2023 Census Survey Internet Specification
Fall 2023 Census Survey
Internet Specification
Draft v3.0
August 9, 2023
Note: This Fall 2023 Census Survey Internet Specification is a living document. This document reflects the specification baseline as of the date above.
This document provides the specifications for the English, self-administered version of the Internet instrument for the 2023 Fall Census Survey.
Translations will be provided in a separate document.
Street Address, Unit, City, State, Zip |
November 1, 2023 |
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that completing the questionnaire will take 10 minutes on average. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this burden to: <adrm.pra@census.gov>. Use "Paperwork Reduction Project 0607-0971" as the subject. This collection of information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The eight-digit OMB approval number <TBD> confirms this approval. |
U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. Any information you enter into this system is confidential. It may be used by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes and to improve the website. If you want to know more about the use of this system, and how your privacy is protected, visit our online privacy webpage at https://www.census.gov/about/policies/privacy/privacy-policy.html.
Use of this system indicates your consent to collection, monitoring, recording, and use of the information that you provide for any lawful government purpose. So that our website remains safe and available for its intended use, network traffic is monitored to identify unauthorized attempts to access, upload, change information, or otherwise cause damage to the web service. Use of the government computer network for unauthorized purposes is a violation of Federal law and can be punished with fines or imprisonment (PUBLIC LAW 99-474). |
The instrument will time out if a respondent is inactive for 15 minutes.
There will be a language selection menu allowing users to select either English or Spanish.
The respondent will navigate through the instrument using the “Submit”, “Next” or “Previous” buttons located at the bottom of each screen.
For the 2023 Census Survey, the URL will be - <TBD>
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording |
Question Wording Fills |
Please Log In
Use the materials we mailed to you. All the information that you provide will remain confidential.
Please enter the 12-digit Census ID found in the materials we mailed to you.
_____-_____-____ (three 4-digit text boxes, separated by a hyphen.)
Start Questionnaire The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that completing the questionnaire will take 10 minutes on average. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this burden to: <adrm.pra@census.gov >. Use "Paperwork Reduction Project 0607-0971" as the subject. This collection of information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The eight-digit OMB approval number <TBD> confirms this approval. U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. Any information you enter into this system is confidential. It may be used by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes and to improve the website. If you want to know more about the use of this system, and how your privacy is protected, visit our online privacy webpage at https://www.census.gov/about/policies/privacy/privacy-policy.html. Use of this system indicates your consent to collection, monitoring, recording, and use of the information that you provide for any lawful government purpose. So that our website remains safe and available for its intended use, network traffic is monitored to identify unauthorized attempts to access, upload, change information, or otherwise cause damage to the web service. Use of the government computer network for unauthorized purposes is a violation of Federal law and can be punished with fines or imprisonment (PUBLIC LAW 99-474). OMB No. <TBD>: Approval Expires 12/31/2025 |
Response Options |
Response Options Fills |
Edits/Errors |
N/A |
Post-condition |
If an invalid ID is entered display: “Login failed. Please try again.” |
Special Instructions |
If valid Census ID, go to RESIDENCE_NEW If the user exceeds 3 login attempts, go to NO_COMPLETE |
The LOGIN button will not be enabled until 12 digits are entered. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Respondent enters a valid user ID on LOGIN screen |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Please provide a street address for this residence. Provide the street address you would use to have a package delivered directly to this residence, not a Rural Route or P.O. Box address used for mailing purposes. A street address is the most helpful for processing your response. |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Please provide a street address for this residence. Provide the street address you would use to have a package delivered directly to this residence, not a Rural Route or P.O. Box address used for mailing purposes. A street address is the most helpful for processing your response. |
Response Options |
Street Address Ex: 101 N Main St 100-character text box
Apt/Unit Ex: Apt 23 50-character text box
City 100-character text box
State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia
ZIP Code 5-digit text box
A user may also select the “I do not have a street address” option. |
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields: Street Address AND City AND State AND Zip
If the respondent does not provide the required fields and selects next:
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Respondent selects “I do not have a street address” on RESIDENCE_NEW |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Please describe the physical location of this residence. Also provide a city, state and ZIP Code. |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Please describe the physical location of this residence. Also provide a city, state and ZIP Code. |
Response Options Before REFDATE |
Please provide as much information as possible. For example:
Please provide as much information as possible: 250-character text box City 100-character text box State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia ZIP Code 5-digit text box |
Response Options On or After REFDATE |
Please provide as much information as possible. For example:
Please provide as much information as possible: 250-character text box City 100-character text box State Drop down menu with alphabetical states and District of Columbia ZIP Code 5-digit text box
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields: City AND State AND Zip If the respondent does not provide the required fields and selects next:
Third Time: End the questionnaire and display NO_COMPLETE screen. |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Respondent provided address from RESIDENCE_NEW. |
Pre-condition |
All Respondents who provided a valid address on RESIDENCE_NEW. |
Question Wording |
Please review your address. Here is the address you submitted using standard abbreviations and formatting. <Street Address space delimiter Apt/Unit #> <City comma delimiter State space delimiter ZIP Code>
Is the address correct? |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Yes No
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields:
Yes No
If required fields are left blank and the next button is selected, display the following edit message:
“Please answer this question.”
Post-condition |
If the respondent selects “No”, go to STAN_RESIDENCE_NEW_B. If “Yes”, go to VERIFY_ADDRESS. |
Special Instructions |
Respondent cannot move to the next screen until required fields are provided. There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Respondent provided address from RESIDENCE_NEW. |
Pre-condition |
Respondent selects “No” on STAN_RESIDENCE_NEW_A |
Question Wording |
Please make the necessary changes in the fields below.
Response Options |
Street Address Ex: 101 N Main St 100-character text box
Apt/Unit Ex: Apt 23 50-character text box
City 100-character text box
State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia
ZIP Code 5-digit text box
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields:
Street Address AND City AND State AND Zip
If required fields are left blank and the “Submit” button is selected, display the following edit message next to the blank field:
“Please answer this question.”
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Respondent cannot move to the next screen until required fields are provided. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Respondent provided address from OTHER_ADDRESS_NEW |
Pre-condition |
All Respondents who provided a valid address on OTHER_ADDRESS_NEW |
Question Wording |
Please review your address. Here is the address you submitted using standard abbreviations and formatting. <Description> <City comma delimiter State space delimiter ZIP Code>
Is the address correct? |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Yes No
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields:
Yes No
If required fields are left blank and the next button is selected, display the following edit message:
“Please answer this question.”
Post-condition |
If the respondent selects “No”, go to STAN_OTHER_ADDRESS_NEW_B. If “Yes”, go to VERIFY_ADDRESS. |
Special Instructions |
Respondent cannot move to the next screen until required fields are provided. There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Respondent provided address from OTHER_ADDRESS_NEW. |
Pre-condition |
Respondent selects “No” on STAN_OTHER_ADDRESS_NEW_A |
Question Wording |
Please make the necessary changes in the fields below.
Response Options |
City 100-character text box
State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia
ZIP Code 5-digit text box
Edits/Errors |
Required Fields:
City AND State AND Zip
If required fields are left blank and the “Submit” button is selected, display the following edit message next to the blank field:
“Please answer this question.”
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Respondent cannot move to the next screen until required fields are provided. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
On <REFDATE>, will you be living or staying at <ADDRESS>?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
On <REFDATE>, were you living or staying at <ADDRESS>?
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following: Yes No |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Error |
Post-condition |
If “Yes”, go to RESPONDENT If “No” or Blank, go to ANYONE |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
VERIFY ADDRESS = “No” or Blank |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Will anyone be living at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Did anyone live at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>? |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Yes No Don’t Know
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
If “No”, go to UNIT STATUS Else, go to RESPONDENT |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
ANYONE = “No” |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Why will no one be living at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Why was no one living at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Vacant residence Uninhabitable (under construction, open to elements, condemned, burned out, destroyed, demolished) Nonresidential building Empty lot or empty mobile home site Address does not exist Duplicate address Other (Specify) {Display 30-character text box} |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
If “Vacant residence”, go to VACANCY Else (or Blank), go to RESPONDENT |
Special Instructions |
“Other (Specify)” response option will auto-select if text is entered into the text box. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
UNIT STATUS = “Vacant residence” |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
What is the primary reason why no one will be living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>? The unit will be – |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
What is the primary reason why no one was living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>? The unit was – |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
For rent Rented, not occupied For sale only Sold, not occupied For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use For migrant workers Other (Specify) {Display 30-character text box}
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
“Other (Specify)” response option will auto-select if text is entered into the text box. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
None |
Pre-condition |
If VERIFY ADDRESS = “Yes” or If ANYONE = “Yes”/ “Don’t know”/ Blank or If UNIT STATUS is not “Vacant residence” or VACANCY |
Question Wording |
What is your name, telephone number, and email address? We will only contact you if needed for official Census Bureau business. |
Question Wording Fills |
N/A |
Response Options |
First Name 30-character text box
Middle Name 30-character text box
Last Name(s) 30-character text box
Telephone Number 10-digit text box
Email address 50-character text box
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
First Name and Last Name(s) are required fields.
If First and Last Names are left blank and the next button is selected, display the following edit message next to the blank field:
“Please answer this question.”
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
This is a force response question. The respondent must provide First and Last Name to continue. There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Thank you for providing information for <ADDRESS>. Since you will not be living or staying at this address on November 1, 2023, you do not need to provide any additional information for it.
You may close the browser.
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Thank you for providing information for <ADDRESS>. Since you did not live or stay at this address on November 1, 2023, you do not need to provide any additional information for it.
You may close the browser. |
Response Options |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Including yourself, how many people will be living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Including yourself, how many people were living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Response Options |
Number One 2-digit numerical text box. |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
If blank or 0 is entered, display:
First time: “Please include yourself when reporting the number of people.”
Second time: “Please include yourself when reporting the number of people.”
Third time: If the field is blank or zero is entered and “Next” is selected go to NO_COMPLETE
Post-condition |
If popcount field is zero or blank and selects “Next” for the third time, go to NO_COMPLETE If POPCOUNT=1, go to UC. If POPCOUNT=2-99, go to PEOPLE. |
Special Instructions |
Respondents will only be able to enter numbers 0 - 99. Non-numeric characters will not be allowed to be entered. A maximum of 3 edits is shown in any combination. There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
What is the name of each person who will be living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Enter names until you have listed everyone who will be living or staying there, then continue to the next page.
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
What is the name of each person who was living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>?
Enter names until you have listed everyone who was living or staying there, then continue to the next page.
Response Options |
First Name 20-character text box
Middle Name 20-character text box
Last Name(s) 20-character text box
“Remove Row” option “Add another person” option
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
UC |
Special Instructions |
Display the name from RESPONDENT in the first row of name fields Only a maximum of 10 rows can be displayed. |
Screen Name |
UC |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
We do not want to miss any people who might be staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>.
For example:
The names listed so far are: <LIST OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER>
Will there be any ADDITIONAL people that you did not already list?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
We do not want to miss any people who might have stayed at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>.
For example:
The names listed so far are: <LIST OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER>
Were there any ADDITIONAL people that you did not already list?
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Yes No
IF YES, display: First Name 30-character text box
Middle Name 30-character text box
Last Name(s) 30-character text box
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
The name boxes will only appear when “Yes” is selected. If the respondent clicks “No” (removing a “Yes” entry), the name boxes will disappear. When “Yes” is selected, only one set of name boxes will appear. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
UC |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
On <REFDATE>, will the house, apartment, or mobile home at <ADDRESS> be – |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
On <REFDATE>, was the house, apartment, or mobile home at <ADDRESS> – |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan (including home equity loans)? Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent? |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
If “Occupied without payment of rent” or blank, go to SEX. or If PERSONCOUNT =1, go to SEX. |
Special Instructions |
If “Occupied without payment of rent” set <REF NAME> = Person 1. If PERSONCOUNT= (1) set <REF NAME> = Person 1. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Roster names |
Pre-condition |
HOME = “Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan (including home equity loans)?” or “Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?” or “Rented” and POPCOUNT= (2-99)
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Of the people who will be living at <ADDRESS>, who <FILL2> the house, apartment, or mobile home on <REFDATE>? Select all that apply.
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Of the people who were living at <ADDRESS>, who <FILL2> the house, apartment, or mobile home on <REFDATE>? Select all that apply.
Question Wording Fills |
If current date is before <REFDATE>, then
If current date is on or after APRIL 1, then
Response Options |
Respondent will be able to select all that apply:
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Help Text link |
Special Instructions
Selecting a response option:
The Reference Person will be set as the Respondent.
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen.
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
PERSONCOUNT= (2-99) (who is not the Respondent) RACE (if Demo Questions still need to be completed for remaining rostered persons) |
Question Wording |
How is <NAME#> related to <REF NAME>?
<NAME#> is <REF NAME>’s ...
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following: Opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse Opposite-sex unmarried partner Same-sex husband/wife/spouse Same-sex unmarried partner Biological son or daughter Adopted son or daughter Stepson or stepdaughter Brother or sister Father or mother Grandchild Parent-in-law Son-in-law or daughter-in-law Other relative Roommate or housemate Foster child Other nonrelative |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to SEX. If Answer the Question, go back to response options. |
Post-condition |
Goto SEX |
Help Text link |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
HOME = “Occupied without payment of rent” or blank or PERSONCOUNT=1 or OWNER (Person 1) or RELATIONSHIP (Person 2+) |
Question Wording |
What is <NAME#>’s sex? |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following: Male Female |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to DOB. If Answer the Question, go back to response options. |
Post-condition |
Go to DOB |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording
What is <NAME#>’s date of birth?
Verify or enter correct age as of <REFDATE>. |
Response Options |
A user can select the Month (number - full word), Day, and Year.
Only valid dates between January 1, 1897 and Dec. 31, 2023 can be selected.
Year drop down box: Starts with <current year> and goes to <current year – 126>.
Age: One 3-character numeric only field followed by “years”. I.e.,” ___ years”. Respondent may enter age in the numeric text box. |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to HISPANIC ORIGIN. If Answer the Question, go back to response options.
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Edit Message will only trigger if Month, Day or Year are left blank. If the text box “years” is left blank, the edit message will not trigger. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording |
Is <NAME#> of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Response Options |
A user can select either a “No” response or one or more “Yes” responses. No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Enter, for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc.
{Display 200-character text box} |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to RACE. If Answer the Question, go back to response options.
Post-condition |
Go to RACE |
Special Instructions |
Check boxes and textboxes are tied to each other; the check box will be automatically checked if something is entered into the corresponding text box.
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording |
What is <NAME#>’s race? Select one or more boxes and enter origins. For this survey, Hispanic origins are not races. |
Response Options |
Respondent may select all that apply:
White – Enter, for example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. {Display 200-character text box} Black or African American – Enter, for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somali, etc. {Display 200-character text box} American Indian or Alaska Native – Enter name of enrolled or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. {Display 200-character text box} Chinese Filipino Asian Indian Vietnamese Korean Japanese Other Asian – Enter, for example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc. {Display 200-character text box} Native Hawaiian Samoan Chamorro Other Pacific Islander – Enter, for example Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc. {Display 200-character text box} Some other race– Enter race or origin. {Display 200-character text box}
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once:
“There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question
If Continue without Answering, see post-condition below. If Answer the Question, go back to response options.
Post-condition |
If Demo Questions have been completed for the last rostered person:
Else, go to RELATIONSHIP (PERSONCOUNT= (2-99) who aren’t the reference person)
Special Instructions |
Check boxes and textboxes are tied to each other; the check box will be automatically checked if something is entered into the corresponding text box.
Screen Name |
OC |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
RACE has been completed and PERSONCOUNT = (1) |
Question Wording |
Does <NAME#>’s usually live or stay somewhere else, other than <ADDRESS>? Select all that apply. |
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
A respondent may select a “No” response or more than one “Yes” response No Yes, with a parent, grandparent, or other person Yes, while attending college Yes, for a military assignment Yes, to be closer to a job or business Yes, in a nursing home or group home Yes, in a jail or prison Yes, at a seasonal or second residence Yes, for another reason
If “Yes, for another reason” is selected: For what reason? {display 250-character textbox}
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Selecting a response option: A respondent can either select “No” OR one or more than one “Yes, …” options. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
RACE and PERSONCOUNT = (2-99) |
Question Wording |
We would like to make sure everyone is only counted once. Some people live or stay in more than one place.
For example:
Do any of the following people usually live or stay somewhere else, other than <ADDRESS>? Select all that apply.
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
Respondent will be able to select any names from the roster or “None of the above”. <NAMES FROM ROSTER> None of the above
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following edit only once: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Post-condition |
If one or more <Name #> is selected, go to OC_P screen Else, if POPCOUNT <> PERSONCOUNT go to CD_CHECK Else, if POPCOUNT = PERSONCOUNT go to WHOLE/PARTIAL |
Help Text link |
OC |
Special Instructions |
Selecting a response option: If any <NAME#> check box is selected, “None of the above” check box will be grayed out and cannot be selected until all <NAME#> check boxes are unselected. If “None of the above” is selected, and then any other <Name#> is selected, then the “None of the above” check box will be deselected and grayed out. “None of the above” check box option cannot be selected until all <Name#> check boxes are unselected. You will not be able to select a <Name#> check box and “None of the above” check box. |
Screen Name |
OC_P |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
OC_HH screen for first household member selected or OC_P from previously selected household member from OC_HH
Question Wording |
Why does <NAME> usually live or stay somewhere else? Select all that apply.
If “For another reason” is selected, display: For what reason?
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
Respondent will be able to select all that apply:
To be with a parent, grandparent, or other person To attend college For a military assignment To be closer to a job or business In a nursing home or group home In a jail or prison At a seasonal or second residence For another reason
If “For another reason” is selected: {display 250-character textbox} |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following edit only once: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Post-condition |
If number of persons selected on OC_HH > 1, go to OC_P for the next selected person. If OC_P is the final selected person, and POPCOUNT = PERSONCOUNT, go to WHOLE/PARTIAL If OC_P is the final selected person, and POPCOUNT <> PERSONCOUNT, go to CD_CHECK |
Help Text link |
OC_P |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Earlier, you said that the number of people living or staying at <ADDRESS> will be <POPCOUNT>, but you have listed <PERSONCOUNT> <FILL1>. Including yourself, how many people will be living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>? The names you listed are:
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Earlier, you said that the number of people living or staying at <ADDRESS> was <POPCOUNT>, but you have listed <PERSONCOUNT> <FILL1>. Including yourself, how many people were living or staying at <ADDRESS> on <REFDATE>? The names you listed are:
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
If “Other” is selected: {display one 2-digit numeric textbox} |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Help Text link |
Special Instructions |
If PERSONCOUNT = 1, <FILL1> = “person” If PERSONCOUNT = (2-99), <FILL1> = “people” There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
OC or OC_HH = “None of the Above” or Blank, where POPCOUNT = PERSONCOUNT or OC_P, where POPCOUNT = PERSONCOUNT or CD_CHECK |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Did you list everyone living at <ADDRESS> on your questionnaire, or did you list only some of the people?
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Did you list everyone living at <ADDRESS> on your questionnaire, or did you list only some of the people? |
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
I live alone and only listed myself. I live with others and listed everyone. I live with others but only listed myself. I live with others but only listed some of the people I live with.
If “I live with others but only listed myself." or “ I live with others but only listed some of the people I live with." is selected, display the following: The Census Bureau is interested in understanding why some people are not listed on the questionnaire. Please share your reasons for not listing everyone. {250-character textbox} |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to VAC_CROWD 1A or 2A If Answer the Question, go back to response options. |
Post-condition |
Go to VAC_CROWD_1A or VAC_CROWD_2A (based on sample assignment) |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
Imagine standing at your front door looking out to your right. Picture your neighbor's house, apartment unit, or mobile home immediately to your right. Is anyone living in that home? Why are we asking this question? |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
Imagine standing at your front door looking out to your right. Picture your neighbor's house, apartment unit, or mobile home immediately to your right. Is anyone living in that home?
Why are we asking this question?
Response Options |
Respondent will only be able to select one of the following:
Yes, someone is living there No, no one is living there I am unsure if someone is living there I am unsure of what home this would be There is no home to my right |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
If no response, display the following pop-up modal edit once: “There is 1 unanswered question on this page. Would you like to continue?” Continue without Answering Answer the Question If Continue without Answering, go to SUBMIT If Answer the Question, go back to response options. |
Post-condition |
If “No, no one is living there” is selected, go to VAC_CROWD_1B Else, go to SUBMIT |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Next” (No “Previous”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
VAC_CROWD_1A = “No, no one is living there”
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
What is the address of that vacant home? |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
What is the address of that vacant home? |
Response Options |
Street Address Ex: 101 N Main St 100-character text box
Apt/Unit Ex: Apt 23 50-character text box
City 100-character text box
State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia
ZIP Code 5-digit text box
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
VAC_CROWD_2A = “Yes” |
Question Wording Before REFDATE |
What is the address of that vacant home? If you know more than one vacant home address, enter only one. |
Question Wording On or After REFDATE |
What is the address of that vacant home? If you know more than one vacant home address, enter only one. |
Response Options |
Street Address Ex: 101 N Main St 100-character text box
Apt/Unit Ex: Apt 23 50-character text box
City 100-character text box
State Drop down menu with alphabetical 50 states and District of Columbia
ZIP Code 5-digit text box
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
SUBMIT Census Questionnaire |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
VAC_CROWD_1A = Blank or “Yes, someone is living there”, or “I am unsure if someone is living there”, or “I am unsure of what home this would be”, or “There is no home to my right”
VAC_CROWD_2A = Blank or “No”
Question Wording |
You are almost finished and are now ready to send your responses. Once your questionnaire is submitted, you will not be able to access your information or change any of your responses. After you submit your responses and are shown the confirmation page, you may close the web browser.
You must select SUBMIT to complete your questionnaire.
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
Submit Questionnaire |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
If Submit Questionnaire, go to CONFIRMATION |
Special Instructions |
There will only be a “Submit Questionnaire” (No “Edit Questionnaire”) button on this screen. |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
All submitted cases. |
Pre-condition |
Cases where the user has selected “Submit Questionnaire” from the SUBMIT Census Questionnaire screen. |
Question Wording |
Thank you for completing the 2023 Census Survey questionnaire for: <FULL ADDRESS> Date and time of submission If you receive other mail from the Census Bureau about the 2023 Census Survey in the next few days, please disregard it. That mail may have been sent out before today. If you have any questions, please call the phone number printed in your materials. Confirmation #: <Unique Code> You may close the browser. |
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Cases where user exceeds 3 login attempts on the LOGIN screen. Cases where no valid address is provided. Cases where no popcount is provided on the POPCOUNT screen. |
Question Wording |
Your 2023 Census Survey could not be completed. You must provide a valid address, respondent name and the number of people in the household to complete this questionnaire. Please complete a paper questionnaire, or start over. Thank you. You may close the browser. |
Question Wording Fills |
Response Options |
Response Options Fills |
N/A |
Edits/Errors |
Post-condition |
Special Instructions |
Screen Name |
Data Needed |
Pre-condition |
Total duration within the instrument reaches 15 minutes |
Question Wording |
Sessions will display a pop-up window when total duration reaches 14 minutes. It will display the following text for 1 minute. Your session is about to expire. Select Continue to keep working. Su sesión está a punto de terminar. Seleccione Continuar para seguir trabajando. <Exit/Salir> <Continue/Continuar>
Special Instructions |
If the respondent selects “Continue/Continuar” the respondent will remain in the instrument. If respondent selects “Exit/Salir” or reaches the maximum duration of 15 minutes (not idle time), the screen display an image file with the following: For security reasons, this session has been terminated. If you think you have reached this screen in error, please start the questionnaire over.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |