IPEDS 2023-24 Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Plan - 2023-24 v31

IPEDS 2023-24 Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Plan 2023-2024 v31.docx

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2022-23 through 2024-25

IPEDS 2023-24 Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Plan - 2023-24 v31

OMB: 1850-0582

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Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2023-24 through 2024-25

Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Package for the 2023-2024 Data Collection Year – Tracked Changes

OMB No. 1850-0582 v.31

Submitted by:

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

Institute of Education Sciences

U.S. Department of Education

July 2023

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System IPEDS 2022-26

Deliverable 12a

Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Package for the 2023-2024 Data Collection Year

Submitted to:

Tara Lawley, IPEDS Program Director

Andrew Mary, COR

National Center for Education Statistics

Institute of Education Sciences

U.S. Department of Education

550 12TH Street, SW

Potomac Center Plaza

Washington, DC 200024

Prepared by:

RTI International

3040 East Cornwallis Road

P.O. Box 12194

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194

Contract Number: GS00Q14OADU217/91990022F0021

RTI Project No. 0218594

Submitted: April 18, 2023


The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a series of annual surveys that collect a variety of data from postsecondary institutions in the United States and U.S. territories.

The purpose of this Pre-Collection Coordination and Communication Package is to provide NCES with draft templates of all pre-collection mailings and emailings, for review and approval by the COR. Exhibit 1 outlines the schedule of planned coordination and collection communications throughout the collection cycle, and is divided into those communications that fall into the “pre-collection opening” and “post-collection opening” time periods. Exhibits 2 through 17 include the draft text of (a) the coordination tree email; (b) the chief executive officer (CEO) letters, (c) pre-collection keyholder registration emails, (d) reminder emails to non-registered users, (e) notification to software vendors, and (f) annual update emails to CEOs and coordinators.

Exhibit 1. IPEDS 2023-24 Data Collection Communications and Follow-Up Schedule



Correspondence Type

Scheduled Time


Communication Criteria


Prior to 8/9/23

Coordination tree update email

May 2023



Registration Period


Letter w/keyholder registration letter and registration certificate

Registration opening


No previous keyholder


Registration email w/User ID

Registration opening





Password email

Registration opening





Notification of survey materials update

Registration opening

Software vendors

All registered


New Keyholder Welcome Package

At time of registration

New Keyholders

All registered


Prompting registration email

2 weeks following registration opening


Not registered


Prompting registration letter

3 weeks following registration opening


No keyholder registered

Annual update email

3 weeks following registration opening


All CEOs, all coordinators



Correspondence Type

Scheduled Time


Communication Criteria

Fall 2023


Opening announcement

Collection opening





Thank you email

At time of survey locking



All locked surveys


One Last Chance Reminder

1 week following collection opening


CEOs of schools having already used OLC


Annual update email

3 weeks following registration opening


All CEOs, all coordinators


Prompting registration letter

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No keyholder registered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Thank You email

3 weeks prior to collection closing


All surveys completed


Prompting phone call

3 weeks prior to collection closing


No keyholder registered


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Prompting email

1 week prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

1 week prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked

Exhibit 1. IPEDS 2023-24 Data Collection Communications and Follow-Up Schedule (cont.)




Opening announcement

Collection opening





Prompting registration letter

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No keyholder registered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Thank You email

3 weeks prior to collection closing


All surveys completed


Prompting phone call

3 weeks prior to collection closing


No Keyholder registered


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Prompting email

1 week prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

1 week prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked

Spring 2024


Opening announcement

Collection opening





Prompting emails (included in TWII)

8 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting emails (included in TWII)

6 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting registration letter

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No keyholder registered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

4 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Thank You email

3 weeks prior to collection closing


All surveys completed


Prompting phone call

3 weeks prior to collection closing


No Keyholder registered


Prompting email

3 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered since Winter


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered since Winter


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

2 weeks prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked


Prompting phone call

2 weeks prior to collection closing

New Keyholders

All required surveys not locked


Email to keyholder

1 week prior to collection closing


No data entered


Prompting email

1 week prior to collection closing


All required surveys not locked

Exhibit 2. Coordination Tree Update Request Email

Dear IPEDS Coordinator –

As you know, we are quickly approaching the registration period for the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection. As we prepare for registration, we would like to ask you to please review the list of institutions you have access to in the data collection system, by logging into the system and clicking on “Institutions.”

Respond to this email to let the Help Desk know if:

* You would like to add to or subtract from your list. If you are a state coordinator, you have a report in your Reports menu called State List of Institutions Not Coordinated by Your Office; this list includes any institutions (Title IV or not) in your state that are in the IPEDS universe but not in your coordination plan.

* You would like to change your access to any of your listed institutions. Your options are View, Update, and Lock. Please consult the Coordinator Manual (in the Help menu) for descriptions of these access levels, and contact the Help Desk if you have questions.

Please contact Moussa Ezzeddine (Moussa.Ezzeddine@ed.gov) if:

* You see any closed institutions on your list that are not reflected as such.

* You are a system coordinator and there are mergers happening that need to be reflected in IPEDS for 2023-24.

If possible, please respond with any changes or questions by July 30, 2023. You can, of course, update your coordination plan during the year, but it helps us to be able to make these changes before the data collection starts for the year.

Thanks for your assistance.

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 3. Registration Letter to CEOs of Institutions with no Previous Keyholder

<NCES Letterhead>

August 9, 2023





city_txt, state_cd zip_text

Dear Chief Executive Officer:

Your institution currently does not have a designated keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data collection cycle; please appoint one at this time, and forward the enclosed materials to that individual.

The National Center for Education Statistics is finalizing preparations for the 2023-24 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data collection. Your institution currently does not have a designated keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 collection cycle; please appoint one at this time, and forward the enclosed materials to that individual. The success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on the efforts of your institution’s keyholder.

The keyholder is responsible for your institution’s data submission and should be someone who is familiar with the IPEDS data collection. This person is responsible for all three collections— Fall 2023, Winter 2023-24, and Spring 2024. The enclosed materials provide the information your appointed keyholder will need to register prior to entering data into the system. Once your keyholder registers, all future correspondence will go directly to him or her.

The importance of your institution’s compliance with this reporting responsibility cannot be overstated. Please be aware that responses to the IPEDS surveys are mandated for those institutions that participate or expect to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs under Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), 20 U.S.C. §1094(a)(17) and the Department of Education’s regulations at 34 C.F.R. §668.14(b)(19). As a condition of continued participation in the federal student aid programs, all institutions must complete, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, all surveys conducted as a part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. According to the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), an institution’s failure to complete and submit these surveys is a serious violation of its obligations under the HEA and the regulations, and appropriate action, including warnings, fines and possible loss of eligibility for Title IV federal student financial aid programs will be taken by that office.

The Department of Education relies on postsecondary institutions to accurately report data to IPEDS, and nearly all institutions do. Institutions themselves sometimes identify misreporting issues and work with ED to correct those problems without the need for further action by the Department. The Department is concerned about any instances of intentional or significant misreporting. Under these circumstances, the Office of Federal Student Aid may take administrative action to appropriately address the issue.

Because of the importance of the IPEDS surveys, we will contact you again if your keyholder has not registered by August 30, 2023. Registration is currently open, and the data collection periods are scheduled as follows:

Fall 2023: September 6, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Winter 2023-24: December 6, 2023 – February 7, 2024

Spring 2024: December 6, 2023 – April 3, 2024

The results of previous Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) web-based data collections are currently available through the IPEDS Use the Data Tools (at the Collection level), the Custom Data Feedback Report tool, and the College Navigator website. Links to all of these data tools are on the IPEDS web site at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds.

There is no need for you to respond to this letter. However, if you need any additional information or have any questions, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk toll free at 1-877-225-2568 (or send an email to ipedshelp@rti.org). Thank you in advance for your assistance in this important project.


Ross C. Santy

Associate Commissioner

Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics



Exhibit 4. Registration Letter to New Keyholders

<NCES Letterhead>

August 9, 2023

IPEDS Keyholder


Dear IPEDS Keyholder:

Welcome! Your Chief Administrator has designated you as the IPEDS Keyholder for the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2023-24. The success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on your efforts. Thank you in advance for your work this coming year.

As the IPEDS keyholder, you are responsible for assuring the accuracy of all of your institution’s data submitted to IPEDS, and for “locking” the surveys by the designated keyholder deadlines for the three 2023-24 data collections (Fall 2023, Winter 2023-24, and Spring 2024). Enclosed is a registration certificate that provides you with the information you need to register by August 30 and subsequently participate in these important data collections.

The Fall 2023, Winter 2023-24, and Spring 2024 data collections will be administered through a web system that can be accessed only by designated staff with assigned UserIDs and passwords. This Fall we will collect Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment data. The Winter collection will include the Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates, Graduation Rates 200, Admissions and Outcome Measures components. The Spring collection (which opens December 6 and will be open continuously until April 3) includes the Fall Enrollment, Finance, Human Resources and Academic Libraries components.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

The data collection periods are scheduled as follows:

Fall 2023: September 6, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Winter 2023-24: December 6, 2023 – February 7, 2024

Spring 2024: December 6, 2023 – April 3, 2024

For your convenience in preparing for the upcoming collections, ALL survey forms, instructions, file import specifications, and FAQs for the 2023-24 surveys are available through the data collection system (select Help, then Survey Materials). A New Keyholder Handbook is also available in the Help menu; this resource includes a lot of useful information, including information on keyholder responsibilities, how to submit and lock your data, where to get help and training, and tips from veteran keyholders.

The importance of your institution’s compliance with the IPEDS reporting responsibility cannot be overstated. Please note that responses to the IPEDS surveys are mandated for those institutions that participate or expect to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs under Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA), 20 U.S.C. §1094(a)(17) and the Department of Education’s regulations at 34 C.F.R. §668.14(b)(19). As a condition of continued participation in the federal student aid programs, all institutions must complete, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, all surveys conducted as a part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. According to the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), an institution’s failure to complete and submit these surveys is a serious violation of its obligations under the HEA and the regulations, and appropriate action, including warnings, fines, and possible loss of eligibility for Title IV federal student financial aid programs, will be taken by that office.

The Department of Education relies on postsecondary institutions to accurately report data to IPEDS, and nearly all institutions do. Institutions themselves sometimes identify misreporting issues and work with ED to correct those problems without the need for further action by the Department. The Department is concerned about any instances of intentional or significant misreporting. Under these circumstances, the Office of Federal Student Aid may take administrative action to appropriately address the issue.

As your institution’s keyholder, the first deadline you must meet is to register as the IPEDS keyholder using the information on the enclosed registration certificate prior to August 30. If you have not registered by that date, we will send a letter to your institution’s CEO indicating that your institution has no registered keyholder. The registration screen asks for specific contact information. This information must be complete, and the email address provided will be used for ALL further contact with your institution during these data collections. If your institution has more than one person who will need to provide data for the surveys, you may request up to sixteen (16) additional UserIDs and passwords for these staff members. However, please remember that all communication will flow through you as the IPEDS keyholder, and you will be the only person allowed to lock your data.

Please refer to the collection schedule on your registration certificate and allow sufficient time to enter and lock your data for Fall, Winter, and Spring. Once your institution’s data have been locked, they will be reviewed by NCES. You may receive a request for clarification based on this review. Your institution’s data will be made available to other responding institutions through the IPEDS Data Center, and they will be posted to the College Navigator website, where information can be accessed by students and parents (http://collegesearch.ed.gov).

Thank you for your assistance. If you need additional information, please call the IPEDS Help Desk at the toll-free number 1-877-225-2568 (or send an email to ipedshelp@rti.org).


Ross C. Santy

Associate Commissioner

Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics



Exhibit 5. Registration Certificate

Registration Certificate

IPEDS 2023-24 Collection Year



User ID: user_ID

Password: password_txt

Note: The above password is temporary and you will be

required to establish a new password upon your first login.



1-877-225-2568 (toll free)

On-line Registration


Opens August 9, 2023

Use the Help menu for copies of survey forms

and other important information for respondents

2023-24 Data Collection Periods1


Fall 2023: September 6, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Winter 2023-24: December 6, 2023 – February 7, 2024

Spring 2024: December 6, 2023 – April 3, 2024

1Closeout dates are firm and no extensions will be granted

Exhibit 6. Registration Email to Keyholders

Subject: IPEDS 2023-24 Registration Information - <UnitID>

August 9, 2023

Dear IPEDS Keyholder:

Welcome back! The National Center for Education Statistics is finalizing preparations for the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection. At the end of the Spring 2023 collection period, you were registered as the keyholder for your institution. If you will continue to serve as the keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 collection cycle, please be sure to register as directed below. If you will NOT be serving as the keyholder for this collection year, please forward this email to your Chief Executive Officer so that another keyholder can be assigned.

The success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on your efforts. Thank you in advance for your work this coming year.

The importance of your institution's compliance with the IPEDS reporting responsibility cannot be overstated. As you know, responses to the IPEDS surveys are mandated for those institutions that participate or expect to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs under Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA), 20 U.S.C. §1094(a)(17) and the Department of Education's (Department) regulations at 34 C.F.R. §668.14(b)(19). As a condition of continued participation in the federal student aid programs, all institutions must complete, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, all surveys conducted as a part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. According to the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), an institution's failure to complete and submit these surveys is a serious violation of its obligations under the HEA and the regulations, and appropriate action, including warnings, fines, and possible loss of eligibility for Title IV federal student financial aid programs, will be taken by that office.

The Department of Education relies on postsecondary institutions to accurately report data to IPEDS, and nearly all institutions do. Institutions themselves sometimes identify misreporting issues and work with ED to correct those problems without the need for further action by the Department. The Department is concerned about any instances of intentional or significant misreporting. Under these circumstances, the Office of Federal Student Aid may take administrative action to appropriately address the issue.

Keyholder Registration:

The keyholder's UserID is the same as it has been in prior years.

The password needed to access the IPEDS web-based data collection system for the 2023-24 collection cycle will be sent separately, shortly after this email. This is a TEMPORARY password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.


Institution: <Institution_Name>

UserID: <UserID>

Temporary Password: This is being sent in a separate email


If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your password, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The registration site opens August 9, 2023. Keyholders must register online at: http://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS by August 30, 2023. In order to ensure that each institution is registered, we will send reminder letters to CEOs of Title IV institutions if the keyholder is not registered by the August 30 date.

When registering in the system, please be sure that your registration information is correct. Verify your phone number and make sure that your email address is correct, since these will be used for ALL further contact during the data collection. You may also designate a different keyholder at this time and you may request additional IDs and passwords for other users if your institution has more than one person who will need access to the system. You may request up to sixteen (16) additional UserIDs and passwords when you register. All additional users will be required to register, but only the keyholder must register by August 30.

2023-24 Data Collection

Schedule for the 2023-24 Data Collection: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/data-collection-schedule

Changes to the 2023-24 Survey Components: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx. For more information, use the Help menu in the data collection system.

A quick overview of the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection is provided below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

Registration Period 2023-24 (Registration, Institution Mapping, Institution Identification, IC Header)

During the registration period (August 9, 2023-August 30, 2023), institutions are encouraged to complete the Institution Identification page, the Institution Mapping (if applicable), and the IC Header questions. These three items must be completed before the Fall survey components can be started. The IC Header is available until the end of the Fall collection. Institution Identification is available through Spring.

Fall 2023 (Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment):

Opens September 6, 2023

Closes October 18, 2023 for Keyholders

Winter 2023-24 (Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates, Graduation Rates 200, Admissions, and Outcome Measures):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes February 7, 2024 for Keyholders

Spring 2024 (Fall Enrollment, Finance, Human Resources, Academic Libraries):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes April 3, 2024 for Keyholders

For your convenience in preparing for the upcoming collections, ALL survey forms, instructions, file import specifications, and FAQs for the 2023-24 surveys are available through the data collection system (select Help, then Survey Materials). A New Keyholder Handbook is also available in the Help menu; even though you are a veteran IPEDS keyholder, this resource may be useful to you.

Data Availability for 2022-23 Collection:

Data submitted by institutions during the 2022-23 IPEDS Fall, Winter, and Spring collections are currently available through the IPEDS Use the Data tools (at the Collection level). Additionally, we continue to update the College Navigator website with new data as they become available. These tools can be accessed from the IPEDS homepage at: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and thank you in advance for your assistance in making IPEDS a success. If you need additional information, please call the Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 or email them at ipedshelp@rti.org.

Best regards,

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 7. Password Email to Keyholders

Subject: IPEDS Temporary Password

Previously, you were emailed registration information for the 2023-24 IPEDS Data Collection, including your UserID. For security purposes, your password is now being emailed separately.

Your password for registering in the IPEDS Data Collection System is listed below. This is a temporary password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.

Password: <Password>

If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your UserID, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The IPEDS data collection system is located at: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

IPEDS Help Desk

Toll Free 1-877-225-2568


Exhibit 8. Registration Email to Multi-Keyholders

Subject: IPEDS 2023-24 Registration Information - <UserID>

August 9, 2023

Dear IPEDS Keyholder:

Welcome back! The National Center for Education Statistics is finalizing preparations for the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection. At the end of the Spring 2023 collection period, you were registered as the keyholder for your institution. If you will continue to serve as the keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 collection cycle, please be sure to register as directed below. If you will NOT be serving as the keyholder for this collection year, please forward this email to your Chief Executive Officer so that another keyholder can be assigned.

The success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on your efforts. Thank you in advance for your work this coming year.

The importance of your institution's compliance with the IPEDS reporting responsibility cannot be overstated. As you know, responses to the IPEDS surveys are mandated for those institutions that participate or expect to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs under Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA), 20 U.S.C. §1094(a)(17) and the Department of Education's (Department) regulations at 34 C.F.R. §668.14(b)(19). As a condition of continued participation in the federal student aid programs, all institutions must complete, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, all surveys conducted as a part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. According to the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), an institution's failure to complete and submit these surveys is a serious violation of its obligations under the HEA and the regulations, and appropriate action, including warnings, fines, and possible loss of eligibility for Title IV federal student financial aid programs, will be taken by that office.

The Department of Education relies on postsecondary institutions to accurately report data to IPEDS, and nearly all institutions do. Institutions themselves sometimes identify misreporting issues and work with ED to correct those problems without the need for further action by the Department. The Department is concerned about any instances of intentional or significant misreporting. Under these circumstances, the Office of Federal Student Aid may take administrative action to appropriately address the issue.

Keyholder Registration:

The keyholder's UserID is the same as it has been in prior years.

The password needed to access the IPEDS web-based data collection system for the 2023-24 collection cycle will be sent separately, shortly after this email. This is a TEMPORARY password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.


UserID: <UserID>

Temporary Password: This is being sent in a separate email


If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your password, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The registration site opens August 9, 2023. Keyholders must register online at: http://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS by August 30, 2023. In order to ensure that each institution is registered, we will send reminder letters to CEOs of Title IV institutions if the keyholder is not registered by the August 30 date.

When registering in the system, please be sure that your registration information is correct. Verify your phone number and make sure that your email address is correct, since these will be used for ALL further contact during the data collection. You may also designate a different keyholder at this time and you may request additional IDs and passwords for other users if your institution has more than one person who will need access to the system. You may request up to sixteen (16) additional UserIDs and passwords when you register. All additional users will be required to register, but only the keyholder must register by August 30.

2023-24 Data Collection

Schedule for the 2023-24 Data Collection: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/data-collection-schedule Changes to the 2023-24 Survey Components: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx . For more information, use the Help menu in the data collection system.

A quick overview of the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection is provided below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

Registration Period 2023-24 (Registration, Institution Mapping, Institution Identification, IC Header)

During the registration period (August 9, 2023- August 30, 2023), institutions are encouraged to complete the Institution Identification page, the Institution Mapping (if applicable), and the IC Header questions. These three items must be completed before the Fall survey components can be started. The IC Header is available until the end of the Fall collection. Institution Identification is available through Spring.

Fall 2023 (Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment):

Opens September 6, 2023

Closes October 18, 2023 for Keyholders

Winter 2023-24 (Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates, Graduation Rates 200, Admissions, and Outcome Measures):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes February 7, 2024 for Keyholders

Spring 2024 (Human Resources, Fall Enrollment, Finance, Academic Libraries):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes April 3, 2024 for Keyholders

For your convenience in preparing for the upcoming collections, ALL survey forms, instructions, file import specifications and FAQs for the 2023-24 surveys are available through the data collection system (select Help, then Survey Materials). A New Keyholder Handbook is also available in the Help menu; even though you are a veteran IPEDS keyholder, this resource may be useful to you.

Data Availability for 2022-23 Collection:

Data submitted by institutions during the 2022-23 IPEDS Fall, Winter, and Spring collections are currently available through the IPEDS Use the Data tools (at the Collection level). Additionally, we continue to update the College Navigator website with new data as they become available. These tools can be accessed from the IPEDS homepage at: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and thank you in advance for your assistance in making IPEDS a success. If you need additional information, please call the Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 or email them at ipedshelp@rti.org.

Best regards,

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 9. Password Email to Multi-Keyholders

Subject: IPEDS Temporary Password

Previously, you were emailed registration information for the 2023-24 IPEDS Data Collection, including your UserID. For security purposes, your password is now being emailed separately.

Your password for registering in the IPEDS Data Collection System is listed below. This is a temporary password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.

Password: <Password>

If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your UserID, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The IPEDS data collection system is located at: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

IPEDS Help Desk

Toll Free 1-877-225-2568


Exhibit 10. Registration Email to Coordinators

Subject: IPEDS 2023-24 Registration Information - <UserID>

August 9, 2023

Dear IPEDS Coordinator:

Welcome! Once again, it is time to issue UserIDs/Passwords and prepare for the upcoming 2023-24 collection year. At this time, most of the data from the 2022-23 IPEDS web-based data collection are currently available through the IPEDS Data Tools (at the Collection level) and we are continuing to update the College Navigator website.

At the bottom of this email is a copy of what is being sent to the keyholders who were registered last year. Please take time to read it because it contains additional information that is NOT in your email. As you can see, we continue to emphasize compliance with the Title IV requirements.

The Coordinator UserID is the same as it has been in prior years.

The password needed to access the IPEDS web-based data collection system for the 2023-24 collection cycle will be sent separately, shortly after this email. This is a TEMPORARY password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.


UserID: <UserID>

Temporary Password: This is being sent in a separate email


If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your password, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

Online Registration is now open. Coordinators must register at http://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS. Please confirm your registration for 2023-24 after logging in and changing your password. You should verify or update your specific contact information, and make sure that your email address is correct since this will be used for ALL further contact during the data collection. If your office has more than one person who will need access to the system, you may request up to sixteen (16) additional UserIDs and Passwords when you register. All additional users will again be required to register this year.

The following is provided to help you plan for the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection.

2023-24 Data Collection

Schedule for the 2023-24 Data Collection: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/data-collection-schedule

Changes to the 2023-24 Survey Components: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx For more information, use the Help menu in the data collection system.

A quick overview of the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection is provided below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

Registration Period 2023-24 (Registration, Institution Mapping, Institution Identification, IC Header)

During the registration period (August 9, 2023-August 30, 2023), institutions are encouraged to complete the Institution Identification page, the Institution Mapping (if applicable), and the IC Header questions. These three items must be completed before the Fall survey components can be started. The IC Header is available until the end of the Fall collection. Institution Identification is available through Spring.

Fall 2023 (Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment):

Opens September 6, 2023

Closes October 18, 2023 for Keyholders and November 2, 2022 for Coordinators

Winter 2023-24 (Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates, 200% Graduation Rates, Admissions, and Outcome Measures):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes February 7, 2024 for Keyholders and February 22, 2023 for Coordinators

Spring 2024 (Fall Enrollment, Finance, Human Resources, and Academic Libraries):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes April 3, 2024 for Keyholders and April 19, 2023 for Coordinators

For your convenience in preparing for the upcoming collections, ALL survey forms, instructions, file import specifications and FAQs for the 2023-24 surveys are available through the data collection system (select Help, then Survey Materials). The IPEDS Coordinator Manual and a New Keyholder Handbook are available through the Help menu of the Data Collection System.

We hope that you enjoy the rest of the summer and thank you in advance for your continued support in making IPEDS successful. If you need additional information or help with registration, please call the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 or email them at ipedshelp@rti.org. If you have questions about Coordinator roles and responsibilities within IPEDS, please contact Tara Lawley at 202-245-7081 or Tara.Lawley@ed.gov.

Best regards,

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Below is the text for the email being sent to Keyholders:

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Subject: IPEDS 2023-24 Registration Information - <UnitID>

August 9, 2023

Dear IPEDS Keyholder:

Welcome back! The National Center for Education Statistics is finalizing preparations for the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection. At the end of the Spring 2023 collection period, you were registered as the keyholder for your institution. If you will continue to serve as the keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 collection cycle, please be sure to register as directed below. If you will NOT be serving as the keyholder for this collection year, please forward this email to your Chief Executive Officer so that another keyholder can be assigned.

The success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on your efforts. Thank you in advance for your work this coming year.

The importance of your institution's compliance with the IPEDS reporting responsibility cannot be overstated. As you know, responses to the IPEDS surveys are mandated for those institutions that participate or expect to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs under Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA), 20 U.S.C. §1094(a)(17) and the Department of Education's (Department) regulations at 34 C.F.R. §668.14(b)(19). As a condition of continued participation in the federal student aid programs, all institutions must complete, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, all surveys conducted as a part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. According to the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), an institution's failure to complete and submit these surveys is a serious violation of its obligations under the HEA and the regulations, and appropriate action, including warnings, fines, and possible loss of eligibility for Title IV federal student financial aid programs, will be taken by that office.

The Department of Education relies on postsecondary institutions to accurately report data to IPEDS, and nearly all institutions do. Institutions themselves sometimes identify misreporting issues and work with ED to correct those problems without the need for further action by the Department. The Department is concerned about any instances of intentional or significant misreporting. Under these circumstances, the Office of Federal Student Aid may take administrative action to appropriately address the issue.

Keyholder Registration:

The keyholder's UserID is the same as it has been in prior years.

The password needed to access the IPEDS web-based data collection system for the 2023-24 collection cycle will be sent separately, shortly after this email. This is a TEMPORARY password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.


Institution: <Institution_Name>

UserID: <UserID>

Temporary Password: This is being sent in a separate email


If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your password, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The registration site opens August 9, 2023. Keyholders must register online at: http://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS by August 30, 2023. In order to ensure that each institution is registered, we will send reminder letters to CEOs of Title IV institutions if the keyholder is not registered by the August 30 date.

When registering in the system, please be sure that your registration information is correct. Verify your phone number and make sure that your email address is correct, since these will be used for ALL further contact during the data collection. You may also designate a different keyholder at this time and you may request additional IDs and passwords for other users if your institution has more than one person who will need access to the system. You may request up to sixteen (16) additional UserIDs and passwords when you register. All additional users will be required to register, but only the keyholder must register by August 30.

2023-24 Data Collection

Schedule for the 2023-24 Data Collection: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/data-collection-schedule

Changes to the 2023-24 Survey Components: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx. For more information, use the Help menu in the data collection system.

A quick overview of the 2023-24 IPEDS data collection is provided below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

Registration Period 2023-24 (Registration, Institution Mapping, Institution Identification, IC Header)

During the registration period (August 9, 2023 -August 30, 2023), institutions are encouraged to complete the Institution Identification page, the Institution Mapping (if applicable), and the IC Header questions. These three items must be completed before the Fall survey components can be started. The IC Header is available until the end of the Fall collection. Institution Identification is available through Spring.

Fall 2023 (Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment):

Opens September 6, 2023

Closes October 18, 2023 for Keyholders

Winter 2023-24 (Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates, Graduation Rates 200, Admissions, and Outcome Measures):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes February 7, 2024 for Keyholders

Spring 2024 (Fall Enrollment, Finance, Human Resources, Academic Libraries):

Opens December 6, 2023

Closes April 3, 2024 for Keyholders

For your convenience in preparing for the upcoming collections, ALL survey forms, instructions, file import specifications, and FAQs for the 2023-24 surveys are available through the data collection system (select Help, then Survey Materials). A New Keyholder Handbook is also available in the Help menu; even though you are a veteran IPEDS keyholder, this resource may be useful to you.

Data Availability for 2022-23 Collection:

Data submitted by institutions during the 2022-23 IPEDS Fall, Winter, and Spring collections are currently available through the IPEDS Use the Data tools (at the Collection level). Additionally, we continue to update the College Navigator website with new data as they become available. These tools can be accessed from the IPEDS homepage at: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and thank you in advance for your assistance in making IPEDS a success. If you need additional information, please call the Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 or email them at ipedshelp@rti.org.

Best regards,

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 11. Password Email to Coordinators

Subject: IPEDS Temporary Password

Previously, you were emailed registration information for the 2023-24 IPEDS Data Collection, including your UserID. For security purposes, your password is now being emailed separately.

Your password for registering in the IPEDS Data Collection System is listed below. This is a temporary password and you will need to create a new password when logging in.

Password: <Password>

If you need assistance logging in, or if you did not receive the email containing your UserID, please contact the Help Desk by replying to this email or by calling 1-877-225-2568.

The IPEDS data collection system is located at: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

IPEDS Help Desk

Toll Free 1-877-225-2568


Exhibit 12. Vendor Notification of Survey Materials Updates

Subject: IPEDS Information for Software Providers

August 9, 2023

The 2023-24 IPEDS survey materials are now available from the IPEDS Data Provider Center at https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/report-your-data.  These include blank forms, instructions, import specifications, and Frequently Asked Questions for each IPEDS survey component.

Also, under the “About the Data Collection” heading in the Data Provider Center is a tutorial on “Using the Data Collection System,” which includes information on how uploaded data are processed by the system.

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

**Note: You are receiving this email because you registered your email address on the IPEDS "Resources for Software Providers" page, at: https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/report-your-data/resource-software-providers

Exhibit 13. New Keyholder Welcome Package/Email

Subject: IPEDS Information for New Keyholders

<No specific date—Will be sent automatically as new Keyholders register>

Dear IPEDS Keyholder:

Welcome to IPEDS! As a new IPEDS Keyholder, you have an important job. The quality and accuracy of your institution’s IPEDS data depend on you.

IPEDS data are a public face of your institution, and are widely used. They are used by students and parents, through the College Navigator website, the College Scorecard, and on the FAFSA form, to aid in the college search process; by federal, state, and local governments for policy analysis and development; by institutions for benchmarking and peer analysis; and by professional associations, private businesses, and the media. In a minute we’ll talk about how you can access the IPEDS data you submit for use at your campus.


The Report Your Data website, at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Home/ReportYourData, has all the information you’ll need to submit your IPEDS data. This information can also be found from the Help menu in the Data Collection System.

The IPEDS New Keyholder Handbook provides an easy way to get oriented to IPEDS. This manual includes a lot of useful information, including information on keyholder responsibilities, how to submit and lock your data, where to get help and training, and tips from veteran keyholders and the Help Desk, all collected in one place for easy reference.

The first thing we suggest you do to get ready to submit IPEDS data is to familiarize yourself with the data collection schedule for the year. The 2023-24 data collection schedule is shown below. Also, attached to this email is a calendar that you can print out and post on your bulletin board for easy reference, and forward to others in your institution who help with IPEDS data submission. Please remember that deadline extensions are NOT available.

Fall 2023: September 6, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Winter 2023-24: December 6, 2023 – February 7, 2024

Spring 2024: December 6, 2023 – April 3, 2024

Next, you’ll probably want to familiarize yourself with the data you’ll need to submit. Using the Survey Materials option, you can access blank survey forms, instructions, FAQs, and edit and import specifications, so that you can prepare your data for submission, and alert others at your institution to the data you’ll need them to provide to you for submission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: While there are no significant changes to the survey forms for this collection year, there are several clarifications to instructions and FAQs. Please review these changes at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx before completing the survey components. Please also review the survey materials at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/VisIndex.aspx to view these changes.

Seasoned keyholders will tell you that it’s best to start early so that you aren’t trying to find and report all the data in a last-minute crunch. Also, if you submit your data prior to the last three weeks before data collection closes, we’ll send an email to your president or CEO alerting them to your accomplishment.

Finally, the most important resource will be the IPEDS Help Desk, which can be reached at 1-877-225-2568, or ipedshelp@rti.org. If you have any questions about IPEDS, please contact them for assistance. They’re there to help you get your IPEDS data submitted accurately and on time.

Training opportunities:

There are free, specialized training materials to assist you with your IPEDS reporting responsibilities. There is an online tutorial specifically for new keyholders that provides an overview of keyholder responsibilities and how the IPEDS data submission process works. There are other online tutorials that will assist you in understanding the key concepts you need to know in order to accurately submit data for the different survey forms. We encourage you to check out the one specifically designed for new keyholders now, and to view the key concepts tutorials as you prepare to report the different surveys. Follow the link from https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/join-in/training-and-outreach, then click on “AIR's Online Video Tutorials.

Free face-to-face workshops are also held in various parts of the country throughout the year. Watch for special email announcements.

Data Dissemination:

The data you submit to IPEDS are made available to the public through the IPEDS online data use tools:

  • Your institution will be included on the College Navigator website (http://collegenavigator.ed.gov), a college search tool designed for parents, prospective students, and high school counselors.

  • The IPEDS Data Feedback Report (DFR), produced annually, compares your institution to a group of similar institutions on a number of indicators. This report is sent to you and your institution’s CEO, but is available to anyone through the Use the Data website http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Home/UseTheData).

  • IPEDS data are tabulated at the national, state, and sector level; tables are available through the Tables Library (http://nces.ed.gov/datalab/tableslibrary/home.aspx).

  • And you can access data for your institution and all other IPEDS-participating institutions at the IPEDS Use the Data website (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Home/UseTheData), where you can compare institutional data, create reports, download data files, and more!

The IPEDS Data Tools Help Desk is available to answer questions about all these tools, and can be reached at 1-866-558-0658 or ipedstools@rti.org.

Finally, thank you in advance for your work during the 2023-24 IPEDS Data Collection. If you need additional information, please call the Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 or email them at ipedshelp@rti.org .

Best regards,

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 14. Registration +2 Weeks Keyholder Reminder Email

Subject: IPEDS Reminder- Keyholder Registration Required – <UnitID>

August 23, 2023

Dear Keyholder:

As of this morning, you have not registered as Keyholder for the upcoming 2023-24 IPEDS collection. Please remember that all Keyholders must register by August 30 in order to avoid a reminder letter being sent to the institution’s Chief Executive. For your convenience, a copy of the email that was sent to you on August 9, which contains your registration information, is included below. If you will not be the keyholder for this collection year, please forward this email to the appropriate person(s). Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

The registration site is available at: http://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

Once you have registered, all 2023-24 survey forms, instructions, upload specifications, and other information can be accessed through the Help menu (click on Survey Materials) in the data collection system.

The Fall data collection will open on September 6, 2023.

IPEDS Help Desk

Toll Free 1-877-225-2568


**NOTE: A copy of the original registration email will be attached below.**

Exhibit 15. Annual Update Email to CEOs of IPEDS Institutions

*Note: Keyholders and Coordinators will be copied

Subject: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) - <UnitID>

August 30, 2023

Dear Chief Executive Officer –

Please read this email. It has important implications for your institution and its responsibilities related to awarding federal student aid. It covers the following topics:

  • Importance of timely and accurate data

  • Where and how IPEDS data are used

  • The role of the institutional Keyholder

  • How you can help

The annual Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data collection for 2023-24 has begun. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this important data collection effort. This letter serves to inform or remind you about some important aspects of the IPEDS program.

Importance of submitting accurate and timely IPEDS data

The completion of all IPEDS surveys in a timely and accurate manner is mandatory for all institutions that participate in or are applicants for participation in any federal financial assistance program authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Submitting IPEDS data accurately and on time is required by your Program Participation Agreement for Title IV federal student financial aid programs with the U.S. Department of Education. In this way, your institution will avoid fines and other possible penalties for noncompliance with IPEDS reporting requirements.

Additionally, IPEDS data are a public face of your institution.

  • IPEDS data are used in the College Navigator (http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/) consumer information and college search tool, designed to help college students, prospective students, and their parents understand the differences between colleges and how much it costs to attend college. This tool gets a million page views a month, and is increasingly being used by high school counselors as they help students identify postsecondary educational opportunities.

  • IPEDS data are displayed on the FAFSA online form. As potential students apply for financial aid, they can see the tuition and fees, average net price, graduation rates, retention rates, and transfer rates for schools as reported through IPEDS.

  • IPEDS data are used, in conjunction with other federal data sources, in the College Scorecard (https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/). This consumer tool provides information on colleges including average annual cost to attend, fields of study offered, earnings of graduates, and more.

  • IPEDS data are also used for the College Affordability and Transparency Center (http://collegecost.ed.gov), which lists institutions with the highest and lowest tuition and fees as well as highest and lowest net prices (the price of attendance minus grant and scholarship aid). It also shows institutions where tuition and fees and net prices are increasing at the highest rates; institutions on these lists are subject to additional reporting to the US Department of Education. The lists are made from the IPEDS data your institution submits.

  • The IPEDS Data Feedback Report provides each institution a context for examining the data they submitted to IPEDS. The goal is to produce an annual report that is useful to institutional executives and institutions for benchmarking and peer analysis, and that can help improve the quality and comparability of IPEDS data. The report is mailed to Chief Executive Officers each fall. PDF versions of the reports are available to institutions and the public from the IPEDS Use the Data website (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Home/UseTheData).

The role of the IPEDS Keyholder

Each institution has an IPEDS Keyholder, who was appointed by you or your predecessor. This is the person who is responsible for making sure all IPEDS data are submitted accurately and on time. In fact, the success of the IPEDS data collection and quality of the IPEDS data depend, in large part, on the efforts of your institution’s Keyholder. Many different offices and records systems are typically involved in IPEDS reporting (institutional research, registrar, admissions, financial aid, business, personnel, information technology), so the Keyholder is often called on to act as a data coordinator in order to make sure all IPEDS reporting requirements are met. IPEDS data are submitted throughout the year, during the Fall, Winter, and Spring data collection periods.

How you can help

You can support your Keyholder by helping to make sure all offices involved in IPEDS reporting are aware of the importance of data quality and timeliness. You should also know that it requires a significant amount of time to complete your institution’s IPEDS submissions; you can view the IPEDS reporting burden estimates at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/institutional-burden

Finally, it might be important to make sure the Keyholder has time to attend IPEDS training through online tutorials, webinars, and face-to-face workshops; the training provided through our contractor, the Association for Institutional Research, is free (https://www.airweb.org/collaborate-learn/ipeds-training).

If you have questions

Thank you for your attention to this message. If you have questions, please contact Tara Lawley, Team Lead, IPEDS Operations, at Tara.Lawley@ed.gov


Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

Exhibit 17. Annual Update Email to IPEDS Coordinators

Subject: IPEDS Update - Important Information for Coordinators

August 30, 2023

Dear IPEDS Coordinator:

Welcome back to IPEDS! The 2023-24 data collection year is now underway, and the Fall collection opens next week. As we begin this collection year, we’d like to thank you for your continued support of IPEDS. We are well aware of the many contributions, and long hours of work, that go into making sure the data provided by your institutions are timely and accurate.

Last year was a busy year. This year, changes are minimal, but please review the instructions carefully and contact the Help Desk for any clarification.

Details on all changes implemented in 2023-24 are available at: https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/ViewIPEDSChangesToTheCurrentYear.aspx

The data collection periods are scheduled as follows:

Fall 2023: September 6, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Winter 2023-24: December 6, 2023 – February 7, 2024

Spring 2024: December 6, 2023 – April 3, 2024

Reminder regarding the Net Price Calculator: Section 132 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (P.L. 110-315), as amended, requires that every institution’s Net Price Calculator be updated annually. Please work with your institutions to ensure that this happens. The IPEDS template, including the most recent aid data information, is available at: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/resource/net_price_calculator.asp

State coordinators should view the report (within the collection system, accessible at https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS/) entitled “State List of Institutions not Coordinated by Your Office” in order to determine if there are any institutions new to IPEDS that need to be added to your coordination list.

Much more information is available in the Coordinator Manual, which is located within the Data Collection System under the Tools menu. We encourage you to take a look!

As always, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568, or ipedshelp@rti.org, if you need to add or delete institutions in your coordination list, or need to modify locking orders for any of your institutions.

Thanks again, and we look forward to another year of working with you.

Tara Lawley

Program Director, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Postsecondary Branch, Administrative Data Division

National Center for Education Statistics

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleIPEDS Data Collection
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-09-15

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