select the top three concerns for your business today. Then indicate whether you have the resources and information needed to reduce potential impacts.
Potential concern
[Circle the three of greatest concern today] |
Does your business have the resources and information needed to manage this risk? [YES / NO / DK / N/A] |
Natural hazards and extreme weather events |
Pandemic (Subsequent wave of COVID-19) |
Business, financial, and market volatility (e.g., supply chain disruption, operational issues) |
Other public health issues |
Workforce issues (e.g., workforce safety, workforce reduction, absenteeism, retaining/rehiring staff) |
Consumer-side issues (e.g., preferences for online shopping, reductions in foot traffic, low holiday seasonal sales) |
Supply side issues |
Inflation |
Price of fuel |
Utility service dependability |
Other ____________________________ |
Approximately how much money in total has been spent on this business’ recovery from Hurricane damage (combined Hurricane Matthew and Florence)? Please consider physical damage to the structure and any other losses. Please select a range from the following:
$1 – $9,999
$10,000 - $19,999
$20,000 – $49,999
$50,000 - $99,999
More than $500,000
Don’t Know
Does not apply
Did your business apply for financial assistance during the pandemic? YES/NO/DK
[If Yes] What types of financial support have been applied for and received during the pandemic? (Check all that apply)
Applied? |
If received, When? |
a. Federal assistance, e.g. Paycheck Protection Program (please specify):
b. State assistance, e.g. North Carolina COVID-19 Rapid Recovery Lending Program (please specify):
c. Local assistance (please specify):
d. Other (please specify):
How did you finance your business' recovery from the Hurricanes? Please circle the two sources that covered the greatest percentage of the expense.
Personal savings |
Credit card |
Corporate assistance (or assistance from another branch/location) |
Insurance |
Donations |
Private bank loans |
Crowdfunding |
Assistance from friends or family |
Federal assistance programs (e.g. Small Business Administration loans) |
(List:______________________________________________________) |
State assistance programs (e.g. Resilient Recovery Loan Program) |
(List:______________________________________________________) |
Local assistance programs (e.g. grant or loan from the city or local non-profit) (List:______________________________________________________) |
Other: |
Other: |
15. Did this business previously carry, currently carry, or plan to have any of the following insurance coverage? (YES/ NO / DK)
Insurance Coverage |
Previously carried |
Currently carry |
Plan to in next 6 months |
a. Business property insurance on contents |
b. Flood insurance on contents (NFIP)* |
c. Business income interruption insurance |
d. Business liability insurance |
16. Has this business adopted or have plans to adopt any of the following preparedness or mitigation strategies? (Please indicate the year adopted or planning to adopt)
Action |
Year adopted |
Plan to in the future |
N/A |
a. Floodproofing of the building |
c. Secured a secondary storage location |
d. Had the building structurally assessed by an engineer |
e. Performed risk assessment to identify business vulnerability to extreme weather events |
f. Adopted strategies to stay informed of weather watches and warnings |
g. Assigned disaster responsibilities to specific employees |
h. Performed emergency management drills regularly |
i. Developed a formal emergency action plan or checklist |
j. Backed up all important documents |
k. Store Inventory and other supplies in higher locations |
l. Curbside pick-up |
m. Develop/update telework plans |
n. Establish or increase remote/online sales capacity |
o. Keeping an emergency fund (“rainy day” money on-hand) |
p Other: |
q Other: |
17. How confident are you that the following services will be provided after a disaster event?
Have you secured an alternative provider (e.g. changed cell carrier, bought a generator, drilled a well, etc.)?
Utility |
Certainty that this utility will be available 2-3 days after an event 0= Very uncertain 5= Very certain |
The business has found an alternative provider or source |
a. Electricity |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
b. Water |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
c. Natural Gas |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
d. Sewer/septic |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
e. Landline Phone |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
f. Cell Phone |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
g. IT/Internet |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
h. cable TV |
0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A |
1. yes 2. no |
18. Has this business ever considered moving locations?
Yes, within Lumberton
Yes, outside of Lumberton
No, never considered
19. In your opinion, TODAY how well-mitigated and prepared is your business to deal with hurricanes?
Very well (SKIP TO QUESTION 20)
Somewhat well (SKIP TO QUESTION 20)
Very poorly
Don’t know
19b. Why do you feel your business is poorly mitigated and prepared? [Please circle all that apply]
Lack of money
Lack of time
Lack of workers
Lack of information on how to mitigate and prepare for hurricanes
Other (SPECIFY): ________________________________________________
20. How many full time and part time employees does this business have?
Full time __________ Part time ____________
21. Does this business own or rent the space?
Own (including buying the building with mortgage)
Other (please specify) __________________________________
22. If there were any public health restrictions (e.g., stay-at-home orders, movement limitations, limits on public gatherings, or requirements for social distancing), is/was your organization designated as:
Some segments were essential, some were not
Not sure/don’t know
Loan Choice Activity
Suppose a hurricane reduces the capacity of your business by 50% for an expected period of a year, bank loans are not an option, and a local Chamber of Commerce decides to provide loans to all businesses in your community to help mitigate the impacts. Three months after the hurricane, you are automatically pre-approved for the loan, and the loan is interest free for up to 5 years.
We are interested in understanding your preferences for various types of loans. Please answer the following hypothetical questions.
Conditions |
Loan A |
Loan B |
No Loan |
When are the funds of the loan available |
30 days |
180 days |
The total value of the loan |
2 months of your typical payroll |
6 months of your typical payroll |
Please select one of the following:
I would apply for Loan A
I would apply for Loan B
I would not apply for a Loan
Conditions |
Loan A |
Loan B |
No Loan |
When are the funds of the loan available |
180 days |
360 days |
The total value of the loan |
2 months of your typical payroll |
6 months of your typical payroll |
Please select one of the following:
I would apply for Loan A
I would apply for Loan B
I would not apply for a Loan
Conditions |
Loan A |
Loan B |
No Loan |
When are the funds of the loan available |
30 days |
360 days |
The total value of the loan |
2 months of your typical payroll |
6 months of your typical payroll |
Please select one of the following:
I would apply for Loan A
I would apply for Loan B
I would not apply for a Loan
24. How many years have you worked as a business owner/manager? _____________ (years)
25. What is your age? ________________ (years)
26. Are you Hispanic? You may skip this question. 1. Yes 2. No
27. What is your race? Please choose one or more. You may skip this question.
1. White 2. Black or African American 3. American Indian or Native American 4. Asian (Asian Indian, Chinese, Korean, etc.) 5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
28. What is your number of years of schooling? Enter number of years _______
28.a. Indicate type of diploma or degree: 1. High School 2. Associate degree 3. Bachelors 4. Masters or higher degree
We would like to get some additional information from you in order to make future surveys easier and at your convenience. Would you be willing to provide your first name and email address? YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY EMAILS BEYOND OUR REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION ON THIS SURVEY.
Business Email:________________________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | yu Xiao |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |