Market Developer Cooperator Program (MDCP) Preliminary Eligibility Assessment

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ITA MDCP Eligibility App Extract

Market Developer Cooperator Program (MDCP) Preliminary Eligibility Assessment

OMB: 0690-0038

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OMB Control Number: 0690-0038

Expiration Date: 07/31/2023

MDCP El-App Content


Market Developer Cooperator Program 

Preliminary Eligibility Assessment

Is Your Organization Eligible for MDCP Funding?

Our Preliminary Eligibility Assessment, hereafter referred to as “Eligibility Assessment”, provides a preliminary determination of your eligibility for the program based on your answers to questions about your organization.

This is not an MDCP application, and the
preliminary eligibility results presented are only an estimate based on the limited information gathered within the assessment. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most thorough and accurate ways to determine if you qualify for MDCP funds.  

Public Burden Statement

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0690-0038. Without this approval, we could not conduct this assessment. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 5 minutes/hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the International Trade Administration Paperwork Reduction Act Program: or to Leo Kim, ITA PRA Officer:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are assessment responses submitted to the International Trade Administration?   If you opt to receive a copy of the preliminary assessment outcome then yes, a copy of your response will be sent to the MDCP team for reference.

Requesting a copy of the assessment outcome is not required to learn the assessment outcome.

Where is the preliminary assessment outcome communicated? The outcome is communicated within the assessment as responses are provided. 

How do I obtain a copy of the eligibility assessment?  
Provide your email when prompted to receive a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment.  

How do I exit the assessment?  Y To exit the assessment, close the browser window in which the assessment is displayed within.

What resources are available if I have questions?
  The assessment provides the option to request a follow-up from an MDCP staff member at the end.

Where can I learn more about applying for the MDCP?  Visit to learn more about applying for MDCP funding and other available resources. 

Click "Next" To Review & Accept the Privacy Disclaimer

Privacy Disclaimer


Protecting your privacy is important to us. We collect personal information from you to provide the best possible service and to comply with legal requirements. Our collection and use of your personal information is governed by a System of Records Notice (SORN) that has been published in the Federal Register ( This notice describes the types of personal information we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.  You have the right to view, change, or delete your personal data that we have collected. If you would like to view your personal data, please contact us and we will provide you with the information you need to access your data. If you find that any of your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request that we update or correct it. Additionally, you have the right to request that we delete your personal data, subject to certain exceptions. Please contact us if you would like to exercise any of these rights at We will respond to your request promptly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Terms of Use Acceptance

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I do not accept the Terms of Use


Please select the eligibility category which best describes your organization:

Nonprofit Industry Organization 

Trade Association 

State Department of Trade or a Regional Association 

Private Industry (Private industry firms or groups of firms) 


Is your Nonprofit Organization:

A Small Business Development Center 

Recognized by the World Trade Center’s Association   

Granted Status as a Nonprofit Under 26 USC 501(c)


Select the option that best describes your organization:

Is your organization is fee-based?

Does your organization consist of member firms?

In the same industry, or in related industries, or which share common commercial concerns


Select the option that best describes your organization:
A Department of the State Government

An association(s) of the departments of trade (as defined above) of two or more states 

Entities within a state or within a region that is associated with a state dept. of trade, tourism, or other type of economic development including non-profit, non-private, non-commercial entities?


Is your private industry a firm or group of firms? 



Is  your organization operating as a U.S. Small Business Administration entity?



Are you operating as, or is your purpose a chamber of commerce, board of trade, business, export/trade council/ interest group, visitor’s bureau or tourism promotion group, economic development group, small business development center, or port authority?




Is the purpose of your trade association to further the commercial interests of members through the exchange of information, legislative activities, and the like? 




Is your organization tasked with promoting trade, tourism, or other types of economic development?




Is your organization at least partially funded by, directed by, or tasked by a state government to promote trade, tourism, or other types of economic development?





Is there a non-profit, trade association, or state department entity that represents your organization's industry? 



Can your organization provide a copy of the SBA agreement? 




Is your organization able to provide evidence of the listing? 




Can your organization provide documentation of authorizing legislation, official organization chart, or similar document not prepared for purposes of an MDCP application? 



Can your organization provide documentation demonstrating that no non-profit, trade association, or state department entity represents their industry?



Can your organization provide audited financial statements for the most recent year available?



Can your organization provide evidence that establishes your organization as an incorporation, charter, or similar document from a U.S. state, district, or territory that establishes the organization as a separate legal entity? 



Can your organization provide acknowledgement of 501(c) non-profit status from IRS or an auditor? 



Can your organization provide legislation, executive order, or other authoritative evidence?



Is your organization operating as an entity recognized by the World Trade Centers Association? 




Is your organization able to provide financial statements for the most recent year available?




Are you operating as, or is your purpose a chamber of commerce, board of trade, business, export/trade council/interest group, visitors' bureau, tourism promotion group, economic development group, port authority, or administrator or guarantor of legal rights associated with commerce?




Can your organization provide evidence that establishes your organization as an incorporation, charter, or similar document from a U.S. state, district, or territory that establishes the organization as a separate legal entity? 




Can your organization provide financial statements for the most recent year available?




Can your organization provide evidence that establishes your organization as an incorporation, charter, or similar document from a U.S. state, district, or territory that establishes the organization as a separate legal entity? 




Is your organization able to provide financial statements for the most recent year available?




Can your organization provide documentation of authorizing legislation, official organization chart, or similar document not prepared for purposes of an MDCP application?




Is your organization able to provide financial statements or listings from the accounting system of the parent organization?  




Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as an organization that has been granted status as a nonprofit under 26 USC 501(c) or another legal authority for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to be operating as, or have as its purpose a chamber of commerce, board of trade, business, export/trade council/interest group, visitors' bureau, tourism promotion group, economic development group, port authority, or administrator or guarantor of legal rights associated with commerce.

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Email me a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss the assessment results.

Email me a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a trade organization, for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to provide financial statements for the most recent year available. 

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:
Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as an organization that has been granted status as a nonprofit under 26 USC 501(c) or another legal authority, or a state department of trade for the purposes of the MDCP,  your organization needs to provide evidence that establishes your organization as a separate U.S. legal entity.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as an organization that has been granted status as a nonprofit by either 26 USC 501(c) or another legal authority for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to provide financial statements for the most recent year available. 

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  
 Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as an organization that has been granted status as a nonprofit by either 26 USC 501(c) or another legal authority for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to provide evidence of legislation, an executive order, or other authoritative evidence.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a nonprofit small business development center for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to be operating as a U.S. Small business administration entity.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

If your organization is registered with the Small Business Administration (SBA), a copy of your organization's SBA agreement is required in support of the MDCP application.

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as nonprofit World Trade Center organization, the submitting entity needs to be recognized as a World Trade Centers Association entity.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as nonprofit World Trade Center entity for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to be operating as a World Trade Centers Association entity.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as nonprofit World Trade Center entity for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to provide evidence of a listing.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a trade association for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization needs to be furthering the commercial interests of its members through the exchange of information, legislative activities and the like.   

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a state department of trade or regional association for the purposes of the MDCP, your organization must be tasked with promotion trade, tourism, or other types of economic development.

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as state department of trade or regional association for the purposes of MDCP, your organization must provide documentation of authorizing legislation, an official organizational chart, or a similar document not prepared for the purposes of the MDCP application.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify, for the purposes of the MDCP as state department of trade or regional association entity within a state or within a region that is associated with a state of trade, tourism or other types of economic development including non-profit, non-private, and non-commercial entities, your organization must be at least partially funded by directed by, or tasked by a state government to promote trade, tourism, or other types of economic development.   

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

For purposes of MDCP organizations may qualify as private industries only when they are a private industry firm or operate within a group of firms and when no other options represent the industry i.e., state departments, trade associations, nonprofit.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

Organizations may qualify as private industries for purposes of MDCP only when they can provide documentation demonstrating that no other options represent their industry i.e., Nonprofit, trade associations, or state departments. 

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify for purposes of the MDCP, as a state department of trade or a regional association, submitting organizations need to provide documentation of authorizing legislation, an official organizational chart, or similar documents not prepared for the purposes of the MDCP application.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify for purposes of the MDCP as a state department of trade or a regional association, submitting organizations need to provide financial statements or listings from the accounting system of the parent organization.   

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a private industry for purposes of the MDCP documentation demonstrating that no entity in the other categories listed represents their industry. 

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results
Unfortunately, the preliminary results show that your organization is not eligible.

To qualify as a private industry for the purposes of the MDCP the other categories such as small business, trade associations, state departments of trade/regional associations must not represent the applying organization.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Preliminary Eligibility Results:  Eligible

Based on the responses provided, your organization has been preliminarily identified as eligible for MDCP.  

This is not an MDCP application, and the determination of preliminary eligibility is only an estimate based on the limited information that was submitted. Speaking with an MDCP staff member and applying are the most accurate ways to determine if an organization qualifies to apply for MDCP funds.  Find details about applying to the MDCP at

Please indicate how you would like to proceed:

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment and have an MDCP staff member contact me to discuss these assessment results.

Send a copy of the preliminary eligibility assessment without a follow-up from an MDCP staff member.


Please provide the following contact details: 




File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBrenda Abbott (Contractor)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-20

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