First Receiver Survey

West Coast Groundfish Trawl Economic Data


First Receivers/Shorebased Processors

OMB: 0648-0618

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Economic Data Collection (EDC) Form





NOAA Fisheries – Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Who is responsible for submitting:

  • All owners of a first receiver site license in 2023; or

  • All owners and lessees of a shore-based processor (as defined under “processor” at §660.11, subpart C, for purposes of EDC) that received round or headed-and-gutted IFQ species groundfish or whiting from a first receiver in 2023.

  • A separate EDC form is required for each facility.

Complete all questions. If a question is not applicable, write "NA" in the answer box. The survey will not be considered complete unless there is an answer to every question. Do not leave any blanks.

Submit by September 1, 2024.

Submissions: Completed EDC web forms must be submitted electronically or submitted as paper forms mailed and postmarked by, or hand-delivered to NMFS no later than September 1, 2024. Mail or deliver to

Economic Data Collection Program (FRAM Division)

Northwest Fisheries Science Center

2725 Montlake Boulevard East

Seattle, WA 98112

Retain a copy. Retain a copy of the completed form.

More information & questions: or contact Erin Steiner at (866) 791-3726 or

Public Reporting Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to take 8 hours per response, including time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden to Erin Steiner, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd E, Seattle, WA 98112.

Additional Information

Before completing this form, please note the following: 1) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number; 2) This information is mandatory and is required to manage commercial fishing efforts under 50 CFR part 660 and under section 402(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.); 3) Responses to this information request are confidential under 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.). They are also confidential under NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect the confidentiality of fishery statistics.

Privacy Act Statement

The Department of Commerce Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) requires that forms used to collect Business Identifiable Information (BII) be notified of their protections under the Privacy Act.

Authority to Collect : All participants of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery must complete an annual Economic Data Collection (EDC) form as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (50 CFR 660.114). Purpose The web-based system contains the EDC forms required to be submitted by regulation 50 CFR 660.114. Fishery participants use the system to submit EDC forms. The information is used for economic analysis of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery. Routine Uses: The data submitted are confidential under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. Disclosure of this information is permitted under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a), to be shared within NMFS offices, for use in economic analysis of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery. Disclosure of this information is also subject to all of the published routine uses as identified in and managed as identified in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice COMMERCE/NOAA-23. The individual level data will only be studied by NMFS employees or their contractors. Disclosure: Furnishing this information is mandatory. Failure to provide accurate information may prevent renewal of limited entry trawl permits or first receiver site licenses, changes in vessel registration, and/or participation in the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery; or result in a violation of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act or regulations promulgated under the Act.


  1. Contact Information and Facility Characteristics

  1. Provide the buyer identification number issued by the state fish and game agencies associated with this entity or facility. Write “NA” if this is a processing facility that does not have a buyer identification number.

Processor/Buyer IDs

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife


Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife


California Department of Fish and Wildlife


  1. Provide the following information about this receiving or processing facility site.

Name of Facility

First Receiver Site License Number for 2023

Site Street Address

Site City

Site State

Site Zip Code

  1. Provide the following information about the individual responsible for follow-up questions pertaining to this report.



Business Mailing Address

Street / PO Box

Business Phone

( )

Business Fax

( )



Zip Code

Business Email

  1. Answer the following questions related to the most recent appraisal of this facility.

What was the year of this facility's last appraisal?



What was the market value of this facility from the appraisal,

rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?


What was the replacement value of the facility from the appraisal, rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?


Did the survey values given above include the value of all processing equipment contained on-site?

Shape2 Shape3 Shape1 Yes No NA

  1. For the remainder of the survey, report values from your 2023 fiscal year. When did this facility’s 2023 fiscal year begin?


mm dd yyyy

Please report values from your 2023 fiscal year for the remainder of this survey.

  1. Capitalized Expenditures

  1. Provide the 2023 capitalized expenditures rounded to the nearest 100 dollars.

  • Buildings includes building improvements. Excludes land.

  • New and used machinery and equipment includes:

    • Processing equipment: All equipment present at this physical location that is used for preparation or packaging of seafood to render it suitable for human consumption, retail sale, industrial uses or long-term storage, including, but not limited to, cooking, canning, smoking, salting, drying, filleting, freezing, or rendering into meal or oil.

    • Transportation equipment: Equipment such as trucks, forklifts, etc. used to transport seafood within this physical location.

    • Storage equipment: Equipment present at this physical location for packaging and freezing of seafood

Capitalized Expenditure Category

Total Capitalized Expenditures

Capitalized expenditures on buildings


Capitalized expenditures on new and used machinery and equipment


  1. Employees and Payroll

In questions 7-10, please provide the information about the pay period, number of workers, hours worked, and payroll.

  • Workers: includes full and part-time employees, contract workers, temporary employees working at this facility, and workers on paid leave.

    • Production workers: those workers at this facility (up through and including the line-supervisor level) engaged in fabricating, processing, assembling, inspecting, receiving, packing, warehousing, shipping, maintenance, repair, janitorial, product development, or transporting product on-site.

    • Non-production workers: those involved in supervision above line-supervisor level, sales, advertising, credit, collection, installation, cafeteria, recordkeeping, clerical and routine office functions, guard services, executive, purchasing, finance, and legal.

  1. Rectangle 3_0 Rectangle 4_0 Rectangle 5_0 One week Two Weeks Other___________

    What is the length of your pay period?

  1. Provide information on production workers in the following tables for your fiscal year. See definition of production workers above.

  • For “Average hourly wage for production worker” provide gross wage rates. Exclude benefits, housing and other forms of compensation.

For the pay period of your fiscal year that includes

Number of production workers

Total hours worked in pay period

Average hourly wage for production worker

January 12th




February 12th




March 12th




April 12th




May 12th




June 12th




July 12th




August 12th




September 12th




October 12th




November 12th




December 12th




  1. Provide information on non-production workers in the following table for your fiscal year. See definition on page 5 for non-production workers. If hours are not tracked for salaried workers, please assume a 40-hour work week.

For the pay period of your fiscal year that includes

Number of non-production workers

Total hours worked in the pay period

March 12th



  1. Provide the total expenses and total number of individuals who worked at this facility during 2023 in production activities and in all other activities (non-production workers).

  • In expenses, include wages, bonuses, benefits (including housing), payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and other forms of compensation.

  • Report the number of individuals who worked at any point during the year (rather than the number of positions).

Labor Category

(see definitions on page 5)

Total Expenses

Total Number of Individuals

Production workers


___________ individuals

Non-Production workers


___________ individuals

  1. Quota Costs

  1. Provide the total cost of quota pounds and quota shares purchased or leased during 2023 in the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program. Purchase of quota shares reflects a permanent transfer, whereas lease implies a temporary transfer.

Purchase or Lease of Quota

Total Costs

Purchase or Lease of quota pounds


Lease of quota shares


Purchase of quota shares


  1. Expenses and Depreciation

  1. Provide the total expenses on utilities at your facility in 2023.

Utility Expense Category

Total Expenses



Natural gas


Propane gas for transportation and processing


Other gas (not gasoline)




Sewer, waste, and byproduct disposal


  1. Provide the total expenses on rental or lease payments for this facility.

Rental or Lease Payments

Total Expenses

Rental or lease of buildings, job-site trailers, and other structures (including land) at this facility


Rental or lease of processing machinery or equipment (see definitions in Question 6)


  1. Provide the total expenses on repair and maintenance on facility buildings, machinery, and equipment (see definitions in Question 6) expensed in 2023.

Total Repair and Maintenance Expenses


  1. What was the total depreciation for all capital investments on buildings, new and used machinery and equipment (see definitions in Question 6) taken in 2023?

Total Depreciation


  1. Provide the following information on 2023 custom processing of fish you owned that was performed by another processor outside of this facility.

Total weight of fish supplied

to custom processors

Custom processing

fees paid




Non-Whiting Groundfish



Other (Specify):_____________



  1. Provide the total amount expensed during 2023 in each of the categories below for this facility.

Expense Category

Total Expenses

Shoreside monitoring costs


Offloading expenses paid to other facilities


Production supplies (boots, smocks, hairnets, knives, etc.)


Ice Purchases

$ __________________

Cleaning and custodial supplies


Packing materials


Trucking of fish to this facility


Freight costs for supplies (excluding fish) delivered to the facility


Non-fish ingredients (additives)


Off-site product freezing and storage


Communications and office supplies for the facility


Insurance payments (property, product, personal liability and fire liability)


Taxes (property and excise)


Licensing fees


Other (Specify):________________


Other (Specify):________________


  1. Related Facility Transfers. Does this facility have any transfers to related facilities? A related facility refers to a separate location owned by the same company or parent company.




Continue to Question 20




Skip to Question 21 on page 11


  1. In the table below provide the weight of fish transferred between related facilities. If facilities are treated as stand-alone facilities, also provide the cost of product being transferred into facility and the value of product being transferred out.


Fish Transferred in from related facility

Fish Transferred out to related facility







_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Arrowtooth Flounder

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Dover Sole

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


English Sole

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Pacific Sanddab

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Petrale Sole

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Rex Sole

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Sablefish (Black cod)

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Sharks, Skates, Rays

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



Coastal Pelagic (incl. sardines and mackerel)

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Echinoderms (incl. sea urchins and sea cucumbers)

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


California Halibut

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Pacific Halibut

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Wild-caught Pacific Salmon

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Other Salmon


_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Other Shellfish

_________ lbs


_________ lbs



_________ lbs


_________ lbs


Other Species ________

_________ lbs


_________ lbs


  1. Fish Received. In the table below provide the weight and cost of fish received from vessels and non-related facilities in 2023 (exclude fish recorded in Question 20).

  • Do not include fish received for custom processing.

  • Include fish purchased by you that are custom processed by another processor outside of this facility.

  • Include any post-season adjustments.

  • Vessel Sources: fish acquired directly from a vessel. For most first receivers, the weight and cost should match the values reported on the fish tickets.

  • Non-Vessel Sources: fish acquired from other entities, including first receivers, processors, wholesale dealers, brokers, aquaculture producers.

    • Unprocessed Fish: includes fish that are whole in the round, unprocessed.

    • Processed Fish: includes fish that have been previously processed, cut or packaged.

Type and Source

of Fish

Total Weight

Gross Cost

Total Weight not paid for

due to quality or size reasons

Total weight of fish paid for

Gross Cost of Fish paid for


  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Arrowtooth Flounder

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Dover Sole

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




English Sole

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Pacific Sanddab

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Petrale Sole

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Rex Sole

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Sablefish (black cod)

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Sharks, Skates, Rays

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Coastal Pelagic (include sardines and mackerel)

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Echinoderms (include sea urchins and sea cucumbers)

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




California Halibut

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Pacific Halibut

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Wild-caught Pacific Salmon

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Other Salmon

  1. Vessel Sources

  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Other Shellfish

  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




Other Species (please list). Only include species with costs greater than $500.


  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish





  1. Vessel Sources




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Unprocessed Fish




  1. Non-Vessel Sources: Processed Fish




  1. Annual Earnings

  1. Fish Production. Provide the 2023 value of production FOB plant (after discounts and allowances and excluding freight charges). Exclude fish transferred out to related facilities (listed in Question 19).

  • Include:

    • All products made or acquired from fish listed in Question 19 (transferred in) and Question 20.

    • Products made from custom processing performed for you.

    • Any post-season adjustments.

  • Do not include:

    • Revenue from products produced or acquired in previous years.

    • Products you produced as a custom processing service for others.

    • Any fish transferred out to a related facility (reported in Question 19)

    • Any additional payment you received to cover any shipping, handling, or storage costs associated with the sale beyond the plant.

    • Discards.

  • Product Types

    • Frozen includes all frozen products (e.g., round, fillets, H&G).

    • Unprocessed includes fish sold in the round that is not frozen. Do not include transfers.

    • Inventory includes only products acquired in 2023, added to inventory and held at the end of the fiscal year. Estimate the value on the basis of the average price received for similar products sold during the year. If inventory is not tracked separately, include inventory in the appropriate product categories.


Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023


A. Surimi






C. Fillets



D. Roe



E. Frozen Whole



F. Unprocessed



G. Inventory



Other ____________



Other ____________



Arrowtooth Flounder

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Dover Sole

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory



English Sole

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory



Pacific Sanddab

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory



Petrale Sole

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Rex Sole

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory



Sharks, Skates, Rays

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Coastal Pelagic (include sardines and mackerel)

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Canned



D. Unprocessed



E. Bait



F. Other



G. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Canned



D. Live /Unprocessed



E. Other



F. Inventory



Echinoderms (include sea urchins and sea cucumbers)

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Added to Inventory



California Halibut

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Sold Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Added to Inventory



Pacific Halibut

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Sold Unprocessed



D. Other



E. Added to Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023


A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



  1. Bait

E. Other



F. Inventory



Wild-caught Pacific Salmon

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Smoked



D. Canned



E. Unprocessed



F. Other



E. Inventory



Other Salmon

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Smoked



D. Canned



E. Unprocessed



F. Other



E. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Canned



D. Unprocessed



E. Other



E. Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023


A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



D. Bait



E. Other



F. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Canned



D. Unprocessed



E. Other



F. Inventory




A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Canned



D. Unprocessed



E. Other



F. Inventory



Other Shellfish

A. Processed Fresh



B. Frozen



C. Unprocessed



E. Other



F. Inventory




Total weight

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Total value

of fish products made or

acquired in 2023

Other Non-Species Specific Products

A. Fish Meal



B. Fish Oil



C. Bait



E. Other Products



F. Inventory



Other Species (please list). Only include species with a value greater than $500.










  1. On a regular basis, did your facility supply vessels with any of the following?

Not a Regular Service


Below Market Rate

At Market Rate






Groundfish Quota






























  1. Provide information related to this facility’s non-whiting groundfish processing operations in 2023. Choose “NA” if this facility does not have non-whiting groundfish operations.

Did this facility fillet non-whiting groundfish?

Shape40 Shape41 Shape42 Yes No N/A

Which best describes the non-whiting groundfish fillet operations at this facility?

Shape44 Shape46 Shape45 Shape43 Hand-cut Machine-cut Both N/A

Did this facility freeze filleted non-whiting groundfish?

Shape47 Shape48 Shape49 Yes No N/A

  1. To which markets did this facility sell whiting and non-whiting groundfish in 2023?

  • Rank each category with regard to importance in terms of total production value.

    • Large-Scale Retailers include supermarkets, restaurant chains, grocery store chains, and other corporations.

    • Small-Scale Retailers include fish markets, restaurants, community-supported fishery (CSF) programs, and other small businesses.

    • Other Intermediate Markets include fish sold to entities where final product market is unknown (i.e., other fish processing facilities).

  • For each species group, rank the category that is most important as “1”, followed by a rank of “2” to the second most important category, and so on until you have a ranked all groups relevant to this facility.

  • Write “NA” if a market category is not applicable to this facility and species group.

Market Category

Rank of Importance based on Product Value


Directly to Consumers




Large-Scale Retailers


Small-Scale Retailers




Other Intermediate Markets


Other (Specify): _____________


Non-Whiting Groundfish

Directly to Consumers




Large-Scale Retailers


Small-Scale Retailers




Other Intermediate Markets


Other (Specify): ____________


  1. Other Earnings

  1. Provide the revenue received by you for custom processing of fish owned by another processor outside of this facility in 2023.

Species Group

2023 Custom Processing Revenue



Non-Whiting Groundfish


Other (Specify):______________


  1. Provide the revenue received in 2023 for each of the earnings sources listed below.

Earnings Source

2023 Total Revenue

Offloading earnings received from others


Sale or lease of quota pounds


Lease of quota share


Sale of quota share


Insurance settlements


Ice Sales


Other (Specify):_______________


  1. Certification

  1. Read the following statement, and sign and date the box below.

I certify under penalty of perjury that I have reviewed all the information in this questionnaire and that it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.


Date signed


mm dd yyyy

Print Name

Questionnaire Comments:


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMelissa Krigbaum
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-12-12

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