International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test - Int

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Training System

SAMPLE - International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test w-PRA 11082023

International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test - International Students (Government)

OMB: 1018-0180

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11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

October 2023 International Conservation
Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

* Required

Adaptive Leadership

1. In the Adaptive Leadership framework, technical problems: *
Are problems that require some degree of engineering capacity to solve. 
Generally, involve complicated problems where we have no prior knowledge or experience that is useful in
solving the problem. 
Are the single most important type of problems to solve in order to continue making human progress. 
Can be solved through the application of logic, knowledge and expertise we or an expert already possess. 

2. Which of the following statements are a principle of adaptive leadership? *
Adaptive Leadership is an activity, not a position
You can exercise adaptive leadership independent of others as involving others will make it more complicated. 
It's difficult and requires a significant level of authority to be successful. 
Adaptive Leadership involves getting others to buy into and follow your new vision.…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

3. The three essential skills in exercising adaptive leadership are: *

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

Experience, knowledge, and use of power.
Wisdom, justice, and moderation.
Observation, interpretation, and intervention. 
Management skill, intelligence, and cybernetics.

4. In the adaptive leadership framework, a faction is described as:  *
A group who don't like the change you are proposing. 
A group with a shared perspective that has been shaped by tradition, experience, and loyalties, that tend to see
a problem and its solution similarly. 
A group with the same political point of view on an issue who have the authority or experience to design and
implement policy. 
A group that is important for you to gain control of in the change process because they will undermine change
efforts they don't like very quickly. 

5. A Belief-Action-Results Map (BAR Map) is useful in crafting intervention options because: *
it gives options for the budget allocation and timing during a change initiative.
it shows how mental models need to change to make progress.
it shows the intervention options least likely to aggravate factions within the system.
it's helpful in making employment decisions based on knowledge of conflicts that require action.…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

6. When managing disequilibrium while exercising leadership on adaptive challenges, it is
important disequilibrium be managed to remain in the: *

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

Productive Zone of Disequilibrium (PZD)
Psychological Zone (PZ)
Anxiety Zone (AZ)
Preferred Adaptive Zone (PAZ)

7. Raising the level of disequilibrium (heat) can be accomplished by: *
making observations and offering non systemic interpretations.
completing the group work and forcing your results on the group.
asking tough questions.
leaving the productive zone.

8. When exercising leadership on an adaptive challenge from a position of authority *
a person in authority can deploy themselves exactly the same as they do on technical problems.
a person is fortunate to have no constraints that can impede the ability to exercise leadership on adaptive
A persons resources that come with their authority is all that is needed to solve an adaptive challenge.
a person must assess how to deploy themselves and their authority differently based on whether they face a
technical problem or an adaptive challenge.…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

9. Adaptive leadership capacity in combating wildlife trafficking worldwide *

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

is not as important as first adapting to wildfire traffickers locally who are always adapting their techniques.
is critical as a correlation of social, technological, and environmental forces are creating conditions and new
realties worldwide.
Is critical and important important for NGO's who operate globally.
Is critical only after support has been approved and embraced by the local community, state agencies and the
federal government.

10. Making certain types of interpretations is an important skillset in the diagnostic process.  In
making interpretations, it’s important to: *
overcome the tendency to make adaptive, systemic, and conflictual interpretations and shift to making
technical, individual and benign interpretations.
overcome the tendency make interpretations that align with your life and occupational experiences.
make interpretations that would make sense to those who are in senior authority roles in the organization.
overcome the tendency to make technical, and benign interpretations and shift to making adaptive, systemic,
and conflictual interpretations.

11. The three types of loyalties that have influence on your actions and behaviors when
exercising leadership on adaptive challenges are: *
psychological, personal, and communal
passionate, impassionate, and neutral
professional, social, and ancestorial
purposeful, recreational, and religious…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

12. When exercising leadership on an adaptive challenge from a position of authority, to make
progress it will be necessary to: *

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

maintain cultural norms
suppress any conflict that arises quickly and with authority
quickly define the problem and solution
challenge or allow unproductive norms to be challenged.…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

Systems Thinking

13. The lowest level of the iceberg, and the area of highest leverage to change a system is: *
the seat of highest power in the system. 
the thinking, mental models or mindsets of those who inhabit the system and maintain the system structures in
the hierarchy of a complex organizational systems structure.
the personal characteristics of the authority figure in charge of the system. 

14. When conducting a systems thinking exercise, it’s important to invite: *
only the people who you know and can trust that have your best interest at heart within the system you are
no more than 6-8 people from the system as the more individuals intived exapand the scope where there are
too many viewpoints to reconcile.
only authority figures within the system who are in charge of the various parts of the system you want to
change and influence.
a diverse array of actors in the system with the problem you are trying to solve. This is important in determining
how they see and are contributing to the problem.…


11/7/23, 10:52 AM

October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

15. When conducting systems thinking process with a group using the Iceberg Model, it is
important to get clarity on the problem. To do this we focus on the part of the iceberg that
extends above the waterline that we can see.  This phase involves: *

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

identifying and asking the people who have worked on the problem the longest what they believe is the
Identifying and asking the people involved to intuitively tell you what the problem is and it’s cause.
Identifying the specific events and trends that are occurring that are symptoms of the problem.
Identifying the people to frame potential systemic solutions to the problem based on their experience.

16. A Belief-Action-Results Map (BAR Map) depicts: *
a reinforcing cycle showing how beliefs influence actions and ultimately the results achieved.
a map showing the foundation for the budget required for the change initiative.
a process that manages people for results in a change initiative. 
the specific systemic structures that govern the outcomes the system.

17. The purpose of the Making an Explicit Choice exercise in the systems thinking process: *
is to carefully facilitate difficult budget and project choices in a change initiative.
is to carefully decide the types of employee competencies needed or required to make the systemic change.
is to carefully evaluate of the case for change and the case for maintaining the status quo.
is to carefully determine the timeline needed to execute the systems change.…


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October 2023 International Conservation Chiefs Academy Pre-Test

OMB Control No. 1018-0180
Expires ##/##/20##

18. A skillful leadership intervention: *
interferes with the status quo.
is one that is artfully crafted so as not to generate any resistance.
is generally not noticed by anyone. 
does not import any risk for the person who chooses to intervene. 

19. A Behavior Over Time Graph (BOTG) depicts: *
how people’s behavior over time is changing in the system as it relates to the identified adaptive challenge.
the gap between the current reality and aspirational state within the adaptive challenge.
the amount of time projected to change the system to effectively address the adaptive challenge.
how the expenditure of funds over time can be expected to change behavior in the system in relation to the
adaptive challenge.

20. The purpose of developing a focusing question in the systems thinking process is to: *
to focus and determine which faction is most powerful and must be the focus of the change in the system.
to identify the mental models that need to be the focus of the change in the system.
to identify and focus on the competing value choice at stake for the individuals in the system.
to focus the diagnostic process on answering a particular question related to the problem the system is facing.

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Authority: 5 U.S.C. 4101, et seq., Government Organization and Employee Training; Endangered Species Act (18 U.S.C. 1531-1543); Lacey Act (18
U.S.C. 42-44).
Purpose: To coordinate and conduct training for FWS special agents, wildlife inspectors, and administrative staff, as well as for State, Tribal, and
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File Modified2023-11-08
File Created2023-11-07

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