SGLV 8600 Application for TSGLI Benefits

Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance – Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI) Application for TSGLIL Benefits (SGLV 8600) AND TSGLI Appeal Request Form (SGLV 8600a)


OMB: 2900-0919

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OMB Control No. 2900-0919
Respondent Burden: 10 hours
Expiration Date: 7/31/2023

Administered by the Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance

Application for TSGLI Benefits
Please submit your completed claim to your branch of service below.
TSGLI Branch of Service Contacts

Contact Information

Submit Claim by Fax

Submit Claim by Email

Submit Claim by Postal Mail

All Components

Phone: 888-276-9472
Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life



US Army Human Resources Command
1600 Spearhead Division Avenue,
Dept 420 PDR-C (TSGLI)
Fort Knox, KY 40122-5402

Marine Corps
All Components

Phone: 877-216-0825 or 703-975-4069


HQ, Marine Corps
1998 Hill Street
Quantico, VA 22134

All Components

Phone: 1-877-270-2162


Commander, Navy Personnel Command
Attn: PERS-00C
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-1300

Air Force and
Space Force
Active Duty

Phone: 800-525-0102, Option 1, Option 1


550 C Street West
Joint Base San Antonio - Randolph,
TX 78150-4716

Air Force
Reserves and
Air National

Phone: 800-525-0102, Option 3, Option 1

18420 E. Silver Creek Ave.
Building 390 MS 68
Buckley AFB, CO 80011

Coast Guard

Phone: 202-795-6638

Commander (CG)
Personnel Service Center (PSC)
Attn: TSGLI Case Manager,
U.S. Coast Guard STOP 7200
2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Washington, DC 20593-7200

Public Health

Phone: 240-276-8799

240-276-8817 or

PHS Compensation Branch
1101 Wootton Parkway
Suite: 100
Rockville, MD 20852


Phone: 301-713-3444


U.S. Dept. of Commerce
8403 Colesville Rd, Suite 500, 5th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600

The Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) program provides for payment to Servicemembers who are
severely injured (on or off duty) as the result of a traumatic event and suffer a loss that qualifies for payment under TSGLI. TSGLI is designed to
help traumatically injured Servicemembers and their families with financial burdens associated with recovering from a severe injury. TSGLI
payments range from $25,000 to $100,000 based on the qualifying loss suffered.
Effective December 1, 2005, all Servicemembers who are insured under SGLI and…
■	 experience a traumatic event
■	 that results in a traumatic injury
■	 which is listed as a qualifying loss
are eligible to receive a TSGLI payment. Servicemembers who were severely injured between October 7, 2001, and November 30, 2005, may
also be eligible for a TSGLI payment, regardless of where their injury occurred or whether they had SGLI coverage at the time of their injury.
Servicemembers should contact their branch of service for more information.
What is a Traumatic Event?
A traumatic event is the application of external force, violence, chemical, biological, or radiological weapons, accidental ingestion of a
contaminated substance, or exposure to the elements that causes damage to your body. Traumatic events include insect and animal bites,
freezing and excessing temperatures, and non-penetrating blast waves.
What is a Traumatic Injury?
A traumatic injury is the physical damage to your body that results from a traumatic event.
What is External Force?
A sudden or violent impact from a source outside of the body that causes an unexpected impact and is independent of routine body motions such
as twisting, lifting, bending, pushing, or pulling.
What is a Qualifying Loss?
A qualifying loss is a traumatic injury that is listed on the TSGLI Schedule of Losses, which lists all covered losses and payment amounts. You may
view the complete Schedule of Losses and other TSGLI information at Your
branch of service TSGLI office will determine whether your injury is a qualifying loss for TSGLI purposes.
Filing a TSGLI claim is a three-step process in which the Servicemember [or guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee] and a medical
professional must complete and submit the appropriate parts of the TSGLI Claim Form as follows:
A guardian, Power of Attorney (POA) or military trustee can only apply for TSGLI on behalf of the Servicemember if the Servicemember is
medically incapacitated*, as indicated by a medical professional on Part B has proof of appointment.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

The Servicemember [or guardian, power of
The medical professional…
attorney, or military trustee]…
must complete Part A (pages 3-7) and provide it to must complete Part B.
a medical professional to complete Part B. Note: If
a guardian or power of attorney completes Part A,
they must include copies of letters of guardianship,
letters of conservatorship, power of attorney,
or durable power of attorney (if appropriate). If
a military trustee completes Part A, they must
attach DD Form 2827, Application for Trusteeship,
with Section III completed and signed, naming
the TSGLI applicant as the trustee.

The medical professional OR the Servicemember [or
guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee]…
must forward Parts A & B, and attach supporting
evidence documenting their traumatic event and
losses, to the member’s branch of service TSGLI
office listed on the front cover of this form. This
evidence may include but is not limited to: hospital
records, therapy notes, nursing notes, various
medical assessments/reports, and/or police reports
and military investigatory reports relating to the
member’s traumatic event and losses.

*An individual who has been determined by a medical professional to be physically or mentally impaired by physical disability, mental illness, mental deficiency,
advanced age, chronic use of drugs or alcohol, or other causes that prevent sufficient understanding or capacity to manage his or her own affairs competently
as indicated by a medical professional on Part B.

Instructions on completing the TSGLI Claim Form are included in each section. When completing the form, the Servicemember, guardian, power
of attorney, or military trustee must complete the Servicemember’s Social Security number on each page of the form. If you have questions about
completing the form or if the Servicemember is deceased, please contact the branch of service TSGLI office listed on the front cover of this form.
Who Makes the Decision on My Claim?
The branch of service TSGLI office will make the decision on your claim based upon the information in Parts A and B of the TSGLI Claim Form
and the required supporting documentation you provide. If the Servicemember’s claim is approved, the branch of service will then forward
their decision to the Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) for appropriate action. If the Servicemember’s claim is denied, the
Servicemember will be notified by his/her branch of service.

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SGLV 8600  Page 1

Who Will Receive the TSGLI Payment?
Payment will be made directly to the Servicemember. If the Servicemember is medically incapacitated, payment will be made under the
appropriate letters of guardianship/conservatorship or a power of attorney to the guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee on the
Servicemember’s behalf. If the Servicemember dies after qualifying for payment, the payment will be made to the Servicemember’s current listed
SGLI beneficiary(ies). The Servicemember must survive for seven days (168 hours) from the date of the traumatic event to be eligible for TSGLI.
How the TSGLI Payment Will Be Made?
If your branch of service TSGLI office approves your claim, OSGLI will make the TSGLI benefit payment. There are three payment methods used
for TSGLI benefits: Prudential’s Alliance Account®,* Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), or check. If you do not choose a payment option, OSGLI
will make the payment through Prudential’s Alliance Account®.
1. P
 rudential’s Alliance Account®* —
1)	The funds in an Alliance Account begin earning interest immediately and will continue to earn interest until all funds are withdrawn.
Interest is accrued daily, compounded daily, and credited every month. The interest rate may change and will vary over time subject
to a minimum rate that will not change more than once every 90 days. You will be advised in advance of any change to the minimum
interest rate via your quarterly Alliance Account statement or by calling Customer Support at 877-255-4262.
2)	The interest rate credited to the Alliance Account is adjusted by Prudential at its discretion based on variable economic factors
(including, but not limited to, prevailing market rates for short-term demand deposit accounts, bank money market rates, and Federal
Reserve Interest rates) and may be more or less than the rate Prudential earns on the funds in the account.
3)	An Alliance Account is an interest bearing draft account established in the beneficiary’s name with a draft book. The beneficiary can
write drafts for any amount up to the full amount of the proceeds. There are no monthly service fees or per draft charges and additional
drafts can be ordered at no cost, but fees apply for some special services including returned drafts, stop payment orders, and copies
of statements/drafts.
4)	The funds in your Alliance Account are available immediately. Use the drafts to access the account anytime you wish. You can write
a draft to yourself (which you can cash or deposit at your own bank) or write a draft to another person or to any business as you need
your funds.
5)	Alliance Account funds are part of Prudential’s General Account and are backed by the financial strength of The Prudential Insurance
Company of America which has been in business and serving its customers for over 140 years. The Alliance Account is not a bank
account or a bank product, and therefore, is not FDIC insured.
6)	Accountholders cannot make deposits into an Alliance Account. Only eligible payments from other Prudential insurance policies or
contracts may be added to the Alliance Account.
	Note: A Servicemember’s legal guardian or power of attorney (POA) may choose the Alliance Account payment option as long as the
Servicemember is medically incapacitated and they submit proof of the appointment (i.e. the appropriate documentation) with the claim. The
guardian, or POA, will not have their name added to the account, but will be able to sign Alliance Account drafts on behalf of the member.
A military trustee cannot elect to receive payment through an Alliance Account.
2. E lectronic Funds Transfer (EFT)—Your bank account will be electronically credited with the TSGLI payment amount. Depending on your
bank, payments will be credited three to five days from the date the payment is authorized.
A military trustee will be paid via EFT to the trustee account indicated with the proof of their appointment.
3. C
 heck Payment—A check will be issued to the Servicemember, guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee on behalf of the member.

* T he Bank of New York Mellon is the Administrator of the Prudential Alliance Account Settlement Option, a contractual obligation of The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, located at 751 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102-3777. Draft clearing and processing support is provided by The
Bank of New York Mellon. Alliance Account balances are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The Bank of New
York Mellon is not a Prudential Financial company.

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SGLV 8600  Page 2

PART A—Servicemember’s Claim Information and Authorization—to be completed by the Servicemember, guardian, power of
attorney, or military trustee.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number

1 Servicemember

Servicemember’s First Name


The Servicemember,
Date of Birth (mm dd yyyy)
guardian, power of
attorney, or military
trustee MUST fill in
the Servicemember’s
Branch of Service at time of injury
Social Security number
at the top of each page.
Air Force
The Servicemember
must be medically
incapacitated for
the guardian, POA,
or military trustee to
complete the form,
apply, and receive
payment on their

Marital Status


Apt. (if any)	




Telephone Number

ZIP Code

Email Address

(Optional) I authorize the following person to speak with OSGLI or the Branch of Service about my
claim (this can be a spouse, parent, friend, or another person who is helping you with your claim).

Last Name

Complete this section ONLY if the Servicemember is medically incapacitated AND if a guardian, power of attorney or military trustee

Power of
is receiving the payment on behalf of the Servicemember.
Attorney, or
First Name	MI	
Military Trustee
Important Note:
Mailing Address (number and street)	
Please include copies
of the letters of guardianship, conservatorship,
power of attorney, or
completed DD Form
2827, with this form.
Telephone Number	
Failure to include this
documentation will delay
processing of the claim.



Coast Guard
Space Force

First Name

3 Traumatic



Address of Record (number and street)	

Important Note:
Unit (at time of injury)
Contact information
must be completed.
Incomplete information
will delay payment of
Third Party
your claim.

2 Guardian,

Servicemember’s Last Name

Last Name

Apartment (if any)


ZIP Code

Fax Number

Injuries that Qualify for TSGLI Payment
In order to qualify for the TSGLI benefit, you must have experienced a traumatic event that resulted in a traumatic injury
that is listed as a qualifying loss on the TSGLI Schedule of Losses.
Traumatic Event—A traumatic event is the application of external force, violence, chemical, biological, or radiological
weapons, accidental ingestion by mouth of a contaminated substance, or exposure to the elements that causes damage to your body.
External force means a sudden or violent motion from a source outside the body that causes an unexpected impact and is
independent of routine body motions such as twisting, lifting, bending, pushing, or pulling.
Traumatic Injury—A traumatic injury is the physical damage to your body that resulted from a traumatic event (illness or
disease is not covered).
Qualifying Loss—A qualifying loss is a traumatic injury that is listed on the TSGLI Schedule of Losses. You may view the
complete Schedule of Losses at

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SGLV 8600  Page 3

PART A—Servicemember’s Claim Information and Authorization (cont’d)—to be completed by the Servicemember, guardian, power of
attorney, or military trustee.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number

3 Traumatic


Information About Your Loss
Is the loss you are claiming the result of any of the following:
a.	 an intentionally self-inflicted injury or an attempt to inflict such injury?

Yes	No

b.	 use of an illegal or controlled substance that was not administered
or consumed on the advice of a medical doctor?

Yes	No

c.	 the medical or surgical treatment of an illness or disease?

Yes	No

d.	 a traumatic injury sustained while committing or attempting to commit a felony?

Yes	No

e.	 a physical or mental illness or disease (not including illness or disease caused
by a wound infection, a chemical, biological, or radiological weapon, or the accidental
ingestion of a contaminated substance)?

Yes	No

If you answered yes…
to any of the questions above, you are not eligible for a TSGLI payment and should not file a claim.
If you are not sure…
whether your loss is a result of one of the items above, please contact your Branch of Service TSGLI Office to find out
if you are eligible.
Tell us about your traumatic Injury
1.	Were you covered under Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) at the time of the injury?



2.	In the box below, please describe your injury and give the date, time, and location where it occurred.
Traumatic Injury Information

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SGLV 8600  Page 4

PART A—Servicemember’s Claim Information and Authorization(cont’d)—to becompleted by the Servicemember, guardian, power of
attorney, or military trustee.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number

41 Payment Options Please choose one of the three payment options below:
Please choose one
Payment Option 1—Prudential’s Alliance Account®
of the three payment
Complete the mailing address below (street address only, no PO boxes).
options by checking
the appropriate box
Servicemember’s Mailing Address for Payment—No P.O. Boxes	
and filling in the
requested information.
For all payment
options below, the
must be medically
incapacitated in order
for payment to be
made directly to a
guardian, power of
attorney or military



Apartment, Ward or Room (if any)

ZIP Code

Payment Option 2—Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

To have the payment made by EFT, fill in your banking information below.

Bank Routing Number	
Payment Option 1
– Prudential’s
Alliance Account
Bank Name	
An interest-bearing
account will be
established in the name
of the Servicemember,
First Name
who can access the
money using the draft
book. A guardian or
agent under a financial
power of attorney may
sign Alliance Account®
drafts on behalf of
the Servicemember, if
proof of appointment
is submitted with the
claim and such proof
The bank routing
indicates such authority.

Bank Account Number

Bank Phone Number


Customer XYZ
XYZ Street
City, State, ZIP

Last Name

Check No. 1246




number is always

The bank account
number varies in
length and may
contain dashes or
spaces. The
symbol indicates
the end of the
account number.

Payment Option 2
9 digits and
– Electronic
Bank XYZ
appears between
Funds Transfer
UXYZ Street
the symbols
This option can be
City, State, ZIP
selected by the
Servicemember or,
if applicable, the
Number (not needed)
guardian, power of
attorney or military
trustee. Payment
will be made to the
Payment Option 3—Check
Important: If you are a guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee you must complete the information below
bank account, or in
the case of a military
when requesting a check.
trustee, the trusteeship
Apartment (if any)
Address for Payment—No P.O. Boxes	
Payment Option 3 –
A check will be issued City
to the Servicemember,
guardian, power of
attorney or military
trustee on behalf of
the Servicemember.

5 Financial

VA sponsors
financial counseling
for TSGLI recipients.


ZIP Code

To receive this counseling, check the box below.
I would like to receive financial counseling with my TSGLI benefit. This counseling is offered at no cost to you.
You should get financial counseling as soon as possible after receiving your insurance money and before making any major financial decisions.
For more information on this benefit, visit

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SGLV 8600  Page 5

PART A—Servicemember’s Claim Information and Authorization(cont’d)—to be completed by the Servicemember, guardian, power
of attorney, or military trustee.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number

6 Signature and Supporting Documentation
Please list below the supporting documentation you are submitting with your claim. You must submit documentation of your traumatic event and
qualifying losses with your claim. If a guardian, power of attorney or military trustee is completing Part A, they must also provide supporting documentation of
both the Servicemember’s medical incapacity and proof of their authority to act on behalf of the member.

Signature of Servicemember, guardian, power of attorney or military trustee

Date Signed (mm dd yyyy) Description of Authority to act
on behalf of the Servicemember
WARNING: Any intentional false statement in this claim or willful misrepresentation relative thereto is subject to
(Guardian, POA, etc.)
punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. 1001)

Member must complete and sign the HIPAA release on page 7

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SGLV 8600  Page 6

PART A—Servicemember’s Claim Information and Authorization(cont’d)—to becompleted by the Servicemember, guardian, power of
attorney, or military trustee.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


for Release of
Information to
Branch of Service
and Office of
Group Life
The Servicemember
must complete and
sign this section. If
the Servicemember
is medically
incapacitated, the
guardian, power of
attorney, or military
trustee must
complete and sign
this section.

Servicemember must complete and sign the HIPAA release below:

Failure to
complete this
section will
delay payment
of claim
This Authorization
is intended to
comply with the
HIPAA Privacy Rule.

By my signature below, I acknowledge that any agreements I have made to restrict my protected health information do not apply to
this Authorization and I instruct My Providers to release and disclose my entire medical record without restriction.

I authorize any health plan, physician, health care professional, hospital, clinic, laboratory, pharmacy, medical facility, medical
examiner, or other health care provider that has provided treatment, payment or services pertaining to:
First Name


Last Name

Date of Birth (mm dd yyyy)

or on my behalf (“My Providers”) to disclose my entire medical record for me or my dependents and any other health information
concerning me to the Branch of Service and Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) and its agents, employees,
and representatives. This also includes information on the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and the use of alcohol, drugs,
and tobacco, but excludes psychotherapy notes. OSGLI is an administrative unit created by Prudential to administer the Servicemembers’
Group Life Insurance Program. OSGLI administers the TSGLI program on behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
I authorize all non-health organizations, any insurance company, employer, or other person or institutions to provide any
information, data, or records relating to credit, financial, earnings, travel, activities or employment history to OSGLI.
Unless limits* are shown below, this form pertains to all of the records listed above.

This information is to be disclosed under this Authorization so that my Branch of Service and OSGLI may: 1) administer claims
and determine or fulfill responsibility for coverage and provision of benefits, 2) administer coverage, and 3) conduct other legally
permissible activities that relate to any coverage I have applied for with OSGLI.
This Authorization shall remain in force for 24 months following the date of my signature below, while the coverage is in force,
except to the extent that state law imposes a shorter duration. A copy of this Authorization is as valid as the original. I understand
that I have the right to revoke this Authorization in writing, at any time, by sending a written request for revocation to OSGLI at:
80 Livingston Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068. I understand that a revocation is not effective to the extent that any of My Providers
has relied on this Authorization or to the extent that OSGLI has a legal right to contest a claim under an insurance policy or to
contest the policy itself. I understand that any information that is disclosed pursuant to this Authorization may be redisclosed and
no longer covered by federal rules governing privacy and confidentiality of health information.
I understand that if I refuse to sign this Authorization to release my complete medical record, OSGLI may not be able to process
my claim for benefits and may not be able to make any benefit payments. I understand that I have the right to request and receive
a copy of this Authorization.
*Limits, if any:
NOTE: This release authorizes the branch of service and OSGLI to look at medical records.

The Servicemember,
guardian, power of
attorney, or military
trustee must sign here.

Signature of Servicemember, guardian, power of attorney, or military trustee
Date Signed (mm dd yyyy)

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Description of Authority to act
on behalf of the Servicemember
(Guardian, POA, etc.)

SGLV 8600  Page 7

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the healing

arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number



Patient’s First Name


If patient is deceased,
please provide:

Date of Injury (mm dd yyyy)

Patient’s Last Name

Time of Death

Date of Death (mm dd yyyy)


P. M.

Cause of Death


Losses Suffered
by Patient

Inpatient hospitalization is defined as: “Being hospitalized as an inpatient for 15 consecutive days as the result of a traumatic injury”

Please check the
box next to each
loss the patient has
experienced and fill
in any additional
requested. Omitted
information, such
as sight or hearing
measurements, will
delay processing of
the claim.

An inpatient acute care facility or inpatient rehabilitation facility is a) primarily engaged in providing, by or under supervision of physicians,
to inpatients diagnostic services and therapeutic services for medical diagnosis, treatment and care of injured, disabled, or sick persons, or
rehabilitation services for rehabilitation of injured, disabled or sick persons; b) maintains clinical records on all patients; c) has bylaws in effect
with respect to its staff and physicians; d) has a requirement that every patient must be under care of a physician; e) provides 24-hour nursing
service rendered or supervised by a registered professional nurse, and has a licensed practical nurse or registered professional nurse on duty at
all times; and f) is licensed pursuant to federal, tribal, state or local law or is approved as meeting the standards established for such licensing.
See 42 USC 1395x(e). This definition includes Combat Support Hospitals, Air Force Theater Hospitals, and Navy Hospital Ships.

Patient’s loss MUST
meet the definition
of loss given.

Definition of a hospital—A hospital includes the following three categories:  1) inpatient acute care facility, 2) inpatient rehabilitation facility,
and 3) skilled nursing facility.

A skilled nursing facility is a) primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing care and related services for residents who require medical or nursing
care or rehabilitation services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick persons and is not primarily for the care and treatment of mental
diseases; b) has transfer agreements with one or more hospitals in effect; c) meets a range of other requirements under 42 USC 1395i-3.
Was the member hospitalized as an inpatient for at least 15 consecutive days? 	



Reason for Inpatient Hospitalization—Please give the predominant reason the patient was hospitalized.
Traumatic Brain Injury	

Other Traumatic Injury

Longest Period of Inpatient Hospitalization—Please give the beginning and ending dates for the longest period of consecutive days the
patient was hospitalized as an inpatient. The count of consecutive inpatient hospitalization days begins when the injured member is transported
to the hospital (if applicable), includes the day of admission, continues through subsequent transfers from one hospital to another, and includes
the day of discharge.
Date Transported From the
Injury Location (mm dd yyyy)

Date of discharge (mm dd yyyy)

Date of admission (mm dd yyyy)

OR C heck here
if still

Name and location of hospital (if more than one hospital, list all)

Loss of Sight
Loss of sight in left eye or
anatomical loss of left eye

Loss of Sight is defined as:
Loss of sight must be expected to be permanent OR
must have lasted at least 120 days



GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023

Date of onset/loss (mm dd yyyy)

Loss of sight in right eye or
anatomical loss of right eye

Visual acuity in at least one eye of 20/200 or
less (worse) with corrective lenses (Loss of sight
must be expected to be permanent or must have
lasted at least 120 days.), OR

Visual Acuity and Field

Left Eye

Right Eye

Best corrected visual acuity

Visual acuity in at least one eye of greater (better)
than 20/200 with corrective lenses and a visual
field of 20 degrees or less (Loss of sight must be
expected to be permanent or must have lasted at
least 120 days.).

Visual Field (degrees)

Anatomical loss of eye.










SGLV 8600  Page 8

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Suffered by
Patient (cont’d)

Loss of Speech

Loss of Speech is defined as:

Date of onset (mm dd yyyy)

Loss of speech

An organic loss of speech (lost the ability to express oneself,
both by voice and by whisper, through normal organs for
speech). If a member uses an artificial appliance, such as a
voice box, to simulate speech, he/she is still considered to
have suffered an organic loss of speech and is eligible for a
TSGLI benefit.

Loss of Hearing

Loss of hearing is defined as:
Average hearing threshold sensitivity for air conduction of
at least 80 decibels. Hearing Acuity must be measured at
500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz to calculate the average
hearing threshold. Loss of hearing must be clinically stable
and unlikely to improve.

Date of onset (mm dd yyyy)

Loss of hearing in left ear
Loss of hearing in right ear
Hearing Acuity
Average Hearing Acuity (measured
without amplification device)

Burns are defined as:

Left Ear

Right Ear




2nd degree (partial thickness) over 20% of the body, including
the face and head OR 20% of the face only.

2nd degree or worse burns to the body including the face and head

Note: Percentage may be measured using the Rule of Nines
or any other acceptable alternative.

2nd degree or worse burns to the face only
Percentage of
body affected

Coma is defined as:


Percentage of
face affected



Coma with brain injury measured at a Glasgow Coma Score
of 8 or less that lasts for 15, 30, 60, or 90 consecutive days.

Date of onset (mm dd yyyy)

Number of days includes the date the coma began and the
date the member recovered from the coma.

Date of recovery (mm dd yyyy)

OR	Check here if coma is ongoing
Glasgow score at 15 days

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Glasgow score at 30 days

Glasgow score at 60 days












Glasgow score at 90 days

SGLV 8600  Page 9

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


by Patient

Facial Reconstruction is defined as:

Facial Reconstruction

Reconstructive surgery to correct traumatic avulsions of the
face or jaw that cause discontinuity defects, specifically
surgery to correct discontinuity loss of the following:


50% of cartilaginous nose (loss of cartilage/tissue required)


upper or lower jaw


50% or more of the cartilaginous nose


50% or more of the upper or lower lip

50% of lower lip (loss of tissue required)


30% or more of the periorbital

30% of left periorbital (loss of tissue required)


If the patient is
undergoing facial
reconstruction, a
surgeon MUST
certify this section
by checking the box,
printing his/her name,
and signing on the
appropriate line.

Upper or lower jaw (loss of bone required)

50% of upper lip (loss of tissue required)

in 50% or more of any of the following facial
subunits: forehead, temple, zygomatic, mandibular,
infraorbital, or chin

30% of right periorbital (loss of tissue required)
50% of left temple (loss of bone or tissue required)

Avulsion: a forcible detachment or tearing of bone and/or
tissue due to a penetrating injury.

50% of right temple (loss of bone or tissue required)

Discontinuity: an absence of bone and/or tissue from
its normal bodily location, which interrupts the physical
consistency of the face and impacts at least one of the
following functions: mastication, swallowing, vision,
speech, smell, or taste.

50% of left zygomatic (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of right zygomatic (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of left mandibular (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of right mandibular (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of left infraorbital (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of right infraorbital (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of chin (loss of bone or tissue required)
50% of forehead (loss of bone or tissue required)

Certification of Surgeon
Date of first surgery (mm dd yyyy)

First Name of Surgeon	

Last Name of Surgeon


Date Signed (mm dd yyyy)

Telephone Number

Signature of Surgeon

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600  Page 10

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Suffered by
Patient (cont’d)

Amputation is: the severance or removal of a limb or genital organ or part of a limb or genital organ, including both severance due to a
traumatic injury, or surgical removal that is required for the treatment of a traumatic injury.
Amputation of Hand

Amputation of Hand is defined as:
Amputation of hand at or above the wrist.

Date of amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Amputation of left hand

Above the wrist means closer to the body.
Amputation of right hand
Amputation of Fingers

Amputation of Fingers is defined as:


Amputation of 4 fingers/
right hand

Amputation of thumb at or above
the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Amputation of left thumb

Above the metacarpophalangeal joint
means closer to the body.

Amputation of right thumb
Amputation of Foot

Amputation of Foot is defined as:

Date of amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Amputation of 4 fingers/
left hand

Amputation of four fingers on
the same hand (not including the
thumb) at or above the
metacarpophalangeal joint, OR

Amputation of foot at or above the ankle,

Date of amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Amputation of left foot

Above the ankle means closer to the body.
Amputation of right foot
Amputation of Toes
Amputation of all toes/
left foot

Amputation of Toes is defined as:



Amputation of all toes
(including the big toe) on the
same foot at or above the
metatarsophalangeal joint, OR

Date of amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Amputation of all toes/
right foot

Amputation of four toes on one foot
at or above the metatarsophalangeal
joint (not including the big toe), OR

Amputation of 4 toes/
left foot

Amputation of big toe at or above the metatarsophalangeal joint

Amputation of 4 toes/
right foot

Above the metatarsophalangeal joint means closer to the body.

Amputation of big toe/
left foot
Amputation of big toe/
right foot


Limb Reconstruction is defined as:

If the patient is
undergoing limb
reconstruction, a
surgeon MUST
certify this section
by printing his/her
name and signing on
the appropriate line.

Undergoing at least one or two of the
following surgeries on a limb:

Procedures (Check all that apply) Limb Affected (Check all that apply) Date of first surgery (mm dd yyyy)
Bone Grafting

Left arm

1.	 Bone grafting to reestablish stability
and enable mobility of the limb;

Soft Tissue Grafting/Flap

Right arm

2.	 Soft tissue grafting/flap
reconstruction to reestablish
stability and enable mobility
of the limb;

Vascular Reconstruction

Left leg

Nerve reconstruction

Right leg

3.	 Vascular reconstruction to restore blood flow and support bone and tissue regeneration; or
4.	 Nerve reconstruction to allow for motor and sensory restoration and muscle re-enervation.
Submit operative report for each surgery.
Certification of Surgeon
First Name of Surgeon	

Last Name of Surgeon


Date Signed (mm dd yyyy)

Telephone Number

Signature of Surgeon

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600  Page 11

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Suffered by
Patient (cont’d)

Paralysis is defined as:


Complete paralysis due to damage to the spinal cord or
associated nerves, or to the brain. A limb is defined as an
arm or a leg with all its parts. Paralysis must fall into one
of the four categories listed below:

Date of onset (mm dd yyyy)



Quadriplegia—paralysis of all four limbs


Paraplegia—paralysis of both lower limbs


Hemiplegia—paralysis of the upper and lower limbs on
one side of the body




Uniplegia—paralysis of one limb

Anatomical loss of the penis is defined as:

Genitourinary System Losses

Amputation of the glans penis or any portion of the shaft of
the penis above the glans penis or damage to the glans penis
or shaft of the penis that requires reconstructive surgery.

Anatomical loss
of the penis

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Permanent loss of
use of the penis

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
one testicle

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
both testicles

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Permanent loss of
use of both testicles

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
the vulva

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
the uterus

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
the vaginal canal

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Permanent loss of
use of the vulva

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Permanent loss of use
of the vaginal canal

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Above the glans penis means closer to the body.
Permanent loss of use of the penis is defined as:
Damage to the glans penis or shaft of the penis that results
in complete loss of the ability to perform sexual intercourse
that is reasonably certain to continue throughout the lifetime
of the member.
Anatomical loss of one testicle is defined as:
The amputation of, or damage to, one testicle that requires
testicular salvage, reconstructive surgery, or both.
Anatomical loss of both testicle(s) is defined as:
The amputation of, or damage to, both testicles that requires
testicular salvage, reconstructive surgery, or both.
Permanent loss of use of both testicles is defined as:
Damage to both testicles resulting in the need for hormonal
replacement therapy that is medically required and reasonably
certain to continue throughout the lifetime of the member.
Anatomical loss of the vulva is defined as:
The complete or partial amputation of the vulva or damage
to the vulva that requires reconstructive surgery.
Anatomical loss of the uterus is defined as:
The complete or partial amputation of the uterus or damage
to the uterus that requires reconstructive surgery.
Anatomical loss of the vaginal canal is defined as:
The complete or partial amputation of the vaginal
canal or damage to the vaginal canal that requires
reconstructive surgery.
Permanent loss of use of the vulva is defined as:
Damage to the vulva that results in complete loss of the
ability to perform sexual intercourse that is reasonably
certain to continue throughout the lifetime of the member.
Permanent loss of use of the vaginal canal is defined as:
Damage to the vaginal canal that results in complete loss of
the ability to perform sexual intercourse that is reasonably
certain to continue throughout the lifetime of the member.

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600  Page 12

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Suffered by
Patient (cont’d)

Anatomical loss of the ovary is defined as:
The amputation of one ovary or damage to one ovary that
requires ovarian salvage, reconstructive surgery, or both.
Anatomical loss of both ovaries is defined as:
The amputation of both ovaries or damage to both ovaries that
requires ovarian salvage, reconstructive surgery, or both.
Permanent loss of use of both ovaries is defined as:
Damage to both ovaries resulting in the need for hormonal
replacement therapy that is medically required and reasonably
certain to continue throughout the lifetime of the member.
Total and permanent loss of urinary system function
is defined as:

Anatomical loss of
one ovary

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Anatomical loss of
both ovaries

Date of loss or amputation (mm dd yyyy)

Permanent loss of
use of both ovaries

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Total and permanent loss of
urinary system function

Date of loss (mm dd yyyy)

Damage to the urethra, ureter(s), both kidneys, bladder, or
urethral sphincter muscle(s) that requires urinary diversion
and/or hemodialysis, either of which is reasonably certain to
continue throughout the lifetime of the member.
of Injury/
Assistance Needed
Please provide a
description of the
injury and
descriptions of the
assistance needed to
perform each ADL.
Failure to provide this
information may delay
processing of claim.
What is the
predominant reason
the patient is/was
unable to
perform ADL?
Check the
predominant reason
the patient cannot
independently perform
ADL and describe
the injury in the box

Inability to independently perform at least two of six ADL (bathing, continence, dressing, eating,
toileting and transferring).
Inability must last for at least 15 consecutive days for traumatic brain injury and at least 30 consecutive days for any other
traumatic injury.
The patient is considered unable to perform an activity independently only if he or she REQUIRES assistance to perform the activity. If the
patient is able to perform the activity by using accommodating equipment, such as a cane, walker, commode, or by using adaptive behavior,
the patient is considered able to independently perform the activity without requiring assistance.
Requires Assistance is defined as:
■	 physical assistance (hands-on),

stand-by assistance (within arm’s reach),
verbal assistance (must be instructed because of cognitive impairment), without which the patient would be INCAPABLE of
performing the task.

To learn more about the TSGLI ADL standards, please visit, and select the full TSGLI
ADL Online training or a subsection of the training for an area you have questions on under “Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic
Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)Training Series”.
What is the predominant reason the patient is/was unable to independently perform ADL?
Traumatic Brain Injury	

Other Traumatic Injury

(Please describe injury and give reason(s) it resulted in inability to perform activities of daily living.)

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600  Page 13

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Inability to Independently Perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL) (cont’d)
Losses Suffered Patient is UNABLE to bathe independently if…
Unable to bathe independently
by Patient
Start date (mm dd yyyy)
He/she requires assistance from another person to wash/
bathe three or more regions of the body either via tub/
Which ADL is the
patient unable to
Check each ADL
the patient cannot
Fill in the dates
inability began and
ended or indicate
inability is ongoing.
Require Assistance
is defined as:
■	 physical assistance
■	 standby assistance
(within arm’s reach),
■	 verbal assistance
(must be instructed
because of cognitive
without which
the patient would
of performing
the task.

End date (mm dd yyyy)

shower or sponge bath.

Describe assistance needed:

OR	Check here if inability is ongoing
Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)
standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)

Patient is UNABLE to maintain continence
independently if…

verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)

Unable to maintain continence independently
Start date (mm dd yyyy)
End date (mm dd yyyy)

He/she is unable to maintain complete control of bowel and
bladder function or requires assistance from another person
to manage catheter or colostomy bag.

OR	Check here if inability is ongoing

Describe assistance needed:

Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)
standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)

Patient is UNABLE to dress independently if…

Unable to dress independently
Start date (mm dd yyyy)

He/she requires assistance from another person to obtain
and put on appropriate clothing.

verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)

End date (mm dd yyyy)

Describe assistance needed:
OR	Check here if inability is ongoing
Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)
standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)
Patient is UNABLE to eat independently if…

Unable to eat independently
Start date (mm dd yyyy)

He/she requires assistance from another person to:

get food from plate to mouth, OR


take liquid nourishment from a straw or cup, OR


he/she is fed intravenously or by a feeding tube.

Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)
standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)


End date (mm dd yyyy)

OR	Check here if inability is ongoing

Describe assistance needed:

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023

verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)










verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)

SGLV 8600  Page 14

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number


Suffered by
Patient (cont’d)

Inability to Independently Perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL) (cont’d)
Patient is UNABLE to toilet independently if…

Unable to toilet independently
Start date (mm dd yyyy)

Patient is UNABLE to toilet independently if, he/she requires
another person to assist in:

Getting on and off the toilet;


Getting clothes off or on before and after toileting;


Providing cleaning or self-care after toileting; or


Using a bedpan or urinal.


End date (mm dd yyyy)

Check here if inability is ongoing

Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)

Describe assistance needed:

standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)

Patient is UNABLE to transfer independently if…

verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)

Unable to transfer independently
Start date (mm dd yyyy)
End date (mm dd yyyy)

He/she requires assistance from another person to move into
or out of a bed or chair.
Describe assistance needed:


Check here if inability is ongoing

Type of assistance required (check all that apply)
physical assistance (hands-on)
standby assistance
(within arm’s reach)



verbal assistance (must be
instructed because of
cognitive impairment)

To your knowledge, were any of the losses indicated in Part B due to:
a.	 an intentionally self-inflicted injury or an attempt to inflict such injury,
b.	 use of an illegal or controlled substance that was not administered or consumed on the advice of a medical doctor,
c.	 the medical or surgical treatment of an illness or disease,
d.	 a physical or mental illness or disease (not including illness or disease caused by a pyogenic infection, a chemical, biological, or radiological
weapon, or the accidental ingestion of a contaminated substance).
If yes, please explain below:



Use this block to provide any additional information about the patient’s injuries. When a narrative description is required, please be
complete and concise.

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











SGLV 8600  Page 15

PART B—Medical Professional’s Statement (cont’d)—to be completed by a medical professional who is a licensed practitioner of the

healing arts acting within the scope of his/her practice.
Servicemember’s Social Security Number



Name of Medical Professional
First Name


Last Name

Medical Professional’s Address (number and street)




ZIP Code

Telephone Number		

Fax Number

Email Address


Medical Degree

Medical Professional’s License number



I have been directly involved in the patient’s care for his/her loss.
I have not treated the patient for his/her loss but I have reviewed the patient’s medical records.
Is the member currently medically incapacitated and unable to apply or receive TSGLI payment?	



This Medical Professional’s Statement is based upon my examination of the patient, and/or, a review of pertinent medical
evidence. I understand I may be asked to provide supporting documentation to validate eligibility under the law.
Date (mm dd yyyy)



WARNING: Any intentionally false statement in this claim or willful misrepresentation relative thereto is subject to punishment
by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. 1001)
PRIVACY ACT NOTICE: VA will not disclose information collected on this form to any source other than what has been authorized under the Privacy Act of 1974 or Title
38, Code of Federal Regulations 1.576 for routine uses (i.e., use by VA employees and your authorized representatives in the maintenance of Government Insurance
programs) identified in the VA system of records, 36VA29, Veterans and Uniformed Services Personnel Programs of U. S. Government Life Insurance - VA, published in
the Federal Register. Your obligation to respond is voluntary, but your failure to provide us the information could impede processing. No insurance may be granted unless
a completed application form has been received (38 U.S.C. 2106 and 38 CFR 8a3(e)). Giving us your SSN account information is voluntary. Refusal to provide your SSN
by itself will not result in the denial of benefits . VA will not deny an individual benefits for refusing to provide his or her SSN unless the disclosure of the SSN is required
by a Federal Statute of law in effect prior to January 1, 1975, and still in effect. The responses you submit are considered
confidential (38 U.S.C. 5701).
RESPONDENT BURDEN: We need this information to determine, establish or verify your eligibility for VA Insurance benefits. Title 38, United States Code, allows us to
ask for this information. We estimate that you will need an average of 10 hours to review the instructions, find the information, and complete this form. VA cannot conduct
or sponsor a collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed. You are not required to respond to a collection of information if this number is not
displayed. Valid OMB control numbers can be located on the OMB Internet Page at If desired, you can call
1-800-827-1000 to get information on where to send comments or suggestions about this form.

GL.2005.161(2) Ed. 04/2023











16921836  SGLV 8600

Page 16

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleApplication for TSGLI Benefits
File Modified2023-04-04
File Created2022-03-29

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