U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Job Corps |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Applicant Data Collection Form
Purpose of this form: The purpose of this form is to collect data from individuals applying to Job Corps for the purpose of determining eligibility to the program and gathering information pursuant to the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) requirements. Applicants with a disability are reminded that they have the right to request a reasonable accommodation at any time during to complete and review this form.
Section A: Job Corps Applicant Information
Personal Information |
Income Eligibility |
Legal Name |
Smith, Johnathan |
Family/Household Status |
Family Member |
Preferred Name |
John |
Estimated Annual Income |
$0.00 |
Date of Birth |
7/6/2000 |
Receiving Public Assistance |
Yes |
Birth Country |
United States of America |
Houselessness/Homelessness |
No |
Race |
Black or African American |
Receiving Free or Reduced School Lunch |
No |
Ethnicity |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Victim of Human Trafficking |
No |
Preferred Language |
French |
Left Home as a Runaway |
No |
Gender Identity |
Male |
Experience in Foster Care System |
No |
Sex |
Male |
Pronouns |
He/him/his |
Legal Residency Type |
Social Security Number |
U.S. Citizen |
Address |
1 N St, Washington, DC 12345 |
Email Address |
john.smith@gmail.com |
Phone Number |
(111) 111-1111 |
Military Experience |
Prior Military |
No |
Additional Contacts |
Eligible Veteran Status |
N/A |
Primary Contact |
Smith, Jane |
Campaign Veteran |
N/A |
Email Address |
jane.smith@gmail.com |
Disabled Veteran |
N/A |
Phone Number |
(222) 222-2222 |
Homeless Veteran |
N/A |
Alternate Contact |
Smith, Jim |
Date Of Military Separation |
N/A |
Email Address |
jim.smith@gmail.com |
Transitioning Service Member |
N/A |
Phone Number |
(333) 333-3333 |
Supplemental Assistance |
Employment History |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
No |
Employment Status |
Currently Employed |
Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability Insurance |
No |
Number Of Weeks Unemployed |
N/A |
General Assistance/Refugee Cash Assistance |
No |
Unemployment Compensation Eligible Status |
N/A |
Current Employer |
ABC, Inc. |
Family Care |
Industry |
Manufacturing |
Marital Status |
Single |
Job Title |
Assembler |
Allotment Eligibility |
No |
Number Of Months Employed |
8 months |
Dependent Children |
No |
Hourly Wage |
$15.00 |
Child Care Arranged |
N/A |
Estimated Hours Per Week |
40 |
Previous Employer |
N/A |
Criminal History Review |
Industry |
N/A |
Criminal history background check is complete. |
Job Title |
N/A |
Number Of Months Employed |
N/A |
Hourly Wage |
N/A |
Estimated Hours Per Week |
N/A |
Education |
High School Diploma/High School Equivalency |
Yes |
Diploma Type |
Standard Diploma |
Completed High School |
No |
Highest Grade Completed |
11 |
Time Out of School |
24 mos. |
Limited English Proficiency |
No |
Name of Last High School Attended |
North High School |
City |
Washington |
State |
DC |
I the undersigned, certify that all information on the application form is accurate.
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section B: Applicant Commitment Statement
I understand that enrolling into the Job Corps program is a choice, and that only qualified and committed individuals will be accepted. The Job Corps program is an education and training program that helps young adults develop or enhance the skills that they need to secure an in-demand, higher-wage, and/or critically-needed job and a career path that provides self-sustaining income and opportunities for career growth.
Job Corps provides a safe, drug-free living environment where I can attain:
Academic skills that I need to succeed in the workplace (High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, and post-secondary preparation). |
Occupational skills that I need to succeed in today’s competitive job market. |
Workforce preparation skills that I need to be successful in a job and in everyday life. |
Job search skills and assistance in finding a job when I complete my training. |
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section C: Acknowledgement of Expectations
I certify that I understand the expectations of the Job Corps program. If I am accepted to Job Corps, I agree that I will accept these conditions and commit to fully participate in the program.
DATE: 7/6/2022 |
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section D: Job Corps Applicant and Parent / Guardian Consent Record
The admissions representative must read each item on this consent form to the applicant, and to the parent/guardian of the applicant if under the age of 18 (unless legally emancipated), confirm that they understand it, and have the applicant (and parent/legal guardian, if applicable) sign the form. I (we), the undersigned, certify that all information on the application form is accurate. I (we) consent to the enrollment of the above-named individual into the Job Corps. I (we) further understand that any false statement or dishonest answers will be grounds for dismissal of the above-named individual and may be punished by law. I (we) understand that, if applicant is required to be registered with the Selective Services System, I (we) authorize Selective Services to register applicant/student at the age of 18. I (we) further understand that if the applicant/student is already registered, the automatic registration process will not register the applicant/student again I (we) authorize all routine and customary physical examinations, dental work, surgical and other treatment as required by the Job Corps regulations, as well as the collection of information such as education and medical records. I (we) authorize release of medical information to Job Corps Staff with a need for that information and to the local/or state health department when required by law. I (we) have been provided with a personal copy of Job Corps’ Privacy Act statement. I (we) have read the statement and understand the contents. I (we) have been provided information about Job Corps, life on a Job Corps center, career training offerings, and job outlook information. I (we) have been told what Job Corps expects of me (my child/ward) as a student. All of my (our) questions have been answered. I (we) understand my (our) responsibility to keep Job Corps leaders informed of any address changes. I (we) authorize Job Corps to gather information about my employment after participating in Job Corps training. I (we) authorize Job Corps to contact me (us) via phone calls, emails and/ or text messages to gather information about my Job Corps application, my program participation, and my post-enrollment experiences.
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section E: Job Corps Zero Tolerance Student Conduct System
Every student has the right to participate in the Job Corps program without being subjected to violence or drug abuse.
I have been informed about Job Corps’ Zero Tolerance for violence policy and agree that while I am enrolled in the Job Corps program, I will abide by it. I understand that if I commit any of the offenses listed below, I will be immediately removed from the program, and will lose the chance to be present for a Campus Review Board. However, I will be able to make a written statement on my behalf and will be allowed to appeal the decision of the board.
The offenses that require automatic removal from the program are:
I understand that other offenses may result in disciplinary action, which may include separation from the program. I understand that my refusal to sign this Zero Tolerance certificate will prevent my enrollment in Job Corps. |
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section F: Authorization for Release of Criminal History Record Information
I _______________________________________________ authorize the Department of Labor (DOL), through its background investigation services provider, to conduct a criminal history record information (CHRI), known herein as “background check”, for purposes of determining my eligibility for the Job Corps program under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 29 U.S.C. 3191 et seq. The Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA) performs background checks and other investigative services for Federal agencies, including DOL. I further authorize any investigator, special agent, or other duly accredited representative of DOL and/or DCSA to request and receive CHRI about me from criminal justice agencies, or other appropriate record custodians, for the purpose of determining my eligibility for Job Corps, in accordance with 29 U.S.C. 3195 and Executive Order 13869, Sec. 2(c)(v). The collection, maintenance and disclosure of background check information is governed by the Privacy Act. I understand that the background check information received will be maintained, by both DOL and DCSA, in accordance with the Privacy Act, in their respective records system. I acknowledge that I received the Job Corps Privacy Act Statement, which explains how background check information will be maintained and used by DOL. Within DCSA, the background check will be maintained in the Department of Defense Personnel Vetting Records System, “DUSDI 02-DoD”. I understand that I may request a copy of the DCSA background check records as may be available to me under the law. I also understand the background check records maintained by DCSA may be disclosed without further consent to DCSA personnel and shared with other authorized recipients for routine uses, and, for other purposes permitted under subsection (b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 USC §552a). The most common routine use pertains to personnel vetting investigations, determinations, and adjudications. A complete list of the routine uses can be found in the “DUSDI 02-DoD” system of records notice at: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/10/17/2018-22508/privacy-act-of-1974-system-of-records. Any information gathered pursuant to this background check may be disclosed by the Government only as authorized by law.
INFORMATION RELEASE AUTHORIZATION: I understand that disclosure of the personal information below is voluntary; and that failure to provide the required information may result in DOL and DCSA’s inability to complete a background check and may prevent DOL from making a determination regarding my eligibility for Job Corps.
My signature below authorizes the release of the requested background check information. This authorization remains in effect for a period of 1 year from the date signed. A copy of this authorization shall have the same force and effect as the signed original.
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Job Corps Application |
ETA FORM 652 OMB Control No. 1205-0025 Expiration Date: 4/30/2023
Section G: For Job Corps Use Only - Recommendation of Readmission
Leave blank if applicant is not a readmit.
Privacy Act Notice: All request for personal information about students must be treated as requests under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974, and handled pursuant 29 CFR Parts 70 and 70a and 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164.
Public Burden Statement: Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondents' obligation to complete this form is required to obtain or retain benefits (P.L. 113-128). Public reporting burden is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Adult Services, Room S-4209, Washington, D.C. 20210 (Paperwork Reduction Project 1205-0025). Please do not submit completed forms to this address.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Miller, Madeline L - OASAM OCIO CTR |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-01 |