Formula Grant EASIE Electronic Application System for Indian Education

1810-0021 OIE EASIE Part I_2023

OMB: 1810-0021

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OMB Number 1810-0021

Expiration Date: 6/30/2026




Application for Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)

U.S. Department of Education Office of Indian Education

Program Overview

This package contains instructions and forms for Part I of grant applications for the Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies Program (CFDA 84.060A). The purpose of the Indian Education Formula Grant program, as authorized under Section 6112 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA), is to support the efforts of LEAs, Indian Tribes and organizations and other entities in developing their efforts to reform elementary and secondary school programs for Indian students that are designed to meet the unique cultural, language and educational needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students, and ensure that all students meet the challenging State academic standards. The instructions in this hard-copy representation of the application package can be used in developing Part I of your application. All applications must be submitted on-time to ED’s provided electronic application system.

Applying for Funds

Applicants for grants from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) must apply for limited funds. Deadlines assure that all applicants are treated fairly, equally, and without last minute haste. The rules, including the deadline, for applying for each grant are published, individually, in the Federal Register.

Formula Grant EASIE

The method for applying for funds for this program is online using the Formula Grant Electronic Application System for Indian Education (Formula Grant EASIE).

Office of Indian Education

The following is the contact information for the Office of Indian Education (OIE). Website: https://oese.ed.gov/offices/office-of-indian-education/oie-staff-directory/

Telephone: 202-453-6459

Fax: 202-205-0606

Email: Indian.education@ed.gov

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants include:

  1. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) including charter schools authorized as LEAs under State law;

  2. Bureau Funded Schools (BIE);

  3. an Indian Tribe;

  4. Indian organization (IO); and

  5. Indian community-based organizations (ICBO)

Two or more LEAs, Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) funded schools, Indian Tribes, IOs or ICBOs may form a consortium for the purpose of obtaining grants.

Application Due Date

This application, EASIE Part 1, must be submitted on or before 11:59 p.m., ET Washington, D.C. time on XXX XX, 20XX. Please note that eligible applicants for this grant will also need to complete the second part of this application, EASIE Part 2, which has a different due date.

Application Deadlines

Applications submitted must address all required information in order to be funded.

  • Part I of the application consists of selecting the applicant type, entering the Indian and All student count and application cycle.

  • If Part I is submitted by the closing date and is deemed eligible, you will have the opportunity to complete an application for Part II. Part II of the application consists of identifying your program objectives, data sources, and budget details for your project.

When applicable, the applicant also must submit:

    • Signed consortium agreement

    • Signed evidence of eligibility form in lieu of an LEA

    • Indian Parent Committee Approval form

    • Copy of the indirect cost rate agreement

    • Administrative cost limit waiver request

Late Applications will Not be Accepted.

We strongly suggest that you certify your application several days before the deadline. The Department is required to enforce the established deadline to ensure fairness to all applicants. No changes or additions to an application will be accepted after the deadline date and time, except for decreasing a student count. Applicants must meet the deadline and eligibility requirements for both EASIE Part I and Part II to receive a grant. Any application not meeting the Part I and Part II deadlines will not be considered for funding.

Current Contact Information

As part of our review of your application, we may need to contact you with questions for clarification. You must include two contacts when submitting this application: Project Director and Authorized Official Representative. You must provide an email address for each contact. If you have a different designated project director and/or authorized representative other than one listed for the above reference. Please provide that person(s)’ contact information.

ISDEAA Hiring Preference Requirements

Grants made through this program are subject to the provisions of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended. To the greatest extent feasible: (1) preferences and opportunities for training and employment in connection with the administration of the grant must be given to Indians, and (2) preference in the award of contracts in connection with the administration of the grant must be given to Indian organizations and to Indian-owned economic enterprises. (Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act -IDEA § 7(b)). For purposes of this requirement, Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises are defined in the Indian Financing Act of 1974, as amended.


Bureau-funded school means a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). This includes BIE-operated schools, contract or grant schools, or a school for which assistance is provided under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988.

Indian means an individual who is--

  1. A member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940, and any tribe or band recognized by the State in which the tribe or band resides;

  1. A descendant of a parent or grandparent who meets the requirements described in paragraph (1) of this definition;

  2. Considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any purpose;

  3. An Eskimo, Aleut, or other Alaska Native; or

  4. A member of an organized Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect on October 19, 1994.

Indian Community-Based Organization means an organization comprised of Indians (as defined above) that—

  1. Is composed primarily of Indian parents, family members, and community members, tribal government education officials, from a specific community;

  2. Assists in the social, cultural and educational development of Indians in such committee;

  3. Meets the unique cultural, language, and academic needs of Indian students; and

  4. Demonstrates organizational and administrative capacity to manage the grant.

Local Educational Agency is --

  1. A public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a state for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform service functions for, public elementary or secondary schools in: a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a state; or

  2. Such combination of school districts or counties a state recognizes as an administrative agency for its public elementary or secondary schools; or

  3. Any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a public elementary or secondary school.

Specific Instructions for Formula Grant EASIE Part I.

Instructions for the EASIE Part I Cover Sheet

  1. Applicant Name. Identify the name of the entity applying for the Indian Education Formula Grant. If the grantee agency name has changed, contact OIE for more information.

  2. Mailing Address. Identify the mailing address. If the mailing address has changed, contact OIE for information.

Applicant Identification. Identify the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and NCES number. The UEI is a unique twelve-digit number that does not convey any information about the recipient. To do business with the Department of Education, you must—

  1. Have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);

  2. Register both your UEI and TIN numbers with the System for Award Management (SAM) (formerly the Central Contractor Registry), the Government’s primary registrant database;

  3. Provide your UEI on your application; and

  4. Maintain an active SAM registration with current information while your application is under review by the Department and for the duration of the project for an awarded grant.

  1. Application Term Period: Select the application term period. Select: proposed single-year term project, proposed multi-year term or continuing multi-year term project.

You will make only one selection.

  • By choosing a multi-year project, applicants can establish Indian Education Formula Grant project objectives and corresponding activities/services for up to four years.

  • Continuing multi-year applicants (applicants who received an Indian Education formula grant in the previous year), will not have to re-enter information reported in Sections 2 or 3 of EASIE Part II if they have no changes to their description of coordination of services for AI/AN students, and grant project objectives or activities/services. At the end of the four years, applicants will need to submit a new multi-year application and complete all required items in Sections 1-6 in Part II of the application.

  1. Applicant Type. Select the type of applicant: BIE Operated, BIE-Tribally Controlled/Contract Grant School, Local Education Agency (LEA), LEA-Consortium, Indian Community Based Organization (ICBO), Indian Organization (IO), Tribes applying in lieu of LEA.

  2. Partner Identification (for Consortiums). Identify all the entities in the consortium. Consortium, Tribe, Indian Organization and Indian Community-Based Organization applicants to enter their NCES #, name, city, state, and Indian Student Count (ISC) of each participating LEA. Single entity school applicants leave this box blank.

  3. Project Director Name. Identify the name, title, phone number, and email address of the project director. If there is no project director assigned to the grant, identify who is responsible for carrying out program objectives and services.

  4. Authorized Official Representative. Identify the name, title, phone number, and email address of the approved authorized representative (such as Superintendent, Chief, or similar person with legal authority to enter entity into legal contracts) who is legally authorized to approve the application. This is often the school district’s superintendent.

Indian Student Count Form

On this form, report a consolidation of the total number of actual numbers of Indian students for whom the school or district has collected a complete Indian Student Certification Form (ED 506 form) and who were in attendance during the count period. OIE does not collect ED 506 forms as part of the application process but may review your ED 506 forms as part of a program monitoring.

Sections A and B. Complete section A or B according to the type of application checked on the cover page.

LEA, as a single applicant

  • Identify Applicant Name, Address and NCES # in the appropriate space.

  • Complete Section A.

LEA consortium leader

  • All LEAs in a consortium must be in the same state.

  • A consortium leader must meet the same eligibility requirements as consortium members.

  • For each consortium partner (including the lead LEA), enter the name of the LEA and the mailing address and NCES # in the appropriate space.

  • Complete a form labeled “Consortium Total” with the name of the LEA that is the consortium leader; on this form compile the totals from each LEA’s Indian student count form.

  • Complete Section A on each form.

  • Obtain Consortium Member Agreements from each participating consortium LEA.

  • All Consortium Member Agreements must be received no later than the EASIE Part I deadline. The agreement must be scanned and uploaded within the EASIE system.

BIE-funded school

  • Complete Section A by entering the number of Indian students, by category, from the applicant tribe and the number of Indian students, by category, from other Tribes. Select the method used to document Indian student eligibility (e.g., ED-506 forms or ISEP).

  • BIE schools that enter an ISEP count must use the most current Indian student count certified by the BIE.

  • If a BIE funded school forms a consortium with another BIE funded school or with an LEA, follow the instructions for a consortium application by completing separate forms for each LEA and an Indian Student Count Form with compiled numbers.

Indian Tribe and Indian Organization that applies in lieu of an LEA

  • Enter the name of the LEA and the mailing address and NCES # in the appropriate space.

  • Complete Section B by entering the number of Indian students, by category, from the applicant tribe and the number of Indian students, by category, from other Tribes.

  • If an Indian tribe or Indian Organization applies in lieu of more than one LEA, follow the instructions for a consortium application by completing separate forms for each LEA and an Indian Student Count Form with compiled numbers.

  • An Indian tribe and Indian organization must upload with its application an eligibility agreement form no later than the EASIE Part I deadline.

  • The Office of Indian Education will consider for funding only those Indian Tribes and Indian organizations that submit the evidence of eligibility agreement by the EASIE Part I deadline.

  • Eligible Indian children means those children for whom the applicant has a completed Indian Student Eligibility ED 506 form on file at the time of the count. Of the total number of eligible Indian children counted, the Indian children must represent more than one-half. It is the responsibility of the applicant to collect and maintain the Indian student eligibility certification forms on each Indian child. These forms are used to document the total number of Indian students counted to generate funds for the formula grant award.

Indian Community Based Organization (ICBO) that applies in lieu of an LEA

  • Enter the name of the LEA and the mailing address and NCES # in the appropriate space.

  • Complete Section B by entering the number of Indian students, by category, and the number of Indian students, by category, from each LEA.

  • If the ICBO applies in lieu of more than one LEA, follow the instructions for a consortium application by completing separate forms for each LEA and an Indian Student Count Form with compiled numbers.

  • An ICBO must upload with its application, an eligibility agreement form no later than the EASIE Part I deadline.

  • The Office of Indian Education will consider for funding only those ICBO that submit the evidence of eligibility form by the EASIE Part I deadline.

  • Eligible Indian Children means those children for whom the applicant has a completed Indian Student Eligibility ED 506 form on file at the time of the count. It is the responsibility of the applicant to collect and maintain the Indian student eligibility certification forms on each Indian child. These forms are used to document the total number of Indian students counted to generate funds for the formula grant award.

Section C

Section C must be completed on all forms.

  • Based on the entries in Section A or B, enter the total number of all eligible Indian children enrolled in the school or district during the count period.

  • Enter the total number of students enrolled in the school(s) or district(s) – include all students, both Indian and non-Indian students.

  • Enter the Count Period. The Count Period is the span of time during the current school year in which the Indian student count was taken. The count period may be up to 31 consecutive (i.e., calendar) days, inclusive of all dates (Example: Oct. 1-31, 2017). Note: The last day of the count period cannot be a future date and cannot be later than the date the application is signed.

Section D

Section D must be completed on all forms.

  • An authorized representative (certifying/ official user, such as Superintendent, Chief, or similar person with legal authority to enter entity into legal contracts) of the school or district must sign each Indian Student Count by certifying the application. If someone other than the person certifying the application signs the form, provide a letter of authorization with the application to the Office of Indian Education. The authorized representative must be authorized to legally bind the entity.

  • For a consortium application, the consortium leader may be the authorized representative for each consortium partner, therefore the authorized representative is certifying that each LEA partner’s Indian student counts are correct. LEA consortium member agreements must be signed by all participating LEAs and uploaded within the EASIE Part I system by the EASIE Part II deadline date.

  • Provide title of the authorized official representative.

  • The EASIE system will date your certified application. A PDF may then be downloaded.

Formula Grant EASIE Supplemental Documents

The following documents are available for download: https://oese.ed.gov/offices/office-of-indian-


Consortium Agreement (Consortium Agreement)

Consortium agreement document is required of consortium applications. All consortium applicants must upload this document in Part I of its EASIE application.

Tribes Applying in Lieu of LEA (Tribes Evidence of Eligibility Agreement)

Tribes applying in lieu of LEAs will use the required evidence of eligibility agreement for that applicant type. This agreement must be uploaded into the EASIE system prior to certifying the Part I application.

Indian Organization in Lieu of LEA (IO Evidence of Eligibility Agreement)

Indian Organizations applying in lieu of LEAs will use the required evidence of eligibility agreement for this applicant type. This agreement must be uploaded into the EASIE system prior to certifying the Part I application.

Indian Community Based Organizations (ICBO) in Lieu of LEA (ICBO Evidence of Eligibility Agreement) Indian Community Based Organizations applying in lieu of LEAs must use the evidence of eligibility agreement for this applicant type. This agreement must be uploaded into the EASIE system prior to certifying the Part I application.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Indian Education

Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant to LEAs Part I Sample Cover Page

Complete the EASIE Part I Cover Sheet with the appropriate information.

    1. Applicant Name

    1. Mailing Address

Note: If the mailing address has changed, please check the below box and update the information in the spaces below.


Mailing Address Updated

Mailing Address

City, State, Zip

    1. Grantee Identification:

      1. UEI #

      2. NCES #

    1. Application Term Period:

  • Single-Year Application

  • Multi-Year Application

    • Continue Current Multi-Year Application (Year of 4)

    • New Multi-Year Application

    1. Applicant Type:

  • LEA (Not part of a Consortium)

  • LEA (Consortium Leader)

  • BIE–operated school

  • BIE-grant and contract school

  • BIE-grant and contract school (Consortium Leader)

  • Tribe applying in lieu of LEA

    • Single LEA

    • Multiple LEAs

  • Indian Organization (IO)

  • Consortium Leader-IO

  • Indian Community Based Organization (ICBO)

  • Consortium Leader-ICBO

    1. Consortium Partner Identification.


LEA Name



Indian Student Count (ISC)






Formula Grant EASIE Part I

Instructions: Complete this section with the number of eligible Indian students and identify the count period.

An eligible Indian student means a student (1) who meets the definition of “Indian” in the Definitions section of the Instructions to this application, and (2) who was present during the official count date, and (3) for whom the LEA has a valid Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form (ED 506 form).

In Section A or B below, enter the number of eligible Indian students. Complete only Section A or Section B, as appropriate. Sections C and D must be completed by all applicants.

  1. Student count for LEAs, BIE/Bureau-Funded Schools, Tribes, IO, or ICBOs.

Enter the number of all eligible Indian students during the count period:

New! An Indian Student Count (ISC) data quality message may appear on Page 7: Certification if an unexpected change of 15% or more has occurred from the prior year’s ISC. Users will be able to resolve this ISC data quality message via the below options:

  • If ISC is accurate, provide a response on Page 7: Certification in the Indian Student Count (ISC) Data Quality Comment field explaining the ISC change

  • If ISC is inaccurate, update your ISC on Page 5: EASIE Title VI Indian Student Count

For BIE-Funded Schools only, the number of eligible Indian students entered above is based on: (check one)

    • ED 506 Forms

    • ISEP Count (Indian School Equalization Program)

  1. Student count for Tribes and IOs that apply in lieu of an LEA.

Note: A Tribe or Indian Organization applying in lieu of an LEA must represent more than one-half of the total eligible Indian students served by the LEA.

The application is submitted by the applicant in lieu of the following LEA.

LEA Name: ________________________________ NCES#: ________________

Enter the number of eligible Indian students represented by the applicant Tribe or Indian Organization during the count period:

Enter the number of all eligible Indian students in the LEA during the count period: _______________

  1. Total Student Enrollment

Enter the total student enrollment in the LEA. Includes Indian and Non-Indian students. ________

  1. Certification

Certification for All Applicants

I certify that I am authorized to legally bind this entity, and that, based on the information provided to me, the above count represents the number of eligible Indian students enrolled in the schools of the applicant entity and for whom an Indian Student Eligibility Certification (ED 506) form was on file or for BIE schools an ISEP count was used during the count period indicated, pursuant to the requirements of 20 U.S.C. 7427. It is understood that this count will be used to calculate an award of federal assistance and that it is subject to audit. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this application is true, reliable, and valid and I understand that any false statement provided herein that I have made is subject to penalties under The False Claims Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.

Additional Certification for Tribes and Indian Organizations Applying in Lieu of an LEA

For a Tribe or Indian Organization applying in lieu of one or more LEAs, certifying this application is an indication that the basic eligibility requirements have been met and that:

  1. To the best of your knowledge, the LEA(s) has not formed a parent committee and does not intend to apply for formula grant funds.

  2. The applicant Tribe or Indian Organization represents more than one-half of the eligible Indian students served by the LEA(s).

  3. All eligible Indian students identified by the Tribe or Indian Organization and being counted to determine grant funding were enrolled in the LEA(s) during the count period identified, as verified by the LEA.

Indian Student Count (ISC) Data Quality Comment:

The Indian Student Count (ISC) entered this year has a year-to-year change of 15% or more compared to last year’s. Please correct your ISC or provide an explanation below.

  • Indian Student Count (ISC) Data Quality Comment Response Field

New! An Indian Student Count (ISC) data quality message may appear on Page 7: Certification if an unexpected change of 15% or more has occurred from the prior year’s ISC. Users will be able to resolve this ISC data quality message via the below options:

  • If ISC is accurate, provide a response on Page 7: Certification in the Indian Student Count (ISC) Data Quality Comment field explaining the ISC change

  • If ISC is inaccurate, update your ISC on Page 5: EASIE Title VI Indian Student Count

Additional Certifications for Indian Community Based Organizations

For an Indian Community Based Organization (ICBO) applying in lieu of one or more LEAs, certifying this application is an indication that the basic eligibility requirements have been met and that:

  1. To the best of your knowledge, no LEA, and no Indian tribe, Indian Organization, or consortium of such entities is applying for this grant on behalf of the LEA.

  2. All Indian students identified by the ICBO and being counted to determine funding were enrolled in the LEA(s) during the count period identified by the ICBO, as verified by the LEA.

  3. The ICBO is composed primarily of Indian parents, family members, and community members, tribal government education officials, and tribal members, from a specific community.

  4. The ICBO assists in the social, cultural, and educational development of Indians in the community.

  5. The ICBO meets the unique cultural, language, and academic needs of Indian students.

  6. The ICBO demonstrates organizational and administrative capacity to manage the grant.

Note: For consortium applications, each participating entity must be individually eligible to apply for the grant.

Authorized Representative/Certifying Official of the Applicant:

Printed Name of Signature

Title School District Date

Formula Grant EASIE Supplemental Documents


Directions: The following document is required for applications submitted by a Tribe applying in lieu of LEA(s) under this grant. An applicant must upload this verification document no later than the closing date of EASIE Part I. All additional Tribes Applying in Lieu of LEA(s) Agreement Forms should be uploaded into the electronic application system prior to close.

In order to participate in the Indian Education Formula Grant Program, eligible applicants must have a minimum of 10 eligible Indian students enrolled in the LEA during a specific count period as defined below, or not less than 25 percent of the total number of individuals enrolled in the schools of the LEA. The minimum enrollment requirement does not apply in Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, or with respect to LEAs located on, or in proximity to a reservation.

All eligible students must either have a completed ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form or have been included in a BIE school’s Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) count and enrolled in the LEA during the count period. Each Indian child included in the count must be enrolled and attend the LEA at least one day during the count period.

For the purpose of applying for the Indian Education Formula Grant as a Tribe Applying in Lieu of a single or multiple LEA(s), the LEA(s) and the Tribe agree to and certify the following:

General Agreement: It is agreed that (Tribal entity), will apply in lieu of

School District.

ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Forms: (name of entity) has the ED 506 Forms on file for each eligible student.


    • The LEA has not established a parent committee in accordance with ESEA Section 6114(c)(4), and therefore, is authorizing the Tribe to apply in lieu of the LEA.

    • The LEA is not submitting a separate application as an individual LEA for this same grant.

    • The LEA certifies that the count submitted in the application represents the number of eligible Indian students enrolled in its school.

    • It is understood that the count will be used to calculate an award of federal assistance and that is subject to audit.

    • It is understood that any false statement provided herein is subject to penalties under The False Claims Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative /Certifying Official of LEA(s):

Printed Name



School District


The Tribe

    • The Tribe represents more than one-half of the eligible Indian children served by the LEA.

    • The Tribe understands that if awarded a grant, the Tribe is responsible for carrying out the activities described in the application and will use the funds in accordance with all applicable Federal requirements.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative /Certifying Official of the Tribe:

Printed Name Signature

Title Tribal Entity Date

Indian Organizations (IO) Applying in Lieu of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) Agreement Form for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program

Directions: The following document is required for applications submitted by the IO applying in lieu of LEA(s) under this grant. An applicant must upload this verification document no later than the closing date of EASIE Part I. Additional IOs Applying in Lieu of LEA(s) Agreement Forms from multiple LEAs should upload all related documents into the electronic application system prior to close.

In order to participate in the Indian Education Formula Grant Program to LEAs, eligible applicants must have a minimum of 10 eligible Indian students enrolled in the LEA during a specific count period as defined below, or not less than 25 percent of the total number of individuals enrolled in the schools of the LEA. The minimum enrollment requirement does not apply in Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, or with respect to LEAs located on, or in proximity to, a reservation.

All eligible students must either have a completed ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form or have been included in a BIE school’s Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) count and enrolled in the LEA during the count period. Each Indian child must be enrolled and attend the LEA at least one day during the count period.

For the purpose of applying for the Indian Education Formula Grant as an IO Applying in Lieu of a single or multiple LEA(s), the LEA(s) and the IO agree to and certify the following:

General Agreement: It is agreed that (IO), will apply in lieu of

School District.

ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Forms: (name of entity) has the ED 506 Forms on file for every eligible student.


  • The LEA has not established a parent committee in accordance with ESEA Section 6114(c)(4), and therefore, is authorizing the IO to apply in lieu of the LEA.

  • The LEA is not submitting a separate application as an individual LEA for this same grant.

  • The LEA certifies that the count submitted in the application represents the number of eligible Indian students enrolled in its school.

  • It is understood that this count will be used to calculate an award of federal assistance and that is subject to audit.

  • It is understood that any false statement provided herein is subject to penalties under The False Claims Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative /Certifying Official of LEA(s):

Printed Name Signature

Title School District Date

The IO

  • The IO represents more than one-half of the eligible Indian children served by the LEA.

  • The IO understands that if awarded a grant, the IO is responsible for carrying out the activities described in the application and will use the funds in accordance with all applicable Federal requirements.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative/ Certifying Official of the IO:

Printed Name Signature

Title Indian Organization Date

Indian Community-Based Organization (ICBO) Applying in Lieu of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) Agreement Form for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program

Directions: The following document is required for applications submitted by the ICBO applying in lieu of LEAs under this grant. An applicant must upload this verification document no later than the closing date of EASIE Part I. All additional Indian Community-Based Organization (ICBO) Applying in Lieu of LEA(s) Agreement Forms for multiple LEAs should be uploaded into the electronic application system prior to close.

In order to participate in the Indian Education Formula Grant Program, eligible applicants must have a minimum of 10 eligible Indian students enrolled in the LEA during a specific count period as defined below, or not less than 25 percent of the total number of individuals enrolled in the schools of the LEA. The minimum enrollment requirement does not apply in Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, or with respect to LEAs located on, or in proximity to, a reservation. All eligible students must either have a completed ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Form or have been included in a BIE school’s Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) count and enrolled in the LEA during the count period. Each Indian child included in the count must be enrolled and attend the LEA at least one day during the count period.

For the purpose of applying for the Indian Education Formula Grant as an ICBO Applying in Lieu of a single or multiple LEAs, the LEA and the ICBO agree to and certify the following:

General Agreement: It is agreed that (ICBO), will apply in lieu of


ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Forms: ___________________(name of entity) has the ED

506 Forms on file for each eligible student.


  • To the best of my ICBO’s knowledge, no LEA, Indian tribe, Indian organization, or consortium of such entities is applying for the grant in our particular community.

  • My ICBO is composed primarily of Indian parents, family members, and community members, tribal government education officials, and tribal members, from a specific community.

  • My ICBO assists in the social, cultural, and educational development of Indians in such community.

  • My ICBO will meet the unique cultural, language, and academic needs of Indian students.

  • My ICBO demonstrates organizational and administrative capacity to manage the grant.

  • The ICBO understands that if awarded a grant, the ICBO is responsible for carrying out the activities described in the application and will use the funds in accordance with all applicable Federal requirements.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative / Certifying Official of the ICBO:

Printed Name Signature

Title ICBO Date


  • The LEA has not established a parent committee in accordance with ESEA Section 6114(c)(4), and therefore, is authorizing the ICBO to apply in lieu of the LEA.

  • The LEA also certifies that it is not submitting a separate application as an individual LEA for this same grant.

  • The LEA certifies that the students included in the student count in the application represent eligible Indian students enrolled in its schools.

  • It is understood that this count will be used to calculate an award of federal assistance and that is subject to audit.

  • It is understood that any false statement provided herein is subject to penalties under The False Claims Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.

Signed by the following Authorized Representative /Certifying Official of the LEA:

Printed Name Signature

Title School District Date

Consortium Agreement for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program

Directions: The following document is a requirement of all consortium applications under this grant. The lead applicant must upload this verification document no later than the closing date of EASIE Part I. Additional Consortium Agreement Forms for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program should be combined into one .pdf and uploaded into the electronic application system prior to close. Each participating entity in the consortium application must be eligible to participate in the formula grant program as an eligible entity. Each participating entity within a consortium is eligible must meet the required minimum enrollment criteria with the minimum number of eligible students must be at least 10; or Indian children constitute not less than 25 percent of the total enrollment of the LEA. The minimum enrollment requirement does not apply in Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, or with respect to LEAs located on, or in proximity to, a reservation. Each participating entity is an LEA must provide a free public education.

  • Each participating entity identified in the EASIE application is unable to submit a separate application as an individual entity for this same grant.

  • The regulations in 34 CFR 75.127-129, governing Group Applications, must be followed in submitting a consortium application.

  • Each participating entity in the consortium application must be within the same state due to factors that must be taken into consideration when calculating the award amount, such as state per pupil expenditures or maintenance of effort.

  • Each participating entity in the consortium application must identify the number of Indian students being counted by each participating entity and must establish the same count period for each participating entity.

  • Each participating entity in the consortium application, if applicable, must comply with the Title VI Indian Parent Committee requirements, either by having its own committee or having representation on a joint committee if agreed to by other LEAs in the consortium.

  • Consortium Member Agreements for each participating entity in the consortium application must be uploaded within the EASIE system no later than the close date for EASIE Part II.

Applicants that verify their Indian student count with the ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form must document their Indian student count by completing the following steps: (1) each year, the applicant must verify there is a valid ED 506 Form for each Indian child included in the count; (2) all ED 506 Forms included in the count must be completed, signed, and dated by the parent, and be on file; (3) the applicant must maintain a copy of the student enrollment roster(s) covering the same period of time indicated in the application as the “count period”; and (4) each Indian child included in the count must be listed on the LEA’s enrollment roster(s) for at least one day during the count period.

For the purpose of applying for an Indian Education Formula Grant as a participating entity in the consortium, we, the undersigned local educational agencies (LEAs), Tribes, Indian Organizations (IOs) and/or Indian Community Based Organizations (ICBOs) agree to adhere to the requirements under 34 CFR §75.127–129 (below).

General Agreement

It is agreed that the lead consortium member will be , which is designated to act on behalf of all participating entities. As a participating entity, we understand that this agreement binds each member of the group to every statement and assurance made by the lead applicant in the application. It is also understood that any false statement provided in the application is subject to penalties under The False Claims Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.

The lead applicant for the group is the grantee and is legally responsible for --

  1. The use of all grant funds;

  2. Ensuring that the project is carried out by the group in accordance with Federal requirements; and

  3. Ensuring that indirect cost funds are determined as required under 34 CFR §75.564(e).

Legal Responsibility

We also understand that, as a participating entity in the consortium application, we are each legally bound to every statement and assurance in the application and individually responsible to --

  1. Carry out the activities we agree to perform; and

  2. Use the funds that we receive under the agreement in accordance with Federal requirements that apply

to the grant, including the parent consultation and committee requirements below, if applicable.

ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Forms: (name of entity) has the ED 506 Forms on file for each eligible student.

Public Hearing/Open Consultation and Indian Parent Committee (IPC) Requirements (does not apply to BIE-operated entity-types):

The local program for which we seek funding (“Indian Education Formula Grant program”) was developed in open consultation, including through public hearings, with parents and family members of Indian children, representatives of Indian Tribes on Indian lands located within 50 miles of any school that the agency will serve if such Tribes have any children in such school, teachers and, if appropriate, Indian students from secondary schools, including through public hearings held to provide individuals in each member LEA a full opportunity to understand the program and to offer recommendations regarding the program.

  1. The Indian Education program was developed with the participation and written approval of a Parent Committee, in accordance with section ESEA section 6114(c)(4) (20 USC 7424(c)(4)). The consortium is using: (Select only one option from the list below, if applicable to your applicant type.)

  1. A single parent committee, whose members are representative of all LEAs in the consortium, either through equal or through proportionate representation. The consortium should submit one Parent Committee Approval Form.

  1. Multiple parent committees, one from each LEA in the consortium. Each LEA in the consortium must have its Parent Committee sign a Parent Committee Approval Form. The consortium should submit multiple Parent Committee Approval forms, one from each LEA in the consortium.

LEA Activities and Comprehensive Program

These grant funds will be used to carry out, in each participating entity in the consortium application, a comprehensive program for meeting the needs of Indian children, including their language and cultural needs, consistent with ESEA section 6115 (20 USC 7425). Below list the particular activities and services provided by this grant and the activities or services that each member of the group plans to perform per activities and services identified in the EASIE application.

Signed by the following authorized representative /certifying official of the applicant in the consortium application:

Printed Name Signature

Title Organization Date

Consortium Applicants: From Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR Part 75)

§ 75.127 Eligible parties may apply as a group.

    1. Eligible parties may apply as a group for a grant.

    2. Depending on the program under which a group of eligible parties seeks assistance, the term used to refer to the group may vary. The list that follows contains some of the terms used to identify a group of eligible parties:

      1. Combination of institutions of higher education.

      2. Consortium.

      3. Joint applicants.

      4. Cooperative arrangements.

§ 75.128 Who acts as applicant; the group agreement.

  1. If a group of eligible parties applies for a grant, the members of the group shall either:

    1. Designate one member of the group to apply for the grant; or

    2. Establish a separate, eligible legal entity to apply for the grant.

  2. The members of the group shall enter into an agreement that:

    1. Details the activities that each member of the group plans to perform; and

    2. Binds each member of the group to every statement and assurance made by the applicant in the application.

  3. The applicant shall submit the agreement with its application.

§ 75.129 Legal responsibilities of each member of the group.

  1. If the Secretary makes a grant to a group of eligible applicants, the applicant for the group is the grantee and is legally responsible for:

  1. The use of all grant funds;

  2. Ensuring that the project is carried out by the group in accordance with Federal requirements; and

  3. Ensuring that indirect cost funds are determined as required under §75.564(e).

  1. Each member of the group is legally responsible to:

    1. Carry out the activities it agrees to perform; and

    2. Use the funds that it receives under the agreement in accordance with Federal requirements that apply to the grant.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMoore, Crystal
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-20

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