Attachment C: Organizer Survey
OMB No. 0930-0288
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Burden Statement: This information is being collected to assist the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the purpose of program monitoring of Communities Talk to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse initiative. This voluntary information collected will be used at an aggregate level to assess the Communities Talk stipend recipients’ experiences with the events and alcohol and other drug misuse prevention activities deployed by their organizations or institutions. Under the Privacy Act of 1974, any personally identifying information obtained will be kept private to the extent of the law. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0930-0288. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per encounter, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Ln, Room 15 E57B, Rockville, MD 20857.
Communities Talk to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse Survey
On behalf of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), one of its contractors called ICF Next invites prevention specialists working individually or as part of a coalition to fill out this survey. A coalition refers to any group of individuals or organizations working together. This survey asks about your possible experiences with Communities Talk to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse and how your community might be carrying out evidence-based strategies to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse. Evidence-based strategies have been evaluated and found to have positive effects on the intended audience. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes. Your participation is completely voluntary. You can stop at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your employment, funding for your work, or result in any other penalty or loss of benefit. The evaluation team will keep your survey answers in a password-protected computer folder. It will be accessed only by the evaluation team. The evaluation team will summarize everyone’s answers in a report. The evaluation team will keep your name and contact information separate from your answers. We collect your name and contact information only to monitor who has already completed the survey, as to not request more than one response per organization. The report will not identify you and the person documenting survey completions will not analyze the data. Your thoughts are very important. They will help SAMHSA improve how it supports community-based prevention efforts. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Genevieve Martinez-Garcia or Sarah Caban, Study Administrators, at
By continuing, you are consenting to participate in this survey on behalf of your coalition or you.
NOTE: As you complete each page of the survey and click the right arrow, data entered will be automatically saved. This feature allows you to return to the survey to make changes or finish completing it. You will be allowed to return to the survey until the last question is answered.
Please answer each question by marking one of the answer choices. Some questions allow you to mark more than one answer. If you don’t find an answer that fits exactly, choose the one that comes closest.
of Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse
Q1 In your opinion, how important of an issue is alcohol and other drug misuse, and its consequences, to the residents of your community?
Very important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not important
I don’t know
Communities Talk
Q2 What is the total number of Communities Talk activities hosted in your community during this calendar year? These events may have been primarily hosted by your organization or a different one.
Note: If an exact number cannot be provided, please provide your best estimate. Please provide as accurate of a number as possible.
# activities primarily hosted by your organization: __________
# activities primarily hosted by a different organization: __________
Q3 What was the total number of attendees at your most recent Communities Talk activity? (Estimates are okay.)
# of physical (in-person) attendees: _______________
# of virtual (not in-person) attendees: _______________
Q4. What substances/topics, if any, will your Communities Talk activity cover? Choose all that apply.*
Prescription opioids
Mental health
Other: [FILL IN]
Q5 Evidence-based strategies have been evaluated and found to have positive effects on the intended audience. Certain advance preparation may or may not help professionals build their capacity to carry out any number of evidence-based strategies to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse in their community (e.g., advisory board or committees on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention, youth-led coalition on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention). Some of the preparation may be tied to Communities Talk, while some of the preparation may not be tied to Communities Talk. This question asks about your organization’s preparation for evidence-based strategies, other than hosting a Communities Talk activity. How much have you completed of the following steps?
Not Started |
Started and Partly Completed |
Started and Fully Completed |
Got resources (e.g., time, funding, equipment) |
Read materials on how to conduct evidence-based strategies (e.g., website, handbook, toolkit, checklist) |
Made plans to use the materials on how to conduct evidence-based strategies |
Got training |
Talked to one or more of my managers |
Talked to one or more of my peers |
Got one-on-one advice |
Q6 Have you used any material(s) from the Communities Talk website (
Q6A <If Q6=Yes> What material(s) from the Communities Talk website ( have you used?
Quick Start Planning Guide
Tips & Tools for Hosting a Virtual Activity (e.g., virtual activity starters and ideas)
Using Social Media guides
Social Media Images/Graphics
Customizable Resources for Communities Talk Promotion and Implementation (e.g., PowerPoint template, flyer, logo, web badge)
Prevention Event Planner web app
Other (please specify) _______________
Q7 Please rate your agreement with the following statement: I know how to use evidence-based approaches to carry out future alcohol and other drug misuse prevention activities.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Q8 Prevention professionals take several steps as part of their evidence-based work. How confident are you that you can carry out the following tasks?
**If a task is outside your organization’s authority, please select “not applicable”.
Not confident |
Somewhat confident |
Very confident |
Not applicable |
Assess the needs and resources of the community |
Define priority populations |
Create goals and objectives |
Choose evidence-based strategies |
Tailor the evidence-based strategies to the community |
Assess organizational capacities to implement the evidence-based strategies |
Plan to implement the evidence-based strategies |
Find materials for priority populations |
Acquire/get materials for priority populations |
Manage coalition members |
Monitor implementation of the evidence-based strategies |
Evaluate the evidence-based strategies |
Continually improve the evidence-based strategies |
Sustain the evidence-based strategies |
Collaborate with others to implement resources or programming |
Work with my local legislators or policymakers to create laws and/ or policies |
Q9 There are many ways to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse in a community. Different communities need different evidence-based strategies. SAMHSA wants to learn what works best for your community. Currently, which of the following activities are you or your organization collaborating on with others to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse in your community? (Mark all that apply.)
Hold meetings or discussion groups on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention
Create alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention action groups (e.g., committees, task forces, and advisory boards)
Start a youth-led coalition on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention
Develop strategic plans to reduce and prevent alcohol and/or other drug misuse
Build coalitions with other agencies or programs to reduce and prevent alcohol and/or other drug misuse Enforce compliance checks to reduce youth access to alcohol and/or other drugs.
Encourage responsible beverage server training
Reduce or limit alcohol and/or other drugs outlet density
Increase taxes on alcohol sales
Increase sobriety and traffic safety checkpoints
Limit sales of alcohol at public events where youth are present
Prevent sales of other drugs at public events where youth are present
Reduce the number of hours for possible happy hours
Implement social host ordinances
Draft policy changes for my community that focus on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention
Work with my local legislators or policymakers to educate about the importance of changes to, or recommend enforcement of, existing laws and policies
Other (please specify): _______________
Q10 For the activities mentioned in Q9, what types of organizations do you typically collaborate with (check all that apply)?
Faith-based based organizations
Law enforcement
Youth-led organizations
Secondary schools
Elementary schools
Colleges or universities
Other community-based organizations
Local chapters of national organizations
Charitable organizations
Local businesses
State and local government agencies (e.g., public health departments)
Q11 How many partners does your organization coordinate with for activities on a monthly basis? This can be an estimated number.
# of collaboration partners engaged per month _____
Q12 A community’s needs and its resources may change over time. In the future, how likely is it that you or your organization will plan or collaborate with others on the following activities to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse in your community?
Very Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Not Likely |
Hold follow-up meetings or discussion groups on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention |
Create alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention action groups (e.g., committees, task forces, and advisory boards) |
Start a youth-led coalition on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention |
Develop strategic plans to reduce and alcohol and/or other drug misuse |
Build coalitions with other agencies or programs to reduce and prevent alcohol and/or other drug misuse |
Enforce compliance checks to reduce youth access to alcohol and/or other drugs |
Encourage responsible beverage server training |
Reduce or limit alcohol and/or other drugs outlet density |
Increase taxes on alcohol sales |
Increase sobriety and traffic safety checkpoints |
Limit sales of alcohol at public events where youth are present |
Prevent sales of other drugs at public events where youth are present |
Reduce the number of hours for possible happy hours |
Implement social host ordinances |
Draft policy changes for my community that focus on alcohol and/or other drug misuse prevention |
Work with local legislators or policymakers to educate about the importance of changes to, or recommend enforcement of, existing laws and policies |
Usefulness of Communities
Q13 Think about all of the Communities Talk activities that might have taken place in your community. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Communities Talk has increased my knowledge of how my community can prevent alcohol and other drug misuse in my community. |
Communities Talk has increased my community’s capacity to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse |
Communities Talk is advancing the prevention of alcohol and other drug misuse in my community. |
Communities Talk meets significant alcohol and other drug use prevention needs within our community. |
Communities Talk was easy to implement in my community. |
Q14 Do you have a report or something else (e.g., tables) that includes alcohol and other drug misuse data at the community level (e.g., incidences of use; activities or actions employed to prevent and combat alcohol and other drug misuse)?
Q14A <If Q13=Yes> Would you be willing to share the report with SAMHSA?
Q14B <If Q13A=Yes> Please send the report to the following address:
Attn.: Communities Talk—Genevieve Martinez-Garcia
530 Gaither Rd, Suite 500, Rockville, MD 20857
Q15 How would you characterize the location where your Communities Talk activity was held?
Other (please specify): _______________
Q16 Which of the following best describes your organization?
Community-based organization
Institution of higher education
Other (please specify) __________
Q17 Which of the following best describes the primary audience(s) served by your organization? (Mark all that apply.)
Teachers or other education staff
Prevention specialists and volunteers
Law enforcement officials
Legislators or policymakers
Doctors, nurses, or other health care professionals
Youth leaders (e.g., coaches, parks and recreation personnel, and scouting leaders)
Healthcare providers
The media
American Indian or Alaska Native community members
Asian community members
Black or African American community members
Hispanic community members
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander community members
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBTQ) community members
(please specify) __________
Exit screen>
Thank you again for sharing this important information about your experience with Communities Talk and alcohol and other drug misuse prevention activities in your community! Visit for the most current updates.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Miscally, Memi |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-22 |