#: 0584-#### Expiration
The following pages represent individual webpages that study participants will be able to access on the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey website. Sponsors and providers will be given passcodes to allow them to access study information specific to them. A website crosswalk is provided below. The content to be included at each of the links follows the crosswalk. For additional privacy information visit:
Outline of Website Content (website crosswalk)
Page |
Examples of Content |
Note: the study name and logo will appear on all pages with a hyperlink back to the homepage. The floating links will also appear on all pages. Home page/landing page:
Sponsor Landing Page
Provider Landing Page
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Landing Page: What is this study about?
What is the survey about?
The Food Program, also known as the Child and Adult Care Food Program or CACFP, administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), plays a critical role in supporting the health and wellness of children by reimbursing providers for nutritious meals served to children in their care. Child care centers (including Head Start Programs), family day care homes, before and after school programs, and emergency shelters serving children can participate in the Food Program. In the last 20 years, the number of family child care homes participating in the Food Program has decreased by almost half, while the number of centers has almost doubled. This is concerning because family child care homes serve a distinct role in the demanding child care market. They serve smaller numbers of children and are typically located in the same neighborhood as the families they serve. In addition, family child care home providers are culturally diverse and offer longer hours of care.
This study will identify the challenges and barriers faced by family child care providers participating in the Food Program and gather recommendations to address the challenges. By surveying family child care providers who currently participate in the Food Program and those who previously participated, the study will:
Identify and describe the reasons why family child care home providers discontinue their participation in the Food Program;
Determine and describe the program’s statutory and regulatory requirements, operational and financial considerations, and Federal, State, and local specifics frequently cited as burdensome by stakeholders. Classify challenges as Federal, State, and local and describe in detail; and
Gather and summarize recommendations from family child care providers on how to reduce barriers to participation in the Food Program.
Study schedule
January 2023: Notify States and sponsors about the survey
February - June 2023: Conduct the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey data collection
January - September 2024: Produce study report, research brief, and manuscript
information is being collected to assist the Food and Nutrition
Service in understanding the decrease in CACFP participation among
family child care home providers. This is a voluntary collection and
FNS will use the information to provide technical assistance and
inform program improvements to support family child care home
participation in CACFP. This collection does not request any
personally identifiable information under the Privacy Act of 1974.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0584-[xxxx]. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 0.3507 hours (21 minutes) per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor,
Alexandria, VA 22306 ATTN: PRA (0584-xxxx). Do not return the
completed form to this address.
A. Landing Page: Video Message from USDA FNS
Video Message to be uploaded to Study Website
Hello. I am Dr. Chan Chanhatasilpa and I work for the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. I am the project officer for the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey that will be in the field beginning February 2023. This short survey is seeking input from family child care providers who participated in USDA’s Food Program, also known as Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP, at any time since 2019.
Family child care homes serve a distinct role in the demanding child care market; however, their participation in the Food Program has been declining for over a decade. The USDA is investigating ways to increase and retain family child care providers in this important program. The survey will ask about the challenges family child care providers face with the Food Program, reasons they leave the program, and recommendations on how to reduce barriers to participation in the Food Program.
This is your opportunity to share your experiences and be heard! We have contracted with Westat to conduct the survey. Please respond if you receive an invitation to complete the survey from them, even if you no longer participate in the Food Program or are no longer operating a family child care home. Your answers to the survey have the potential to influence decisions that determine the future of the Food Program.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important survey!
Landing Page: About Westat
Westat is a private employee-owned research company headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, with 14 locations nationwide. Westat conducts research in health, education, social policy, and transportation. Westat is dedicated to improving lives through research. For more information about Westat, please visit
For additional privacy information visit
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study brochure |
Letters of Support |
Contact Us |
Data Collection |
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Landing Page: Letters of Support
The Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Click here to read the USDA endorsement letter (link to letter)
The survey is supported by several organizations including:
[NAME OF ORGANIZATION 1] and link to website of organization
[NAME OF ORGANIZATION 2] and link to website of organization
Click here to read the letter from these supporting organizations (link to letter)
For additional privacy information visit
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study Brochure |
Contact Us |
Data Collection |
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Landing Page: Contact Us
If you need assistance, please contact the study team by phone at 1-###-###-#### or email at
You may also complete the form below and a member of the study team will contact you within one business day.
NAME: _________________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ________ - ______ - _______________
General inquiry
Technical issue
NOTE: Submitted messages will be sent to the study team’s email and the Study Management System (SMS).
Study Team:
Alice Ann Gola, Project Director: |
Mary Dingwall, Survey Data Collection Lead: |
For additional privacy information visit
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study Brochure |
Letters of support |
Data Collection |
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Landing Page: Data Collection
Who is involved and what kind of information will be collected?
Family Child Care Home Sponsors:
The study team will:
Inform the sponsors of the study and request their assistance in notifying their providers about the study, alerting them to be on the lookout for an email from Westat, and encouraging them to complete the survey.
Provide sponsors with a list of their providers who have not responded to the survey with a request to provide updated contact information, and to notify the study team if the providers are no longer under their sponsorship.
Family Child Care Home Providers:
The study team will:
Send an invitation letter, with a $5 bill and a link to complete the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey.
Send $40 to providers who complete the survey.
For additional privacy information visit
Thank you for taking part in the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey!
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study brochure |
Letters of Support |
Contact Us |
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Sponsor Pages
For additional privacy information visit
Thank you for your help with the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey!
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Why is sponsor support important? |
What is expected of sponsors? |
Instructions to send updated provider contact information |
Template for sponsor notification of study to providers |
Encouragement email from sponsors to providers |
Why is sponsor support important?
Your support is critical to providing legitimacy to the study and motivating family child care providers to complete the survey.
Your encouragement to complete the survey will ensure that the survey findings are representative of all family child care home providers who participated in the Food Program at any point since 2019.
Survey findings will be used to identify program and policy supports necessary to retain family child care providers in the Food Program.
What is expected of sponsors?
Sponsors are asked to encourage providers to participate in the study by:
Sending an email to notify their current and former providers about the study.
Posting a blurb about the study in their newsletter or on their website.
Providing the study team with updated contact information for providers who have not completed the survey.
Sending a follow-up encouragement email to providers who have not completed the survey.
Instructions to send updated provider contact information
The study team has invited providers under your sponsorship to take part in the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey. Some providers have not responded to the survey as of today.
Click here to bring up the list of nonresponding providers.
Review and update the following information for each provider listed on the provider contact information form:
Provider mailing address, email address, and phone number.
Is the provider no longer under your sponsorship?
The provider contact information form will be automatically saved, in case you need to take a break and come back at a later time.
Provider name |
Mailing address |
Email address |
Phone number |
Check (√) if this provider is no longer under your sponsorship |
Template Sponsor Notification of Study to Providers (Appendix B6a)
Encouragement Email from Sponsors to Providers (Appendix B11a)
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study brochure |
Letters of Support |
Data Collection |
Contact Us |
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Provider Pages
Why is family child care provider participation important?
Your selection in the study means that you represent other family child care providers like you.
Your answers to the questions on the survey will help the USDA understand family child care provider experiences with the Food Program and why some providers stop participating in the program.
Your participation and answers are critical to improving the Food Program for all family child care home providers.
What is expected of family child care home providers?
Complete the Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey. It will take about 20 minutes to complete.
Family Child Care Home Provider Experience Survey (Appendix B19a)
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)
Study brochure |
Letters of Support |
Contact Us |
Data Collection |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Sujata Dixit-Joshi |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-10-20 |