EDA TTOR Data Survey (final draft) 061423

Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Data Collection

TTOR Data Survey (FINAL) 062223

EDA TTOR Data Survey (final draft) 061423

OMB: 0610-0111

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Data Collection: Economic Development Administration’s Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Awards

National Governors Association and Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy, Oregon State University

Data Survey

This survey is designed to gather data and information on all Economic Development Administration (EDA) Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation awards, including Competitive Grants and State / Non-Competitive Grants. More details on the survey can be found in the FAQ and Guidance documents.

Not all questions in this survey will pertain to your project. Skip logic is utilized throughout the survey that enables you to skip those sections that do not pertain to your project. This is accomplished by asking a general question about your project, such as whether job creation, business creation, marketing, or workforce development are an intended outcome of your project. If the topic is a focus of your project, then we will follow-up with some additional questions about this topic, and if not, then the survey will automatically skip to the next section of the survey.

Definitions of key words are provided throughout the survey as pop-up boxes accessed by hovering over the highlighted key word. In other cases, more information is made available through URLs.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Randy Rosenberger in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University:

Email: R.Rosenberger@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-4425

Thank you for participating in this important survey.

I. Project Identification

This section asks you some basic questions about your project. This will enable us to link your data with the appropriate project. [The first three questions may be auto-populated in the Qualtrics survey distribution.]

1. Is your project funded through a Competitive Grant or through a State / Noncompetitive Grant? (select one) [pop-up definitions will be included in the survey using the definitions in the glossary]

a. Competitive Grant

b. State / Noncompetitive Grant

2. What is the title of your project? (text box)

3. What is the EDA Grantee Award Number (if applicable)? (text box)

4. What is the name of the person completing this survey? (text box)

5. What is email address of the person completing this project? (text box)

6. What phone number may we reach the person completing this survey if we have any follow up questions or clarifications? (text box)

7. What is the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply)

a. National

b. Multi-state

c. State

d. Multi-county

e. County

f. City or town

g. Other (please explain)

8. What is the primary focus of your project? (select only one)

a. Travel and/or Tourism [pop-up definition is included in the survey using the definition in the glossary]

b. Outdoor Recreation [pop-up definition is included in the survey using the definition in the glossary]

II. New Businesses or Jobs Created [pop-up definitions are included in the survey using the definitions in the glossary]

This section asks questions about the creation of new businesses and/or jobs as the direct result of your project. If your project has not led to new businesses or jobs created, then the screening questions will enable you to move forward in the survey. If your project has led to either new businesses and/or jobs creation, then please answer the follow-up questions to the best of your ability. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

9. Did your project directly lead to the creation of any new businesses thus far in your project’s implementation and for the geographic area of intended impact? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to new jobs subsection of this survey]

10. How many new businesses were created thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impacts? (text box)

11. As a result of the EDA funded project, what types of new businesses were created in the following economic/industry sectors (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply and enter the number for each, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing (text box)

b. Retail trade (text box)

c. Finance (text box)

d. Insurance (text box)

e. Real estate (text box)

f. Rental and leasing (text box)

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation (text box)

h. Accommodation and food services (text box)

i. Government (text box)

j. Other - please identify (text box)

k. We did not collect this information

12. Did your project directly lead to the creation of any new jobs thus far in your project’s implementation and for the geographic area of intended impact? Yes/No

[skip pattern – NO skips to retained businesses and/or jobs section of this survey]

13. How many new jobs were created thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impact? (text box)

14. What types of new jobs were created thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impacts? (please check all that apply and provide the percentage of new jobs within each job type, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Annual full-time (text box)

b. Seasonal full-time (text box)

c. Annual part-time (text box)

d. Seasonal part-time (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

15. As a result of the EDA funded project, what types of new jobs were created in the following economic/industry sectors (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply and enter the number for each, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing (text box)

b. Retail trade (text box)

c. Finance (text box)

d. Insurance (text box)

e. Real estate (text box)

f. Rental and leasing (text box)

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation (text box)

h. Accommodation and food services (text box)

i. Government (text box)

j. Other - please identify (text box)

k. We did not collect this information

16. What is the average annual wage across all new jobs created in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (text box)

17. What is the average annual wage across all new jobs created for each economic/industry sector (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply and enter average annual wage per sector, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing (text box)

b. Retail trade (text box)

c. Finance (text box)

d. Insurance (text box)

e. Real estate (text box)

f. Rental and leasing (text box)

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation (text box)

h. Accommodation and food services (text box)

i. Government (text box)

j. Other - please identify (text box)

k. We did not collect this information

III. Businesses or Jobs Retained [pop-up definition is included in the survey using the definition in the glossary]

This section asks questions about the retention of businesses and/or jobs as the direct result of your project. If your project has not led to the retention of any businesses or jobs, then the screening questions will enable you to move forward in the survey. If your project has led to either the retention of businesses and/or jobs, then please answer the follow-up questions to the best of your ability. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

18. Did your project directly lead to the retention of any businesses thus far in your project’s implementation and for the geographic area of intended impact? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO, skips to retained jobs subsection of this survey]

19. How many businesses were retained thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impact? (text box)

20. As a result of the EDA funded project, what types of businesses were retained in the following economic/industry sectors (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply and enter the number for each, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing (text box)

b. Retail trade (text box)

c. Finance (text box)

d. Insurance (text box)

e. Real estate (text box)

f. Rental and leasing (text box)

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation (text box)

h. Accommodation and food services (text box)

i. Government (text box)

j. Other - please identify (text box)

k. We did not collect this information

21. Did your project directly lead to the retention of any jobs thus far in your project’s implementation and for the geographic area of intended impact? Yes/No

[skip pattern – NO, skips to workforce development section of this survey]

22. How many jobs were retained thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impact? (text box)

23. What types of jobs were retained thus far in your project’s implementation and in the geographic area of intended impact? (please check all that apply and provide the percentage of new jobs within each job type, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Annual full-time (text box)

b. Seasonal full-time (text box)

c. Annual part-time (text box)

d. Seasonal part-time (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

24. As a result of the EDA funded project, what types of jobs were retained in the following economic/industry sectors (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing

b. Retail trade

c. Finance

d. Insurance

e. Real estate

f. Rental and leasing

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation

h. Accommodation and food services

i. Government

j. Other - please explain

k. We did not collect this information

25. What is the average annual wage across all jobs retained in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (text box)

26. What is the average annual wage across all jobs retained for each economic/industry sector (based on NAICs code industry categories) in the geographic area of intended impact for the project? (check all that apply and enter average annual wage per sector, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Manufacturing (text box)

b. Retail trade (text box)

c. Finance (text box)

d. Insurance (text box)

e. Real estate (text box)

f. Rental and leasing (text box)

g. Arts, entertainment, and recreation (text box)

h. Accommodation and food services (text box)

i. Government (text box)

j. Other - please identify (text box)

k. We did not collect this information

IV. Workforce Development

This section asks questions about workforce development through trainings, workshops and other educational events offered throughout the duration of your project to date. There are screening questions that will enable you to move on to the other parts of the survey if any of these workforce development activities do not pertain to your project. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

27. Did the project provide skills development through trainings, workshops, certifications/licensing, and other events for current employees, new hires and potential employees, and/or business owners? Yes/No

[skip pattern – NO skips to visitors and visitation quality section of this survey]

28. Did your project provide any training sessions (less than half-day long)? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to workshop subsection]

29. How many training sessions offered thus far in your project? (text box)

30. How many total participants / clients attended these training sessions thus far in your project? (text box)

31. How did your participants / clients in these training sessions self-identify with respect to race? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

32. How did your participants / clients in these training sessions self-identify with respect to ethnicity? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

33. How did your participants / clients in these training sessions self-identify with respect to gender? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

34. What were the top three skills (e.g., leading groups, coordinating meetings, technical outdoor skills, engaging with clients, taking reservations, etc.) taught in these training sessions?

a. Skill #1 (text box)

b. Skill #2 (text box)

c. Skill #3 (text box)

35. How much total annual funding would be needed to sustain the training program your project created? (text box)

36. Did your project provide any workshop sessions (day-long or multi-day sessions)? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to certification/licensing subsection]

37. How many workshop sessions offered thus far in your project? (text box)

38. How many total participants / clients attended these workshop sessions thus far in your project? (text box)

39. How did your participants / clients in these workshop sessions self-identify with respect to race? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

40. How did your participants / clients in these workshop sessions self-identify with respect to ethnicity? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

41. How did your participants / clients in these workshop sessions self-identified with respect to gender? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

42. What were the top three skills (e.g., technical outdoor skills, leading teams, navigating difficulties, safety, etc.) taught in these workshop sessions?

a. Skill #1 (text box)

b. Skill #2 (text box)

c. Skill #3 (text box)

43. How much total annual funding would be needed to sustain the workshop program your project created? (text box)

44. Did your project provide any certification / licensing courses (day-long or multi-day sessions)? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to the visitor and visitation section of the survey]

45. How many certification / licensing courses offered thus far in your project? (text box)

46. How many total participants / clients attended these certification / licensing courses thus far in your project? (text box)

47. How did your participants / clients in these certification / licensing courses self-identify with respect to race? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

48. How did your participants / clients in these certification / licensing courses self-identify with respect to ethnicity? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

49. How did your participants / clients in these certification / licensing courses self-identify with respect to gender? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

50. What were the top three skills (e.g., first aid, leadership, communication, group dynamics, etc. taught in these certification / licensing courses?

a. Skill #1 (text box)

b. Skill #2 (text box)

c. Skill #3 (text box)

51. How much total annual funding would be needed to sustain the certification / licensing program your project created? (text box)

V. Visitors and Visitation [pop-up definitions included in the survey using the definitions in the glossary]

This section asks questions about visitors and visitation quality as the direct result of your project. There are screening questions included that will enable you to move on to the next section of the survey if your project did not focus on visitors or visitation quality and impacts. If your project does focus on visitors and/or visitation, then please answer each question to the best of your ability. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

52. Did your project focus on visitors or visitation quality? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to equity focused activities section of this survey]

53. Did your project increase the overall number of visitors per year to the geographic area of intended impact for the project? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to visitation quality subsection]

54. How many more total visitors visited your intended impact area over the duration of your project to date than before your project? (text box)

55. How did you calculate or measure the increased total visitation because of your project? (text box)

56. How many more total days did visitors stay in your intended impact area over the duration of your project to date than before your project? (text box)

57. How did you calculate or measure the increased total visitor length of stay because of your project? (text box)

58. How many more total visits are from local residents (i.e., live within 50-miles) to your intended impact area over the duration of your project to date than before your project? (text box)

59. How did you calculate or measure the increased total visits by local residents because of your project? (text box)

60. Did the project increase the quality of visitation for visitors to your intended impact area? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to Equity section of this survey]

61. Describe up to three visitation quality improvements (e.g., sight or sound buffering, lighting, parking, garbage, signage, etc.) your project created. [pop-up definition included in the survey using the definition in the glossary]

a. Improvement #1 (text box)

b. Improvement #2 (text box)

c. Improvement #3 (text box)

VI. Equity Focused Activities: [pop-up definition included in the survey using the definition in the glossary]

This section asks questions about whether your project has any equity focused activities and how your project may have affected different categories of race, ethnicity, and/or gender identity of your participants / clients, business owners, and/or employees. Screening questions are included to enable you to move on to the next section if your project did not have any equity focused activities. If your project does include equity focused activities, then please answer each question to the best of your ability Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

62. Did your project have an equity component that aimed to increase the number of business owners, employees or visitors from a certain race, ethnicity, or gender identity? Yes/No

[skip pattern – NO skips to construction/non-construction projects section of this survey]

63. Did your project increase the number of business owners in your intended impact area from a certain race, ethnicity, or gender identity? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to employees questions below]

64. As a result of the project, with which of the following races do these new business owners self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total business owners per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

65. As a result of the project, with which of the following ethnicities do these new business owners self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

66. As a result of the project, with which of the following gender categories do these new business owners self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

67. Did your project increase the number of employees in your intended impact area from a certain race, ethnicity, or gender identity? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to visitors questions below]

68. As a result of the project, with which of the following races do these employees self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total business owners per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

69. As a result of the project, with which of the following ethnicities do these employees self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

70. As a result of the project, with which of the following gender categories do these employees self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

71. Did your project increase the number of visitors to your intended impact area from a certain race, ethnicity, or gender identity? Yes/No [skip pattern -- NO skips to construction/non-construction projects section questions below]

72. As a result of the project, with which of the following races do these new visitors self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total business owners per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native (text box)

b. Asian (text box)

c. Black or African American (text box)

d. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (text box)

e. White (text box)

f. Other (including two or more races) (text box)

g. We did not collect this information

73. As a result of the project, with which of the following ethnicities do these new visitors self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Hispanic or Latino (text box)

b. Not Hispanic or Latino (text box)

c. We did not collect this information

74. As a result of the project, with which of the following gender categories do these new visitors self-identify? (check all that apply and enter percent of total participants/clients per category, or choose the final response to move to the next question)

a. Female (text box)

b. Male (text box)

c. Transgender, non-binary, or another gender (text box)

d. Other – please explain (text box)

e. We did not collect this information

VII. Construction and Non-construction [pop-up definitions included in the survey using the definitions in the glossary]

This section asks questions about construction and non-construction project types supported by your project funding. There are screening questions included that will enable you to move on to the next section of the survey if your project did not focus on construction and/or non-construction projects. If your project does focus on construction and/or non-construction projects, then please answer each question to the best of your ability. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

75. Did your project develop any new or expand any existing travel, tourism and/or outdoor recreation construction and/or non-construction projects? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to marketing, outreach, and networking section of this survey]

76. Did your project include any of the following construction project types? (check all that apply and provide a description for each)

a. Facilities (e.g., parks, trails, playgrounds, buildings) (text box)

b. Utilities (e.g., Wi-Fi, fiber optics, restrooms, lighting) (text box)

c. Transportation (e.g., bus service, parking, maps and wayfinding) (text box)

77. Did your project include any of the following non-construction project types? (check all that apply and provide a description for each)

a. Planning (text box)

b. Marketing (text box)

c. Feasibility / research (text box)

d. Assessment or analysis (impact, economic, etc.) (text box)

e. Other – identify (text box)

78. Were any data used in decision making for your project, such as in planning, implementation, or assessment? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to marketing, outreach and networking section]

79. What were the sources of data used in decision making for project planning or assessment activities to implement your project? (check all that apply)

a. Public opinion polls

b. Public surveys

c. Phone tracking data

d. Land-use or environmental impact assessments [pop-up definition included in survey using the definition in the glossary]

e. Secondary data - please explain

f. Other - please explain

VIII. Marketing, Outreach and Networking Activities

This section asks questions about your marketing, outreach, and networking activities associated with your project. There are screening questions included that will enable you to move on to the next section of the survey if your project did not focus on marketing, outreach, and/or networking activities. If your project does focus on marketing, outreach, and/or networking activities, then please answer each question to the best of your ability. Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

80. Did your project including any marketing, outreach, and/or networking activities? Yes/No [Skip pattern -- NO skips to economic resilience section of survey]

81. Did your project involve marketing? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to outreach subsection of this survey]

82. What was the goal of the marketing? (text box)

83. What type of marketing mode was used? (check all that apply)

a. Mailings

b. Emailing

c. Phoning (texting or calling)

d. Website design

e. Social media posts

f. In-person

g. Other – please explain

84. Did your project include any outreach events? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to networking subsection]

85. Did your project include any in-person outreach events? (yes/no)

86. How many total in-person outreach events did you hold thus far in your project? (text box)

87. What types of stakeholders attended in-person outreach events? (check all that apply)

a. Private industry

b. Non-profit/non-governmental organization

c. Government

d. Community leaders

e. Private citizens

f. Other – please explain

88. Did your project include any virtual outreach events? (yes/no)

89. How many total virtual outreach events did you hold thus far in your project? (text box)

90. What types of stakeholders attended virtual outreach events? (check all that apply)

a. Private industry

b. Non-profit/non-governmental organization

c. Government

d. Community leaders

e. Private citizens

f. Other – please explain

91. Did your project increase connections or networks through events, meetings, or other collaborations with others? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to economic resilience section of this survey]

92. How many total collaborative events did you hold to advance your grant project? (text box)

93. What types of participants/collaborators did you work with? (check all that apply)

a. Community

b. Travel and tourism industry

c. Outdoor recreation industry

d. Local

e. State

f. Tribal

g. Governments

h. Other - please explain

94. How many total partners/collaborators, paid or unpaid, helped on the grant project? (text box)

95. Explain how they helped such as providing expertise or funding, sponsoring a stakeholder outreach event, networking, etc.? (text box)

96. Has your project received additional funding support other than from this EDA award? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO skips to economic resilience section of this survey]

97. What were the source type and total dollar amount received by your project to date from this source? (check all that apply and enter total dollar amount received)

a. Federal government (text box)

b. State government (text box)

c. Tribal government (text box)

d. Regional/County government (text box)

e. Local/City (text box)

f. Private industry (text box)

g. Foundation or non-profit organization (text box)

h. Other - please identify (text box)

IX. Economic and Community Resilience Activities [pop-up definition included in survey using the definition in the glossary]

This section asks questions about your project’s contributions to economic or community resilience to natural and social hazards. There are screening questions included that will enable you to move on to end this survey if your project did not focus on economic resilience activities. If your project does focus on economic and community resilience activities, then please answer each question to the best of your ability Please answer each question as completely as you are able to, and if you do not have enough information or you don’t know the answer to the question, then please move on to the next question in the survey.

98. Did your project advance strategies to increase the economic resilience of the travel and tourism sector to external shocks such as recession, supply chain issues, pandemic travel restrictions and climate change? Yes/No [skip pattern – NO ends survey]

99. Which of the following economic resilience strategies did your project focus on and provide a brief explanation (one or two sentences) for each. (select all that apply and provide an explanation)

a. Technological readiness (text box)

b. Business diversification (i.e., creating year-round destination from seasonal destination, expanding goods or services offered) (text box)

c. Visitor diversification (i.e., locals, non-locals, race and ethnicity, etc.) (text box)

d. Production efficiencies, (i.e., local suppliers, new technology, etc.) (text box)

e. Regional marketing (text box)

f. National and/or international marketing (text box)

g. Regional collaboration between different geographic areas of the state or other states (text box)

h. Collaboration with other entities such as state and local governments, planning organizations, industry, user groups, etc., on project implementation, funding, marketing or on other project goals (text box)

i. Natural hazard adaptation or mitigation (i.e., protecting travel and tourism areas from extreme weather such as floods, wildfire, heat, etc.) (text box)

j. Disaster recovery (i.e., cleanup, recovery) (text box)

k. Financial incentives (i.e., tax relief, loans for manufacturing or other businesses) (text box)

l. Expedited permitting for manufacturers or other businesses (text box)

m. Other (text box)


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorGrafton, Bernadette (Federal)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-12-12

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