OMB No. 0938-1424
Expires xx/xx, 20xx
Appendix D.2 Voicemail and Email Messages for Nursing Homes
Voicemail Script
Hello, you should have recently received a letter from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, about an important national telephone survey being conducted regarding quality improvement activities.
We’re calling you on behalf of CMS to schedule a convenient time for you to complete this 20-minute survey.
Please call 877-215-6663 (again, that number is 877-215-6663) to schedule a convenient time when you can complete this important survey or respond to the email which we will send after this call. Self-scheduling is also available at [THG application program link].
We hope [Facility Name] will participate in the survey and provide information that will help CMS improve its programs.
Thank you.
Email Text
Dear [Name of Respondent],
You should have recently received a letter from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, about an important national telephone survey being conducted regarding quality improvement activities. The survey is being directed to both nursing homes which received the technical assistance provided by the CMS-funded Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) contractors, as well as nursing homes who did not receive this assistance. The survey will be conducted among facilities that serve Medicare beneficiaries as part of CMS’ efforts to improve the quality of care for beneficiaries. CMS has partnered with Booz Allen Hamilton and their survey partner, The HENNE Group, to conduct this survey.
This email is a follow-up to the voicemail message left previously, by The HENNE Group, on behalf of CMS asking for help to complete this 20-minute survey about quality improvement efforts in your nursing home. This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The OMB approval number for this survey is 0938-1424.
This survey is voluntary, but please know that [Facility Name] was carefully chosen to ensure that our findings represent different types of facilities across the nation.
We hope [Facility Name] will participate in the survey and provide information that will help CMS improve its programs. For verification that this is not a phishing attempt, you may visit (a CMS resource) for a verifying statement of the survey activity.
Please let us know if there is a preferred time for us to call you to complete this important survey. You can either respond back to this email (, call us at 877-215-6663, or utilize this link [THG application program link] to schedule a time that would be convenient for you.
If you are having difficulty scheduling or have another question for CMS, please contact my CMS lead staff person for this survey activity, Jeff Mokry at
Thank you in advance for your participation in this study.
Anita Monteiro, MBA, MSHCA, MA, BSN
Director, Quality Improvement and Innovation Group CMS Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Appendix C.2 Voicemail and Email Messages for Nursing Homes |
Subject | NQIIC Quick Program Evaluation Survey |
Author | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-25 |