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pdfSection 5 Notices and Supports
User Guide – Secondary Support
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Delivery Order # GS00Q09BGD0022
Task Order # EP-G11H-00154
Project # TDD 9.21
Version 1.0
December 19, 2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ......................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction ........................................................................................................................1
System Requirements ........................................................................................................2
Supported Browsers .....................................................................................................2
Screen Resolution ........................................................................................................2
Secondary Support Functions ............................................................................................3
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application ....................................................4
Home Screen Navigation ..............................................................................................5
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms .........................................................................7
Enter Passphrase Screen ...........................................................................................10
Navigation Tree ..........................................................................................................10
Action Bar ...................................................................................................................17
Attach Documents ......................................................................................................19
Search Substance Registry Services (SRS) ...............................................................22
Add Facility .................................................................................................................25
Edit Joint Premanufacture Notice (PMN) Form .................................................................28
Edit Joint/Letter of Support PMN ................................................................................28
General Form Information .....................................................................................28
Agent Information .................................................................................................30
Technical Contact Information ..............................................................................35
Chemical Identification ..........................................................................................38
Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances .......................................................................40
Class 2 Substances ..............................................................................................45
Additional Chemical Information ...........................................................................48
Polymer Identification Information .........................................................................53
Monomers and Other Reactants ...........................................................................57
Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information ...............................................62
Use Information ....................................................................................................65
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet .......................................................70
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) .................. 78
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents ...........................................................................................................80
Site Information.....................................................................................................84
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Sites Controlled By Others ....................................................................................85
Submitter Operation Information ...........................................................................87
Occupational Exposures .......................................................................................92
Environmental Releases .......................................................................................95
Industrial Sites Controlled By Others .................................................................. 100
Exposures/Releases ...........................................................................................103
Byproduct Information .........................................................................................108
Optional Pollution Prevention ..............................................................................110
Additional Attachments .......................................................................................112
Attachment Summary .........................................................................................114
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................116
Upload XML ........................................................................................................117
Edit Joint Biotechnology Form ........................................................................................119
Edit Joint/Letter of Support Biotechnology Form ....................................................... 119
General Form Information ...................................................................................119
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 121
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................124
Edit Letter of Support Bona Fide Form ........................................................................... 126
Edit Letter of Support Bona Fide Form ..................................................................... 126
General Document Information ........................................................................... 126
Primary Contact Information ...............................................................................128
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 130
Chemical Identification Information ..................................................................... 132
Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substance ................................................ 134
Class 2/Biotechnology Substances ..................................................................... 137
Polymer Identification Information ....................................................................... 140
Monomers and Other Reactants ......................................................................... 143
Use Information ..................................................................................................146
Document Management......................................................................................147
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................149
Preview ..........................................................................................................................151
Validate ..........................................................................................................................153
Resources ......................................................................................................................155
Appendix A. ....................................................................................................................158
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix ...................................................4
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information Submission System Screen ....................................................5
Exhibit 3-3: Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen .........................................................7
Exhibit 3-4: Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen ........................................................9
Exhibit 3-5: Enter Passphrase Screen .......................................................................................10
Exhibit 3-6: Navigation Prompt ..................................................................................................11
Exhibit 3-7: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 1) ..................................................13
Exhibit 3-8: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 2) ..................................................14
Exhibit 3-9: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 3) ..................................................15
Exhibit 3-10: Biotechnology Navigation Tree .............................................................................16
Exhibit 3-11: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Polymer) ...................................................................16
Exhibit 3-12: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Class 1 or 2 Chemical) ............................................. 17
Exhibit 3-13: Action Bar – Validate ............................................................................................18
Exhibit 3-14: Action Bar – Save .................................................................................................18
Exhibit 3-15: Action Bar – Preview ............................................................................................18
Exhibit 3-16: Action Bar – Help Links ........................................................................................19
Exhibit 3-17: Attach Documents Pop-Up Window......................................................................21
Exhibit 3-18: Search Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window ......................................... 23
Exhibit 3-19: Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window ................ 25
Exhibit 3-20: Add Facility Pop-Up Window ................................................................................27
Exhibit 4-1: General Form Information Screen (Scroll 1) ...........................................................30
Exhibit 4-2: Agent Information Screen .......................................................................................32
Exhibit 4-3: Add Agent Pop-Up Window ....................................................................................34
Exhibit 4-4: Technical Contact Information Screen .................................................................... 36
Exhibit 4-5: Add Technical Contact Pop-Up Window .................................................................38
Exhibit 4-6: Chemical Identification Screen ...............................................................................40
Exhibit 4-7: Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (Scroll 1) ..............................................44
Exhibit 4-8: Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (Scroll 2) ..............................................45
Exhibit 4-9: Class 2 Substances Screen (Scroll 1) ....................................................................47
Exhibit 4-10: Class 2 Substances Screen (Scroll 2) ..................................................................48
Exhibit 4-11: Additional Chemical Information Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................ 52
Exhibit 4-12: Additional Chemical Information Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................ 53
Exhibit 4-13: Polymer Identification Information Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................. 56
Exhibit 4-14: Polymer Identification Information Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................. 57
Exhibit 4-15: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................... 61
Exhibit 4-16: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................... 62
Exhibit 4-17: Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information Screen .................................. 65
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Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Exhibit 4-18: Use Information Screen (Scroll 1) .........................................................................69
Exhibit 4-19: Use Information Screen (Scroll 2) .........................................................................70
Exhibit 4-20: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (Scroll 1) ........................... 77
Exhibit 4-21: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (Scroll 2) ........................... 78
Exhibit 4-22: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Screen ...... 80
Exhibit 4-23: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Pop-Up Window (Scroll 1) ......................................................................................82
Exhibit 4-24: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Pop-Up Window (Scroll 2) ......................................................................................83
Exhibit 4-25: Site Information Screen ........................................................................................85
Exhibit 4-26: Sites Controlled By Others Screen .......................................................................87
Exhibit 4-27: Submitter Operation Information Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................... 91
Exhibit 4-28: Submitter Operation Information Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................... 92
Exhibit 4-29: Occupational Exposures Screen ..........................................................................95
Exhibit 4-30: Environmental Releases Screen (Scroll 1) ...........................................................99
Exhibit 4-31: Environmental Releases Screen (Scroll 2) ......................................................... 100
Exhibit 4-32: Industrial Sites Controlled By Others Screen ...................................................... 103
Exhibit 4-33: Exposures/Releases Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................... 106
Exhibit 4-34: Exposures/Releases Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................... 108
Exhibit 4-35: Byproduct Information Screen ............................................................................ 109
Exhibit 4-36: Optional Pollution Prevention Screen ................................................................. 112
Exhibit 4-37: Additional Attachments Screen ........................................................................... 114
Exhibit 4-38: Attachment Summary Screen .............................................................................115
Exhibit 4-39: Optional Cover Letter Screen .............................................................................116
Exhibit 4-40: Upload XML Screen ...........................................................................................118
Exhibit 5-1: General Form Information Screen (Joint Biotechnology) ...................................... 121
Exhibit 5-2: Technical Contact Information Screen (Joint Biotechnology) ................................ 122
Exhibit 5-3: Add Technical Contact Pop-Up Window (Joint Biotechnology) ............................. 124
Exhibit 5-4: Optional Cover Letter Screen (Joint Biotechnology) ............................................. 125
Exhibit 6-1: General Document Information Screen (Letter of Support Submission) ................ 128
Exhibit 6-2: Primary Contact Information Screen ..................................................................... 130
Exhibit 6-3: Technical Contact Information Screen .................................................................. 132
Exhibit 6-4: Chemical Identification Information Screen........................................................... 134
Exhibit 6-5: Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances Screen.................................... 137
Exhibit 6-6: Class 2/Biotechnology Substances Screen (Scroll 1) ........................................... 139
Exhibit 6-7: Class 2/Biotechnology Substances Screen (Scroll 2) ........................................... 140
Exhibit 6-8: Polymer Identification Information Screen ............................................................ 143
Exhibit 6-9: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen .............................................................. 146
Exhibit 6-10: Use Information Screen ......................................................................................147
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Exhibit 6-11: Document Management Screen ......................................................................... 149
Exhibit 6-12: Optional Cover Letter Screen ............................................................................. 150
Exhibit 7-1: Preview Biotechnology Form Screen .................................................................... 151
Exhibit 7-2 Preview Biotechnology Form PDF ......................................................................... 152
Exhibit 8-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation Pop-Up Window ................................ 154
Exhibit 9-1 Resources Screen (Scroll 1) ..................................................................................156
Exhibit 9-2 Resources Screen (Scroll 2) ..................................................................................157
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Revision Log
Initial Draft of User Guide
C. Yeh
P. Saari
J. Bronick
J. DeRosa
Final Section 5 Notices and Supports
Secondary AO User Guide
C. Yeh
Incorporated OPPT comments given
on 11/07/2013
Incorporated Release 1.00
enhancements, other OPPT
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
This document presents the user guide for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms application submission process. This document is the user
guide for the Secondary Support user of the Section 5 Notices and Supports application.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms application is the electronic, web-based tool provided
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the submission of Section 5 Notices and
Supports data. As a Secondary Support, you can modify a Letter of Support or Joint Submission
for a Premanufacture Notice (PMN), Biotechnology, or a Letter of Support for a Bona Fide form
that a Secondary Authorized Official (AO) has assigned to you.
For questions concerning the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 5 Notices and
Supports software requirements, please contact the Central Data Exchange (CDX) Help Desk at or call 1-888-890-1995 between the hours of 8 am – 6 pm Eastern
Standard Time (EST). For questions concerning the TSCA Section 5 Notices and Supports
reporting requirements, please contact the TSCA Hotline at or
call 202-554-1404 between the hours of 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
System Requirements
To use the Section 5 Notices and Supports application to submit a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form, the following are required:
• An e-mail account
• JavaScript enabled web browser
• Internet access
• Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
• CDX username and password
Supported Browsers
• Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or above (Internet Explorer 8 or higher is recommended; issues found
using IE 7 will be resolved on a case-by-case basis during post-production and known issues
within IE 7 are identified within the appropriate sections of this guide)
− Go to the following link to download:
• Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or above
− Go to the following link to download:
• Safari 4 or above
− Go to the following link to download:
• Google Chrome
− Go to the following link to download:
• Opera
− Go to the following link to download:
Screen Resolution
• Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
December 19, 2014
Secondary Support Functions
This section describes how to:
• Access the application
• Navigate the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen
• Edit the Section 5 Notices and Supports Letters of Support and Joint Submission for a PMN,
Biotechnology, or a Letter of Support for a Bona Fide form
• Upload an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file
The Secondary Support is designated by a Secondary Authorized Official (AO) to provide
supporting information on behalf of a company. A Secondary Support may either work on behalf
of a United States (U.S.)-based company or non-U.S. based company. Examples of a Secondary
Support may include, but are not limited to, a corporate on-site contact, a technical contact, a
paid employee of the company, an outside consultant for the company, or an authorized
representative agent for the company. Secondary Supports do not have the ability to sign the
certification statement required for a form, but they may enter or modify data for the form for
which they have access. The Secondary Support does not have access rights to create or submit a
joint PMN, Biotechnology, or Letter of Support for a Bona Fide form.
Once the Secondary AO creates a new form, the Secondary AO will provide the Secondary
Support with the passphrase to access the form and complete all sections of form. The Secondary
Support can edit a Joint Submission and/or Letter of Support created by the Secondary AO. The
Secondary Support is only allowed to access forms to which the Secondary AO has granted
The system will allow the Secondary Support to save a form at any point during the data entry
process. The save functionality allows you to return to a form at any point in the future. After the
Secondary Support completes a form, the Secondary AO will access, review, and submit the
form to EPA via CDX.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Exhibit 3-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the Section 5 Notices and
Supports application.
Exhibit 3-1 Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application
After you create an account in CDX and click the ‘Secondary Support’ link for the Chemical
Safety and Pesticide Programs (CSPP) data flow, you will be taken to the ‘Chemical Information
Submission System’ screen.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
December 19, 2014
Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen:
Exhibit 3-2 Chemical Information Submission System Screen
Navigation: To access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, select the submission
type of ‘TSCA Section 5 Notices and Supports – ePMN’ from the drop-down menu and click the
‘OK’ button.
Home Screen Navigation
You can access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen by selecting ‘TSCA Section 5
Notices and Supports – ePMN’ from the submission type drop-down menu on the ‘Chemical
Information Submission System’ screen and clicking the ‘OK’ button.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen is the first screen within the Section 5
Notices and Supports application. It provides you with links and tabs to access the ‘Section 5
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Notices and Supports Forms’ and ‘Resources’ screens. To navigate to either of these screens,
click the screen link (highlighted in blue text), or click the screen tab (located within the
application header). The links and tabs provide the same functionality.
There is a ten (10) minute logout timer for this application; the application will automatically log
you out after ten minutes of inactivity and navigate you back to the CDX login screen.
• Forms: Click the ‘Forms’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’
screen. You can access a Section 5 Notices and Supports form using the ‘Section 5 Notices and
Supports Forms’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports
Forms’ screen, please refer to Section 3.3.
• Resources: Click the ‘Resources’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Resources’ screen. You can
find the Section 5 Notices and Supports user guide, as well as useful links for guidance
documents on the ‘Resources’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Resources’ screen,
please refer to Section 9.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
December 19, 2014
Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture for the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen:
Exhibit 3-3: Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Forms’ link or tab to access the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms
You can access the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen by clicking the ‘Forms’ link
from the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, or by clicking the ‘Forms’ tab located
within the application header.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Support
December 19, 2014
Only one Section 5 Notices and Supports form is created per form alias. The form alias is created
by the AO to identify and differentiate forms. Each column within the table of the ‘Section 5
Notices and Supports Forms’ screen can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.
Edit an ‘In Progress’ Form: To modify an existing Section 5 Notices and Supports form, click
the alias link for a form that has a status of ‘In Progress.’ You are required to enter the
passphrase created by the AO and associated with that particular form to access and edit the
form. Refer to Section 4.1 for further instructions on viewing and modifying a form that is ‘In
The ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen displays the following columns of
• Alias: Displays the form alias provided on the ‘General Information’ screen of a Section 5
Notices and Supports form. The ‘Alias’ column will display a default alias comprised of a form
type, date stamp, and time stamp in the following format:
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-03-13 |
File Created | 2015-03-13 |