BOEM 0327 Permit Application

BOEM-0327_2023 Revisions.pdf

30 CFR Part 551, Geological and Geophysical Explorations of the OCS

BOEM 0327 Permit Application

OMB: 1010-0048

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OMB Control Number: 1010-0048
OMB Approval Expires: xx/xx/202x

select one
(Insert Appropriate Regional Office)

Requirements for Geological and Geophysical Explorations
or Scientific Research on the Outer Continental Shelf
Application for Permit to Conduct Geological or Geophysical
Exploration for Mineral Resources or Scientific Research on
the Outer Continental Shelf
(Attachment 1)

Nonexclusive Use Agreement for Scientific Research
on the Outer Continental Shelf
(Attachment 2)

SUBMIT: One original, one copy of the original, one digital copy, and one public copy (all with original
signatures). For Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OCS Region, an online digital application portal is available.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to
inform you that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) collects this information to evaluate
applications for permits to conduct pre-lease exploration offshore and to monitor activitiesof scientific
research conducted under notices. BOEM uses the information to ensure there is no environmental
degradation, personnel harm, damage to historical or cultural sites, or interference with other uses.
Responses are mandatory or to obtain or retain a benefit. Proprietary information is protected in
accordance with standards established by the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982
(30 U.S.C. 1733), the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552(1), (4)), and Department regulations (43
CFR 2). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number. The
reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 300 hours per response in the Gulf of Mexico
Region and 1,000 hours per response for applications in the Pacific, Alaska, and Atlantic OCS due to
NEPA requirements. Much of the work to comply with NEPA requirements has already been done in the
Gulf; however, for areas outside the Gulf, BOEM is accounting for the total time expended to compile and
submit the necessary information to obtain the required authorizations to acquire a BOEM permit. This
includes the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and
reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to the
Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road,
Sterling, VA 20166.

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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You must perform all geological and geophysical explorations or scientific research activities authorized and
conducted in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) according to the OCS Lands Act, 30 CFR Parts 551, 251,
and other applicable Federal statutes and regulations, and amendments thereto.

General Requirements of Permits and Notices
You must conduct geological and geophysical activities for mineral exploration or scientific research activities
authorized under 30 CFR Parts 551, 251, and in compliance with all applicable mitigation measures so that
those activities do not:
A. Interfere with or endanger operations under any lease or right-of-way or permit issued or maintained
pursuant to the OCS Lands Act;
B. Cause harm or damage to aquatic life or to the marine, coastal, or human environment;
C. Cause pollution;
D. Create hazardous or unsafe conditions;
E. Unreasonably interfere with or harm other uses of the area (including submarine cables); or
F. Disturb archaeological resources.
Any person conducting geological or geophysical activities for mineral exploration or scientific research under
30 CFR Parts 551 and 251 must immediately report to the Regional Director, BOEM:
A. Detection of hydrocarbon occurrences;
B. Encounters of environmental hazards that constitute an imminent threat to human activity; or
C. Activities that adversely affect the environment, aquatic life, archaeological resources, or other uses of
the area in which the exploration or scientific research activities are conducted.
Any person conducting shallow or deep stratigraphic test drilling activities under a permit for mineral
exploration or scientific research under 30 CFR Parts 551 and 251 must utilize the best available and safest
The authorization that BOEM grants you under 30 CFR Parts 551 and 251 to conduct geological and
geophysical explorations for minerals or for scientific research does not confer a right to any discovered oil,
gas, or other minerals, or to a lease under the OCS Lands Act.

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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Time Restriction for Permits and Notices
Permitted activities approved for a specified period, including requests for extensions, and activities under a
notice may not exceed 1 year.

Geological and Geophysical Activities Requiring Permits and Notices
Geological and Geophysical Explorations for Mineral Resources
You may not conduct geological and geophysical explorations for mineral resources in the OCS without
an approved permit unless you conduct such activities pursuant to a lease issued or maintained under the OCS
Lands Act. You must obtain separate permits for either geological or geophysical explorations for mineral
resources. If BOEM disapproves an application, the statement of rejection will state the reasons
for the denial and will advise the applicant of those changes needed to obtain approval.
Geological and Geophysical Scientific Research
You may not conduct geological and geophysical scientific research related to oil, gas, and sulphur in the OCS
without an approved application for permit or filing of a notice. You must obtain separate permits
for geological and geophysical scientific research that involves the use of solid or liquid explosives or the
drilling of a deep stratigraphic test. If BOEM disapproves an application for permit, the statement of rejection
will state the reasons for the denial and will advise the applicant of the changes needed to obtain approval.
You must file a notice with BOEM at least 30 days before you begin scientific research not requiring
a permit. We may inform you of all environmental laws and regulations pertaining to the OCS. BOEM
recommends that you submit your notice 90-120 days prior to beginning your work to ensure timely
review of your notice by BOEM.

Information Required for Permits
Each applicant for a permit must complete the applicable sections of the Application for Permit
(Attachment 1) and must include a public-information, page-size plat(s) showing the location of the proposed
area of activity (Section B.2 or C.2 of Attachment 1). In addition, each applicant for a geological or
geophysical permit must submit the appropriate attachment to section D of the Application. This includes a
detailed map of the proposed activity for Section D.8 (Geological Application) or Section D.12 (Geophysical
Application). Only applicants for a notice of scientific research must complete a Nonexclusive Use Agreement
(Attachment 2).
The information provided on the Application for Permit (excluding section D) and on the Nonexclusive Use
Agreement, including continuation sheets and the page-size plat(s), is considered NON-PROPRIETARY
INFORMATION. These non-proprietary portions of the application constitute the “public information” copy
of Form BOEM-0327 and with the executed permit will be available to the public on the Regional BOEM
websites and upon request.
The information listed in Section D is considered PROPRIETARY INFORMATION and you should NOT
attach it to the public information copy. BOEM will not make this information available to the public without
the consent of the potential permittee or for a period mandated by law or regulation. However, BOEM may
determine that earlier release is necessary for the proper development of the area permitted.

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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Modifications to Approved Permits
The BOEM Regional Supervisor must approve any modification to the permitted operations.

Filing Locations for Permits to Conduct Explorations for Mineral Resources
and for Permits or Notices to Conduct Scientific Research
File one original, one copy of the original, one digital copy, and one public copy (all with original
signatures) at the following locations at least 30 days before you begin operations. BOEM
recommends that you submit your notice or application 90-120 days prior to beginning your work
to ensure timely review of your submission by BOEM.
A. For the OCS off the State of Alaska:
Regional Supervisor for Resource Evaluation
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Alaska OCS Region
3801 Centerpoint Drive
Suite #500
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5823
B. For the OCS in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic Coast: Regional
Supervisor for Resource Evaluation
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394
C. For the OCS off the States of California, Oregon, Washington, or Hawaii:
Regional Supervisor, Office of Strategic Resources
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Pacific OCS Region
760 Paseo Camarillo
Suite #102
Camarillo, California 93010-6092

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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Attachment 1

select one (select one)
(Insert Appropriate Regional Office)

(Section 11, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of August 7, 1953, as amended on September 18, 1978,
by Public Law 95-372, 92 Statute 629, 43 U.S.C. 1340; and 30 CFR Parts 551 and 251)

Name of Applicant

Number and Street

City, State, and Zip Code

Application is made for the following activity: (check one)
Geological exploration for mineral resources
Geological scientific research
Geophysical exploration for mineral resources
Geophysical scientific research

Submit: Original plus three copies, totaling four copies, which include one copy of the original,
one digital copy, and one public copy (all with original signatures). For Gulf of Mexico and
Atlantic OCS Regions, an online digital application portal is also available.
To be completed by BOEM
Permit Number:

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.


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A. General Information
1. The activity will be conducted by:

Service Company Name

Purchaser(s) of the Data



City, State, Zip

City, State, Zip

Telephone/FAX Numbers

Telephone/FAX Numbers

E-Mail Address

E-Mail Address

2. The purpose of the activity is:

Mineral exploration
Scientific research

3. Describe your proposed survey activities (i.e., vessel use, benthic impacts, acoustic sources, etc.)
and describe the environmental effects of the proposed activity, including potential adverse effects
on marine life. Describe what steps are planned to minimize these adverse effects (mitigation
measures). For example: 1) Potential Effect: Excessive sound level Mitigation; Soft Start, Protected
Species Observers (PSO’s), mammal exclusion zone or 2) Potential Effect: Bottom disturbance;
Mitigation: ROV deployment/retrieval of bottom nodes) (use continuation sheets as necessary or
provide a separate attachment. Label as BOEM-0327 Section A General Information.):

4. The expected commencement date is:
The expected completion date is:
5. The name of the individual(s) in charge of the field operation is:
May be contacted at:

Telephone (Local)


Email Address:

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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6. The vessel(s) to be used in the operation is (are):
Vessel Name (s)

Vessel Model

Registry Number(s) Radio Call Sign(s) Registered Owner(s)

7. The port from which the vessel(s) will operate is:
8. Briefly describe the navigation system (vessel navigation only):

B. Complete for Geological Exploration for Mineral Resources or Geological
Scientific Research
1. The type of operation(s) to be employed is: (check one)



Deep stratigraphic test, or


Shallow stratigraphic test with proposed total depth of



, or

Attach a page-size plat showing: 1) The generalized proposed location for each test, where
appropriate, a polygon enclosing the test sites may be used; 2) BOEM protraction areas,
coastline, point of reference, OCS boundary/3-mile limit; 3) Distance and direction from a
point of reference to area of Activity; and 4) Label as “Public Information".

C. Complete for Geophysical Exploration for Mineral Resources or Geophysical
Scientific Research
1. The proposed operation:
a. Acquisition method (OBN, OBC, Streamer):
b. Type of acquisition: (High Resolution Seismic, 2D Seismic, 3D Seismic, gravity,
magnetic, CSEM, etc.)

2. Attach a page-size plat showing:
a. The generalized proposed location of the activity with a representative polygon;
b. BOEM protraction areas, coastline, point of reference, OCS boundary/3- mile limit;
c. Distance and direction from a point of reference to area of activity;
d. Label as “Public Information”; and
e. Submit relevant shape files needed to recreate the map as part of the required
digital copy.
Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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3. List all energy source types to be used in the operation(s): (Air gun, air gun array(s), sub-bottom
profiler, sparker, towed dipole, side scan sonar, etc.).

will not
be used. If applicable, indicate the type of
4. Explosive charges will
Explosive and maximum charge size (in pounds) to be used:


Equivalent Pounds of TNT

D. Proprietary Information Attachments
Use the appropriate form on page 9 for a “geological” permit application or the form on page 11 for a
“geophysical” permit application. You must submit a separate Form BOEM-0327 to apply for each
geological or geophysical permit.

E. Certification
I hereby certify that foregoing and attached information are true and correct.

Print Name:




Permit No.

Assigned by


This application is hereby:



Returned for reasons in the attached

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.


Regional Supervisor

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Section D Proprietary Information Attachment
Required for an Application for Geological Permit

Description of proposed coring, drilling or sampling method. Include heat flow measurements
and depth of penetration.


Description of coring, drilling or sampling equipment to be used:

3. List proposed coring, drilling or sample location(s) with their latitude and longitude coordinates and
the total number of samples to be acquired. These locations may be sent digitally on a CD or other
digital storage media (attach separate page if necessary):


Navigation system or method to be used to position sample locations:


Method of sample storage, and handling:


List each test to be conducted on the samples with a brief description of its objective:


Estimated date on which samples, logs, and analyzed and/or processed data will be ready for

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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8. Attach map(s), plat(s), and chart(s) (preferably at a scale of 1:250,000) and/or an electronic version
of same showing latitude and longitude, scale, protraction areas, specific block numbers, OCS
boundary/3-mile limit, and specific sample location(s) in latitude(s) and longitude(s) for each of the
proposed sample sites(s). The map, plat or chart should be submitted at a sufficient size and scale to
make out all details of the activities shown. Label the hardcopy map "Proprietary." Along with the
hardcopy map, submit on CD or other digital storage media, the ArcGIS shape files needed to
reproduce the map of the proposed sample site(s) including site names in the attribute table.

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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Section D Proprietary Information Attachment
Required for an Application for Geophysical Permit
Please provide the information in an attached document labeled BOEM-0327 Section D Proprietary
Information Attachment.
1. Attach detailed narrative and description of the energy source(s) and receiving array.
2. Attach a map view diagram/schematic that illustrates vessel(s) source and receiver(s)
configuration. Label each vessel indicating its function and include the dimensions of
streamer(s), tow fish, etc. Indicate the number of chase and alternate vessels to be used.

3. List each energy source to be used (e.g., airgun, airgun array(s), sparker, towed dipole, side scan
sonar, sub bottom profiler, etc.). Indicate the source’s manufacturer, model, Source Level (SL)
in dB re 1µPa @1m in water (RMS) and if applicable, Source Level (SL) in dB re 1µPa @1m in
water (Peak to Peak) and ping rate. If the manufacturer does not provide a peak to peak level
(many side scan sonars, etc.), please enter N/A. Additionally, provide the operational frequency




Array or Airgun
Size (cu. in.)

Source Level
(SL) in dB re
1μPa@1m in
water (RMS)

Source Level
(SL) in dB re
1μPa@1m in
water (Peak to

(Hz, kHz


Ping Rate

For air guns/air gun arrays (excludes multibeam bathymetry, high frequency subbottom profilers, and side scan sonar
systems), provide the maximum distance from the sound source to the 190, 180, and 160 dB in RMS dB levels: (Required
for Alaska region, GOM region only requires this information for surveys in the GOM that will use simsource during
acquisition; Not required for Atlantic permits).
dB level

Maximum Distance from Source

190 dB
180 dB
160 dB

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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4. State the shot frequency of the source array(s) as shots per minute or shots per linear mile

5. List the towing depth (ft/m) of the source array(s):

6. If applicable, list the towing depth (ft/m) of the receiver(s):

7. CSEM, OBN, Magnetotelluric, and OBC surveys: Describe the receiver deployment and retrieval
procedures. Indicate the number and spacing of anyocean bottom receivers, cables, and anchors.
If anchors will not be retrieved, provide theirphysical composition and rate of decomposition.

8. List the navigation/positioning system or method used to position shotpoint locations and/or ocean
bottom receivers:

9. Proposed areal extent (in OCS blocks) for 3D surveys or total number of line milesfor 2D surveys:
10. Provide the company identification name of the proposed survey (e.g., Deep Six Survey) and list all
proposed initial and final processed data sets that will result from survey acquisition. .

11. State the estimated date (month and year) on which initial and final processing will be available for all
proposed processed data sets:

12. Attach map(s), plat(s), and chart(s) (preferably at a scale of 1:250,000) and an electronic version of
same showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, OCS boundary/3-mile limit,
block numbers. The map, plat or chart should be submitted at a sufficient size and scale to make out
all details of the activities shown. The map should be labeled "Proprietary." For 2D data
acquisition provide specific track lines with line identifications with the total number of line miles
proposed or a representative polygon and total number of blocks for 3D surveys. Along with the
hardcopy map, submit on CD or digital storage media (subject to security screening), the necessary
ArcGIS shape files to reproduce the map for 2D track lines including individual line names in the
attribute table. For 3D surveys provide a representative polygon as an ArcGIS shape file. You must
provide a shapefile data set of the latitude/longitude location for all track lines, shot lines, and node
placements. This can be submitted at a later time but must be received before activities can take


Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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Attachment 2

one OCS Region
(Insert Appropriate Regional Office)

A. State the time and manner in which data and information resulting from the proposed activity will be
made available to the public for inspection and reproduction, such time being the earliest practicable

(applicant) agrees that the data and information resulting
from the proposed activity will not be sold or withheld for exclusive use.

(Signature of Applicant)

(Type or Print Name of Applicant)



Submit: One original, one copy of the original, one digital copy, and one public copy (all
with original signatures). For Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OCS Regions, an online digital
application portal is also available.

Form BOEM-0327 (Month Year)
Previous Editions are Obsolete.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleApplication for Permit to Conduct Geological or Geophysical Exploration for Mineral Resources of Scientific Research on the Oute
File Modified2023-09-21
File Created2019-02-07

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