Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)
(a)(2) Construction, Renovation, and Real Property Projects
Prior Approval Request
This document provides instructions to institutions of higher education submitting prior approval requests for HEERF (a)(2) Construction, Renovation, and Real Property Projects.
To prepare the construction, renovation, and/or real property prior approval request, institutions are strongly encouraged to review the HEERF (a)(2) Construction, Renovation and Real Projects FAQs.
Prior Approval Requests
Prior approval requests must include the following documents for each individual project:
HEERF (a)(2) Construction, Renovation, & Real Property Projects Prior Approval Request Form (below)
To submit your construction, renovation, or real property request, email these as attachments to your assigned HEERF program specialist.
Detailed budget costs (contractor, labor, material, other), matching funds information and/or previously spent (a)(2) funds for (a)(1) institutional purposes, should be included in Block 3 on the Prior Approval Request Form. If additional space is required, use the Comments/Information section on the form.
Comply with the Cost Principles in 2 CFR part 200 Subpart E; and the Department’s construction regulations in 34 CFR §§ 75.600-75.618.
Review the HEERF (a)(2) Construction, Renovation, and Real Property Projects FAQs.
Contact your institution’s assigned HEERF program specialist identified on the most recent Grant Award Notification (GAN) if you have questions about construction, renovations and/or the purchase of real property or any concern regarding the HEERF grant award.
OMB Control Number: 1840-0861
Expiration Date: xx/xx/2025
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)
(a)(2) Construction, Renovation, and Real Property Projects
Prior Approval Request Form
Institution Name and Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap to enter a date. |
HEERF (a)(2) Award Number: P425 |
Please select the Project Type: ☐ Renovation ☐ Construction ☐ Acquisition of Real Property |
Available Balance: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Grant Award Total: Click or tap here to enter text. |
State Director: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Authorizing Official: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Institution Type: ☐ 2-year ☐ 4-year ☐ Public ☐ Private-Non-profit |
Check to Confirm Required Forms are Attached:0 ☐ ED 524 Form ☐ SF 424D Form
Proposed Project Title: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Proposed Project Timeline (start and end dates): Click or tap here to enter text. |
1. Provide a brief description of proposed project (as applicable, include type of space, square footage, etc.):
2. Describe how the project is directly related to preventing, preparing for, or responding to the coronavirus (ED may request additional documentation):
3. Provide a brief budget narrative to clarify financials noted on the 524 Form (Please note any funds used from HEA Title III and/or Title V grant awards or any additional sources):
Additional Assurances |
Y / N |
4. The proposed construction or renovation is necessary and reasonable under the Cost Principles of the Uniform Guidance in 2 CFR |
☐ Y ☐ N |
5. The construction or renovation of facilities is functional, economical, and not elaborate in design or extravagant compared with facilities of a similar type constructed in the State or other applicable geographic area (34 CFR § 75.607). |
☐ Y ☐ N |
6. The construction or renovation will NOT support capital outlays associated with athletics, sectarian instruction, religious worship, or marketing activities. |
☐ Y ☐ N
7. The construction or renovation will comply with safety and health standards, including those under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 or State and local codes to the extent they are more stringent (34 CFR § 75.609). |
☐ Y ☐ N |
8. This prior approval request is not for a recently constructed or renovated building, or for a project that has already begun contractual bidding or actual construction or renovation (34 CFR § 75.605). |
☐ Y ☐ N |
JUSTIFICATION (Briefly state the rationale for the determination rendered): Click or tap here to enter text. |
PROJECT NO: Click or tap here to enter text.
HEERF PROGRAM SPECIALIST INITIALS: Click or tap here to enter text. |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0861. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103). If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, please contact the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202 or HEERF@ed.gov directly. [Note: Please do not return the completed form to this address.]
0 Request will be rejected if “no” is checked or required forms are not included.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Fatoyinbo, Willette |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-20 |