Attachment A
Apprenticeship Evidence-Building Portfolio
Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies Grants and Closing the Skills Gap Grants Grantee Survey
Apprenticeship Evidence-Building Portfolio
Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies Grants and Closing the Skills Gap Grants
Grantee Survey
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Survey of Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies grantees and Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap grantees.
Who is administering this survey? The Urban Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, is under contract with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), to conduct an implementation evaluation of the Scaling Apprenticeship and Closing the Skills Gap grant programs, which includes this survey.
What is the purpose of the survey? This survey will collect information from all grantees that received Scaling Apprenticeship and Closing the Skills Gap grants and document the range of grantee characteristics and service populations/areas, employer engagement efforts, goals, activities, and lessons learned that emerged from grant experiences. It will provide information about promising strategies for developing and implementing effective apprenticeship programs.
How long will it take to complete? This survey will take approximately 3 hours. You may stop and return to the survey to continue and complete it.
Is participation mandatory? Your participation is voluntary; however, please consider that the provisions in your grant agreement with DOL require grantees to participate in evaluation activities sponsored by DOL, including surveys.
Who will see my responses? The Urban Institute treats the information you provide as private and we will not share your individual responses. Only a few members of the research team will see your responses, in order to tabulate and aggregate responses across grantees. All evaluation reports based on the survey will report findings at the aggregate level and responses to the survey will not be identified by organization or person in any publication.
Who can I contact with questions? If you have any questions, please contact: XXXX at (202) 261-XXXX or
you again for participating in this survey. We greatly appreciate
your time and assistance.
Please submit your completed survey by XXXX.
Technical Instructions:
This web-based survey can be saved and completed in several sittings by simply clicking the "Next" button at the bottom of the page to save your work. If you stop and return to the survey, you will be automatically directed to the last question you completed.
The survey allows for multiple respondents, so you can delegate sections of the survey to individuals who might have more in-depth information on a particular program or section. To share the survey, simply forward the original email invitation. Please note that two users cannot simultaneously enter information into the survey at the same time.
If you prefer to complete the survey on paper rather than computer, we will either mail you a paper version or email you a Microsoft Word document version of this survey. To request a survey in an alternative format, please contact XXXX at (202) 261-xxxx or
Survey Contents: The survey is divided into the following sections:
Respondent Contact Information
Basic Information about Your Grant
Grant Context
Apprenticeship Expansion Strategies
Employer Recruitment and Engagement
Apprentice Target Population, Recruitment, and Intake
Overview of Apprenticeship Programs and On-the-Job Training/Work-Based Learning and Mentorship Component
Related Technical Instruction/Educational and Instructional Components
Services to Support Apprentice Persistence and Completion
Partnering Organizations
Pre-apprenticeship (For Closing the Skills Grants only)
Sustainability Plans and Lessons Learned
the original grant application and any grant modifications;
internal planning documents; and
performance reports submitted to DOL.
Scope of Questions: Unless otherwise indicated, survey questions refer to the [Scaling Apprenticeship or Closing the Skills Gap] grant led by your institution and partnering organizations. Please answer as appropriate if any of your [Scaling Apprenticeship or Closing the Skills Gap] grant-funded activities had the experience in question. We recognize that your [Scaling Apprenticeship or Closing the Skills Gap] grant activities may be part of a larger effort by your organization but please answer the questions to the best of your ability as they relate to the [Scaling Apprenticeship or Closing the Skills Gap] grant activities.
Respondent Contact Information
We have the following contact information in our records. Please correct the information as needed:
[Note to Programmer: Questions highlighted in green font will be pre-loaded from the grant agreement or other documents.]
A1. Name of institution or organization: XXX
A2. Grant number: XXX
A3 Name of primary person completing the survey: ____________________
A4. Job title: ________________
A5. Contact information of primary person completing the survey
Mailing address: ______________________
Phone: ______________________
E-mail: ______________________
Website: ______________________
Basic Information about Your Grant
[Note to Programmer: Glossary should include definitions of registered apprenticeship, unregistered apprenticeship, and pre-apprenticeship.]
B1. For your grant activities, which industries are you focusing on? (Check all that apply.)
Information Technology (IT) and IT-related industries if selection, ask B2
Advanced manufacturing
Financial services
Educational services
Other, please specify ______________
B2. Do your grant activities target any of the following areas? (Check all that apply.)
Yes, cybersecurity
Yes, artificial intelligence (AI)
B3. Please list the specific occupations you are targeting for your grant activities.
Occupation #1 _______
Occupation #2 _______
[Programmer: Please allow for respondents to list up to 25 occupations.]
B4. For each occupation, have employers hired apprentices to date?
Occupation #1 [populated from B3] |
___ Yes, employers have hired apprentices ___ No, employers have not hired apprentices but plan to do so ___ No, employers have not hired apprentices and do not plan to do so ___ Do not know |
Occupation #2 [populated from B3] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
B5. How many newly developed and/or enhanced existing Registered Apprenticeship programs have you developed to date?
____# of newly developed registered apprenticeship programs
____# of enhanced existing registered apprenticeship programs
B6. How many newly developed and/or enhanced existing Unregistered Apprenticeship programs have you developed to date?
____# of newly developed unregistered apprenticeship programs
____# of enhanced existing unregistered apprenticeship programs
B7. How many newly developed and/or enhanced existing Pre-apprenticeship programs have you developed to date? [for Scaling Apprenticeship grantees only]
____# of newly developed pre-apprenticeship programs
____# of enhanced existing pre-apprenticeship programs
Grant Context
C1. What has been your organization’s previous experience with apprenticeships (before the grant)? (Check all that apply.)
Conducted employer apprenticeship marketing/engagement activities
Served as an apprenticeship program sponsor
Helped develop an apprenticeship program
Partnered with an apprenticeship program sponsor
Provided related technical instruction for an apprenticeship program
Served on a state apprenticeship council
Other, please specify: __________________
C2. In your opinion, to what extent have the industries targeted by your grant in the geographic area(s) served been impacted by changing economic conditions since the start of your grant?
Positive impact on industry sectors
Negative impact on industry sectors
No impact on industry sectors
C3. Please answer the next series of questions about the extent to which you think changing economic conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic have affected employment and apprenticeship activities in the area(s) you serve.
Since the start of the grant, to what extent do you think… |
1 Decreased a lot |
2 Decreased somewhat |
3 No change |
4 Increased somewhat |
5 Increased a lot |
a) … employment opportunities within the industries targeted by your grant have changed in your service area(s)? |
b) …apprenticeship opportunities within the industries targeted under your grant have changed in your service area(s)? |
c) …that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected employment opportunities within the industries you have targeted? |
d) …that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected apprenticeship opportunities within the industries you have targeted? |
e) …that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the willingness of individuals’ (e.g., workers, unemployed/underemployed individuals, incumbent workers) to consider apprenticeship opportunities within the industries you have targeted? |
f) …that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the willingness of employers to consider establishing new or expanding existing apprenticeship programs within the industries you have targeted? |
C4. To what extent has the start-up and early implementation of your grant been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Substantially slowed start-up/early implementation of grant activities
Somewhat slowed start-up/early implementation of grant activities
No effect on start-up/early implementation of grant activities
Somewhat accelerated start-up/early implementation of grant activities
Substantially accelerated start-up/early implementation of grant activities
Don’t know/unsure
C5. If COVID-19 has had an effect on the start-up and implementation of your grant, in what ways has the pandemic impacted your grant? __________ [open-ended box]
Apprenticeship Expansion Strategies Under Your Grant
D1. What changes at institutions of higher education (e.g., community and technical colleges, universities) have been implemented to support apprenticeship expansion as a part of or as a result the grant?
Enrollment policy changes
Credit for prior learning or work experience
Articulation and transfer policies
New data elements collected on apprentices
Other; please specify
D2. What changes did your organization develop new or enhance existing policies or procedures to support apprenticeship expansion that were adopted across your grant partners as appropriate?
New or improved apprentice safety procedures
New or improved hiring policies to improve apprentice diversity
New or improved policies or procedures on apprentice supervision
Policies on other aspects of apprenticeship (e.g., wage progression)
Not aware of any changes to internal policies and procedures
Other; please specify: ___________________
D3. Have your or your partners developed new/adapted existing occupational standards for the apprenticeship programs? ? [Programmer Note: pipe in occupations listed in B3]
Occupation #1 [populated from B3] |
___ Yes, developed standards for this occupation ___ Yes, adapted existing standards for this occupation ___ Yes, currently developing standards for this occupation ___ Yes, currently adapting existing standards for this occupation ___ No, have not developed standards
Occupation #2 [populated from B3] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
D4. What types of industry-approved/recognized credentials have you and your partners developed to be awarded for a particular occupation or industry as a part of the grant? [Programmer Note: pipe in occupations listed in B3]
D5. Have you or your partners developed new or adapted/enhanced existing curriculum for the apprenticeship programs implemented under your grant?
Occupation #1 [populated from B3] |
Occupation #2 [populated from B3] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
[continue] |
D6. How have you and your partners implemented sector-based activities or strategies to facilitate industry-wide use and acceptance of apprenticeship as a training model? How effective has each activity or strategy been for reaching and engaging individual employers to participate in an apprenticeship program?
Activity or strategy |
Implemented activity or strategy? (yes/no) |
Not effective at all (1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Very effective (5) |
D7. Have you offered and provided technical assistance to apprenticeship sponsors as a part of your grant?
___ Yes
___ No [If no, skip to D10]
D8. On what topics have you offered and provided technical assistance to apprenticeship sponsors as a part of your grant?
Recruitment of apprentices
Supervision of apprentices
Mentorship of apprentices
Assessment of apprentice skill gains
Related training instruction or educational or instructional components of apprenticeship
Occupational standards
Safety procedures
Reporting of information/data on apprentices
Other, please specify: _______________________________________
D9. Have you and your partners developed new metrics and data elements to track activities and results of the apprenticeship program in addition to the grant performance measures?
___ Yes, please specify _____________________
___ No
Employer Recruitment and Engagement Under Your Grant
E1. Under your grant, have you funded any staff who market, recruit, and/or engage employers to participate in an apprenticeship program? (You can check one or both a) and b) or only c).)
Yes, staff employed at my organization.
Yes, staff employed at our partner(s).
E2. In the past year, how many full-time staff equivalents (FTEs) did the grant fund through your organization and partners to conduct employer outreach, recruitment, and engagement effort?
__________FTEs (during the past year of the grant)
E3. Under your grant, how helpful were the following methods for marketing apprenticeship to employers? Please rate these on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=”Not helpful” and 5=”Very helpful.”
Method |
Was method used? (Yes/No) |
1 Not helpful |
5 Very helpful |
E4. Under your grant, how effective have the following selling points been to market apprenticeship to employers? Please rate these on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=”Not helpful” and 5=”Very helpful.”
Selling point |
Selling point used (Yes/No) |
1 Not effective |
5 Very effective |
E5. On average, when initially contacted about apprenticeship, about what percentage of employers express an interest in apprenticeship?
_____ do not track this information
E6. On average, once an employer is interested in establishing an apprenticeship program, how many months does it take employers to go through the process of designing, registering, and establishing an apprenticeship program?
__________months (on average) between initial contact and registration or establishment of an apprenticeship program
E7. Once an employer is interested in establishing an apprenticeship program, what is the shortest and longest time in months that it has taken for an employer to go through the process of designing, registering, and establishing an apprenticeship program?
__________shortest number of months between initial contact and registration or establishment of an apprenticeship program
__________longest number of months between initial contact and registration or establishment of an apprenticeship program
E8. Have you had a large enough pool of potential employers to engage in your grant activities?
Don’t know/unsure
E9. Under your grant, have more employers been interested in participating in apprenticeship than can be accommodated (e.g., is there a waiting list for employers to join)?
Don’t know/unsure
E10. Under your grant, which of the following has been challenges to conducting outreach to and engaging employers? (Check all that apply.)
Not enough of a pool of employers in the area served that are aware of apprenticeships
Not enough of a pool of employers interested in apprenticeship
Lack of employers hiring
Lack of employer facing shortages of skilled workers
COVID-19 pandemic
Other, please specify: ____
No challenges
Don’t know/unsure
E11. When reached by grant staff, what are the reasons employers give when they are not interested in apprenticeship? (Check all that apply.)
Employer does not have need to upskill/train workers
Apprenticeship training is too expensive
Apprentices might be hired or “poached” by competitors after completing their training
The employer cannot spare the time of other workers to provide mentorship or on-the-job training
Employer has a training program they are currently happy with
The registration process is too complicated
Regulatory compliance costs associated with apprenticeship are too high
Apprenticeship may encourage unionization efforts
Apprenticeship training is more intensive than the training that the employer needs
Business is experiencing instability and/or leadership change
Employers are concerned about liability
Fear of involvement with the government
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the above
Don’t know/unsure
E12. How many employers have adopted or expanded apprenticeship programs as a result of your grant to date?
_____ employers have adopted apprenticeship programs
_____ employers have expanded apprenticeship programs
E13. What is the size of the employers that have adopted or expanded apprenticeship programs as a result of your grant to date?
Employers have between 25 -99 employees: ___ employers
Employers have 100 or more employees: ___ employers
Don’t know/unsure
E14. How many apprentices have these employers that have adopted or expanded apprenticeship programs as a result of your grant to date?
Employers currently has 0 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers currently has 1-5 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers are currently has 6-10 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers are currently has 11-25 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers are currently has 26-50 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers are currently has 51-100 apprentices: ___ employers
Employers are currently has more than 100 apprentices: ___ employers
Don’t know/unsure
E15. Under your grant, how many apprentices does the largest participating employer have?
_____ apprentices
E16. Please list up to five employers with which you have the most apprentices enrolled to date under your grant (in order from the employer with the highest number of apprentices). These can be registered and unregistered apprenticeship programs. Please do not include any pre-apprenticeship programs.
[Programmer Note; Insert drop down list of all 2-digit NAICS codes for column 2; pipe in occupations listed in B3 for column 3)
Employer’s name |
Employer’s primary industry sector (two-digit NAICS Code) |
Occupation(s) of focus for the apprenticeship program |
# of Apprentices Enrolled to Date Under Grant (Across All Apprenticeship Programs at Employer) |
Employer 1:___ |
Employer 2:___ |
Employer 3:___ |
Employer 4:___ |
Employer 5:___ |
E17. Under the grant, what types of assistance have been provided to employers to help them in planning and initiating apprenticeship programs? (Check all that apply.)
Help specifying an occupation that fits the employer’s requirements
Help identifying a related technical instruction provider and/or curriculum
Help with training apprentice supervisors
Help with mentor training
Help developing standards of apprenticeship
Help developing wage structure and schedule
Help completing relevant forms and registering the apprenticeship program
Help communicating with the DOL Office of Apprenticeship or State Apprenticeship Agency and/or handling the paperwork for the employer
Help reporting to RAPIDS or equivalent state reporting
Other; please specify: ____
E18. What financial supports have been offered to encourage employer engagement using grant funds? [If select e), skip to F1.]
Tuition reimbursement
Reimbursement for on-the-job training costs
Reimbursement for registration costs
Reimbursement for mentor wages
No financial supports offered
E19. Under your grant, have you reimbursed any employers (with 50 or fewer employees) for a portion of the apprentice’s on-the-job training costs?
Apprentice Target Population, Recruitment, and Intake Under Your Grant
F1. Under your grant, which of the following types of workers are you targeting?
(Check all that apply.)
Unemployed workers
Underemployed workers
Incumbent workers
Workers employed before apprenticeship (but not at apprenticeship sponsor)
F2. Under your grant, which of the following populations are you targeting? (Check all that apply.)
Military spouses
Transitioning service members
People of color
People with disabilities
People previously involved in the justice system
Public workforce system clients
College students
Graduating high school students
Out-of-school youth
Other individuals who are not traditionally represented in apprenticeship programs; please specify: ____
None of the above
F3. Under your grant, how has your organization and its partners marketed apprenticeships directly to potential participants? (Check all that apply.)
Distribution of flyers, posters or other educational/informational materials
Program staff outreach presentations
Career fairs (in-person and virtual)
Informational websites
Toll-free informational hotlines
Outreach campaigns using media (e.g., PSAs, TV, radio, newspaper, ads on buses/bus shelters)
Social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Direct mail campaigns
Did not market apprenticeship directly to potential participants
Other, please specify: ____
F4. Under your grant, what organizations have provided referrals of prospective participants and how important have they been as a referral source? (Check all that apply.)
Referral Source |
Serving as a referral source (yes/no) |
Not important at all (1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Very Important (5) |
F5. Under your grant, has there been enough prospective apprentices to fill all the available apprenticeship slots?
More than enough (e.g., waiting lists)
Just enough
Not enough
F6. Under your grant, what challenges have you encountered in recruiting new apprentices? (Check all that apply.)
Finding eligible participants
Some applicants have insufficient basic skill levels or do not have a high school credential
Some applicants are not interested or motivated to participate in apprenticeship
Apprenticeship period is too lengthy for some applicants
Apprenticeship wages were not high enough to encourage potential participants to enrolling in an apprenticeship program
Outreach strategies have not been effective
Partners did not provide a sufficient number of referrals
Some applicants have difficulty getting to the program/employer location
Did not have enough resources for recruitment
Changing economic conditions in the areas has made recruitment more challenging
No challenges encountered
F7. Under your grant, does your organization, employers, or other stakeholders typically require potential apprentices to provide or undergo any of the following before enrolling in the apprenticeship program? (Check all that apply.)
Written application
Documentation of being available to work in the United States
Documentation of High School Diploma or GED
Academic skill level as determined on assessment
Career aptitudes assessment
Career interest assessment
English language proficiency assessment
Support service needs assessment
Background check for felonies
Background check for misdemeanors
Drug screening
Physical or other medical exam
Occupational skill level
Other (Please specify): ________________________
F8. What types of organizations assist in the intake, screening, and enrollment process for apprentices under your grant? (Check all that apply.)
Labor organization (e.g. union, labor association/labor federation)
Local government agency
State government agency
American Jobs Center
Nonprofit (e.g., community or faith-based) service/training provider
Industry association
Community or technical college
Four-year postsecondary institution
Other (Please specify): ________________________
F9. By what methods do these organizations conduct the intake, screening, and enrollment process apprentices under your grant? (Check all that apply.)
Online forms
Hardcopy/paper forms
In-person one-on-one session with organization staff
Virtual one-on-one session with organization staff
Other (Please specify): __________________________________________
G. Overview of and [On-the-Job Training/Work-Based Learning and Mentorship] Components for Selected Grant-Funded Apprenticeship Programs
[Note for programmer: Use Related Training Instruction for SA grantees and Educational and Instructional Component for CSG grantees. Use On-the-Job Training for SA grantees and Work-Based Learning and Mentorship for CSG grantees.]
[Programmer Note: Pre-load the three apprenticeship programs from Question E16 above for three employers with the three largest number of apprentices enrolled (e.g., Apprentice Occupation #1 for Employers #1, #2, and #3, the apprenticeship programs which have the largest number of apprentices enrolled to date under the grant]
G1. What is the typical duration of the apprenticeship? ____Years ___Months ____Weeks
G2. What type of apprenticeship program is [Apprenticeship Occupation 1]?
Competency based
Hybrid (both time-based and competency-based)
G3. Is [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program registered (with the state apprenticeship agency or USDOL, recognized as an IRAP by a Standards Recognizing Entity) or unregistered?
Registered with state apprenticeship agency
Registered with US Department of Labor
Industry-recognized apprenticeship program
G4. For the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] apprenticeship program, what is the best description of the training model?
[Related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] and [on-the-job training/work-based learning and mentorship] is concurrent throughout program
Much or most of [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] is taken in the beginning of the apprenticeship before any[on-the-job training/work-based learning and mentorship]
[Related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] and [on-the-job training/work-based learning and mentorship] alternate throughout apprenticeship
Other (Please specify): ________________________
G5. What is the typical duration of the [on-the-job training/work-based learning and mentorship] component for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
__Year(s) ____Month(s)
G6. Over the period of the apprenticeship (i.e., over the period indicated in G1), how many total hours would an apprentice typically complete for [on-the-job training/work-based learning and mentorship] component for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program? ___ hours
G7. At how many points in the apprenticeship programs can participants receive a wage increase?
_____ # of points
G8. What is the starting, midpoint, and ending (i.e. journeyperson or completion) hourly wages for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
Starting wage $__________
Midpoints $__________ [Note: allow for as many midpoints minus ending wage in H3]
Ending wage $__________
G9. What milestones trigger increases in hourly wages for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program? (Check all that apply.)
Annual increases
Increases after a certain period of time less than a year
Increases after competencies are achieved at certain milestones
Completion of the related technical instruction component of the apprenticeship
G10. Do apprentices in the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program receive any of the following benefits other than their wages during the apprenticeship program? (Check all that apply.)
Health benefits
Paid sick leave
Paid vacation time
Retirement benefits
Other (Please specify): ________________________
G11. What costs for [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program do employers pay for themselves? (Check all that apply.)
Wages for apprentices
Benefits for apprentices
Time on-the-clock spent by apprentice supervisor
Time on-the-clock spent by apprentice mentor
Time on-the-clock for [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component]
Tuition for [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component]
Fees, including lab fees and exams
Equipment/tools, including books and supplies
Other (Please specify): ________________________
G12. Were apprentices provided a mentor as a part of [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
____ Yes
____ No (Skip to H1)
G13. Approximately how much time per month do mentors and the apprentices spend together during the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
_____ hours per month
G14. Do mentors and apprentices for [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program meet in-person or virtually?
___ In-person
___ Virtually
___ Both
G15. What topics do mentors discuss with apprentices for [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
Occupation/career goals
[On-the-job training/work-based learning] components
[Related technical instruction/educational and instructional component]
Work-life balance
Challenges with supervisor or other employees
Support service needs
Other, please specify
G16. How effective have mentors been in supporting apprentice success for [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program?
____Highly effective
____Somewhat effective
____Not effective at all
H. [Related Training Instruction/Educational and Instructional Component] for Selected Grant-Funded Apprenticeship Programs
H1. What organizations deliver [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program? (Check all that apply.)
Delivered in-house by employer
Local community or technical college
Labor union
Industry association
Private, for-profit training provider
Community or faith-based organization
Other (Please specify): ________________________
H2. Are any of the following methods used as part of the [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] for [Apprenticeship Occupation 1]? (Check all that apply.)
Accelerated learning modules
Contextualized learning
Team teaching with a technical and adult education instructor
Self-paced learning
Competency-based learning
Prior learning assessments
Technology-enabled learning, such as use of simulators for hands-on practice of skills
On-line teaching/learning that was planned or anticipated before the COVID-19 pandemic
On-line teaching/learning that was introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Other (please specify): _______________________________
H3. How do [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] instructors in the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program determine whether apprentices have successfully mastered requisite concepts? (Check all that apply.)
Grades from written tests, presentations, portfolios, etc.
Grades in college classes
Hands-on demonstration of skills using key concepts
Instructor assessment using a rubric or grading system that is different than a written test
Other (Please specify): ________________________
H4. What credentials can apprentices in the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program earn over the course of a successfully completed apprenticeship and which are industry-approved and/or recognized? (Check all that apply.)
Credential |
Yes/No |
Industry Recognized and/or Approved? (yes/no) |
Apprenticeship completion credential |
Certificate of one year or less awarded by an institution of higher education or other training provider |
Apprenticeship completion credential |
Certificate of one year or less awarded by an institution of higher education or other training provider |
Certificate of one to two years awarded by an institution of higher education or other training provider |
Associates (two-year) degree |
Bachelors (four-year) degree |
Certification of skills by a third party (e.g., industry certification) |
State license |
Digital badge |
Other credential #1, please specify _____________________ |
Other credential #2, please specify _____________________ |
Other credential #3, please specify _____________________ |
H5. Will apprentices in the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program receive college credits or hours for any course work they complete as a part of the [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component]?
H6. What is the total number of [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] hours required for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program? (If there are no required hours, for example, because the program is a competency-based program, please note that zero hours are required.) __________hours
H7. Are the credit hours for the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program articulated at other colleges? (Check all that apply.)
Yes, for a college certificate
Yes, for an associate degree
Yes, for a bachelor’s degree
H8. What costs for [related technical instruction/educational and instructional component] do apprentices in the [Apprenticeship Occupation 1] program pay themselves? (Check all that apply.)
Fees, including lab fees
Equipment/tools, including books and supplies
Other (Please specify): ________________________
I. Services to Support Apprentice Persistence and Completion Under Your Grant
I1. Which types of personal supports do you make available to apprentices under the grant? (Check all that apply.)
Service |
Provided by grantee |
Provided by education and training partner(s) |
Provided by employer(s) |
Provided by other partner(s) |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
a) Transportation |
b) Childcare |
c) Dependent care |
d) Housing assistance |
e) Needs-related payments that help an individual participate in grant activities |
f) Other (please specify) |
I2. Which types of supports do you make available to apprentices to participate in related training instruction under the grant? (Check all that apply.)
Service |
Provided by grantee |
Provided by education and training partner(s) |
Provided by employer(s) |
Provided by other partner(s) |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
Yes? |
Paid by grant? |
a) Academic advising/counseling |
b) Tutoring |
c) Tuition assistance |
d) Basic skills instruction |
e) Career counseling/coaching |
f) Other (specify) |
I3. Have any limits been placed on a maximum amount of grant funding available to support an apprentice’s retention and completion (e.g., personal supports, supports for related technical instruction) of the apprenticeship program?
Yes; the maximum amount per apprentice is: $__________
I4. Is there a case manager, counselor, or coach funded by the grant who is assigned to work one-on-one with apprentices to support them throughout the program in ways other than OJT mentorship and supervision? [If no, skip to I7.]
Yes, provided by the grantee
Yes, provided by a partner
I5. What are the responsibilities of the case manager, counselor, or coach assigned to work one-on-one with apprentices to support them throughout the program with each apprentice?
(Check all that apply.)
Apprentice monitoring and or case management
Career counseling
Financial counseling
Apprentice’s satisfaction with employer
Personal counseling
Referrals to services in the community
Other (Please specify): ________________________
I7. Are grant funds used to provide gift cards or other payments to encourage apprentices to provide information on their employment status after they leave the program?
Partnering Organizations Under Your Grant
J1. Please list up to five organizations (other than employers or colleges in your consortium) that you regard as your most important partners under the grant and rate their role (1-substantial role, 2-somewhat of a role, or 3-no role) in the following activities:
Partner name |
Outreaching, Recruiting, or Referring Individuals for Placement in Apprenticeship Opportunities |
Conducting Employer Outreach/ Engagement Activities About Apprenticeships |
Helping with Apprenticeship Program or Curriculum Design |
Serving as Apprenticeship Program Sponsor |
Serving as Pre-Apprentice-ship Sponsor |
Related Training Instruction Provider |
Support Services Provider |
Partner # 1:___ |
Partner # 2:___ |
Partner # 3:___ |
Partner # 4:___ |
Partner # 5:___ |
K. Pre-Apprenticeship Program(s) Formed/Expanded Under Your Grant
[Note: Section is only to be completed by Scaling Apprenticeship Grants – Pre-Apprenticeship is not an allowable expenditure under the Closing the Skills Gap Grants]
K1. Does your grant support one or more pre-apprenticeship programs?
No (Skip to Section L)
K2. List up to 3 of the largest occupations (by number of pre-apprentices served to date) for which you are operating a pre-apprenticeship program(s) and identify the planned number of pre-apprentices to be served and the number served to date. (Please answer for at least one row.)
Occupation |
Number of pre-apprentices served to date (as of __/__/__) |
Has a direct pathway to an apprenticeship program |
Pre-apprenticeship occupation 1 |
Pre-apprenticeship occupation 2 |
Pre-apprenticeship occupation 3 |
K3. What are the goals of your pre-apprenticeship program(s)? (Check all that apply across all pre-apprenticeship programs.)
To ensure that apprenticeship applicants have basic occupational skills
To serve as a recruitment source for the apprenticeship program
To strengthen pipeline of high school graduates into an apprenticeship program
To assess the skill levels of future applicants to the apprenticeship program
To make registered apprenticeship more accessible to youth
To strengthen an existing work-based learning program by linking it to registered apprenticeship
Other (Please specify): ________________________
K4. How do individuals apply for pre-apprenticeship program(s) sponsored under your grant? (Check all that apply across all pre-apprenticeship programs.)
Fill out an application
Recommendation by a teacher or counselor
Other (Please specify):________________
K5. Are individual applicants to the pre-apprenticeship program(s) sponsored under your grant required to undergo any of the following screenings? (Check all that apply across all pre-apprenticeship programs.)
Background check for felonies
Background check for misdemeanors
Drug screening
Physical or other medical exam
Other (Please specify): ______________________________
K6. Are individual applicants to the pre-apprenticeship program(s) sponsored by your grant required to undergo any of the following assessments? (Check all that apply across all pre-apprenticeship programs.)
Basic academic skills
Learning styles
Career aptitudes
Career interests
English language proficiency
Support service needs
Job-readiness or “soft skills” (e.g., problem solving, appropriate workplace behavior)
Life skills (e.g., time management, personal hygiene)
Coping skills
Social skills (e.g., interpersonal skills)
Other (Please specify): ______________________________________
K7. On average, what is the duration in weeks of the pre-apprenticeship program(s)? _____weeks
K8. On average, how many classroom hours, including lab time, does pre-apprenticeship training include per week?
K9. On average, how many lab hours are included in the pre-apprenticeship training per week?
(Enter “0” if there is no lab.)
K10. What does the pre-apprenticeship curriculum(la) include? (Check all that apply across all pre-apprenticeship programs.)
Orientation or introduction to an industry/occupation
Approved training curriculum approved by industry standards
Please specify: ______________________________________
Occupational skills
Financial literacy training
Professional/employability skills training
Please specify topics covered: __________________________
Basic computer skills training
Basic math skills
Advanced math skills
Basic reading skills
Other (Please specify): ______________________________________
K11. Do pre-apprentices receive certificates for completing or progressing through the program(s)?
It varies by program
K12. What methods do you use to help pre-apprentices transition to an apprenticeship?
(Check all that apply.)
Formal relationship with labor union
Selection of the strongest candidates for grantee-funded apprenticeship program
Formal relationship with employers
Pre-apprentices who successfully complete the program are automatically offered an apprenticeship slot
Pre-apprenticeship training is part of a career pathway leading to middle and high-wage occupations
Other (Please specify): ________________________
K13. Does the pre-apprenticeship program(s) expect to place all graduates in apprenticeship slots?
Yes (Skip to K15)
K14. If you do not expect to place all graduates in apprenticeship slots, why not? (Check all that apply.)
Not enough apprenticeship slots
Pre-apprentices elected to pursue post-secondary education
Pre-apprentices elected to pursue a different type of work-based training program
Pre-apprentice decided to pursue a different occupation
Pre-apprentices found work
Some pre-apprentices disengage from the program
Some pre-apprentices do not meet industry requirements
K15. Does your program offer any support services for pre-apprentices?
No (skip to Section K18)
K16. Which types of personal supports do you make available to pre-apprentices under the grant? (Check all that apply.)
Service |
Provided by grantee |
Provided by a partner |
a) Transportation |
b) Childcare |
c) Dependent care |
d) Housing assistance |
e) Needs-related payments that help an individual participate in grant activities |
f) Other (please specify) |
K17. Which types of supports do you make available to pre-apprentices to participate in education and training activities under the grant? (Check all that apply.)
Service |
Provided by grantee |
Provided by a partner |
a) Academic advising/counseling |
b) Tutoring |
c) Tuition assistance |
d) Basic skills instruction |
e) Career counseling/coaching |
f) Other (specify) |
K18. Is there a case manager, counselor, or coach assigned to work one-on-one with pre-apprentices to support them throughout the program?
Yes, provided by the grantee
Yes, provided by a partner
No (Skip to L)
K19. What are the responsibilities of a case manager, counselor, or coach assigned to work one-on-one with each apprentice to support them throughout the program with pre-apprentices?
(Check all that apply.)
Pre-apprenticeship monitoring and case management
Career counseling
Financial counseling
Apprentice’s satisfaction with employer
Personal counseling
Referrals to services in the community
Other (Please specify): ________________________
L. Sustainability and Lessons Learned
L1. Do you anticipate that the apprenticeship programs established with grant funds will continue when your grant ends? Skip to L3 if answer a) or d).
All apprenticeship programs will likely continue
Some, but not all apprenticeship programs will likely continue
None of the apprenticeship programs will likely continue
L2. If some or none of your apprenticeship programs are likely to continue, what are the reasons? (Check all that apply.)
Lack of funding to support the programs
Lack of interest/willingness of employers to continue apprenticeship programs
Lack of interest among populations targeted by apprenticeship programs
Other: (Please specify): ________________________
L3. Do you anticipate that the pre-apprenticeship programs established with grant funds will continue when your grant ends? [Note: for Scaling Grantees only.]
All pre-apprenticeship programs will likely continue
Some, but not all pre-apprenticeship programs will likely continue
None of the pre-apprenticeship programs will likely continue
Grant funds did not support pre-apprenticeship programs.
L4. If some or none of your pre-apprenticeship programs are likely to continue, what are the reasons? (Check all that apply.) [Note: for Scaling Grantees only]
Lack of funding to support the programs
Lack of interest/willingness of employers to continue pre-apprenticeship programs
Lack of interest among population targeted for pre-apprenticeship programs
Other: (Please specify): ________________________
L5. Have you developed a sustainability plan for the apprenticeship programs implemented under the grant?
Not yet, but plan to develop sustainability plan [Skip to L7]
No, and no plans to develop sustainability plan [Skip to L7]
L6. Do you feel that your sustainability plan (including partnership commitments and resources from other sources) are sufficient to sustain your grant activities after the completion of the grant?
L7. Which partnerships with the following partners will be sustained after the grant period? (Check all that apply.)
Postsecondary institutions
Other education and training providers
Industry associations
State Apprenticeship Agency
Secondary schools/K-12 school districts
American Job Centers
Local workforce development boards
Other, please specify: _____________________ [Allow up to 5 additional partner types]
L8. To date, what do you consider to be your three most important accomplishments under the grant? [open-ended box]
Accomplishment #1: __________________________________________
Accomplishment #2: __________________________________________
Accomplishment #3: __________________________________________
L8. To date, what do you consider to be your three biggest challenges under the grant? [open-ended box]
Challenge #1: __________________________________________
Challenge #2: __________________________________________
Challenge #3: __________________________________________
L9. To date, what do you believe to be the main lessons learned from your grant for apprenticeship/pre-apprenticeship program design and operations? [open-ended box]
Lesson #1: __________________________________________
Lesson #2: __________________________________________
Lesson #3__________________________________________
L10. Please feel free to add anything else you want to mention in the box below. [open-ended box]
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We appreciate your time!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Alex Trutko |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-08-30 |