Form 5900-583 Green Power Leadership Awards Application

EPA's Green Power Partnership and Combined Heat and Power Partnership (Renewal)


Green Power Partnership - Private Sector

OMB: 2060-0578

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2022 Green Power Leadership Award

OMB Control Number: 2060-0578
Expiration Date: 5/31/22

Steps to Apply for a GPLA
1. Assess Applicant Eligibility
An applicant (or organization nominated for an award by a third party) is eligible for a Green
Power Leadership Award (GPLA) if it meets the following requirements:



All applicants must be an EPA Green Power Partner in good standing by the close of the
application period (i.e., March 21, 2022).
Only the applicant's U.S.-based operations and facilities are eligible.
Only green power generation sources located in the United States are eligible.
o Please review the Partnership Requirements for more information.
Only active green power purchases or green power use are eligible. A green power purchase
is considered active when the start of contracted delivery is executed, or commercial
operation has commenced. For GPLA eligibility, the green power use is considered active
when the purchase or use start date is no later than March 21, 2022.
Previous GPLA winners are eligible for awards. However, EPA will evaluate applicants on the
incremental green power activities they have undertaken since their last award. For
example, if a Partner won in 2019 for activities they conducted during the calendar year
2018, then activities from January 1, 2019, onward are eligible.
Applicants should contact (or their assigned account manager) if they are
unsure of their eligibility or their activities' relevance.

Note: EPA will verify eligibility during the review process, and finalists will need to pass an EPA
compliance screening to be selected.

2. Request a Partner Reporting Form
Please contact to obtain a Partner Reporting Form, which must be completed
and submitted with the application. Applicants should submit the completed award application
and Partner Reporting Form together. The Partner Reporting Form includes details and
instructions on completion and submission.
All green power projects and usage included in the award application must align with the
information included in the Partner Reporting Form. EPA strongly encourages Partners to
complete the form prior to completing this application.
Note: Applicants who are already an EPA Green Power Partner must request a pre-populated
Partner Reporting Form.

3. Complete Award Application
Organizations will have the opportunity to highlight their green power leadership and impact
throughout the application. Applicants should fill out areas that pertain to relevant
achievements. If an applicant does not have activity in a specific area, then leave that section or
question blank.
EPA encourages applicants to include hyperlinks, URLs, images, and other materials that support
the information included in the application. Proof of action can be included in the application, or
in a PDF attached to the application. Only verifiable work will be considered for the awards.
Third parties may nominate an organization for an award. However, third parties MUST copy the
organization being nominated on the emailed application. EPA strongly advises that third parties
consult with nominees to accurately capture their full contribution to the green power
marketplace, which might be more robust than the nominating third party's experience with or
sales to the nominee. Note: only Partners can request that EPA share their Partner Reporting
If EPA selects the applicant as an award winner, the Agency may use content from this form to
write the applicant's award winner profile. Please make sure all the information provided is as
accurate as possible.

4. Submit Materials to

A completed GPLA application
A completed Partner Reporting Form


Supplemental materials

After the applicant submits its GPLA application and Partner Reporting Form, EPA will confirm
receipt and follow up with questions.

5. Questions?
Email or contact Rebecca Taylor at 202-564-5211 or

Monday, March 21, 2022 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time)
Applications will be accepted beginning February 21, 2022.


Contact Details
Applicant Contact Information
Note: Please fill out the contact information below for the applicant
Contact Name
Address (Street 1)
Address (Street 2)




Submitter Contact Information
Note: Please fill out the contact information below if a third party is submitting an
application for another organization
If same as contact information above, check here and skip:☐
Third-Party Organization
Contact Name
Address (Street 1)
Address (Street 2)





Applicant's Communications/Public Relations Contact
If same as applicant contact information, check here and skip: ☐
Contact Name





From this point forward, no questions are “required”. Applicants should only provide
information in a question area if it is relevant to their green power activities. EPA will not
consider applications incomplete if there are blank spaces.
Only activities already undertaken will be recognized. Please provide a URL or proof of action
(e.g., images; screenshots of social media). EPA cannot give awards based on future plans;
include only completed or ongoing activities in the application.
Each section has a text box for applicants to expand upon the information already provided.
Please write about the applicant's activity, why the activity is indicative of leadership, and
provide proof.

Intention and Ambition
Intention and ambition to establish and achieve a renewable energy or emissions reduction
target using green power are indicators of leadership and success. Applicants that set targets
and publicly acknowledge them are more likely to achieve them. Please describe the scope,
scale, and timing elements of the applicant's target and how the applicant's current green
power use factors into meeting the target.
Please provide the precise language: scope, scale, and timing of the applicant's target(s),1 which the
applicant's green power use is working to achieve:
Click or tap here to enter text.


Preference is for a renewable energy or electricity target, but GHG emissions targets can also be included in their


Please provide a link to a webpage or document where the applicant's target(s) is publicly available:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Voluntary green power procurement goes above and beyond what the consumer would have otherwise
received via their standard delivered grid mix. EPA views incremental green power use as a leading
action, key in making a difference, and evidence of having an impact. Does the applicant intend to meet
its established target entirely through voluntary procurement and use of green power alone?


No, through both voluntary and non-voluntary sources (i.e., standard delivered grid mix) of renewable
electricity ☐


Does the applicant's target include interim milestones? If so, please describe them in terms of their
frequency, scope, and scale. (300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Describe the applicant's measures to institutionalize its target across its business (i.e., implementation
plan, internal carbon price, supplier qualification criteria, etc.). (300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.


Describe the progress the applicant has made in meeting its current target. Include the date the target
was set, and any progress or benchmarks already achieved by the time of this application submittal.
(300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

Is there anything else the EPA should know related to the applicant's intent and ambition in using green
power? (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.


Green Power Use
Green power use is central to an applicant's award-worthiness. Since only EPA Green Power
Partners are eligible for an award, EPA will partly evaluate leadership based on the
applicant's green power use that goes beyond the EPA's minimum requirements. Significant
green power use demonstrates leadership, drives demand, and increases market impact. In
this section, please provide information on the applicant's green power use. 2
Describe why the applicant is worthy of national recognition for its green power usage. What is unique
about the applicant's green power portfolio, strategy, and commitment? (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

Describe the impact the applicant’s green power procurement and use has had on the market.
(300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

Previous award winners should only focus on green power use since their last award. EPA is not able to
recognize applicants for actions that have already received awards.


EPA requires that award applicants request and return an updated Partner Reporting Form, which
details the applicant's current green power use data. To request a Partner Reporting Form from EPA,
please contact either the applicant assigned account manager or email
If someone other than the applicant is submitting this award applicant, please be aware that the EPA
requires that the Partner/applicant make the requests and return the updated Partner Reporting Form
to the EPA by the application period's close.

Communications related to the applicant's green power use are a critical factor in
demonstrating leadership. Communications related to the applicant's green power use help
raise awareness, provide social proof, inspire others, and support market principles and best
practices. Applicants will be evaluated on how they communicate their green power use and
partnership with EPA to stakeholders.
Describe how the applicant features its partnership with EPA’s Green Power Partnership on its website
or in communications materials. Please provide links below or examples with your supplemental
materials. (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.


Describe how the applicant features and uses the Green Power Partner
Mark (shown at right). Partner Mark use should abide by EPA's guidelines.
Please provide a link below or examples with your supplemental materials.
(300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.

If the applicant is on one of the EPA's Top Partner Lists or EPA's Green Power Community List, please
describe how the applicant has featured its ranking in its communications. Please provide a link below or
examples with your supplemental materials. (300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Has the applicant requested and used an EPA-provided press release template in the past? Please
provide examples with your supplemental materials.
Yes ☐

No ☐

Has the applicant used a quote from EPA about its green power use?
Yes ☐

No ☐


Please identify the range of strategies the applicant implements to promote its green power use and
partnership with EPA. Please provide examples with your supplemental materials.
Website ☐

Brochures ☐

Newsletters ☐

Overhead messaging ☐

Podcasts ☐

On-hold messaging ☐

Whitepapers ☐

Mailers ☐

Reports ☐

Press releases ☐

Webinars ☐

Media interviews ☐

Blogging/Guest blogging ☐

Sponsorships ☐

Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yelp,
Instagram, Influencers) ☐

Speaking events ☐

Exterior/interior signage ☐

Conferences ☐
Applicant hosted events ☐

Sustainability report ☐
Other not noted (enter details below): ☐

Click or tap here to enter text.


Influencing others to use green power is a significant area of leadership. EPA will evaluate
applicants on concrete actions taken that help increase access to and use of green power
within the local community or stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups could include
competitors, suppliers, employees, customers, and load-serving entities; and, communities
disproportionately burdened by environmental harms and risks, such as minority, lowincome, and tribal communities, among others.
Describe the applicant's actions to help increase access to and use of green power in the communities in
which it operates. Examples may include but are not limited to: procurement collaborations in the
community; influence around new utility product offerings; or, playing a key role in a shared renewable
energy project. (300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Do the applicant’s investments in green power have any direct impact on communities
disproportionately burdened by environmental harms and risks, such as minority, low-income, and/or
tribal communities, among others? (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.


Describe the applicant's actions to increase access to and use of green power within its value/supply
chain. (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

Describe the applicant's actions to increase access to and use of green power among competitors,
employees, customers, or by load-serving entities. (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.


Transparency speaks to an applicant's willingness to collaborate, share information, report
data, and advance best practices and market principles. Based on the evidence provided, the
EPA will assess the applicant's leadership on following market principles and practices;
accountability in reporting and involvement in related groups, programs, and initiatives; and
actively advancing knowledge to others.
Leadership involves supporting core market principles and best practices that foster credibility,
confidence, and market participation by others. Which of the following market principles and best
practices does the applicant support publicly? Please select any of the following that apply.
☐ Recognizing market instruments as the mechanism to substantiate renewable electricity generation
and use claims.
☐ Avoiding claims that lead to double counting and double claiming of energy attributes.
☐ Purchasing green power from the same market (per GHG Protocol guidance) in which the applicant
operationally uses electricity.
☐ Communicating using credible terms like "incremental" or "new" capacity or generation, but avoid
terms like "additionality," which has a precise meaning under greenhouse gas accounting practices.
☐ Ensuring claims are connected to the source of the renewable energy certificates the applicant owns
rather than claims on a project for which the applicant no longer owns the related renewable energy
☐ Supporting all green power supply options as credible, such that consumers who lack access are not
dissuaded from engaging in the market due to a lack of confidence in specific supply types.


What other fundamental market principles or best practices does the applicant feel are critical to
support? What actions does the applicant take to support these principles or best practices? (300-350
Click or tap here to enter text.

Please describe any of the applicant’s additional activities related to green power use that focus on
collaboration, information sharing, data reporting, or advancing best practices and market principles.
(300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.


Innovation, sustainability, and grid improvements demonstrate leadership related to a range
of actions that support the realization of a renewable electricity future. EPA will evaluate
applicants on their actions around the deployment of storage, electrification of operations,
support of resilient grid infrastructure, and support of market principles and best practices.
Describe innovative strategies the applicant has used to procure green power or deploy storage assets.
Examples include creative financing, the locational value of projects, or other strategic approaches to
the market to advance a renewable electricity future. (300-350 words)

Click or tap here to enter text.


Describe the applicant's goals, strategy, and actions around electrification. How does the applicant
measure its success in electrifying end-use applications? Examples of electrification include electric
water heating, space heating, and electric vehicle charging. (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

Describe the applicant's engagement and deployment of storage assets, microgrids, or other activities
that improve grid resiliency. (300-350 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No.
2060-0578). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting
and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 7 hours per response. Send
comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods
for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T),
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the
completed form to this address.
EPA Form 5900-583

End of Application. Please submit to


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-04-08
File Created2022-03-18

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