Geophysical Service Providers in Support of Law Enforcement
This questionnaire seeks to gather information from geophysics professionals on law enforcement use of near surface geophysical methods (such as ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, magnetometry) to detect concealed targets as part of a criminal investigation (for example: homicide graves, drugs, or weapons). This questionnaire will ask about: your engagement with law enforcement, geophysical methods employed, suspected targets, environments of the geophysical surveys along with the summaries of 1 to 3 geophysical surveys you have conducted for law enforcement. The results of this questionnaire may be used to understand how geophysical methods are applied to law enforcement investigations. If you have not applied geophysical methods to aid law enforcement missions, there is no need to complete this questionnaire. The survey should take about 10-15 min to complete.
If results from this questionnaire are published in scientific research and/or law enforcement publications, identities, organization(s), and contact information will be anonymized. In addition, U.S. domestic participants may voluntarily provide contact information for potential inclusion on a preliminary list of regional geophysical providers for law enforcement. Providing contact information is optional.
this questionnaire, geophysical methods are grouped into the
specific categories, in bold below, that would be more familiar for
law enforcement personnel. For example, ground penetrating radar
(GPR) is a recognizable geophysical method for law enforcement
applications and has theories and principles in electromagnetics but
will not be classified under electromagnetics method. Any electrical
resistivity, spontaneous (self) potential and induced polarization
methods will be classified under electrical methods category.
Below are a few examples of geophysical methods but are not limited to the following:
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Low-to-High frequency (10 MHz to (+) 2000 MHz) GPR antenna systems, Multichannel GPR
Electromagnetic (EM) Induction (e.g., EM38, metal detectors), Ground Conductivity Meter
Proton procession magnetometers, fluxgate magnetic gradiometers
Gravimetry (Gravity)
Including Microgravity
Gravitometer and/or gravity gradiometer
Near Surface Seismic
By completing this questionnaire, you agree to allow FBI Laboratory Division to collect and use your responses. *Required * ☐ I consent & continue
May we contact you for follow-up questions about this questionnaire and/or your geophysical survey(s)? (Optional) ☐ Yes ☐ No
(If yes)
Name: __________________________
Preferred title: ______________________
Organization/Company/Affiliation: _______________________
Phone number: _______________________
Email address: __________________________
☐ Do you wish to receive a notification of the results of this questionnaire after publication, check this box and provide the information above.
What is your professional and/or academic title? (For example, Professional Geophysicist, State Soil Scientist, Associate Professor of Geophysics, …. etc.): ___________________________________
☐ High school diploma/ General Educational Development Certification (GED)
☐ Associates degree
☐ Bachelor’s degree
☐ Master’s degree
☐ Doctorate (Ph.D.)
☐ Other:_______
List the subjects/concentrations of all of your degrees (i.e., geology, geophysics, archaeology)? :_____________
What best describes your professional organization/affiliation? (Check all that apply)
☐ University/College research position/professor/faculty
☐ State Government
☐ Federal Government
☐ FFRDC/National Laboratory
☐ Independent contractor
What best describes your academic or professional field? *Required (Check all that apply)
☐ Geology
☐ Geophysics
☐ Archaeology
☐ Anthropology
☐ Environmental Science
☐ Soil Science
☐ Electrical Engineering
☐ Utility detection/Construction
☐ Other: _________
How many times have you conducted geophysical surveys with the following geophysical methods regardless of if it was for law enforcement investigations? Provide an estimated number. Leave blank if not applicable:
Ground Penetrating Radar: ____
Electrical Methods: ____
Electromagnetics: ____
Magnetometry: ____
Gravimetry: ____
Near Surface (NS) Seismic: ____
Other: ____ Number of times applied:__________
Law Enforcement Engagement Questions
Briefly describe how were you contacted to apply your geophysical services for law enforcement investigations? For example, established collaboration with law enforcement over the past decades, law enforcement reached out by cold calling our group or university, we created an advertisement offering services directly for law enforcement… etc.
☐ Federal Law enforcement
☐ State Law enforcement
☐ County Law enforcement
☐ Municipal
☐ Foreign (outside of the USA)
☐ Other
Provide the name(s) of the law enforcement agency and points of contact below: *Optional*
Point of contact-name |
Law enforcement agency |
Phone number(s) |
email address(es) |
What percent of geophysical surveys in support of law enforcement were paid for in part (or full) by law enforcement (including implementation, acquisition, analysis, and/or interpretation)? _______
What percent of geophysical surveys conducted in support of law enforcement required you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)? _____
Geophysical Survey(s) conducted in support of Law Enforcement
Briefly provide information on the geophysical methods conducted for law enforcement, include how many times you have applied each method, the suspected targets for law enforcement and other supplemental information if known. Leave blank, write 0 if not applicable. *Required
Example: As a geophysical service provider, I deployed a ground penetrating radar (method) three times (times deployed) at different locations within a forest, a building, a lake (environment) in attempts to locate clandestine grave, hidden weapons (targets) concealed by forest soil, concrete, water (concealment material).
Additional information can include: deployment method (ground based, marine based, airborne), details on specific geophysical equipment, …. Etc.
Ground Penetrating Radar: Total number of times applied*: _______
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Concealment Material: ______
Additional information: _________
Electrical Methods: Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Material: ______
Additional information: _________
Electromagnetics: Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Material: ______
Additional information: _________
Magnetometry: Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Material: ______
Additional information: _________
Gravimetry: Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Materials: ______
Additional information: _________
Near Surface (NS) Seismic: Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Materials: ______
Additional information: _________
Other: _______________ Total number of times applied* ____
Instrument Manufacturers/models: ______
Processing/Modeling Software: _____
Suspected targets: ________
Survey Environments: _______
Concealment Materials: ______
Additional information: _________
If you have employed more than one geophysical method at the same law enforcement search, please list the one geophysical method that were used in conjunction? [For example: a 250 MHz & 500MHz frequency antenna GPR and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Magnetometer and ERT]: ______________________
Post Geophysical Survey
After a geophysical method was conducted to find a suspected target for law enforcement, how many times did the following outcomes occur at a geophysical survey area? Leave blank if not applicable.
After excavation, targets were successfully found within areas of interest detected by the geophysical methods: ________
After excavation, targets were not found even if geophysical methods were effectively conducted, and areas of interest identified: _______
After excavation, targets were not found even if geophysical methods were effectively conducted, and did not identify areas of interest: _______
After excavation, targets were found even if geophysical methods were effectively conducted and did not identify areas of interest: ___
No excavation conducted due to geophysical methods results: _____
No law enforcement follow-up or unknown results: _____
Other: _______
When law enforcement geophysical surveys failed to detect a target, select the presumed reasons why the suspected target was not detected? Select all that apply.
Target was not there
Insufficient resolution for target detection
Insufficient penetration for target detection
Target composition similar to concealment material composition (ex. Soil type)
Inadequate acquisition geometry (line and/or array spacing, line orientation)
Incorrect instrument settings (frequency, step size, etc.)
Inappropriate geophysical equipment deployed for concealment composition (ex. Soil type, salt water)
Surface interference (debris or surface vegetation)
Subsurface interference (roots, rebar, pipes, debris)
Weather conditions (prior to survey)
Weather conditions (during survey)
User failure or error
Equipment failure
Provide detail summary on 1 to 3 geophysical surveys conducted for law enforcement organizations. At least one (1) summary of a geophysical survey is required for submission. Several examples on how to answer specific questions seen below:
Suspected Targets: Clandestine graves/human remains, firearms, vehicles, building structures (ex. foundations) ….
Survey Site Environment: Forests, rocky mountainous terrains, desert, lake, residential backyard, commercial building basement…
Material in which the suspected target was presumed to be concealed: Concrete, dry wall, topsoil-organic rich soil, tall grass, snow, fresh/salt water, volcanic soil…
Rationale for ineffectiveness of geophysical method(s): Target was not there, insufficient resolution for target detection, insufficient penetration for target detection, surface/subsurface interference…
If you wish to provide information on more than 3 geophysical surveys, contact
Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No If yes, what was the allotted time: _____
Did warrants limit the area or perimeter of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No
Were you attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a suspected target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude
Suspected Target(s): __________
At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Ex. homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______
During the Geophysical Survey:
What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________
Environment of Survey Site:
How long was the geophysical survey conducted? Include units __________
Interpretation of Geophysical Survey
If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No ○ Area was not excavated ○ Unknown
Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of material concealing target), concealment material composition, target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_____
Geophysical Survey 2:
Prior to Geophysical Survey:
Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No If yes, what was the allotted time: _____
Did warrants limit the area or perimeter of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No
Were you attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a suspected target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude
Suspected Target(s): __________
At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Ex. homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______
During the Geophysical Survey:
What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________
Environment of Survey Site:
Best describe the search environments where the geophysical method was deployed: ________
Material(s) in which the target was presumed to be concealed: ___________
How long was the geophysical survey conducted? Include units __________
Method (1): ___________ deployed ☐ on the ground, ☐ from the air, ☐ in/on water
Did you deploy more than one geophysical method? If so, list the method (2): _________ deployed ☐ on the ground, ☐ from the air, ☐ in/on water
Additional information on geophysical equipment(s): ______________
Interpretation of Geophysical Survey
Were there areas identified by the geophysical survey of interest to law enforcement? ○ Yes ○ No (if no, precede the excavation.)
If yes, and if multiple geophysical methods were used, which geophysical method identified areas of interest within the survey area? ☐ method 1 ☐ method 2 ….
If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No ○ Area was not excavated ○ Unknown
Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of material concealing target), concealment material composition, target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_____
Did you provide a formal, written report of the survey results? ○ Yes ○ No
And was the report later submitted into to the courts? ○ Yes ○ No
Overall effectiveness
Was geophysical method 1 effective in attempting to detect the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Was geophysical method 2 effective in attempting to detect the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Rationale for why each method was not effective in detecting target(s): _________
Geophysical Survey 3:
Prior to Geophysical Survey:
Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No If yes, what was the allotted time: _____
Did warrants limit the area or perimeter of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No
Were you attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a suspected target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude
Suspected Target(s): __________
At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Ex. homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______
During the Geophysical Survey:
What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________
Environment of Survey Site:
Best describe the search environments where the geophysical method was deployed: ________
Material(s) in which the target was presumed to be concealed: ___________
How long was the geophysical survey conducted? Include units __________
Method (1): ___________ deployed ☐ on the ground, ☐ from the air, ☐ in/on water
Did you deploy more than one geophysical method? If so, list the method (2): _________ deployed ☐ on the ground, ☐ from the air, ☐ in/on water
Additional information on geophysical equipment(s): ______________
Interpretation of Geophysical Survey
Were there areas identified by the geophysical survey of interest to law enforcement? ○ Yes ○ No (if no, precede the excavation.)
If yes, and if multiple geophysical methods were used, which geophysical method identified areas of interest within the survey area? ☐ method 1 ☐ method 2 ….
If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No ○ Area was not excavated ○ Unknown
Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of material concealing target), concealment material composition, target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_____
Did you provide a formal, written report of the survey results? ○ Yes ○ No
And was the report later submitted into to the courts? ○ Yes ○ No
Overall effectiveness
Was geophysical method 1 effective in attempting to detect the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Was geophysical method 2 effective in attempting to detect the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No
Rationale for why each method was not effective in detecting target(s): _________
Overview-Exit review:
[Optional] (For U.S. based persons only) If there is sufficient response to this questionnaire, the questionnaire authors will compile a contact list of self-identified geophysical service providers capable of aiding law enforcement efforts within the United States. By providing this personal information, you will be giving consent to the FBI Laboratory to collect participants’ contact information and affiliations.
For your awareness, your contact information and affiliation will not be released to the public. This information will be held by FBI Laboratory Division personnel and potentially released to law enforcement agencies upon request for geophysical services. Being included in this list of geophysical service providers will NOT be an indication of FBI endorsement of you or your methodologies.
Otherwise, please provide the following information below:
A. Name: __________________________
Preferred title: ______________________
Organization/Company/Affiliation: _______________________
Academic qualifications___________________
Professional qualifications___________________
Professional affiliations_________________________
Years or experience in forensic geophysics______________
Phone number: _______________________
Email address: __________________________
State: ___________________
County: __________________
City: ___________________
Travel range: _____________________
Specific geophysical methods/specialties able to provide: ____________________
Geophysical equipment readily available to deploy: ______________________
Additional comments: ____________________________
*Optional*Any additional comments or questions which you wish to expand upon in the questionnaire prior to submission?
If you have any questions regarding the questionnaire, please contact [].
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Michelle Proulx |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-27 |