Annual Report for Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities

Annual and Incident Reports for Gas Pipeline Operators

Form Redline LNG Annual instructions PHMSA F 7100.3-1

Annual Report for Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities

OMB: 2137-0522

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Instructions (rev 10-2014) for PHMSA F 7100.3-1 (rev 10-2014)



All section references are to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR). This Annual Report
is required per §191.17 and must be filed per §191.7. Read through the Annual Report and instructions
carefully before beginning to complete the Report. Where common data elements exist between this
Report and an operator’s NPMS submission, the data submitted by the operator on their Annual Report
should be the same as the data submitted through NPMS when possible. (Additionally, and in order to
align an operator’s NPMS submission with their Annual Report data, PHMSA suggests that operators
send their NPMS submission to PHMSA by March 15, representing LNG assets as of December 31 of
the previous year.)
Each operator of a liquefied natural gas facility must submit an Annual Report for that system on DOT
Form PHMSA F 7100.3–1. This report must be submitted each year, not later than March 15, for the
preceding calendar year. In order to improve the accuracy of reported data, operators are requested to
review prior years’ Reports in order to validate that their reported numbers are accurate, or to identify
and correct inconsistencies or errors that are either found or that may exist in any previously reported
data. Operators should file Supplemental Reports as necessary, including those supplementing prior
years’ Reports.
The terms “component,” “liquefied natural gas or LNG,” “LNG Facility,” “LNG Plant,” and “operator”,
are defined in §193.2007.
If you need copies of the Form PHMSA F 7100.3-1 and/or instructions, they can be found on The documents are included in the section titled
Accident/Incident/Annual Reporting Forms. If you have questions about this Report or these
at or 202-366-8075.

Annual Reports must be submitted online through the PHMSA Portal at, unless an alternate method is approved (see Alternate Reporting
Methods below).
You will not be able to submit reports until you have met all of the Portal registration requirements –
Completing these registration requirements could take several weeks. Plan ahead and register well in
advance of the report due date.

Use the following procedure for online reporting:
1. Go to the PHMSA Portal at
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Instructions (rev 10-2014) for PHMSA F 7100.3-1 (rev 10-2014)



2. Enter PHMSA Portal Username and Password ; press enter
3. Select OPID; press “continue” button.
4. Under “Create Reports” on the left side of the screen, under Annual select “LNG ”
and proceed with entering your data. Only one Annual Report for an OPID may be
submitted per year.
5. To save intermediate work without formally submitting it to PHMSA, click Save. To
modify a draft of an Annual Report that you saved, go to Saved Reports and click on
LNG Annual. Locate your saved report by the date or report year. Select the record
by clicking on it once, and then click Modify below the record.
6. Once all sections of the form have been completed, click on Validate to ensure all
required fields have been completed and data meets all other requirements. A list of
errors will be generated that must be fixed prior to submitting an Annual Report.
7. Click Submit when you have completed the Report (for either an Initial Report or a
Supplemental Report), and are ready to initiate formal submission of your Report to
8. A confirmation message will appear that confirms a record has been successfully
submitted. To save or print a copy of your submission, go to Submitted Reports on
the left hand side, and click on LNG Annual. Locate your submitted report by the date
or report year, and then click on the PDF icon to either open the file and print it, or
save an electronic copy.
9. To submit a Supplemental Report, go to Submitted Reports on the left hand side, and
click on LNG Annual. Locate your submitted report by the date or report year. Select
the record by clicking on it once, and then click “Create Supplemental”.
Alternate Reporting Methods
Operators for whom electronic reporting imposes an undue burden and hardship may submit a written
request for an alternate reporting method. Operators must follow the requirements in §191.7(d) to request
an alternate reporting method and must comply with any conditions imposed as part of PHMSA’s
approval of an alternate reporting method.

Make an entry in each block for which data is available. Estimate data only if necessary. Avoid entering
any data as UNKNOWN or 0 (zero) except where zero is appropriate to indicate that there were no
instances or amounts of the attribute being reported.

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Complete all sections of Part A before continuing to Part B.
1. Operator’s 5-digit Identification Number (OPID)
For online entries, the OPID will automatically populate based on the selection you made when entering
the Portal. If you have log-in credentials for multiple OPID, be sure the report is being created for the
appropriate OPID. Contact PHMSA’s Information Resources Manager at 202-366-8075 if you need
assistance with an OPID. Business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

2. Name of Company or Establishment
This is the company name associated with the OPID. When completing the report online, the Name
of Operator is automatically filled in based on the OPID entered in Part A, Question 1. If the name
that appears is not correct, you need to submit an Operator Name Change (Type A) Notification.

If the company corresponding to the OPID is a subsidiary, enter the name of the parent company.
3. Individual where additional information may be obtained
Enter the name, title, email address, and telephone number of the individual who should be contacted
if additional information regarding this Report submission is needed.
4. Headquarters address
For online entries, the headquarters address will automatically populate based on the OPID entered in
A1. If the address that appears is not correct, you need to change it in the online Contacts module.

Report in Part B all facilities associated with a geographically distinct plant as they existed at the end of
the reporting year. Do not report facilities at the same plant in separate Parts B.
The Name, ID, and Status of the Plant/Facility, should be EXACTLY THE SAME as NPMS fields
LNG_NM, LNG_ID, and STATUS_CD, and the State where the fixed Plant/Facility is located must
match the location submitted to NPMS. It should be noted that the LNG Facility ID (LNG_ID in NPMS)
is a unique ID for a specific facility and is assigned by the Operator.
When reporting the location for Mobile/Temporary facilities, enter the postal zip code where they are
typically stored.

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Interstate or Intrastate
Select Interstate if the LNG Plant/Facility operates under a certificate from the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC). Select Intrastate if the LNG Plant/Facility does not operate under a
FERC certificate.
The following descriptions apply to the Type of LNG Plant options:
Base Load: A plant that operates throughout the year to provide gas supply.
Peak Shaving: LNG peak shaving plants are used for storing surplus natural gas for use during peak
demand periods such as winter and summer.
Satellite: Satellite peak shaving plants do not include process equipment to convert natural gas to LNG.
Instead, trucks deliver LNG for storage on site. Satellite peak shaving plants typically inject natural gas
into distribution pipeline systems.
Mobile/Temporary: Mobile LNG plants are those not characterized as permanent infrastructure that
are designed to be easily moved, e.g. skid-mounted or trailer-mounted, or otherwise portable (see NFPA
59A). Temporary LNG plants are those used for short term applications to provide supply during planned
construction and maintenance activities or in cases of unplanned events such as peakshaving to meet
unanticipated demand.
Other: Describe the Plant type in the space provided.
Report in Part C1 unintentional escapes of LNG, liquefied petroleum gas, refrigerant gas, or other gas
from the plant that are not reportable as Incidents under §191.3. Report in C2 repair of such leaks A
non-hazardous release that can be eliminated by lubrication, adjustment, or tightening is not a leak.
Report leaks originating in plant piping and equipment, storage tanks, or other locations separately as
indicated on the form. Include all leaks repaired or eliminated, including by replaced pipe or other
component during the calendar year. Do not include test failures.
For the purposes of this Part C, Leaks are to be classified as either:
EXTERNAL CORROSION: includes releases or failures in the pipe or other component due to
galvanic, bacterial, chemical, stray current, or other corrosive action initiating on the outside surface of
the pipe. For PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes the “External Corrosion” sub- cause
under F1 – Corrosion Failure.
INTERNAL CORROSION: includes releases or failures in the pipe or other component due to
galvanic, bacterial, chemical, stray current, or other corrosive action initiating on the inside surface of
the pipe. From PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes the “Internal Corrosion” subcause under F1 – Corrosion Failure.
NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE: includes releases or failures resulting from earth movement,
earthquakes, landslides, subsidence, lightning, heavy rains/floods, washouts, flotation, mudslide,
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scouring, temperature, frost heave, frozen components, high winds, or similar natural causes. For
PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes main cause F2.
EXCAVATION DAMAGE: includes releases or failures resulting directly from excavation damage
by operator's personnel (oftentimes referred to as “first party” excavation damage) or by the operator’s
contractor (oftentimes referred to as “second party” excavation damage) or by people or contractors not
associated with the operator (oftentimes referred to as “third party” excavation damage). Also, includes
releases or failures determined to have resulted from previous damage due to excavation activity. This
category would include damage to aboveground facilities or piping when incurred during the conduct
of excavation activity. For damage from outside forces OTHER than those associated with excavation
activity, Natural Force Damage or Other Outside Force Damage will most likely apply. For PHMSA’s
LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes main cause F3.
OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE: includes, but are not limited to, releases or failures resulting
from non-excavation-related outside forces, such as nearby industrial, man-made, or other fire or
explosion; damage by vehicles or other equipment; releases or failures due to mechanical damage; and,
intentional damage including vandalism and terrorism. For PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form,
this includes main cause F4.
IN-PLANT PIPING OR WELD: Use one of these next three categories to report material failures only
if the item involved in the Incident or leak is in-plant piping or welds. These include releases in or
failures from defects or anomalies within the material of the pipe body or within the pipe seam or other
weld due to faulty manufacturing procedures, defects resulting from poor construction/installation
practices, and in-service stresses such as vibration, fatigue, and low temperature embrittlement. For
PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes main cause F5.
releases or failures caused by a dent, gouge, excessive stress, or some other defect or
anomaly introduced during the process of constructing, installing, or fabricating in-plant
piping (or welds which are an integral part of in-plant piping), including welding or other
activities performed at the facility. For PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this
includes the sub-cause of the same name under F5.
ORIGINAL MANUFACTURING-RELATED: includes releases or failures caused by
a defect or anomaly introduced during the process of manufacturing the pipe used in inplant piping, including seam defects and defects in the pipe body. For PHMSA’s LNG
Incident Reporting form, this includes the sub-cause of the same name under F5.
LOW TEMPERATURE EMBRITTLEMENT: includes releases in or failures of inplant piping or welds due to the effect of handling cryogenic fluids. Embrittlement failure
of equipment other than in-plant piping or weld, including due to effects of spilled or
leaking cryogenic fluids, should be reported under Equipment Failure. For PHMSA’s LNG
Incident Reporting form, this includes the sub-cause of the same name under F5.
EQUIPMENT FAILURE: includes releases from or failures of items other than in-plant piping or
welds, and includes releases or failures resulting from: malfunction of control/relief equipment including
valves, regulators, or other instrumentation; failures of pumps or compressors, or pump- or compressorrelated equipment; failures of various types of connectors, connections, and
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appurtenances; failures of the body of equipment, vessel plate, or other material (including those caused
by: construction-, installation-, or fabrication-related and original manufacturing-related defects or
anomalies; and low temperature embrittlement); and, all other equipment-related releases or failures. For
PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes main cause F6.
INCORRECT OPERATION: includes releases or failures resulting from operating, maintenance,
repair, or other errors by facility personnel, including, but not limited to improper valve selection or
operation, inadvertent overpressurization, or improper selection or installation of equipment. For
PHMSA’s LNG Incident Reporting form, this includes main cause F7.
OTHER CAUSES: includes releases or failures resulting from any other cause not listed above,
including those of a miscellaneous or unknown or unknowable nature. For PHMSA’s LNG Incident
Reporting form, this includes main cause F8.
Do NOT report events that were reported as Safety-Related Conditions (SRC) under §191.23. If a SRC
report was not filed because corrective action was completed before the filing deadline, include the event
in Part D. Report the number of non-SRC events that were determined to be significant to safety that
occurred at the plants during the reporting year, such as movement of tanks and/or tank foundations and
impairment of the structural integrity or safety of tanks, piping, or other LNG plant equipment or
components. Conditions or events that resulted in a release of LNG, liquefied petroleum gas, refrigerant
gas, or other gas from the plant should be reported in Part C.
Rollover refers to an event in which significant stratification has occurred within a tank and, as a result,
significant quantities of liquefied gas suddenly relocate due to differences in density. Rollovers have
resulted in damage to storage facilities and are safety significant events for LNG carriers and their
unloading operations at import terminals.
Security Breach refers to an actual breach of security. Actuation of security alarms due to circumstances
other than an actual breach need not be reported.
ESD (Emergency Shutdown Device) Actuations that result from actual emergencies must be reported
as Incidents (§§ 191.3 and 191.15). These events need not be reported again here. Report in this Part
ESD Actuations that resulted from causes other than an actual emergency. Report ESD Actuations that
resulted from a false signal separately from those resulting from maintenance or other non-emergency
event at the facility. Do not report intentional, non-emergency ESD’s.
Insulation Degradation refers to reduced effectiveness of insulation (e.g., loss of vacuum) requiring
corrective action. Do not include instances of insulation degradation that contributed to or resulted in a
leak or reportable incident.
Other Types should include major meteorological or geophysical disturbances or other events that the
operator considers to have been significant to safety. Do not report again any events that have been
included in other rows of Part D.

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Report estimated volume of natural gas and LNG in million cubic feet (MMCF) of natural gas. Do not
include releases of commodities that are not predominately composed of methane. Include both
unintentional and intentional releases. The locations for reported emissions from leaks correspond to the
leak locations in Part C.

The Preparer is the person who compiled the information and prepared the responses to the Report. Enter
the Preparer’s name and title, and e-mail address if the Preparer has one, and the phone and fax numbers
used by the Preparer.

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File Modified2023-04-27
File Created2023-04-27

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