A campaign to increase vaccine acceptance and reinforce basic prevention measures
CET – Annotated Questionnaire
Note: The questions below are the proposed questions for the second wave of the Weekly Current Events Tracker (CET). Questions highlighted in yellow will be asked every week; questions highlighted in blue will be rotated into the survey on a monthly basis; and questions highlighted in green are meant to be asked in Wave 2 only. This week we have added questions that examine misinformation, perceptions about getting vaccines, and the influence of others getting a vaccine on an individual’s intent to be vaccinated.ASPA will provide OMB with updates to the questionnaire for subsequent Waves. |
Standard Questions
Modular Questions
One-Time Questions
For the next section we would like to talk about current events.
// Page Break //
Item #: Q1
Question type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
hhs_fam: How familiar are you with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)?
Variable Label: hhs_fam: Familiarity with HHS
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Not at all familiar |
2 |
Slightly familiar |
3 |
Moderately familiar |
4 |
Very familiar |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q2
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
hhs_trust. How much trust do you have in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide you with accurate information about the coronavirus or COVID-19?
Variable Label: hhs_trust: Trust in HHS
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
None at all |
2 |
Not very much |
3 |
A fair amount |
4 |
A great deal |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q3-Q5
Question Type: Grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
misinform. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE misinform_1 to misinform_15. Split grid across three pages (every 5 questions)
misinform_1 |
If someone has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine, they should not get that specific vaccine. |
misinform_1: Vaccine allergies |
misinform_2 |
If someone gets COVID-19 and recovers, they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_2: Already had COVID-19 |
misinform_3 |
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can give you COVID-19. |
misinform_3: Give you COVID-19 |
misinform_4 |
People don’t need to wear a mask after they get a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_4: Don’t need mask |
misinform_5 |
In order to be authorized for use, the COVID-19 vaccines must go through extensive testing over three phases of clinical trials with thousands of participants. |
misinform_5: Vaccines extensively tested |
misinform_6 |
The COVID-19 vaccines include microchips used to track people. |
misinform_6: Microchips |
misinform_7 |
COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA. |
misinform_7: Alter DNA |
misinform_8 |
COVID-19 vaccines can cause infertility or miscarriage. |
misinform_8: Infertility or miscarriage |
misinform_9 |
Natural immunity is healthier and more effective than vaccine-induced immunity. |
misinform_9: Natural immunity |
misinform_10 |
If everyone around me is immune, then I don't need to be vaccinated. |
misinform_10: Everyone is immune |
misinform_11 |
Vaccines can cause autism. |
misinform_11: Autism |
misinform_12 |
Once you receive the COVID-19 vaccine, you're immune for life. |
misinform_12: Immune for life |
misinform_13 |
If I got the flu shot this year, I don't need a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_13: Flu shot |
misinform_14 |
COVID-19 vaccines can cause a short fever, headache, fatigue, sore arm or chills, especially after the second dose. Other reactions are extremely rare. |
misinform_14: Minor side effects |
misinform_15 |
The COVID-19 virus is mutating. Early research is finding that the current vaccines can still protect against most of the new COVID-19 strains or variants. |
misinform_15: Vaccines protect against variants |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q6-Q7
Question Type: Grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
Wait_turn. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE wait_turn_1 to wait_turn_8. //
wait_turn_1 |
I should wait my turn to get a COVID-19 vaccine. |
wait_turn_1: Wait turn |
wait_turn_2 |
Some people should be allowed to get a COVID-19 vaccine before others. |
wait_turn_2: Distribution fairness |
wait_turn_3 |
If I can find a way to get a COVID-19 vaccine before it is my turn, I would do it. |
wait_turn_3: Cut line |
wait_turn_4 |
I think that the way the COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed so far has been unfair. |
wait_turn_4: Jealous of others |
wait_turn_5 |
I have seen a lot of people on my social media feed that have received a COVID-19 vaccine already. |
wait_turn_5: Social media |
wait_turn_6 |
I think it is fair that celebrities, artists, musicians, athletes, and other “influencers” are getting COVID-19 vaccines early. |
wait_turn_6: Fair for influencers |
wait_turn_7 |
I think it is fair that politicians are getting COVID-19 vaccines early. |
wait_turn_7: Fair for politicians |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q8
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH1_CET. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is now available at no cost. Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: BEH1: Vaccination behavior
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, I have not received a COVID-19 vaccine |
1 |
Yes, but I have only received one shot out of the two required shots |
2 |
Yes, I have received all of the required shots |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q9
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH2a_CET. What is the likelihood that you will get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: BEH2a: Intention to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q10
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH2b_CET. What is the likelihood that you will complete COVID-19 vaccination?
Variable Label: BEH2b_CET: Intention to complete vaccination
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q11
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH3a_CET. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is now available at no cost. How soon will you get vaccinated? For this question, assume there is enough vaccine so that everyone who wants it can get it.
Variable Label: BEH3a_CET: Wait to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I will get a vaccine as soon as I can |
2 |
I will wait to get a vaccine for one or more reasons |
3 |
I will never get a COVID-19 vaccine |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q12
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH3b_CET. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is now available at no cost. How soon will you get the second required dose? For this question, assume there is enough vaccine so that everyone who wants it can get it.
Variable Label: BEH3b_CET: Wait to complete vaccination
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I will get the second required dose as soon as I can |
2 |
I will wait to get the second required dose for one or more reasons |
3 |
I will never get the second required COVID-19 dose |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q13-Q15
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
BEH4_CET. You responded that you will wait to get a COVID-19 vaccine. For each of the following statements, is this a reason why you would wait to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Select yes or no for each item.
Variable Label: BEH4_CET: Reasons: Waiting to get vaccinated
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
BEH4_1_CET |
I will wait because of my age. |
BEH4_1_CET: Age |
BEH4_2_CET |
I will wait because of my health status, allergies, or medical history. |
BEH4_2_CET: Health |
BEH4_3_CET |
I want to know if the vaccine is effective first. |
BEH4_3_CET: Confirm effectiveness |
BEH4_4_CET |
I am pregnant or expect to become pregnant. |
BEH4_4_CET: Pregnant |
BEH4_5_CET |
I want to talk to my doctor first. |
BEH4_5_CET: Talk to doctor first |
BEH4_6_CET |
I want to compare the effectiveness of the different vaccines. |
BEH4_6_CET: Compare vaccines |
BEH4_7_CET |
I want to see if my friends and family get the vaccine. |
BEH4_7_CET: Friends/family |
BEH4_8_CET |
I want to see if others who get the vaccine first develop any problems. |
BEH4_8_CET: Side effects |
BEH4_9_CET |
I want to make sure it is safe for people like me first. |
BEH4_9_CET: Confirm safety |
BEH4_10_CET |
I want to hear from leaders in my community about the vaccine first. |
BEH4_10_CET: Hear from leaders |
BEH4_11_CET |
Other |
BEH4_11_CET: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q16
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
watch_pub_vacc. Have you watched videos or seen pictures of someone else getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: watch_pub_vac: Watched public vaccination?
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q17-Q18
Question Type: Grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
type_pub_vacc. Who did you see get vaccinated? Select all that apply.
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE type_pub_vacc_1 to type_pub_vacc_7. //
type_pub_vacc _1 |
Member(s) of the U.S. congress |
type_pub_vacc _1: Congress |
type_pub_vacc _2 |
Local/state politician(s) |
type_pub_vacc _2: Local politician |
type_pub_vacc _3 |
Doctor(s), nurse(s), or other health care worker(s) |
type_pub_vacc _3: Nurse/health care worker |
type_pub_vacc _4 |
Public health official(s) (e.g., Dr. Anthony Fauci) |
type_pub_vacc _5: Public health official |
type_pub_vacc _5 |
President Biden |
type_pub_vacc _6: President |
type_pub_vacc _6 |
Vice President Harris |
type_pub_vacc _7: Vice President |
type_pub_vacc _7 |
A celebrity, artist, musician, athlete, or other “influencer” |
type_pub_vacc _8: Influencer |
type_pub_vacc _8 |
Other |
type_pub_vacc _9: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q19-Q20
Question Type: Grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
imp_pub_vacc. Please consider how seeing the following people get vaccinated made you feel about getting a COVID-19 vaccine yourself. Did seeing these vaccinations make you more likely, less likely, or not affect whether you would get the vaccine?
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: MATCH ORDER OF type_pub_vacc_1 to type_pub_vac_8. //
imp_pub_vacc _1 |
Member(s) of the U.S. congress |
type_pub_vacc _1: Congress |
imp_pub_vacc _2 |
Local/state politician(s) |
type_pub_vacc _2: Local politician |
imp_pub_vacc _3 |
Doctor(s), nurse(s), or other health care worker(s) |
type_pub_vacc _3: Nurse/health care worker |
imp_pub_vacc _4 |
Public health official(s) (e.g., Dr. Anthony Fauci) |
type_pub_vacc _4: Doctor |
imp_pub_vacc _5 |
President Biden |
type_pub_vacc _6: President |
imp_pub_vacc _6 |
Vice President Harris |
type_pub_vacc _7: Vice President |
imp_pub_vacc _7 |
A celebrity, artist, musician, or other "influencer." |
type_pub_vacc _8: Influencer |
imp_pub_vacc _8 |
Other |
type_pub_vacc _9: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Made me less likely to get the vaccine |
2 |
Didn’t affect whether I would get the vaccine |
3 |
Made me more likely to get the vaccine |
99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q21
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
vacc_trust. How much trust do you have that an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine may be safe and effective for you to get?
Variable Label: vacc_trust: Trust in Safety of Vaccine
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
None at all |
2 |
Not very much |
3 |
A fair amount |
4 |
A great deal |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
Item #: Q22
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
vacc_off. How much do you trust U.S. federal public health officials to provide reliable information on COVID-19?
Variable Label: vacc_off: Confidence in U.S. public health officials
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
None at all |
2 |
Not very much |
3 |
A fair amount |
4 |
A great deal |
-99 |
Refused |
For internal communications only
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lindsey Strausser |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-07-29 |