PTSCTP Sample Training Plan

PTSCTP Sample Training Plan.xlsx

Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP)

PTSCTP Sample Training Plan

OMB: 2132-0578

Document [xlsx]
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1 Overview
2 General Instructions
3 Requirements & Competencies
4 TTP Template
5 Competency Tracking
6 SSOA PM template
7 Staff template
8 Staff 2 template
9 Staff 3 template
10 PT Tech Expert template

Sheet 1: 1 Overview

Purpose: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) developed this template, to be used in conjunction with the Sample TTP workbook, to assist the 30 States with State Safety Oversight (SSO) programs in working through the development and submittal of a Technical Training Plan (TTP) to FTA by June 26, 2015.
FTA will conduct an instructional webinar to review FTA's initial response to State TTP submittals and to demonstrate the Training Website on June 10, 2015.
FTA is committed to providing technical assistance to each SSO Agency (SSOA) as needed.
Overview of Contents
Note: This workbook uses red font to indicate “sample” data, which should be replaced in the submitted document. In addition, instructional rows have been provided that can be hidden and unhidden. These rows are shaded in blue and should not be altered.
Tab 1: Tab 1 contains an overview of the contents for each subsequent tab.
Tab 2: Tab 2 contains general instructions for completing the TTP template for your agency, including instructions for submitting your completed TTP to FTA for review. This tab provides the same instructional text as this document. It is provided within the workbook simply for ease of use.
Tab 3: Tab 3 contains FTA's requirements for TTPs as specified in the Interim Safety Certification Training Provisions, published in the Federal Register on February 27, 2015. Please take time to review and familiarize yourself with these requirements and share with the other members of your agency.
Tab 4: Tab 4 contains the TTP Template. This template can be used to develop your own agency's TTP by entering your agency's information. Examples of information that would be entered can be found in Tabs 1 and 2 “Sample TTP” workbook.
Tab 5: Tab 5 contains the competency tracking sheet template for your agency as a whole. This sheet should be used to provide a summary of which competencies your agency currently fulfills or plans to fulfill within the next three years. Sample competency tracking sheet can be found in Tabs 3, 4, and 5 in the example TTP workbook provided by FTA. The samples FTA provides are as follows:
• An SSOA that will rely solely on staff to meet technical requirements in all competency areas. Additionally, gaps have been identified and must be addressed in the “Competencies in Planning” section.
• An SSOA that intends to meet technical requirements within limited staff and higher reliance on contractors
• SSOA that uses a mix of staff, technical expert and contractors to meet technical requirements

Note: FTA understands that an SSOA may rely on, and may continue to rely on technical experts from either within the SSOA office or from another department within the agency. These individuals are not required to sign-up for an ITP, nor would FTA require them to acquire a TSSP certificate. In addition, FTA understands that an SSOA may rely on, and may continue to rely on, contractors to fulfill the technical requirements for certain competency areas. In either of these cases, an SSOA would identify the technical expert or contractor by name and indicate the competency areas they are fulfilling for your agency with an “X.” For contractors, in the TTP Template (tab 4), you would identify in the equivalency section that you are using a contractor and indicate how your agency validates that the contractor meets the technical requirements.
Tab 6: Tab 6 contains a detailed training plan template for the SSOA Program Manager. This sheet should be used to track the specific courses and equivalencies that satisfy each requirement of the SSOA TTP. The courses and equivalencies listed on this sheet should correspond to and expand upon the competencies fulfilled on your agency's overall competencies tracking sheet. A completed sample detailed training plan can be found in Tab 6 in the “Sample TTP” workbook provided by FTA.
Tabs 7-9: Tabs 7-9 contain detailed training plan templates for other SSOA staff. These sheets should be used, when appropriate, to track the specific courses and equivalencies that satisfy each requirement of the SSOA TTP. The courses and equivalencies listed on this sheet should correspond to and expand upon the competencies fulfilled on your agency's overall competencies tracking sheet. Each SSOA staff member should have their own competency tracking sheet that lists the courses and equivalencies they have completed. Completed sample detailed training plans can be found in Tabs 7-9 of the “Sample TTP” workbook provided by FTA.
Tab 10: Tab 10 contains a detailed training plan template for a part time technical expert. This sheet should be used to track the specific courses and equivalencies that satisfy each requirement of the SSOA TTP. The courses and equivalencies listed on this sheet should correspond to and expand upon the competencies fulfilled on your agency's overall competencies tracking sheet. Unlike contractors which are required to submit their own TTPs, the SSOA must ensure that the technical expert has met the requirements for the TTP in their content area. A completed sample detailed training plan can be found in Tab 10 of the “Sample TTP” workbook provided by FTA.

Sheet 2: 2 General Instructions

Please be sure to scroll all the way down through this sheet to view the full set of instructions. You may also print them out.
Note: This workbook uses red font to indicate “sample” data, which should be replaced in the submitted document. Step-by-step row instruction rows are shaded in blue and should not be altered.
Step 1: Review the "Overview" tab and these "General Instructions" to familiarize yourself with the tabs and information included in this Technical Training Plan Template.
Step 2: Review the "Requirements & Competencies" tab to familiarize your agency with FTA's requirements for Technical Training Plans (TTPs) as specified in the Interim Safety Certification Training Provisions, published in the Federal Register on February 27, 2015.
Step 3: Using the “Sample TTP workbook” as a guide, document your agency’s TTP by providing information in each called out cell (in red font) of the "TTP Template" tab. (Please note, in the TTP Template you will find multiple rows for information, it is not necessary to use each row, only those required by your agency.) Tab 1 in the “Sample TTP” workbook provides several samples of possible inputs for your agency’s TTP. You are not required to use this text; FTA provided these samples to help clarify the type of information that you may want to include in your agency’s TTP. Tab 2 depicts a sample completed TTP. Tabs 3-4 provide Competency Tracking Sheet samples, and tabs 6-10 provide sample information related to SSOA staff.
Step 4: Using the “Sample TTP” workbook as a guide, review the "Competency Tracking Sheet" tab to identify which SSO program personnel and contractors support your agency in fulfilling required competencies. Upon completion, the table in this tab will identify if there are any competency gaps in an SSO program (through highlighted boxes in the summary row of the table). FTA anticipates that this may be the case for many States. The State and FTA will revisit any identified gaps over the period of the Interim Training Provisions. FTA expects that States will hire new personnel and/or enter into new contractual arrangements to close competency gaps. FTA will continue to follow-up with States through quarterly review processes established in the SSO certification program to address 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(7).
Step 5: Using the “Sample TTP” workbook as a guide, use the Individual Tracking Sheets -- located in the "SSOA PM" tab, the "Staff 1 Example" tab, the "Staff 2 Example" tab, the "Staff 3 Example" tab, and the "PT Tech Expert Name" tab -- create specific TTP tracking matrices for each State employee and contractor who works on the State's SSO program. Completion of the individual tracking sheets will document the specific courses taken to satisfy competency requirements in the State's TTP, and also provide a list of those courses that will address competency gaps within the agency. FTA has provided sample content in the “Sample TT”P workbook to support completion.
Step 6: You can either 1) email the completed Excel sheet to;;; and or 2) go to FTA's website and upload it. For tracking purposes, FTA encourages each SSOA to upload the TTP via the website. Please keep in mind that only the SSOA Program Manager will have the ability to upload the agency's TTP. Please follow the steps below to use the website. Also, if the SSOA Program Manager has already registered and requested an ITP, the SSOA Program Manager will be able to skip to Step 3.
1: Register on the TSO Safety Training and Resource Site, making sure to select "SSOA" as your agency type and "Program Manager" as your agency role
2: Click the green "Request a Training Profile" button to request an ITP
3: Once your ITP has been approved (this may take 2-3 days), log into the site
4: Click the "My Training" tab
5: Click the "Technical Training Plan" navigation item on the left side of the dashboard
6: Click the "Upload Technical Training Plan" button
7: In the popup window, click the "Browse" button and select a document to upload
8 (optional): Enter a description of the document
9: Click the "Upload Technical Training Plan" button
Navigating the forms

Where applicable, FTA has provided step-by-step instructions to help you complete each form. You can access these instructions by clicking on the "+" to the left side of relevant rows (see the example below). This will unhide the group of rows so you can view the instructions. Conversely, you can click the button again "-" to close or "hide" the group of rows.
Note: These documents use red font to indicate “sample” data, which should be replaced in the submitted document. Step-by-step row instruction rows are shaded in blue and should not be altered.



Sheet 3: 3 Requirements & Competencies

Interim Safety Certification Training Program Provisions
The Notice Of Final Interim Safety Certification Training Provisions published 2/27/2015 states:

Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5329(c)(2), the interim safety certification training provisions will apply to the following covered personnel and will be effective until FTA issues a final rule for the Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP):
(1) FTA personnel and contractors who conduct safety audits and examinations of public transportation systems;
(2) SSOA personnel and contractors who conduct safety audits and examinations of rail fixed guideway public transportation systems not subject to FRA regulation. In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(3)(E), each SSOA will designate its covered personnel or positions responsible for conducting the applicable safety audits and examinations and identify them in its annual FTA certification reporting requirements;
(3) Designated employees of recipients with rail transit systems subject to 49 CFR part 659 who are directly responsible for safety oversight.
(a) Each recipient will designate its covered personnel who are directly responsible for safety oversight of its rail transit system.
(b) At a minimum, covered personnel should include the Chief Safety Officer and the primary staff directly responsible for safety oversight of the recipient’s rail transit system. Directly responsible means safety staff who participate in the development, implementation or maintenance of the requirements of the oversight agency’s program standard.
(4) The following personnel may voluntarily participate in the applicable interim safety certification training provisions:
(a) Personnel employed by recipients of Federal transit funds who are directly responsible for safety oversight of non- rail transit systems (e.g., passenger ferry, bus, bus rapid transit, and community transportation providers); and
(b) Personnel of State DOTs or other State entities that receive Federal transit funds, who are directly responsible for safety oversight of non-rail transit systems such as passenger ferry, bus, bus rapid transit, and community transportation providers.
Interim Safety Certification Training Requirements: Required Curriculum over Three-Year Period

FTA SMS and TSSP Training
FTA/SSOA personnel and contractor support, and rail transit agency personnel with direct responsibility for safety oversight of rail transit systems not subject to FRA regulation must complete the following training program over a 3-year period:
One (1) hour course on SMS Awareness—e-Learning delivery (all required participants)
Two (2) hour course on Safety Assurance—e-Learning delivery (all required participants)
Two (2) hour SMS Gap course (e- learning for existing TSSP Certificate holders)
SMS Principles for Rail Transit (2 days—all required participants)
SMS Principles for SSO Programs (2 days—FTA/SSOA/contractor support personnel only)
Revised TSSP with SMS Principles Integration (not required of current TSSP Certificate holders—17.5 days for all other covered personnel)
Rail System Safety
Effectively Managing Transit Emergencies
Transit System Security
Rail Incident Investigation

Technical Training Plans
FTA/SSOA/contractor support personnel (technical training component): Each SSOA shall develop a technical training plan for covered personnel and contractor support personnel who perform safety audits and examinations. The SSOA will submit its proposed technical training plan to FTA for review and evaluation as part of the SSOA certification program in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(7). This review and approval process will support the consultation required between FTA and SSOAs regarding the staffing and qualification of the SSOAs’ employees and other designated personnel in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(3)(D).

Technical Training Plan Requirements

The SSOA will determine the length of time for the technical training based on the skill level of the covered personnel relative to the applicable rail transit agency(s).

At a minimum, the technical training plan will describe the process for receiving technical training from the rail transit agencies in the following competency areas appropriate to the specific rail fixed guideway system(s) for which safety audits and examinations are conducted (referred to as Competency Areas in this spreadsheet):

1 - Agency organizational structure
2 - System Safety Program Plan
3 - Security Program Plan
Knowledge of agency:
4 - Territory and revenue service schedules
5 - Current bulletins, general orders, and other associated directives that ensure safe operations
6 - Operations and maintenance rule books
7 - Safety rules
8 - Standard Operating Procedures
9 - Roadway Worker Protection
10 - Employee Hours of Service and Fatigue Management program
11 - Employee Observation and Testing Program (Efficiency Testing)
12 - Employee training and certification requirements
13 - Vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records
14 - Track inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records
15 - Tunnels, bridges, and other structures inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records
16 - Traction power (substation, overhead catenary system, and third rail), load dispatching, inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records
17 - Signal and train control inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

Each SSOA technical training plan that is submitted to FTA for review will require covered personnel to successfully:
1 - Complete training that covers the skills and knowledge the covered personnel will need to effectively perform his or her tasks.
2 - Pass a written and/or oral examination covering the skills and knowledge required for the covered personnel to effectively perform his or her tasks.
3 - Demonstrate hands-on capability to perform his or her tasks to the satisfaction of the appropriate SSOA supervisor or designated instructor.
4 - Establish equivalencies or written and oral examinations to allow covered personnel to demonstrate that they possess the skill and qualification required to perform their tasks.
5 - Require biennial refresher training to maintain technical skills and abilities which includes classroom and hands-on training, as well as testing. Observation and evaluation of actual performance of duties may be used to meet the hands-on portion of this requirement, provided that such testing is documented.
6 - Require that training records be maintained to demonstrate the current qualification status of covered personnel assigned to carry out the oversight program. Records may be maintained either electronically or in writing and must be provided to FTA upon request.

Records must include the following information concerning each covered personnel:
1 - Name;
2 - The title and date each training course was completed and the proficiency test score(s) where applicable;
3 - The content of each training course successfully completed;
4 - A description of the covered personnel’s hands-on performance applying the skills and knowledge required to perform the tasks that the employee will be responsible for performing and the factual basis supporting the determination;
5 - The tasks the covered personnel is deemed qualified to perform;
6 - Provide the date that the covered personnel’s status as qualified to perform the tasks expires, and the date in which biennial refresher training is due.
7 - Ensure the qualification of contractors performing oversight activities. SSOAs may use demonstrations, previous training and education, and written and oral examinations to determine if contractors possess the skill and qualification required to perform their tasks.
8 - Periodically assess the effectiveness of the technical training. One method of validation and assessment could be through the use of efficiency tests or periodic review of employee performance.

Sheet 4: 4 TTP Template

Technical Training Plan Elements

SSOA Name Program Manager
Version Date

The Florida Department of Transportation Victor B. Wiley, Transit Safety Programs Manager September 4, 2015

Use the table below to complete the technical competency areas for your SSOA. Directions are provided by way of expandable/collapsible buttons to the left of Column C. The default setting for the first technical competency area is expanded so that the instructions can be viewed. You can close them at any time by clicking the "-" button on the left.

Competency 1-Rail transit agency (RTA) organizational structure

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of the organizational structure and reporting relationship to other governmental agencies for each Rail Transit Agency (RTA) within the jurisdiction of the SSOA.
ii) Identify key positions within each organization that directly and indirectly influence and support the agency’s safety and security plans, procedures, and priorities.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of Federal regulations and guidelines and industry practices governing or related to organizational structure and reporting protocols.
iv) Determine deficiencies in reporting structure and staffing and gaps in communication procedures and protocols that could negatively impact system safety and security processes and programs based on specific RTA documents and industry standards.
Completed [Equivalency"]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

Equivalency: 7 years experience at SSOA (- Miami-Dade Transit:, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, and Hillsbough Area Regional Transit); conducted review and approval of RTA SSPP; performed at least 2 three-year safety review of SSPP implementation. Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in actively working with senior staff from, and participating in executive-level meetings and briefings at the RTA and/or SSOA or participating in a minimum of two system-wide triennial audits specifically examining agency organizational structure at the RTA. N/A Provide documentation to the SSOA that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies Monthly - bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions Formal monthly contact with RTAs: [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in the majority of SSOA activities for a specific RTA including meetings, audits, inspections, and special investigations.] [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 2-RTA System Safety Program Plan

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain a working knowledge of the RTA SSPP; Determine if SSPP meets SSOA and Federal requirements. and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of the structure and contents of an FTA-compliant SSPP.
ii) Identify the titles and descriptions of the 21 elements of a SSPP.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to determine deficiencies in the structure and content of an overall SSPP and/or within any one of the specific elements of an SSPP.
Completed [Training AND/OR Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

7 years experience at SSOA (- Miami-Dade Transit:, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, and Hillsbough Area Regional Transit); conducted review and approval of RTA SSPP; performed at least 2 three-year safety review of SSPP implementation. Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in actively participating in the complete review of a new and/or existing SSPP or the participation in a minimum of two complete triennial audits or a minimum of three years’ cumulative experience working with SSOA as an employee or a contractor or within the RTA’s safety department. N/A Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies and/or pass an oral or written exam on the names and descriptions of the 21 elements of an FTA-compliant SSPP. [Monthly - bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] Observation/Evaluation; Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in the review of a new and/or existing SSPP over a three year period. SSOA supervisor review and approval / Observation and evaluation

Equivalency: TSI - Rail System Safety Course and review of SSPP N/A N/A tbd Observation/Evaluation Certificate and Observation

Equivalency: TSI - TSSP and review of SSPP N/A N/A tbd Observation/Evaluation Certificate and Observation

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 3-RTA System Security Program Plan

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

Maintain a working knowledge of the RTA SSPP; Determine if Security Plan meets SSOA and Federal requirements. i) Demonstrate a knowledge of the structure and contents of an FTA-compliant SSEPP.
ii) Identify the principles and processes for implementing measures and policies to work with internal and/or external security, law enforcement and other first responder departments or agencies, conduct threat and vulnerability assessments, and implement crime prevention efforts and fire prevention programs.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of emergency preparedness and emergency management functions including policies and procedures to coordinate training and Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP)-compliant emergency exercise activities between RTA’s and appropriate first responder agencies at the local, county, state and/or federal levels.
iv) Identify the development, review and revision processes and basic components of an RTA’s SSEPP.
v) Demonstrate the ability to determine deficiencies in the structure and content of an overall SSEPP and/or within any one of the specific elements of an SSEPP as well as the inclusion of or reference to an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
Completed ["Training" AND/OR "Equivalency"]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

Equivalency: TSI - TSSP and review of Security Plan N/A N/A Biennial Observation/Evaluation Certificate and Observation

Equivalency: TSI - Rail System Security Course and review of Security Plan N/A N/A Biennial Observation/Evaluation Certificate and Observation

7 years experience at SSOA (- Miami-Dade Transit:, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, and Hillsbough Area Regional Transit); conducted review and approval of RTA Security Plan; performed at least 2 three-year review of Security Plan implementation. Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in actively working for or with an SSOA and participating in the complete review of multiple new and/or existing SSEPP (or an SSP and EPP) and knowledge of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rules and regulations. While not required for competency, a background of at least five years cumulative experience in law enforcement, fire/EMS, and/or emergency management is beneficial. N/A Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies. [Monthly - bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] Observation/Evaluation / Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in the review of a new and/or existing SSEPP over a three year period. SSOA Manager review and approval / Obsrvation and evaluation

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 4-Knowledge of Territory and revenue service schedules

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s operating territory, including the local jurisdictions through which it operates; the location, length and configuration of each line on the system; and the agency’s stations and primary facilities for system and rolling stock maintenance and storage, operations control, security, training, and administration.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s revenue service schedule for normal service, holidays and weekends, and special events and the agency’s policies for altering or suspending service during extreme weather or other incidents.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of how an RTA carries out planned and emergency maintenance activities during peak and off-peak service hours and after service hours, if applicable.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to identify anomalies in revenue service and/or maintenance scheduling practices and policies based on federal guidelines and industry practices.
Complete and ongoing Equivalency

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

Equivalency: Experience, documented in reports and minutes, by actively working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or employee of the RTA and personally observing a majority of the system’s alignment and infrastructure by walking the ROW during audits or inspections and/or riding inspection trains (Minimum 7 years experience and line-by-line train ride with Operator and RTA Supervisor), as documented in logs and reports, and/or experience with an RTA’s revenue schedule and history of enforcing and modifying policies for scheduling maintenance activities and implementing service modifications due to planned and unplanned events, as documented in reports and memos. [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation that is documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities and the continuous review of scheduling practices and policies over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 5-Knowledge of Current Bulletins, general orders, and other associated directives that ensure safety operations

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s specific parameters, policies and procedures for developing, issuing/posting, and ensuring receipt of all bulletins, general orders, directives and other communications.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the use, structure and dissemination of bulletins, general orders and directives.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for using and disseminating bulletins, general orders and directives and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines and industry practices.
Completed [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

the State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s specific parameters, policies and procedures for developing, issuing/posting, and ensuring receipt of all bulletins, general orders, d [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of the policies and practices related to bulletins, general orders and directives over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 6-Knowledge of Operations and maintenance rule books

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s operations rulebook and maintenance rulebook.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the development, issuance, enforcement, and revision of operations and maintenance rulebooks on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for reviewing and/or revising operations and maintenance rulebooks and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines and industry practices
[Completed ] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in actively working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections examining operations and maintenance rulebooks, including the specific policies and practices for review and revisions] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of the operations and maintenance rulebooks over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 7-Knowledge of Safety Rules

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s Safety Rules.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the development, issuance, enforcement, and revision of safety rules on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for reviewing, revising and/or issuing, and enforcing safety rules and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines and industry practices
[completed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in actively working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining safety rules, including the specific policies and practices for review and revisions] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review and revision or development of safety rules over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation/Evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 8-Knowledge of Standard Operating Procedures

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s SOPs.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the development, issuance, enforcement, and revision of SOPs on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for reviewing, revising and/or issuing, and enforcing SOPs and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines and industry practices
[Completed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining SOPs, including the specific policies and practices for review and revisions] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review and revision or development of SOPs over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 9-Knowledge of Roadway Worker Protection

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s RWP program.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal regulations, directives, and guidelines governing RWP as well as any industry standards and/or practices related to the development, issuance, enforcement, and revision of a RWP program and the related SOPs, training, and policies on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following the agency’s RWP program and/or documented procedures for reviewing and revising the RWP program and any related, rules, policies or SOPs and/or non-compliance with Federal regulations and directives or anomalies in following industry standards and practices
Completed [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties specifically pertaining to the right-of-way and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining the RWP program and related rules, procedures, policies, and practices and successfully complete a contractor and/or employee level RWP training course at two or more RTAs and participate in at least two ROW entries including donning proper PPE, job-safety briefing and an audit or inspection] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in logs and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the RWP program and associated rules, procedures and practices and maintain RTA RWP certification and conduct at least two ROW entries over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 10-Knowledge of Employee Hours of Service and Fatigue Management Program

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s HOS policies and rules, including record keeping and enforcement procedures.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s FMP including policies, training programs, scheduling practices, and rest facilities.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the development, issuance, enforcement, and revision of HOS policies and FMPs on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following the agency’s HOS policies and rules and FMP, including training, record keeping, scheduling, rule communication and enforcement and related documented procedures for reviewing and revising the HOS policies and FMP
v) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiency in complying with Federal regulations and guidelines and/or following industry standards or practices governing or related to HOS policies and fatigue management
[completed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

Equivalency: Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to HOS and fatigue management and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining HOS policies and the FMP, including training, record keeping, scheduling, rule enforcement, and the specific policies and practices for review and revisions N/A Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of an RTA’s HOS policies and FMP, over a three year period.] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 11-Knowledge of Employee Observation and Testing Program (Efficiency Testing)

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s Efficiency Testing Program, including observing and testing, and record keeping procedures and practices.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to the development, management, evaluation and revision of employee efficiency testing programs on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following the agency’s documented procedures for conducting employee efficiency testing and maintaining accurate records and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines and industry standards/practices
[Complete] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to employee observation and testing and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining the agency’s employee efficiency testing program, including observation of the testing process and a review of the testing records. ] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of employee efficiency testing practices and record keeping processes over a three year period.] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 12-Knowledge of Employee training and certification requirements

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s employee training programs including course curricula, testing and evaluation processes, training facilities, instructor qualifications, and record keeping procedures and practices.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s employee certification requirements including professional and jurisdictional licenses and trade certifications as well as the process for tracking the status of certifications and the provision for providing initial and/or refresher training/testing opportunities to obtain and maintain requisite licenses and certifications.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal regulations, guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to providing/obtaining, maintaining, and tracking employee certifications on rail or fixed guideway systems.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for developing, delivering, evaluating, and tracking training programs; qualifying and evaluating instructors; identifying safe and effective training facilities and locations; and providing, testing, recording and checking employee certifications and licenses and/or non-compliance with Federal regulations and guidelines or anomalies in following industry standards and practices
[Complete] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[Experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to employee training and certification requirements and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining employee training and certification procedures and practices. ] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review and revision or development of safety rules over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 13-Knowledge of Vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s vehicle inspection and maintenance program including procedures and practices for scheduling, performing and QA/QC testing of inspection and maintenance activities and associated record-keeping functions.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal, guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to developing, implementing, and performing vehicle inspection and maintenance programs on rail or fixed guideway systems, including scheduling, QA/QC and record-keeping components.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for scheduling, conducting, and documenting vehicle inspection and maintenance activities and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines or industry standards and practices
[Complete [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[A minimum of three-years of experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties specifically pertaining to vehicle inspection and maintenance programs and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining vehicle inspection and maintenance procedures and practices, including scheduling and record-keeping functions] [N/At] [Provide documentation to the SSOA that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of vehicle inspection and maintenance practices and procedures over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 14-Knowledge of Track inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s track inspection and maintenance program including procedures and practices for scheduling and performing inspection and maintenance activities and associated record-keeping functions.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to developing, implementing, and performing track inspection and maintenance programs on rail or fixed guideway systems, including scheduling and record-keeping components.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for scheduling, conducting, and documenting track inspection and maintenance activities and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines or industry standards and practices
[Complete] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[A minimum of three-years of experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to track inspection and maintenance and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining track inspection and maintenance procedures and practices, including scheduling and record-keeping functions. ] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of track inspection and maintenance practices and procedures over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 15-Knowledge of Tunnels, bridges, and other structures inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s inspection and maintenance program for tunnels, bridges, and other structures, including specific procedures and practices for scheduling and performing inspection and maintenance activities and associated record-keeping functions.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal, guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to developing, implementing, and performing inspection and maintenance programs for tunnels, bridges, and other structures on rail or fixed guideway systems, including scheduling and record-keeping components.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for scheduling, conducting, and documenting inspection and maintenance activities in tunnels, on bridges, and at other structures and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines or industry standards and practices
[completeed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[A minimum of three-years of experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to tunnels, bridges, and other structures inspection and maintenance and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining inspection and maintenance procedures and practices for tunnels, bridges, and other structures, including scheduling and record-keeping functions. ] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies.] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of inspection and maintenance practices and procedures for tunnels, bridges, and other structures over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 16-Knowledge of Traction power (substation, overhead catenary system, and third rail), load dispatching, inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

[The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s traction power load dispatching program including procedures and practices load dispatching in normal and abnormal operating conditions and emergency shut-down, grounding, and verification procedures.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s traction power inspection and maintenance programs including scheduling and performing inspection and maintenance activities on substations, overhead catenary and/or third-rail and associated record-keeping functions.
iii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to developing, implementing, and performing load dispatching, inspection, and maintenance programs for traction power systems on rail or fixed guideway systems, including scheduling and record-keeping components.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for monitoring and controlling traction power and for scheduling, conducting, and documenting traction power system inspection and maintenance activities and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines or industry standards and practices.
[Completed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[A minimum of three-years of experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to traction power and load dispatching inspection and maintenance and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining traction power load dispatching procedures and practices and the traction power inspection and maintenance procedures and practices, including but not limited to substations, overhead catenary and/or third-rail as well as scheduling and record-keeping functionsy] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies.] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of traction power load dispatching and inspection and maintenance practices and procedures over a three year period] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Competency 17-Knowledge of Signal and train control inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records

SSOA Technical Requirement Details Current Status Means to meet Competency Requirement

Step 1: In the box below, enter in your State's technical requirements for meeting this competency area. Step 2: In the box below, enter the status for your SSOA in meeting the technical requirement: "Completed" or "Planning." Step 3: In the box below, identify how your SSOA met, or intends to meet the technical requirement for this competency area: "RTA Training" AND/OR "Equivalency." Once complete, you will move to the next section to enter in details regarding your selection in Step 3.

The State's technical requirements to meet this competency area are: Maintain and i) Demonstrate a knowledge of an RTA’s signal and train control inspection and maintenance programs including procedures and practices for scheduling and performing inspection and maintenance activities and associated record-keeping functions.
ii) Demonstrate a knowledge of any Federal guidelines, industry standards and/or practices related to developing, implementing, and performing signal and train control system inspection and maintenance programs on rail or fixed guideway systems, including scheduling and record-keeping components.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify an RTA’s deficiencies in following documented procedures for scheduling, conducting, and documenting signal and train control systems inspection and maintenance activities and/or anomalies in following Federal guidelines or industry standards and practices.
[Completed] [ Equivalency]

Course Title or Equivalency Examination Requirement Demonstration / Validation Method Refresher Frequency Refresher Validation Method Competency Documentation

Step 4: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. For equivalencies, you will need to provide details (e.g., course name, qualifications, experience, etc.). Step 5: For the RTA course, enter the exam requirement in the box below. Not required for equivalencies. Step 6: In the box below, enter how the competency was, or will be, demonstrated and the method of validation used by your SSOA. Step 7: In the box below, identify the frequency for refresher training. The requirement calls for a minimum of biennial refresher training. Step 8: In the box below, identify how refresher training is validated by the SSOA. This could be a recertification or observation and evaluation by the SSOA. Step 9: In the box below, enter in how the competency was, or will be, verified.

[A minimum of three-years of experience, documented in reports and minutes, in working with an RTA as an SSOA staff or contract representative or as an employee of an RTA or railroad with job duties pertaining specifically to signals and train control inspection and maintenance and/or participating in at least two audits or inspections specifically examining signal and train control systems inspection and maintenance procedures and practices, including scheduling and record-keeping function] [N/A] [Provide documentation to the SSOA Program Manager that clearly identifies a specific individual’s experience and ability to meet the competencies through the quantified equivalencies.] [Monthly: bi-monthly onsite reviews alternaing with bi-monthly formal teleconference discussions] [Continued participation, documented in minutes and reports, in ongoing audit/inspection activities that involve the review of signal and train control inspection and maintenance practices and procedures over a three year period.] / Observation and evaluation [Observation and evaluation]

NOTE:*State Supervisors may establish additional equivalencies or may revise specific equivalencies based on the capabilities, experience and background of individual employees

Sheet 5: 5 Competency Tracking

1 SSOA Competency Tracking Table

Florida Department of Transportation

Enter the Name for each SSOA representative and contractor that the SSOA uses to meet its competency technical requirements. Identify for each SSOA representative whether or not the ITP, SMS courses, or TSSP is required. Enter "Yes" or "No." For each competency area and representative, identify if 1) the competency has been met (this is in the top half of the sheet under "Competencies Fulfilled") and/or 2) the SSOA is planning to meet the competency (bottom half of the sheet under "Competencies in Planning"). Place an "X" in the appropriate box for the representative if either of those conditions are met. The two bottom rows indicate if a competency gap exists in the "Identified Gaps" row (the associated cell is highlighted pink) and if there is a plan to meet the competency in the "Competencies in Planning" row (the associated cell is highlighted light green). This provides a quick indication as to whether or not the SSOA has fulfilled each competency.

Employee or Contractor Name ITP Required? FTA SMS Courses Required? TSSP Required? 1 - Agency organizational structure 2 - System Safety Program Plan 3 - Security Program Plan 4 - Territory and revenue service schedules 5 - Current bulletins, general orders, and other associated directives that ensure safe operations 6 - Operations and maintenance rule books 7 - Safety rules 8 - Standard Operating Procedures 9 - Roadway Worker Protection 10 - Employee Hours of Service and Fatigue Management program 11 - Employee Observation and Testing Program (Efficiency Testing) 12 - Employee training and certification requirements 13 - Vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records 14 - Track inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records 15 - Tunnels, bridges, and other structures inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records 16 - Traction power (substation, OH system, and third rail), load dispatching, inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records 17 - Signal and train control inspection and maintenance programs, schedules and records
Competencies Fulfilled
SSOA Program Manager
[Victor B. Wiley, Transit Safety Programs Manager] [Yes [Yes [Yes X X X X X X X X X X X X

FTA understands that many SSOAs rely on, and may continue to rely on, contractors to fulfill the technical requirements for certain competency areas. Where this is the case, identify the contractor by name and indicate the competency areas they are fulfilling for your agency with an “X.” In addition, in your Agency Technical Training Plan, identify in the equivalency section that you are using a contractor and indicate how your agency validates that the contractor meets the technical requirements.
SSOA Contractor
Christopher E. Wallgren, Transportation Resource Associates (TRA)

Anthony J. Ferraro, TRA


Daniel T. Hauber, TRA

David F. Barber, TRA

James S. Young, TRA


James E. Hill, TRA


Competencies in Planning
Ashley Porter, TRA



Anthony J. Ferraro, TRA

James S. Young, TRA


Identified Gaps

7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 3 3 3 2 3
Competencies Planned

1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

Sheet 6: 6 SSOA PM template

SSOA PM Training Plan


Contact Information Phone: SAMPLE Email: SAMPLE Date Started:

Use the table below to document competencies that the SSOA Program Manager has already achieved or plans to achieve through training, education, experience, etc.

RTA Training / Equivalency(ies) Competency Area(s) Course # Type Date Scheduled Date Completed Source Verification Method Test results, if applicable Refresher Required?
Step 1: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. Step 2 : In the box below, enter the competency area number. You may enter more than one competency as needed. Step 3: In the box below, enter the training course number. For equivalencies that did not require a specific course, use "NA." Step 4: In the box below, enter the type of training / equivalency: (classroom, e-Learning, OJT, Meeting, other). Step 5: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency is scheduled or planned. Step 6: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency was completed. Step 7: In the box below, enter the organization or agency that provided the training. Typical sources include the RTA, TSI, NTSB, Universities and On-Line Training Providers, the SSOA, industry associations, contractors/vendors and FTA. Step 8: In the box below, identify the verification method that FTA can use to confirm completion of training. Step 9: In the box below, enter exam results by pass, not applicable (NA), or other. You do not have to enter in specific test scores. Step 10: In the box below, indicate if refresher training is required to maintain the certification conferred by the RTA training course or equivalency.
RTA Training
Transit Rail System Safety 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 FT00456 Classroom March 16-20, 2009 March 16-20, 2009 TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
Transit Bus System Safety 1,2,4,5,7

Transit Rail Incident Investigation 5,7,8,10,12 FT00544 Classroom July 6-10, 2009 July 6-10, 2009 TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
Effectively Managing Transit Emergencies 2,3,5,7,8 FT00456 Classroom January 11-14, 2010 January 11-14, 2010 TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
Transit Industrial Safety Management 5,7,10,12 FT00457 Classroom August 22-26, 2011 August 22-26, 2011 TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
Advanced Rail Incident Investigation 5,7,8,10,12 FT00461 Classroom August 27-31, 2012 August 27-31, 2012 TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
Transit System Security 1,3,4,12 FT00432 Classroom "2006" "2006" TSI Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]
SMS Awareness 1,2,4,5,7,8 SMS001 e-Learning "June 2015" "June 2015" FTA Certificate Pass [Enter Refresher]

SMS Principles for Transit 1,2,4,5,7,8 FT00564 Classroom June 18-19, 2015 June 18-19, 2015 TSI Certificate Pass

RTA Roadway Worker Protection 9
Classroom 2/9/2015 2/9/2015 MDT Badge Pass

Security Program Planning 1,3,4,12
Classroom 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 CUTR, USF Certificate Pass

Technical Assistant Workshop for SSO Personnel 2,3
Classroom May 22-23, 2012 May 22-23, 2012 TSI/FTA Certificate Pass

Transit Safety and Security Program (TSSP) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12
Classroom 1/14/2010 1/14/2010 TSI Certificate Pass


MDT - Agency Familiarization/3 year audit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
3-year safety & security audit/meetings 2/9/2015

Yes, triennial

JTA - Agency Familiarization / 3 year audit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 11,12
3-year safety & security 11/6/2013 11/6/2013 JTA

Yes, triennial

HART - Agency Familiarization / 3 year audit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12
3-year safety & security 11/13/2012 11/13/2012 HART

Yes, triennial

FL RTA FORMAL SSO Teleconference Meeetings 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12
Teleconference Bi-monthly Bi-monthly MDT, HART, JTA,


MDT FORMAL Bi-monthly onsite meetings/JTA and HART are currenctly bi-annual but plans are to increase to bi-monthly starting January 2016 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12
Required Onsite 2-3 day Review In addition to required 3-year audit, SSOA Contractors are onsite at least Bi-monthly alternating with formal teleconference meetings/SSOA Manger onsite at least once annually SSOA Contractors Onsite Bi-monthly/SSOA Program Manger onsite at least once annually MD,T, HART, JTA,

SSOA Program Manager - onsite for review at least annually

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

Sheet 7: 7 Staff template

Sample SSOA Staff Training Plan

[Enter SSOA Staff Name]

Contact Information Phone: [Enter Phone #] Email: [Enter Email] Date Started: [Enter Date]

Use the table below to document competencies that the SSOA Staff Member has already achieved or plans to achieve through training, education, experience, etc.

RTA Training / Equivalency(ies) Competency Area(s) Course # Type Date Scheduled Date Completed Source Verification Method Test results, if applicable Refresher Required?

Step 1: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. Step 2 : In the box below, enter the competency area number. You may enter more than one competency as needed. Step 3: In the box below, enter the training course number. For equivalencies that did not require a specific course, use "NA." Step 4: In the box below, enter the type of training / equivalency: (classroom, e-Learning, OJT, Meeting, other). Step 5: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency is scheduled or planned. Step 6: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency was completed. Step 7: In the box below, enter the organization or agency that provided the training. Typical sources include the RTA, TSI, NTSB, Universities and On-Line Training Providers, the SSOA, industry associations, contractors/vendors and FTA. Step 8: In the box below, identify the verification method that FTA can use to confirm completion of training. Step 9: In the box below, enter exam results by pass, not applicable (NA), or other. You do not have to enter in specific test scores. Step 10: In the box below, indicate if refresher training is required to maintain the certification conferred by the RTA training course or equivalency.

RTA Training

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]


[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

Sheet 8: 8 Staff 2 template

Sample SSOA Staff Training Plan

[Enter SSOA Staff Name]

Contact Information Phone: [Enter Phone #] Email: [Enter Email] Date Started: [Enter Date]

Use the table below to document competencies that the SSOA Staff Member has already achieved or plans to achieve through training, education, experience, etc.

RTA Training / Equivalency(ies) Competency Area(s) Course # Type Date Scheduled Date Completed Source Verification Method Test results, if applicable Refresher Required?

Step 1: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. Step 2 : In the box below, enter the competency area number. You may enter more than one competency as needed. Step 3: In the box below, enter the training course number. For equivalencies that did not require a specific course, use "NA." Step 4: In the box below, enter the type of training / equivalency: (classroom, e-Learning, OJT, Meeting, other). Step 5: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency is scheduled or planned. Step 6: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency was completed. Step 7: In the box below, enter the organization or agency that provided the training. Typical sources include the RTA, TSI, NTSB, Universities and On-Line Training Providers, the SSOA, industry associations, contractors/vendors and FTA. Step 8: In the box below, identify the verification method that FTA can use to confirm completion of training. Step 9: In the box below, enter exam results by pass, not applicable (NA), or other. You do not have to enter in specific test scores. Step 10: In the box below, indicate if refresher training is required to maintain the certification conferred by the RTA training course or equivalency.

RTA Training

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]


[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

Sheet 9: 9 Staff 3 template

Sample SSOA Staff Training Plan

[Enter SSOA Staff Name]

Contact Information Phone: [Enter Phone #] Email: [Enter Email] Date Started: [Enter Date]

Use the table below to document competencies that the SSOA Staff Member has already achieved or plans to achieve through training, education, experience, etc.

RTA Training / Equivalency(ies) Competency Area(s) Course # Type Date Scheduled Date Completed Source Verification Method Test results, if applicable Refresher Required?

Step 1: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. Step 2 : In the box below, enter the competency area number. You may enter more than one competency as needed. Step 3: In the box below, enter the training course number. For equivalencies that did not require a specific course, use "NA." Step 4: In the box below, enter the type of training / equivalency: (classroom, e-Learning, OJT, Meeting, other). Step 5: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency is scheduled or planned. Step 6: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency was completed. Step 7: In the box below, enter the organization or agency that provided the training. Typical sources include the RTA, TSI, NTSB, Universities and On-Line Training Providers, the SSOA, industry associations, contractors/vendors and FTA. Step 8: In the box below, identify the verification method that FTA can use to confirm completion of training. Step 9: In the box below, enter exam results by pass, not applicable (NA), or other. You do not have to enter in specific test scores. Step 10: In the box below, indicate if refresher training is required to maintain the certification conferred by the RTA training course or equivalency.

RTA Training

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]


[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

Sheet 10: 10 PT Tech Expert template

Sample SSOA Tech Expert Training Plan

[Enter SSOA Tech Expert Name]

Contact Information Phone: [Enter Phone #] Email: [Enter Email] Date Started: [Enter Date]

Use the table below to document competencies that the SSOA PT Tech Expert has already achieved or plans to achieve through training, education, experience, etc.

RTA Training / Equivalency(ies) Competency Area(s) Course # Type Date Scheduled Date Completed Source Verification Method Test results, if applicable Refresher Required?

Step 1: In the box below, enter the title of the RTA Training Course or the Equivalency your SSOA is using, or plans to use, in order to meet the technical requirement of the competency area. Step 2 : In the box below, enter the competency area number. You may enter more than one competency as needed. Step 3: In the box below, enter the training course number. For equivalencies that did not require a specific course, use "NA." Step 4: In the box below, enter the type of training / equivalency: (classroom, e-Learning, OJT, Meeting, other). Step 5: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency is scheduled or planned. Step 6: In the box below, enter the date the RTA training / equivalency was completed. Step 7: In the box below, enter the organization or agency that provided the training. Typical sources include the RTA, TSI, NTSB, Universities and On-Line Training Providers, the SSOA, industry associations, contractors/vendors and FTA. Step 8: In the box below, identify the verification method that FTA can use to confirm completion of training. Step 9: In the box below, enter exam results by pass, not applicable (NA), or other. You do not have to enter in specific test scores. Step 10: In the box below, indicate if refresher training is required to maintain the certification conferred by the RTA training course or equivalency.

RTA Training

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter RTA Course Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]


[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

[Enter Equivalency Name] [Enter Area(s)] [Enter Course #] [Enter Type] [Enter Date] [Enter Date] [Enter Provider] [Enter Verification] [Enter Results] [Enter Refresher]

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