Att 6 MDE Submission Instructions

Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) Reporting System

Att 6 MDE Submission Instructions

OMB: 0920-0612

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Instructions for the June 2022 WISEWOMAN MDE Submission
Dear WISEWOMAN Program Managers and Data Managers,
These are the instructions for the submission of Minimum Data Elements (MDE):

The MDE submission is due on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.


For the June 2022 submission, submit data using the WISEWOMAN Data Management
System (DMS) 3.0 located at


Submit data to the DMS 3.0 by: 1) logging into the system; 2) clicking on the MDE tab at the
top of the page; and 3) clicking the blue “Upload a New MDE File” button. For step-by-step
submission instructions, see the Quick Reference Guide, which is available in the DMS 3.0
document library (see “DOCS” tab).


Submit ALL data for all participants (e.g., Complete, BP+, and Incomplete records). It is
important to account for all WISEWOMAN services provided through funding dollars.


For the June 2022 submission, submit only one cumulative file containing records for
screenings that took place between 9/30/2018 and 3/31/2022 (since the beginning of the
cooperative agreement).
o Data for healthy behavior support service (lifestyle programs (LSP), health coaching
(HC), and tobacco cessation) sessions and referrals that took place after 03/31/2022, but
before 06/01/2022 can included in the MDE file if associated with a screening record
that occurred between 09/30/2018 and 03/31/2022. However, this is not required.


For recipients choosing to submit Supplemental LSP/HC data for referrals and sessions that
exceed the capacity of the MDE file, please read the instructions found in the Data TA
Documentation under the DOCS tab once you access DMS 3.0. The companion Excel
spreadsheet can be filled out to list all supplemental LSP/HC data and then submitted online
under the MISC tab in the Supplemental Forms box. If additional guidance is needed, the
WISEWOMAN TA team is available to help and can be reached at


Upload the MDE submission to the DMS 3.0 as a fixed-format ASCII text file. Files should
be named using the format PPYYMM where PP is the program abbreviation, and YYMM is
the date of the submission. YY is the two-digit year, and MM is the month from 01 to 12.
When specifying years and months between 01 and 09 use leading zeros. An example of a
valid file name is RI2206.


Ensure that the data are complete and accurate by validating the data at least four weeks prior
to the submission date. After the submission, the WISEWOMAN TA team will contact
recipients about any errors or inconsistencies identified in the submitted data. Recipients will
be asked to update their data to address these issues and upload their data again into DMS
3.0. Corrections made to data will be incorporated into analyses and reporting.


Recipients should complete the Validation of Data form to explain errors on values that have
been confirmed by the program. For example, if a participant’s weight is flagged with an
error, but the provider has confirmed the value is correct, this can be explained on the form.
This form is available under the MISC tab in DMS 3.0.


If a participant’s unique participant ID (EncodeID) changes, recipients should submit the
Participant ID change form, found under the MISC tab in DMS 3.0.



For purposes of MDE data reporting and analysis, CDC considers records to be “final” after
two six-month time periods elapse from the time period associated with the record’s
screening date (MDE: 12a: BPDate). For example, records from time period 7 (9/30/21
through 03/31/22) that are submitted in June 2022 can be updated during the December 2022
and June 2023 submission. After June 2023, they are considered finalized by CDC.
For questions or concerns about the June 2022 submission, please reach out to your project
officer, the CDC data team, or the WISEWOMAN TA team at

Helpful Resources for the MDE Submission
The following resources are available in the DOCS tab of the DMS 3.0.
1. Quick Reference Guide: Step-by-step instructions on how to access DMS 3.0, upload and validate a
file, review the validation summary, submit the file, and access miscellaneous reporting forms.
2. DMS Video Demo: A live demonstration of how to navigate the DMS 3.0.
3. MDE Manual: This manual specifies each of the minimum data elements (MDEs), including the
description, formatting, and how the item is used. Appendices contain guidance on data validation,
submission, and data quality.
4. SQL Edits Spreadsheet: This resource specifies the quality checks and errors that can be triggered
during the validation process. When reviewing your validation results, this resource will explain why
you are receiving certain errors and quality checks.
5. LSPHC Supplemental Reporting Guidance: This resource provides guidance for recipients that
choose to submit data for lifestyle program and health coaching (LSPHC) referrals and sessions that
exceed the capacity of the MDE file.
6. LSPHC Supplemental Reporting Form: This is the template that should be used if recipients
choose to submit data for LSPHC referrals and sessions that exceed the capacity of the MDE file.
As always, you can reach out to the WISEWOMAN technical assistance team at with any questions.


Steps for Submitting the File
When you are ready to submit your file, follow these steps:
1. Log into the DMS 3.0 system:
2. Click the MDE tab at the top of the page
3. Click the blue “Upload a New MDE File” button
4. Click the blue “Submit File to CDC for Final Submission” button.

After you Submit Your File
After the submission, the TA team will contact recipients about any inconsistencies or errors identified
in the submitted data. Recipients will be asked to update their data to address these issues and upload their
data again into DMS 3.0. While CDC encourages recipients to review and correct data errors before the
submission, the TA team may follow-up about additional issues such as the following:

Duplicate records: MDE file includes records that appear to be duplicates based on unique
participant IDs (EncodeIDs) and clinical assessment dates (BPDates).


Missing or Invalid BPDate: MDE file includes records with a missing or invalid clinical assessment
date (BPDate).


Invalid LSPHCID: MDE file contains one or more invalid LSPHCID(s).


Missing RefDate when one or more Intervention date is valid: MDE file contains records where
the LSPHC referral date (RefDate) was missing or invalid, but one or more LSP/HC session
attendance dates (Intervention) were valid.


Refdate occurred before the BPDate: MDE file includes records where the LSPHC referral date
(Refdate) took place before the participant’s screening date (BPDate).


Invalid Type: MDE file contains records with invalid screening type.


Missing EncodeID: MDE file contains records with a missing EncodeID.


Supplemental LSPHC submission problems: Supplemental LSPHC spreadsheet contains records
that were not included in the recipient’s MDE file submission for June 2022 or the supplemental
LSPHC spreadsheet is not formatted correctly.


Records with no baseline screening: One or more EncodeID(s) in the MDE file have an associated
Rescreening (Type = 2) or Follow-up (Type = 3 or 4) record but do not have a baseline (Type = 1)


Records that share the same EncodeID but have different birthdays (MYB): MDE file contains
one or more EncodeID(s) that appeared in multiple screening records with different birthdays.


Out-of-Range Values: One or more records in the MDE file have out-of-range values, and the
recipient did not submit an accompanying Validation of Data form to verify these entries.


New Records that were not included in previous submissions: The TA team will flag new records
for a time period that has already been finalized to ask why these records were newly added.



Records submitted in previous submissions but not included in the current submission: The TA
team will identify records that were included in a previous submission but excluded from the current
submission and ask whether these records should be added.

Timeline for MDE Submission and Corrections
Before the submission deadline
By the submission deadline
≈ 1 week after the submission deadline

≈ 3.5 weeks after the submission deadline

Activities conducted
Prepare and validate MDE files.
Submit MDE files and supplemental materials, such
Supplemental LSP/HC spreadsheets, Participant ID
Change forms, and Validation of Data entries.
The TA team contacts data managers with questions
about potential data quality issues, including:
• Duplicate records
• Records with missing or invalid entries for critical
fields, such as the blood pressure measurement
date (12a: BPDate) and unique participant ID
number (3a: EncodeID)
• Records with an invalid lifestyle program (LSP)
or health coaching (HC) ID (19c: LSPHCID)
• Records with a valid date of LSP or HC session
(19b: Intervention) but missing or invalid LSP or
HC referral date (18a: Refdate)
• Out of range values not verified in the validation
of data form
• Other major issues identified during MDE file
Recipients have 1 – 2 weeks to respond to inquiries
about their MDE file
Recipients may be asked to upload corrected files, if


Project officers review Validation of Data forms for unusual values after each submission to approve the entries.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-04-28
File Created2022-04-28

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