Supplementary Documents_Attachment 4_Discussion Guides

Focus Groups

Supplementary Documents_Attachment 4_Discussion Guides

OMB: 3041-0136

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Attachment 4:
Discussion Guide, Ethnographic Intercept Interviews
Moderator instructions are highlighted in yellow
Hi, my name is _____, and I work for Fors Marsh Group, which is an independent research
company. If you are willing to spend about 10 minutes chatting with me today about items
you could buy, you will get a $20 gift card to this store as a thank you for your time.
Would you be willing to speak with me?
Are you a primary caregiver for a child/grandchild that lives in your home at least 50% of the
If so…could you tell me the ages of the children who live in your home at least 50% of the
(If the child is between the ages of 3-6 years and they are willing to participate, then they
If they qualify…
Thank you! I am going to show you two items today and ask you a few questions about each
I am going to record your responses so that I do not have to take notes while you talk. We
will eventually write a report that uses your responses and those of the other people we
speak to. No identifying information about you will be included in this study or linked in any
way to your responses. Are you willing to answer these questions?
If they do not qualify…
Unfortunately, you did not qualify for our study today, but good luck shopping and I
appreciate you taking this time to speak with me.
Non-toy item
 If you were to purchase something like this for your home…
o What are the top 3 things displayed on the package that you would consider
when deciding whether to purchase this item?
o If the participant mentions safety…
 You mentioned that you’d consider the safety of the product, tell me
more about that. What aspects of “safety” would you consider?
 Where would you look for safety information on this product
o If the participant doesn’t mention safety…
 To what extent do you consider the safety of the product
 What considerations do you have regarding the safety of this product?
 Where would you look for safety information on this project


Example non-toy item:

Toy item
 When you’re shopping for a toy, what are the top three things displayed on the
package that would you consider when deciding whether to purchase this product?
o In what order (or ranking) do you consider these things?
 [If safety not mentioned] Thinking more about other variables that might factor into
your decision making, do you review warning or safety information before purchasing
a toy?
o [If no] In what circumstances, if any, would safety of the product factor into
your purchasing decision?
 [If safety not mentioned] Similarly, what role, if any, does the information provided
about whom the product is for or age recommendations for a product factor into your
decision making? [also probe their understanding of age label versus age
recommendations, do they think it is the same? (e.g., age label might say 5 years+,
or a text saying this product is not for children under 3 years of age]
 [Direct participant to the warning label]
o What is your initial reaction to this warning label?
o In your own words, what is the main message of this warning label?
o What recommendations do you have to make warning labels more appealing
to parents?
Example toy item:


Discussion Guide, Individual Interviews, Round One.
Caregiver Perceptions and Reactions to Safety Messaging:
Focus Group Discussion Guide
Research Objective: Conduct individual interviews with adult caregivers (parents and
grandparents) to discuss their understanding, perceptions, and attitudes toward online toy
safety messaging. Specific focus will be given to identifying the main sections to which
caregivers pay attention and how they interpret warning labels and toy safety information.
Focus will also be given to understanding what would motivate caregivers to comply with
safety warning labels.
This discussion guide is not a script and therefore will not be read
verbatim. The moderator will use these questions as a roadmap and
probe as needed to maintain the natural flow of conversation.
Moderator instructions are highlighted in yellow.
Session Overview: Total time—60 minutes
SECTION A: Introduction and Icebreaker (3 min.)
The moderator will explain the purpose of the research, present the ground
rules, and allow the participant to ask any questions.
SECTION B: General Questions (5 min)
In this section, the participant will answer questions about their experience
purchasing toys online for their child/grandchild aged 3-6.
SECTION C: Toy number 1, no warning label (12 min.)
In this section, the participant will view a webpage where they could
purchase a toy for a 3-6-year-old child. There will be no warning
label/safety information with the toy.
SECTION D: Toy number 2, warning label (12 min.)
In this section, the participant will view a webpage where they could
purchase a toy for a 3-6 year old child. There will be a warning label/safety
information with the toy.
SECTION E: Non-Toy number 1, no warning label (12 min.)
In this section, the participant will view a webpage where they could
purchase a non-toy that a 3-6 year old child may interact with. There will be
no warning label/safety i nformation with the toy.
SECTION F: Non-Toy number 2, warning label (12 min.)
In this section, the participant will view a webpage where they could
purchase a non-toy that a 3-6 year old child may interact with. There will be
warning label/safety information with the toy.
SECTION G: Conclusion (4 min.)
Moderator ensures that all questions are answered, and all comments have
been heard.

Section A. Introduction (3 minutes)
Thank you for coming to talk to me today, your time is greatly appreciated. My name is
_____, and I work for Fors Marsh Group, which is an independent research company. This
means that I’m here to listen to you and what you have to tell me, and I have no stake in
how you respond. Today, we would like to hear your responses to webpages where you could
purchase a toy online for your child/grandchild aged 3-6 years.
We will have about 60 minutes for our discussion. Before we get started, I want to go over a
few general rules for our discussion today:
• First, there are no wrong answers and I am not here to judge or evaluate you. Our
whole purpose is to hear your perspective, opinions, and experiences.
• What we talk about here is confidential. That means your name will not be associated
with anything you say in our reports and your responses will not be linked to your
identity in any way.
• Your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from the study at
any time. You don’t have to answer every question. You might have already noticed
the glass behind me. There are some people from the research team who are
observing and taking notes so I can be present in our discussion. Even though people
are observing, please speak openly about your opinions and experiences. We want to
learn from you, so it is important that you share your honest opinions.
• We are also recording this session. I will be speaking to a lot of people for this
project, and it will be impossible for me to remember everything that is said in these
groups. The audio files will be transcribed, but any information that could identify you
will be removed from the transcripts. At the end of our discussion, I have to write a
report and will refer to the recordings and transcripts when writing the report.
• A stationary eye tracker will be located at the bottom of the computer screen to later
see where participants were looking on the screen.
• Please turn your cellphone off or switch to silent mode.
• If you need to go to the restroom during the discussion, please feel free to do so.

Do you have any questions before we begin?
Section B. General Questions (5min.)
Next, I would like to talk a little more specifically about online shopping, in particular.
 How often do you shop online?
o What types of products do you shop online for?
 Do you ever buy toys for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild online?
 Tell me about what you typically do when you are making an online purchase for your
3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
o Walk me through your process.



What information do you look for when making online purchases for your 3-6-year-old
What information do you look for when you are shopping for online products that your
3-6-year-old may interact with or be exposed to? (These may include regular
household items)

Section C. Toy 1, No Warning Label (12 min.)
Please pretend that you are looking to buy a toy (name of toy) for your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild. Here is a website that’s come up in your search. Please review it. As you
review, please let us know if something comes up as interesting or surprising and if that is a
factor you’d consider when determining whether to purchase this toy for your

(Double click to view full pdf)
We are going to be using our eye tracker [Moderator point to eye tracker] for this study. I
would like to calibrate the eye tracker so it can find your eyes properly. In a moment, you are
going to see a red dot move across the screen. I would like you to follow the red dot with
your eyes while keeping your head still. Great, Now that you have been calibrated you do not
have to sit perfectly still like a statue; but if you move your head too much, I might prompt
you to move backward or forward so the eye tracker can find your eyes again. [Moderator
will monitor track status window to ensure the participant is in a good position.]
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.
 Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the participant’s
reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which what he or she is
viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
 Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now.”
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the
o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
 Look and Feel


o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
 Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
 Tell me about that. [probe on what, if any, they see on the webpage
influence their decision.]
o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild on a scale from 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what
would you choose?
 Follow-up warning label/safety info:
o What information, if anything, was missing from this webpage for you?
o If you had to guess what the potential safety hazard(s) might be for a 3-6-yearold for this product, what do you think they would be?
Section D. Toy 2, Warning Label (12 min.)
Once again, let’s pretend that you are looking to buy a toy (name of this toy) for your 3-6year-old child/grandchild. Here is a website that’s come up in your search. Please review it.
As you review, let us know if something comes up as interesting or surprising and if that is a
factor you’d consider when determining whether to purchase this for your child/grandchild?

(Double click to view full pdf)
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.
 Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the participant’s
reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which what he or she is
viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
 Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now”
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the






o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
o What information, if any, is missing from this webpage?
Look and Feel
o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
 Tell me about that. [probe on what, if any, they see on the webpage
influence their decision.]
o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild on a scale from 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what
would you choose?
General Comprehension of Warning Information:
o Who is the product made for (i.e., who is the intended consumer)?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
o What safety risks are there for 3-6-year-olds if they use this product?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
Now that we have reviewed the safety information for this product. How would you
answer the following?
o How likely are you to purchase this for your child/grandchild?
o On a scale form 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), how likely are you to
purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?

Section E. Non-Toy 1, No Warning Label (12 min.)
Please pretend that you are looking to buy a product for your home that you expect your 3-6year-old child/grandchild will have access to or interact with. Here is a website that’s come
up in your search. Please review it. As you review, please let us know if something comes


up as interesting or surprising and if that is a factor you’d consider when determining
whether to purchase this household product for your child/grandchild?

(Double click to view full pdf)
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.
 Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the participant’s
reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which what he or she is
viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
 Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now”
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the
o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
 Look and Feel
o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
 Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this for your home if your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild would have access to it or be around it regularly?
 Tell me about that.
o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this for your home if your 3-6year-old child/grandchild would have access to it or be around it regularly on
a scale from 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what would you choose?
 Follow-up warning label/safety info:
o What information, if anything, was missing from this webpage for you?
o If you had to guess what the potential safety hazard(s) might be for a 3-6-yearold for this product, what do you think they would be?
Section F. Non-Toy 2, Warning Label (12 min.)

Once again, please pretend that you are looking to buy a product for your home that you
expect your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild will have access to or interact with. Here is a
website that’s come up in your search. Please review it. As you review, let us know if
something comes up as interesting or surprising and if that is a factor you’d consider when
determining whether to purchase this household product for your child/grandchild?

(Double click to view full pdf)
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.
 Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the participant’s
reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which what he or she is
viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
 Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now”
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the
o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
o What information, if any, is missing from this webpage?
 Look and Feel
o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
 Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this item for your household?
 Tell me about that.
o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this item, on a scale from 1 (not
at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what would you choose?
 General Comprehension of Warning Information:
o Who is the product made for (i.e., who is the intended consumer)?


 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
o What safety risks are there for 3-6-year-olds if they use this product?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
 Now that we have reviewed the safety information for this product. How would you
answer the following?
o Now how likely are you to purchase this item?
o On a scale form 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), how likely are you to
purchase this for your household?
Section G. Conclusion (5 min.)
 This has been a very helpful session. Thank you so much for taking time out of your
day to be with me and share your perspectives and experiences. Before we wrap up,
I have one additional question for you.
o What is your reaction to the word, “choking hazard”?
 What thoughts come to mind when you hear that word?
 What does that word mean to you?
 Thank you. Is there anything else that you would like to share or that we might have
 [TIME PERMITTING] If you don’t mind, I am going to step out for just a moment to see
if my team has any additional follow up questions for you all. [Ask any additional
 Ok, thank you again for your time. Are there any final questions? If not, you are free to
go. Have a wonderful evening!


Discussion Guide, Individual Interviews, Round Two
Caregiver Perceptions and Reactions to Online Toy Websites
Individual Interviews
Research Objective: Conduct individual interviews with adult caregivers (parents and
grandparents) to discuss their understanding, perceptions, and attitudes toward online toy
safety messaging. Specific focus will be given to identifying the main sections to which
caregivers pay attention and how they interpret warning labels and toy safety information.
Focus will also be given to understanding what would motivate caregivers to comply with
safety warning labels.
This discussion guide is not a script and therefore will not be read verbatim. The
moderator will use these questions as a roadmap and probe as needed to maintain the
natural flow of conversation.
Moderator instructions are highlighted in yellow.
Session Overview: Total time—60 minutes
SECTION A: Introduction and Icebreaker (3 min.)
The moderator will explain the purpose of the research, present the ground rules, and
allow the participant to ask any questions.
SECTION B: Toy Webpage Concepts, (24 min.)
In this section, the participant will review 2 mocked-up webpages where they could
purchase a toy for a 3-6-year-old child.
SECTION C: Comparison of Toy Webpage Concepts (4 minutes)
In this second, the participant will compare the mocked-up webpages of toys based upon
placement, comprehnsion, and look-and-feel of safety/warning information.
SECTION D: Non-Toy Webpage Concepts (24 min.)
In this section, the participant will view a mocked-up webpage where they could purchase
a household product that a 3-6-year-old child will be exposed to.
SECTION E: Comparison of Non-Toy Webpages (4 min.)
In this second, the participant will compare the mocked-up webpages of non-toys based
upon placement, comprehnsion, and look-and-feel of safety/warning information.
SECTION F: Conclusion (2 min.)
Moderator ensures that all questions are answered, and all comments have been heard.


Section A. Introduction (5 minutes)
Thank you for coming to talk to me today, your time is greatly appreciated. My name is
_____, and I work for Fors Marsh Group, which is an independent research company. This
means that I’m here to listen to you and what you have to tell me, and I have no stake in
how you respond. Today, we would like to hear your responses to webpages where you could
purchase a toy online for your child/grandchild aged 3-6 years.
We will have about 60 minutes for our discussion. Before we get started, I want to go over a
few general rules for our discussion today:
• First, there are no wrong answers and I am not here to judge or evaluate you. Our
whole purpose is to hear your perspective, opinions, and experiences.
• What we talk about here is confidential. That means your name will not be associated
with anything you say in our reports and your responses will not be linked to your
identity in any way.
• Your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from the study at
any time. You don’t have to answer every question either if you do not want to.
• You might have already noticed the glass behind me. There are some people from
the research team who are observing and taking notes so I can be present in our
discussion. Even though people are observing, please speak openly about your
opinions and experiences. We want to learn from you, so it is important that you
share your honest opinions.
• We are also audio recording this session. I will be speaking with a lot of people for
this project, and it will be impossible for me to remember everything that is said in
these groups. The audio files will be transcribed, but any information that could
identify you will be removed from the transcripts. At the end of our discussion, I have
to write a report and will refer to the recordings and transcripts when writing the
• A stationary eye tracker will be located at the bottom of the computer screen to later
see where participants were looking on the screen.
• Please turn your cellphone off or switch to silent mode.
Do you have any questions before we begin?


Section B Toy Webpage Concepts (24 min)
For this first activity, please pretend that you are looking to buy a toy (name of toy) for your
3-6-year-old child/grandchild. Here is a website that’s come up in your search. Please
review it. As you review, please let us know if something comes up as interest or surprising
and if that is a factor you’d consider when determining whether to purchase this toy for your
We are going to be using our eye tracker [Moderator point to eye tracker] for this study. I
would like to calibrate the eye tracker so it can find your eyes properly. In a moment, you are
going to see a red dot move across the screen. I would like you to follow the red dot with
your eyes while keeping your head still. Great, Now that you have been calibrated you do not
sit perfectly still like a statue; but if you move your head too much, I might prompt you to
move backward or forward so the eye tracker can find your eyes again. [Moderator will
monitor track status window to ensure the participant is in a good position.]
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.
o Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the
participant’s reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which
what he or she is viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
o Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now.”
o Repeat the below questions for both mocked-up toy webpages.
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the
o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
o What information, if any, is missing from this webpage?
 Look and Feel
o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
 Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
 Tell me about that.


o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild on a scale from 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what
would you choose?
 General Comprehension of Warning Information:
o Who is the product made for (i.e., who is the intended consumer)?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
o What safety risks are there for 3-6-year-olds if they use this product?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
 Now that we have reviewed the safety information for this product. How would you
answer the following?
o How likely are you to purchase this for your child/grandchild?
o On a scale form 1(not at all likely) to 10(very likely), how likely are you to
purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
Section C. Comparison of Toy Webpage Concepts (5 min.)
Now I am going to pull both webpages up, so they are side by side on your computer screen.
 Looking specifically at the age-specific information:
o Which version was easier to understand?
o Which placement of the information did you prefer?
o Which look-and-feel (i.e., design) of the information did you prefer?
 Looking specifically at the product safety hazard warning:
o Which version was easier to understand?
o Which placement of the information did you prefer?
o Which look-and-feel (i.e., design) of the information did you prefer?
Sections D. Non-Toy Webpage Concepts (24 min)
For this first activity, please pretend that you are looking to buy a house-hold product that
your 3-6-year-old is likely to interact with or be exposed to. Here is a website that’s come up
in your search. Please review it. As you review, please let us know if something comes up
as interest or surprising and if that is a factor you’d consider when determining whether to
purchase this product for your home.
Give participant up to 5 minutes to view the website using the eye-tracker.

o Team should take notes on what the participant is mentioning, the
participant’s reaction to what he or she is seeing, and the extent to which
what he or she is viewing would affect his or her purchasing decisions.
o Moderator should probe during this time, “tell me what you’re looking at now.”
o Repeat the below questions for both mocked-up non-toy webpages.
 Initial Reactions
o What are your initial reactions to this webpage?
o What did you like about this webpage? Dislike?
o What information stood out to you the most as you were scrolling through the
o What are the top three most important pieces of information to you on this
o What information, if any, is missing from this webpage?
 Look and Feel
o What did you think of the way the information on this page was organized
(probe on clarity, usefulness, ease of navigation, etc.)?
 What changes could be made to improve clarity, usefulness, ease of
navigation, etc.?
o Does this webpage look visually appealing to you?
 What changes could be made to make it more visually appealing?
 Purchase Intentions:
o How likely are you to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?
 Tell me about that.
o If you had to rate your likelihood to purchase this for your 3-6-year-old
child/grandchild on a scale from 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely), what
would you choose?
 General Comprehension of Warning Information:
o Who is the product made for (i.e., who is the intended consumer)?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?
o What safety risks are there for 3-6-year-olds if they use this product?
 [If unable to answer, direct to intended consumer information] What is
your interpretation of this information?
 What do you think about where this information is located on the page
(is it in the best spot it can be in)?
 What do you think about how this information is formatted (could it be
formatted to better communicate the information)?


 Now that we have reviewed the safety information for this product. How would you
answer the following?
o Now how likely are you to purchase this for your child/grandchild?
o On a scale form 1(not at all likely) to 10(very likely), how likely are you to
purchase this for your 3-6-year-old child/grandchild?

Section E. Comparison of Non-Toy Webpage Concepts (5 min.)
Now I am going to pull both webpages up, so they are side by side on your computer screen.
 Looking specifically at the age-specific information:
o Which version was easier to understand?
o Which placement of the information did you prefer?
o Which look-and-feel (i.e., design) of the information did you prefer?
 Looking specifically at the product safety hazard warning:
o Which version was easier to understand?
o Which placement of the information did you prefer?
o Which look-and-feel (i.e., design) of the information did you prefer?
Section F. Conclusion (5 min.)
 This has been a very helpful session. Thank you so much for taking time out of your
day to be with me and share your perspectives and experiences. Before we wrap up,
is there anything else that you would like to share or that we might have missed?
 [TIME PERMITTING] If you don’t mind, I am going to step out for just a moment to
see if my team has any additional follow up questions for you all. [Ask any additional
 Ok, thank you again for your time. Are there any final questions? If not, you are free to
go. Please leave behind your worksheets and writing utensils. Have a wonderful


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File Modified2019-10-11
File Created2019-10-11

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