Home Health Care Authorization Request |
U.S. Department of Labor Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation |
Note: Please read the instructions carefully before completing this authorization request. Complete all applicable fields. All requests with supporting documentation must either be faxed to 1-800-882-6147 or be submitted through the Web Bill Processing Portal (https://owcpmed.dol.gov). Please include the Claimant Case ID on all pages. Incomplete requests cannot be processed and will be returned. |
OMB Control No: 1240-0060 Expiration Date: 05/31/2024 |
A2. Original Authorization
Number (For
PART C: Provider Information
If Yes, please provide relationship to the claimant:
Service Type:
Codes: A. B. C. D.
From Date |
To Date |
Diagnosis Pointer
A B C D |
Procedure Code |
Frequency |
Duration |
Total Units Requested |
All supporting documents must be attached to the request. Failure to include supporting documentation may result in a delay in processing or denial. See instructions for required documents. Please ensure to include Claimant’s Case ID on each page.
Please read the instructions carefully before completing authorization request. Complete all applicable fields. All Prior Authorization requests with supporting documentation must either be faxed with this template or its equivalent or be submitted through the Web Bill Processing Portal (https://owcpmed.dol.gov). Please include the DEEOIC Claimant Case ID on all pages. Incomplete requests cannot be processed and will be returned.
Part A: Requestor Information |
A1. |
Select an appropriate option for initial, re-authorization, amendment or correction request
Initial Request – New or first-time request Re-Authorization – to request same level of care as the previous request Amendment – To request different level of care Correction – To update or correct erroneous data elements |
Required |
A2. |
Type or print an original authorization number if correction request is being submitted. If you don’t have authorization number, provide details about the original authorization, such as claimant’s case ID, procedure code, date of service, requested units etc. if they are being changed in Remarks field |
A3. |
Type or print date on which this template is being completed |
Required |
A4. |
Type or print name of the person requesting an authorization |
Required |
A5. |
Type or print phone number of the person requesting an authorization |
Part B: Claimant Information |
B1. |
Type or print claimant’s case ID |
Required |
B2. |
Type or print claimant’s date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Required |
B3. |
Type or print claimant’s first name |
Required |
B4. |
Type or print claimant’s last name |
Required |
Part C: Provider Information |
C1. |
Type or print service rendering provider’s OWCP ID
Note: If you are not yet enrolled in OWCP, use a dummy Provider ID- 999999998 to submit the request. Refer to below link to complete the provider enrollment. Provider enrollment needs to be approved before the request for service can be authorized. https://owcpmed.dol.gov |
Required |
C2. |
Type or print provider’s Tax ID (SSN or FEIN) |
Required |
C3. |
Type or print provider’s name |
Required |
C4. |
Type or print fax number. If entered, this fax number will be used for communication related to this authorization request. Leave it blank if fax number was provided during provider enrollment. |
C5. |
Select an option if providing care for a family member
Required |
C6. |
Type or print relationship to the claimant |
Required if “Yes” is selected in field C5 |
Part D: Service Plan Information |
D1. |
Select Service Type from the following options:
Required |
D2. |
Type or print ICD-09 or ICD-10 diagnosis codes for which services are being rendered, up to 4 codes are allowed. ICD-9 code is applicable if date of service is prior to 09/30/2015. Use ICD-10 code if date of service is after 10/01/2015. |
Required |
D3. |
Service lines |
Type or print beginning date of the service |
Required |
Type or print end date of the service |
Required |
Select diagnosis code pointer from the diagnosis codes listed in Part D: A, B, C, D Select all applicable options. |
Required |
Select applicable procedure code from the following options:
Required |
Type or print frequency of service requested. (e.g., 3 times a week) |
Required |
Type or print duration of service requested. (e.g., 4 weeks) |
Required |
Type or print total number of units requested. (e.g., If frequency is 3 times a week, duration is 4 weeks then total units should be 12). |
Required |
D4. |
Type or print additional notes or remarks, if any.
If correction request is being submitted and you don’t have the original authorization number, provide details about the original authorization, such as claimant ID, procedure code, date of service, requested units etc. if they are being changed |
Part E: Supporting Documentation
Letter of medical necessity, evidence of face- to- face exam, plan of care, and any medical documentation supporting the need for care as it relates to the accepted condition(s). |
The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a) authorizes OWCP to ask you for information needed in the administration of the EEOICPA program. Authority to collect information is in 42 USC 7384d, 20 CFR 30.1 et seq. and E.O. 13179. The information we obtain is used to decide if the services and supplies being billed for are covered by the program and to insure that proper payment is made. There are no penalties for failure to supply information; however, failure to furnish information regarding the medical service(s) at issue will prevent payment of the bill. Failure to supply the claim number or CPT codes will delay payment or may result in rejection of the authorization request because of incomplete information.
We are authorized to request a taxpayer identification number (TIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 U.S.C. 7701(c)(1), which mandates us to require persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a TIN or SSN. The SSN or TIN, and other information maintained by us may be used for identification, to support debt collection efforts carried on by the Federal government, and for other purposes required or authorized by law. Additional disclosures are made through routine uses for information contained in systems of records. See Department of Labor system DOL/OWCP-11 published in the Federal Register, Vol. 81, page 25868, April 29, 2016, or as updated and republished.
You should be aware that P.L. 100-503, the “Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988,” permits the government to verify information by way of computer matches.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1240-0NEW. There are no penalties for failure to supply information; however, failure to furnish information regarding the medical service(s) requested will prevent payment of the bill. We estimate that it will take an average of ten minutes to complete this collection of information, including time for reviewing instructions, abstracting information from the patient’s records and entering the data onto the form. This time is based on familiarity with standardized coding structures. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation, Room C3321, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210. DO NOT SEND THE COMPLETED FORM TO THIS OFFICE.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | DEEOIC - HH |
Author | Parikh, Tejal |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-08-08 |