SSA-2010-F6 - Current

SSA-2010-F6 (current).pdf

Questionnaire About Special Veterans Benefits

SSA-2010-F6 - Current

OMB: 0960-0782

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Form SSA-2010 (03-2023)
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Social Security Administration

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OMB No. 0960-0782

Statement for Determining Continuing Entitlement for
Special Veterans Benefits (SVB)
Date Sent
Date Received
Processing Office/Reviewer
Please answer the questions on this form as completely as possible. If you are filling out this form for
someone else, answer the questions as they apply to that person.
1. Name of Beneficiary
Social Security Number
Residence Address of the Beneficiary

2. Name of Representative Payee (if applicable)
3. Is the Beneficiary deceased?
Date of Death

Social Security Number

If beneficiary is deceased, go to last page, sign, date,
and provide your information as requested.

Go to question 4.

4. Since you first began receiving Special Veteran's Benefits, have you returned to the United States for
longer than a full calendar month?
If you had a benefit review in the past, provide the information since the last review.

Go to 4A.


Go to question 5.

A. Provide the dates which you were in the United States for longer than a full calendar month. Be as
detailed as possible, providing at a minimum the month and year that you were in the United States.


Form SSA-2010 (03-2023)

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5. Have you ever been deported or been removed from the United States?

Date of deportation or removal

Go to question 6.

6. Are you receiving income other than SVB?

Go to question 7.
Go to signature page

7. Provide the source and amounts of your benefit income since you began receiving SVB.
If you had a benefit review in the past, provide the information since the last review.
List the source and amount separately in chronological order. If you receive additional income in foreign
currency, please list the type and amount of foreign currency. Please attach evidence of all reported income.
use the remarks section if you need additional space. Do not list any Social Security payments. List any
earned income, pensions or other income you may be receiving.

Source of benefit

Amount of income
and currency type



Form SSA-2010 (03-2023)

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REMARKS SPACE: You may use this space for any explanations. If you need more space, attach a
separate sheet of paper. If you are continuing an answer to a question, please write the number of the
question first.

Form SSA-2010 (03-2023)

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IMPORTANT: I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this
form, and on any accompanying statements or forms, and it is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that anyone who knowingly gives a false or misleading statement about a
material fact in this information, or causes someone else to do so, commits a crime, may be sent to
prison, face other penalties, or both.
SIGNATURE (First name, middle initial, last name)

DATE (Month, Day, Year)
(include area code)

MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street, Apt. No., P.O. Box, or Rural Route)



Witnesses are required ONLY if this statement has been signed by mark (X). If signed by mark (X), two
witnesses to the signing who know the individual must sign below, giving their full addresses.

ADDRESS (Number and street, City, State and
Postal Code, Country)

ADDRESS (Number and street, City, State and Postal
Code, Country)

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Privacy Act Statement
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Sections 808 and 810 of the Social Security Act, as amended, allow us to collect this information. Furnishing
us this information is voluntary. However, failing to provide all or part of the information may prevent an
accurate and timely decision on your claim, and could result in the loss of some payments.
We will use the information you provide to determine if you are entitled to continued Special Veteran’s
Benefits and the correct payment amount. We may also share your information for the following purposes,
called routine uses:
• To representative payees, when the information pertains to individuals for whom they serve as
representative payees, for the purpose of assisting SSA in administering its representative payment
responsibilities under title VIII and assisting the representative payees in performing their duties as
payees, including receiving and accounting for benefits for individuals for whom they serve as
payees; and
• To contractors and other Federal Agencies, as necessary, for the purpose of assisting us in the
efficient administration of our programs. We will disclose information under this routine use only in
situations in which we may enter into a contractual or similar agreement to obtain assistance in
accomplishing an SSA function relating to this system of records.
In addition, we may share this information in accordance with the Privacy Act and other Federal laws. For
example, where authorized, we may use and disclose this information in computer matching programs, in
which our records are compared with other records to establish or verify a person’s eligibility for Federal
benefit programs and for repayment of incorrect or delinquent debts under these programs.
A list of additional routine uses is available in our Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs) 60-0089,
entitled Claims Folders System, as published in the Federal Register (FR) on October 31, 2019, at 84 FR
58422; 60-0103, entitled Supplemental Security Income Record and Special Veterans Benefits, as
published in the FR on January 11, 2006, at 71 FR 1830; and 60-0273, entitled Social Security Title VIII
Special Veterans Benefits Claims Development and Management Information System, as published in the
FR on March 14, 2000, at 65 FR 13803. Additional information, and a full listing of all our SORNs, is
available on our website at

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. §
3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these
questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. We estimate
that it will take about 20 minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions.
Send only comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection, including
suggestions for reducing this burden to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401.

Form SSA-2010 (03-2023)

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You must report to the Social Security Administration if:


You change your mailing address or residence.
You return to or visit the United States for a calendar month or longer.
You become unable to manage your benefits.
You have been deported or removed from the United States.
You have an unsatisfied warrant for your arrest for a felony crime in the United States, or in U.S.
jurisdictions that do not define crimes as felonies, for a crime that is punishable by death or
imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
You are in violation of a condition of probation or parole.
You receive an increase or decrease in a pension, annuity or another recurring payment. Some
examples of payments are retirement, workers' compensation, veterans' benefits, or disability benefits.
You move to another country.
Your family, representative payee or other knowledgeable person must notify the Social Security
Administration if you die.

If you are outside the United States and have questions or have changes to report, you may contact one of
the offices shown below.
• If you live in the Philippines, please call the Social Security Administration at: 632-301-2000 Ext. 9
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may write or visit the Social Security
Administration, 1201 Roxas Blvd., Ermita 0930 Manila. You also may e-mail the Social Security
Administration in Manila, Philippines at:
• If you live in American Samoa, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Samoa or the Virgin Islands, contact the
nearest U.S. Social Security office.
• If you live in Mexico, contact the nearest U.S. Social Security office or the nearest U.S. Embassy
or consulate.
If you live in any other country, contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate. Visit for a complete list of these offices.
If you are in the United States and have questions, you may visit our website at or
call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. We can answer specific questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday
through Friday. We can provide information by automated phone service 24 hours a day.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSSA-2010 - Statement for Determining Continuing Entitlement for Special Veterans Benefits (SVB)
SubjectSSA-2010 - Statement for Determining Continuing Entitlement for Special Veterans Benefits (SVB)
File Modified2023-03-23
File Created2023-03-21

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